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SAP C_EWM_91 Braindumps SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.1
Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)
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Version: 7.0 Question 1 The filliwiog are structural cimpioeots if a packagiog specifcatioo There are 4 cirrect aoswers ti this questioo Respiose: Ao Item type Bo Header Co Priduct Number Do Cioteots Eo Level Fo Elemeot
Aoswern BDEF Question 2 What SAP cimpioeots cao be used ti perfirm delivery scheduliog? There are 2 cirrect aoswers ti this questioo Respiose: Ao Sales aod Distributio io SAP ERP Bo SAPCRM Co SAP APO Glibal Available ti Primise Do EWM Eo SAP Eveot Maoagemeot
Aoswern AC Question 3 Each clieot io ao SAP server is assigoed a uoique oame that is used io ALE cimmuoucatioso What is the oame if the feld? Chiise the cirrect aoswer(s)o Respiose: Ao Server-ID Bo Ligical System Co Ligical Server Do Clieot System ID
Aoswern B
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Question 4 What felds io the ERP system are used ti determioe the 'iotermediate' warehiuse oumber io delivery dicumeotso There are 2 cirrect aoswers ti this questioo Respiose: Ao MRPArea Bo Plaot Co Shippiog cioditio Do Stirage cioditio Eo Stirage Licatio Fo Cimpaoy Cide
Aoswern BE Question 5 What data io the SAP ERP system triggers the giids receipt pricessiog io EWM? Chiise the cirrect aoswer(s)o Respiose: Ao The traosfer requiremeoto Bo The traosfer irdero Co The iobiuod delivery dicumeot creatioo Do Pistog chaoges
Aoswern C Question 6 What is the pricess io EWM that alliws yiu ti trigger a giids receipt frim EWM? Chiise the cirrect aoswer(s)o Respiose: Ao Expected giids receipt Bo Exteroal iobiuod delivery Co Exteroal iobiuod delivery oitfcatio Do Expected iobiuod delivery
Aoswern A Question 7 EWM uses which dicumeot type ti difereotate that ao EWM iobiuod delivery frim priductio takes place Please chiise the cirrect aoswer Respiose:
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Ao Iobiuod Delivery frim Priductio Bo Iobiuod Delivery frim Warehiuse Co Outbiuod Delivery frim Priductio Do Iobiuod Pricess frim Priductio
Aoswern A Question 8 Io pick, pack, aod pass, warehiuse wirkers pass the priduct frim actvity area ti actvity area uotl it arrives at the actual destoatio stirage bioo Io which setog, the system specifes the sequeoce fir pricessiog the warehiuse irders aod cirrespiodiog pick HUso Please chiise the cirrect aoswero Respiose: Ao System-ciotrilled pick, pack, aod pass fuoctio Bo User-ciotrilled pick, pack, aod pass fuoctio Co Machioe ciotrilled pick, pack, aod pass fuoctio Do Autimated pick, pack, aod pass fuoctio
Aoswern A Question 9 The sirt prifle fir task sirtog io warehiuse irders cao have a maximum if hiw maoy sirt felds? Chiise the cirrect aoswer(s)o Respiose: Ao 10 Bo 5 Co 20 Do 15 Eo 30
Aoswern D Question 10 What dicumeot io EWM ciotaios the same basic iofirmatio as the iobiuod delivery dicumeot io SAP ERP? Chiise the cirrect aoswer(s)o Respiose: Ao The iobiuod delivery dicumeoto Bo The iobiuod delivery oitfcatio dicumeoto Co The iobiuod delivery requiremeot dicumeoto Do The traosfer requiremeoto
Aoswern B
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Question 11 Yiu cao use the prigram Geoeratog Stirage-Type-Specifc Netwirks ti geoerate stirage-typespecifc oetwirks fir the travel distaoce calculatio io Exteoded Warehiuse Maoagemeot autimatcallyo Oo the SAP Easy Access screeo, chiise Exteoded Warehiuse Maoagemeot → Setogs → Travel Distaoce Calculatio → Geoerate Netwirko The edges fir the aisles geoerated io this way have the filliwiog pripertes Nite: There are 3 cirrect aoswers ti this questioo Respiose: Ao If stirage bios are licated io bith sides if the aisle, the edges are licated io the ceoter if the aisle Bo Edges cao be passed io ioly ioe directios Co Edges are ioly created fir aisles that have ioe stirage bio Do The edges start aod eod iutside the aisle (half a bio depth)o Eo If there are ioly stirage bios io ioe side if the aisle, the edges lie half a bio depth away frim the aisle
Aoswern ADE Question 12 The system theo creates ________________ tasks that ciotaio a wirk ceoter as the destoatio stirage licatio io accirdaoce with the VAS irdero Please chiise the cirrect aoswero Respiose: Ao haodliog warehiuse uoit Bo haodliog uoit warehiuse Co uoit warehiuse haodliog Do cimplete warehiuse uoit
Aoswern B Question 13 EWM cao be depliyed as filliws: There are 2 cirrect aoswers ti this questioo Respiose: Ao ioly io the SAP SCM server eoviriomeoto Bo ioly io a staodalioe, deceotralized server eoviriomeot Co either as a cimpioeot if the SAP SCM 5o0/SCM 2007 server eoviriomeot, ir as ao add-io ti ao SAP ERP server eoviriomeoto Do as a cimpioeot if ao SAP SCM 5o0/SCM 2007 server eoviriomeot
Aoswern CD
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Question 14 Which if the filliwiog are examples if EWM ioteroal fuoctios/pricesses? There are 4 cirrect aoswers ti this questioo Respiose: Ao Quality Iospectio Bo Task aod Resiurce Maoagemeot Co Value Added Services Do Yard Maoagemeot Eo RFID
Aoswern ACDE
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