catalogo com textos em ingles

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Children don't play just to play, they play for real! Mario Quintana

I`m still seeking, in the process of evolution of the image, reconcile with adequacy and sense of measurement my constructive spirit with playful elements, experiencing problems such as the use of new media and unconventional mediums, the precariousness of the object, its perishability, the clash between the geometric language of refinement and the poor material, the total and the fragment, the separate and join , the repetition, etc What I seek, always longing greatly to find, is the invisible pattern that exists in the inner side of living things, a kind of psychological model that guides and determines the way the energy will assume. The various phases are the result of reflections and trials, experimentation and unfolding of plastic ideas that deepened. I`ve building over the years a career in " sequential line " always with Horizons amplified. The current work came when I rised out of a new dimension where normal relations with the surrounding environment were altered. It is the natural conclusion of many others I have made. Flat or two-dimensioned colors gained volume and vibrating among themselves resulted in this reflection of the codes. emerged ...Esculpintura of.color.Active ... that is nothing more than a seriously joke with painting and sculpture language. Paulo Mendes Faria

"... as a result of various exhibitions, over the past three years I have known the work of Paulo Mendes Faria and I was able to observe and realize his proposal. It reconciles with extreme fitness and sense of a constructive measurement, with a lighthearted environment element, passing by problems such as the use of unconventional mediums, the precariousness of the object, its perishability, the clash between the poor and the refinement of geometric language, etc. ... Mendes Faria have roots in a past of draftsman and painter that he himself describes as “conventional"". "... Counting on his trajectory with two-dimensional graphics experience, in a metaphorical plan Mendes Faria would be merging, today, his past in his present day.. But, in a more concrete plan what he melts, in fact, is his desire in a rational way-concentrated around triangles, circles, cylinders and sphereswith the "nonchalante" provocation of the undervalued and minor material.. And it is precisely this fusion of opposites that constitutes his discovery and allows the ignition of his Poetics. "... the small irregularities of the sharpness, indiscipline of shapes ,organicity of the texturade d surfaces, the awareness that this masterpiece so well structured -won't last, give charm and interest. Our interest grows from the unexpected, contradictory, ambiguous game contained within limits so accurated. " Basically, he brings and nourishes the most essential component of the art, that is: impose, to chaos, the cosmos. And this is always a kind of beauty: the beauty of the shapes "stable, permanent and necessary", of whom speaks a Drumond.’s poem OlĂ­vio Tavares de Araujo-FUNARTE-SP. 89



– “.....Mendes Faria broke with the academic style of painting, to which he devoted himself for good years acquired as "professional distortion" of the school of fine arts in the years 60/70 and departed for the repetition of the forms, elaborating questions such as space and perspective. The former stage, ironically which earned profits – sold all the production – the artist dislikes to remember, considering it a forged forefront.. Besides the originality of the material employed in the sculptures, in a identical way are also creative titles, like " Dynamic reading", "Espirolo", "diary of an artist" and "art Column.”. With all the experience, he believes that this one he will bring together in Cândido Mendes’ Gallery – Ipanema – he considers the most important of all, by investing in unfamiliar and challenging the popular taste ... ... "" I think I reached a point of definition as artist. The art has many paths and life is short. I’ve already missed a lot of time with some of them. "he said referring to his previous stages ..." Artur Xéxeo 1988

"Mendes Faria – art as an exercise of evolution, in a searching of colors, shapes and surfaces. With new images that denote concerns to go beyond the artist developed his new abstract paintings, exploring gesture of paint resulted from a period where he stopped painting and devoted himself to the study and reflection about the artwork ... "my intention is situate myself in tune with my time” Paulo Cezar Mendes Faria was born in Juiz de Fora, lives in Petrópolis, and has been performing numerous individual and collective exhibitions in Rio, São Paulo, Brasilia and Minas Gerais. The artist is a worker of sensibility. For Mendes Faria the true artist is the one that achieves " the art of creating himself, the art of overcoming, the art of knowledge and the art of creating a new individuality. « Walter Sebastian -1985

"I consider constructive the artists who establish new structural relations ; in painting(color) and sculpture, and open new directions of space and time. They are Constructors , constructors of the structure, colour, space and time, that add new views and modify the way you see and feel, so that opens new directions in contemporary sensiblilty, those who aim to a spiritual hierarchy of the construcitvity of art. The art here is not a symptom of a crisis, or of the era, but founded his own sense of time, builds its spiritual foundation based on primordial elements linked to the physical, psychic and spiritual world triad which composes the art itself.”" Hélio Oiticica



"I saw the first works of Mendes Faria for over seventeen years, and have followed his trajectory, even though with long intervals. Mendes Faria always was independent and persistent. Persistent in his eagerness to achieve, overcome the technical difficulties and others. Independent, as well ,in the way not to follow fashion trends, wanting to find personal solutions and a language all its own. Mendes Faria is an artist as a young man who certainly deserves to be seen and observed. His current production, interests, and the interest will grow over the time ". Marc Berkowitz 1987.

.....“ The craft of Mendes Faria plays role in the basic premise to improve the l technic instrumental, inserting it at service of a particular vision of reality. Unlike antique instinct grower focused on gestualism and autoenrollment the strength of their expression. "The spirit balancing perplexed, between doubt and desire, the soul trying to touch the inside and outside of things, in a Ghandi”s excerpt , and this ideological confession , great dream of peace, by which the own Ghandi imolated. One thing remained intact in the evolution of Mendes Faria , and it was exactly the technical requirement, for which no doubt the spirit of artist targeted the viewpoint of perfection. “ "In a confessed way, freedom is his goal – conceiving that is grounded in the experiences of previous stages, where there was always the principle of a game led by higher forces.» "So this young artist grows, secure and peaceful conscience, trying to play a rare and symbolic dimension of reality, an inner reality whose gol is to emend mistakes from the outside world." Valmir Ayala in 1982

Color and CONSTRUCTION In the early 1980s, when Mendes Faria started to wonder about his production as a draftsman and painter, the use of unorthodox and precarious materials emerges as an intensive alternative, directing a formal and conceptual style that will mark his total artistic career. Newspapers cut, bent, coiled, stacked; toothpicks queued or juxtaposed; cardboard, nails, buttons and various industrial scraps have become a poetic repertoire, which discusses the artist's effort in reconciling structural freedom to a constructive rigor. In this confrontation, the flavor for manipulation fueled a production made of alchemical mutation, over around three decades devoted to artistic resarch. In his current project, Mendes Faria explores a technique already recognized, not only for his participation in important exhibitions of art museums and galleries, but, above all, by his commitment, seriousness and commitment in thinking of art as a conscious and responsible process, being the natural r e s u l t o f a n e x t e n s i v e r e s e a r c h j o u r n e y. The work of Mendes Faria synthesizes the desire for effective production of visible ideas by the bias of a code of his own, without particular intervention or any literary or analogous transcripts. In search of the essence of his language, his work shows as the object noun, like space that condenses the keen experience and the particular artistic path as defined by the artist as "constant exercise of mental, sensible and spiritual evolution. In "Metamorphosis", the artist makes colorful patchwork of rubber in structural activity organized in experimental sequences. As a result of this process emerged a visual lexicon that explores the latent qualities of the material with special attention to the thin conjugation between the spatiality of the shapes and the vivacity of colors. Through strips, columns, spirals and circles each work presents itself as a segment of the convergence of the constructive essence of the artist, denouncing his pace of life and labor transposed in his poetry and extreme sense of measure and balance. Ricardo Cristófaro – 2005

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