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Fellowships and Grants
July 2019–June 2020
Autumn 2019
At the October 2019 meeting of the Advisory Council, the following grants and fellowships were awarded:
Collaborative Project Grants
Birkbeck and the National Trust were awarded £40,000 to support the collaborative research project ‘Unlocking the Photographic Archive: Identity & History in the National Trust’s Photography Collections’
Impermanence and University of Bristol were awarded £40,000 to support the collaborative research project ‘Staging BLAST!: Cabaret and the Modernist Magazines’
Conservation Fellowship
Barts Heritage was awarded £25,000 towards the condition survey and treatment trials of the Great Hall and the Hogarth Stair at St Bartholomew’s Hospital
Curatorial Research Grants
Armagh Robinson Library was awarded £40,000 to help support a research curator to research the Rokeby Collection of Prints at Armagh Robinson Library
Autograph Association of Black Photographers was awarded £37,000 to help support a research curator to work on the project ‘Rotimi Fani-Kayode: A Retrospective’
Colchester and Ipswich Museums were awarded £30,000 to help support a research curator to work on the project ‘The Constable Connection: Mapping the Artist’s Early Suffolk Foundation’
The South Asia Collection Museum was awarded £40,000 to help support a research curator to work on ‘The Gwillim Project: Women, Environment and Networks of Knowledge and Exchange in Early Nineteenth-Century Madras’
Digital Project Grants
Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London was awarded £39,000 towards creating a transcribed and searchable open access database of Robert and James Adams’ Grand Tour letters and writings, 1754–63
Derby Museums Trust was awarded £39,000 to support the online catalogue Joseph Wright of Derby Collection at Derby Museums
Event Support Grants
Elizabeth Montagu Correspondence Online was awarded £800 to support the conference ‘The Prospect of Improvement: The Bluestocking Landscape’
Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge was awarded £2,500 to support the conference ‘Hayley2020’
Four Corners was awarded £1,700 to support the symposium ‘Another Eye: Women Exile Photographers’
Irish Museum of Modern Art was awarded £1,600 to support the symposium ‘Remembering Derek Jarman, Then and Now’
The Victorian Society was awarded £2,600 to support the conference ‘French Architecture and the English, 1835–1914’
Loughborough University was awarded £3,000 to support the conference ‘“… In or about 1970 …”: Artists, Writers, and Feminist Thought’
Manchester Metropolitan University was awarded £2,900 to support the conference ‘Celebrating Reproductions: Past, Present and Future’
School of Art History, University of St Andrews was awarded £2,800 to support the symposium ‘The Itinerant Image: Printmaking between Art and Science in Early Modern Britain’
University of St Andrews was awarded £2,100 to support the symposium
‘Maud Sulter: Significant Others, Significant Women’
University of York was awarded £1,000 to support the conference ‘Pre-Raphaelite Sisters: Making Art’
Publication Grants
Robyne Calvert was awarded £3,000 towards publishing The Mack: Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow School of Art
Church Monuments Society was awarded £2,350 towards publishing Divided in Death: The Iconography of English Medieval Heart and Viscera Monuments
Turner Contemporary was awarded £7,000 towards publishing Place, Space and Who
Diaphanes and Stephen Barber were awarded £8,750 costs towards publishing Muybridge’s Projections
Eddie Duggan was awarded £200 towards publishing an article on early printed board games in Board Game Studies Journal
Anne Dulau was awarded £3,000 towards publishing Old Ways and New Roads: Travels in Scotland, c.1720–1830
Alice Eden and Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum were awarded £10,000 towards publishing Modern Pre-Raphaelite Visionaries: British Art, 1880–1930
Ian Dudley was awarded £1,000 towards publishing the article ‘Olmec Colossal Heads in the Paintings of Aubrey Williams’
Jessica Fay was awarded £1,560 towards publishing The Letters of Sir George and Lady Beaumont to William and Dorothy Wordsworth, 1803–1829
Natalie Ferris was awarded £1,000 towards publishing Abstraction in Post-War British Literature, 1945–1980
Hayward Gallery was awarded £3,500 towards publishing Not Without My Ghosts
Harvey Miller/Brepols was awarded £7,000 towards publishing East Anglia’s Late Medieval Screens: Patterns of Production
Gordon Higgott was awarded £3,000 towards publishing Drawings by Edward Pearce Senior: Painter, Decorator and Interior Designer
John Libbey Publishing and David Curtis were awarded £6,000 towards publishing London Art Labs and the Avant-garde of the 1960s
Kettle’s Yard and Amy Tobin were awarded £9,950 costs towards publishing Linderism
Séan Kissane and the Irish Museum of Modern Art were awarded £10,000 towards publishing Derek Jarman: PROTEST!
Ranald Lawrence was awarded £3,000 towards publishing The Victorian Art School
Liverpool University Press was awarded £5,000 towards publishing William Whitfield
The New Art Gallery Walsall was awarded £7,000 towards publishing Keith Piper (full title t.b.c.)
Nathan O’Donnell was awarded £480 towards publishing Wyndham Lewis’s Cultural Criticism and the Infrastructures of Patronage
Paul Holberton and Jacqueline Riding were awarded £6,500 towards publishing Hogarth and the Jacobites
Pennsylvania State University Press was awarded £5,000 towards publishing Scented Visions: Smell in Art, 1850–1914
Dorothy Price was awarded £3,000 towards publishing Framing the Critical Decade: After the Black Arts Movement
Hollie Price was awarded £2,000 towards publishing Picturing Home: Domestic Life and Modernity in 1940s British Film
Pandora Syperek was awarded £360 towards publishing the article ‘Hope in the Archive: Indexing the Natural History Museum’s Ecologies of Display’
University of Leeds was awarded £4,000 towards publishing Gestural Abstraction
Yale University Press and Cicely Robinson were awarded £9,000 towards publishing Henry Scott Tuke
Patrick Zamarian was awarded £2,750 towards publishing The Architectural Association in the Postwar Years
Research Support Grants
Sara Ayres was awarded £1,100 for research on ‘The Reception of William Hogarth (1697–1764) at the Eighteenth-Century Danish Court’
Gemma Brace was awarded £1,000 for research on ‘“And I Dance …” Paule Vézelay: Bristol – Paris – London’
Elizabeth Browne was awarded £2,000 for research on ‘In the Mold of Clodion: Reproduction and the Sculptor’s Legacy’
Sria Chatterjee was awarded £2,000 for research on ‘Colonial Weather: The Politics of Painting in Britain’s Australian and Indian Colonies’
Charlene Heath was awarded £2,000 for historical, archival research on British artist and photographer Jo Spence
Tara Kuruvilla was awarded £2,000 for research on ‘Chapter 1: “A HuggerMugger Collection of Articles”’
Lou Le Joly was awarded £1,200 for research on ‘Class and Gender Politics in the Artistic Production of the Suffrage Atelier and the Women’s Freedom League, 1907–1914’
Rebecca Morrison was awarded £1,000 for research on ‘Miss Mary Rein, MantuaMaker to the Theatre Royal Drury Lane’
Anna Myers was awarded £1,400 for research on ‘Englishness and EighteenthCentury Shakespeariana at the Folger Shakespeare Library’
Allison Pappas was awarded £2,000 for research on ‘Photography’s First Impressions: W. H. F. Talbot, J. F. W. Herschel, and Experimental Rhetoric’
Tor Scott was awarded £1,000 for research on ‘The Life and Work of British Surrealist Edith Rimmington’
Noah Smith was awarded £1,600 for research on ‘A Re-examination of the Oxford Chest: Migration and CrossChannel Cultural Exchange between Flanders and England in the Later Middle Ages’
Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski was awarded £2,000 for research on ‘Beyond the Monolith: Recasting Ronald Moody (1900–1984)’
Divya Subramanian was awarded £700 for research on ‘Global Townscape: The Rediscovery of Urban Life in the Late Twentieth Century’
Andrew Wyld Research Support Grants
Victoria Hepburn was awarded £2,000 for research on ‘William Bell Scott as Illustrator’
Eleanore Neumann was awarded £2,000 for research on ‘The Intersection of Landscape and Botany in Maria Graham’s Drawings from South America, 1821–1825’
Spring 2020
At the March 2020 meeting of the Advisory Council, the following grants and fellowships were awarded:
Senior Fellowships
Viccy Coltman (University of Edinburgh) was awarded £40,000 for the project ‘A Martial Race: Scots in Military Service, 1759–1830s’
Douglas Fordham (University of Virginia) was awarded £40,000 for the project ‘Aboriginal Printmaking and the Colonial Archive’
Anthony Geraghty (University of York) was awarded £40,000 for the project ‘The Natural Vitruvians – Wren, Vanbrugh, Hawksmoor: English Baroque Architecture Reconsidered’
Mid-Career Fellowships
Tabitha Barber (Tate Britain) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘Mary Beale’
Nick Beech (University of Westminster) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘From Progress to Possibliity: The Urban Imagination of the British New Left, 1956–1964’
Ben Burbridge (University of Sussex) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘Partial Recall: British Art Remembers Rave, 1994–2018’
Catherine Grant (Goldsmiths, University of London) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘Women and Creativity: Legacies of Consciousness-Raising in Feminism and Art’
Victoria Horne (Northumbria University) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘Mediating Art: Feminist Periodical Culture in Britain, 1970–2000’
Ulrike Kern (Kunstgeschichtliches Institut) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘Art and Continent in England 1573–1715: Cultural Transmission and the Origins of the English Art Vocabulary’
Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis (University of St Andrews) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘The British Art of Travel: Thomas Burgon (1787–1858) and the Classical Landscape’
Sam Rose (University of St Andrews) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘Modern Naturalisms: Fry, Gluck, Hockney’
Léa-Catherine Szacka (University of Manchester) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘A World Wide Book: Charles Jencks and The Language of Post-Modern Architecture, 1977–1991’
Clare Taylor (The Open University) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘Gilt Leather Rooms: Decorating with Leather Hangings in Britain, c.1600–c.1800’
Wenny Teo (Courtauld Institute of Art) was awarded £15,000 for the project ‘Kim Lim: Forms of Resistance and Relief’
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Alice Butler was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Touching Desire: Kleptomania in Recent and Contemporary Feminist Art’
David Challis (University of Melbourne) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Samuel Courtauld and the Economics of Interwar Art Collecting in Britain’
Tom Day (University of Edinburgh) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Tamara Krikorian: Sculpture Against Television’
Lloyd de Beer (British Museum) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Alabaster Sculpture of Medieval England: Imagery, Trade, Iconoclasm, and Reuse’ Flora Dunster (University of Sussex) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘The Queer Futures of British Lesbian Photography, 1987–1994’
Christina Faraday (University of Cambridge) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Liveliness in English Visual Culture, c.1560–c.1630’
Katharine Harrison (University of York) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Reading the St Cuthbert Window’
Georgia Haseldine (Queen Mary University of London and National Portrait Gallery) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Portraying Radicals: Reform and Representation, 1760–1819’
Catherine Jane Howe (Courtauld Institute of Art) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Francis Bacon’s French Influences’
Amy Jeffs (University of Cambridge) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Art, Myth, War: Illustrating Secular Literature in England, 1280–1340’
Elspeth Mitchell was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Girl, Movement, Image: Moving Image Artworks and Feminism (1977–1997)’
William Dominic Francis Parker (University of East Anglia) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Edwardian Aestheticism: Victorian Art Writing in Modernist Britain, 1890–1920’
Sophie Read (Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Soane the Lecturer: Through his Lecture Performances on Architecture at the Royal Institution in London, 1817–1820’
Rachel Stratton (Yale Center for British Art) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Grammars of Form: Pop Art, Abstraction and Language’
Sally Woodcock (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge) was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘The Starving Artist: The Romance and Reality of Suffering for Art in the Long, Hard Nineteenth Century’
Junior Fellowships
Jess Bailey (University of California, Berkeley) was awarded £7,500 to conduct research in the UK for the project ‘Precarious Lines: Violence, Masculinity, and Desire in FourteenthCentury Visual Cultures of Gunpowder’
Victoria Hepburn (Yale University) was awarded £7,500 to conduct research in the UK for the project ‘William Bell Scott’s Victorian Art Worlds’
Tara Kuruvilla (Columbia University) was awarded £7,500 to conduct research in the UK for the project ‘“Disjecta Membra”: The Fragmentation of the India Museum and the Colonial Construction of Knowledge over the Long Nineteenth Century’
Eleanore Neumann (University of Virginia) was awarded £7,500 to conduct research in the UK for the project ‘The Global Landscapes of Maria Graham (1785–1842)’
Duccio Nobili (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) was awarded £7,500 to conduct research in the UK for the project ‘Ideology of Sculpture: Crisis and Survival of a Craft in Italy, 1967–1974’
Shweta Raghu (Yale University) was awarded £7,500 to conduct research in the UK for the project ‘Coastal Vision and the Negotiated Arts of Coromandel, 1610–1798’
Lindsay Wells (University of Wisconsin–Madison) was awarded £7,500 to conduct research in the UK for the project ‘Plant-Based Art: Indoor Gardening and the British Aesthetic Movement, 1860–1914’
Jennifer Wu (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) was awarded £7,500 to conduct research in the UK for the project ‘Conceptualizations of the Surface in Tudor Portraiture’
Terra–PMC Fellowship
Dawn Pereira (University of East London) was awarded £9,500 for the project ‘Beyond William Mitchell’s British “Colourful Crusade”: Creating Art for the Urban Landscapes of the United States (1972–76)’
Wilfried E. Keil (Ruprecht-KarlsUniversity Heidelberg) was awarded £20,000 to spend time at the British School at Rome to conduct research for the project ‘Robert Turnbull Macpherson and his Photographic Verdute of Rome in Comparison to Works of Other Photographers in Time’
PMC Research Collections Fellowship
Joshua Mardell was awarded £10,000 for the project ‘Finding a Historiography for Gavin Stamp’
Event Support Grants
City and Guilds of London Art School was awarded £1,500 to support the ‘Material Matters: Clay’ symposium
The Courtauld Institute of Art was awarded £1,000 to support the ‘Photography and Architecture: Research and Pedagogy in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Britain’ workshop
Downing College, University of Cambridge was awarded £1,000 to support the ‘Representation: The Visibility of Women in College Art Collections’ symposium
Focal Point Gallery was awarded £1,600 to support the ‘International Modernism and the Worker Village: from Essex to Shanghai’ symposium
Impressions Gallery of Photography was awarded £1,250 to support the ‘Feed Your Mind’ lecture series
National Museums Scotland was awarded £2,000 to support a symposium on the Scottish interior
The Reverend Petit Society was awarded £1,000 to support the ‘Modernist in an Historical Age’ event
TORCH Environmental Humanities Network was awarded £800 to support the ‘Alexander Stoddart: The Sculptor in the City’ lecture
Turner’s House Trust was awarded £1,000 to support the ‘J. M. W. Turner’ symposium
University for the Creative Arts was awarded £2,000 to support the ‘Surrealism in England: 1936 and After Revisited’ symposium
University of Central Lancashire was awarded £3,000 to support the ‘Cultural Legacies of the Kingdom of Haiti: Art, Refinement and Transatlantic Networks, 1820–2020’ workshop
University of Salford was awarded £1,500 to support the ‘Albert Adams in Context’ workshop
Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village was awarded £1,000 to support the ‘Mad about the Boy: The Male Youth in Art and Culture, c.1900’ symposium
Research Support Grants
David Anderson was awarded £2,000 for the project ‘Representations of Food in British Comic Art: The Dandy and The Beano’
Holly Argent was awarded £1,800 for the project ‘Women Artists of the North East Library’
Harriet Baker was awarded £1,500 for the project ‘Four Radical Women and Rural England Between the Wars: Dora Carrington Collection at the Harry Ransom Center’
Mark Campbell was awarded £1,100 for the project ‘Kenneth Clark, Bernard Berenson and the Photographic Archive’
Martina Caruso was awarded £900 for the project ‘From Rome to Norfolk: Agnes and Dora Bulwer’s Photographic Archive of the Mediterranean Revealed’
Jon Cooper was awarded £2,000 for the project ‘The Rebuilding of Warwick after the Great Fire of 1694’
William Fowler was awarded £400 for the project ‘The Films of Antony Balch’
Wendy Frére was awarded £1,800 for the project ‘Arnoldus Quellinus: A Neglected Flemish Sculptor in London at the End of the Seventeenth Century’
Cristina Gonzalez-Longo was awarded £650 for the project ‘Tracing Mr James Smith of Whitehill: Architectural Experiences Before and After Rome’
Jeong-Yon Ha was awarded £1,900 for the project ‘Art and the Achronological Modes of Time in Ancient Italy: Ovid Banished from Rome and the Other Paintings of Rome by J. M. W. Turner from the Late 1830s’
Rosalind Hayes was awarded £1,500 for the project ‘Depiction of the Fishing Industry in Victorian Visual and Material Culture’
Zhengyang Hua was awarded £2,000 for the project ‘Colin Rowe’s Formative Years in Liverpool and London, 1938–1951’
Michael Johnson was awarded £2,000 for the project ‘Dunn and Hansom: Architects of the Catholic Revival’
Hannah Kaemmer was awarded £1,900 for the project ‘Experimental Architecture: Natural Philosophy and the Built Environment in Restoration England’
Sean Kinnear was awarded £1,500 for the project ‘The Nuclear Bunker: Tracing, Analysing and Preserving the Remnants of Cold War Architecture in Scotland’
Carla Molinari was awarded £800 for the project ‘Gordon Cullen’s Serial Visions: A Cinematic Urban Theory’
Nicholas Robbins was awarded £1,900 for the project ‘The Ecologies of Early Photography in the Dillwyn-Llewelyn Circle’
Alexa Sand was awarded £2,000 for the project ‘Moving Pictures: The Woodcut Vocabulary of Wynkyn de Worde’
Emily Savage was awarded £1,100 for the project ‘Visions of the End: The Doom Murals of Medieval England’
Rebecca Senior was awarded £2,000 for the project ‘“Ceaseless and Patient Researches”: Katharine Esdaile and the Historiography of Sculpture in Twentieth-Century Britain’
Mary Shannon was awarded £800 for the project ‘The Celebrated Billy Waters and the Circulation of Popular Culture: Race, Celebrity, and Popular Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain’
Julia Snape was awarded £1,300 for the project ‘Revealing the Hidden Role of Women in the Historiography of English Medieval Painting’
Dylan Spivey was awarded £2,000 for the project ‘James Gibbs and the Commodification of Architectural Style’
Ana Sverko was awarded £1,700 for the project ‘Thomas Graham Jackson and the Eastern Coast of the Adriatic’
Ralph Wade was awarded £1,000 for archival work at the Washington University, St Louis, Missouri, for the Doctoral Thesis ‘The Country Houses of David Bryce: An Architectural and Cultural History’
Jessica Womack was awarded £2,000 for the project ‘“Colonization in Reverse”: Jamaican Art at the Commonwealth Institute’
Summer 2020
At the May 2020 extraordinary meeting of the Advisory Council, the following grants and fellowships were awarded:
Research Continuity Grants
The Charleston Trust was awarded £10,000 to support the project ‘Duncan Grant, 1920’
Colchester and Ipswich Museums were awarded £10,000 to support the project ‘The Constable Connection: Mapping the Artist’s Early Suffolk Foundation’
Flat Time House was awarded £10,000 to support the project ‘Living Archive: Examining the Contemporary Relevance of John Latham’s Archive and Library’
Four Corners was awarded £10,000 to support the project ‘On the Move: The Half Moon Photography Workshop/Camerawork Touring Exhibitions, 1976–1984’
Gainsborough’s House was awarded £10,000 to support the project for the exhibition and redisplay of Gainsborough’s House
Holburne Museum was awarded £10,000 to support the project ‘Rossetti’s Portraits at the Holburne Museum’
Ikon Gallery was awarded £10,000 to support the project ‘Ikon and the BLK Art Group’
MK Gallery was awarded £10,000 to support the Laura Knight exhibition
Museum of Modern Art, Machynlleth was awarded £10,000 to support the project ‘Women’s Art in Wales’
The Royal Society of Sculptors was awarded £10,000 to support the project ‘Pioneering Women at the Heart of the Royal Society of Sculptors’
Research Continuity Fellowships
Caitlin Blackwell Baines was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Bywell Hall and the Beaumont Art Collection’
Amy Boyington was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Female Architectural Patronage in Britain, 1700–1900’
Ellie Chan was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Visualizing Music in the English Renaissance’
Edwin Coomasaru was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Masculinity and Apocalypticism in British Art, 1968–2020’
Charlotte de Mille was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘The Place Within: Britten’s Landscapes’
Laura Franchetti was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Utterances of Physical Phenomena: Victorian Physics and the Work of Frederic Leighton’
Michal Goldschmidt was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Modernism in Mandate Palestine’
Isobel Harbison was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Northern Ireland: A History of Artists’ Moving Image’
Richard Hudson-Miles was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘The Art of Hornsey ’68’
Charlotte Jones was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Artpolitik: Anarchist Clubs and “Underground” as Spatial and Representational Praxis’
Louisa Lee was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Rewriting Art Education: Alternative Pedagogy and Art School Magazines in Britain, 1968–1989’
Alexander Massouras was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Painters of the Future: Artists’ Youth in Twentieth-Century Britain’
Emma Merkling was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Physics, Metaphysics, and Mathematics in Evelyn De Morgan’s Art, 1883–1919’
Sarah Monks was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Transported Subjects: Eighteenth-Century British Art and the Effects of Global Encounter’
Euan Robson was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘A Cathedral Encountered: Stories and Storytelling in Medieval Durham’
Rebecca Wade was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘An Exhibition History of Victorian Leeds’
Beth Williamson was awarded £5,000 to support research work on ‘Art and Education: The Modernist Networks of William Johnstone’