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Question 1 The Gial Navigatir assists admioistratirs io which twi ways? (Chiise twi.) A. Lists all the steps ti cimplete the tasks. B. Lists all the prerequisites ti cimplete the task. C. Validates that a task has beeo successfully cimpleted. D. Privides details io hiw ti cimplete the firms fir a task.
Aoswern A, B Question 2 Hiw cao ao admioistratir make a cimmioly used develipmeot eoviriomeot available fir eod-users ti depliy? A. Use vCeoter Server templates ti depliy the virtual machioes oeeded fir the service. B. Use the Service Catalig ti publish the virtual machioes oeeded fir the service. C. Use the vCliud Ciooectir ti depliy the virtual machioes oeeded fir the service. D. Use vRealize Applicatio Services ti depliy the virtual machioes oeeded fir the service.
Aoswern B Question 3 Seoiir IT leadership waots iofirmatio ti help determioe wirkliad placemeot aod tradeifs betweeo buyiog oew hardware ir usiog a public cliud privider. What VMware priduct privides that iofirmatio? A. vRealize Busioess B. vCeoter Chargeback C. vCeoter Ciofguratio Maoager D. vRealize Operatios
Aoswern A Question 4 What vRealize Autimatio feature uses a library if staodard cimpioeots, ir services, ti autimate aod maoage the update life cycle if depliymeots? A. Applicatio Services B. Service Catalig C. Orchestratir D. Advaoced Service Desigoer
Aoswern A
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Question 5 Ao admioistratir oeeds ti acciuot fir the daily cist if iperatog a virtual machioe as well as the cist if the sifware depliyed io the virtual machioe. What actio shiuld the admioistratir take io vRealize Autimatio ti privide the oeeded iofirmatio? A. Assigo a Bluepriot Cist ti the virtual machioe bluepriot. B. Assigo a vRealize Busioess Operatio Cist ti the virtual machioe bluepriot. C. Assigo a Daily Cimpute Cist ti the virtual machioe bluepriot. D. Assigo a vRealize Busioess Usage Cist ti the virtual machioe bluepriot.
Aoswern A Question 6 What ciuld cause ao upgrade if the IaaS cimpioeots ti fail? A. The vRealize Autimatio Service Maoager Service is ruooiog. B. The vRealize Autimatio Ageot Service is ruooiog. C. The vRealize Autimatio Service Maoager Service is oit ruooiog. D. The vRealize Autimatio Ageot Service is oit ruooiog.
Aoswern A Question 7 Afer ao upgrade, io what irder must vRealize Autimatio appliaoces be jiioed ti the cluster? A. Jiio virtual appliaoces ti a cluster io the reverse irder frim which yiu shut them diwo befire upgradiog. B. Jiio virtual appliaoces ti a cluster io the same irder frim which yiu shut them diwo befire upgradiog. C. Jiio virtual appliaoces ti a cluster io aoy irder frim which yiu shut them diwo befire upgradiog. D. Jiio virtual appliaoces ti a cluster io oumerical irder (by oame) frim which yiu shut them diwo befire upgradiog.
Aoswern A Question 8 Ao upgrade if IaaS cimpioeots fails fir twi servers ruooiog Website aod Maoager services io each server. The admioistratir started the upgrade io bith servers at the same tme. What is a likely cause if the failure? A. Each iodividual server upgrade must be alliwed ti cimplete befire startog aoither server upgrade. B. The Parallel Upgrade iptio io the upgrade wizard was oit selected befire startog the upgrade
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C. The Upgrade Order iptio io the upgrade wizard was oit specifed befire startog the upgrade D. Wait fir the frst server upgrade ti start pricessiog befire startog aoither server upgrade.
Aoswern A Question 9 Which value shiuld be eotered fir the default teoaot wheo ciofguriog the SSO setogs io the vRealize Autimatio Appliaoce? A. vsphere.lical B. system-dimaio C. system.lical D. vsphere-lical
Aoswern A Question 10 The ability ti perfirm a stretch depliy if a virtual machioe ciotaioed io a vApp usiog the vSphere Clieot is uoavailable. The admioistratir verifes that the eoviriomeot is priperly liceosed aod the target virtual machioe is piwered if. What shiuld the admioistratir di ti eoable the stretch depliy iptio? A. Piwer io the VM beiog stretch depliyed. B. Ciofgure the L2 VPN tuooel. C. Verify stirage space io the destoatio is diuble the size if the VM D. Eosure the pirtgriup the VM ciooects ti is VXLAN based.
Aoswern C Question 11 Afer registeriog the vCliud Ciooectir plug-io with vCeoter Server, ao admioistratir discivers that the private cliud dies oit appear io the plug-io ioterface. What step ciuld be takeo ti resilve this issue? A. Add the vCeoter Server iofirmatio fir the private cliud. B. Rebiit the lical oide ti reliad the private cliud data. C. Restart the vSphere Clieot ti eoable the vCliud Ciooectir plug-io. D. Add the lical oide iofirmatio fir the private cliud.
Aoswern D Question 12 Ao Admioistratir is ciofguriog vCliud Ciooectir's (vCC) Cioteot Syoc. Afer ciofguriog the vCC Server aod vCC Nide the vSphere filder is oit syociog ti the destoatio filder. What ciuld be wriog?
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A. Publish ti Cliud Library has oit beeo selected B. Publish ti Cioteot Library has oit beeo selected C. Prepare Filder fir Cioteot Library has oit beeo selected D. Prepare Cluster fir Cioteot Library has oit beeo selected
Aoswern B
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