Ageless Living Issue 1

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Victoria’s Health Magazine for Women ISSUE 1 • August/September 2012







start your tweezers! Hormones and Your Thyroid

Health, fitness & Midlife Balance

In this issue


CONTENTS 10 Hormones and Your Thyroid

By Shelby Hulowski, BSP Even if your tests results are “normal,” you may be experiencing thyroid issues.


12 Skincare Pharmacy: Plant Stem Cells

By Elham Rahmani-Neishaboor, Pharm.D, Ph.D A revolutionary technology in rejuvenating skincare.


Ladies, Start Your Tweezers!

By Susan Pederson Freaking out over facial hair? You’re not alone...


A Mindful Pause By Carmen Wyatt Mindfulness can help ease the symptoms of menopause.


Check In with Your Mental Health By Abby Miller Is it your hormones... or a mental health problem?



Ask a Doctor * Ask a Naturopath: Female Hair Loss

22 Sun Spots Be Gone: Six Solutions

By Liberty Craig Is it too late to erase these harbingers of age?

26 Measuring Hormone Levels:

Saliva vs Dried Blood Spot Testing

By Shelby Hulowski At-home kits allow you to test your own hormone levels.


Spinach for Sleep: Raw Spinach Dip

Issu e 001 Aug/S ept 2012

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Ageless Living | Issue 1


Published by True Space Media ™


Michael Forbes Bsc. Pharm


Liberty Craig

TypesEtting and Design Michelle Beaudry


Shelby Hulowski, Elham Rahmani-Neishaboor, Susan Pederson, Carmen Wyatt, Abby Miller, Liberty Craig, Nigel Ford, Dr. Carole Williams, Kari Magnuson

From the Publisher

Healthy living at any age


elcome to our first issue of Ageless Living Magazine. This magazine is the culmination of years of knowledge and caring about the health of women as they approach the best years of their lives. While managing a busy pharmacy for 10 years, I worked one-to-one with thousands of individuals as they were recovering from illness, or just working towards better health. And while I enjoyed those intimate interactions in a medical setting, I knew that whole health—that which involves mind, body and spirit—is what most women are striving to achieve. Thus, the vision for Ageless Living was born. Ageless Living isn’t about trying to look, act or feel like a 20-something woman; nor is it about accepting what society has traditionally dictated for “women of a certain age.” It is about exploring and defining for yourself what it means to be you at any age—whether that is 40, 50, 60 or beyond. Ageless Living is also about facing the realities of your physical body at your stage of life, and understanding that taking care of physical, mental and spiritual health offers women (and the men they love) a tangible wealth that is truly ageless. As you will see in this issue, Ageless Living is not afraid to tackle issues that are awkward or embarrassing (such as our article on urinary incontinence, or our column about hair loss). We also CONTACT will not shy away from mental health INFO issues, which are still mired in stigma, causing shame and XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX preventing many from seeking treatment. Because we know that many of you are lifelong learners, Ageless Living encourages you to try something XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX new—whether it’s surfing, yoga or a new language—to challenge yourself, or discover a new passion to enjoy for the rest of your life. XXXXXXXXXXXX We hope you find the articles, tips and stories in these pages informative and insightful. We also hope you will share your opinion of our magazine with your friends, and us, and let us know if there is any subject that you would like to see in Ageless Living in the future. Write to us at:

Michael Forbes B.Sc Pharm Owner | Pharmacist Forbes Pharmacy 250-882-3784

Advertising Alejandro Harper

Business Development Laynia Palubeskie

General Manager Brenda Worsfold

Human Resources Tracy Pheiffer

922 Pandora Ave. Victoria BC V8V 3P3 1-888-260-6651

Dr. Maureen Sweeney Says! Hormonal Health Essential for Optimal Health at Every Age


he levels of our hormones start to change, usually about age 40. When this happens our physical and mental function decline and aging is accelerated because hormones are essential for normal cellular function for all organ systems.

Most hormone levels drop: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone (for men and women), DHEA, melatonin, growth hormone, and possibly thyroid. Others such as insulin and cortisol may start to rise. These changes in hormone production influence not only our energy and vigor but the body’s ability to repair and regulate itself. Many studies confirm the role of changing hormones levels as part of the aging process. Most health care providers are familiar with the increased risk for depression and heart attack in patients with low thyroid as well as the symptoms and health problems such as osteoporosis and heart disease that are accelerated in women after menopause. Less well known, are the adverse consequences that emerge when other hormones decline with normal aging. A study from the University of California, San Diego Medical Center showed a 33% greater risk of death from all causes in otherwise healthy 80 year old men who had testosterone levels at the lower limit of the normal range for young adult men. Additionally, these men were 3 times more likely to have metabolic syndrome than men with higher testosterone levels. Metabolic syndrome is a pre-diabetes condition and a risk for cardiovascular and many other diseases. To site further science, we now know that we can prevent 50% of Alzheimer’s cases in women with estrogen replacement if started soon after menopause and continued for 10 years. Additionally, osteoporosis, which has a 50% overall mortality rate and is estimated to cost $12.6 billion annually (USD), can be largely prevented through hormone replacement. Normalizing hormones can also correct

abnormal cholesterol and other lipids. What drug, supplement or other program can boast these benefits? If a young person develops a hormone deficiency, it is quickly corrected. Yet the same levels are considered “normal” and accepted as we age. In contrast, the goal in age management medicine is the prevention of age-related disease through a healthy lifestyle and through restoring optimal, youthful hormone levels. The signs and symptoms of impaired hormone levels can include: • Weight gain, especially abdominal, and loss of muscle mass, • Degenerative diseases (diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and osteoporosis), • A compromised immune system (increased risk for infection and cancer) • Memory and cognitive decline, • Depression, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed and easily stressed, • Insulin resistance, changes in blood pressure and cholesterol, • Low sex drive and poor sexual function, • Fatigue and sleep disruption, • Wrinkled and thinning skin. Restoring hormones to optimal physiological levels is one of the most effective tools to slow age-related change and benefits people as they age in three main areas: symptom relief (less hot flushes), improved wellbeing and quality of life (restorative sleep, improved energy or libido), and as a tool in disease prevention (less heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis). All hormone programs work best when accompanied by an optimal lifestyle: a healthy diet, regular exercise, select supplements, good stress and sleep management, and risk factor reduction if needed. Hormone modulation is beneficial to men and women as they age as a means to feel and function better and to slow aging; and as people feel and function better they are able to adhere to the lifestyle practices that also help in disease prevention. 103-9845 Resthaven Dr. Sidney, B.C., V8L 3E7 250-654-0383 | | Live Long. Live Well. ANTI-AGING AND AESTHETIC MEDICINE

In this issue




Simplify Your Diet By Nigel Ford Five easy steps is all it takes.

By Dr. Carole Williams, MD CCFP The top questions women want to know about Botox.



Yoga Through the Ages


Why Not Try‌ Surfing!

Astrid Braunschmidt on Living Agelessly

By Tracy Pheiffer CTV News reporter Astrid Braunschmidt on health, hormones and positivity.



By Susan Pederson Help for the 30 to 60 percent of women with urinary incontinence.

Ask Our Doctors!

By Liberty Craig The importance of yoga after forty – and beyond.

By Kari Magnuson Shake up your workout and take on some wicked waves!



Issu e 001 Aug/S ept 2012

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Ageless Living | Issue 1


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From the Editor


elcome to the inaugural issue of Ageless Living Magazine! We are so thrilled to bring this exciting new publication to the vibrant community of Victoria, where health is on every woman’s mind and age is truly just a number. But let’s take a moment to consider what “ageless living” really means. Most of us don’t feel the same at age 40, 50 or 60 as we felt at 25. In fact, a great deal has changed – never mind how we look in a bikini! So how can we comfortably call ourselves “ageless”? Our lives evolve and are enriched as the years go by. The great paradox, of course, is that as we are learning to embrace the real joys of life, our bodies begin to fail us. Our hormones go haywire. Our muscle mass dissipates. And then there are the embarrassing issues... the weak-bladder-nosex-drive-weird-growth-night-sweats-hair-loss types of issues that we’d rather not contend with, thank you very much. But contend with them we must. Our mission at Ageless Living is to disseminate the knowledge and wisdom of leading experts in our community to help you navigate the best years of your life in the happiest, healthiest manner possible. The confidence, wisdom and grace that comes with the accumulation of years should never be dampened by feeling anything less than fantastic. Advancements in hormone therapies and incontinence treatments, new insights into physical and emotional wellness, and myriad other medical breakthroughs make it possible: these can indeed be the most wonderful, most enjoyable years of your life. You’re going to feel great – and we’re going to help you!

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Liberty Craig, Editor

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Ageless Living | Issue 1

Send your order to: Ageless Living, 922 Pandora Ave., Victoria BC, V8V 3P3


Hormones and Your



By Shelby Hulowski, BSP

re you suffering from symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain and poor memory? Have you suspected that your thyroid might be the culprit, despite being told that your thyroid is normal? Well, you may be right to be suspicious. You may be suffering from a condition called functional hypothyroidism.

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Ageless Living | Issue 1


unctional hypothyroidism presents with all the symptoms of low thyroid or hypothyroidism despite normal thyroid test results. Since the thyroid gland is vital to regulation of the body’s metabolism in every cell, a deficiency can affect all body functions and leave one feeling very poorly. Possible contributing factors to functional hypothyroidism include: defective production of thyroid hormones T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine), deficiencies of nutrients like selenium and zinc, iodine deficiencies and hormone imbalances. Symptoms associated with hypothyroidism include: depression, memory loss, weight gain, dry skin, brittle hair, headaches, lethargy or fatigue, menstrual problems and sensitivity to cold. So how do your hormones relate to your thyroid function? Thyroid function is intimately tied to adrenal function, which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland, where thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is produced. If the adrenals are not working well, the thyroid and pituitary gland may be affected. Adrenal imbalances can be measured using cortisol levels. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, is a major player in the proper functioning of numerous hormones, especially thyroid hormones. Stress tends to raise cortisol levels; therefore, it is important to identify imbalances through the means of saliva or blood tests, in order to ensure a properly functioning thyroid and avoid symptoms related to hypothyroidism. There is also a close relationship between estrogen, progesterone and thyroid hormone. A progesterone-estrogen imbalance can interfere with thyroid function, but can also be the result of low thyroid function. When progesterone is low and estrogen becomes dominant, symptoms of low thyroid are present, even though thyroid lab tests are normal.

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Weight gain can also upset the progesterone-estrogen balance, since estrogen likes to reside in fatty areas. To counteract the effect of excess estrogen, supplementation with progesterone is recommended. Higher levels of progesterone activate the estrogen receptors in the body and cause estrogen to be used before it can do harm. Progesterone and estrogen imbalances can be determined by saliva or blood tests. Overall, functional hypothyroidism is a condition that affects thousands of Canadians. It is important to investigate the possibility of hormone imbalances if you are suffering from symptoms of hypothyroidism.

When progesterone is low and estrogen becomes dominant, symptoms of low thyroid are present, even though thyroid lab tests are normal. Pharmacists at Forbes pharmacy offer in-depth hormone consultations and have saliva test kits available for purchase. We will work with you to identify bothersome symptoms and provide you with lifestyle, nutritional and, if needed, hormone therapy recommendations to get your body back in balance.

Shelby Hulowski is a pharmacist at Forbes Pharmacy.

Ageless Living | Issue 1

S k i n c a r e ph a r m a c y

Plant Stem Cells A revolutionary technology in rejuvenating skincare By Elham Rahmani-Neishaboor, Pharm.D, Ph.D


tem cells are undifferentiated cells with unique growth characteristics. They can make identical copies of themselves as well as differentiate to become specialized cells such as skin cells. Stem cells have therefore a big potential in regenerative medicine. Adult stem cells are already used in transplant medicine to treat leukemia and severe burns. Regenerative therapies have a big potential to be used in the future to treat Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Stem cell research is a fascinating, hot topic that is already used in skin and hair rejuvenation.

There are two types of stem cells in the human body: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. 1. Embryonic stem cells can differentiate into all cell types of the body. 2. Adult stem cells located in some adult tissues can only differentiate into their own or related cell types. These cells act as a repair system for the body. Stem cells in the human skin Human skin is the largest repository of adult stem cells in the body. Skin stem cells reside in the basal layer of the epidermis, where they remain dormant until they are activated by tissue injury or disease. It is impossible to incorporate live cells into a skincare product. Instead, companies are creating products with specialized peptides and enzymes or plant stem cells to protect the human skin stem cells from damage or stimulate the skin’s own stem cells. This means the stem cell can receive the message to create proteins, carbohydrates and lipids to help repair fine lines, wrinkles and restore and maintain firmness and elasticity. In contrast to human, plant cells have the ability to regenerate the whole plant. Besides, all plant cells can dedifferentiate and become a stem cell. Mibelle Biochemistry developed a novel technology enabling the cultivation of cells from rare and endangered plant species. This technology, based on the unique totipotency of plant cells, uses the wound healing mechanism of plants. A part of a plant is wounded to induce the formation of callus cells. This wound healing tissue consists of dedifferentiated cells, which are stem cells. These stem cells are rich in epigenetic factors and metabolites, which assure the longevity of cells and protect skin stem cells. They can be used as cosmetic ingredients after harvesting and encapsulation into liposomes. An in-vitro test was conducted on umbilical cord blood stem cells (UCBSC) with Malus Domestica (a Swiss apple with excellent storability) stem cell extract. Results showed that Malus Domestica stem cell extract has a positive effect on UCBSC’s artificial growth thus maintaining the growth and the proliferative activity of UCBSC. Malus Domestica extract

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has also been shown to protect skin stem cells and delay the senescence of hair follicles. Rejuvenating skincare products using plant stem cell technology Emerge Swiss Apple Stem Cell Serum uses an exclusive formulation with a high percentage of PhytoCellTec®, Matrixyl 3000®, and Collagen® that magnify the regenerative results. Collagen is the main structure element of the skin and is therefore largely responsible for skin smoothness and tone. Matrixyl 3000® increases cell turnover, firmness, elasticity and smoothness and brings about fine line reduction. XTEMcell products are made from cloned stem cells from the date palm. It has been chosen for cloning because of its unparalleled ability to live and thrive in the desert in the driest, most arid areas and be able to remain hydrated and conserve water. Xtemcell cloned these desirable properties and created a series of anti-aging skincare products such as Cell Renewal Night Cream, Reset Serum, Cell Rebuilding Daytime Cream, and Repair Eye Contour Cream. Protocell™ produced by EmerginC is a protective facial moisturizer that provides serious anti-aging results for all skin types. Protocell™ incorporates PhytoCellTec® extract. Another potent ingredient in Protocell is Aqua Cacteen, an ultra-refined elixir from the prickly pear Opuntia Cactus, a cactus rich in flavones, vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals and polysaccharides, and known for its super-hydrating, protecting, and soothing properties. Extensive laboratory studies of the active ingredients in Protocell and Protocell Eye prove a significant and visible decrease in the wrinkle depth of crow’s feet. Skin Doctors YouthCell™ night concentrate contains PhytoCellTec® Malus Domestica plus two additional anti-aging peptides to treat the existing wrinkles and signs of aging: Matrixyl 3000TM and RenovageTM. This combination works not only at a cellular level to prevent aging, but also on the skin surface to treat the signs of visible aging. Bottom line Plant stem cells represent the latest tool in our fight against skin aging. This does not mean that all our current tools (retinoids, peptides, antioxidants, vitamins, and more) need to be discarded. On the contrary, as is often true in cosmetics, a multitude of tools combined on the skin will provide an optimal therapeutic result. By combining these stem cells with other anti-aging ingredients, like antioxidants, neuropeptides and glycolic acid, the beauty industry will see its first products that actually reverse the aging process. This article was first published by the BC Pharmacy Association in The Tablet, June 2012.

Ageless Living | Issue 1

tweezers! L a d i e s , s ta rt y o u r

By Susan Pederson


blame it on the lighting. I had just gotten into the car on a sunny day after kayaking with my husband, and glanced in the passenger side mirror, when I spotted what I thought was a tiny feather or perhaps a bit of fluff on my chin. I tried to brush it away. It stuck. Still in denial, I brushed again. It did not budge.

You know where this is going.

Upon closer inspection, I was horrified to discover that this was no mere feather, but a tiny cluster of, well, hairs that had seemingly appeared overnight. So, while I was gazing lovingly into my husband’s eyes while we were paused on the sunny beach, was he instead distracted by the spider that had taken up permanent residence on my chin? Was he nuzzling my ear, or simply checking for a dew-covered web? Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the key hormone that controls the type of hair on your face. As we, um, celebrate middle age and our estrogen levels take a nosedive, there’s an increase of DHT in the hair follicle and – ta-da! – one day you swear your silken face could ri-

val Cindy Crawford’s, the next you’re sporting a soul patch that could put George Stroumboulopoulos’s to shame. Go ahead, take your mirror outside and see for yourself. (Heck, I’m sure even dewy ol’ 40+ Cindy sprouts a few out of that mole of hers.) So, do you share this rather “thorny” development with your significant other, and place him on permanent hair watch, or do you assign this task only to your closest girlfriends? You need a plan, because trying to hide the fact that you can sprout a better ’stache than your fifteen-year-old son can lead to gross misunderstandings, as it did for my friend. She doesn’t drive, so she faked a doctor’s appointment every time she had her husband drop her at the electrolysist. He soon became so worried that she had an undisclosed terminal illness that she was forced to ‘fess up to her furry state. But make no mistake: disclosing your fuzz to those you love doesn’t mean embracing your burgeoning beard, or becoming one of those squirm-worthy neighbourhood oddities with a full-on goatee. There are myriad ways to assault those pesky bits of shrubbery: shaving, waxing,

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Ageless Living | Issue 1

sugaring, tweezing, creams, lasers – you name it. My cousin, ever the multi-tasking woman, perches in front of her “happy light” brandishWhile I was gazing lovingly into my husband’s eyes while we were paused on the sunny beach, was he instead distracted by the spider that had taken up permanent residence on my chin? ing mirror and tweezers, then spends the requisite 20 minutes per day fighting depression – and her personal face forest – in one shot. I like the idea of working hair removal into our daily activities. I think I’ll attach some wax strips onto my phone so that every time I take a call – voila – chin fur banished! (Note to self: answer phone on both sides.) Or maybe I’ll tote some hair remover cream along on my next kayaking trip, apply as if it were sunblock, and with each sea breeze, a cloud of hair will drift across the rippling waters like light, snowy down from a seagull.

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A Mindful

pause By Carmen Wyatt

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Ageless Living | Issue 1


top for a moment. Feel the soles of your feet on the floor. Notice the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out. For a few more moments, close your eyes and really notice any sound that arrives at your ears. You’ve just done a mini-mindfulness meditation session. Simple but profound moments like these can help you deal with the mental, emotional and physical challenges you face every day. A Buddhist practice originating about 2500 years ago, mindfulness meditation has been proven to help people cope with chronic illness, pain, stress, anxiety and depression. Recent studies also show mindfulness is a tool that perimenopausal and menopausal women can use in combination with, or instead of, typical medical management for their symptoms.*

How does it work?

Mindfulness works in several ways to help us deal with difficult moments. In the midst of a hot flash, for instance, you get the intense physical discomfort of the experience itself. Your mind adds to that thoughts like, “Oh no, here we go again. I’m sweating like crazy – this is so embarrassing. I can’t stand this! Are these never

going to end?” Stories of frustration, anxiety, embarrassment and worry all add to the initial experience of the hot flash, adding emotional stress to an already uncomfortable situation. But... if you stop and bring mindfulness to that hot flash moment, you let go of the stories

Dropping reactive thoughts and noticing only what’s happening in the moment settles the mind and makes the intense physical experience easier to cope with. and notice only what’s really happening: “Feeling heat... palpitations. Here is sweating. This is how it feels right now. This is unpleasant. Here is my breath.” Dropping reactive thoughts and just noticing what’s happening in the moment settles the mind and makes the intense physical experience easier to cope with. Lessening this mental stress may also reduce the intensity of hot flashes and, for some women, reduce the frequency as well.


Expanding mindfulness to approximately 30 minutes daily, paying attention to body sensations, breath, sound or other sense experiences, helps calm the mind day after day. Meditation builds brain pathways that allow you to be more mindful more of the time, which lessens stress and reactivity in all areas of your life. You may not be able to control menopausal experiences like mood swings, sleeplessness or hot flashes, but mindfulness meditation and mindful moments during the day bring spaciousness, self-compassion and acceptance to these experiences, lessening frustration and making room for joy. To find mindfulness meditation groups in your area, search “mindfulness meditation,” “Insight meditation,” “Vipassana,” or “MBSR” on the internet. *Consult your doctor about best treatment options.

Carmen Wyatt is a mindfulness meditation teacher who’s feeling her way through menopause.

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Check in with your

mental health By Abby Miller


omen are the consummate multi-taskers. We can juggle family, work, friendships, and myriad crises – big and small. So what if we get a little stressed? Of course, we feel down/overwhelmed/agitated/tired/irritable/sore... wouldn’t you? It’s just life, right? “We use the word ‘just’ a lot as women,” says Pam Edwards, executive director of the Capital Mental Health Association in Victoria. “We use it to minimize our own experiences instead of taking the time to selfreflect and try to find out what might be causing us to feel this way.”

Depression in women peaks in the years between ages 40 and 59

Unfortunately, mental health issues in middle-aged women are on the rise. According to a 2008 report on the Health and Well-Being of Women in British Columbia, depression in women peaks in the years between ages 40 and 59. It’s worth taking a good look at your symptoms to determine if you are at risk, so you can seek appropriate treatment. Edwards suggests looking for significant changes in behaviour or mood.

Mental health is a spectrum, ranging from mental wellness to serious mental illness. And while it is normal to feel depressed, anxious or irritable at times, your symptoms have crossed the line when they impair your ability to live your life and last for a considerable amount of time, usually more than two weeks. It is important to remember that mental health has physical symptoms, as well.

Sometimes it’s easy to write off symptoms you may be feeling. Society has been doing it for centuries. “Hysteria” comes from the Greek word for uterus, after all. These days, you are unlikely to hear someone blame your mood directly on your uterus, but an equally insidious go-to has taken its place: hormones. “It’s hormones. It’s stress. When you’re talking about women from their 30s through their 60s, you’ve got every excuse and we’ve come to believe that message. Well, maybe it is, but maybe the emotions and physical symptoms you’re experiencing mean something else,” says Edwards.

“Your mind is the essence of who you are and yet we don’t treat it with the same respect we treat the body. You wouldn’t neglect a sore or leave a wound un-cleaned, and yet we are okay with leaving our minds unhealed,” Edwards says. Left unchecked, mental health symptoms can become life-threatening. “That is why self-care for women is so important. And it’s not selfish,” says Edwards. “It doesn’t mean you’re weak or sick. It means you feel like you are worth being healthy.” Abby Miller is the former editor of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Balance Magazine.

Mental Health Checklist You know you are self-aware about your body, so why not bring that self-awareness to your mind? The following questions look at some typical changes that many of us might ignore: • Has my personality changed? Am I suddenly shy when I’m usually outgoing, or vice versa? • How am I sleeping? Do I have early-morning wakening or insomnia? • Do I still enjoy my hobbies like I used to? • How’s my sex drive? Is it lower or higher than usual? • Have I had any significant changes in my weight or appetite? • Has my consumption of alcohol or cigarettes increased?

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• What are my energy levels? Am I worn out or more hyper than usual? • Am I more grumpy or irritable? • Does my mood fluctuate a lot? Or is it always down? • What about physical pain? Do I have headaches, digestive issues or chronic pain that doesn’t seem to have another cause and doesn’t respond to treatment? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be experiencing a mental health issue and should consider seeking help. Contact for more information on mental health, or your family doctor if you have concerns about your mental well-being. And remember, you can feel better.

Ageless Living | Issue 1

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Ask a Doctor


“I am a 49-year-old woman, in perimenopause but otherwise healthy, and my hair has started to get thin. What might be causing this, and what can I do to stop or slow down the hair loss?�

The doctor says: T he first assumption that I will make here is that your family is not causing you to pull your own hair out!

Perimenopause begins when the length of your menstrual cycle becomes more variable, typically more than seven days different from your normal cycle length. This phase ends when you have gone a year without a period, starting menopause. Androgenic alopecia, caused by the testosterone in your body, is the most common form of hair loss, affecting 30 to 40 percent of both sexes, and its incidence increases around the time of menopause. Thinning usually affects the vertex or mid-scalp. Uneven hair lengths and texture can be a hallmark of this type of hair loss. It may be associated with menstrual irregularities, acne, and unwanted hair growth elsewhere on your body (hirsutism).

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Diagnosing the cause of your hair loss will require physical examination and ruling out other factors such as thyroid disease, iron deficiency, certain medications, and trauma. Your doctor may wish to assess levels of hormones such as testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and prolactin; however, since androgenic alopecia is so common with normal levels of these hormones, this testing is not always necessary. Treatment of hair loss should be tailored to any underlying cause. Often, topical minoxidil can be used to promote hair growth. I would encourage you to consult with a family physician prior to starting treatment. Dr. Michael Putland is a family doctor in Victoria.

Ageless Living | Issue 1



Ask a

The naturopath says: F

irst and foremost, you need to get back to basics. Consume a diet rich in nutrients, ideally 8 to 10 servings per day of fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods. Eat foods that are high in omega-3s, which are great for your hair and health in general. You can also add phytoestrogenic foods to your diet like sweet potato and edamame, which mimic estrogen in the body and can help to balance out your hormone levels. Drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and sleep at least 7 to 9 hours per night. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference these basics will make!

These act as hormone replacement therapies and will mimic estrogen in the body.

Avoid shampoos and conditioners that contain sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate, add a chlorine filter to your showerhead, and wear a rubber swim cap in the pool.

Lastly, see a naturopathic doctor to help determine the cause of your hair loss, and put together a safe and effective plan to keep you looking and feeling your best!

For herbal remedies, Vitex agnus-castus (Chasteberry), Humulus lupulus (hops) and Actaea racemosa (black cohosh) can be taken orally.

Dr. Chelsea Derry, B.Sc., ND is a naturopathic doctor with private practices in Thornhill and Sutton, Ontario.

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Vitamins can also be beneficial for slowing down hair loss. Vitamin A works to stimulate the hair follicles, and B vitamins are linked with reducing stress, which can prevent hair thinning that may be associated with a B12 deficiency. In addition, Vitamin E is important for improving circulation in the scalp, ensuring that the blood vessels nourish the growing hair adequately.

Ageless Living | Issue 1


Sun Spots Be Gone:

Six Solutions By Liberty Craig

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hey’re known as sun spots, age spots, senile freckles or, worst of all, liver spots; but the fact is, a spot by any other name is still a sun spot. Mistakenly dubbed “age spots” since they increase in number as the years go by, and “liver spots” because they were once believed to be associated with poor liver health, solar lentigines are actually sun-induced (solar) pigment spots (lentigines). Usually dark brown or black in appearance, often raised and rough to the touch, these unwelcome inhabitants can be spotted a mile away. What’s worse, sun spots have the exasperating habit of appearing on areas of the body that are not easily covered. It makes perfect sense: skin that is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun most often and for the longest duration develops solar lentigines. The spots are the body’s way of protecting itself. In response to UV light exposure, the skin produces excess melanin, which creates darker pigmentation in the upper layer of the skin (the epidermis). Initially, the extra melanin simply appears as a suntan, but after years of sun exposure, concentrations of melanin form clumped dark patches on the skin: sun spots. Those with light-coloured or fair skin are most at risk for sun spots, as are those with a history of prolonged sun exposure and sunburn. These all-too-prominent imperfections are not harmful in any way, but any changes to your skin should be checked by your physician to ensure the growth is not precancerous. According to the Mayo Clinic, sun spots should be monitored for particularly dark pigmentation, rapid size increase, irregular border, unusual colour combinations; or accompanying itching, redness, tenderness or bleeding. If any of these symptoms are present, see your doctor without delay. Since sun spots are directly caused by sun exposure, the best way to avoid getting them is, naturally, to avoid the sun. Wide-brimmed sunhats, sunscreen, long sleeves and shade-seeking behaviours are prudent for long-term health as well as to retain your youthful appearance. For many, however, sun avoidance is a newly adopted regimen after a sunsoaked past that has left its legacy in lesions on once-lovely skin. Is it too late to reclaim the milky skin of your youth? Not at all, according to leading dermatologists and skincare specialists. There are a variety of techniques that have been developed to target even the darkest sun spots, and help rid your skin of them for good. Sun, sun, go away! Even if you’ve just begun to practice sun safety, keep it up. It’s never too late to start protecting your skin from continued damage. Furthermore, any other techniques you may use to rid your skin of sun spots can be compromised with additional sun exposure. Lighten up! Skin bleaching creams and lighteners can be used to reduce the appearance of sun spots. Over-the-counter varieties that are most effective are those that contain hydroquinone, deoxyarbutin, gly-

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colic acid or kojic acid. Stronger lotions are available with a prescription. There are three drawbacks to this approach, however. The first is that some people experience a sensitivity to skin bleaching creams. The second issue is with exactness: however carefully applied, bleaching creams tend to touch the surrounding skin during treatment, resulting in a white “ring” surrounding the sun spot. Thirdly, lightening creams can take months of regular application before a difference is noticeable. Chemical cocktail. Chemical peels, which are an acidic application to the surface of the skin, can help reduce the severity of sun spots by peeling away the outer layer of the skin and promoting the growth of new skin cells. Often used as a general anti-aging skin remedy, this approach may have only a moderate effect on sun spots and may require several treatments. Skin sensitivity is a common temporary side effect of the treatment, and sunscreen and sun avoidance are necessary following treatment. Get abrasive. Dermabrasion is much like a chemical peel in that it aims to remove the outer layer of skin and promote the growth of healthy new skin. Otherwise known as dermal skin planning, dermabrasion is the advanced form of the more familiar microdermabrasion. During the dermabrasion procedure, which is performed by a dermatologic surgeon, the skin is frozen and tools are used to literally sand the skin. The recovery period is approximately one to two weeks and requires pain medication, with residual facial pinkness for up to six months. Dermabrasion can be an effective tool in treating sun spots, depending on the depth of pigmentation. However, the procedure is usually performed on the entire face, rather than just the sun spot. Freeze! Another method of treating sun spots is to literally freeze them. Known as cryotherapy, this procedure involves applying a freezing agent, usually liquid nitrogen, to the sun spot to crystallize and destroy the melanocytes, which are the melanin-producing cells responsible for dark pigmentation. Cryotherapy is a quick, targeted procedure that requires no downtime, but may irritate the skin temporarily. There is a slight risk of discoloration or scarring. Fire the laser! Most aesthetics professionals nowadays will tell you that laser therapy is the preferred form of treatment for removal of dark spots on the skin, since a targeted laser can destroy melanocytes without damaging the surface of your skin. The treatment is typically painless and involves no downtime, but it usually requires multiple sessions. After treatment, sun spots will gradually fade and disappear over several weeks, as the dead cells slough off. Liberty Craig is the Editor of Ageless Living Magazine.

Ageless Living | Issue 1

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Ageless Living | Issue 1



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Measuring Hormone Levels:

Saliva vs Dried Blood Spot Testing By Shelby Hulowski

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ave you felt on edge and moody but don’t know why? Can’t get a good night’s sleep because you wake up sweating? Have you suspected your hormones to be the problem or been diagnosed as having a “hormone imbalance”? Aside from symptoms, do you know what else you can do to determine hormone imbalances? Physicians, naturopathic doctors and pharmacists have the ability to determine your hormone levels Shelby Hulowski using both saliva and blood. Most commonly, physicians determine hormone levels through blood testing, which requires going to a lab to have vials of blood drawn. However, saliva and blood spot testing offer more convenient, minimally invasive and accurate methods of determining “free” or bioavailable hormone levels. Forbes Pharmacy carries many laboratory saliva and blood spot testing kits. Forbes also has pharmacists trained in hormone restoration who are available to assist you in determining which test to use and what hormones to test. Here is a overview of how to administer a saliva or blood spot test, the hormones that can be tested, and the differences between these two tests. Saliva testing is a pain-free, convenient method for determining estrogen, progesterone, DHEA-S, testosterone and cortisol (stress hormone) levels. The saliva kits at Forbes pharmacy include collection instructions, a test requisition form, tubes for collecting saliva samples and a mailing bag. The first step in purchasing a saliva kit is determining what hormones to test. This can be done with the help of your healthcare provider; however, if you are still unsure, there are “saliva profiles” set up to help make this decision easier. The basic panel is called Female/Male Saliva Profile I and includes testing for estrogen, progesterone, DHEA-S, testosterone and one cortisol reading. This profile will give an overall sense of hormone imbalances as these five hormones work closely together. Female/Male Saliva Profile II tests the same hormones as profile I in addition to one extra cortisol reading. This panel is recommended to those who are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, allergies and food cravings. For patients suffering from severe symptoms, Female/Male Saliva Profile III offers the most comprehensive assessment. This profile tests all the same hormones as profile I but analyzes complete adrenal function by testing cortisol four times throughout the day. You may also choose to test hormones individually and not as a panel. Blood spot testing is another convenient and accurate method for measuring hormone levels. Using the lancing device provided, simply nick the finger tip and blot a card with blood drops. The blood spots

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are then left to dry for a minimum of 30 minutes before being closed up and mailed to the lab. Blood spot testing is ideal for those who are supplementing with troches or sublingual hormones. High concentrations of hormone may remain in the oral mucosa for several days following the last dosage of sublingual hormones. This could lead to false high hormone results in saliva testing. Blood spot testing is also ideal for those who suffer from dry mouth conditions or have difficulty collecting enough saliva for testing. In addition, some tests are available only as blood spot, such as thyroid, FSH, LH, insulin and Vitamin D. Blood spot primarily measures capillary blood from the finger tips, unlike venous blood drawn from the arm. Capillary blood contains nutrients, hormones and oxygen to feed the tissues, whereas venous blood is partially spent of these components and is returning to the heart, lungs and gastrointestinal tract to pick up more. Capillary blood is what feeds the cells of your body and hormones detected in this blood reflect a more accurate assessment of hormone levels. Like saliva testing, you may choose to test a complete hormone panel or an individual hormone using a blood spot kit. Overall, both saliva and blood spot tests provide convenient, minimally invasive and accurate measurements of hormone levels. Forbes pharmacy carries saliva, blood and combo saliva/blood spot kits. After determining what hormones to test, simply complete the test requisition form and collect your samples according to the collection guidelines provided in the kit. Next, place all samples and paperwork back in the plastic test kit box, close the lid and place the entire kit in the mailing bag provided. Affix proper postage and mail. It is important to send saliva samples as soon as possible after collection. The sample will remain stable under average shipping conditions. If the sample is not sent on the day of collection, it should be stored in the freezer and dates should be noted in the “sample collection date and time” section of the test requisition form. Dried blood spot samples should be kept at room temperature. Testing hormone levels using saliva and/or blood spot is a relatively simple process. The hardest part of testing may be determining which hormones should be tested. Always check with your healthcare provider or consult with a Forbes pharmacist on what hormones would be worthwhile for you to test. Results from test kits purchased at Forbes pharmacy will be sent back to the pharmacy approximately three weeks after mailing. While the labs provide a thorough hormone evaluation, it is strongly recommended to discuss your test results with a healthcare provider to ensure correct interpretation of results. Forbes pharmacists are available for consultations to discuss test results and provide any further recommendations. Stop by or call Forbes pharmacy today to inquire about hormone testing and consultation services. Together we can work with you and your physician to restore your hormones. Shelby Hulowski is a pharmacist at Forbes Pharmacy.

Ageless Living | Issue 1


Spinach for Sleep Raw Spinach Dip N

ot only is it delicious; spinach is rich in tryptophan, which means that when eaten with wholegrain bread or crackers, it makes for an excellent snack that promotes deep sleep.

This raw spinach dip is also rich in nutrients like folate, vitamin K, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and manganese. Ingredients: 4 cups chopped raw spinach ½ cup raw tahini 1 tomato, chopped ½ cup chopped red onion 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon sea salt ½ teaspoon nutmeg (optional) *Combine all ingredients in a food processor and puree. Makes about two cups. Serve with veggies, healthful bread or crackers!

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Simplify your


By Nigel Ford


re you beating yourself up about your diet, counting calories, or wishing that you could buckle down and switch up your nutritional intake? By following a few simple steps, the journey towards a healthy diet becomes much easier. Here’s how:

Make your plan simple: Don’t count on complicated calculations, “wonder foods” or exhaustive eating plans. Start slowly: Don’t change your whole diet at once. Don’t ban foods: Prohibiting certain foods often triggers an impulse that makes you crave the food more. Pay attention to when and why you eat: Half the time when you’re snacking, you’re just thirsty or bored. Most importantly, remember: Every healthy dietary change you make counts!

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Ageless Living | Issue 1

Focus presents: West Coast Taekwon-Do


Creating Confident, Capable Kids C Creating confident, capable kids onfidence, energy, and enthusiasm make every child—and adult—unstoppable. There’s no limit to the goals we can reach when we develop those attributes, and that’s exactly what the instructors onfidence, energy, and enthusiasm make every at West Coast Taekwon-Do areadult—unstoppable. trained to do. There’s no child—and limit to the goals we canteaches reach whenstudents we develop to While the martial art system those attributes, and that’s it exactly whatfar the instrucprotect themselves physically, goes beyond torsplayground. at West Coast Taekwon-Do are trained to do. Do survival on the West Coast Taekwonteaches goal-setting, and respect While theself-discipline, martial art system teaches students tofor others. With protect thosethemselves come solid self-esteem, physically, it goes faracademic beyond achievement,survival and a on lifelong healthyWest lifestyle. the playground. Coast Taekwonteaches self-discipline, and respect “Everyone Do needs a goal-setting, good coach, ” says founder and for others.With those come solidlead self-esteem, acadchief instructor James Tosoff. “We by example a lifelong here. We live emic the achievement, lifestyle weand profess. ” healthy lifestyle. “Everyone needs a good coach,” says founder That meansandthe instructors—all Taekwon-Do black chief instructor James Tosoff.“We lead by example belts—constantly set and achieve their own goals, here. We live the lifestyle we profess.” they stay fit and healthy, they are actively involved in That means the instructors—all Taekwon-Do black ongoing education.They help their students—from set and their own goals,they preschoolers belts—constantly to adults—learn toachieve do the same. stay fit and healthy,they are actively involved in ongoing Tosoff explains: “With constantpreschoolers positive education.They help their students—from reinforce- ment, we help people set short-term to adults—learn to do the same. and long-termTosoff goals within beltpositive system, teach explains: “Withthe constant reinforcechildren to ment, make eye contact and communicate we help people set short-term and long-term clearly, show the effects of body language....” goals within the belt system, teach children to make Parents of elementary-age kids notice the difference eye contact and communicate clearly, show the effects almost immediately. of body language….” “Over the past week, Ryan has shown good Parents of elementary-age kids notice the respect. differHe continuesencetoalmost focus on learning and using the immediately. principles of Taekwon-Do, ” wrote onehas satisfied “Over the past week, Ryan shown parent. good “Jeremy has been more inclined to do his home work,” respect. He continues to focus on learning and using wrote another. the principles of Taekwon-Do,” wrote one satisfied parent. Children enjoy the upbeat environment and the “Jeremy has inclined to do his homeexcitement of striving forbeen andmore reaching new successes every week, whether a new skill, an attitude stripe to work,” wrote another. add to a belt, orChildren earning thethenext belt itself. These kids enjoy upbeat environment and the prove that with enthusiastic one, two, or excitement of strivingattendance for and reachingatnew successes even three classes a week.


“Some students have been coming for more than ten years,” James adds. He proudly describes one 15-yearold who has a second-degree black belt, excellent academic achievements now every week, whether a new skill, anand attitude stripeisto expanding his interests other areas, like being add to a belt,into or earning the next belt itself.These kidsaccepted at Ivy League universities. prove that with enthusiastic attendance at one, two, or “We even three classes a week. helped him learn the value of goal-setting, the “Someof students have been coming moreof than impact perseverance, the for value self-reliance and how to help others, ten years,” James adds.”HeJames proudlysays. describes one 15-year-old who has a second-degree Public speaking is another black skill belt, that children can excellent academic achievements and now is expanding learn while in elementary school, and completely sidehis interests intothat otherhobbles areas, like being accepted at step the fear so many of their parents. Ivy League universities. “We helped him learn the value of goal-setting, the impact of perseverance, the value of self-reliance and how to help others,” James says. Public speaking is another skill that children can learn while in elementary school, and completely side“Kids with ADHD, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, step the fear that hobbles so many their parents. Tourette’s—they can all ofbenefit from the focus of “Kids with ADHD, autism, Asberger’s syndrome, Taekwon-Do,” says James. “Occupational therapists Tourette’s—theyour can classes all benefitfor from the focus recommend kids who ofneed to improve Taekwon-Do,” says James.“Occupational their fine motor development.” therapists recommend our classes for kids who need to improve West Taekwon-Do instructors have the skills, their fine Coast motor development.” patience, and enthusiasm to help every child who wants West Coast Taekwon-Do instructors have the to participate. To help your child—or yourself—toward skills, patience, and enthusiasm to help every child a life of health, achievement, and enthusiasm, call West who wants to participate. To help your child—or Coast Taekwon-Do. James is so confident you’ll see a yourself—toward a life of health, achievement, and difference right away, he’s offering two free weeks and call West Taekwon-Do. James Living readers aenthusiasm, free uniform to Coast the first ten Ageless is so confident who call! you’ll see a difference right away, he’s offering two free weeks and a free uniform to the first ten Focus readers who call!

“Everyone needs a good coach,we lead by example here. We live the lifestyle we profess.”

West Coast Taekwon-Do 727-7766 4011 Quadra at McKenzie

West Coast Taekwon-Do 727-7766 4011 Quadra at McKenzie

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Astrid Braunschmidt on

Living Agelessly by Tracy Pheiffer


met up with Astrid Braunschmidt at Azuma Sushi so we could dine on fresh sushi while discussing the secrets of her busy life. Astrid is a weather host and reporter for CTV News and she and her husband Stephen have two boys, which can make for a busy, sometimes chaotic life. Ah, the life of a career mom! So if Astrid is as busy as the other career moms I know, how does she keep herself looking so fresh, vibrant and energized on television? And at her age (in the 30 to 35 bracket), how are her alreadychanging hormones treating her? I could tell right away that Astrid is a woman who is inspired to live a healthy and happy life and is passionate Astrid Braunschmidt about her family and career. When Astrid arrived, we immediately began discussing what life as a career mom is like for her, and quickly got to the big question: is there a good balance to be found? Astrid smiled at this and said, “Hmm... is there? I love our boys, and spending time together as a family is important to Stephen and me. I also enjoy my work and I hope it shows! When we are with the boys, we are active and have quality time together. We take off in the summer and spend a lot of time boating and near water.” We then addressed what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. “I think of it as a challenge,” said Astrid. “I wonder if I am living as healthy as I should be. If healthy means balanced, then I would have to say the boys lead me to seek that out. I want to be able to keep up with them and their level of energy! That said, it’s tough to juggle a full-time career and a busy family. I have an amazingly supportive husband. I really couldn’t do it without him!” Astrid enjoys keeping active; she walks the boys to school and takes time out to go for walks by herself. In the winter she enjoys downhill skiing with her family. Mount Washington is one of Astrid’s favourite places to visit on our beautiful island. Her kids learned to ski there, and the family journeys to Strathcona Park during summers to breath in the alpine air. She also maintains healthy eating habits. “I’m inspired by people who find that happy medium between indulging in decadent cuisine and following strict dietary rules. Nigella Lawson comes to mind! I think she’s fantastic! Everything in moderation, right?” Astrid knows she has to eat well to have the energy to keep up with it all. She enjoys cooking and most of the family’s meals are cooked from scratch. “This is how I grew up and I want to set a good example for our children” says Astrid. “One of our most recent accomplishments is our veggie garden. It’s

a really big deal for me, as I have spent years perfecting the art of killing every plant in sight! On Father’s Day, we enjoyed a salad made of lettuce and greens from our own garden. It was a first! We were so proud, and we’re excited to enjoy the harvest this summer. I hope the boys have learned a little something through this experience.” Our conversation turned to aging. “Of course I think about aging. I take care of my skin, wash it every night and moisturize day and night. I think I’m more conscious of aging now than ever. I have some grey hair, but I’m still waiting for the day I wake up and notice wrinkles. I’m concerned about maintaining a healthy weight as I get older. My concerns are typical of most women, I think. But the question is, what more can I do? I think it’s time I did some research,” she concludes.

“Remaining healthy for me means being healthy from the inside out. Having a positive outlook is a must!” When I wondered aloud if she’d ever looked into her hormone levels, Astrid replied, “When I was pregnant, someone mentioned it to me, but I was so busy having a baby I never looked into it.” Astrid was surprised to learn that just some of the symptoms of a women’s hormonal changes include weight gain around the mid-section, irritability, loss of energy and body temperature changes. She was shocked to learn that these changes can start as young as twenty-five! “This is really valuable information!” remarked Astrid. “I need to take time to look into this!” I shared with her some information about a pharmacist I know who specializes in hormones and does one-on-one consulting (Julie Foreman at Forbes Compounding Pharmacy on the West Shore). Our conversation came full circle, with Astrid revealing how she cares for herself to maintain her energy. She cherishes the Zen moments that keep her going. “When I’ve had a tough day or just need a little time to clear my head, I often go to the beach near our home,” she says. “It’s the one place where I can completely stop. Funny that it’s the same beach I can see from my deck, where I enjoy my first moments of the day and watch the sunset in the evenings.” Astrid starts her day by waking early and going out on her deck to take in the sunrise over the water. She loves singing and can often be spotted in her vehicle, music blasting as she belts out a tune. “Once upon a time, singing was my first career choice. In my late teens I had an opportunity to really pursue music as a career, but for whatever reason, I didn’t. Now, I do a lot of my singing in the car, but I also perform for friends at fundraisers. It’s more of a hobby than anything.” Astrid ended our conversation on an inspiring note: “Remaining healthy for me means being healthy from the inside out. Having a positive outlook is a must!”

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irlfriend, we need to talk. We know you’ve been sneaking those Tena pads into your grocery cart for several years now. We also know that every time you cough or laugh, you do a mental check to ensure that you have one in place. We’ve heard that you have staked out every public washroom within a 100-mile radius of your house. We get it.

And guess what? You’re not alone.

“Statistics indicate that between 30 and 40 percent of women under 65 are affected by some degree of urinary incontinence (UI), and 30 to 50 percent of women over 65,” says Shannon Bourassa, physiotherapist and pelvic floor rehabilitation specialist with Parkway Physiotherapy and Performance Centre in Victoria. The sad fact is that 50 percent of women who are affected by UI are too embarrassed to discuss it. Embarrassing? Of course it is. But so is peeing into a T-shirt in a changing room and stuffing it into a shopping bag like my friend did because she couldn’t make it to the nearest public washroom. So check your embarrassment at the door, sisters, because it’s time to bone up on our bothersome bladders. What is Urinary Incontinence (UI)? “There are two types of UI in women,” explains

By Susan Pederson

Dr. Harold Hunt, an obstetrician/gynecologist with the Victoria General Hospital. “There is stress incontinence that can occur when a woman laughs or coughs. This can sometimes occur first after childbirth and can become worse with age.”

50 percent of women who are affected by UI are too embarrassed to discuss it. Factors such as obesity, having a job involving heavy lifting, chronic coughs or chronic constipation can contribute to stress incontinence. This type of UI can stem from a variety of issues with our “plumbing,” from prolapsed organs such as the uterus or rectum (a condition in which the organ is “collapsing” into the pelvic cavity, putting pressure on the bladder) to weakened supportive tissue and muscles caused by multiple births, gynecological or urinary surgery, or hormonal changes during menopause. The second type of UI is referred to as urge incontinence (sometimes referred to as nervous bladder or an unstable bladder). Normally, when the bladder fills with urine, the bladder muscles relax in order to compensate for the additional fluid.

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“In a nervous bladder, the muscles sort of ‘twitch’ instead, so that as soon as the woman feels the sensation of her bladder filling even slightly, she feels the need to find a washroom immediately,” says Dr. Hunt. And although the term “nervous bladder” sounds endearing in a sort of sweet way, living with its symptoms is anything but. “It’s sometimes called ‘key-in-the-door syndrome.’ It can be quite debilitating for women, so that they always have to know where a bathroom is every time they go out. Many women who are living with UI often isolate themselves, which has a major impact on their lives,” says Bourassa. There is also mixed UI, with symptoms originating from several of these factors, and overflow UI, where the bladder constantly “leaks.”

Patients can see improvement in pelvic floor health by doing just 10 deep, effective Kegels a day.

ID your UI It is critical to see your doctor or health care provider to determine the cause of your UI, so you can make an informed decision about treatment options. “Treatments for dealing with UI are vastly different, so having a thorough examination and looking at factors which may be contributing to the condition can help us pinpoint a recommended treatment. It could involve

The term “nervous bladder” sounds endearing in a sort of sweet way; living with its symptoms is anything but. encouraging them to lose weight, prescribing medications, or having them work on pelvic floor exercises,” Dr. Hunt says. Bourassa conducts a complete internal physical exam to determine the contributing factors of the UI and, in many cases, works with her patients to develop a pelvic floor strengthening routine. And that means Kegel exercises.

1,234…1,235… How many Kegels can a girl do? If you’ve done more Kegel reps than Michelle Obama has done bicep curls, with no improvement in your UI symptoms, you may be doing them incorrectly (sorry). “Many women learned that they just need to tighten the muscles around their vagina, or tighten until they stop the flow of urine,” says Bourassa. “The pelvic floor muscles include a large amount of muscles near the tailbone as well. Women need to squeeze all the way into the back to engage all these muscles too.” Bourassa adds that women should imagine their pelvic floor as being like a hammock so they can feel the momentum of pulling all the way up. She reiterates the importance of getting a proper medical diagnosis as well, citing pelvic floor rehabilitation as more effective in some cases of UI than others, with less promising results seen in those involving prolapses. “But women have nothing to lose doing pelvic floor exercises while they are waiting six months for surgery. Their muscles will be that much stronger for recovery.” She says patients can see improvement in pelvic floor health by doing just 10 deep, effective Kegels a day. Know when to hold ’em A different kind of training can be very effective to combat a nervous bladder. Bladder training requires women to gradually delay, for longer periods, that sprint to the washroom at the first bladder twinge. “I have had women come in after just a month, crying because they were so grateful that their UI was better,” says Bourassa. Know when to fold ’em Depending on the type of UI, the doctor may recommend a pessary—a device folded and placed in the vagina to relieve the stress of prolapsed organs, which often improves the symptoms of urinary incontinence. Pessaries come in a variety of shapes and sizes to allow the doctor to find the most comfortable fit for the patient. For women who are not interested in surgery or who are not good surgical candidates, pessaries offer a viable treatment option. 35 |

Ageless Living | Issue 1

Know when to walk away Not every woman will find relief with these treatments, or may find it difficult to adhere to the treatment requirements. In these cases, your doctor may prescribe drug or hormone therapy. “Many women have success with HRT and estrogen therapy where there has been a lot of atrophy of the tissues, although I don’t recommend this as a first-line therapy,” says pharmacist Julie Foreman of Forbes Pharmacy. Anticholinergics are a family of drugs that help to control muscles around the bladder and can offer relief from UI symptoms, as can some antidepressant medications. “But the side-effects are often very annoying,” says Foreman. They include dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness and dizziness. “It’s also important to talk to your pharmacist about the other drugs you are taking, as there can be drug interactions.” Foreman says some women have been able to tolerate patches better, and a new gel application has recently hit the shelves. In addition, she recommends that women consider homeopathic remedies, but only after being assessed by a professional trained in homeopathy. Know when to run For women with prolapsed organs, surgery is often a viable option, and you and your doctor are the best team to determine if surgery is right for you. Surgery options range from applying a surgical “sling” to support affected organs, to undergoing a hysterectomy. Fifty-year-old Kerri Westerson, an avid runner for years, first noticed her diminished bladder control last year. Diagnosed with a dropped bladder (or cystocele), she wore pads to help catch the leaks, but soon found them too cumbersome. Although Westerson kept mum to co-workers when she missed three weeks of work for corrective surgery, she couldn’t help but whisper a triumphant “I had my bladder fixed!” to concerned female co-workers upon her return. Westerson’s surgery, called a trans-vaginal tape (or TVT) involves repairing and tightening the layers of tissue that separate the pelvic organs, creating more support for the bladder. For her, two weeks of complete bedrest, one of which she admits was “quite uncomfortable,” have freed Westerson of her UI. A month later, she hasn’t missed a beat. “It was a complete success. I am back to running, I can jump on a trampoline, and it has renewed the joy I had lost when wearing pads stopped me from having fun without fear.”

Ask Our


Dr. Carole Williams, MD CCFP

Ageless Living asks Dr. Carole Williams, MD CCFP, the top questions women want to know about Botox. al: What is the average cost of Botox?

al: What age is a good time to start?

CW: The cost varies depending on who is injecting and the facility providing the service. Botox is sold in units, so the total cost will depend on how many units are used at a particular appointment. Thirty to fifty units would be a good initial dose for many women. Average cost per unit is $8 to $10 in the Victoria area.

CW: A good time to start is when you feel it is appropriate, and when you have discussed it with a physician skilled in the procedure, who offers reasonable expectations and expert care. I personally have not provided Botox injections to anyone under age 23 that I can recall.

al: Does it hurt?

al: Is there a downside to Botox? If so, what?

CW: Botox injections can cause a tiny pinprick sensation but on the whole I do not find this to be a particularly painful procedure.

CW: The downside is that treatments have to be repeated. It is not a miracle treatment for aging, and in the wrong hands it can be a challenge. Sometimes the injections hurt a bit.

al: How often do I need to do it?

al: Do you see a growing trend?

CW: Botox injections will need to be repeated anywhere from three to six month intervals. Some people find as they repeat treatments that they seem to last longer and don’t require as many units per treatment.

CW: I see more people, men and women, who do not see Botox injections as a novelty but as a legitimate treatment both cosmetically and therapeutically.

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Ageless Living | Issue 1

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Through the Ages By Liberty Craig

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Ageless Living | Issue 1


e all know that yoga is supposed to be good for us, yet not everyone gravitates toward yoga naturally. For some, the concept seems a little foreign, or may not feel like enough of a workout, even when it’s tough. You might shy away from the “touchy feely” aspects of yoga. But there are all kinds of classes these days, ranging from a low-key, beginner approach to intensive yoga workshops, and the right class for you is probably easier to come by than you realize. More important, there are many reasons for women in particular to start – and continue – doing yoga as you move through the mature years of your life.

Yoga and Your Body

Yoga is a gentle practice that, even when physically difficult, is easier on your joints and ligaments than activities such as running or sports. Poses that risk straining injured or sore areas of the body can be adjusted to accommodate your particular situation. Yoga combats stiffness and fatigue, builds strength and balance, and helps restore energy levels. Of course, yoga is also completely low-impact, and can be practiced comfortably until very late in life. There are numerous reports of women in their nineties who still enjoy yoga – and are pretty amazing at it!

Yoga and PMS

For women who are still pre- or perimenopausal, yoga can be a great tool for combating premenstrual syndrome. The bloating, headaches, irritability and heaviness of PMS are typically caused by a strain on the nervous system. International yoga expert Colleen Saidman recommends the following sequence of yoga poses to relieve PMS symptoms each month: • Supported Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana): 5-10 mins • Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana): 1-2 mins each leg • Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): up to 1 min • Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana): up to 5 mins • Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana): up to 5 mins • Seated Wide-Legged Straddle Pose (Upavistha Konasana): 2-5 mins • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): 30 secs • Corpse Pose (Savasana): 5-10 mins

Yoga and Menopause

For women coping with the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, yoga can offer some welcome relief. Yoga is also important during this stage in life as it can help combat osteoporosis and improve blood circulation in the body. Along with regular standing poses and inversions, Colleen Saidman suggests the following sequence of poses to help cope with symptoms of menopause: • Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana): 2-5 mins • Seated Wide-Legged Straddle Pose (Upavistha Konasana): 2-5 mins • Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana): 2-5 mins • Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): up to 1 min

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• • • •

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsasana): up to 1 min Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana): up to 5 min Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): 30 secs Supported Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana): 2-5 mins • Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani), bringing the legs into Baddha Konasana while there: 2-5 mins • Corpse Pose (Savasana): 5-10 mins

Yoga and Aging

Yoga may be one of the most important initiatives for the aging body. This is the time to build the foundation for good mobility in your later years. Yoga is a vital tool for strengthening muscles and helping maintain flexibility. More than that, it may be the key to fall prevention. A recent study by Philadelphia researchers found that a low-intensity form of yoga, known as lyengar yoga, can significantly improve the balance and stability of older women and may be important as a tool to prevent falling – which is a well known contributor to declining health in older populations. The study involved 24 women aged 65 and older who performed a basic 90-minute yoga session twice a week with increasing intensity. At the conclusion of the study, the women were able to walk faster with longer strides, stand longer on one leg at a time, balance better while standing and walking, and distribute weight more evenly across their feet as they walked.

Yoga and Depression

Depression is a common affliction for older adults, and the problem is compounded by lingering scepticism of the illness from generations past. If you were raised to believe that depression is merely a sign of “weakness,” you may have a great deal of difficulty admitting to it, seeking help, and dealing with your own depression. While there is no substitute for professional help and your first step should always be to speak with your doctor, there is also increasing evidence that yoga may help. A study published in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (September 2010) analyzed the effects of “laughter yoga” on women battling depression in their later years. The study divided 70 depressed women between the ages of 60 and 80 into three groups. The first group did ten sessions of laughter yoga – which combined happy thoughts and laughter with yoga exercises. The second group performed ten 30-minute aerobic exercise sessions, while the control group did nothing. The study concluded that laughter yoga was at least as effective as exercise in combating depression, and often more so. Numerous other studies have confirmed the positive effects of yoga and tai chi on depression. Yoga is also a supportive, encouraging group environment, which may help ward off depression in elderly women prone to isolation. Whatever your age, it is not too late to start benefiting from the many health advantages of yoga – and it is never time to stop.

Liberty Craig is the Editor of Ageless Living Magazine.

Ageless Living | Issue 1


Why not try…

Surfing! By Kari Magnuson


f you have ever dreamed of learning to surf, you’re in good company. Women over 40 are one of the fastest-rising demographics of those trying – and loving – surfing. That’s because, beyond the obvious thrill and exercise, surfing creates a sense of empowerment, especially when you successfully catch and ride that first wave. As well, many women find they now have the time and finances to try something new, or revisit a lifelong dream and cross it off their “bucket list.” If you’re ready to try surfing, make sure you take a lesson (or two, or three) with a reputable surfing school. And be prepared for few (dozen) wipeouts along the way. “Many women find the learning curve a lot more fun than they expected. They’re often shocked they can actually do it,” says Krissy Montgomery, owner of Surf Sister Surf School in Tofino. According to Montgomery, better, more affordable equipment is making surfing more accessible and easier to learn. “Fifteen years ago, it was difficult to find a women’s wetsuit,” she says. Surfing schools use longer, sturdier surf-

boards to build learners’ confidence. As ability progresses, surfers move to shorter boards, and bigger waves. Devo Reeves, 45, an instructor with Surf Sister, says surfing has shifted her perspective on what’s important and allows her to “step

“Step away from life and just go have fun. It’s a great opportunity to be a nine-year-old kid again!” away from life and just go have fun. It’s a great opportunity to be a nine-year-old kid again. It keeps me young and in shape. And surfing is one of the few things that forces you to be in the moment—you have no choice.” Another enthusiast is Valma Brenton, 53, owner of Herizen Life Adventures in Nanaimo. She found surfing to be “incredibly healing” after an injury drastically affected her mobility. “When a woman feels safe to learn, often in groups of like-minded women, her natural 40 |

Ageless Living | Issue 1

intuitiveness allows her to support her body, progress at her own pace and build confidence.” While surfing offers a great full-body workout, beginners will feel it particularly in their upper body, arms and back. Yoga, swimming, and core exercises are ideal to help you prepare for your lesson. Look for certified instructors with CPR and lifesaving training who offer a balance of technique, safety and etiquette instruction. Vancouver Island is blessed with a number of surfing outfits offering group and private lessons from beginner to advanced. Beginner lessons start at about $75 for three hours including gear rental. (Pacific Surf School in Tofino offers free lessons for anyone over 60.) And don’t be surprised if you get hooked. “It doesn’t matter your age, shape or size,” says Brenton. “Surfing creates a ‘win’ that makes you want more.”

Kari Magnuson is a writer who has just added surfing lessons to her bucket list.

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Downsizing: The Baby Boomer’s Trend

ver the past four years there has been a trend in the real estate market to deliver smaller and smaller condo units and smaller homes as Baby Boomers begin to downsize their living. The days of the large family home seems to becoming a thing of the past in today’s building environment. This new trend of living smaller and smarter brings up an interesting dilemma. Downsizing to a smaller home can save lots of money, but people often tend to fill their homes with possessions. If this happened in the larger home, finding room for everything in the new smaller home could pose a challenge. As the baby boomers push to retirement and leave their larger homes and move into town homes and condos, they ask themselves what to do with these possessions. Many people still have Christmas decorations, family heirlooms, and various seasonal items such as tents, ski’s and even their RV’s, boats and other seasonal vehicles. So, how do you balance the transition into a smaller home or living in a micro condo and still retain the items you hold dear, such as your bike for the summer months or your ski’s for your annual trip to the ski slopes? The simple and cost

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