UH 9 : Odyssey

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Urban Hub


Integral UrbanHub

Odyssey Thriveable Cities

Paul van Schaik



Urban Hub Odyssey Thriveable Cities Integral UrbanHub


Paul van Schaik Curator & Creator integralMENTORS

A series of graphics from integralMENTORS integral UrbanHub work on Thriveable Cities presentations.

Copyright ©© integralMENTORS– February 2018 ISBN-13: 978-1979576680 ISBN-10: 1979576688

This document is not about clicking our links and following our path of discovery but about engaging and searching your own path in collaboration with us and others and developing pathways for our combined action. Each of these 9 volumes adds to our search & understanding of the field and are best used as a whole.

To build a dynamic city you need everyone from different walks of life, different strata of society to come together and build something interesting. It needs to be progressive, dynamic, and definitely needs to be united in its vision. You need to reach that diversity of different ideas, but there needs to be a central idea that everyone can walk towards as well. - Jackson Tan, co-founder of black design & phunk studio


Street Art by BLU in Rome > Via Giovanni Palombini (2015) || Casal de’ Pazzi

“A city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time� Patrick Geddes

Urban Hub Content Introduction Thriving People Good City Education Wellbeing Evaluation Eco Systems Annexes Case Studies Theory WorldViews

Building Maps and Sets of Interventions that Matter

Impact - not only Action What we have tried to show in this series of books is the numerous ideas, theories and activities that are currently in play – how when used alone no lasting impact can be made. Each tends to tackle one of the four domains we have identified as being crucial. As we show in the theory and also the evaluation section - in order to achieve serious impact, interventions in each of the four domains or Quadrants and eight Zones need to be in place . It’s not which intervention to use but which mix in each domain. An intervention in one domain must be complemented by interventions in each of the other three. We now have the methods needed to evaluate and monitor these inter-meshing interventions. Combining this approach with an understanding of stratified increased broadening of mindset ensures that we are able to meet people where they are ‘at’. “it is ironic that we know more about the habitat of mountain gorillas than we do about the q [urban] habitat of people’. We have programmes for Smart Cities, Green Cities, Healthy Cities or Cities of Culture, hi-tech or low carbon cities. But people are rarely centre-stage.” The Danish urbanist, Jan Gehl noted acerbically

Building Map that Matters Building Maps andand SetsIntervention of Interventions that Matter

Impact not only Action Impact - not only Action

Interventions, and all activities are interventions, though 'true’ are oh so partial. In order to make any of the ideas, theories, activities shown in this series of 9 volumes plus the thousands of other great ideas not included, have a lasting impact we need to understand how they fit within a meta-framework. It is through a meta-framework that we can understand what, how, when and where to use each idea and with whom. The meta-framework used in these volumes is probably the simplest, covering most of what should be included. The AQAL framework used here includes the following: An understanding of how objective, subjective, inter-objective and intersubjective domains tetra-mesh. How stages and states of development determine the 'world' we 'see' and interact with - and how the various lines of development expand with understanding and allow a greater embrace of consciousness, values or mindsets, behaviour, worldviews and systems. But remember - the map is not the territory. That is - don’t end up eating the menu 80% of real impact will be in framing the question not in looking for answers

Thriving People

Urban Hub Good City The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will occur not because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human Naisbitt & Aberdene

The Good City Envisioning Healthy And Sustainable Cities

Daniel Christian Wahl

‘The complex systems on which our lives depend—ecological systems, communities, economic systems, our bodies—all have emergent properties, a primary one being health and well-being’. The emergence of health and sustainability as a defining property of the sustainable city depends on appropriate interactions and relationships on all scales of the fundamentally interconnected complex system that unites nature and culture. In a complex and interconnected world, everybody is a participant and a designer affecting humanity’s collective future through the interactions and relationships s/he engages in. A sustainable city cannot exist in isolation. It depends on, and is defined by, its context and its participants. We have to engage in the transition towards sustainability primarily at the local and regional scale, and create a sustainable culture community-by-community, city-by-city and region-by-region. Ultimately, in a fundamentally interconnected and interdependent complex dynamic system, it is safe to assume that local, regional, and global sustainability are interdependent. This is why cooperation on and across all scales of design is a crucial element of scale-linking design for systemic health and sustainability. In general, the wicked problem of sustainability involves the design of more sustainable lifestyles, products, and transport-, energy- and food-systems, as well as of sustainable communities, economies, industries and cities, to make ecosystems, bioregions and societies healthier and more resilient, thereby increasing the likelihood that these systems/processes will be able to sustain themselves over the long term. Collective and community-based visioning is a powerful tool for promoting sustainable development in all these sectors. A vision for ecological settlement design. A settlement of diversity A settlement on a human scale A settlement of short distances A settlement which uses as little space as possible A settlement of occupant responsibility An energy efficient settlement An emission-free settlement

A vision for ecological settlement design. A quiet beautiful settlement A settlement which values water A predominantly waste-free settlement A settlement of healthy buildings A settlement of native species and productive plants A settlement of creative conflict solving A settlement of human values


Urban Regeneration Regenerating the UK’s post-industrial cities:

Steffen Lehmann

Cities are never finished objects, but always in transformation. Urbanisation is one of the defining processes of contemporary times and a paradigm shift in urban thinking is now happening in the UK, where cities become regenerated urban laboratories. This new paradigm highlights participatory planning processes and new ways of greening and re-naturing cities, combined with building socially-inclusive public space. It is time to rethink and regenerate cities for the age of global warming. However, the complex challenges posed by urbanisation and development cannot be solved by one discipline in isolation. This is why we established the interdisciplinary Innovation Cluster for Sustainable Cities at the University of Portsmouth to bring together key experts from a wide range of disciplines. Cities in the UK and in other countries are facing huge challenges and one answer to regeneration lies in closer collaboration between city leaders, industry and communities with universities. Most of the time UK cities do not need spectacular change or short-term vanity projects, but instead require more modest and careful step-by-step regeneration strategies that get the best out of what we already have and deliver long-term societal benefits. There are plenty of obstacles in the complex process, funding is limited and the public policy side is not always supportive of urban transformation and regeneration. Most urban policies in the UK are now over 15 years old, meaning they were formulated pre-climate change impact awareness and are often ill-informed. Today, we know much more about the causes of urban decline, have new models of urbanisation and can collect the required reliable data that is required for better decision making. This means that there is now a need to update policies on this new, integrated and evidence-based urban understanding. As Badiou put it, “change is the law of the world; the absence of change is death. When we think, we think change” (in: Introduction to the Philosophical Concept of Change, 2012).

Forthcoming publication ‘Urban Regeneration: a Manifesto for UK Cities’ (2018) by Steffen Lehmann and Malcolm Smith www.city-futures.org.uk

Urban Regeneration Regenerating the UK’s post-industrial cities:

Steffen Lehmann

To achieve all this, our collaborative networks and partnerships are crucial, including closer collaboration between all levels of government, communities, the private sector and academia, to enable interconnected peer-to-peer learning networks and better information and knowledge sharing. Architects are slowly regaining their interest in urbanism and strategic urban thinking about future neighbourhoods and what the city might look and feel like. The Cluster for Sustainable Cities is an active interdisciplinary research group that brings together 40 key researchers in the field of cities from across a range of disciplines. The Cluster has recently organised three highly successful breakfast events on ‘Our urban futures’, inviting around 120 to 140 participants and decision makers to engage in public dialogue and debate, discussing visionary but grounded ideas for the future of cities in the UK. Part of this dialogue were discussions such as cities’ continuing transformation to service and knowledge-based cities, with anchor universities sometimes driving this regeneration by building ‘Innovation Quarters’; there are particularly exciting examples in UK cities where new university quarters have been developed that delivered public benefits and new spaces to be enjoyed by the whole population. Clearly, it’s critical to explain the reasons for change well and to inform (educate) the public in good urban design, but what is often missing is an agreed basis to start from. To this aim, the Cluster for Sustainable Cities has partnered with industry and local government (such as with Brighton and Hove City Council; Southendon-Sea Borough Council; and London Hammersmith & Fulham Borough Council) to create the visionary document: ‘Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Communities’, a booklet that introduces ten optimistic, high-level guiding strategies as principles of good urbanism which we think will be a solid basis for any urban regeneration project. www.city-futures.org.uk

Urban Regeneration These ten strategies need to be tackled simultaneously Strategy 1. Urban culture and heritage – maintaining a unique sense of place Linking the continuous transformation to the city’s past and sense of place, as a shared and refined urban vision creates cultures of the people, ecology and place expressed at a human scale through both physical and social structures. Strategy 2. A public space network for a compact, walkable and mixed-use city Creating calm, walkable streetscapes and connected public spaces to support walking, social interaction and display distinctive private, commercial and civil functions. Strategy 3. Mobility – moving around cities conveniently Making transportation more equitable and identifying new region-wide mobility concepts that are not car based.

Peter Barber’s infill housing project in East London is a successful example of urban regeneration

S . trategy 4. Coastal cities: transforming the waterfront of resilient, future-proof cities Strategically planning ahead, allowing the city to become more adaptable and anticipate demands and impacts to ensure future infrastructure and waterfronts are resilient. Strategy 5. Inclusive mixed-used urban living A diverse, accessible, affordable and active city will encourage successful commercial activity, promote prosperity and support the well-being of inhabitants including the ageing population. For more information and to download the full Urban Manifesto, please visit: www.city-futures.org.uk

Urban Regeneration These ten strategies need to be tackled simultaneously Strategy 6. High-quality architectural design and public space as a catalyst for a better city Architecture has to be more than individual acts: it has to provide a coherent background. Including the reuse and up-cycling of existing buildings and structures, and the careful increase in urban density will help to make the city more authentic and sustainable. Strategy 7. Smart citizens, smart energy and citizen participation Smart, citizen-centric planning will use urban performance data for better informed decision-making and new policy formulation. Strategy 8. Thinking long-term and making the most of what we have Taking full advantage of the existing and making the most of what we have, while creating ‘Spaces of Opportunity’ to sustainably strengthen the city and repair its discontinuities. Strategy 9. Developing vibrant university quarters to regenerate the heart of our cities Re-imagining a regenerated city centre that is less car dominated, with a network of walkable public space and meeting places, with a world class university quarter at its centre. Strategy 10. Cities sharing their experiences, learning from each other: new knowledge platforms Participatory and people-centred urban governance with peoplecentred planning that will further improve the liveability and competitiveness of our cities by encouraging practices to make them more just, safe, healthy and resilient. www.city-futures.org.uk

Urban Regeneration Please join us on this journey. No doubt, cities in the UK are facing huge challenges. With these ten strategies in hand we have now a commonly agreed basis to work from and can together consider what actions can be taken in the future regeneration of our cities.

About the author: Dr Steffen Lehmann, AADip, RIBA, AoU, is Professor of Sustainable Architecture and Founding Director of the Cluster for Sustainable Cities at the University of Portsmouth.

For more information and to download the full Urban Manifesto, please visit: www.city-futures.org.uk

Data Communities People-centred collapsed - objective & interobjective Sidewalks : True but partial: Sidewalks Toronto is an example of this type of thinking. About Sidewalk Toronto We are designing a district in Toronto’s Eastern Waterfront to tackle the challenges of urban growth, working in partnership with the tri-government agency Waterfront Toronto and the local community. This joint venture, called Sidewalk Toronto, aims to make Toronto the global hub for urban innovation. Our Vision Sidewalk Toronto will blend people-centered urban design with cutting-edge technology to achieve new standards of sustainability, affordability, mobility, and economic opportunity.

A mobility system that is safer and more convenient than the private car at much lower cost. Self-driving technology and digital navigation tools can give rise to a next-generation, pointto-point transit system that complements pedestrian, cycling, and bus or rail options to improve convenience, reduce costs, and enhance street safety. Housing and real estate that is more efficient and thus far more affordable. New construction methods and flexible building designs enable radical mixeduse, walkable neighborhoods that reduce the cost of housing and retail space. www.sidewalklabs.com

Data Communities Sidewalks : People-centred collapsed to RH Quadrants - objective & interobjective A new standard of sustainability. A suite of design and infrastructure innovations can dramatically reduce building energy consumption, landfill waste, and carbon emissions— creating a blueprint for truly climatepositive neighborhoods.

A public realm that puts people first and is vibrant year-round. All-weather infrastructure and data-driven management tools enable cities to make parks and public plazas more comfortable, lively, and safe, and self-driving vehicles enable communities to reclaim streets for public space and social connections. www.sidewalklabs.com

Data Communities Sidewalks : People-centred as data - objective & interobjective only A close-knit community that uses data to improve city services. Better data integration, combined with more accessible community hubs that offer a variety of local services, enable a comprehensive approach to social and community services that delivers better outcomes to people at lower cost.

Open digital infrastructure that inspires innovation. At the core of a future city is a layer of digital infrastructure that provides ubiquitous connectivity for all, offers new insights on the urban environment, and encourages creation and collaboration to address local challenges. www.sidewalklabs.com

Data Communities Sidewalks : People-centred as data - objective & interobjective only Think Hard Before Handing Tech Firms The Rights To Our Cities' Data Sidewalk Toronto isn't a project about urban planning. It's about a private sector firm building itself into our infrastructure and harvesting our data. The discussion that Sidewalk Labs wants us to have is about local urban planning. They want us to talk about affordable housing, safe streets, data privacy, environmental sustainability and community benefits. They want this to be the framing of the project, because who would oppose any of that? What they don't want anyone to be asking is whether this project should be happening at all. The plan involves the possibility of a private sector firm building itself into our infrastructure and harvesting our data. Sidewalk Toronto isn't a project about urban planning. As a smart city project built around sensors and data collection, the plan involves the possibility of a private sector firm building itself into our infrastructure and harvesting our data. It's a market-making project that necessitates an urgent national discussion and review of our existing laws and policies on data, procurement, privacy and more. There are domino implications regarding how private sector technology may impact public service delivery; how this model may further erode the tech capacity of the state; and what that does to our ability as a nation to operate independently of technology vendors. Most importantly, there needs to be a discussion about other ways to make our cities smart. Private sector leadership is not the only way. We owe it to ourselves to think hard about how to apply the many benefits of technology to our governance: how we deliver our public services, and how much of this work should be government owned and led. Bianca Wylie Open government advocate www.huffingtonpost.ca/bianca-wylie/think-hard-before-handing-tech-firms-the-rights-to-our-cities-data_a_23270793/

Future Cities Future of cities: working paper The paper is organised into five sections. First, we examine some classic efforts to characterise the very nature of living in the ‘city’. Are city lives in some way distinct and if so what is it about them that engenders such characteristics? Second, we describe how cities in Britain developed over the past few decades, from the 1970s to the present day. Third, a brief account is developed of changing patterns of urban living from around the world over roughly the same period. Fourth, we establish a range of possible urban futures for the middle of this century drawing upon various kinds of research and evidence. www.gov.uk/government/collections/future-of-cities

Future Cities Future of cities: working paper Each of these is illustrated by a visualization to capture the main ways in which lives would be organised within each city future. The paper tries to address the following processes and activities at each historical stage: the movements of people, objects and communications; the changing nature and location of work; forms of leisure, consumption, and education; and family and friendship life. It should be noted that this paper does not consider in any depth issues of governance, finance, food and metabolism since these are examined in other Foresight papers being produced in 2014 Future of cities: working paper – Foresight, Government Office for Science 2014


Urban Regeneration Tactical Urbanism WHAT IS TACTICAL URBANISM? The term tactical urbanism is often used to refer to low-cost, temporary interventions that improve local neighbourhoods. Although the Berlin-based Studio Urban Catalyst explored tactical and temporary uses in post-industrial Europe in the early 2000s1, the term “tactical urbanism” came into common use in 2010-2011 when a group of young urbanists created the publication Tactical Urbanism: Short-term Action, Long-term Change, which showcased temporary public space improvement projects from across North America. The authors define tactical urbanism as smallscale, short-term interventions meant to inspire long-term change, adding that tactical urbanism as a city-building approach features five characteristics: • A deliberate, phased approach to instigating change; • An offering of local ideas for local planning challenges; • Short-term commitment and realistic expectations; • Low-risks, with possibly a high reward; and; • The development of social capital between citizens, and the building of organizational capacity between public/private institutions, non-profit/ NGOs, and their constituents.

WORKING WITH CITIZEN INITIATIVES Citizens often lead tactical urbanism projects -- both those that are sanctioned and those that are not. While officials and planners have a professional responsibility to manage risk and ensure public safety, there can be value in considering how the ideas and intentions behind citizen actions can inform planning practice. The Walk Raleigh project is a good example of how planners can harness the momentum and enthusiasm of an unsanctioned project and avoid being reactionary. Portland’s Intersection Repair project shows how officials embraced and formalized a citizen-driven community building activity. www.reginaurbanecology.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/tuguide1.pdf

Urban Regeneration Tactical Urbanism Current resources regarding tactical urbanism are often directed toward informal actors (citizens, nonprofit organizations). The purpose of this guide is to offer insight to urban planners and municipal administrators who are interested in incorporating low-cost, temporary interventions into planning practice. It provides case studies of how planners and officials have engaged in tactical and temporary projects and have addressed some of the common issues inherent in tactical urbanism. By understanding the potential challenges and opportunities of tactical and temporary urbanism, planners will be able to determine the extent to which they can take advantage of these projects and collaboratively work with citizens in the process of city-building.

RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY Working with citizen initiatives 1. Resist being reactionary to citizen-led actions 2. Educate citizens about existing bylaws Harness the energy and creativity of citizens 3. Find ways to accommodate citizen initiatives 4. Create a standardized process 5. Designate a central contact or community liaison Demonstrating what’s possible 1. Foster communication and connections between actors 2. Offer to be the test case 3. Work through your official permitting process 4. Partner with relevant groups in the community 5. Share what you learn 6. Look for quick wins while planning

Adapting ideas to your context 1. Critically evaluate innovative projects in other cities 2. Think about the logistics 3. Consult citizens when creating and testing new programs 4. Pilot projects with interested community group 5. Measure the impact Using existing resources 1. Assess existing under-utilized public resources 2. Look for opportunities to adapt the management of City-owned resources 3. Find opportunity in existing regulations 4. Lower the barriers 5. Communicate opportunities

Getting internal buy-in 1. Do your homework 2. Approach other departments early and be inclusive 3. Communicate larger planning goals to other departments 4. Use failure as an opportunity to learn 5. Promote dialogue www.reginaurbanecology.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/tuguide1.pdf

Urban Regeneration The Permeable City

Paul Krause

Cities typically emerge next to a major water course; a river, a large lake or an ocean. Yet, cities are massive disruptors of the natural hydrological cycle: • Waste water is taken away from the city for treatment. Storm water is tunnelled rapidly into the nearby water course. • Groundwater is abstracted from the subterranean aquifer; three-quarters of Europeans, and half of the residents of the USA drink groundwater. • Surface water and groundwater are disconnected, with the built environment(roads, car parks, basements, metro tunnels) acting as barriers to groundwater recharge. • The water table drops. Land dries, urban forests are stressed, the heat island effect is enhanced as surface water evaporation is reduced. Pavements crack, sink holes appear. • When heavy rain does fall, the volume of surface run off can massively exceed the capacity of the built or human modified infrastructure (canalised or pipe drivers and streams). Flooding occurs, with dramatic personal and financial loss. Our mistake in the conventional infrastructure is to attempt to provide simple solutions to managing the city’s metabolism that break the natural cycles that formerly sustained a city’s space in its bioregional context. We need to re-establish the aggregate metabolic processes at the City as Ecosystem level through provision of a diversity of functional forms. We have good empirical evidence and case studies that draw us in this direction, although detailed modelling of cities within their bioregional context still needs further work. We must understand how a city ecosystem functions within a “Panarchy” of embedded ecosystems – business and social ecosystems function within a city ecosystem, which in turn function within bioregional and global ecosystems.

Third part of an ongoing input - Complexity and the City by Paul Krause: BSc PhD FIMA Cmath, Professor in Complex Systems, Surrey University See also Urban Hub 7 & 8


Urban Regeneration The Permeable City Stresses from ecosystems embedded within, and within which the city is embedded, can disrupt the city’s metabolic processes, and the city in turn can disrupt the ecosystems internal and external to it. By working with ecosystem services, we can bring the processing of fluid wastes (storm water, grey water, effluent) back into the city ecosystem. Permeable surfaces, soft and graded edges to streams and rivers, seasonal ponds and ditches can slow storm water runoff and recharge the city’s groundwater. Gravel and reed beds can provide natural ways of cleaning urban waste water – at least sufficiently to be used safely for agriculture where the embedded nitrogen and phosphorous also acts as fertilizer. There is potential to catalyse natural processes so that waste water can be safely added back into groundwater. The future city will be an ecosystem where natural functions are reinstated to once again bring the hydrological cycles back within the city

See: Sandra Postel, Replenish, Island Press 2017 Richard Forman, Urban Ecology: Science of Cities, Cambridge 2014 Newman & Jennings, Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems, Island Press 2008 Goen Ho, International Source Book on Environmentally Sound Technologies for Wastewater and Stormwater Management, UNEP 2002


Urban Regeneration Housing density The efficiencies were these: Density enables much lower consumption of resources and time. Density enables higher asset utilization. Density entails frequent physical interactions. And the costs were these: Density leads to a reliance on central systems. Density increases the need for courtesy and trust. Density requires coordination and negotiation.


Urban Regeneration Housing density

Urban Regeneration Housing density

Resilient Cities What is a Disaster Resilient City? A Resilient City is one, where: 1. There is strong leadership and coordination and responsibilities in disaster risk management are clearly delineated. This includes effective stakeholder engagement, well defined policies and strategies and distribution of tasks, effective lines of communication and mechanisms that facilitate effective risk management. 2. The city is up-to-date on knowledge about hazards. Risk assessments are routinely prepared as a basis for urban planning and long-term development, including current and future investment decisions that contribute to improved resilience. 3. There is an adequate financial plan that complements and promotes mechanisms to support resilience activities. 4. Urban planning is carried out based on up-to-date risk information with a focus on the most vulnerable groups. Realistic and risk compliant building regulations are applied and enforced to effectively reduce physical risk. 5. Natural ecosystems within and around the city’s territory are identified, protected and monitored to sustain and safeguard their protective functions as natural buffers. 6. All institutions relevant to a city’s resilience are strengthened to have the capabilities they need to execute their roles. 7. The social connectedness and culture of mutual help are strengthened through community, education, and multi-media channels of communication. 8. There is a strategy to protect, update and maintain critical infrastructure to ensure that services continue and to increase resilience against hazards and the impacts of climate change. 9. Effective disaster response is ensured by creating and regularly updating preparedness plans, connecting to early warning systems and increasing emergency and management capacities through public preparedness drills. 10. Post-disaster recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction strategies are aligned with long term planning and provide an improved city environment after disaster events.


Resilient Cities A Transit-Centered, Multi-Sector, Systems Approach for Sustainability A Modelling Approach The integrated modelling approach under development is based on Joseph Fiksel’s triple value model (see diagram on this page), which reflects the three pillars of sustainability – social, economic, and environmental capital – as a conceptual framework. The triple value model enables communities to evaluate net changes in aggregate value (i.e. sustainability), as well as identify interactions that provide leverage within the system. A dynamic systems model team for the light rail project (LRP) demonstrates how understanding the interactions among sectors can lead to more sustainable outcomes, as well as assist in identifying how an alignment of action scan yield greater net value and possibly off set unintended consequences. Technical Contact: EPA : Gary Foley Foley.Gary@epa.gov Industrial Economics (IEc) : Eric Ruder ERuder@indecon.com KnowlEdge Srl (KE) : Andrea M. Bassi andrea.bassi@ke-srl.com

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development

Resilient Cities A Transit-Centered, Multi-Sector, Systems Approach for Sustainability The light rail dynamic systems model modelling application represents the interacting sectors – transportation, land-use, water management, human health and well-being, and economics – as a series of causal loop diagrams depicting the stocks and flows of the risks and benefits, as well as the mechanisms of the interactions. The model will help community decision-makers and stakeholders explore alternative decision-making scenarios, as well as test the assumptions on which they are based. In the case of the light rail application, the assumptions behind the primary goals of increased mobility, decreased vehicle miles travelled (VMT) and reduced GHG emission scan be tested. The interactions and aligned policies that may lead to increased public health and safety, economic development, improved water quality and resources, reaching vulnerable and underserved populations, and creating an overall improved sense of “place” can also be tested with this model.

The present model is expected to be applicable in communicating the Durham-Orange Light Rail plans and its impacts, and in the design of concurrent decisions, such as housing policies, infrastructure investments, water resource management, and health promotion, that either build on or mitigate implications of the light rail itself. Transferable guidance and tools will also

be developed to enable other communities to utilize systems models to holistically analyze and communicate complex issues, whether in transportation or other sectors. Using such tools to evaluate the social, economic and environmental impacts of decisions, and aligning decisions across sectors, will help advance the goals of community well-being, prosperity and sustainability. www.epa.org

Cultivating People

Urban Hub Education Curator: Alan Dean

Thriving People iamtheCODE is the first African-led global movement to mobilise government, private sector, and investors to advance STEAMED (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship, and Design) Education. Our mission is to build a generation of 1 million women and girls coders by 2030. Through technology and digital literacy training, we are tackling the current global STEM Skills shortage in marginalised communities.


Thriving People


Thriving People Let Teachers Teach Release teachers talents and they will unlock and develop our children. With the world changing so fast skills sets are being revaluated. Governments and societies are looking for direction and are become stuck in research and action planning, which fails to have impact In 2013 Google evaluated their hiring hypostasis using their data since 1998. To their surprise employees with high STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) skills were not at the top. Communication and listening were right up there. Let us all be honest, we don't truly listen to others. Burning2Learn’s success in education has come from listening. Young people soon pick up on the fact that you are takeing them seriously. By this we are not saying all their views are correct but by meeting people where they are and not judging their values or culture we have captured their trust and thus their involvement. Often our mindsets are stuck in the 1930’s. Co-creation and collaboration are difficult for those in education to teach. This is because the mindsets and structure of society tend to be all about me. The sense of collaboration can be seen in sport by the teams, coaches and fans. A sense of belonging that does not need academic rigour. Free up our schools to collaborate in their communities. Place the children at their heart, use technology to provide education that meets the child’s emotional and other needs - then we will truly develop them to their full potential. www.burning2learn.co.uk

Thriving People Taking words and turning them into actions It’s rare to mention Swanley and the United Nations in the same sentence - we pulled them together to stimulate a conversation about our town and in particular Swanley Park. The United Nations developed and launched the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 (known as the SDG or Global Goals). The SDG are a global framework with the aim of creating a better world. Educators can turn these global goals into local activities. We all need to help them to gain traction and understanding in our own communities. Time is of the essence we need to move beyond the theory today not next week, month or year

Sophie (11 years) from Crockenhill eco Primary school designs rubbish bins to match the recyclable material

Find out how your knowledge can be share at the level that your local school and community works at. We all have values and cultures can we all translate our vision to meet the needs of others. Our approach at Burning2learn is empower peer to peer learning, which then encourages critical thinking and communication skills. And is to ask children for help in this process and allow them to take ownership of this process. Burning2Learn is talking to people, including children on 5 continents and we need your help.

Young scouts from 1st North Cray evaluating the UN SDG game with cubs


Thriving People

Urban Hub Wellbeing Curator: Barbara van Schaik

Urban Wellbeing HOW PPS DRIVES CHANGE Transforming Places: We help communities and cities shape their future through individual public spaces and broad placemaking campaigns.

Building the Placemaking Movement: We convene, amplify and build the capacity of the placemaking movement globally and locally.

Campaigning for Systemic Change: We make the case for placemaking and engage with like-minded people and movements to influence policies, disciplines, hearts and minds.


Urban Wellbeing Placemaking Placemaking is both a philosophy and a practical process for transforming public spaces. It is centered on observing, listening to, and asking questions of the people who live, work, and play in a particular space in order to understand their needs and aspirations for that space and for their community as a whole.

Project for Public Spaces is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build strong communities. We are the central hub of the global Placemaking movement, connecting people to ideas, resources, expertise, and partners who see place as the key to addressing our greatest challenges. www.pps.org

Thriving People & Thriving Communities A New Initiative For Making Our Movement See Itself One part of what it takes are new coalitions, new cross-sectional partnerships that pool our resources, networks, and capacities to serve this larger purpose. To prototype such collaborations, HuffPost is teaming up with the Presencing Institute (PI) in a joint initiative that blends the online news media reach of Huffpost with the global capacity and movement building infrastructures of PI and MITx u.lab in order to launch a joint initiative that will: Create an interactive multimedia hub to move the new economic narrative from marginal to mainstream. Shine a spotlight on pioneers and inspiring living examples of the new economy and the principles that guide them. Connect aspiring change makers with the pioneers that already created inspiring living examples around the various key acupuncture point areas of transforming capitalism Share key frameworks that link the transformation of capitalism and the upgrading our democratic and educational systems with the UN framework of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Provide methods, tools, and movement building capacities that help change makes to move from idea to action. Otto Scharmer The figure depicts a map of places that we can choose to operate from when engaging with our social and environmental context. Simply put, we can choose to operate from a closed mind, closed heart, and closed will, or we can choose to operate from an open mind, open heart, and open will. Accordingly, our actions give rise to a social field of self-destruction (absencing) or of collective creativity (presencing). www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/2018-moving-beyond-trumprebuilding-our-civilizations_us_5a480ba1e4b0d86c803c7735?ncid=engmodushpmg00000003

Thriving People & Thriving Communities Regenerating Our Civilization At the end of the day what gives me hope is something very simple. Although as a civilization we are still heading in the wrong direction on many counts, many innovative and eco-system-aware people are doing great work in numerous contexts. Seeing that is a huge source of inspiration and hope. I see all these initiatives as part of an emerging movement that is working to regenerate the foundation of our civilization: how we work and live together. In the context of modern societies, this means rethinking and regenerating our economies toward sustainability, inclusion and well-being for all, our democracies toward more direct, participatory forms of governance, and our educational systems toward activating the deeper sources of learning (head, heart, hand) My source of confidence is that in all three areas the answers are right in front of us. I have seen them being prototyped in many different contexts. But they are not yet linked together and made visible to everyone. They have not yet transformed the old systems. Years ago, I realized that we lacked a word for this deeper capacity of self-knowing, which is why I introduced the blended word presencing. Presencing combines “sensing” (of an emerging future) with “presence” (actualizing that future in the now). The root of the word “presencing” means “to be.” The words essence, presence, and the old Indian sat, which means “truth” and “goodness,” all share the same Indo-European word root. An Old German derivative of the same root, sun, means “those who are surrounding us” or “the beings who surround us.” The deeper developmental capacity at issue here—which you see leadership teams around the globe wrestling with these days—is precisely that: how to connect to the intelligence of those [eco-systems] who surround us?

Otto Scharmer, Contributor Senior Lecturer, MIT; Co-founder u.lab and Presencing Institute


Unsustainable impact

Modes of Participation


Thriveable Impact

Sustainable Impact

Partial Impact

Modes of Participation



Urban Hub Evaluation & Monitoring

Integral Monitoring & Evaluation

MetaIntegral is a global transdisciplinary design firm. We support visionary leaders, teams, and organizations to Be IMPACT. To do this we draw on and integrate a number of theories and their associated practices including: embodiment theory, design theory, integral theory, and developmental theory. As a result we help you thrive in complexity – transforming the world – from an embodied place of presence and purpose. We love to co-create with you – your events, products, services, books, business models, and business ecosystems among other things. MetaIntegral Capital is the branch of MetaIntegral that is dedicated to the design of wisdom economies – which are accounting systems that integrate multiple types of impact, multiple forms of capital, and multiple bottom lines. This site is devoted to sharing with you our MetaImpact Framework, which lies at the heart of our approach to preserving the wholeness of individuals and systems. MetaImpact Framework At the heart of our approach is The MetaImpact Framework, which measures 4 Types of Impact with 10 Types of Capital which produce 4 Bottom Lines. 4 Types of Impact 10 Types of Capital 4 Bottom Lines www.metacapital.net

Integral Monitoring & Evaluation 10 Types of Capital Over the last 30 years various individuals have created multiple capital frameworks which include anywhere between 3 and 20 different types of capital. We’ve done an integrative meta-analysis of over a dozen of these frameworks to identify what are the most important forms of capital to include in an expanded framework and how might we combine them into an elegant and intuitive framework – one that not only includes essential types of capital but highlights the different kinds of relationship between these capitals. In 2011 the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) began a multi-year global initiative to develop an expanded model of capital. Through their process they identified six types of capital that should be included in an integrated report. We have included all six of these in our model (they are identified with an asterisk after their name in our model). In addition to these six we have included four more that our analysis indicates are necessary for a comprehensive assessment of value creation. Then using Integral Theory we have organized these into four quadrants. Below is a set of slides that show the complete 10 capital model followed by a single slide for each type of capital and ending with the red icon we use for the MetaImpact Framework. www.metacapital.net

Integral Monitoring & Evaluation 4 Impacts Clear Impact One of the most common forms of impact is Clear Impact, which measures change in stakeholder performance. Many businesses and organizations include various metrics to assess this area of impact (e.g., skill assessments, analytics, observation tools, and various KPIs). What all these metrics have in common is the focus on objective criteria to track behavior and performance. High Impact The other main form of impact is High Impact, which measures change in stakeholder systems (e.g., supply chains, cash flow, customer engagement) . Many businesses and organizations include various metrics to assess this area of impact (e.g., environmental impact assessments, financial impact assessments, input indicators, and various KPIs). What all these metrics have in common is the focus on interobjective or systemic criteria to track organizational and market dynamics.

These four types of impact combine to create a comprehensive model of impact ‌

Wide Impact Over the last decade it has become more common for organizations to include Wide Impact, which measures change in stakeholder relationships. With forms of network analysis and social mapping there have emerged various metrics to assess this area of impact (e.g., 360 Assessments, relationship mapping, interviews, and social impact assessments). What all these metrics have in common is the focus on intersubjective criteria to track the quality and quantity of relationships and their influence. Deep Impact Arguably, one of the most important forms of impact is Deep Impact, which measures change in stakeholder experience. There is a growing awareness among many businesses and organizations that this form of impact needs to be included. Various metrics are used to assess this area of impact (e.g., selfevaluations, psychometrics, satisfaction surveys, and happiness inventories). What all these metrics have in common is the focus on subjective criteria to track somatic, emotional, and psychological dimensions of experience.


Integral Monitoring & Evaluation 4 Bottom Lines The 10 Capitals and their forms of measurement combine into 4 Bottom Lines. These include the common triple bottom line of Profit, People, and Planet but also adds a 4th – Purpose. While a number of 4 bottom line models have been proposed – some of which even include Purpose as a fourth – our approach to having 4 bottom lines is distinct in at least two ways.

Together these 4 bottom lines combine to form the MetaImpact Framework.

First, the common bottom lines of Profit, People, and Planet are often exclusively defined in terms of what we would call High Impact – with a focus on the systems involved. In contrast to this we redefine each of these bottom lines in a more holistic and integrative fashion – building on the important work of previous uses but avoiding a reductive approach to these bottom lines. Second, we place the four bottom lines around our four quadrant model in a way that highlights specific relationships between the bottom lines. For example, each bottom line shares 2 or 3 forms of capital as part of its constitution. This enables an important form of integration between all four bottom lines.

For more information on Meta Integral and their associated work see www.metaintegral.org www.metacapital.net

Integral Monitoring & Evaluation

Guiding principle here is that you need enough diversity in what data you are gathering and how you are gathering it, that you can adequately capture impacts that are occurring in all quadrants.

Impact on Mindsets

(ways of thinking about and approaching problems)

Impact on Practices (practices & conduct carrying out work)

Types of data to be collected: - third-person data (objective) such as surveys or other quantitative ways to measure change, - second-person (intersubjective data) such as data that is generated and interpreted together as a group or within a process, and - first-person (subjective data) such as reflective answers, thick description, or other qualitative descriptions (one-on-one).

Impact on Culture (collaboration, cultural perceptions, and social discourse in issues)

Impact on Systems

(policies, structures that support innovation in work)


Integral Monitoring & Evaluation THIRD-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • Build in content from the indicator table into the feedback forms, proposal questions, grant reports, forum retrospectives, etc. • This will generate actual numbers along the 1-5 spectrum for these indicators, which can be quantified and used in evaluation analysis and reporting. • Any thing you quantify (numbers of participants, proposals or multi sector tables) can be useful to analyze and include.

FIRST-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • To generate thick descriptions on these indicators (about how and why changes occurred as they did): • use more in-depth reflective questions posed within one of the activities, such as a qualitative question in a survey • or by doing key-informant interviews with a sample of the target audience.

SECOND-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • At the Evaluation Pod meetings and Development Evaluation (DE) meetings generate discussion and reflection through prompting with skillful DE questions. Then, harvest the insights and doing pattern-finding; that is where indicators come in. • Community Liaison carry out this pattern-finding afterwards then reflect back to the other participants later. • During the DE sessions, do some group patternfinding with indicator tables written on flipcharts, and participants use post-it notes to tag where in the spectrum they would say the outcome was achieved. This is based on participant-observation, and is co-generated in a focus-group style meeting.


Integral Monitoring & Evaluation


Reflective, experiential inquiry Description: interior felt-sense, how one feels (about oneself, org, project, issue), Methods: phenomenology Methodologies: personal ecology sheet self-reflection (can use this tool to guide the process, can be an ongoing cascading reflectionstream, and/or can be accessed through journaling).

Developmental inquiry Description: interior personal change, developmental stages, changes in motivation, attitudes, and values. Methods: structuralism Methodologies: developmental assessment (includes pre/post interviews that are carried out one-on-one with a sample of the population and the interviewer is trained to ask the same questions that hone in on indicators for motivational, attitudinal

Interpretive inquiry Description: culture and meanings held by the group or community; for example, how do people generally feel and what do they know about “conservation”, what does “conservation concession” mean to them? Methods: hermeneutics Methodologies: focus group (using a guided method, shared below, as a pre/during/post method of “taking the pulse” of the group—where motivation lies, what is working what is not, how can the project shift and flow.

Ethno-methodological inquiry Description: changes in social discourse, implicit “background” social norms, and shared worldview. Method Family: ethno-methodology Methodologies: participant-observation (using a tool with focus questions on specific domains of change) Integral Methodological Pluralism application - international development framework : Gail Hochachka IWB


Integral Monitoring & Evaluation


Empirical inquiry


Methods: empiricism

Description: quantitative measurement of seen changes in behaviours, for example: shifts in land-use practices, uptake of conservation practices in the household, behavioural change in gender relations. Methodologies: measuring, ranking, and quantitative analysis (pre/during/post measurement that ranks certain behaviours from 1-10 and can compare/contrast to later assessment, after which time that data can be analysed using quantitative methods to create graphs and figures of what percentage of behaviours changed through the lifetime of the project.)

Systems inquiry Description: quantitative measurement of seen changes in social, economic, political systems in which the work is carried out. Methods: systems analysis Methodologies: systems-analysis tool

Integral Methodological Pluralism application - international development framework : Gail Hochachka IWB

Thriving Planet

Urban Hub Eco Systems

The Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals Pyramid


Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainable Development Goals GoGO Goals Game GOALS Our aim is to help people understand their role in the future of the planet as individuals, team players and most importantly, as responsible global citizens. In order to build a better world for everyone and the planet, the Member States have agreed to do their utmost to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. We need the younger generations to be key players for a brighter future. For this purpose we have created the “Goals Ahead!� game for children aged 8-10. Designed to be fun and engaging, this game informs children while motivating them to actively pursue the SDGs. Your role as an educator is crucial! With people like you, your family, your colleagues and community we will be able to achieve the goals. Remember: even small steps can help make a big difference if millions around the world are involved! We hope you, and your children, enjoy this game! You are invited to download it and follow the instructions and rules below. Thank you for making the world a better place! www.go-goals.org

Sustainable Development Goals


Case Study: India Leave No One Behind At the core of this global agenda for 2030 is the principle of universality: ‘Leave No One Behind’. It is critical to the implementation of these targets that they should be relevant to all governments and actors. Development in all its dimensions must be inclusive of all people, everywhere, and should be built through the participation of everyone, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised. India’s Leading Role The Government of India is strongly committed to the 2030 Agenda, including the SDGs, as evidenced by the statements of the Prime Minister and other senior Ministers at national and international meetings. India’s national development goals and its “sab ka saath, sab ka vikas” or “development with all, and for all,” policy initiatives for inclusive development converge well with the SDGs, and India will play a leading role in determining the success of the SDGs, globally. As Prime Minister Narendra Modi noted, “These goals reflect our evolving understanding of the social, economic and environmental linkages that define our lives.”. National Action on the SDGs in India NITI Aayog, the Government of India’s premier think tank, has been entrusted with the task of coordinating the SDGs. NITI Aayog has undertaken a mapping of schemes as they relate to the SDGs and their targets, and has identified lead and supporting ministries for each target. They have adopted a government-wide approach to sustainable development, emphasising the interconnected nature of the SDGs across economic, social and environmental pillars. States have been advised to undertake a similar mapping of their schemes, including centrally sponsored schemes. In addition, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has been leading discussions for developing national indicators for the SDGs. State governments are key to India’s progress on the SDG Agenda and several of them have already initiated action on implementing the SDGs. www.in.one.un.org/page/sustainable-development-goals/

Case Study: India


Case Study: India


Case Study: India


Cultivating Change

Urban Hub Cultivation.AP

“Development - happens when people, however poor in money, get together, get organised, become sophisticated and go to scale. It happens when they are savvy and able to influence or change the course of events or the order of things locally, nationally or even globally - or are themselves able to become that order or part of it.” “Development - is that stage you reach when you are secure enough in yourself, individually or collectively, to become interdependent; when ‘I’ can emerge as ‘we’, and also when ‘we’ is inclusive of ‘them’... Getting organised is the foundation of all the other developmental goals we have set; it is the essence of good governance and of sustainable work; it empowers and opens doors; it makes you money and wins you respect.” Small change: About the art of practice and the limits of planning in cities, 2004 Nabeel Hamdi

Cultivation.AP helps individuals and communities to reposition roles and responsibilities to build stronger and resilient communities and cities. Many approaches are attempting to create both local and global transformation. Whilst technology is growing exponentially, the crucial area of change for lasting impact and success is that of people. In the modern world we have become experts in our individual rights but have forgotten our social responsibilities. The question is: how do we develop our communities, our towns and our cities to make positive action, to see value in people and communities rather than in physical assets and tech systems? And to add value to all citizens, by encouraging transformation from ‘takers to makers’. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Einstein

Too often sustainable development efforts are ‘plastered’ onto a region or community without full respect for what is already present and what is naturally emerging. Our approach asks the questions: •

what is already happening here,

what is already emerging that could be further supported?

This appreciative, community-based approach to development is quite a different way to begin a project. Further, applying the evolutionary view this approach provides, we are able to get some sense of where a community, or a person, is presently coming from and what might best support their emerging potential. This approach can be applied to both groups and individuals, and essentially honours the inherent trajectory of evolution already present, and simply intends to support that as fully as possible.

Walking with you not talking at you Positive ideas are all around, but the media lacks hope and often chooses to focus on death and destruction. Cultivation.AP looks for people in communities with the aim of creating safe spaces to allow the adventurous to experiment and share their results and to develop tomorrow’s community cultivators.

Cultivating People

Cultivation.AP Working with people and communities - adding to programs and projects impact. Cultivating and curating inputs to enable scaling-out engagement to ensure lasting impacts. Motivating communities by developing the talents within. Acting on their vision and building trust. Find the cultural leaders and jointly evaluate community visions. Cultivating meaningful Disruption Facilitate their actions to achieve their vision, help formulate the first steps and beyond - the timeline of change. Working with people where they are - and not imposing third party values or mindsets.

Graphic here

Listening to communities

A key part - all activities are carried out with a strong and open evaluation process. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Cultivating People Cultivating a 10% Tipping Point Find the community that wants change. Ask the leadership what tools they need. Evaluate the diversity. Clarify that the cultures and their values are considered by the leaders & opinionmakers. If the ‘leaders’ feels that ‘a one size fits all’ solution is the answer, further time will be required to work with them. To engage with a majority of the community the range and variety of activities required to achieve a realistic impact with be extensive. Not all leaders are capable of managing the complexity involved. They have no experience or understanding of the impact their decisions are really making. Business as usual would lead to a totally unstainable future. There are no silver bullets in dealing with these issue but a flexible and context-based approach is needed. Who are the ‘real’ community leaders, who do the people TRUST becomes a key question to be asked. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.


Urban Hub Annex

Swanley - Sustainable Development Communities and the individual that make up each community need to be able to articulate their dreams for what their community could be. They need stories of what life could be if they had a real input or even control of their communities development within an overall meta-framework. Here we will start to map some of those dreams and the possible ways to set them in motion.

Now let’s dream of our thriveable future – what do we want for our children, grand children, parents and ourselves

Work on separate sheets and integrate together What is my vision for Swanley in: 2 years 5 years 10 years 25 years

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

What is our vision for Swanley in:

My Vision & Goals

My actions &

activities to achieve these Visions & Goals

2 years 5 years 10 years 25 years

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

Now fold-back the future to activity timelines What actions do I need to take to achieve my vision:

Our Visions & Goals

Our actions &

activities to achieve these Visions & Goals

2 years 5 years 10 years 25 years

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

What actions do we need to take to achieve our vision: 2 years 5 years 10 years 25 years

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

Swanley - Sustainable Development Meaningful Disruption Providing meaningful disruption to the existing Swanley town development processes and proposals. This will impact on:

Interventions in any of the 4 domain have to be matched by interventions in each of the remaining domains to ensure that change and development takes hold and causes some level of meaningful transformation and impact. This is known as Tetra-meshing

- the systems that are in operation and need improvement - behaviours and practices that transforms losing into leading. In order to transform behaviour, values, culture and systems, work with existing mindsets to ensure the healthiest individual and community change process. Meeting people where they are, work with existing values, cultures and systems to allow them to transform to a greater or broader understanding of the processes and systems that are necessary to bring about long-term improvements for all - to achieve thriving communities in Swanley.

Changing Mindsets & Values

Changing Practices & Behaviour

Changing Culture

Changing Systems

(ways of thinking about and approaching problems)

(collaboration, cultural perceptions, and social discourse in issues)

(practices & conduct)

(policies, structures & systems that support innovation) Smart-Towns

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Swanley - Sustainable Development Swanley The town developed from a crossroads with the advent of the railway in 1861 the town grew to a town with a population of 16,665 (in 2011) The arrival of the railway changed life in Swanley. The town became the location of Swanley Horticultural College which some properties in Swanley still have apple and pear trees in their gardens from the original orchards. The (15 miles from central London) location became attractive for London doctors seeking a cure for sick Londoners, escaping the smog of London. What can Swanley offer today?

Systems at play

Governance systems Legal systems Policy systems Smart Towns • Utilities • Energy • Mobility & Transportation • Data flow & collection • Information use & sharing • Infrastructure - Smart Housing & Community grouping Landscaping Social interaction systems Standards

Swanley Kent, UK

Population : 16,665 Town Area : 3.568 km2

Density :


Swanley - Sustainable Development Community Engagement • Health, Wellbeing & Care • Education & Life-long Learning • Recreation & Entertainment • Work & Business • Innovation & Resilience • Governance culture (all levels) • Transparency (as appropriate) • Mobility • Data & Information supporting a people centred approach. • Media (social & other) • Communications • Rights & Responsibilities

Effective Schools

Urban Hub Case Study

Effective Schools Project - Egypt The Context Egypt Education Enhancement Programme Effective Schools project Validity of Integral Knowledge Theoria and Praxis Circles of Inclusion Complexity system Intelligence self-organising Main Structure Theory in all quadrants Innate Intelligence Whole People Line Absolutism Morphogenetic Process Zones# Internal #1, #3, #5 and #7 - experience with External #2, #4, #6 and #8 - work with Integral Governance Working with Altitude centre of gravity dominant mode of discourse Tetra-meshings Visions, fears, goals - I and We or My and Ours Action and activities - I and We or My and Ours Working with AQAL and Tools Integral Coordination Capacity Building people, organisations/groups, systems

Effective Schools Project - Egypt Cairo

Effective Schools Project - Egypt Alexandria & Luxor

Effective Schools Project - Egypt Siwa

Effective Schools Project - Egypt

Effective Schools Project - Egypt

Effective Schools Project - Egypt

Individual Activities

Values & Attitudes GROUP LEADERS

Behaviour and actions Activities needed to facilitate the projects

Group Visions & Goals

Group Shared Activities

Cultural Views (PTA BOT Idara Muderyya Ministries Institutions etc.)

Systems etc. Activities needed to facilitate the projects

(Head teachers Chairperson BOT Team Facilitators Governors Head of Departments Ministers etc.)

Objective - Exterior

Individual Visions & Goals

Inter-objective - Exterior

Inter-subjective - Interior

Subjective - Interior

Effective Schools Project - Egypt

Effective Schools Project - Egypt All individual visions whether positive or ‘fears’ are written as goals. These are then translated into actions and activities. Those visions that cannot be translated to actions at this stage are noted for future work or possible action. All group visions etc. are also translated into actions and activities. These are then meshed/aligned with individual visions and actions as much as possible. The resultant activities are then coordinated both vertically and horizontally. All groups have individual members but many also contain sub-groups and most are part of larger groups. Thus these activities as far as is possible have to be taken all the way up as well as all the way down. Stages of development of groups are self-organising and self regulating.

Effective Schools Project - Egypt People are capable of extraordinary creativity, courage and determination when they have the agency to set their own path, create their own goals and design their own processes. Goals set far away in foreign countries, processes designed by foreigners, decisions made by technocrats in the centres of power do not start bushfires of creativity and determination. In short, when people have ownership then they are capable of addressing the most complex of challenges.

Effective Schools Project - Egypt Standard government school

Effective Schools Project - Egypt

Effective schools in action

Effective Schools Project - Egypt

Effective Schools Project - Egypt

Theory The chief function of the city is to convert power into form, energy into culture, dead matter into the living symbols of art, biological reproduction into social creativity. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub A Broader View

An Integral View A more integral cartography What can be said about a more integral model of human possibilities? Before talking about the application of an integral vision — in education, politics, business, health care, and so on — there needs to be some general notion of what it is that is to be applied in the first place. Moving from pluralistic relativism to universal integralism, what kind of map might be found? •

Lines or Streams of Development numerous different streams, modules, or lines of development, including cognitive, moral, spiritual, aesthetic, somatic, imaginative, interpersonal, etc.

States of Consciousness multiple states of consciousness, including waking, dreaming, sleeping, altered, non-ordinary, and meditative.

Types of Development numerous different types of consciousness, including gender types, personality types (enneagram, MyersBriggs, Jungian), and so on. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

© integralMENTORS

An Integral View A more integral cartography • Cultural factors the extraordinarily important impact of numerous cultural factors, including the rich textures of diverse cultural realities, background contexts, pluralistic perceptions, and so on, none of which should be unwarrantedly marginalized, all of which should be included and integrated in a broad web of integral-aperspectival tapestries (and, just as important, a truly "integral transformative practice" would give considerable weight to the importance of relationships, community, culture, and intersubjective factors in general, not as merely a realm of application of spiritual insight, but as a mode of spiritual transformation). • Social system the massively influential forces of the social system, at all levels (from nature to human structures, including the all-important impact of nonhuman social systems, from Gaia to ecosystems). • the importance of the ‘self’ as the navigator of the great ‘River of Life’ should not be overlooked. It appears that the self is not a monolithic entity but rather a society of selves with a centre of gravity, which acts to bind the multiple waves, states, streams, and realms into something of a unified organization; the disruption of this organization, at any of its general stages, can result in pathology.

Such are a few of the multiple factors that a richly holistic view of the Kosmos might wish to include. At the very least, any model that does not coherently include all of those items is not a very integral model. Ken Wilber www.kenwilber.com

A Broader Framework (IMP) Integral Methodological Pluralism A set of social practices that corresponds with AQAL metatheory. (see earlier volumes 1 to 8) IMP is paradigmatic in that it includes the most time-honored methodologies, and metaparadigmatic in that it weaves them together by way of three integrative principles: • • •

non-exclusion, unfoldment, and enactment

These three regulative principles — non-exclusion, enfoldment, enactment--are principles that were reverse engineered, if you will, from the fact that numerous different and seemingly "conflicting" paradigms are already being competently practiced all over the world; and thus the question is not, and never has been, which is right and which is wrong, but how can all of them already be arising in a Kosmos? These three principles are some of the items that need to be already operating in the universe in order for so many paradigms to already be arising, and the only really interesting question is how can all of those extraordinary practices already be arising in any universe? IMP – integral Methodological Pluralism

With regard to IMP, we can put the crucial point very simply: what if an individual .. accepted the basic validity of • hermeneutics and • • •

systems theory and introspective phenomenology and empirical science and

• •

shamanic states of consciousness and developmental psychology and

• • •

collaborative inquiry and ecological sciences and postmodern contextualism and

• neuroscience and ....

If the basic legitimacy of all of those time-tested methodologies is allowed, then the experiences that all of those social practices enact, bring forth, and illumine become grist for the mill of a …. metatheory that accounts, or at least attempts to account, for all of them in a believable, coherent fashion

A Broader Framework The word integral means: • comprehensive, • inclusive, • non-marginalizing, • embracing. Integral approaches to any field attempt to be exactly that – to include as many: • perspectives, • styles, & • methodologies as possible within a coherent view of the topic. In a certain sense, integral approaches are “meta-paradigms,” or ways to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of approaches that are mutually enriching. – Ken Wilber People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

A Broader Framework Perspectives – Domains of Knowing A Quadrant Worldview

My Values & Mindset

Our Culture & WorldViews

A Quadrivia Worldview

My Behaviour & Lifestyle

‘City’ viewed from a personal perspective – through personal mindsets & values (centre of gravity)

‘City’ viewed from an empirical perspective – (data and observation driven)

Our Society & Systems

‘City’ viewed from a cultural perspective – through group culture & worldviews (dominant mode of discourse)

‘City’ viewed from a social & systems perspective – (data and observation driven)

domains in which I am embedded


MY BODY & ACTIONS (the it/other space)

• what matters to me • my inner world • my thoughts, feelings, fears, values, meaning. intentions & consciousness • my worldviews • my developmental centre of gravity (Structural-Stage) • my state centre of gravity (State-stage)

• what people can see about me • the tangible & measurable parts of my behaviour, my doing • what I eat & do

[Personal: Values, Commitment, Responsibility, Altitude]

[Behaviour: Actions; Competencies; Compliance; Choices]



• • • •

our culture & relationships how we understand & relate to each other our worldviews our common mode of discourse (StructuralStage)

[Cultural: Shared values, Morale, Myths & Legends, Covenants]

• the design of things/systems • the process, procedures, structures & systems that support, explain, map, measure & guide • aesthetics, how things look/work [Systems: Organisational structures; Policies & Procedures; Metrics; Contracts]

People do not perceive ‘worlds’ but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Objective - Exterior

MY MEANINGS (the me space)

Inter-objective - Exterior

Inter-subjective - Interior

Subjective - Interior

A Broader Framework

Make-up of our View The perspective (concepts/lens) through which we view our world are mostly self-built, based on life conditions (and genes). These life conditions help develop our mindset, values, and our depth and complexity of consciousness. That is, we mostly ‘self-construct’ the world that we are aware of or 'see'. Different perspectives ('lenses’) bring forth different worlds in the same ‘physical’ space. Our own perspective (lens) is developed from many of the following: • Age • Gender • Mindset • Culture (Dominant mode of discourse) • Community (Dominant mode of discourse) • Family (Dominant mode of discourse) • Country (Dominant mode of discourse) • Location • Geography • Rural/Urban • Climate • Education type and level • Experience of all kinds • Multi cultural/country embeddedness • Personal Centre of Gravity - values/altitude • etc. In order to transform to a broader perspective we need to transcend our current ‘lens’ (include its positive aspects) and unlearn the lesser or negative elements. This is difficult as in transformation all the above need to be re-evaluated and transcended. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Lines of Development

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Action-Logic Line of Development

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Depth of Understanding Brief Descriptions of Seven Social Scientific Paradigms

1 2

Behaviourism Assertive, physical quest for reliable, unilateral control through operant conditioning of an unembarrassedly objectified and atomized external world. Preferred method: laboratory experiments (maximizing the scientist's unilateral control over variation). Nominalist presumption of isolatable “stimuli” and “responses.” Skinner – an archetypal behaviourist Gestalt Sociologism Appreciative, emotional quest for understanding of the overall pattern of subjective beliefs, values, and rituals of given “Other” cultures. Preferred method: field case studies based on non-interventionist, ethnographic observation. Essentialist presumption of integrative ideas, norms, and selves. Empirical Positivism Critical (but not hermeneutically self-critical), intellectual quest for predictive certainty about deductively logical, universally generalizable, empirical propositions. Privileges randomized sample, experimental, statistically-analyzed hypothesis testing studies, along with computer modelling of intelligence, because of the crisply clear quantitative, binary certainty about distinctions between confirmation and disconfirmation

3 4 5

Postmodern Interpretivism Self-conscious accounting for the radical subjectivity and fragmentariness of perspective that embraces every languaged perception and conception. Preferred method: wishes to deconstruct the implicit background of: (a) the objects foregrounded in single-frame, early-paradigm studies; and (b) of the researcher and of the writing of the author of the critique


Cooperative Ecological Inquiry Commitment to creating real-time communities of inquiry (i.e., communities that bridge subjectivities and differences of perspective, that confront incongruities among vision, strategy, action, and outcomes, and that support voluntary, mutual personal and social transformation


Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry Recognizing different moments, persons, organizations, and cultures as complex, chaotic interweavings of the six prior paradigms), highlights the contrapuntal rhythms, interruptions, and interventions in developmental movement from one paradigm or action-logic to another, whether in single conversations or in whole lives. Seeks interweaving of first-, second-, and third-person research/practice with single-, double-, and triple-loop feedback that can sustain inter-paradigmatic conversation, work, meditation, and play. Generalization is recognized as occurring primarily one-at-a-time: one person at a time, as she or he practices awareness-expanding first-person action inquiry at more and more moments; one second-person organization at a time; one third-person research study at a time; though the entire statistical armamentarium remains appropriate within its limiting premises

Multi-Method Eclecticism Practical quest to increase validity, understanding, and applicability of findings. Recommends triangulation among quantitative and qualitative methods. Currently fashionable and in flower in the managerial disciplines

William R. Torbert INTEGRAL REVIEW June 2013 Vol 9 No,2

A Broader Framework (IMP)

Zones ‘Insides and Outsides of Dimensions of Experience’ Each ‘dimension of experience’ can be view from the inside (how it feels or felt experience) and/or from the outside (how it looks). There are the 8 primal or indigenous perspectives of an individual [holon]. “Each view or perspective, with its actions and injunctions, brings forth a world of phenomena; a world-space that (tetra-) arises as a result; a world-space with a horizon. The sum total of all of that we simply call a zone. A zone is a view with its actions, its injunctions, its life-world, and the whole lot called forth at that [Kosmic] address. You can think of it as a life-zone, or zone of awareness, or a living space — any number of terms will do.” Ken Wilber

IMP – integral Methodological Pluralism


Surface Structure


Deep Structure


Surface Structure


Deep Structure


Surface Structure


Deep Structure


Deep Structure




Surface Structure



Zone 1

A Broader Framework (IMP) Dimensions of Experience

Explores zone: by means of

Phenomenology: Explores direct felt experience by means of:

• Meditation • Introspection, • Contemplation ….

Structuralism: Explores patterns of direct felt experience

• Genealogy, • Developmental Psychology ….

Hermeneutics: Explores mutual understanding

• Interpersonal Values, • Global Ethics …..

Cultural Anthropology: Explores patterns of mutual understanding

• Ethnomethodology, • Cultural Studies, • Semiotics …..

Autopoiesis: Explores self-regulating behaviour

• Bio-phenomenology, • Cognitive Sciences • etc. …

Empiricism: Explores measurable behaviour

• Biochemistry, • Biology, Zoology, • Behavioural Studies ….

Social Autopoiesis: Explores self-regulating dynamics in systems Systems Theory Explores functional-fit of parts within systems

• Socio-cybernetics, • Communication Studies • etc.

IMP – integral Methodological Pluralism

• Science of Politics, • Complexity Sciences, • Integral Economics ….







Its LR



Urban Hub WorldViews Stage Changes

WorldViews - Individual Integral

Magenta Pre Modern

Red Pre Modern

Amber Modern

Orange Modern

Altitude [AQAL] Thinking is animistic; magical spirits, good and bad, swarm the earth leaving blessings, curses, and spells which determine events. Forms into ethnic tribes. The spirits exist in ancestors and bond the tribe. Kinship and lineage establish political links. Sounds “holistic” but is actually atomistic: “there is a name for each bend in the river but no name for the river.” First emergence of a self distinct from the tribe; powerful, impulsive, egocentric, heroic. Mythic spirits, dragons, beasts, and powerful people. Feudal lords protect underlings in exchange for obedience and labor. The basis of feudal empires—power and glory The world is a jungle full of threats and predators. Conquers, outfoxes, and dominates; enjoys self to the fullest without regret or remorse. Thinking is animistic; magical spirits, good and bad, swarm the earth leaving blessings, curses, and spells which determine events. Forms into ethnic tribes. The spirits exist in ancestors and bond the tribe. Kinship and lineage establish political links. Sounds “holistic” but is actually atomistic: “there is a name for each bend in the river but no name for the river.” At this wave, the self “escapes” from the “herd mentality” of blue, and seeks truth and meaning in individualistic terms—hypothetico-deductive, experimental, objective, mechanistic, operational—“scientific” in the typical sense. The world is a rational and well-oiled machine with natural laws that can be learned, mastered, and manipulated for one’s own purposes. Highly achievement oriented, especially (in America) toward materialistic gains. The laws of science rule politics, the economy, and human events. The world is a chess-board on which games are played as winners gain pre-eminence and perks over losers. Marketplace alliances; manipulate earth’s resources for one’s strategic gains. Basis of corporate states. Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.

WorldViews - Individual Integral

Altitude [AQAL]


Communitarian, human bonding, ecological sensitivity, networking. The human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma, and divisiveness; feelings and caring supersede cold rationality; cherishing of the earth, Gaia, life. Against hierarchy; establishes lateral bonding and linking. Permeable self, relational self, group intermeshing. Emphasis on dialogue, relationships. Basis of values communes (i.e., freely chosen affiliations based on shared sentiments). Reaches decisions through reconciliation and consensus (downside: interminable “processing” and incapacity to reach decisions). Refresh spirituality, bring harmony, enrich human potential. Strongly egalitarian, anti-hierarchy, pluralistic values, social construction of reality, diversity, multiculturalism, relativistic value systems; this worldview is often called pluralistic relativism. Subjective, nonlinear thinking; shows a greater degree of affective warmth, sensitivity, and caring, for earth and all its inhabitants.

Post Modern

Life is a kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies [holarchies], systems, and forms. Flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality have the highest priority. Differences and pluralities can be integrated into interdependent, natural flows. Egalitarianism is complemented with natural degrees of excellence Post Post Modern where appropriate. Knowledge and competency should supersede rank, power, status, or group. The prevailing world order is the result of the existence of different levels of reality (memes) and the inevitable patterns of movement up and down the dynamic spiral. Good governance facilitates the emergence of entities through the levels of increasing complexity (nested hierarchy).



Universal holistic system, holons/waves of integrative energies; unites feeling with knowledge [centaur]; multiple levels interwoven into one conscious system. Universal order, but in a living, conscious fashion, not based on external rules (blue) or group bonds (green). A “grand unification” is Post Post Modern possible, in theory and in actuality. Sometimes involves the emergence of a new spirituality as a meshwork of all existence. Turquoise thinking uses the entire spiral; sees multiple levels of interaction; detects harmonics, the mystical forces, and the pervasive flow-states that permeate any organization.

Indigo Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.

WorldViews – vMemes SD

Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.

WorldViews - Action Logic

Source - Rooke and Torbert’s 2006 Harvard Business Review article : Seven Transformations of Leadership. From a sample of 1000 leaders in N America & Europe

This is how they survive. You must know this. You’re too smart not to know this. They paint the world full of shadows and then tell their children to stay close to the light. Their light, their reason, their judgements, because in the darkness there be dragons. But it isn’t true. We can prove that it isn’t true. In the dark there is discovery, there is possibility, there is freedom in the dark when someone has illuminated it. And who has been so close as we are right now? black sails

Guides for Practitioners



The Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners (adjacent) cover much of the theory behind the Integral Meta-framework used in these volumes. For topics covered in others volumes in this series see the following page. Urban Hub Series These books are a series of presentations for the use of Integral theory or an Integral Meta-framework in understanding cities and urban Thriveability. Although each can stand alone, taken together they give a more rounded appreciation of how this broader framework can help in the analysis and design of thriveable urban environments. Key to an Integral approach to urban design is the notion that although other aspects of urban life are important, people (sentient beings), as individuals and communities, are the primary ‘purpose’ for making cities thriveable. All other aspects (technology, transport & infra-structure, health, education, sustain-ability, economic development, etc.) although playing a major part, are secondary.

Integral UrbanHub


Thriveable Cities

Urban Hub9

A series of graphics from integralMENTORS integral UrbanHub work on IMP and Thriveable Cities

This work shows the graphics from a dynamic deck that accompany a presentation on Visions & WorldViews and Thriveable Cities. The history of the co-evolution of cities, evolving WorldViews, Visions & Mindsets in urban Habitats and technology is presented in an integral framework. Integral theory is simply explained as it relates to these themes see UH 2 & UH 3 for more detail. This volume is part of an ongoing series of guides to integrally inform practitioners.

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