digital resources
Art and Inspiration
Celebrating Good News CD-ROM
Art and Bible
Turvey Abbey
Marcello Silvestri
Sieger Köder
A picture library of 75 digital images from the art of Marcello Silvestri. A wonderful visual resource for liturgy and prayer which can be used for the liturgical seasons, scripture and for symbolic themes.
Contains 36 full-colour quality digital images of Sieger Koder, including The Washing of Feet and the The Last Supper. There are 4 sets of notes with reflections, themes, scripture references: The Closeness of God, The Folly of God, The Invitation and The Promise, and a PowerPoint sampler with creative ideas for using the resource.
The CD-ROM contains 56 full-colour digital images from the Turvey Abbey poster series ideal for PowerPoint presentations and liturgical celebrations. Also included are notes with reflections, themes and scripture references for using the images. 67115 | £30.99
67127 | £30.99
67114 | £36.99
Celebration of an Encounter CD-ROM The Return of the Prodigal Son Rembrandt 9 quality digital images for PowerPoint presentation. It includes a meditation booklet with contemplative reflections on themes related to Rembrandt’s painting and offers ideas for group and personal prayer. 67116 | £10.25
new resources Jesus the Good Shepherd Resource pack
cod e
t i t l e / d e sc r ip t io n
This resource pack uses a child-friendly icon to introduce children to Jesus, the Good Shepherd of all. The poster is enhanced by a user’s guide, a prayer guide for children and a CD-ROM containing teaching notes, digital images, PowerPoint presentations and ready-made liturgies.
p r ic e
All products are readily available on our web site at except items with this symbol:
199 Kensington High St London W8 6BA T 020 7937 9591 F 020 7937 9910 E 82 Bold Street LIVERPOOL L1 4HR T 0151 709 1328 F 0151 707 1371 E Clayton Street West NEWCASTLE NE1 5HH T 0191 231 6040 F 0191 233 1842 E 5A-7 Royal Exchange Sq GLASGOW G1 3AH T 0141 226 3391 F 0141 226 4719 E Middle Green SLOUGH SL3 6BS T 01753 577 629 F 01753 511 809 E
POSTAGE & PACKING Single poster, book, DVD: £2.85 Poster sets & multiple items: £5 Welcome to the Mass / Folly of God poster set: £9 Overseas: at cost
Poster – laminated, 98.5 x 54 cm User’s guide – 12 pp, 21 x 14.8 cm God Loves Me – reconciliation guide, 38 x 13.5 cm (open) CD-ROM – includes: PDF files of biblical notes by Anthony Currer, notes from the artist, reconciliation and classroom liturgies, 15 digital images (details from painting) and 2 PowerPoint versions of Psalm 23 with background music
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Welcome to the Mass large book + CD-ROM Postcode email I would like to receive information by email.
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* Cheques payable to PAULINE BOOKS & MEDIA with guarantee card number on the back
A comprehensive resource with t 39 high quality, attractive photographs of the celebration of the Mass t Spiral-bound pages that fold out for sequential free-standing table display t CD-ROM — Over 100 pages of time-saving notes enriched with valuable, thematic number references to relevant paragraphs in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Creative ideas for teachers and catechists. A picture library of 325 digital images. The future changes in the celebration of the rite of Mass are dealt with head on, making this an ideal resource for catechesis. 17201 | 36 pp | A3 format (30 x 42 cm) £92.00
67142 | £27.75 SINGLE ITEMS
Jesus the Good Shepherd Poster laminated, 98.5 x 54 cm 73986 | £8.99
God Loves Me Prayer guide
Children’s prayer guide to the sacrament of Reconciliation.
91032 | pack of 10 - £10.00
Reconciliation Certificate 18.5 x 28 cm 92/FC8 | pack of 25 - £20.00 no price increase on posters A perfect resource for teachers and catechists in exploring the rich imagery of the Good Shepherd for Bible study and reconciliation.
The Trinity – Rublev Posters
Saviour Pantocrator Posters
icons Lenten themes Celebration of an Encounter Set Prodigal Son – Rembrandt
73/4-01 | 23 x 28 cm | £2.95 73/5-04 | 25 x 35 cm | £2.95 73/5-01 | 28 x 34.5 cm | £3.95 73/6-04 | 50 x 70 cm| £5.99 73/6-01 | 55 x 69 cm | £6.99
Petite card pack of 25 Petite card pack of 25 90/1-04 | 7 x 11 cm | £6.25 90/1-01 | 7 x 11 cm | £6.25 Card pack of 5 Meditation card pack of 5 90/2-04 |10.5 x 15 cm | £2.75 90/2-01 | 10.5 x 15 cm | £2.75
Transfiguration Posters
73/5-07 | 21 x 31 cm | £2.95 73/6-07 | 50 x 70 cm | £5.99
Contemplating Icons DVD
Examines the
Transfiguration Posters
Russian-Byzantine iconography.
Laminated on one side with watermark and scripture text on reverse. 10.5 x 14.8 cm - pack of 5
73/5-30 | 25 x 35 cm | £2.95 It explores their
inspiration which is rooted in the 73/5-97 | 25 x 35 cm | £2.95 Christian heritage 73/6-97 | 50 x 70 cm | £5.99 and is common to believers of all Cards Petite card pack of 25 denominations.
Crucifix of St Francis Posters
detail complete Petite card
190RPW1 £2.75 90RPW2 £2.75
complete detail
90/RPW £8.75 90/RPD £8.75
Reunited Poster: 73SK58 | Petite card: 90/SK58
Hymns of St Paul Edmund Power
This book presents ten texts taken from the letters of Paul. Each text is accompanied by a brief reflection in the style of lectio divina: reading, meditating, praying and contemplating. It is illustrated with miniatures taken from the famous 9th century Bible of St Paul’s Outside the Walls. 9781921472206 | 7220 64pp HB | £4.99
Lent for Everyone Matthew Year A Tom Wright A Lent lectionary resource using Tom Wright’s For Everyone Bible translation, this is the second in a three-volume series. For each day of Lent, there is a reading chosen from the Gospel designated for the year, plus a reflection by Tom Wright. The book has grown out of a project to encourage Lent reading in the diocese of Durham.
9780281062218 | 06221 144pp PB | £6.99
£5.99 £8.75
Manna Petite card: 90/SK61
Choose Life Petite card: 90/SK62
Holy Ground Petite card: 90/SK60
Real Me Poster: 73SK32
complete detail Celebrate Poster: 73SK31 Petite card: 90/SK31
Laminated - 9 x 12 cm - pack of 25
Whatsoever You Do Poster: 73SK66 Petite card: 90/SK66
90/1-97 | 7 x 11 cm | £6.25 50 mins Meditation card pack of 5 90/2-97 | 10.5 x 15 cm | £2.75 77028 | £8.99
Blessed Be God
Poster – laminated | 48 x 68 cm | Petite card – laminated | 9 x 12 cm | pack of 25 –
Celebration of an Encounter Booklet 24 pp | 16733 | £4.95 Posters complete 96 x 126 cm 73087 £11.99 detail 44 x 98 cm 73086 £6.99 detail 14 x 28 cm 73085 £1.25 complete 62 x 80 cm 73084 £7.99 complete 33 x 48 cm 73136 £3.50 complete 21 x 30 cm 73083 £2.50 Meditation card
Petite card pack of 25 most beautiful and 90/2-07 | 7 x 11 cm | £6.25 inspiring works of
g corner
Köder Lenten themes
2 posters - complete 96 x 126 cm; 33 x 48 cm 1 poster - detail - 44 x 98 cm 1 Petite card - detail - 9 x 12 cm 24 page booklet 73135 | £22.99
Home Poster: 73SK30 Petite card: 90/SK30
Insight Poster: 73SK27 Petite card: 90/SK27
Turning Point Poster: 73SK29
Hidden Place Poster: 73SK33
Turvey Lenten themes Arise Set
At the Crossroads of the Scriptures An Introduction to Lectio Divina Ghislaine Salvail Like a flame passed from candle to candle, the practice of lectio divina is being passed on from the desert to the city, from the cloister to the heart of countless Christians. This book seeks to pass on the flame so that by opening the pages of Scriptures the reader may see the face of Christ emerge and find in the Word living water to quench every thirst, a daily bread, a medicine and a balm. 9780819807656 | 7656 74pp PB | £3.50
Stations of the Cross in My Pocket
Real Presence
Daughters of St Paul
Wendy Beckett “Contemplating the icon, with faith and love, draws us out of our material world and into that divine world to which we will only have full access after death.” In Real Presence Sr Wendy resumes her journey to find icons of Jesus and the saints—icons that are among the few to survive the wholesale destruction of icons in the early eighth century.
The Stations of the Cross in My Pocket is an affordable, handy prayer book for children to take with them anywhere they go! Beautiful illustrations and simple prayers help children follow Jesus along the Way of the Cross—all the way to the resurrection!
9780819871145 | 87114 32 pp PB | £1.99
In Search of the Earliest Icons
978-1570758980 | 75898 128pp HB | £12.99
Gateway to Resurrection
Journeying with Jesus
Verbum Domini The Word of God
Maria Boulding In the last months of her life, Maria Boulding, a Benedictine nun, wrote this remarkable book recounting her experience of the risen Christ, as she endured painful terminal illness. Drawing heavily on St Augustine, but also St Benedict, she writes with profound understanding of how in later years she has returned to fundamental Christian beliefs and experienced them to be true.
A Companion’s Guide
Post-Synodal Exhortation on the Word of God
9781441143884 | 14388 156pp PB | £10.99
Denis McBride
Pope Benedict XVI Verbum Domini has already been acclaimed as the most important document on the Word of God since Vatican Council II. In it, Pope Benedict XVI, whose writings 9780852313589 | 31358 on Sacred Scripture 176pp PB | £14.95 are widely admired, summarises the reflections of the Journeying with Synod Fathers who Jesus met in 2008 to discuss A Companion’s Guide the Word of God in for Groups the life and mission of Denis McBride the Church’. Pocket size with stimulating discussion questions. This book is a lavishly resourced programme of study for those who want to journey side by side with our Lord during Lent, either individually or in small groups.
9780852313596 | 31359 64pp PB | £4.95
9781860827167 | 82716 144pp PB | £3.95
Jesus of Nazareth VOLUME TWO From His Transfiguration Through His Death and Resurrection Pope Benedict XVI Benedict XVI presents a challenge in his new book, the sequel volume to Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration. Benedict brings to his study the vast learning of a brilliant scholar, the passionate searching of a great mind, and the deep compassion of a pastor’s heart. In the end, he dares readers to grapple with the meaning of Jesus’ life, teaching, death, and resurrection. This book challenges both believers and unbelievers to decide who Jesus of Nazareth is and what he means for them.
7 posters | 44 x 68 cm laminated 8 page booklet 73076 |
Light of the World
single poster | £5.99
The Pope, the Church and the Signs of the Times Peter Seewald Never has a Pope, in a book-length interview, dealt so directly with such wide-ranging and controversial issues as Pope Benedict XVI does in Light of the World. Taken from a recent week-long series of interviews with veteran journalist Peter Seewald, this book tackles head-on some of the greatest issues facing the world of our time.
single Arise booklet 16470 | £2.50
73077/A1 – Arise
73077/A2 – Trust
73077/A3 – Theophany
73077/A4 – Re-birth
73077/A5 – Re-creation
73077/A6 – Healing
73077/A7 – Celebration
9781860827099 | 82709 240pp HB | £16.99
release date: 15 March 2011 9781860827075 | 82707 315pp HB | £14.95
Passion themes
Easter themes
no price increase on posters
RCIA – Easter vigil
Born of Water and Spirit Nicean Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be 90PC/08
Stations of the Cross Set 16 posters | 27.4 x 41 cm 70711 | £17.50
Peace Be with You
Denial – Köder Poster: 46 x 68 cm | 73SK68 | £5.99 Petite card pack of 25: 9 x 12 | 90/SK68 | £8.75 Jesus Shares a Meal – ML Winters 47 x 68 cm | 73556 | £5.99
colouring & activity books For teaching children with creativity and fun!
New Covenant – Turvey 44 x 96 cm | 73075 | £6.99
Growth through the sacrament of reconciliation 90PC/09
Cards: Laminated, 3-fold pocket size | 10.7 x 7.5 cm pack of 10 – £5.50
The Word of God Three steps to reading the Word of God: a practice of lectio divina 90PC/10
In Celebration of Wholeness Set Last Supper – Köder
In Celebration of Love Set Washing of Feet – Köder
2 posters - 99 x 54 cm; 21 x 30 cm 32 page booklet
2 posters - 68.5 x 98 cm; 21 x 30 cm 24 page booklet 73090 | £14.50 AVA I L A B L E A S S I N G L E I T E M S
Booklet Poster
24 pp | 16734 | £4.95 68.5 x 98 cm | 73088 | £9.50 21 x 30 cm | 73089 | £2.50
Meditation card
Laminated on one side with watermark and scripture text on reverse. 10.5 x 14.8 cm - pack of 5
90SKWFC | £2.75 Petite card Laminated - 9 X 12 cm - pack of 25 90005 | £8.75
The Folly of God Sets – Köder
All Are Welcome – Köder
73095 | £14.50
24 pp | 16734 | £4.95
54 x 99 cm | 73093 | £9.50 21 x 29.7 cm | 73094 | £2.50
Meditation Card
Laminated on one side with watermark and scripture text on reverse. 10.5 x 14.8 cm - pack of 5
90SKLSC | £2.75 Petite card Laminated - 9 X 12 - pack of 25 90/LSP | £8.75 Greeting card Folded, blank inside 12 x 17.5 cm - pack of 5 90/CL-03 | £3.00
Poster: 98 x 44 | 73SK71 | £6.99 Petite card pack of 25: 6.5 X 14 | 90/SK71 | £8.75
“Read it, ponder it, believe it — your life will be profoundly enriched.”
9781904785422 | 17202 | 80pp PB | £6.99
Card/certificate for the Easter Vigil, baptism and reception (3-fold with envelope) Reception of Adults – 21 x 15 cm 92/RCIA3 | pack of 10 –
The Journey of the Cross, a Path to Light Rina Risitano Images, prayers, Scripture and reflections for the stations of the Cross and Resurrection. An invaluable resource for prayer and celebrations for Lent, Holy Week and Easter. 9780952253891 | 16742 80pp PB | £6.50
Glimpses of the Divine Book The Art and Inspiration of Sieger Köder Gemma Simmonds A masterpiece to nourish your soul – a tender and beautiful epiphany of the closeness of our incarnate God, bringing healing and joy.
The Stations of the Cross Colouring book 24 pp PB 87065 | £1.60
The Holy Eucharist Colouring book 32 pp PB 83387 | £1.60
The Folly of God Book
Daniel O’Leary
Baptism of Adults – 21 x 15 cm 92/RCIA2 | pack of 10 –
Folly of God Meditation pack – Judith Carpenter
18 meditation cards with reflections and ideas for praying with images. Laminated with watermark and Scripture passages on the reverse.
Laminated posters | 48 x 68 cm
18 posters (SK01 - SK18) 73SK1-18 | £95.00
Hour of Darkness – Köder Poster: 46 x 68 cm | 73SK67 | £5.99 Petite card pack of 25: 9 x 12 | 90/SK67 | £8.75
14 posters (SK01 - SK14) 73SK1-14 | £74.99
Single posters |
Petite cards – laminated | 9 x 12 cm | pack of 25 |
11 x 15 cm | 90SK1/18 | £5.75
Front text: The loving kindness of God leads us in the unity of the Holy Spirit to full communion of faith.
Wonder Poster: 73SK18 Petite card: 90/SK18
Surrender Poster: 73SK01
Embrace Poster: 73SK02 Petite card: 90/SK02
Cornerstone Poster: 73SK03
No Words Poster: 73SK04
Unison Poster: 73SK05 Petite card: 90/SK05
True Icon Poster: 73SK06
With Us Poster: 73SK07 Petite card: 90/SK07
Back text: Congratulations and prayers on this special occasion
Nurturing Poster: 73SK08
Thoughts Bookmark 6 x 18.5 cm | 92857 | pack of 5 –
RCIA Certificate
18.5 x 28 cm | 92/RCIA1 | pack of 10 – £8.00
Alpha and Omega Easter Card
Amen Poster: 73SK09 Petite card: 90/SK09
Whose Poster: 73SK10
Face-to-Face Poster: 73SK11
Holocaust Poster: 73SK12
Maternal Womb Poster: 73SK13 Petite card: 90/SK13 Poster: 90/KMW | 14 X 28.5 cm | £1.00
Chrysalis Poster: 73SK14
Alive Poster: 73SK15 Petite card: 90/SK15
Plenitude Poster: 73SK16
Understanding Poster: 73SK17 Petite card: 90/SK17
The greeting: Wishing you the peace of the Risen Lord this Easter and always. 12.5 x 18 cm | 92871 | pack of 5 – £4.50
Easter themes
Pentecost themes
no price increase on posters
no price increase on posters
Alleluia Set
9 posters | 44 x 68 cm laminated 16 page booklet 73076 | £45.99 single posters £5.99
Confirmation - Themes: call, the sign, witness Poster: 99 x 54 cm | 73059 £8.99 Picture card: 6.8 x 11.7 cm | 90/TPC | pack of 25 - £6.25
single Alleluia booklet 16539 | £4.95 Pentecost poster: 96 x 44 | 73404 £6.99
Turvey Easter themes
The Spirit in the world today…
73079/1 – Alleluia
Gifts of the Spirit Resource pack
A modern resource pack which illustrates the gifts of the Spirit in a fresh new way. It combines cultural wisdom with Scripture to explain the Spirit’s relevance to daily life in a contemporary visual design that young people and adults will enjoy.
Risen Lord – Turvey Orant Virgin – Turvey Poster: 44 x 96 cm | 73405 | £5.99 Poster: 44 x 96 cm | 73400 | £6.99
19 x 42 cm | 73401 | £2.50
Meditation card Laminated on one side with watermark and scripture text on reverse. 10.5 x 14.8 cm - pack of 5 90406 | £2.75
73079/2 – Beatitude
73079/3 – Acclamation
73079/4 – Belonging
73079/5 – The Master
Petite card Laminated - 9 x 12 cm - pack of 25 90035 | £8.75
73079/7 – Discipleship
73079/6 – Consolation
73079/8 – Completion
Poster: 42 x 59.4 cm | 73985 | £4.99
re so
r Confi
m at i
73976 – Understanding
Our Hearts Burn – Köder Poster : 44 x 98 cm | 73SK72 | £6.99 Petite card: 6.5 x 14 cm 90/SK72 | pack of 25 – £8.75
73980 – Awe & Wonder
73977 – Right Judgement
73975 – Wisdom
73982 – My Gift
73981 – Reverence
The Fourth Wise Man
Alpha and Omega – S Foster
73983 | £64.50 single posters £5.99
73079/9 – Abiding
Inspirational films on DVD
Faithful Women – Köder Poster: 44 x 98 cm | 73SK69 | £6.99 Petite card: 6.5 x 14 cm 90/SK69 | pack of 25 – £8.75
Posters – 8 full-colour, laminated posters – 86 x 27 cm CD-ROM – includes: PDF files – creative ideas for group activities for each gift Digital images – the 8 posters ent xc e l l Music CD – instrumental background music A n e ce fo r
Entertaining Angels
Romero – 15 a True Story
St Therese of the Child Jesus
Based on Henry Van Dyke’s classic, “The Story of the Other Wise Man”, a fictional story set in Biblical times, told in gently comic terms. It concerns a Magi named Artaban who studies the prophecies and witnesses a sign in the heavens that he hopes will lead him to the Messiah.
During the Depression, Dorothy Day vows to house the homeless, feed the hungry, tend the sick. Easily said. Not easily done. Yet, Dorothy persists, walking frequently on stormy waters of faith.
Oscar Romero, Archbishop of El Salvador, spoke the truth and stood for human rights during an era of shocking violence and torture.
77032 | 75 min
77031 | 112 min
77016 | 101 min
77023 | 90 min
Filmed on location in France with an expert commentary by the bishop of Lisieux. This documentary tells the story of the life of Thérèse Martin through interviews, dramatizations and examination of her writings.
73979 – Knowledge
73978 – Courage