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Paul Sutherland
WORLD Peace! Salam! Shalom! Pax! Vrede! Pau! Mir! Klid! Kapayapaan! Paix! Frieden! Ειρήνη! שלום! शांति! Síocháin! Pace! Pokój! Paz! тише! Huzur! Мир! Hoà bình! Stop by, please, enjoy some lovely tea, dessert and conversation. My given name is Paul Christopher Sutherland. Paul from the Greek for Small. Christopher also Greek for one who bears Christ Sutherland from the Viking word for southern range of their territory. Namely, the extreme north of Scotland. The name I've used in my heart though, is Servant (slave) of the Protecting Friend. Inshallah, I hope to live up to this name. Abdul Walyy. When I was living in Buffalo, New York, I was riding a bus and saw a Muslim man. We spoke briefly and I found out that a Mosque was located near my house. I visited it and inside I met a Turkish man who said he could answer some of my questions. We ended up staying close contact and learning about each other's religion for quite a while, almost six months. Then he aske