Pauline Books & Media UK - Advent/Christmas Catalogue 2010

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The Promise

Two fine artists, Sieger Köder and Gemma Simmonds, combine their graced gifts for image and word in this Advent / Christmas set of 6 posters and meditation book… special offers valid until 31 December 2010

The Promise Set — Sieger Köder 5031446739372 | code 73937 | £35.99

5 posters – 44 x 68 cm set price: £29.99 Nativity poster – 98 x 44 cm meditation book by Gemma Simmonds – 24 pp single posters £5.99 each £4.99 Rosenberg Nativity £6.99 £4.99

Rosenberg Nativity

5031446730928 | code 73092


5031446739204 | code 73SK20

Looking for a good

cod e

t i t l e / d e sc r ip t io n

p r ic e

Blessed John Henry Newman prayer card Chronology of Newman’s life 1822 1824 1825 1828 1833 1843 1845 1847

s u b t o ta l


Single poster, book, DVD: £2.85

Poster sets & multiple items: £5

Overseas: at cost pos t a g e & P A C K I NG

1848 1849 1851 1879 1890 1991 2010

© 2010

t o ta l

born: 21 February, London attended Ealing School, London profound religious conversion entered Trinity College, Oxford elected a fellow of Oriel College, Oxford ordained deacon and began curacy at St Clement, Oxford ordained an Anglican priest Vicar of the University Church of Saint Mary, Oxford fell ill in Sicily organised the Oxford Movement retracted anti-Catholic statements resigned as Vicar of St Mary’s received into the Roman Catholic Church became an Oratorian ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood founded the Oratory at Maryvale, Birmingham established the Oratory at Brompton, London became first rector of Catholic University, Dublin named Cardinal by Pope Leo XIII died, 11 August; buried, Rednal declared Venerable beatified Books & Media

90425 John Henry Newman by Sir John Everett Millais

1801 1808 1816

5 031446 904251 © National Portrait Gallery, London — NPG 5295

A pocket size folded prayer card with the text of Lead Kindly Light, the famous meditation of John Henry Newman: "I am a link in a chain…" and a brief chronology of his life. Perfect keepsake-gift prayer card for any group. code 90425 £5.00 | pack of 10 prayer cards

The Promise book

5031446167434 | code 16743 | £4.95 £3.99

Green Pastures

5031446739211 | code 73SK21

stor y ?

1. the book


5031446739242 | code 73SK24


5031446739198 | code 73SK19


5031446739266 | code 73SK26

the Lucky Donkey

RONTA The Lucky Donkey BOOK

Delightful children’s story of Ronta, the donkey chosen to carry Mary to Bethlehem and to be present at the birth of Jesus. Full colour. Blessed John Henry Newman

9781904785484 20.4 x 20.5 cm | 40 pp perfect bound code 40370 | £5.99



199 Kensington High St London W8 6BA T 020 7937 9591 F 020 7937 9910 E 82 Bold Street LIVERPOOL L1 4HR T 0151 709 1328 F 0151 707 1371 E Clayton Street West NEWCASTLE NE1 5HH T 0191 231 6040 F 0191 233 1842 E 5A-7 Royal Exchange Sq GLASGOW G1 3AH T 0141 226 3391 F 0141 226 4719 E Middle Green SLOUGH SL3 6BS T 01753 577629 F 01753 511809 E

Classic portrait by Sir John Everett Millais, matt laminated.


2. the Advent resource

42 x 59.4 cm | code 73987 | £4.50 21 x 29.7 cm | code 73988 | £1.00


Card Number

RONTA The Lucky Donkey ADVENT RESOURCE PACK BOOK • RONTA The Lucky Donkey GUIDE BOOKLET • insights and ideas for using the story LAMINATED POSTER • 41 x 21.5 cm 24 LAMINATED PRAYER CARDS • 12 x 6.4 cm ­CD-ROM • 31 digital images • notes • music • song "Little Ronta" • story with audio

* Invoiced and credit/debit card orders are charged postage and packing at cost.

9781904785491 | code 67142 | £22.99

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© 2010

Books & Media —

73988 — John Henry Newman by Sir John Everett Millais © National Portrait Gallery, London — NPG 5295

9 781904 785514

“A brilliant resource that is in keeping with the spirit of Christmas...” Rev Desmond Seddon, Director of Christian Education, Archdiocese of Liverpool

Advent & Christmas themes… all posters £4.99

special offers valid until 31 December 2010

Celebrating remembrance for those who have gone before us... Eternal Light - POSTER

5031446739846 | code:73984 | 42 x 59.4 cm | £4.99

Eternal Light - Remembrance Card 1 On the back for personal intention: Requiem aeternam in memory of ........ 5031446928691 | 9 x 12 cm | code 92869 £5.00 (pk of 25)

Eternal Light - Remembrance Card 2 Tenderness of Vladimir

Tenderness of Vladimir (detail)

Blank on the back. 5031446928707 | 9 x 12 cm | code 92870 £5.00 (pk of 25)

Christmas Night — PDDM

73/4-02 | 16 x 22 cm approx | £2.25 £1.00 73/4-03 | 16 x 22 cm approx | £2.25 £1.00 73579 | 68.5 x 48 cm | £5.50 73/5-02 | 18 x 27 cm approx | £2.95 £1.50 73/5-03 | 18 x 27 cm approx | £2.95 £1.50 73562 | 29.5 x 42 cm | £3.00 £4.99 Advent | 5031446739419 73/6-02 | 58 x 38 cm | £5.95 £3.00 73/6-03 | 19 x 25 cm | £5.95 £3.00 code 73419 | 44 x 68 cm | £5.99

Christmas | 5031446739426 £4.99 code 73426 | 44 x 68 cm | £5.99 £4.99

Joyful Hope — TURVEY ABBEY

set price £19.99 5031446734025 | code 73402 | £29.95 Set includes: 6 posters / 44 x 68 cm and meditation book / 16 pages

The Mysteries of the Rosary The Mysteries of the Rosary – CD-ROM with posters

With scripture passages, 3 fold, laminated card code 90PC/02 108 x 23 cm open £5.00 - pk of 10

4 Posters • 20 digital images • pdf of the booklet: The Mysteries of Joy, Light, Sorrow and Glory. Each poster is folded into six panels, designed to be displayed as a frieze.

single posters £5.99 each £4.99

5031446732106 | code 73210 | 10025 x 31 cm | £19.99


5031446730317 | code 73403/1


5031446730324 | code 73403/2

Christmas cards and postcards

Jesus is Born – P Boscolo | 5031446730669 | code 73066 | 44 x 98 cm | £6.99 £4.99

Sale of these cards helps to support the mission of the Daughters of St Paul throughout the world. Laminated on one side with watermark and short Scripture passage on the reverse side. 14.8 x 10.5 cm | £2.50 – pk of 5 18 x 25 cm | each type in packs of 5 with envelopes | £4.25 NOW ONLY £2.50


5031446730331 | code 73403/3



Nativity – Turvey | 5031446733998 | code 73399 | 44 x 98 cm | £6.99 £4.99 meditation poster | 5031446739402 | code 73402M | 21 x 29.7 cm | £2.50

5031446733349 | code 73403/4 5031446730355 | code 73403/5

Joyful Hope booklet

5031446162163 | code 16216 | £2.50

Celebrating Good News – CD ROM

56 full-colour digital images from the TURVEY ABBEY poster series: 22 images with calligraphy text and 34 images without text. 5 pdf guide booklets. 5031446671153 code 67115 | £29.99


5031446730362 | code 73403/6

The gripping story of one man’s unstoppable search for the true meaning of life. 5031446770191 £10.99 code 77032 75 min approx | £14.99

Taizé The colourful images of Taizé with short thoughts from Brother Roger — for inspiration throughout the year. Bookmark format. 5031446910108 6.0 x 20.5 cm code 91/T11 / £1.99


The Fourth Wise Man

90600 May the blessings of the Word made flesh be with you at Christmas and throughout the new year.


St Nicholas – one of the most beloved figures of all time. 717339006220 code 77002 £6.99 30 min approx | £9.99


special offers

Silent Night – P Rolfi | 5031446733981 | code 73398 | 44 x 98 cm | £6.99 £4.99 John the Baptist

Courage and conviction seen through the one who was sent to prepare the way for Jesus. 5060092908962 code 0896 30 min approx | £4.99

King Is Born

Young and old alike love this story that is brought to life by feature-quality animation. 5060092908900 code 0890 30 min approx | £4.99

Blessing for You A pack of 10 petite laminated 3-fold calendars to take you through the liturgical year, with Sundays, feast days and saints days. code 91/B11P 10.8 x 23 cm (open) £3.00 pk of 10

90601 May the blessings of the Child born for us be with you at Christmas and throughout this coming year.

2011 calendars



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Special Ministers

Nativity Turvey code 90598

Rosenberg Nativity code 90697

Icon & Word 13 fine icon reproductions with space on the calendar section to write notes. This is an ideal and practical gift for anyone with a love for icons and art. Excellent quality. 9781904785446 10.7 x 28.6 cm code 91/C11 | £4.50

The Rhythm of the Seasons Liturgical Diary 2011 • starts with Advent 2010 • two-page weekly diary • introduction to liturgical seasons • scripture reference for liturgy • references for the Divine Office • 2012 planner • addresses and note pages • Rite of Communion for Sick 9781904785453 | 159 pp 15.3 x 8.5 cm | code 91/D11 £4.50

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