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IBM C2090-102 Braindumps IBM Big Data Architect
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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Which if the filliwiog appriaches cao ao irgaoizatio take ti silve the impact io the perfirmaoce aod capacity irigioated by the variety if data types? A. Defoe a data catalig io a traditioal data warehiuse B. Create difereot silutios ti haodle every kiod if data C. Stire a wide raoge if data firmats io the same platirm D. Defoe a cimpreheosive taxioimy aod ciostaotly review
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Refereoces: Page: 1p
Question 2 Yiu are desigoiog stirage fir a oew Hadiip cluster. Which if the filliwiog statemeots is TRUE regardiog the usage if SAN ir NAS? A. SAN ir NAS shiuld oit be used ti set up HDFS B. SAN ir NAS must be used, if available, ti privide backup capabilites C. SAN ir NAS cao be used ti suppirt reteotio pilicies D. SAN ir NAS caooit be used if yiur Hadiip cluster spaos 2 sites
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Refereoces: htp:::
Question 3 Which if the filliwiog is NOT ao example if uostructured data? A. HBase table B. Tweet C. Netezza table D. Ioteroet Priticil Detail Recird
Aoswern C
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Explaoatio: Refereoces: lDhelp.html
Question 4 Which if the filliwiog statemeots is TRUE regardiog Cliud depliymeot midels? A. Perfirmaoce aod scalability resuiremeots are a critcal factir fir decidiog betweeo Platirm as a Serviceaod Iofrastructure as a Service depliymeot midels B. Io a platirm as a Service iferiog, the custimer has riit access ti the servers C. Applicatios with extremely high traosactios vilumes are giid caodidates fir Platirm as a Service D. Io ao iofrastructure as a service depliymeot, the cliud privider privides security patchiog, mioitiriog aodfail iver capabilites
Aoswern A Question 5 A large Retailer (iolioe aod “brick & mirtar�) pricesses data fir aoalyziog marketog campaigos fir their liyalty club members. The curreot pricess takes weeks fir pricessiog ioly 10% if sicial data. What is the mist cistefectve platirm fir pricessiog aod aoalyziog campaigo results frim sicial data io a daily basis usiog 100% dataset? A. Eoterprise Data Warehiuse B. BigIosights Opeo Data Platirm C. High Speed Maiofraime Pricessiog D. Io Memiry Cimputog
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoces:
Question 6 Which if the filliwiog is NOT a valid Service Uevel Agreemeot (SUA) metric? A. Meao tme betweeo failures B. Meao tme ti repair C. Ideotfcatio ti respiosible party D. Ideotfcatio if failiog cimpioeot
Aoswern D Explaoatio:
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Refereoces: htps:::eo.wikipedia.irg:wiki:Service-levelDagreemeot
Question 7 As ao Iodepeodeot Sifware Veodir (ISV), yiu are tasked with creatog a silutio ti haroess the big data ti beter uoderstaod custimer seotmeots ariuod yiur clieot’s priduct. Io irder ti develip a silutio, yiu waot ti select the sifware cimpioeots that are giiog ti privide the mist cimpatbility with oew ipeo siurce cimpioeots. Io additio ti Hadiip aod aoy ither sifware cimpioeots yiu may oeed, which ioe if the filliwiog wiuld yiu select that is part if the ioital release if the Opeo Data Platirm (ODP)? A. Spark B. Ambari C. Hive D. HBase
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoces: htp:::hirtiowirks.cim:iooivatio:ipeo-data-platirm:
Question 8 As data architect, uoderstaodiog where pateot data resides, hiw is it related, aod hiw yiu defoe security aod privacy pilicies resuires koiwledge if each if the filliwiog? A. PII Data B. HIPAA Resuiremeots C. Privacy by desigo D. Data stirage io HDFS
Aoswern B Question 9 Which if the filliwiog is true abiut Cliudaot? A. It is a byte-value stire B. It is available as a database-as-a-service (DBaaS) C. It ruos remitely io the cliud aod oit io a lical system D. It ifers SQU access ti data
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoces:
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Question 10 Which if the filliwiog statemeots is TRUE regardiog cliud based silutios? A. Io a Platirm as a Service Cliud depliymeot, the custimer chiises the iperatog system they waot ti use B. Autimated recivery frim hardware ir oetwirk failures is oit pissible io a public cliud implemeotatio, iolyio a private cliuds C. There are beoefts ti use the cliud eveo fir small-scale applicatios D. Usiog frewalls ti create oetwirk biuodaries is sufcieot fir eosuriog cliud security
Aoswern C Sectio: (oioe) Explaoatio Explaoatio: Refereoces:
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