Staff Research Activities
Sarah Victoria Turner Acting Director Sarah’s research activities this year have been dominated by preparations for a major new exhibition and publication, Making New Worlds: Li Yuan-chia and Friends. The exhibition, co-curated with Hammad Nasar (Senior Research Fellow, PMC) and Amy Tobin, will open at Kettle’s Yard, University of Cambridge, in November 2023. The exhibition and book are two outcomes of the London, Asia research project, which has received special project funding approved by the Centre’s Board of Governors. London, Asia is reported on in more detail in the Special Projects section of this report. Sarah also contributed the essay ‘Frederick Cayley Robinson: Mystical Modern’ to the catalogue accompanying the Modern Pre-Raphaelite Visionaries: British Art, 1880–1930 exhibition at Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum. She was invited to give a keynote lecture at the conference in September 2022, exploring the work of the artists featured in the exhibition. Beyond the Centre, Sarah continued to serve on the advisory boards of the Warburg Institute and Tate Etc., providing her expertise in arts management, research development and publishing. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.