EPH Resource Guide

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The Elizabeth Peabody House Community Resource Guide

A User Friendly Guide to Community Resources for Residents of Cambridge and Somerville

Table of Contents Childcare Services……………………………………………………Page 3 Immigration/ESOL Services…………………………………Page 10 Adult Education Services………………………………………Page 14 Employment Services…..…………………………………………Page 17 Housing Services……………………………………………………..Page 21 Food Assistance………………………………………………………Page 27 Legal Services…………………………………………………….……Page 33 Domestic Violence……………………………………………..……Page 37 Mental Health………………………………………………………….Page 41 Quick Community Resources…………………………………Page 46 2

Childcare Services


Getting a Childcare Voucher: DTA 300 Ocean Avenue Revere, MA 02151

Phone: (781) 286-7800

Who can come: Unemployed individuals that meet DTA qualifications

What’s the process like? 1. Collect all pertinent documents such as social security cards, paystubs, benefits papers, etc. 2. Go to the Department of Transitional Assistance in 300 Ocean Blvd, Revere to fill out an application 3. If approved, DTA will set you up with an appointment with CCRC in Cambridge 4. Must contribute 20 hours to volunteer/vocational service to maintain DTA status 5. Following interview with DTA, voucher should be approved and can be used at a variety of childcare centers *Waiting List probable!

If approved, offers you:

The ability to have subsidized childcare at different centers


Getting a Childcare Voucher: CCRC 130 Bishop Allen Drive Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: (617) 547-1063

Talk to: Reme Who can come: Families must meet income guidelines, have a service need as outlined by EEC, and must be active on the centralized waitlist

What’s the process like?* 1. Families can apply in the following ways: Contacting their local CFCE program. Go to http://www.eec.state.ma.us/ChildCareSearch/CFC E.aspx to be connected to the CFCE program in your community. Speaking with a Family Services Specialist at CCRC. Completing the CCRC waitlist application 2. Families will be favored if they: are starting or continuing paid employment, incapacitated, in an education program or seeking unemployment 3. Once approved, you will hear back from the CCRC *Waiting List! If approved, offers you:

Subsidized childcare voucher at different childcare centers


CAAS Head Start 366 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143

Talk to: Chris

Phone: (617) 628-8815

Voucher Friendly?: Yes

Who can come: Somerville residents

Basic Information: Hours: In general Childcare classrooms are open: 7:00 AM-5:30 PM

Ages 2.9 to 6

Rates: Determined by income

What’s the process like?* 1. Parents can either call to set up an appointment, or bring in the required papers 2. Parents will then do an enrollment application *Waiting List!

If accepted, offers you:

An enriching experience for your child that uses creative curriculum Parent training workshops that teach you parenting skills


Somerville Early Head Start 63 College Avenue Somerville, MA 02144

Phone: (617) 623-3278

Talk to: Emily LaForest

Voucher Friendly?: Yes

Who can come: Somerville families with a pregnant woman, infant or toddler

Basic Information: Ages 0 to 3

Rates: Determined by income

What’s the process like? 1. Eligible individuals should call to verify availability 2. Set up an appointment with a family worker 3. Fill out necessary paperwork* *Services in Kreyol, Spanish & Portuguese

If accepted, offers you:

Weekly home visits by family support workers Twice-monthly play groups in a Family Resource Center Extensive parent education and support Coordination of health care


Somerville YMCA Preschool 101 Highland Ave Somerville, MA 02143

Talk to: Joanne

Phone: (617) 625-5050

Voucher Friendly?: Yes

Who can come: Anyone that is eligible Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Rates: Five days - $200.00 Four days - $165.00 Three days - $130.00 Two days - $90.00

What’s the process like?* 1. Call to arrange an appointment 2. Take a tour of the center to meet staff 3. If you enjoy it, fill out an application and arrange schedule *Ages 2.9 to 6

If accepted offers you:

Integrates the social, the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of the whole child Engaging parental experience


The Somerville Childcare Center Preschool 81 Highland Avenue Somerville, MA 02143

Talk to: Trish

Phone: 617-625-6600 ext. 6235

Voucher Friendly?: Yes

Who can come: Somerville residents Rates: Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

$75 Registration Fee $42 Per Day

What’s the process like? 1. Call to arrange an appointment 2. Take a tour of the center to meet staff 3. If you enjoy it, fill out an application and arrange schedule *Ages 2.9 to 6

If accepted, offers you:

An enriching experience for your child that uses creative curriculum Parent training workshops that teach you parenting skills


Immigrant/ESOL Services


The Welcome Project 530 Mystic Ave, #111 Somerville, MA 02145

Phone: (617) 623-6633

Talk to: Lisa Gimbel Who can come: Recent Immigrants/ Somerville residents

What’s the process like? 1. Call the Welcome Project to arrange an appointment to find out registration dates. 2. Register for classes and determine morning or evening classes ($50 cost) 3. Attend in four month sessions!

If accepted, offers you: Liaison Interpreter Program of Somerville (LIPS),service the Welcome Project provides to recent immigrants for translation services ESOL classes from experienced instructors that cover basic, intermediate and advanced levels including: o Spanish Basic Literacy o US History and Civics (In preparation for U.S. Citizenship exams)


Centro Presente 17 Inner Belt Road Somerville, MA 02143

Phone: 617-629-4731

Talk to: Freddy Matute Who can come: Recent Immigrants/ Somerville residents

What’s the process like? 1. Call and ask for Freddy Matute, there on weekdays apart from Tuesday 2. Describe the service you’re most in need of 3. Set up an appointment to fill out an application for either legal services, ESOL classes, or general advocacy 4. Hand in application/set up schedule for classes!

If accepted, offers you: ESOL classes from experienced instructors that cover basic, intermediate and advanced levels including: o Spanish Basic Literacy o US History and Civics (In preparation for U.S. Citizenship exams) o Computer Literacy classes (Basic computer usage, word processing, Internet and email proficiency) Legal Immigration Services Department (LIS) assists with visas, work permits, and general asylum


Mass Alliance of Portuguese Speakers 92 Union Square Somerville, MA 02143

Phone: 617-864-7600 (Cambridge Office)

Talk to: Renan Leahy Who can come: Brazilian & Portuguese Immigrants/Speakers living in Somerville

What’s the process like? 1. Call or visit offices during the evening 2. Identify main service that you’re in need of (ESOL, domestic violence, family support services, etc.) 3. Coordinator will connect you with proper service 4. For English classes determine fees & schedule and fill out application

If accepted, offers you:

ESOL classes from experienced instructors during evening and morning timeslots Assistance with translation to obtain social services Family support around domestic violence and battery Classes that help you prepare to obtain citizenship HIV prevention classes and general testing


Adult Education Services


SCALE 167 Holland Street Somerville, MA 02144

Phone: 617-625-6600 ext. 6900

Talk to: Janice Philpot

Cost?: FREE!*

Who can come: Immigrants residing in Massachusetts, Individuals pursuing their GED

What’s the process like? 1. Call to find out more information about class registration dates for the next session (or apply online!) 2. Determine if you’d like to enroll in GED, English, or Adult Basic Education (ABE) Classes 3. Ensure that the classes work for your schedule: night or morning 4. Fill out application and pay orientation fee of $45 and $65 fee for testing to determine level

If accepted, offers you: ESOL classes from experienced instructors during evening and morning timeslots Adult Basic Education classes GED Classes to earn your degree

*Classes free of charge, program completion $450


Somerville Community Corporation 337 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143

Talk to: Thais DeMarco

Phone: :(617) 776-5931

Cost?: FREE!

Who can come: Somerville residents

What’s the process like? 1. Call and ask to find out more information about various financial literacy classes 2. Thais will explain how to enroll in one-time workshops or consistent classes 3. Areas are budgeting, housing inspection, credit, and home buying 4. Classes are offered in Portuguese, Spanish, and Kreyol

If enrolled:

Learn about the importance of maintaining a budget Home inspection and the importance of finding an inspector Available resources in the community around saving money Ways to avoid credit scams Access to SCC’s homebuying program which helps obtain housing


Employment Services


LIFT Somerville 366 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143

Phone: 617-591-9400

Talk to: Emily Who can come: Residents of Somerville

What’s the process like? 1. Call and set up an appointment with a student volunteer or walk-in 2. Conduct a brief 15 minute intake of your situation/goal 3. Sign paperwork & contract and you will be assigned a student volunteer 4. Set up your schedule with the volunteer and begin! *No Cost! Offers you: Assistance building your resume Prep for interviews and interview clothes Conducts job searches for you Rehearse interviews with you Attend job fairs with you


The Career Source 186 Alewife Brook Pkwy # 310 Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: 617-661-7867

Talk to: Available Worker Who can come: Recent Immigrants/ Somerville residents

What’s the process like? 1. Fill out membership form for free 2. Figure out the job that you’re looking for 3. Set up an appointment with a counselor or work on a computer 4. Counselors can help you build your resume and prepare for job fairs *Small fee for computer classes and printing

If accepted, offers you:

Assistance building your resume Prep for interviews and interview clothes Conducts job searches for you Rehearse interviews with you Attend job fairs with you


The Futures for Young Parents Program 466 Mystic Avenue Somerville, MA 02145

Phone: 617-623-6667

Talk to: Ashley Who can come: 15-20 years old; 6 months pregnant or already a parent; Receiving aid from TAFDC; Seeking a GED

What’s the process like? 1. Call the phone number to set up an appointment 2. Determine if you are able to schedule classes from 9:00-2:30 Monday through Thursday 3. Enroll yourself in the program!

If accepted, offers you::

Voucher at the daycare of your choice Educational services that will help you obtain your GED Pre-Employment services such as college trainings and career seminars Counseling services that address relevant issues like housing, substance abuse pregnancy and budgeting. Shelter that provides a safe haven for domestic violence victims while allowing them to recuperate themselves and suggest resources Children’s services that help children have a safe environment


Housing Services


Somerville Homeless Coalition Talk to: Lisa Davidson 1 Davis Square Somerville, MA 02144

Phone: 617-623-6111

Who can come:

Housing search and case management: for Homeless Individuals:

Includes individuals in eviction (7 Days within in court eviction) living somewhere inhabitable, and or on the streets Housing Support Programs: (waiting list) Need to be Homeless and Disabled

What’s the process like? 1. Call to make an appointment and you will be assigned a worker 2. Set up your weekly meeting with that worker to help fill out a housing application 3. Will accompany you to housing interview and can provide legal services *Process can take about a week to start the case management process. Can take a month to a year to receive housing.

Offers: Help fill out Section 8 applications Help you fill out application for out-of-state housing Can offer Better Homes Program Help pay utilities bill Carry out housing search


Just-a-Start House Talk to: Myisha Rodrigues Scott 114 Temple Street Somerville, MA 02145

Phone: (617) 776-8353 x.15

Who can come: Young women between the ages of 13-20 Most through DTA; two spots from DCF. Must be pregnant or parenting or both.

What’s the process like? 1. Go to DTA and get a referral 2. DTA will set her up with a DTA worker 3. Meet with DCF worker 4. TLP Coordinator that meets with DCF 5. Determines that Just-a-Start House if your TLP

If accepted, offers you: o A team with a Case Manager and an advocate. Advocates cover life skills, behavior management, money management, healthcare, child’s education. o Case manager deals with the mother’s education, public benefits, DCF, legal and immigration issues, mental health for mother and child and housing. *Independent living as opposed to a group home **Ultimate goal to obtain housing!


Greater Boston Catholic Charities Somerville Talk to: Tara 270 Washington St. Somerville, MA 02143

Phone: (617) 625-1920

Who can come: Middlesex county residents facing threat of eviction & in need of emergency assistance

What’s the process like? 1. Set up an appointment 2. Come in to fill out necessary paperwork 3. Eligible to receive up to $1500 in rent assistance upon completion of process

If accepted, offers you:

Emergency assistance for paying rent and utilities once in a lifetime Food Pantry services, once a month and six times in a year


CAAS Eviction Program Talk to: Melissa McWhinney 66-70 Union Square, #104 Somerville, MA 02143 Phone: (617) 623-7370

Who can come: Somerville residents facing threat of eviction

What’s the process like? 1. Call CAAS at phone number above or do a walk-in 2. Do a brief 15 minute intake explaining your situation 3. If issue meets CAAS’s programs, will be assigned a case worker 4. Case worker works with you on a host of issues ranging from eviction to general tenant rights

If accepted, offers you:

o Advocates educate you around your tenant rights o Provides legal protection in court on issues such as foreclosures, evictions, and unjust landlord practices o Can negotiate payment plans with landlords in order to prevent eviction


Somerville Community Corporation 337 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143

Phone: :(617) 776-5931

Talk to: Stacey Pires Who can come: Somerville Residents

What’s the process like? 1. Call and ask for Stacey Pires 2. Describe your particular situation and the housing situation you need help with 3. They will provide you with initial resources and if accepted, will assist you over the longer term

If Accepted, offers you: Financial assistance for back rent and utilities. Advocacy and mediation on behalf of our clients, often with some of Somerville's largest landlords. In a majority of cases, we have been able to prevent evictions and form agreements to which both parties are agreeable. Housing search and placement, including help applying for Section 8, MRVP and public housing with subsidized units. Personal budgeting and credit management.


Food Assistance


The Elizabeth Peabody House Food Pantry 275-277 Broadway Somerville, MA 02145

Phone: (617) 623-5510

Serving Schedule: Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 PM Thursdays 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Talk to: Paul Kuhne Who can come: Residents of Somerville

What’s the process like? 1. Please provide proof of income and address 2. Fill out a basic intake form with general information 3. Receive a food pantry ID Card 4. Able to visit the pantry once a month 5. Eligible only for residents of Somerville

Receive several bags of groceries with fresh produce, frozen meats, canned items and items such as bread, rice, and pasta. Also have directory of resources for clients in need to utilize.


Project Soup 15 Franklin Street East Somerville, MA 02145

Phone: 617-776-7687

Talk to: Sandi Harris Pantry Serving Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 10:00 - 2:00 PM Wednesday: 12:00 - 4:00 PM Thursday: 1:00 - 4:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 - Noon

Soup Kitchen* Serving Schedule: Mondays: 6-9 PM *In Davis Square

Who can come: Somerville Residents

What’s the process like? 1. Pick a day that works for your schedule 2. Please bring an ID and proof of address 3. You will receive a premade bag of food 4. Eligible to come once a month *Typically no wait to receive food

Receive a premade bag of food that will last you 3-5 days.


Helping Hand Food Pantry Fresh Pond Apartments 361 Rindge Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140

Phone: (617) 876-4381

Talk to: Nina Siciliano Serving Schedule: Tuesday: 6:00 PM-8:00 PM Thursday: 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - Noon Who can come: Anyone (Please bring ID!)

What’s the process like? 1. Pick a day that works for your schedule 2. Please bring an ID 3. You will receive a premade bag of food 4. Eligible to come once a month 5. Food Options Vary *Wait for food varies on the night

Receive a premade bag of food that will last you 3-5 days.


SNAP (Food Stamps) Numbers to Call: 1-866-950-FOOD (3663) Project Bread: 1-800-645-8333

Apply at: Project LIFT, CAAS Determine eligibility: https://service.hhs.state.ma.us/screening/ScreeningWelcome_input Find out Your Rights: http://www.gettingsnap.org/index2.htm

What’s the process like?* 1. Applicants must apply at their local office, based on the city (and sometimes the zip code that they live in. 2. They may apply in person, by mail, by fax or online. 3. They have a right to apply and should not be discouraged from doing so, even if the DTA worker does not think they are eligible. 4. If they are eligible, their benefits will be retroactive to the date their application was received. 5. An interview is required but can be conducted over the phone if going to the office is difficult. *Undocumented citizens may apply for their children


Somerville WIC (Women, Infants, Children) 366 Broadway Somerville, MA 02145

Phone: 617-666-5059

Talk to: Nancy Who can come: Women that are pregnant, breastfeeding or have children under the age of 5

What’s the process like?* 1. Applicants must call above number to speak with intake person (Kreyol, Spanish, and Portuguese) 2. Prepare necessary paperwork including MassHealth, birth certificates, or any other pertinent documents. 3. Come in with infant/child to WIC office 4. Meet with nutritionist who will record basic information about infant/child including blood work, heart rate and other standard health tests 5. Receive WIC coupons! *Undocumented citizens may apply for their children

If accepted, offers you:

Monthly packets of coupons that can be used to purchase milk, formula, peanut butter and other grocery items


Legal Services


Cambridge and Somerville Legal Services 60 Gore Street Cambridge, MA 02141

Phone: (617) 603-2700

Talk to: Susan Hegel or Susan Chimene Who can come: Income Eligible Individuals

What’s the process like? 1. Call and ask to speak with duty person. 2. Agency will get information about you, make sure you’re income eligible. 3. If it is an issue they handle, then they would move forward (see examples below)

Helps with…

Providing individuals with paralegals and attorneys in court Primary housing and public benefits representation. Full range for individuals over 60. Representing victims of domestic violence Mental health representation for entitlement benefits (medicare), special education, etc. Undocumented workers, children, and battered women gain legal status


23 Everett Street, First Floor Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone: (617) 495-4408

Cost?: FREE!

Talk to: Student Volunteer Who can come: Residents of Cambridge/Somerville

What’s the process like? 1. First you call in, and do a brief intake over the phone. 2. Make an appointment to come in. 3. Don’t Forget!: Bring all of the necessary documents!! 4. Meet with Harvard Legal Student to start building your case

If accepted:

o Help with: Employment Benefits, Social Security, Disability, Fair Wage, Section 8 Termination, Housing/Public Housing, Tenant Association, Mediation, Paternity , Public Assistance Programs, Veterans Benefits o Can provide you with counseling for these issues and representation .


Community Legal Services and Counseling Center 1 West Street Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: 617-661-1010

Cost?: FREE!

Talk to: Any volunteer or Paul Goldmuntz Who can come: Low-income Cambridge/Somerville residents

What’s the process like? 1. Ask to speak with someone about setting up an intake. 2. Upon evaluation, a volunteer will contact you and determine if you are eligible for their services 3. If so, you will be assigned a counselor and will work on determining the best solution for your particular situation.

If accepted, helps you: Secure protection from abuse Receive child support Work on group leadership Multicultural ethnic issues and immigrant/refugee issues


Domestic Violence Services


Call Hotline: (617) 623-5900 Business: 617-625-5996

Talk to: Michelle Fine Who can come: All victims of domestic violence & abuse (must be selfreferred)

What’s the process like? 1. Will set up an appointment with victim

2. Depending on what you need 3. Will set you up with a personal counselor that will assist you with your particular situation.

Offers: Community Based o Individual Advocacy & Support Groups o 24 Hour Crisis Hotline that will provide emotional support and referral services o Court accompiment to get restraining order Shelter of 21 beds that provides safety for domestic violence victims o if full will work with you to find other shelter o Three month stay Children’s services that help children have a safe environment


1035 Cambridge St # B10 Cambridge, MA 02141

Phone: (617) 868-1650

Talk to: Ronit Barkai Who can come: Somerville residents

What’s the process like? 1. Call to set up an appointment or do a walk-in 2. Will carry out a brief intake upon doing the walk-in 3. Will set you up with a personal counselor that will assist you with your specific needs. 4. Can apply to Transitional Living Program (TLP) if you choose

*Emergencies, please call and ask for emergency shelter

If accepted to TLP, offers you: o o o o

Assistance with housing searches General life skills training and counseling Fixing up resumes and applying to jobs Services Coordinator deals with the mother’s education, public benefits, DCF, legal and immigration issues, mental health for mother and child and housing.

**Ultimate goal to obtain housing!


Emerge 2464 Massachusetts Ave # 101 Cambridge, MA 02140 Phone: (617) 547-9879

Talk to: 10-3 Office Manager or Eric Albert Who can come: No limitations (typically self-identified abusers)

What’s the process like? 1. Intake Done over the phone 2. Come in for orientation ($25) Must contact partners and ex-partners to discuss. 3. Orientations are Wednesdays 6 Pm and Thursdays at Noon 4. Fill out a bunch of paperwork 5. Get started as soon as you’d like! *Abuser must come in to do 40 sessions in programs such as battering intervention programs

If accepted, offers you: Different groups for gay men & women, Separate groups for Spanish speakers Anger management services, for anyone that is not their partner i.e. family friend, etc. Curriculum based 14 week anger management program that’s conducted one on one. Court mandated.


Mental Health Services


Community Legal Services and Counseling Center 1 West Street Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: 617-661-1010

Talk to: Any volunteer or Paul Goldmuntz Who can come: Somerville residents

What’s the process like? 1. Ask to speak with someone about setting up an intake. 2. Upon evaluation, a volunteer will contact you and determine if you are eligible for their services 3. If so, you will be assigned a counselor and will work on determining the best solution for your particular situation.

If accepted, helps you: Secure protection from abuse Receive child support Work on group leadership Multicultural ethnic issues and immigrant/refugee issues


The Guidance Center 5 Sacramento Street Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone: 617-284-5130

Talk to: Melanie Branski Who can come: Services are provided to children under six-years-old with issues related to development, behavior and family needs, and their caregivers

What’s the process like? 1. Ask to speak with someone about setting up an intake. 2. Describe your situation to the intake worker and s/he will connect you with the proper channel of care 3. Will evaluate your healthcare situation and bill the appropriate HMO, Mass Care or Company *Offer phone services in English and Spanish

If accepted, helps you with: Individual and family treatment Home and/or school based treatment (early intervention) Caregiver support Psychological testing & Psychiatric consultation Psychopharmacological evaluation and treatment Collaboration with physicians Consultation to child care programs and schools


The Family Center Inc. 366 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143

Phone: (617) 628-8815

Talk to: Fran Rowley Who can come: Somerville residents

What’s the process like? 1. Call and speak with receptionist 2. Ask to speak with someone for an intakeďƒ Process takes 15 minutes 3. Clinical worker calls and clinician can call to schedule most convenient appointment *Unfortunately at the moment there is a waiting list.

If accepted: o Receive in-home therapy services if you have Mass Health o Receive a parenting journey series 12 week group support in Spanish & Kreyol. Parent development, experience of parent and being in touch with how you were parented and being in touch with that. o Parenting in America. US Practices around child rearing and DCF. o Child caring dinner for parents and children.


63 College Avenue Somerville, MA 02144

Phone: (617) 623-3278

Talk to: Carolyn Spangler or Raul Salinas Ortega

Who can come: Somerville residents

What’s the process like For an Adult, Child or Family? 1. Talk to intake worker over the phone. 2. Intake worker will evaluate you and call you back within 24 hours 3. Intake worker will arrange appointment and set up your schedule *Sliding scale of $10 per session

For Child: Provides in-school consultation. Consultants can help teachers and students cope with behavior issues. For Adult: a wide range of services including psychotherapy, day treatment, community treatment program, and substance abuse services.


Quick Resources Clothing: o Children’s Exchange 56 Magazine Street | Cambridge, MA 02140 Call: 617-576-0039 o Salvation Army 483 Broadway | Somerville, MA 02145 Call: (781) 395-9783 Healthcare: o The Sharewood Health Clinic (*Tuesday Evenings 6-9) The First Church 184 Pleasant Street | Malden, MA 02148 Call: (781) 324-8991 o Enrollment and Outreach Team-Cambridge Health Alliance Call: (617) 665-3155 Housing Services: o Lead Abatement Task Force Call: 617.625.6600 x 2588 o Cambridge and Somerville Fuel Assistance 51 Inman Street | Cambridge, MA 02139 Call: (617) 349-6252


To Be Added Soon: -Services for the Elderly

Updated: 1/21/2011


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