Ageless Living Issue 2

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V i c t o r i a’ s H e a lt h M ag a z ine ISSUE 2 • October/November 2012

Interview with AbeBooks founder

Cathy Waters “Must-Buy” Organics

Proactive Breast Health:



after cancer $4.99


Breast Cancer Awareness Health, fitness & Midlife Balance

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In this issue




Hormone Restoration After Breast Cancer

By Julie Foreman, B.Sc.Pharm Options for menopausal cancer survivors.


The Choice Is In Your Hands

By Areli Hermanson, RD How, when and why to choose locally grown or organic products.

14 Overcoming Fear, Stress and Anxiety

By Gregg Turner, PhD, CHT, CNLP The power of focusing your mind on what you want.



Healthy You; Healthy Business By Tracy Pheiffer A Conversation with WWBN Founder Deb Alcadinho



Life Extension Q&A By Michael Rae B.Sc. Adding years to life and life to years.


Adult Acne Ask A Doctor: Dr Steve Gordon


Adult Acne Ask A Naturopath: Dr Katie Branter


Proactive Breast Health: Infrared Thermography

By Daina Rozitis Are you doing everything you can for breast health?

21 Cosmetic Acupuncture:

Anti-Aging the Natural Way

By Shelly Wade, R.Ac, NHP, COM Natural wellness solutions for those pesky wrinkles.

Issu e 002 Oct/N ov 2 012

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Ageless Living | Issue 2


Published by True Space Media ™


Michael Forbes Bsc. Pharm


Liberty Craig

COPY EDITOR Dan Tidsbury

TypesEtting and Design Michelle Beaudry


From the Publisher


hings are in full swing here at Ageless Living Magazine, and though this is only our second issue, we are thrilled with how far we’ve come since this little idea was first born. We are making the connections and meeting the people we need to bring you the absolute best resources and information available today on your personal health concerns. We are addressing the “big heavy” subjects like cancer, hormones, depression, heart disease and stroke, while recognizing the importance of the more minor but still irritating problems like incontinence, hair growth and weight gain. As a pharmacist for more than ten years, I see first-hand the issues that are affecting our population. For women pre, mid, or post –menopause, the same complaints tend to arise again and again, including those mentioned above and an assortment of others as well. With Ageless Living, we can address those problems and speak to a far wider audience than those who frequent our pharmacies. We hope you will come to rely on us for the latest advancements in health and wellness, and will continue to ask us questions and inform us of your pressing concerns. (Email us any time at October is breast cancer awareness month, and in this issue we’ve focused on breast health and cancer prevention. Since early detection is our greatest weapon in the fight against cancer, be sure you are doing all you can to help yourself to health. I also hope you CONTACT INFO take notice of a particularly interesting interview with Dr Kenneth Smith, a traditional, XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX conservative allopathic physician who spent XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX years with (as he says) his head in the sand before opening his eyesXXXXXXXXXXXX to the possibilities of bioidentical hormone therapy. His story is one of personal transformation, of the fortitude required to question authority, and of the essence of the Hippocratic oath: help your patients, and do no harm.

Michael Forbes B.Sc Pharm Owner | Pharmacist Forbes Pharmacy 250-882-3784 Contact with your questions and comments.

Ania Kastashchuk, Areli Hermanson, Ashleigh Gass, Daina Rozitis, Gregg Turner, Helen Foster-Grimmett, Julie Foreman, Julie Holder, Dr Katie Branter, Marc Henly, Michael Rae, Dr Neil Rockerbie, Shelly Wade, Tracy Pheiffer, Dr Steve Gordon, Su Brock, Trish Leclair

Advertising Alejandro Harper

General Manager Brenda Worsfold

Human Resources Tracy Pheiffer

922 Pandora Ave. Victoria BC V8V 3P3 1-888-260-6651

Are you tired of feeling tired? VersaBase Cream and Special Micronized Progesterone can help you: • Feel confident that you are getting the best compounded BHRT options and outcomes. • Potentially reduce your common side effects. • Administer treatment for those with soy sensitivity or allergy.

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Are you tired of feeling tired? Unbalanced hormones can make you feel like a stranger in your own skin; and one side-effect of unbalanced hormones can be exhaustion and fatigue. Anyone who has been through puberty knows that hormones have a powerful effect on one’s body. Hormones affect many areas of your health, including your mood, your metabolism, and your sexual and reproductive function. If your hormones become unbalanced, whether due to menopause or other factors, you may end up feeling like a stranger in your own skin. However, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a way to restore balance and help you feel like yourself again. The advantage of compounded BHRT is that it can be adapted specifically to fit each individual’s body and hormone levels. Bio-identical hormones have the exact chemical structure as the hormones in the human body. The body recognizes them and allows them to mimic the function of the hormones the body produces on its own. Why PCCA VersaBase® Cream?

Why PCCA’s Special Micronized Progesterone? • Special Micronized Progesterone is less than 5 microns versus regular micronized which is usually 20 microns, this affects how well your medicine works. • Particle size affects the rate and absorption of a drug, so it is important that the particle size be consistent to ensure the patient has a steady response to the drug. • And, because many patients now have soy allergies or sensitivities, Specialized Micronized Progesterone is from a yam source, not soy. PCCA ’s VersaBase® and Special Micronized Progesterone are a perfect match and an ideal choice for hormone replacement therapy. A study by the PRACS Institute confirms that VersaBase Cream with PCCA’s Special Micronized Progesterone delivers up to four times more progesterone to the dermis than commercial base Vanicream®.

For more information, including the results of the • VersaBase® Cream is a proven and elegant, extreme- VersaBase / Special Micronized Progesterone clinical ly durable, cosmetic cream that simulates the natural go to moisturizing barrier of the skin through its emulsion system. It can be used for a variety of pharmaceutiNot all pharmacies can deliver these products to their cal and cosmetic applications, and is great for topical patients. Only PCCA member pharmacies have excluhormone replacement therapy. sive access to Special Micronized Progesterone and VersaBase® Cream. • VersaBase® Cream has a thick, elegant consistency with a smooth, non-sticky touch, which means its Make sure you are working with the best pharmacies properties are desirable for vaginal as well as topical in the industry, PCCA member pharmacies. hormone replacement. Need to find a PCCA member pharmacy near you? • VersaBase® Cream is non-irritating, paraben-free, Visit today! and propylene glycol-free, with a pH of approximately 6.

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In this issue



38 Why are Men Being Stripped of

Seeing Red: Rosacea and Your Options

By Dr Neil Rockerbie, MD Defining and addressing the problem of rosacea.


Organic Wild Mushroom, Fall Root Chicken Pot Pie

27 28

Their Masculinity?


A Lifetime of Bowling at Langford Lanes

Cancer Game Plan

Through the Eyes of Scientists By Ania Kastashchuk Cancer poses some irresolvable philosophical questions – and some helpful scientific ones.

By Trish Leclair, RNT Synthetic hormones are messing with our evolution.

By Su Brock Bowling is great for every generation!

40 Is Joint Pain Affecting Your Fitness?

By Ashleigh Gass Expertly designed programs can help you overcome joint pain.



By Liberty Craig The co-founder of AbeBooks talks health, happiness… and menopause.

By Liberty Craig A conservative physician opens his mind to BHRT.

Happy Ever After: Interview with Cathy Waters

33 Plantar Fasciitis

By Marc Henly Investigate foot pain early to avoid prolonged healing time.

An MD’s Road to BHRT: Interview with Doctor Kenneth Smith


Baby Molly Is Almost Two! By Liberty Craig The father of baby Molly Campbell gives his heartfelt thanks.


The Answer to Cancer By Helen Foster-Grimmett Could transcendental meditation be one of the keys?


Prediabetes: An Opportunity to Change Your Future

By Julie Holder Prediabetes does not have to lead to diabetes.

Issu e 002 Oct/N ov 2 012

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Ageless Living | Issue 2

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From the Editor


his October, as we don our pink ribbons and give our attention and support to breast cancer, we are compelled to contemplate the realities of cancer. Forty percent of us will battle cancer during our lifetimes, and that number is on the rise. And while prevention and early detection are key, we are often too scared by the emotional aspects of cancer to face up to the scientific ones. That’s why we’ve devoted this issue of Ageless Living to cancer prevention and detection strategies you can embrace. The Canadian Cancer Society has outlined a cancer “game plan” plus the top ten risk factors for men and women. The goal is not to frighten you, but to help you live a long, healthy, happy life. Advancements in detection include infrared thermography; and could transcendental meditation be the answer to cancer? Scientific facts on the subject of cancer may help anchor you and your family in the face of unanswerable philosophical questions. And what if you’re dealing with menopause at the same time… is hormone restoration possible if you’ve had breast or other cancers? Our feature interview for this issue is with AbeBooks co-founder Cathy Waters. Cathy’s uplifting, pull-no-punches attitude is a wonderful reminder of how to face our demons and live the lives we aspire to, balancing family, health, and personal happiness all the way. To wrap up our cancer awareness issue, we’ve included an update from Dave Campbell, father to Baby Molly, whose story shook our community to the core. Baby Molly Campbell was just 28 days old when she was diagnosed with leukemia – but this story is one of warmth and little miracles. Baby Molly is now an adorable two-year-old, and the Campbell family expresses their heartfelt thanks to their community for the unbelievable support they received during their darkest days. We are all survivors, and in us all is the capacity for health, longevity and great happiness. As Cathy Waters says, let’s live to celebrate our 95th birthdays and become a problem for our children!

Liberty Craig – Editor 9 |

Ageless Living | Issue 2

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Hormone Restoration After

Breast Cancer By Julie Foreman, B.Sc.Pharm


hanges in hormone levels during mid-life can wreak havoc on your mood, sleep quality, relationships and daily activities. What happens when a cancer diagnosis is added to the mix? Most of the current literature focuses on breast cancer survivors in menopause; however, women with ovarian, endometrial and other cancers may have similar experiences. Menopause-like symptoms are commonly experienced by women during and after treatment for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy, radiation, surgical removal of ovaries and medications (like tamoxifen) to prevent cancer recurrence can contribute to diminished levels of estrogen and progesterone. Women who were already peri- or post-menopausal may have to stop hormone restoration therapy suddenly at the time of diagnosis, resulting in a sudden decrease in hormone levels. Stress can also play a large role in symptoms, especially sleep and mood changes. Pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women who are undergoing or have finished breast cancer therapies often experi-

ence “vasomotor” symptoms (related to dilation and constriction of the blood vessels), including hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. These symptoms are associated with a decrease in estrogen levels and can range from mild and occasional to severe and very frequent. We know that some women’s cancers are estrogen dependent (i.e., breast cancer with BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes), meaning that estrogen can influence the occurrence, rate of growth and return of the cancer. We also know that women can be genetically at risk for these cancers based on family history and the presence of certain genes. What are the hormonebalancing options available to someone who is at risk?

HRT and Cancer

Though there is some controversy and not yet a large amount of quality studies on this topic, one thing is clear: we don’t know enough about long–term risks and criteria to suggest that hormone replacement (HRT) is a safe option. Any internet search will bring you conflicting suggestions about whether small doses

10 | Ageless Living | Issue 21

of hormones can be used or whether certain hormones are safer than others for women who have had breast cancer. Anecdotal stories do exist about women who have successfully used HRT after breast cancer with no recurrence, but these are not scientifically supported. The BC Cancer Agency acknowledges both the lack of quality data as well as the outweighing risks in pursuing HRT after breast cancer, and suggests non-hormonal therapies. The HABITS (Hormone replacement therapy After Breast cancer diagnosis Is iT Safe) trial followed over 400 breast cancer survivors for two years. Participants were divided equally into two groups: those given HRT and those given non-hormonal treatment for symptoms. After two years, there were significantly more women in the HRT group than in the non-HRT group with recurrence of breast cancer. The trial was stopped due to unacceptable risk to women in the HRT group. The point is clear: the risks of HRT outweigh the benefits if you have a high risk of cancer. Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? First and foremost, your primary healthcare providers are your best resources. Speak to your family physician or oncologist about your personal risk factors and your individual symptoms. These practitioners know you and your medical history.

Non-hormone Alternatives to HRT

Current research supports several non-drug therapies for hot flashes. Walking 30 minutes at a brisk pace can lower hot flashes by 50 percent. Acupuncture has also been beneficial for hot flashes, night sweats and sleep disturbance. Homeopathy is widely used in Europe and North America for hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes and sleep disturbances. A naturopath, homeopath, pharmacist or other trained professional should be consulted for homeopathy to ensure that only non-hormonal remedies are used. Non-hormonal prescription medications have been widely used for symptoms of depression, anxiety and insomnia as well as hot flashes and night sweats. Several anti-depressant medications (i.e., venlafaxine, paroxetine and fluoxetine) as well as other drugs (like clonidine and gabapentin) have had positive results for hot flashes and mood symptoms. What about herbs that are widely advertised for menopause? Black cohosh, red clover and soy isolate supplements are all plantbased estrogens called phytoestrogens. Though they are weak estrogens, they can still pose a risk for someone with estrogendependent cancer risk. You will find plenty of controversy about soy and whether it is really a risk or whether it is cancer protective. Soy–based foods such as tofu, soy milk and edamame beans have some evidence in relief of hot flashes and should not have a relevant estrogenic effect. Supplements that contain high–dose isolated soy ingredients are a different story. Check with your physician. Finding stress relief through enjoyable activities, supportive relationships and mind-body activities can help rebalance your mood, improve sleep quality and decrease those pesky hot flashes. Try a gentle yoga or tai chi class, or join a meditation group. InspireHealth Integrative Cancer Care has several locations in

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B.C. where you can seek support and information about lifestyle therapies during and after cancer treatment. Research is being conducted on cognitive behavioural therapy, which consists of talk therapy and self-management techniques for stress, anxiety and sleep patterns due to vasomotor symptoms.

Cancer Prevention for Healthy Women

What if you are suffering from peri-menopausal or post-menopausal symptoms and you have not experienced cancer? Cancer prevention is so important, and is something that you can start now! If you smoke, talk to your pharmacist or physician about a smoking cessation program. Limit your alcohol intake to no more than one drink per day. Ask your physician about your target body weight and a healthy plan to reach your goal. Are you over 40? Schedule an annual mammogram or breast thermography and do your monthly breast self exams. A diet low in saturated fat, trans fats and full of fresh vegetables is ideal. Add some cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli or Brussels sprouts to your diet to encourage healthy breakdown of excess estrogens. Avoid environmental estrogens by limiting exposure to soft plastics, styrofoam and pesticides. When discussing hormone restoration options with your healthcare provider, make sure to discuss your personal risks. Finding relief from the symptoms of menopause is an individual journey and there are many options to suit your personal needs. If you have risks for breast or other cancers, making educated decisions can be overwhelming. I personally look forward to future quality clinical information and resources for alternate therapies for hormone balance. Just remember: your healthcare team is your support every step of the way!

Resources: BC Cancer Agency –––––––––––––– Inspire Health Care –––––––––––––– Health Canada’s Smoking Cessation Resource –––––––––––––– BC Cancer Agency Care + Research

Julie Foreman is a compounding pharmacist with Forbes Pharmacy in Victoria, BC.

Ageless Living | Issue 2


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The Choi c e I s


In Your Hands By Areli Hermanson, RD

hen we are at the grocery store, the market or the farm, we have choices: organic or not, in-season or greenhouse grown, local or imported, transitional or conventional. Your choice may be driven by cost, seasonality or taste, or it might be guided by your desire to support local growers or protect your health and the environment. Whatever the reason, the choice is in your hands! Buying local, in-season produce and organic products protects the environment and will optimize your nutrient intake and minimize your toxin load.

Opting to Go Organic

A recent meta-analysis study from Stanford University concluded that there is not a significant difference in nutrients when comparing organic produce to its conventional counterparts. That said, there was a significant reduction in pesticides in organic products (see box). By choosing organic fruits and vegetables, you will reduce the amount of toxins, herbicides and pesticides you put into your body.

Reasons to Buy Local and Seasonal

Local and seasonal go hand-in-hand, as items that come from our local food shed are always in season. Local food is a sustainable choice, and a healthy choice for the environment. Where lamb from Metchosin may travel 30 km to your plate, lamb from New Zealand travels over 12,000 km! Additionally, when you choose fresh fruits, vegetables and grains that have been grown right here on Vancouver Island, you are choosing food that has been picked at the peak of freshness. The longer that produce is allowed to ripen naturally or “on the vine,” the more nutrients it obtains from Mother Nature. Choosing local foods minimizes the vitamin and mineral losses and maximizes the freshness factor. Just compare the taste of a pale, hard

The Dirty Dozen Plus™

According to the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG’s) 2012 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, the following foods contain the most pesticide residues: Apples Celery Sweet bell peppers Peaches Strawberries Nectarines Grapes Spinach Lettuce Cucumbers Blueberries Potatoes Green beans Kale/Greens

tomato, picked green and forced to ripen in the dead of winter, to a spectacular, deliciously red and perfectly vine-ripened local, unsprayed, heirloom tomato. One is a disappointment and the other is a taste sensation!

Top Three Tips for Choosing Well

When choosing produce, keep three key tips in mind to ensure you are making the healthiest choices available to you on that particular day. 1. Spend wisely and buy organic for vegetables and fruits that are on the Dirty Dozen Plus ™ list –the 14 fruits and vegetables that may contain the highest levels of pesticides when grown conventionally. 2. Purchase foods grown and produced as close to home as possible. Look for labels that tell you where the fruit or vegetable is grown (and if you don’t see where it was grown – ask!). 3. Get to know and support your local farmers and producers – remember that some farmers may be producing organically grown or in-transition produce, but are not yet “certified organic.” Buy locally grown, in-season produce whenever possible and support farmers who use organic or in-transition growing practices. Not only will you maximize your nutrient intake and support local growers and producers; the environmental impact of eating food grown close to home is something we can all feel good about. For a guide to healthy and local foods, visit Areli Hermanson is a Registered Dietitian (RD), licensed to practice through the College of Dietitians of British Columbia and is a member of Dietitians of Canada. Areli has been practicing as a dietitian since 1999. She is the owner of Eat it Up! Nutrition Counselling.

The Clean 15™

The EWG list states that the following foods contain the lowest levels of pesticide: Onions Sweet Corn Pineapple Avocado Cabbage Sweet peas Asparagus Mangoes Eggplant Kiwi Cantaloupe Sweet potatoes Grapefruit Watermelon Mushrooms

Interestingly, all but three of the Clean 15™ are grown right here on Vancouver Island!

Overcoming Fear, Stress and Anxiety By Gregg Turner, PhD, CHT, CNLP

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re you having a hard time getting over something? Are you experiencing tension, stress or anxiety around certain events or aspects of your life? Are you easily angered or frustrated? Are you hopeful or fearful of the future? Many of my clients experience these symptoms and more. When people have certain patterns of thinking, they may focus on the very things they do not want to happen. They may play out the details of these undesirable things over and over in their minds. As they keep focusing on them, thinking and talking about what they don’t want, they feel worse and worse. They are stuck, and can’t see a way out. They often feel out of control.

The Road to Relief

The first step in such situations is recognition of these thoughts, words, conversations and feelings. As you “pay more attention” to what is going on and recognize what it is that you do not like to see, hear, feel or experience, you can start to change your thinking to what you do want. Allow me to illustrate the power of this: Do not think of a snowstorm. Do not think of an elephant… Did you just think

about a snowstorm and an elephant? Probably. Because I asked you to focus on these things, even while saying don’t think about them. So how do you change your focus to concentrate on what you really do want? The road to what you want sometimes starts with knowing what you don’t want, and defining, picturing and hearing the sights, sounds and emotions of what you do want. The “don’t wants” help to point you towards your true desires. Eventually, you will become very good at focusing on and moving towards what you do want. By paying attention, recognizing, noticing, and listening to yourself talk, you can help create that awareness in yourself.

Breathing Through It

Breathing exercises can help shift your focus, as well. When you are focusing on what you do not want, there is tension, stress, anxiety and frustration in your body. Your circulation and blood flow are affected. As a result, blood flow to the brain is decreased, which (logically) affects clarity of thought. Here is an exercise you can do right now: Take a full, deep breath. Now take a second deep breath. Go ahead! Now take

a third deep breath. Good! Most people feel different between the first and third breaths. (If you don’t notice anything, which is highly unlikely, do it again and let everything slow down with each conscious breath.) Once we have the recognition of our thoughts and fears, and the ability to calm and relax with breathing, we can then start to think about, talk about, and focus on what we really want. How will it feel to have that and be there? What are the experiences, sights, sounds and smells that are associated with what you do want? Contemplating these details will help reset your thought processes and habits. As you start to practice this, you create mental muscles. You can continue to strengthen them with daily mind habits and by paying attention to your focus. You will find that it becomes easier and easier. This is a good beginning for what I call “mind coaching.” Make your thoughts the ones you like best!

For more information about personal sessions or for a free phone consultation, contact Gregg at Solution Innovators: 250-380-0702 or SolutionInnovators@, or visit

“...our aim is to enable all people to regain the joy and comfort of natural motion”

Healthy You; Healthy Business

A Conversation with WWBN Founder Deb Alcadinho By Tracy Pheiffer hour sessions packed with speakers, networking opportunities and endless tips to facilitate business success. “It can be daunting to walk into a room of 100 women,” says Deb. “We strive to make the meetings warm and inviting to new attendees.” And she has accomplished just that: the group is positive, supportive and welcoming.

Healthy at Home

Deb juggles many roles – with a full-time career in marketing, she is also the Founder and Director of WWBN as well as a consultant with Epicure Selections. She is also a mother of three boys. Like many busy, working mothers, Deb believes the concept of work-life balance is somewhat idealistic. Yet she remains filled with positive energy, and takes steps to ensure her personal health and well-being. “I structure the time in my day to each role, each job; it keeps my brain organized and focused. My days are very structured. I eat a healthy diet and I’m beginning to work with a personal trainer,” says Deb. She is most at peace at the ocean, kayaking or enjoying brisk walks. “There’s something about the ocean that reconnects my soul.” “I find that entrepreneurial women are driven to succeed and we focus on others before ourselves, to different degrees,” she continues. “Women have the highest risk of heart disease, for example. It’s so important that we embrace our health and find a middle ground, but it’s a skill I’m still working on.”

Healthy in Business

WWBN Founder

Deb Alcadinho


arlier this year, I had the opportunity to attend a few of the Westshore Women’s Business Network (WWBN) lunches to hear Deb Alcadinho speak and advise a diverse group of women with one thing in common: business. On the strength of her extensive background in business and over a decade in media, Deb founded WWBN in 2011 with a vision: to provide a platform for professional women to network and connect regularly; to help them grow their businesses strategically with professional development through a speaker series of talented women; and to create a place where women could forge relationships to mentor and learn from one another. The desired result would be helping women build their business “tool boxes”; to learn, grow and ultimately be more successful in their businesses and careers. Within a very short time, Deb’s vision became reality and grew from 95 attendees at her first meeting to over 440 at current ones. At the monthly lunch meetings, 100 ladies attend the two16 |

Just as we need to keep ourselves healthy and vibrant, we need to focus on the ongoing health of our businesses. Deb and I ended our conversation with the key factors that help ensure a healthy business. Here are some valuable insights that Deb shared: • Have a business plan and a strategic plan; re-evaluate periodically • Have a budget • Set goals (for your business, your finances and your health) • Be more than the business name; be the face of the business • Networking is essential in conjunction with a good marketing plan • Continually grow, learn and develop • Seek the guidance of others wiser than you for the areas of business you lack • Show gratitude to your clients for their business • If you don’t have passion and believe in what you are doing, you may find you are just going through the motions • Love what you do - fun and success will follow!

WWBN is open to women in business throughout Greater Victoria. Find out more at

Ageless Living | Issue 21

Life Extension

Q&A By Michael Rae BSc.

Q: What exactly is “life extension” and what do I have to do to achieve it? A: Although human bodies are living longer today thanks to lifesaving medicine, human health is dying earlier than ever before. The key is not just adding years to life, but also life to those extra years. Life extension, which literally means extending one’s lifespan, also means extending one’s health span. It is about maintaining the health and vitality associated with youth for as long as possible. Diet, exercise and supplementation will have to become integrated into your life. However, contrary to what some may believe, your life will not revolve around endless gym hours, bizarre diets and never-ending pill popping!

methylation” system will safely recycle much of the homocysteine it produces, but this is highly dependent on adequate nutrition. An effective substance known to inhibit homocysteine is trimethylglycine (TMG), also known as betaine. Studies have demonstrated that TMG can lower homocysteine levels by as much as 30 percent, making TMG the most effective homocysteinelowering substance known. Finally, 3-carboxy-3-oxopropanoic acid and resveratrol are two exciting substances that mimic the effects of the Caloric Restriction (CR) diet. You probably don’t like the idea of eating less of your favourite foods; with these two supplements you don’t have to make drastic changes to your diet.

Q: I won’t have to spend my life at a gym? A: The short answer is no. As far as exercise is concerned, more is not necessarily better. The types of exercises advocated by life extensionists are actually as modest as they are varied, and they can be seamlessly integrated into most people’s lives. One Harvard study found that 30 minutes of simple walking at an average pace five days a week cut the risk of stroke by 24 percent. The same benefits can be obtained from playing with your children or simple exercise after work – nothing extreme.

Q: What’s this about caloric restriction?! A: To date, the only clinically proven method of extending lifespan in mammals is Caloric Restriction (CR), or Calorie Restriction with Optimum Nutrition. Simply eat fewer food calories than your body thinks it needs, while maintaining optimum levels of essential nutrients. That means selecting foods with the highest nutrients and the fewest calories. If yours is a typical North American diet, you need to eat significantly more fruits and vegetables, fewer cereals and grains, cut out refined sugars and carbohydrates, and consume mostly healthy fats. This is not some bizarre, fad diet. It is a lifestyle choice and, if implemented gradually, it can be a relatively painless choice.

Q: What kinds of pills do I need to pop? A: Supplementation is a necessary part of life extension, based on the principle that free radical generation increases with age. A 2007 study confirmed the occurrence of age-related decline in antioxidants such as vitamin C, solidifying the need for antioxidant supplementation in the golden years. Vitamin C, full-spectrum vitamin E, and R(+)- lipoic acid are optimal nutrients to add to a complete and balanced multivitamin/multimineral formulation to address this part of the aging process. A specialized form of vitamin B can also play an extremely important part in life extension. Another part of aging is the increase in “advanced glycation end-products,” appropriately known as AGEs. This process leads to stiffening of the tissue and loss of function. AGEs are common among diabetics and are partly responsible for some neuropathies and cataracts. Benfotiamine and sulbutiamine are unique, highly advanced forms of vitamin B1 that have been shown in clinical studies to inhibit AGE formation; carnosine has been shown in lab studies to be equally impressive. A third fundamental factor of aging is methylation, a metabolic process that affects everything from nerve transmission to gene expression. However, the methylation process also produces a toxic byproduct known as homocysteine. Homocysteine levels increase with age and have been linked to diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart disease and even Alzheimer’s. An efficient “re-

Q: Is there any proof that caloric restriction actually works in the real world? A: The evidence supporting the CR diet is overwhelming. There have been hundreds of studies among laboratory animals (including primates – who share as much as 98.3 percent of our DNA) whose lifespans were extended using CR. One real-life example of the benefits of the CR diet is found on the isolated Japanese island of Okinawa. The traditional Okinawan diet is very much in line with a conservative CR diet. The island of Okinawa has by far the highest percentage of centenarians (people aged 100 years or more) of any population on the planet. Human scientific studies of practical durations (weeks and months) have revealed that people on a CR diet can expect better blood sugar, insulin, and cholesterol levels, as well as key hormonal metabolic changes, forcing the body to use energy and nutrients more efficiently.

Michael Rae, BSc., is the former director of research for AOR: Advanced Orthomolecular Research. AOR is Canada’s most advanced supplement manufacturer. Learn more at



Ask a Doctor


I have combination skin and acne at the age of 40. How do I treat or clear up the problem?

Ask A Doctor: Dr Steve Gordon


ou are definitely not alone with this skin concern. One in five women between the ages of 25 and 40 suffers from adult acne. Ingredients in skincare and cosmetic products plus stress, hormones and birth control pills can stimulate overactive oil glands and block pores, causing mild to moderate acne. Physicians and dermatologists commonly prescribe topical medications, birth control pills, antibiotics, or spironolactone to address acne in adults. If acne is severe and unresponsive to other therapies, accutane is often the last resort. While most of these therapies can offer some short-term benefits, long-term or repeat use is often necessary to maintain results and the side effects can sometimes outweigh the benefits. Effective acne treatment often requires combination therapy; particularly if a patient seeks anti-acne as well as anti-aging solutions. Topical exfoliants such as retin-A, glycolic, azaleic or salicylic acids and regular peels or facials (with extractions if pores are deeply blocked), combined with laser-based therapies such as

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Limelight IPL and Laser Genesis (which heat and destroy bacteria, improve blood circulation and reduce redness and scarring) can be very effective. The main limitation to these treatment protocols is cost. In most cases, the results for both acne and age management will be well worth the investment. Maintaining clear skin requires both internal and external considerations. Choose “clean and pure” skincare products and avoid over-drying or stripping the skin’s protective barrier (to maintain a healthy acid mantel). Exfoliate to increase cell turnover, stay hydrated, eat whole foods and avoid excess sugar, dairy and alcohol. Don’t forget to get plenty of exercise, too. These lifestyle changes are a good place to start.

Dr Steven Gordon, MD, is a family physician and the Cosmetic Medical Director of Cook Street Village Health Centre in Victoria. Contact 250.477.5433 or www.

Ageless Living | Issue 21



Ask a

Ask A Naturopath: Dr Katie Branter


rom a naturopathic perspective, adult acne can be a reflection of a hormone imbalance or possibly disturbances in your digestive system. When it comes to any skin condition, especially acne, I would look at various factors that could be affecting digestion and hormones such as diet and stress. Approaching your skin from the inside out is integral in healing this condition. An in-depth look at your nutritional intake would be a good starting point. Ask yourself the following questions: What does your diet consist of? Are you getting enough leafy greens, fruits and colourful vegetables in your diet? Are you drinking enough water?

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What does your exercise regimen consist of? In your daily life, do you use healthy strategies to manage your stress? If you feel that all these areas are well-balanced, then I would consider seeing a naturopath experienced in treating adult acne. The guidance and insights of an expert practitioner can often help identify the underlying cause(s) of this condition.

Dr Katie Branter, ND, is the director of naturopathic dermatology & naturopathic doctor at Clear Skin Victoria.

Ageless Living | Issue 2

Proactive Breast Health:


Thermography By Daina Rozitis


o you ignore the messages your body is sending out about your breasts? Perhaps you have noticed an unusual feeling, a thickening or even a lump in your breast. Is it a cyst, hormonal changes, or something worse? Ignoring it will not make it go away. Yes, we all get busy: the dog needs walking, reports are due at work and the house is a mess. Our lives are too complicated to think about our breast health! But consider the fact that most of these feelings in and around the breast area could simply be your body’s method of giving you an early warning that something is not right. It could be anything from hormonal imbalances to improper diet, toxicity, too much stress or perhaps not enough physical activity. All of these things can add up and wreak havoc on our health – and even set the stage for eventually developing breast cancer. Fear of getting breast cancer has made too many women afraid of really paying attention to their breasts. In fact, I have seen articles telling women not to self-examine as it could lead to excess worry. But did you know that breast self-examination is the best way to understand your own normal state? A deviation from normal could be the first indication that something is going on. Always mention any changes you notice to your healthcare provider. Fear of getting breast cancer has made too many women afraid of really paying attention to their breasts. Most women do not realize that a mammogram is an x-ray, similar to one you would get when you’ve broken a bone. The x-ray simply confirms the break and guides your doctor on the treatment. It is very valuable information, but it does not help

to prevent the broken bone in the first place. Similarly, a mammogram looks for structure. If something is found on a mammogram, it was already there! Infrared thermography is a technology that takes a more proactive approach to your breast health. It considers the fact that breast cancer could be developing in the breast long before a lump can be detected. Infrared thermography combines a hightech infrared (heat sensing) camera with imaging software and certain procedures to capture images of the breasts. These images are then analyzed by a board certified thermographer and given a rating, or risk assessment. The images are like a fingerprint – your patterns and blood vessels are unique to you, and should stay the same throughout your lifetime. In the case of breast cancer, blood vessels will develop to feed the malignant cells. This creates extra heat and patterns asymmetrically in the breasts. Cysts, hormone imbalances, inflammation and lymphatic drainage issues all create different heat patterns. Once a baseline is established, one can see both positive and negative changes occurring in the breasts. Any negative changes could be the first possible warning that something is going on, and positive changes can confirm that you are doing something right. Prevention is key. Don’t ignore the messages your body is sending out. Take the time to really get to know what is normal for you, and consider monitoring the health of your breasts with infrared thermography.

Daina Rozitis, B.A., CMA, CTM has been passionately involved in Clinical Infrared Thermography for more than 12 years. As co-founder of Thermography Clinic Inc. in Toronto, Daina has helped to train and educate other Thermographers in Canada and the US. She now calls Victoria, BC home and is owner/operator of Thermography West, bringing thermography services to various locations across Victoria and Vancouver. Find her online at, or call 250-590-7457.

TH -5 Left Breast highest risk

TH-1 Lowest Risk

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Ageless Living | Issue 1

Cosmetic Acupuncture:

Anti-Aging the Natural Way By Shelly Wade, R.Ac, NHP, COM

the tone of the facial muscles by increasing collagen production, providing greater skin elasticity and a more youthful appearance.


acial rejuvenation acupuncture has been used for thousands of years, dating back to China’s Sung Dynasty (960 AD – 1270 AD), during which the emperor’s concubines used it to maintain their beauty and good health. Nowadays known as cosmetic acupuncture, the popularity of this treatment is quickly growing among women in North America. This alternative method of facial rejuvenation has attracted a great deal of attention in the last few years, especially in big cities like New York and Los Angeles. Cosmetic acupuncture was introduced to the west as a treatment for the Hollywood rich and famous, but is now available to everyone. With the passing years, exposure to sun, toxins and everyday stress can have harmful effects on the appearance of our skin. Tiny lines and wrinkles start to appear and the image we see in the mirror is not quite what it used to be. Modern medicine offers injections, surgery and other options that may have harmful side effects. Cosmetic acupuncture offers a natural alternative for reducing the signs of aging. According to research published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture in 1996, 90 percent of 300 individuals who tried facial acupuncture saw positive results. These results included softening of facial lines, improvement in skin tone, reduction of under-eye circles and a general facial glow. How Cosmetic Acupuncture Works Cosmetic acupuncture uses very fine needles on certain points of the face where wrinkles are most noticeable – such as under the eyes, on the forehead and around the mouth (laugh lines and lip lines). The needles are used to promote blood flow and energy (or ‘Qi’) circulation. Blockages of blood or Qi energy within the channel systems can have negative effects within our bodies, which can manifest in our outer appearances. Acupuncture works to clear those blockages and restore balance and well–being. Additionally, the localized insertion of needles helps to strengthen 21 |

Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture A dedicated treatment program of cosmetic acupuncture may take five to 10 years off your face. Amazingly, the results will include a reduction in fine lines and softening of deeper lines. It can also help minimize dark circles, puffiness beneath the eyes, double chin, sagging skin and drooping eyelids. Cosmetic acupuncture accomplishes all this by promoting the following: • Increased circulation to the facial area • Improved local lymph and blood circulation • Increased production of collagen and elastin • Strengthened and relaxed facial muscles • Improved muscle tone, preventing further wrinkles • Nourished skin, improving overall complexion • Benefits to your overall health Treatment programs for facial rejuvenation acupuncture are typically offered in sets of 10, with frequencies of either once or twice a week. The desired results and the number of treatments needed to achieve those results depend on the many factors that contribute to the aging process: age, daily nutrition, exercise and overall lifestyle. Even though the results can last for many years, maintenance treatments are recommended once a month since, as the body ages, the degenerative process continues. Cosmetic Acupuncture vs. Other Therapies While cosmetic acupuncture may cause occasional minor bruising called “microtraumas,” alternatives such as facelift surgery are usually very expensive, can have significant recovery time, and impose possible dangers associated with anesthesia, risk of infection, and incision scarring. Injecting Botox (botulinum neurotoxin A) is a procedure that prevents muscular contraction by impeding the release of acetylcholine, somewhat paralyzing these muscles so that wrinkles do not appear. While the effects of Botox injections may be more immediate than facial acupuncture, the acupuncture method is a more natural one. Acupuncture strengthens the tone of the facial muscles so wrinkles are flatter and less prominent in their appearance. With cosmetic acupuncture, there is no downtime – an attractive benefit for busy, working women. Plus, acupuncture is covered by most extended health plans. In today’s world, we have many anti-aging treatment options to choose from. If you are looking to age gracefully and naturally, without surgery or injections, then cosmetic acupuncture is for you! It’s anti-aging, the natural way.

Shelly Wade, R.Ac, NHP, COM, is a Registered Acupuncturist, Natural Health Practitioner, and Certified Orthomolecular Microscopist at Victoria’s Synergy Wellness Centre. Contact 250-727-3737 or

Ageless Living | Issue 2

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Ageless Living | Issue 1

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Seeing Red: Rosacea and Your Options By Dr Neil Rockerbie, MD


as your makeup become progressively thicker over the years? Are you struggling to cover unsightly redness, bumps and broken blood vessels across your cheeks and nose? Chances are, you are one of the 1.6 million Canadians that have rosacea – most of whom are women. The Scarlet Letter “R” Acne rosacea is one of the most common facial skin conditions affecting women. Onset of rosacea typically occurs between the ages of 30 and 60, and the affliction can be lifelong and progressive in severity. Rosacea is generally characterized by redness (erythema) in the central areas of the face, including the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. Appearance of fine blood vessels called telangiectasia is common, and the dilatation of these blood vessels can cause a flushing or burning sensation. Inflammatory red bumps (papules) similar to adolescent acne may appear with occasional pustule formation. Less commonly, thickening of the oil gland tissue over the nose can occur, causing what is known as rhinophyma (or “W.C. Fields nose”). About 20 percent of people who have rosacea will also develop ocular rosacea. Ocular rosacea is manifested by irritation and redness of the eyelids and eyes. The eyes may feel gritty, dry, or have a burning sensation along with tearing. Styes impacting the eyelids and visual blurring may be present as well. Rosacea is about three times more prevalent in women than in men, and there is no known cause. It is important to understand what will aggravate your rosacea in order to minimize exacerbations and facial flushing. Aggravating factors include environmental elements, such as extreme heat or cold, sun or wind exposure, and emotional stress. Using sunscreen with an SPF over 30 may help decrease irritation, as would use of sunglasses for ocular rosacea. Exercise may cause facial flushing. Consumption of spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine and hot beverages may also cause dilation of blood vessels, resulting in facial redness and flushing. Some of the medications used to treat high blood pressure will also result in the dilation of blood vessels and may aggravate rosacea. Treatment Options In addition to avoiding factors that aggravate rosacea, one can also seek medical attention for the condition. However, there is

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no known cure; only symptoms may be treated. Treatment is tailored to the individual depending on which features of rosacea are present. The most commonly prescribed remedies are either topical creams or oral antibiotics. Oral antibiotics such as minocycyline, doxycycline or tetracycline are prescribed to reduce inflammatory papules and pustules and can be quite effective in this regard. They are less effective for facial redness, however. Oral antibiotics can help improve rosacea quite quickly but are generally prescribed for many months and, if effective, can be taken for many years if needed. A number of topical creams can be prescribed; most commonly topical metronidazole, which is a prescription antibiotic. Occasionally, topical steroids such as hydrocortisone are prescribed, but this is best avoided as it may cause worsening of rosacea over time. With any remedy, it is important to continue the course of treatment for at least one to two months to assess the effectiveness of the treatment, since improvement may be slow. Ocular symptoms can be treated with artificial tears and lid care wipes, or solutions that are available at a pharmacy without a prescription. Facial redness and prominent blood vessels may also be addressed by laser therapy, which should be performed only by a trained and experienced physician. Laser treatment can be highly effective for erythema, but can be costly and may need to be repeated at intervals to maintain remission. Laser treatment can also be used to treat rhinophyma formation. In my experience, most rosacea sufferers primarily complain about facial redness, flushing, and burning. Prescribed oral medication or topical creams can be of benefit, but have a limited effect on erythema and are best for inflammatory papules and pustules. Avoidance of aggravating environmental and dietary factors is the key to rosacea treatment, and must be undertaken if there are to be satisfactory results.

Dr Neil Rockerbie, MD, is a family physician with the Westwind Medical Clinic in Victoria, BC. Contact 250-478-1764.

Ageless Living | Issue 2


Wild Mushroom, Fall Root Chicken Pot Pie


• 16 oz of skinless, boneless, organic chicken breast meat cut into 1 inch dice • 15 ml grapeseed oil • 30 ml garlic, minced • 30 ml organic butter • 125 ml yellow onion, diced small • 125 ml organic carrot, diced small • 125 ml organic turnip, diced small • 75 ml chopped organic leeks • 750 ml assorted wild mushrooms (shiitake, brown crimini or button mushrooms), chopped • 70 ml whole wheat flour • 450 ml chicken stock (store-bought or homemade) • 10 ml organic thyme, chopped • 15 ml fresh, organic flat-leaf parsley, chopped • 15 ml white wine vinegar • 70 ml light cream • 1 bay leaf • 5 ml kosher salt • 5 ml coarse black pepper

Egg Wash for Pastry: • • • • •

15 ml chopped fresh thyme 15 ml chopped fresh sage 1 large egg, beaten 1 package of puff pastry dough or fillo dough 1/3 cup of butter melted

high heat. Season chicken with salt and pepper to taste. Brown chicken over high heat on all sides, about 1-2 minutes per side. Remove the chicken from the pan. Melt butter in pan and add onion, garlic, carrot, turnip, leek and wild mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper; cook over medium-high heat for about 10 minutes until vegetables are tender. Add flour and stir, cook for one minute. Add the chicken stock, herbs, vinegar and cream. Bring mixture to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes. Cool filling.

Preparation of Pot Pie:

Preheat oven to 400°. Combine egg, thyme and fresh sage in a small bowl. Brush 4-5 sheets of fillo dough with melted butter on a flat surface and line a deep-dish pie pan with buttered dough. Fill pie dish with the pot pie filling and cover with 8-10 sheets of buttered fillo dough. Crimp and tuck edges of dough into dish. Brush with herb egg mixture. Bake the pot pie for 40-45 minutes until top is golden brown and interior is hot and bubbly.

Chef’s Note:

You can substitute turkey, veal, lamb or pork for chicken meat. If you don’t want to buy, or can’t find shiitake mushrooms, use brown crimini mushrooms or button mushrooms. Use as many organic ingredients as you can find for optimum flavor. Additionally, you can easily eliminate the meat and use vegetable stock in place of chicken stock to make this dish vegetarian. Yields: 4-6 servings

Prepare the filling:

Heat grapeseed oil in large, heavy bottomed saucepan over medium26 |

Recipe by Marcel Pheiffer.

Ageless Living | Issue 21

Reduce Your Risk: 10 Tips for Women

Cancer is Serious

Get a Game plan BC continues to have the lowest overall cancer incidence and mortality rates, but regrettably, cancer continues to grow. The statistics tell us that two out of every five of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime, and one of every four of us will die of this disease. Based on current cancer statistics the number of cancer cases is expected to increase by over 50 percent in the next 20 years, driven largely by the growth, and more particularly by the aging population. Yet there is hope. The cancer incidence and death rates continue to decline, attributable in part to progress in health promotion and disease prevention initiatives (i.e., lower smoking rates). As leaders in cancer prevention, the BC & Yukon Division of the Canadian Cancer Society employs public education, community engagement and advocacy in order to reduce the population’s risk of cancer. This fall, the Society will be encouraging the public to make a “Game Plan” to reduce their cancer risk. The “Game Plan” concept is part of a broader men and women’s health initiative being undertaken by the Society to encourage the public to take charge of their health. The Society is hitting the pavement across BC and the Yukon to show how making one lifestyle change can make an impact. “Think of one thing you can do to live well, be aware of your body or get involved in reducing risks for everyone,” says Nancy Falconer, Regional Health Promotion Coordinator with the Canadian Cancer Society. “Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada and yet about half of all cancers are preventable. We all need our own Game Plan to fight this disease.” As part of this initiative, the Society is offering a fun reminder of everyday things we can do to improve our health (see side bar). “Behaviour changes made now can have a long-term impact on your health,” says Falconer. “Start by making one change – walk to work, eat more vegetables, limit your alcohol consumption, or join up with our advocacy efforts – and start making a difference today.” The Society will also be encouraging people to post their “One Thing” that they are committing to on Facebook and Twitter in hopes that the momentum will go viral and inspire people all across BC to make changes that will improve their health. For more information about Cancer Game Plan, visit

1. Ladies, get to know your girls. Talk to your doctor about any changes and get screened for breast cancer if you are over 50. 2. Don’t you know, Tanning is Out? Protect your skin from premature aging and skin cancer by wearing hats, sunglasses and sunscreen. 3. Eat vegetables and fruit and look good in your birthday suit. 4. How can you look 10 years younger? Quit smoking: it’s cheaper than a face lift. Visit 5. A great reason to go out dancing! You can reduce your cancer risk by increasing your physical activity. Build up an extra 5 minutes a day until you reach at least 30 minutes of moderate activity. 6. Pap test… no woman likes it, every woman needs it. Get screened. 7. Everybody poops. So don’t be embarrassed — get your butt checked by your doctor. Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in women. Get screened if you’re over 50. 8. The left boob is usually larger than the right. Whatever your size or age, know what is normal for your body and be aware of any changes. It could save your life. 9. Why not plan a mocktail party for your next girls’ night out? Drink less than one alcoholic drink a day. 10. A game plan can help reduce your cancer risk. It’s easier than you think. Get started with just one thing.

Reduce Your Risk: 10 Tips for Men

1. Be proud to say “Kiss me, I don’t smoke”. Quit and stay smoke-free. If you need a little help visit 2. When was the last time you had your butt checked out? Get screened for colorectal cancer if you are over 50. 3. A new item for your ‘honey-do’ list… check your home for cancer causing substances. Visit for help to eliminate or reduce your exposure. 4. Lose the couch potato physique and get ripped. You can start slowly, with just 5 minutes a day and build up until you reach at least 30 minutes every day of moderate activity. (Sex counts!) 5. While it’s great to substitute fish for red or processed meat at least once a week, it’s best not to drink like one! 6. Sunscreen is good for your health. Use broad spectrum SPF 15 or higher and reduce your exposure between 11 am and 4 pm. 7. There is only one fruit in the world with its seeds on the outside. Can you guess which one? Strawberries. Eat 7 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables to maintain good health. 8. They’re dangly and they follow you wherever you go. Ensure you have no lumps, bumps, or pain by checking your testicles often. 9. What’s as big as a football and hangs out below your ribs? No, not your belly (we hope). Give your liver some love. Keep it to less than 2 drinks a day. 10. A game plan can help reduce your cancer risk. It’s easier than you think. Get started with just one thing.

Through the Eyes of Scientists By Ania Kastashchuk


aylor developed breast cancer after one of her children prematurely and suddenly left the family. She had hard time coping with the situation, and did not want to share with her friends and family. Others have even bigger issues; why would they care? She felt so lonely. According to the 2008 Canadian Cancer Society Report, almost 40 percent of Canadian women and almost 45 percent of men will develop cancer during their lifetimes, and almost one out of every four Canadians will die from it. Taylor is not alone. There is hardly a family that has not been touched by cancer, where at least some distant relative has not suffered at the hands of this scary disease. And yet we only vaguely understand what may be causing it. It’s a fact: nobody knows what causes cancer. Why is it in our lives, and what can we do to cope with it? We may never understand the irresolvable philosophical questions, but we can at least look at the nature of this disease through the eyes of researchers and scientists in their constant attempts to gain insight into the factors involved in this mysterious disease. The following information may help you understand this ubiquitous disease. Cancer is a cell that refuses to die. We know that each cell divides a certain number of times and then it switches off and

dies in order to prevent mutation or defects of the cell. Cancer cells lose this ability and divide until a mutation happens and a tumor appears. Viruses are estimated to cause 15 to 20 percent of all cancers in humans. Certain viruses, such as Epstein-Barr, human papiloma, and hepatitis B and C can insert their genetic material into a healthy cell. By altering its genes or causing prolonged inflammation, the virus may suppress the immune system and disrupt the normal division of a cell. However, viral infection can progress into cancer only in the presence of certain factors, such as cancer–causing substances or impaired immunity. Cancer is a systemic disease. Scientists Yamagiva and Itchikawa conducted an experiment in which they rubbed a tar substance on the ears of rabbits for nine months. Due to the presence of carcinogenic substances, cancer started developing. However, before that happened, many of the rabbits’ vital organs stopped functioning normally: liver, kidney, spleen and lymphatic apparatus all showed pathological changes. It means that cancer is a whole-body disease and is not limited to the organ where it shows. Cancer begins where the body is no longer able to produce healing inflammation. Dr James L Kepner, Vice President of the

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Statistics and Evaluation Center at the American Cancer Society’s National Home Office, placed malignant rat tumors and human cancer cells in inflammation exudates (fluids), where they died within a few hours because the cancer cell cannot be maintained in those surroundings. A healing inflammation, similar to the one in this experiment, is produced by the body in a state of naturally occurring fever. Different types of saunas and hydrotherapies, used wisely, can be a great means of creating a healing “artificial” fever. Just as we couldn’t live on Mars with no oxygen, cancer can’t exist in cells where there is enough oxygen. Seventy-five million years ago, the Earth’s atmosphere was comprised of 50 percent oxygen. In the mid 19th century, our atmosphere was 38 percent oxygen. Now, it has dropped to 19 percent. Also consider that most people spend over 90 percent of their time indoors and live in cities. We could all use a bit more oxygen. In addition to walks in the fresh air, drinking ozonated water, and specialized ozone and oxygen treatments, oxygen can be increased in the body by bathing in a tub of oxygenated/ozonated water, produced either by an ozone generator or by dissolving two quarts of three percent hydrogen peroxide in a tub of warm water. Cancer is a deficiency disease. Cancer is related to the body’s inability to digest protein. A person can eat a high-protein diet and still be deficient in protein. If you crave sweets and starches, you may be deficient in this critical nutrient. Fresh vegetable juices and greens are rich sources of highly absorbable protein. Potassium is another nutrient, the loss of which from the cells is associated with tissue damage, including cancer.

Cancer has been linked to emotional isolation and stress. Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, author of New German Medicine, believed that “any cancer starts with an extremely brutal shock or a dramatic and acute conflict, experienced in loneliness and sensed by the patient as the most serious he has ever known.” He also believed that this acute conflict leads to changes in the brain area associated with the particular emotion the person is experiencing, and later to cell changes in the organ connected to the affected part of the brain. So he thought that breast cancer may be linked to the emotion of separation from a child or a spouse, eye problems with the fear from behind in literal or figurative meaning, and the cancer of the pancreas and liver – with the fear of lack. In 400 BC, Hippocrates said that disease was a mysterious incident occurring in a mysterious universe, but that if the laws of the universe were adhered to, the body had the power to eliminate the disease. He believed that disease symptoms were a signal of movement toward health. Could it be that disease symptoms are a signal of the need to move toward health? Maybe we do not know what causes disease, but we do know what causes health. How about starting each day with a cup of fresh juice and an apple? What if we start each morning with a walk and thoughts of gratitude toward others and life itself?

Ania Kastashchuk is the program manager of Fresh Start Health Retreat and Spa in Oyster Bay, BC. Citations available upon request.

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Ageless Living | Issue 2

Happy Ever After: Interview with

Cathy Waters C

By Liberty Craig

athy Waters is at an interesting time in her life. One of the founders of the hugely successful online book emporium AbeBooks, Cathy has now retired from that business and her other bookstores. Her kids are growing up quickly. For the first time in her life, she has time. Time to workout at the gym every day, without fail. Time to focus on clean, healthy eating. Time to travel the world with her husband, Keith. Time for herself, her photography, her favourite books. At 51, she’s already come through the most difficult stages of menopause, since hers began at a young age. It’s a reflective period, and Cathy has never felt more content. Cathy spoke with Ageless Living Magazine about the keys to personal health and happiness during this defining time in a woman’s life. A Brief History of AbeBooks “I had a bookstore and I advertised for out-of-print books in the industry newspaper, and I got stacks and stacks of mail. I had to go through each piece of mail and enter the information in a spreadsheet to be able to share it with my customers. It was 30 |

a daunting task. My husband saw me sitting on the floor with papers spread out all around me and said there has to be a better way. So we went out for dinner with some friends of ours and we designed the infrastructure for AbeBooks on a napkin, and the guys developed it in their spare time. It took about six months to develop it, then we went live online. We set up 800 numbers for booksellers to call us, because we realized that booksellers weren’t necessarily technically savvy at that time. We did a lot of tag-team customer service between us. And we did it all with our own money. We used up all of our savings, all of our investments, cashed in our kids’ education funds. My husband quit his job to devote all his time to Abe. It was a really scary time for us! We didn’t take a paycheque for a year and a half, so we went through some hard times. My kids’ back-to-school clothes came from Value Village. But we believed in it – we believed it would do well. It was a fun and exciting time.” Where Family Meets Business “I would not recommend couples start a business together – un-

Ageless Living | Issue 21

less you know your partner really well! But we thought we would work well together, and we did. We always involved the kids in the company. At the dinner table, we could always talk about everything that was going on. With your own business, you also get the luxury of taking the kids to the baseball game if things are getting nuts. You can take the time to be involved in their lives. My mom used to say to me: in the grand scheme of things, does anything really matter? Will the world come to a crashing halt if you’re not in a meeting? You have to prioritize what’s important in your life. My husband has been the one who has taught me to relax and let go. “I left the company in 2001 and it was a family decision. One night at the dinner table we were talking about the business as usual, and my daughter said: is this really all you guys know? It was a wake-up call. We both “retired” in 2003, and I lasted 10 months – I couldn’t take it! I bought another bookstore, which I owned for four years. But then I wanted time for myself and for Keith and I as a couple, so I sold Grafton Books in 2008. Keith and I took off and were gone for four or five months that year, travelling.” The Road to Wellness “What happens with women is that we’re the caregivers. We take care of everyone but we neglect ourselves. When I was working all those hours, I made sure everyone had healthy dinners and lunches. But I went up to 150 pounds – and I’m five-foot-two. I wasn’t active. I was running around taking care of everything, but I wasn’t taking care of myself, doing the things I needed to do to stay healthy. I knew it, and I know a lot of women who do the same thing, and they know it too. When I left Abe in 2001, I had all this time on my hands. My kids were in school, I wasn’t working… so I went to the gym. I went every day for an hour. I looked at it as my job. It’s my responsibility to stay healthy and fit so that I can live a long life.” Eat, Run and Be Healthy “I don’t follow a diet plan, but I watch what I eat and I do count my calories. Because I’m post-menopausal, my metabolism has slowed down. It’s harder for me to keep weight off and easier for me to put it on. If I don’t work out diligently, my weight starts going up. So I go to the gym every day for an hour, do some cardio and some weight training. Weight training is really important because you need muscles to carry you through life. Those old ladies shuffling along the street don’t have the muscle strength to lift their legs over the curb. “My highest weight was 152 and my lowest was 117, and I’m hovering around 120 right now. It goes back to eating properly and being vigilant about it. Yes, I will have cheesecake when we go out for dinner, but if I know I’m going out, I’ll work out a little more in the morning. I don’t starve – I eat really well; way better than I did before. A typical dinner is tenderloin or chicken breast, a cup of rice, vegetables. For dessert we’ll have a low-calorie ice cream sandwich – that’s my treat! You can indulge, just watch your calories!” Inspiration for Health “My husband gave me a book called Younger Next Year. I didn’t really want to read it and thought I pretty much knew everything already… but I finally read it. And then I read it a second time. I’ve now bought 10 copies of that book and handed it out to 31 |

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people. My friends are coming through menopause and they’re nurturers who are taking care of everybody. I don’t want to come across as preachy –I just say, the book is there if you want to read it. My husband is a reluctant fitness buff. He golfs three or four times a week but has never been interested in the gym. But after reading the book, he works out every day. He’s downstairs in the gym right now!” The Meaning of Menopause “I’m 51 now, and I went through menopause when I was 46. My mother did too. She had one hot flash. When she didn’t get her period, she was concerned that she could be pregnant. She went to the doctor, who told her she was going through “the change of life.” And that was it: that was her menopause. Whereas me – oh my god. I went through the most horrific menopause. I had hot flashes every hour on the hour, twenty-four hours a day. I had night sweats so severe that I had to get up every three or four hours to change not only my pajamas but also the towels I was sleeping on. To this day, I still have hot flashes every hour or two. I have tried all the herbal stuff, but everything I tried made it worse! “I went to my doctor and said, I can’t take this anymore! He gave me a prescription for people with high blood pressure, which dilates your blood vessels. It worked really well – I still had hot flashes but the intensity was less. But after a year and a half I weaned off them because I had no energy to do anything. I decided: this is how my life is going to be, so I’ll just have to adapt. And so I live with it. I have a fan everywhere I go. I don’t wear socks or shoes. But the beauty of it was that I didn’t have other

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symptoms. I suffered from terrible PMS my whole life, and I had awful periods. But in menopause, I didn’t have mood swings; I didn’t go off the deep end. I’m happier. The only thing for me was the hot flashes. “And menopause is a mental state. You’re going through these weird changes, your kids are moving out and they don’t need you anymore. There’s so much going on for women at this age. Then, throw in menopause! It really depends on your frame of mind and your attitude. For the next 30 or 40 years, I’m going to be having a ball!” Happiness “Women have enormous capacity to be adaptive. If they want to change their lives to make them happier or more fulfilling, they should just do it, whether that means getting out of an abusive relationship or going to the gym every day. If you have difficult issues… get over them! Go do something about them. We all complain sometimes; I do too – but if you’re dwelling on something, do what you need to do to make it better. I’m happy with my life. When I gave my girlfriends the Younger Next Year book, I tucked inside an invitation to our 95th birthday parties. Let’s grow old together and be a problem for our children!”

Please visit our website:

Liberty Craig is Editor of Ageless Living Magazine. 32 | Ageless Living | Issue 1 32 | Ageless Living | Issue 2

Plantar Fasciitis By Marc Henly


lantar fasciitis: fun to say, not so fun to have! Many of us have experienced intense heel pain and, after a visit to the doctor, have been told we have this strange thing called plantar fasciitis. It is one of the most common foot problems seen by Canadian Certified Pedorthists each year.

If you suspect you might have plantar fasciitis, I recommend you consult your physician at the early stages and get a full foot and gait assessment from a Canadian Certified Pedorthist. Letting plantar fasciitis progress before seeking treatment can result in a prolonged healing period.

Something Painful is Afoot

Marc Henly is a Canadian Certified Pedorthist and owner and operator of Dynamic Footworks, a lower limb specialty store offering custom footwear with three locations on Vancouver Island. Contact or 250-391-1812, or visit

The plantar fascia is a thin but wide band of tissue that originates at the bottom of the heel and continues underneath the toes. With plantar fasciitis, the tissue lengthens, becomes inflamed and can even tear away from the origin point on the calcanus (heel). Pain is most frequently felt in the heel, although it may also be felt in the middle or even front of the arch near the toes. For most people I treat, the pain is at its worst in the morning while taking those first few steps out of bed or after a period of rest, with a gradual reduction in pain after walking. This is because the plantar fascia is in a relaxed position and starts to heal during the night, developing scar tissue. When you take your first few steps in the morning, the arch drops, lengthening the fascia and causing it to re-tear. The pain reduces after a short time because the damage has been done and, after some movement, your blood is flowing and your body is warming up.

A Gala Celebration of Inspiration Friday October 19, 2012 Marriott Inner Harbour Hotel

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Speaker Stuart Ellis-Myers, aka “Twitchy,” internationally known and respected speaker

How to Treat Your Feet

Luckily, there are a number of treatment options available to help eliminate or reduce the pain caused by plantar fasciitis. Stretching is a key method of reducing symptoms. It is important to stretch before taking the first few steps after rest. Draw the alphabet with your foot; rub the base of your foot along a tennis ball or water bottle; and massage the tissue at the source of pain. The goal is to increase blood flow to the foot and stretch the arch. A second option is to look at your footwear. A properly fitting, well built shoe is necessary. Look for a strong heel counter to hold and support the heel and ankle, good cushioning, limited flexibility and the right level of motion control for your gait. Thirdly, an orthotic, whether over-the-counter or custom-made, can be most effective in treating plantar fasciitis and preventing reccurrence. An orthotic will take pressure off the heel, support the arch and provide cushioning under the area of irritation. In severe cases, additional approaches such as reducing activity, wearing a night splint or taping might be necessary.

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Evening MCs Michael Forbes and Lisa Marshall from 98.5 – The Ocean FM

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Ageless Living | Issue 2


young entrepreneurs society v










Focus presents: West Coast Taekwon-Do

Confident, Capable Kids C Creating confident, capable kids

onfidence,energy,and enthusiasm make every child—and adult—unstoppable. There’s no limit to the goals we can reach when we develop those attributes, and that’s exactly what the instructors at West Coast Taekwon-Do are trained to do. While the martial art system teaches students to protect themselves physically, it goes far beyond survival on the playground. West Coast TaekwonDo teaches goal-setting, self-discipline, and respect for others.With those come solid self-esteem, academic achievement, and a lifelong healthy lifestyle. “Everyone needs a good coach,” says founder and chief instructor James Tosoff.“We lead by example here. We live the lifestyle we profess.” That means the instructors—all Taekwon-Do black belts—constantly set and achieve their own goals,they stay fit and healthy,they are actively involved in ongoing education.They help their students—from preschoolers to adults—learn to do the same. Tosoff explains: “With constant positive reinforcement, we help people set short-term and long-term goals within the belt system, teach children to make eye contact and communicate clearly,show the effects of body language….” Parents of elementary-age kids notice the difference almost immediately. “Over the past week, Ryan has shown good respect. He continues to focus on learning and using the principles of Taekwon-Do,” wrote one satisfied parent. “Jeremy has been more inclined to do his homework,” wrote another. Children enjoy the upbeat environment and the excitement of striving for and reaching new successes

every week, whether a new skill, an attitude stripe to add to a belt, or earning the next belt itself.These kids prove that with enthusiastic attendance at one, two, or even three classes a week. “Some students have been coming for more than ten years,” James adds. He proudly describes one 15-year-old who has a second-degree black belt, excellent academic achievements and now is expanding his interests into other areas, like being accepted at Ivy League universities. “We helped him learn the value of goal-setting, the impact of perseverance, the value of self-reliance and how to help others,” James says. Public speaking is another skill that children can learn while in elementary school,and completely sidestep the fear that hobbles so many of their parents. “Kids with ADHD, autism,Asberger’s syndrome, Tourette’s—they can all benefit from the focus of Taekwon-Do,” says James.“Occupational therapists recommend our classes for kids who need to improve their fine motor development.” West Coast Taekwon-Do instructors have the skills, patience, and enthusiasm to help every child who wants to participate. To help your child—or yourself—toward a life of health, achievement, and enthusiasm, call West Coast Taekwon-Do. James is so confident you’ll see a difference right away, he’s offering two free weeks and a free uniform to the first ten Focus readers who call!

Children enjoy the upbeat environment and the excitement of striving for and reaching new successes every week, whether a new skill, an attitude stripe to add to a belt, or earning the next belt itself. They show their enjoyment by enthusiastic attendance at one, two, or even three classes a week. “Some students have been coming for more than ten years,” James adds. He proudly describes one 15-year-old who has a second-degree black belt, excellent academic achievements and now is expanding his interests into other areas, like being accepted at Ivy League universities. “We helped him learn the value of goalsetting, the impact of perseverance, the value of self-reliance and West Coast Taekwon-Do how to help others,” James 727-7766 says.


“With constant–positive onfidence, energy, and enthusiasm make every child and help adult – unstoppable. There’s no limit to the reinforcement, goals wewe can people set short-term reach when we develop those attributes, andand that’s exactly long-term goals what the instructors at West Coast Taekwon-Do are trained do. within the beltto system, teach childrenthemto make While the martial art system teaches students to protect contact and selves physically, it goes far beyond survival on theeye playground. communicate clearly, West Coast Taekwon-Do teaches goal-setting, self-discipline, show the effects ofand body language….” respect for others. With that comes solid self-esteem, academic achievement, and a lifelong healthy lifestyle. “Everyone needs a good coach,” says founder and chief instructor James Tosoff. “We lead by example here. We live the lifestyle we profess.” That means the instructors, who are Taekwon-Do black belts, constantly set and achieve their own goals, stay fit and healthy, and are actively involved in ongoing education. Their goal is to help their students – from preschoolers to adults – learn to do the same. Tosoff explains: “With constant positive reinforcement, we help people set short-term and long-term goals within the belt system, teach children to make eye contact and communicate clearly, show the effects of body language....” Parents of elementary-age kids notice the difference almost immediately. “Over the past week, Ryan has shown respect for others. He continues to focus on learning and using the principles of Taekwon-Do,” wrote one satisfied parent. “Jeremy has been more inclined to do his homework,” wrote another.

4011 Quadra at McKenzie

“Everyone needs a good coach. We lead by example here. We live the lifestyle we profess.”

“With constant positive reinforcement, we help people set short-term and long-term goals

within the belt system,

teach children to make eye contact and

communicate clearly, show the effects of body language….”

Public speaking is another skill that children can learn while in elementary school, and completely side-step the fear that hobbles so many of their parents. “Kids with ADHD, autism, Asperger’s syndrome or Tourette’s can all benefit from the focus of TaekwonDo,” says James. “Occupational therapists recommend our classes for kids who need to improve their fine motor development.” West Coast Taekwon-Do instructors have the skills, patience and enthusiasm to help every child who wants to participate. To help your child (or yourself) lead a life of health, achievement and enthusiasm, call West Coast Taekwon-Do. James is so confident you’ll see a difference right away, he’s offering two free weeks and a free uniform to the first ten Ageless Living readers who call!

34 | Ageless Living | Issue 21

West Coast Taekwon-Do 727-7766 4011 Quadra at McKenzie

The Answer to Cancer By Helen Foster-Grimmett


he Answer to Cancer: Is Never Giving It a Place to Start by Hari Sharma, James G. Meade and Rama K. Mishra boasts a catchy book title that seems too simplistic to be true. But it is revealing, and it confirms what the Canadian Cancer Society tells us: “About 50 percent of all cancers can be prevented through healthy living.” Prevention can include simple changes in diet, regular exercise and – since stress has been undeniably linked to many illnesses – stress management. In their book the authors remark: “Cancer: There may be no more terrifying word in our language. ‘Shark’, ‘tsunami’, ‘tornado’, or ‘incoming’ might be other candidates, but they hardly surpass ‘cancer’ in striking fear to the heart.” Fear and trepidation often follow the diagnosis of cancer or any life-threatening disease. Being able to reduce stress and apply lifestyle changes are essential for a speedy recovery. Research published in Psychosomatic Medicine has shown that some types of meditation reverse stress-related illness. In a published study, practitioners of the transcendental meditation program had lower sickness rates in all 17 categories of disease, including 87 percent less hospitalization for heart disease and 55 percent less for cancer. In another peer-reviewed journal called Integrative Cancer Therapies, a study showed that women with breast cancer reduced stress and improved their mental health and emotional well-being through transcendental meditation. 35 |

“I believe this approach should be appreciated and utilized more widely,” said Rhoda Pomerantz, M.D., study co‐author and chief of gerontology at Saint Joseph Hospital in Chicago. One of the daily habits we may have to adjust is diet, which plays a key role in cancer prevention. The all-important phytochemical fruits, veggies, grains, and beans are said to protect our cells from damage that might cause cancer. Fruits and vegetables are also high in fibre, which leads to a healthy digestive system. Exercise and weight management are also critical components of cancer prevention and healthy living. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, “Regular physical activity helps protect against cancer. It’s also one of the best ways to help you stay at a healthy body weight, which reduces your risk of cancer.” We’re all familiar with prevention-oriented advice to a degree, but it’s always good to be reminded before we fall ill. The old adage rings especially true when cancer is the concern: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – or more. Don’t give cancer a place to start.

Helen Foster-Grimmett writes on issues of health, education and stress management. Her mother showed her how gracefully one could beat the odds of breast cancer. Citations available upon request.

Ageless Living | Issue 2


An Opportunity to Change Your Future By Julie Holder


ouldn’t it be nice if the human body had an “early alert system” that advised us when something was about to go wrong with our health? Prediabetes offers a warning that, if heeded, gives us an opportunity to change the future. Currently, one in four Canadians lives with diabetes or prediabetes, and this will rise to one in three by 2020 if current trends continue. The cost of diabetes today is $11.7 billion annually and it is predicted that by 2020 the cost will rise to $16 billion per year. Diabetes is known as the “hub” disease because it is often the silent and symptomless precursor to many other chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke), kidney disease, loss of sight, nerve damage leading to amputations, and others. Research has shown that some long-term complications associated with diabetes – such as heart disease and nerve damage – may begin during prediabetes.

Prediabetes refers to blood glucose levels that are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. Although not everyone with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes, many people will. Risk factors for prediabetes include: • Being 40 years of age or older • Having a close family relative who has type 2 diabetes • Being a member of a high-risk population, including those of Aboriginal, Hispanic, Asian, South Asian or African descent • Having evidence of the complications of diabetes, such as eye, nerve or kidney problems • Having heart disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol • Having a history of gestational diabetes • Being overweight, especially around your abdomen Research shows that if you take steps to

manage your blood glucose when you have prediabetes, you can delay or prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. You may be able to do this with simple lifestyle changes, such as increasing your physical activity and enjoying healthier meals. It is important to remember that prediabetes does not always lead to diabetes.

Julie Holder is the Canadian Diabetes Association’s Regional Director for Vancouver Island, BC North and Interior.

November Is Diabetes Awareness Month!

Photo: Josh McCulloch

Would you like to learn more about prediabetes? The Canadian Diabetes Association is hosting an event with Victoria’s newest endocrinologist, Dr Galina Smushkin. Dr Smushkin recently worked at the Mayo Clinic and has a specialty in diabetes and metabolism. She will be joined by CBC’s host of Quirks & Quarks’, Bob McDonald, at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel on November 15th, 2012. For more information, contact Penny Murray at (250) 382-5454 ext. 222 or

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Ageless Living | Issue 2

Your Hormone Restoration Specialists. Let us help you find your natural balance.

Are you between the ages of 35 to 50 and experiencing any of these symptoms? Hot Flashes, Menstrual Cycle Changes, Weight Gain, Mood Swings, Trouble Sleeping, Anxiety and Hair Loss. You could be expeiencing Peri-Menopause.

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Why are Men Being Stripped of Their Masculinity? By Trish Leclair, RNT


n recent years, there has been an increase in fertility clinics and more and more television commercials that advertise “miracle cures” for various types of sexual dysfunction. Then there are the countless YouTube videos with titles such as “Chemical Castration” or “The Disappearing Male.” It’s easy to see a pattern of emerging issues concerning our sexual evolution. Recently, I watched a documentary that examined the effects of fertilizers and pesticides on the health of frogs living in streams near fields sprayed with chemicals. Some of the chemicals were affecting the nervous systems of the frogs, and some of them caused deformities. One study showed that male frogs were adapting to a particular chemical by developing female sex organs. These male frogs are now mating with each other, and are able to reproduce and lay eggs. When I saw this documentary, I realized that I have a moral obligation to create awareness about this issue. The interesting thing about frogs is that they have been on our planet for a very long time – even before dinosaurs. That means they are highly adaptable to changes in the environment. 38 |

Darwin taught us that only the fittest adapt to survive… but how is this affecting humans? Xenoestrogens and Our Health

Xenoestrogens are chemical hormones, also known as “estrogen mimics.” They contribute to hormonal imbalances and the development of many disorders such as cancer, fibroids, infertility, endometriosis, heavy menstruation, falling sperm counts, enlarged prostate, the feminization of men (and frogs!) and more. Interestingly, xenoestrogens cause early puberty in girls, while causing late maturation in boys. Most chemicals and petroleum-based products (plastics) contain xenoestrogens. There are countless studies that examine the effects of xenoestrogens on our health. We simply need to be open to the problem so we can take steps to reduce the damage. Replacing Xenoestrogen Sources

Some people may feel defeated, thinking there is just no way to

Ageless Living | Issue 2

escape the effects of these chemicals. In my opinion, there is hope. The more we go back to the foods and materials used before the industrial revolution, the more we can reverse the damaging effects of xenoestrogens. There are many ways in which we can replace our sources of xenoestrogens and balance our hormones. For example, rather than using chemical air fresheners (one of the biggest source of xenoestrogens), we can use essential oils, plants, flowers, spices or herbs to make the air smell fresh. We can avoid storing our food in plastic containers, and use ceramic bowls or glass dishes instead. There are now glass dishes with lids that you can store in the freezer – I use them for all my homemade soups and stews. Reversing the Effects of Xenoestrogens

If you suffer from symptoms of hormonal imbalance and you’re worried about xenoestrogens, the good news is that there is hope of restoring balance in your health and hormones. Each person is unique; assessing each person separately is essential. There is no “one size fits all” method for balancing the body’s biochemistry. The holistic approach to balancing your biochemistry includes a combination of emotional healing, diet and exercise, and supporting the organs and functions of the body. For example, the liver is the most important organ involved in metabolic processes and detoxification. When the liver is overloaded with detoxifying the body of chemicals, dealing with food sensitivities, digesting food, and recycling blood and hormones, it cannot do its job effectively. There are many herbs and natural remedies that can be used therapeutically to help restore balance in our bodily functions

A Lifetime of Bowling at

and to help heal our organs. This is the “quick-fix” part of the holistic approach. The long-term solution is to improve the diet, heal emotionally, exercise, use effective stress-management techniques and avoid foods to which you are intolerant, since they trigger an immune response and put additional stress on the body. There Is No “Miracle Cure”

As a practitioner, I see people with a variety of symptoms and conditions. Since we live in a “quick-fix” society, people want a “miracle cure.” They may have tried various medications but developed other symptoms, not realizing these may have been side effects of the medications. In order to heal the body and eradicate symptoms, the focus should be on removing the cause of those symptoms. Treating symptoms simply treats the effects. It does not solve the problem; it simply masks it. For example, if a cancerous tumor is removed from the body, but the patient makes no dietary or lifestyle changes, the person may develop another tumor later on. This is because the root cause of the problem was not removed. The trick to healing the body is to remove the factors that are putting stress on it. Anything that puts stress on the body will affect our hormones and neurotransmitters; and these control every biochemical process in the body.

Trish Leclair is a Registered Nutritional Therapist with Balanced Concepts Fitness and Wellness in beautiful Victoria, BC. Contact Trish for more information on how you can improve your health and experience the vitality and high energy levels you deserve! 250-478-7142 or

Langford Lanes By Su Brock

teem and developing a feeling of belonging. This kind of activity is a great way to protect ourselves from depression. Bowling is a lifelong sport in which no one ever sits on the bench.


he sport of ten-pin bowling is truly ageless. Everyone, from toddlers to elderly seniors, can bowl. Bowling is a light form of exercise and very social. Aside from the obvious physical benefits of strengthening and conditioning, muscle and agility development, the social aspect of bowling should be recognized as a part of good overall health. Bowling stimulates the brain as it takes concentration, decision making and hand-eye coordination. Continuing to develop these skills has been shown to help delay age-related maladies such as dementia. In bowling, you compete as both an individual and a team, building self es39 |

As our bodies age, many of our favourite sports become impractical, if not impossible. Hockey, baseball, soccer, and even golf can be too challenging for older bodies and minds. Luckily, this is not the case with bowling. For those afflicted with health problems like hypertension, doctors can preclude more vigorous sports, but often will still allow the patient to bowl. Bowling balls can be modified to suit arthritic hands and ramps are available for less able folks to use. The possibilities are almost endless. It is common to meet senior bowlers who have been bowling in leagues for more than 40 years – and it is never too late to start. Even if you have never bowled in a league before, the handicap system evens out the playing field between the less skilled novices and seasoned bowlers. Not many sports can boast three or even four generations all participating at once! Bowling is a lifelong sport in which no one ever sits on the bench. For more information and to book your lane at Langford Lanes bowling alley, call 250-391-7900 or visit We are located at 1097 Langford Parkway, Victoria, BC. Come out and bring the whole family!

Ageless Living | Issue 2

Is Joint Pain Affecting Your Fitness? By Ashleigh Gass


f you are suffering from joint pain, how can you continue to get regular exercise without exacerbating your condition? This is a very common question people have, and a concern for many. Usually, when people talk about sore joints, they are referring to their hips, knees, and lower back. Shoulders rank high on the list as well. People arrive at a gym wanting to work out and experience all the associated benefits of exercise – without feeling more pain. Unfortunately, for many people, painful joints and working out fall into the same category. However, this is primarily due to poor program design and incompetent guidance. My objective is simple: to teach you that you can continue working out, without harming your joints!

Approaching Pain

To relieve joint pain, a client-specific approach must be taken in each circumstance. Consider the story of my client, Wayne. After fracturing his tibia, Wayne had been babying his right knee for years. “It was sore and felt unstable after three surgeries, including the removal of much of the meniscus,” said Wayne. “I was resigned to the fact that it would always be uncomfortable and hold my attention when being active.” But then things changed for Wayne. “Six months ago,” he said, “I began training in the gym under Ashleigh’s watchful

eye. She created a graduated weight and exercise program customized for me and my situation. We worked together three days a week for eight months until I moved out of the area.” The result? Wayne related: “Yesterday, I repeated a hike that I had done just before I had met Ashleigh. What a difference! It wasn’t until afterwards that I realized: for the entire hike, over various and rocky terrain, I had not had a single thought about my leg. It was stable, it was strong, and it was not on my mind! It wasn’t sore, I didn’t have to ice it. It was normal!” A Two-Part Program

What did it take for Wade to accomplish this “no pain” scenario? First and foremost, Wade was willing to learn new things and put the work in. He was willing to move past the stage where things felt a bit awkward, and a bit uncomfortable. This stage lasted about two weeks, decreasing significantly from day one to day 14. That’s the first part: willingness to work at it, and to change what you’ve been doing in the past. The second part is where the rubber hits the road, and everything comes together. Your training program needs to be individualized to suit your specific needs and your body. Working together with a trained medical exercise specialist, your program will be very specific and include various aspects of recovery and injury 40 |

Ageless Living | Issue 2

prevention techniques, strength training and flexibility drills, balance and mobility drills. Tips and Tricks to Decrease Joint Pain

There are a few basic tips and tricks that will help most people decrease joint pain while working out. Try these tips for yourself: 1. Stretch for a few minutes before going to bed each night. 2. Prioritize your pulling and “picking up muscles” (upper back and butt). Most people prioritize their pushing muscles (chest and quads), which can create serious imbalances over time. 3. Warm up well before picking up any weights. 4. Eliminate common food allergens from your diet (common foods people are allergic to, which can manifest as joint pain and arthritis, include gluten, wheat and dairy).

Ashleigh Gass is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a Medical Exercise Specialist, and a Certified Sports Nutritionist. She is located at Muscle City Fitness on Clearwater Beach. Ashleigh is available for training and nutritional education consultations, and can be reached via email at

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An MD’s Road to BHRT: Interview with

DR Kenneth Smith By Liberty Craig

Balance with Bioidentical Hormones. And I thought: there’s something to this. There are patterns I see in patients that I don’t agree with – as though we’re overlooking an important set of factors that contribute to their symptomology. AL: What makes bioidenticals the better choice?

Dr Smith: Traditional HRT could ef-


r Kenneth David Smith completed his residency at Boston University before returning home to Victoria to open a family practice on the West Shore. Since 2005, he’s been working primarily in hospitals. He refers to himself as a classic, conservative, western-trained allopathic physician. He saw no reason to alter his course in any way. Then something happened that would forever change his own life, and certainly the lives of his patients: Dr Smith opened his eyes to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Currently undertaking further training and research in this emerging specialization, Dr Smith spoke with Ageless Living about how he came to this radically different way of thinking, and his plans to open his own BHRT wellness clinic in Victoria. Ageless Living (AL): How did you discover BHRT?

fectively treat the blatant symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, but it didn’t address the underlying symptoms, which are equally bothersome. These might include depression, anxiety, weight gain, general mood disturbance, energy levels, cognition and libido. Often, we were putting patients on anti-depressants, perhaps needlessly. Many problems had more to do with people’s balance – using bioidenticals to correct that will have huge impact on these general symptoms. Dr Brown’s book showed me that we need a better understanding of the nature of hormones, and of bioidentical as opposed to manipulated (and patentable) hormones. When you change the structure of hormones so you can patent them – of course you’re going to have outcomes you’re not expecting. I personally treated a lot of women with older drug-company HRT medications until the Women’s Health Initiative study came out, which made doctors realize we hadn’t been doing the right thing. The WHI study is a classic example of the fact that current medical thinking isn’t always right. AL: Why did it take you so long to recognize the benefits of BHRT?

Dr Smith: I thought BHRT represented

ing to step out and do something new – we worry about being ostracized. Now, I’ve come to the conclusion that there could be nothing more mainstream or important than BHRT. The medical establishment has simply not given it due justice, looked at it or understood it. So many patients can be helped with this – a very large percentage of the population. AL: Why is it taking the medical community so long to appreciate BHRT?

Dr Smith: The main reason it’s not paid

attention to is that there’s no monetary gain for the pharmaceutical industry, which drives a great deal of medical research. A lot of infrastructure revolves around patentable drugs that make money. That doesn’t apply with BHRT, because you can’t patent a bioidentical compound. However, there is more understanding and recognition happening in the US right now, which is why I’m doing my training in the States. It’s time for Canadians to catch up and change our thinking. AL: What are the goals for your new clinic?

Dr Smith: I’m looking forward to getting

my practice going and helping people here in Victoria. I am also trained in cosmetics like Botox; what I realize is that people want to look good on the outside and also feel good on the inside. I want to employ a whole-person agenda that is anti-aging and restorative. My fundamental approach to medicine has never changed: my goal is to help my patients and do no harm. I am excited to work in conjunction with Ageless Me to make this happen.

something non-mainstream. I wouldn’t

Dr Smith: I had been hearing about it open my eyes to it because I didn’t want for years, but like a typical doctor I just put my head in the sand. Then I read Dr Ron Brown’s book, Discovering Your True

to be seen as someone who believed in something like that. In medicine, we tend to follow each other. We’re often not will-

42 |

Ageless Living | Issue 2

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Baby Molly

Is Almost Two! By Liberty Craig


wo days before her very first Christmas, at just one month of age, baby Molly Campbell’s entire family saw their lives change forever. A high fever convinced her worried parents that an emergency hospital visit was needed. And then it happened: every parent’s worst nightmare came true. Sweet, tiny baby Molly didn’t have the flu or any regular fever. She was diagnosed with leukemia. Unbelievably, the infant’s cancer was extremely serious, fast moving and most certainly life threatening. Doctors said she would require `round-the-clock care from her parents and would remain at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver for up to a year. Back home in Victoria, Molly’s four siblings didn’t understand where their parents and baby sister had gone, and why they weren’t home to celebrate Christmas morning with them. It was an impossible situation, medically, emotionally, financially. How could Molly’s parents, Dave and Rebekah, cope with Molly’s sickness as well as their four other children? Where on earth would they find the resources for travel, accommodations, daycare and all the other ex-

penses they were going to be faced with? Most important, and most terrifying, how could precious little Molly survive this terrible ordeal? “It was the perfect storm,” said Dave Campbell in a recent conversation with Ageless Living Magazine. “Everything went wrong for us at the same time.” But instead of succumbing to their despair, Dave and Rebekah began to explore their options. “We chose to put it out there,” said Dave. And by reaching out to their community, the Campbells received the support they needed to weather this unimaginable storm. “It doesn’t sound like enough to say it,” said Dave, “but we want to thank everyone for their help. We could never have done it on our own. People in the community stepped up for us, and we’ll be forever grateful.” “We had amazing support,” he continues. “An incredible family in Vancouver lent us their house. It had been for sale and wasn’t selling, so they took it off the market and gave it to us for 10 months. What’s really wonderful is that when they finally sold the house last year, it fetched a far

44 | Ageless Living | Issue 21

higher price than it would have during the original listing.” Baby Molly became something of a media sensation during her difficult journey. “I think the media attention is good,” said Dave. “It draws attention to what can happen, and shows a little miracle. Molly really is one in a million. Everything we’ve tried has worked, and that doesn’t happen all the time. We hope it encourages other people going through similar situations, to show them what’s possible.” As Molly nears her second birthday, the Campbell family can cautiously turn their focus to cherished family moments and events. Dave continues to blog about their experience and Molly’s progress. They continue to travel to Vancouver every two months for check-ups. But life is far brighter than they ever hoped it could be. “We want to express just how thankful we are,” said Dave as we ended our conversation. “We’d really like people to know.”

Follow Baby Molly’s progress at

Dr Ron Brown

coming next issue V ic t ISSUE


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Interview with Bioidentical Hormone Expert


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How to Make the Holidays Happy... and Healthy Identify (And Rectify!) Your Stress Levels Hormones 101: Why Women Are Suffering Needlessly The Three Books that Will Change Your Life Vaginal Atrophy: What You Need to Know

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