Study of historic rammed earth structuresin Spain and India

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Rowen Travel Award winning entry 2006 Presented on 8 November 2007 at the IStructE, 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW1X 8BH at 18:00h.

Study of historic rammed earth structures in Spain and India Synopsis The Rowen Travel Award was granted for the study of historic rammed earth structures in Spain and India. Eight locations in northern Spain and three in northern India were visited during October and November 2006. The object of the visits was to gain a greater understanding of historic rammed earth. Methods of construction, modes of failure and repair techniques were investigated. Use of rammed earth as a modern building material is increasing, and the study of historic structures can inform development of the technique today. A number of examples which are considered to be of interest to practicing engineers are presented. The examples deal with the presence of water in earthen structures, cracking and methods of crack repair, the facing of rammed earth with a less permeable material, and medieval seismic protection measures. This work forms part of a PhD looking into the analysis and conservation of historic rammed earth structures, with field visits being a major aspect of the study. Rammed earth is an ancient construction technique, developed independently in parts of China, the Middle East and north Africa. Soil is taken from the ground and compacted between vertical formwork boards, which are then removed leaving a mass soil wall. The technique is widespread in regions where the soil is not sufficient to make sun dried clay bricks, or where lack of timber makes its use for building uneconomic. The desert section of the Great Wall of China and parts of the Potala Palace in Lhasa are made from rammed earth. In north Africa and Spain, Berber Muslims used rammed earth to build fortification during the Islamic Caliphate. Rammed earth continued to be used in Spain under Christian rule, and was exported to the New World in the early 16th century. In Europe rammed earth was used as a vernacular construction technique in the late Middle Ages and continues to be used in north Africa today. The recyclable nature and low transport costs associated with using soil dug in situ, means that rammed earth has found a new niche as a sustainable construction material. Improved thermal performance and inherent relative humidity control mean that rammed earth structures have a pleasant internal environment, and a number of projects in the UK are testament to its growing popularity. At the Eden Project, St Austell, Cornwall, rammed earth is used as the primary element in the visitor centre. Pines Calyx, a conference and training centre in Kent, is constructed wholly from rammed earth. A new lecture theatre under construction at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth, Wales, boasts the tallest rammed earth walls in the UK. In North America, the Desert Living Centre, outside Las Vegas, has been constructed from rammed earth and aims to provide Nevada residents with information on sustainable living. Rammed earth has become a popular construction technique in New Mexico and Arizona, and is gaining popularity on the western seaboard as far north as Vancouver. In Australia and New Zealand rammed earth has become an accepted alternative construction technique, pioneered by those looking for a sustainable building, but now becoming mainstream.

26|The Structural Engineer – 22 January 2008

Current construction guidelines for earthen architecture and rammed earth in particular are extremely simple, being mainly based on masonry design. Understanding of the behaviour of earth structures is extremely limited when compared to that of steel or concrete. One third of the world’s population reside in earthen buildings, the majority being small, non-engineered structures. This lack of understanding means that descriptions of the behaviour of the material are very limited. The growth in popularity of earth building in the developed world should act as an incentive to improve understanding of earth as a building material such that structures can be better designed in the developing world. Work undertaken at Durham University looked at rammed earth as a soil, applying geotechnical engineering principles to a structural material. Rammed earth may be treated as a highly unsaturated soil, an area of soil mechanics which is highly active and not yet fully understood. We have shown that the additional strength present in earthen structures is due to the phenomenon of suction, and that close to sample saturation, the strength is proportional to the suction. Suction is observed in any non-saturated soil sample. Where air and water coexist in soil pores, a difference in pressure between them causes the interface of the air and water to curve, commonly seen as a meniscus. The interface acts as a sheet in bi-axial tension, curving to accommodate the pressure difference, known as surface tension. The combined action of the surface tension and the pressure difference add together to provide an attractive force across the pore, and it is this attractive force which provides strength in addition to interlock in soils. The effect can most easily be seen in the example of a sandcastle. Where dry grains are used, the mixture will only rest at the frictional angle of repose of the grains, and when a saturated sample is made, the same angle of repose is observed. However if a small amount of water is used, an impressive sandcastle can be constructed. There are a limited number of modern rammed earth buildings which are available for study, and only a small body of work being undertaken in laboratory testing of rammed earth as a structural material. Studying historic sites, in many different states of repair offers an insight into historic construction techniques, any specific failure mechanisms which may occur, and repair methods which have been implemented. This both allows informed discussion on the preservation of historic sites and may provide direction for modern rammed earth construction. Field visits were undertaken to observe historic rammed earth structures in Spain and in India, looking specifically at construction techniques, failure mechanism and repair methods. Spain was chosen for its high density of historic rammed earth buildings and excellent transport links. A further study of historic rammed earth in northern India was also undertaken whilst attending a conference in the region. Around 60 sites were visited in Spain, at 24 locations, which are shown in Fig 1. Five sites were visited in northern India, at three locations shown in Fig 2. Visits to sites in southern Spain were undertaken in January 2006 and to northern Spain and India in October and November 2006. The Rowen Travel Award was used to fund the travel in October and November 2006.

Paul Jaquin MEng University of Durham

Keywords: Earth structures, Historic structures, Spain, India, Cracking, Repairing, Earthquakes Š Paul Jaquin

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