Paul Tripp Plus | Philemon Discussion Guide

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the gospel changes everything discussion guide to accompany paul tripp’s video bible study on the book of philemon

- paul

© 2015 by Paul Tripp Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. 7214 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19135 215-338-4000 If you are a Plus Member on, you are permitted to make an unlimited number of copies of this PDF Discussion Guide for yourself, your family and/or your Bible Study or small group. Any reproduction, distribution or sharing of the Philemon video files outside of your small group gathering without written permission is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

GREETINGS, I’m so excited that you signed up for Paul Tripp Plus and decided to download my inaugural study from A Book Of The Bible! As I prepared my notes for Philemon, I recognized again how the gospel really does change everything, and I hope God will use this material to help you as much as he helped me in teaching it. HOW TO USE THIS STUDY You can use this material in any way you see fit; it’s flexible enough to be molded into a variety of formats. But, I designed it with two primary purposes in mind: Individual: If you’re going to study this material on your own, it makes for a great early morning, lunch break or bedtime devotional. Each video session is brief, between 6 to 8 minutes, so you can watch the teaching and spend the following minutes reflecting on the provided questions, journaling, memorizing supplemental Scripture, or praying. This format also works well for families who want to start or end each day together in the Word of God. There are only seven sessions in this Philemon series, so it’s perfect for a week-long Bible Study! Small Group: If you’re going to use this material for your small group or Bible Study, I suggest setting aside at least three hours, and I would encourage you to break that time up over two or three gatherings. My seven sessions combine for 45 minutes of video, and you want to allow plenty of time for interaction among your group. I don’t have any specific suggestions about how to divide the seven sessions up across your multiple gatherings, but I do recommend that the leader of the small group or Bible Study watch the entire teaching before the first gathering (I have some additional notes for group leaders on the following page). I pray that this Bible Study will refresh your hearts as it did mine!

- paul david tripp

The video sessions for Philemon are available online - - but you must first be signed into your PT+ account to download them -

LEADERS, Thank you for being willing to facilitate this study on Philemon! The Gospel really does change everything in the life of a Christian, and God wants to use you as an instrument of help in their spiritual development. As the facilitator, your role is both similar and different to those participating. You should pay close attention to the material and listen with a humble heart, because God wants to teach you things. At the same time, it’s your role to lead others and be available for counsel, advice and wisdom. Here are some recommendations for you to keep in mind as you lead: • WATCH all seven video sessions and follow along with this guide in advance of your first group gathering; you should have a complete understanding of the book. • AGREE on a beginning and ending time and honor it; two 90-minute gatherings or three 60-minute gatherings should provide enough time for Philemon. • FACILITATE each gathering, asking questions and encouraging participation. • SOLICIT answers from multiple participants; don’t let the same person answer every question. For some questions, it might be appropriate to ask everyone, but don’t force anyone to answer; • ALLOW time for participants to answer. Rephrase the question when necessary and avoid answering them yourself. You can contribute, but don’t dominate. • AFFIRM everyone’s participation and allow “faulty” responses to remain uncorrected. Rejecting answers, or allowing others to reject answers, can result in an environment of timidity and reduce honesty among participants. • LEAD with transparency. Share from your own experiences, and don’t hide your weaknesses and flaws. There’s no sin that could ever be exposed about us that Jesus hasn’t already covered. We have confidence to admit moral failure. • ADJUST as necessary. You know the participants of your group better than I ever will. If you need to spend an entire session on one question or feel that combining multiple questions will help the discussion progress, do so. This discussion guide is a only a template, so stay alert and mold your gatherings to meet to the need of your participants, their schedule, and relevant issues they’re facing.

grace to you and peace from god our father and the lord jesus christ

THIS GUIDE In this discussion guide you will find a page that tracks along with each session; each page has helpful elements to supplement the video teaching. WATCH VIDEO SESSION: in each video session, I teach for about 6 to 8 minutes and provide the content that sets up discussion and reflection. You can download these videos at, or, if you have a Smart TV with a YouTube app, you can go to to find the unlisted video teaching and connect it that way. PAUSE & APPLY: after I conclude my teaching in each session, a slide will appear that prompts group discussion. Don’t rush this element! In some ways, this is part of the gathering is more important than the video. You want to give each participant an opportunity to process the material in their own words. CONTINUE TO SESSION: depending on how you organize your gatherings, you can either continue immediately to the next Video Session or keep the video paused and engage in Supplemental Discussion (see below). SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION: this is the same element as Pause & Apply, and depending on how you organize your gatherings, you can use this immediately following the Pause & Apply question, or encourage participants to Take It Home (see below). My only suggestion is to keep the Supplemental Discussion linked with the appropriate Video Session (for example, don’t watch sessions 1 - 3 then circle back to the Supplemental Discussion from Video Session 1 again). TAKE IT HOME: this is designed to be completed outside of your personal study time or group gathering. If you’re leading a group, consider setting aside time at the beginning of your next gathering so participants can share their answers or experiences. MEMORIZE THIS: this verse will have similar themes to those taught in the Video Session. It’s just one more way to help participants more deeply engage with and understand the gospel truths found in the book of Philemon.

i appeal to you for my child, onesimus,

SESSION I WATCH VIDEO SESSION 1 PAUSE & APPLY What does God want us to know about the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Paul’s little letter to Philemon? CONTINUE TO SESSION 2 ... or ... SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION

SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION God reserved and preserved historical writings, like Philemon, for His children and compiled them in a Book. What purpose does the Bible serve for us today? TAKE IT HOME Read Matthew 18:21-35 - The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant What similarities are there between this parable and the letter to Philemon? What does God want us to know about the Gospel of Jesus Christ through this parable? MEMORIZE THIS “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

to philemon our beloved fellow worker

SESSION II REVIEW TAKE IT HOME (optional) WATCH VIDEO SESSION 2 PAUSE & APPLY In your group, celebrate (with specificity) the grace God has supplied to each individual. Go around the room and give a testimony to the evidence of spiritual maturity and spiritual gifts that you see in the lives of each member of your study. If you’re alone, contact at least two of your fellow believers and do the same. CONTINUE TO SESSION 3 ... or ... SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION

SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION Why is it easier for us to condemn and criticize than build one another up? What do we need to meditate on to keep us humble and positive? TAKE IT HOME Don’t limit your encouragement of others to just today. For the next week, remind yourself to build at least one person up each day and keep track of what you did. MEMORIZE THIS “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. ” Ephesians 4:29

the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you

SESSION III REVIEW TAKE IT HOME (optional) WATCH VIDEO SESSION 3 PAUSE & APPLY How have you believed - or how are you still believing - that God only uses certain “types” of people for his glory? How do stories in the Bible, including Philemon, prove this wrong. CONTINUE TO SESSION 4 ... or ... SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION

SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION Why does God choose to use weak and unqualified people for his glory? In what ways are you weak and unqualified like those other Biblical characters? TAKE IT HOME Take note of a situation, location or relationship this upcoming week when your weakness is revealed. How is grace sufficient for you in that specific moment? MEMORIZE THIS “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 Go to for the Carson / Keller article

SESSION IV REVIEW TAKE IT HOME (optional) WATCH VIDEO SESSION 4 PAUSE & APPLY In what ways have you fallen into believing that someone, including yourself, is beyond the boundaries of God’s rescuing grace? What happens when you give up on grace? CONTINUE TO SESSION 5 ... or ... SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION

SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION In what ways has God rescued you? Where do you still need to be resced by grace? TAKE IT HOME Find an additional character from Scripture, besides the Apostle Paul, who’s life was radically changed by God. How does their story provide hope and truth for you today? Be specific with your application. MEMORIZE THIS “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven [...] so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty [...] Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress; instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle.” Isaiah 55:10-13 (edited for space...memorize all four verses)

paul, a prisoner for christ jesus

SESSION V REVIEW TAKE IT HOME (optional) WATCH VIDEO SESSION 5 PAUSE & APPLY Where are you at risk of living like a “grace graduate” (one who thinks they no longer need grace as much as others)? How is this attitude destructive to your relationships? CONTINUE TO SESSION 6 ... or ... SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION

SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION Do you intentionally avoid, or feel uncomfortable, spending time with specific individuals or groups of people? Is your avoidance and uncomfortability the result of self-righteous pride? How are you the same as them, apart from the intervention of the grace of God? TAKE IT HOME Spend time this week with a Christian who you share little in common with. Approach that interaction with a humble heart and see what God teaches you. MEMORIZE THIS “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28

more than a bondservant, as a beloved brother

SESSION VI REVIEW TAKE IT HOME (optional) WATCH VIDEO SESSION 6 PAUSE & APPLY Think of a relationship or situation you’re in. In what specific ways can you incarnate Christ like the Apostle Paul? What happens if you choose to be a gospel amnesiac? CONTINUE TO SESSION 7 ... or ... SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION

SUPPLEMENTAL DISCUSSION Where are you holding a grudge or struggling to forgive someone for their sin against you? Why is it such a struggle for you? TAKE IT HOME Take note of when someone sins against you next week; write down some reasons why you don’t want to forgive them. Take a second kook at your list - how has Christ forgiven you in the very same way? MEMORIZE THIS “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:31-32

if he has wronged you at all ... charge that to my account

SESSION VII REVIEW TAKE IT HOME (optional) WATCH VIDEO SESSION 7 PAUSE & APPLY Review the three summary points of Philemon (listed below). Which of those are you struggling with the most in recent weeks and months, and why? 1. FORGIVENESS PRODUCES FORGIVENESS When we remember how much Christ has forgiven us, we joyfully and willingly can forgive others. Conversely, when we forget (or choose not to remind ourselves of) our own forgiveness in Christ, we condemn and judge others for the very same sins we commit every day against the Lord. 2. VERTICAL IDENTITY PRODUCES RELATIONAL PEACE When we pursue an identity in relationships, by trying to find security in another person or by comparing ourselves to another person to find a sense of our own worth, we’ll be entangled by alternative agendas and won’t be free to love, serve and care for that person. It’s only when we enter into our relationships with an identity securely in Christ that we can live at peace with those in our community. 3. GRACE LEVELS THE PLAYING FIELD When we remember that we’re all the same (sinners in need of a Savior) and did nothing to earn our salvation, we have no room to boast, proudly parade our righteousness, or arrogantly look down on others who are “less” than we are. The Cross says the same thing about every individual who has ever lived: rescuing, transforming grace is necessary, and available through the Lord Jesus Christ. END STUDY

the grace of the lord jesus christ be with your spirit

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