2010 Annual Report

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L e t t e r f r o m t h e E x e c u t iv e D i r e c t or Dear Friends of the Elizabeth Peabody House For more than a century, the Elizabeth Peabody House has survived and thrived through good times and bad, committed to continually transforming itself in order to meet the needs of the community. Our ongoing success is a reflection of this commitment and we are proud to offer programs that are deeply rooted in our families’ ever-changing needs and desires. Even in the face of the recent economic turmoil, Peabody House has provided quality programs and services while responding to a shifting community and staying true to our mission. The following accomplishments of the past year are those of which we are particularly proud: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

We fed over 550 families and provided over 400 families with gifts as part of our annual food and gifts drives over the holidays 2009 and 2010 We provided $19,000 in summer camp scholarships to deserving children We gave out 58,000 thousand pounds of food to food pantry participants We developed a community resource guide that allows our staff to make referrals to additional resources to help our local families access the support they need We constructed a handicap accessible ramp that allows better access to our 277 facility on Broadway We developed 3 new community partnerships that augment our present services We undertook an extensive strategic planning process, the result of which is our revised mission statement and current three year strategic plan

Of course, many of these accomplishments would never have been realized without the steadfast support of our community partners. I recall one morning last Spring when we joined together to applaud the important milestones in the history of the Elizabeth Peabody House and our collaborative work with community partners and supporters. Even though we have accomplished a great deal over the past year, much more remains to be done and the challenge of reaching our goal has become more daunting with each passing month of the recession. As we move forward, we must be prepared to adjust our approach, refocus our efforts, and seize greater opportunities for success. I remain proud and confident in the future of the Peabody House, and our ability to continually improve how we serve the community, as we have for over 114 years. Sincerely,


Selvin L. Chambers Executive Director

I n f a n t - To d d le r The Infant and Toddler Center provides quality early care and education for children ages one month through three years of age. The program philosophy is based on the Creative Curriculum, which emphasizes that children learn from daily interactions in a carefully organized and rich environment. This is the foundation for children's growth and development. Positive adult interactions provide developmentally appropriate experiences and enriching learning activities that assist children with achieving key goals in the areas of social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth.

Our Programs

The Infant-Toddler Center has focused strongly on Thematic Curriculum and planning this year. Using their senses, children have done a wide range of activities outside of the norm of “Arts and Crafts�. Also over the last six months, the Infant-Toddler Center has successfully implemented the Raising a Reader program.

Preschool Our Mission The mission of EPH is to support families in our community in reaching their full potential through early childhood education, youth development and enrichment, and family services.

Our Preschool Program uses the Creative Curriculum for children aged 3-5, which focuses on children’s development in four areas: socio-emotional, cognitive, physical and language. The Preschool provides holistic learning opportunities through explorative, hands-on activities. Children are engaged in learning as their expressed interests are incorporated into lessons that address all necessary content areas. Knowledge and skill development are promoted through reading, writing, and math literacy to ensure children are ready for kindergarten.. EPH Preschool was accepted as a candidate for NAEYC accreditation. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children, with particular focus on the quality of educational and developmental services for all children from birth through age 8.

After School

E m e r g e n c y Fo o d Pa n t r y

This year, the Peabody House Afterschool Enrichment Program has made great changes, with a focus on academic support and engagement in learning. Borrowing from concepts in the summer enrichment program, the REACH model helps staff to create well-rounded lessons that focus on relationships, engagement in learning, arts & culture, community engagement, and health & wellness. The program strives to communicate with schools and community partners to determine and address the needs of participants and support in their academic growth. Structured daily academic time promotes homework help and reinforces academic skills learned

In response to a demand for emergency food relief, our food pantry opened its doors to Somerville residents in December 2009. Since then, we have managed to serve approximately 410 families from Somerville with more than 50,000 lbs of food. With the help of outside partners including the Greater Boston Food Bank, Food for Free, Stop & Shop, and Farmer Daves, our emergency food pantry has grown to be the largest supplier of emergency food relief in Somerville. Our clients never cease to highlight our diverse array of meats, dairy products and fresh produce and our exceptional corps of volunteers that shop with families when they arrive. The food pantry served 213 families in the month of September alone. Now with the help of the Silicon Valley Foundation and Stop & Shop, the pantry will provide even more fresh produce during the winter months and pilot a nutrition program later this year.

Afterschool has placed increased emphasis on programming that better suits the needs and interests of our middle-school students. Our 10-13 year olds engage in activities and projects that require higher-level thinking, teamwork, and leadership skills, such as Youth Venture, a program that gives youth an opportunity to be entrepreneurs.

in school.

Community Outreach & Volunteerism

S u m m er E n r i c h m e n t Peabody House's Summer Enrichment Program takes place at the our scenic camp ground, Camp Gannett, located on Lake Massapoag in Sharon, MA. The program gives over 120 children each summer the opportunity to interact with environments beyond the urban neighborhoods in which they live. The program offers enrichment activities that encourage social-emotional development and engagement in learning, including water front activities, athletics, and visual arts. Weekly themes keep lessons new and exciting and present •

This summer our Summer Enrichment Program at Camp Gannett provided over 125 children, predominantly from urban local neighborhoods, with a fun and educational outdoors experience. Over 20% of those children served were living in shelters and transitional housing.

In October 2010, we launched a community resource guide for our staff to use that has thus far already referred over 10 families to vital services outside of Peabody House. Furthermore, we have managed to partner with agencies like the Welcome Project and the Livewell Project to offer services like ESOL classes and nutrition workshops. Our volunteer program has been another area of significant growth with 12 outside volunteer groups assisting at Camp Gannett and beautification projects this year and over 40 volunteers assisting in our Afterschool, Food Pantry, and Infant-Toddler •

The community resource guide contains over 30 resources and organizations, providing an insider’s view of how these programs work for families that are seeking the help. Repligen Corporation and Boston Cares teamed up on September 24 to fix up Camp Gannett in a fun & productive day of service.

Stories of our Impact James Fyfe,


“It’s been a genuine pleasure volunteering at EPH’s food pantry this last year. I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to help families of varied culture and background, and I’ve learned a lot from my exposure to Somerville’s diverse community. It was a great experience that I would recommend to anyone!”

“The teachers in the Infant-Toddler Center are fun, loving, creative, caring, patient, full of energy and have a sense of humor. I have to say that I am very pleased with my son's progress. He has learned sign language and how to share.”

Guerline Maingrette,

Intern & Food Pantry Client

Blake Klauber,


“Volunteering at the Elizabeth Peabody House has impacted my life tremendously. I got to know the people in my community. I make a difference for them and even make improvements and suggestions to the pantry. I also work with children in the preschool. The staff really has become a second family to me.”

“The Elizabeth Peabody House means to me a fun, loving program filled with professional people who love taking care of children and providing them with a safe environment. And we also try to help families in need in any way we can.”

Jill Ladderbush, Infant-Toddler Staff

Spotlight on Afterschool: REACH hands-on learning opportunities that address summer learning loss.

Relationships – At the heart of all we do is a recognition that the relationships children form in our program are of primary importance. This includes the valuable friendships that they build with peers, but even more important is the relationship they build with staff. By building relationships based on mutual trust and respect, our staff is better able to guide, role-model for and teach children.


Enrichment – Today more than ever, out-of-school-time programming is expected to not simply keep children safe and occupied during the hours they are not in school, but to augment children’s school-day learning. Our school-aged programming reinforces children’s learning by providing varied activities within a monthly theme-based structure. We also provide one-on-one homework support to those children who need additional assistance with understanding and completing school assignments. Our program seeks to increase children’s confidence in their academic abilities and help them see that learning can be fun, resulting in increased school engagement, and in turn grade progression and


Spotlight on Afterschool: REACH Arts & Culture – In a time when many schools are cutting non- “core” subjects such as the arts, out-of-school-time programming provides children with an opportunity to expand their horizons, learn about the world around them, and discover new interests. Many of our activities enable youth to explore aspects of world cultures, and participate in various visual and performing arts activities such as drawing, painting, crafts, music, and dance.


Community Engagement – Children who understand from an early age their own power to affect positive change in their community are more likely to be civicallyengaged, to productively participate in society and even one day to become leaders. We foster this in even our youngest children by embedding lessons about the environment and sustainability, the political process, their own community and more. As children get older, we take a more focused approach to cultivate their interest in community involvement and leadership skills


Healthy Living – Our program seeks to instill in children the importance of maintaining their physical health. We do this through provide healthy snacks that provide a balance whole-grains, dairy and fruit & vegetables and recreational opportunities that allow children to be physically active. And we teach about health, nutrition and fitness through such curriculum as ShapeUp Somerville’s H.E.A.T Club (Healthy Eating and Active Time).

Map to Success: Strategic Plan During the 2009 – 2010 fiscal year the Peabody House embarked on developing a three year strategic plan. In August 2010 the plan became final and the implementation process was initiated in September 2010 laying out a strong set of goals that will be realized over the course of 2011 through 2014. The newly developed strategic plan places a continued emphasis on children and youth through increasing the programs aimed at older children as well as the quality of programs currently offered. The plan also provides opportunities to service families in the community that do not traditionally reach out to the Peabody House for support. The overall goal of the strategic plan is to attract additional clients, volunteers and sponsors/funders through new and improved programs that create an even greater impact in our community. As a common practice we will review the strategic goals quarterly (EPH leadership staff and board members) to determine progress and to make modifications if required.

The Strategic Plan has the following three components: A). MISSION STATEMENT B). VISION STATEMENT C). STRATEGIC PLANNING GOALS Mission: “The mission of EPH is to support families in our community in reaching their full potential through early childhood education, youth development and enrichment, and family services.” Vision: “EPH shall be the leading center in the Somerville area for enriching and connecting children and families, and creating a strong and engaged community.” Goals: Elizabeth Peabody House will: 1. Be regarded as a safe and reliable destination for families and community members of Somerville 2. Leverage a network of community resources to make them readably accessible to the families we serve 3. Provide exceptional and innovative programs 4. Be a reliable sustainable community resource by increasing and diversifying funding sources through the following: Program Enrollment Balanced Budget that reflects increased salaries expense Board Development Fundraising: Events, Grants & Contributions

Elizabeth Peabody House Association Statement of Activities 2009-2010

Year Ended: Year Ended: June 30, 2010 June 30, 2009 Total Total

Revenues and Support Voucher Early Education and Care Bureau of Nutrition Community Partnership Parent Fees Grants and donations Contributions United Way Special events Rental income Investment income Miscellaneous income Net assets released from restrictions


466,826 179,306 20,244 25,675 249,094 106,084 16,107 70,458 27,681 17,084 65,353 10,728

566,245 177,166 21,231 13,917 216,023 154,270 10,808 68,367 31,575 17,762 67,867 7,369





247,399 120,874

252,944 98,602







Change in Net Assets



Net Assets, Beginning of Year






E P H B oa r d Mary Diaz-Przybyl (President), Christine Egitto (Treasurer), Dan Thomas (Secretary), Steven Azar, Imari Paris Jeffries, Tony Jones, Janice Philpot, Paula Mackey, Joseph Pignatiello, John H. Sanders, Loretta Siggers, Steve Stulck, David Vanech, Vicki Wairi, Larry Ward

A d m in is t r a t iv e S ta ff Executive Director………………………………..Selvin Chambers Director of Finance & Operations………………….Michael Gemm Director of Programming & Evaluation……....Alexandra Schuppert Facilities Manager..……………………………….….…Dan Conley Outreach & Resource Coordinator……………….….…Paul Kuhne Infant-Toddler & Preschool Program Director…..……....Sheri Rios Out of School Time Programs Director…………Janai Mungalsingh

Expenses Program expenses Administration Fundraising


Deficit of Operating Revenue and Support Over Operating Expenses Nonoperating Expenses and Investment Losses

Net Assets, End of Year

T e a c h e rs a n d Y o u th W o r ke rs Jerry Altidor, Jon Bernstein, Sandi Carreiro, Bexi Colon, India Drinkard, Peter George, John Hessel, Jiyeon Hong, Jill Ladderbush, Ty Lee, Markiesha Meyers, Shelmadine Miller, Gersande Normil, Arelhy Rios, Yolanda Rivera, Sushila Shah, Kristen Underwood, Marissa Underwood

Thank You To Our Supporters 148 Sycamore Street LLP Joseph Curtatone Mary Antonelli Debbie D’Mico Bain Capital Children’s Frank Dardeno Charity Robert & Gay DeMaggio Wendy Blom Mary Diaz-Przybyl BMC HealthNet Plan Barry Dym Barr Foundation East Cambridge Savings Bank Boston Private Bank & Christine Egitto Trust Co. Broadway Brake Corporation

Mara Elich Gianna Ericson

Eugene Brune

Errico Studio

Ann Busnach

Faulkner Brothers, Inc.

Anna Castignetti

Dennis and Rona Fischman

Charles & Paulett Caragianes Century Bank Robert & Jody Chamberlin

Kevin & Alice Fitzgerald

Selvin Chambers III Margarette Chery City Year, Inc. Robert & Marilyn Claise Joan Clark College Ave, United Methodist Church Nancy Reed Cochran Zara Cooper COMECC Community Action Agency of Somerville Daniel & Leslie Conley Jack Connolly Mildred Conway Lauren Curry

Kevin Fleurimond Gentle Giant Moving Company Paul & Patricia Gilbert Give with Liberty Elisabeth Hatfield Peter & Elizabeth Hay Michael Hunter Claude Jacob Tony Jones Tom & Mary Jane Kemper Pamela Kennedy Kiwanis Club of Somerville Francis Klein Larry & Paige Kohler Catherine M Konicki Jean & Jordan Krasnow David & Margaret Lager Daniel LeBlanc

Lifetouch Preschool Portraits Daniel & Martha Lucas Paula Mackey Benjamin Mahnke Ann O’Conner Mahon Mary & Mark Masterson Massachusetts Business Association Massasoit Lodge#129 I.B.P.O.E. of W McGinley, Kaslow & Associates Daniel & Tammy McKanan Jo Ann McLaughlin Medford Lodge Miller Wachman LLP-C Robert & Mary Ann Moll Stephanie Moore John Murray Netco Mark Niedergang Ellen O'Brien Christopher O’Keefe Original Gourmet Creations Inc. Larry O’Toole Rina Palmer Janice Philpot Joseph Pignatiello Francis D. Privitera Prospect Hill Academy Purvis Systems, Inc. Joanne & Jim Poage John and Sandra Regan Riverside Pizza Restaurant & Bar

Rita Roberto Douglas Rodman Nancy Routh Anthony Sarno Lorraine Shuck Silicon Valley Bank Foundation Stephen Sillari Silverman Trykowski Associates, Inc Kimberly Smith-Cofield Somerville Community Corporation Somerville Homeless Coalition Eva Spitzer Steven Azar Charles & Alexandra Stephens Stephen & Karen Stulck

Tags Hardware, Inc. Joseph Tarello Dan Thomas Janette & Joseph Thomas Sharon Mercedes Tompkins Tim Toomey Tufts University United Way of Massachusetts Bay United Neighborhood Centers of America Mary C. Von Reuden Jay and Lynn Wailes Winter Hill Bank Mary Zappulla Fred Zimmerman

Our Partners & Supporters ARAMARK










W e N e e d Y o u r H e lp The Elizabeth Peabody House Association, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Financial contributions from individuals and companies allow us flexibility to provide new and on-going programs to support and improve the lives of families in Somerville and surrounding communities. To find out about donating please visit our website www.elizabethpeabodyhouse.org or contact Paul Kuhne at pkuhne@elizabethpeabodyhouse.org.

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