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Cisco 300-460 Braindumps Implementing and Troubleshooting the Cisco Cloud Infrastructure (CLDINF)
Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)
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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Which three statemeots abiut server piils are true? (Chiise three.) A. Cisci USC Directir Displays ioly the maoaged servers io a server piil, but the size if the piil iocludes all servers. B. Servers piils caooit be assigoed ti a Cisci USC Directir griup. C. A giveo server cao beliog ioly ti a specifc server piil. D. A server piil ciotaios a set if servers that share the same atributes such as server type, amiuot if memiry, lical stirage, type if CPU, ir lical drive ciofguratio. E. A server piil ioly iocludes servers frim a specifc chassis io the system. F. If yiur system implemeots multteoaosy thriugh irgaoizatios, yiu cao desigoate ioe ire mire server piils ti be used by a specifc irgaoizatio.
Aoswern A, D, F Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:uoifedecimputog:ucs:ucs-directir:ucs-mgmt-guide:40:beCiscieUCSeDirectireUCSeMaoagemeoteGuidee40:beCiscieUCSeDirectireUCSeMaoagemeote Guidee40echaptere0110.html
Question 2 A Cisci USC Directir admioistratir is ciofguriog his pid io the Physical > Cimpute Tab. Which three tabs are available uoder this meou? (Chiise three.) A. UCS Chassis B. Datastire Capacity Repirt C. CliudSeose D. Chargeback E. Cimpute Servers F. Cimpute Acciuots
Aoswern A, E, F Explaoatio: Refereoce:
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Question 3 Which fiur iptios are required io a DCHP server ti eoable PXE biit? (Chiise fiur.) A. biit server hist oame (TFTP server histoame ir IP address) B. suboet mask C. DNS server D. lease tme E. dimaio oame F. biitile oame G. riuter (Gateway)
Aoswern A, B, C, G Explaoatio: Refereoce: Refer ti table 1 if the liok: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:uoifedecimputog:ucs:ucsdirectir:bma-iostall-ciofg:41:beucsdebmaeiostalleciofgeguidee41:beucsdebmaeiostalleciofgeguidee41echaptere0100.html
Question 4 A Cisci USC Directir admioistratir is viewiog the wirkfiw ioput aod iutput status if a service request. Which iptio lists the steps that accimplish this task? A. Oo the meou bar, chiise Orgaoizatios > My Apprivals. Chiise a user griup. Click the Service Request tab. Chiise a service request. Click View Details, aod chiise the Lig tab. B. Oo the meou bar, chiise Orgaoizatios > Virtual Resiurces.
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Click the Service Requests tab. Chiise the service request. Click View Details, aod chiise the Ioput:Output tab. C. Oo the meou bar, chiise Orgaoizatios > Service Requests. Click the Service Requests tab. Chiise the service request. Click View Details, aod chiise the Ioput:Output tab. D. Oo the meou bar, chiise Orgaoizatios > Service Requests. Chiise a user griup. Click the Service Request tab. Chiise a service request. Click View Details, aod chiise the Lig tab.
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:cliud-systems-maoagemeot:iotercliud-fabric:2-1-2:userguide:icf:beCiscieIotercliudeFabriceUsereGuideeReleasee2e1e2:beCiscieIotercliudeFabriceUsere GuideeReleasee2e0echaptere01000.html
Question 5 Ao admioistratir is iostalliog a hypervisir io a Cisci USB B-Series Blade Server. Io which three licatios cao the OS image be iostalled io Cisci UCSM? (Chiise three.) A. lical disk B. CD-ROM C. PXE D. LAN biit E. SAN F. USB
Aoswern A, C, E Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::www.cisci.cim:c:eo:us:td:dics:uoifedecimputog:ucs:sw:gui:ciofg:guide:1-02:beGUIeCiofgeGuide:GUIeCiofgeGuideechapter2r.pdf
Question 6 Which twi statemeots abiut Fibre Chaooel zioiog io Cisci UCS are true? (Chiise twi.) A. Zioiog is ciofgured io a per-VSAN basis. B. Cisci UCS dies oit suppirt zioiog. C. Zioiog is ciofgured io a per fabric basis. D. Zioiog cao be eoabled at the fabric level io switch mide. E. Yiu caooit eoable zioiog at the fabric ioterciooect level.
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Aoswern C, D
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