Urban Hub 22 : Transitions - Thriveable Cities

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Urban Hub Integral UrbanHub

Transitions a meta-pragmatic approach Thriveable Cities

Paul van Schaik integralMENTORS


© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Transitions

Thriveable Cities Integral UrbanHub


Paul van Schaik Creator & Curator integralMENTORS

In fullness and freedom A series of graphics from integralMENTORS integral UrbanHub work on Thriveable Cities presentations.

Copyright ©©integralMENTORS– September 2020 ISBN: 979 8680 508251

The Process of Transition The main reason that learning is as slow as it is, is that learning means giving up ideas, habits, and values. Some of the old "learning" that has to be given up or "unlearned" was useful in the past and is still useful to some of the people in the society. Some of the things that people have to unlearn are traditions that are dear to them, and that may be part of their character development. Max Singer

Living in cities is an art, and we need the vocabulary of art, of style, to describe the peculiar relationship between man and material that exists in the continual creative play of urban living. The city as we imagine it, then, soft city of illusion, myth, aspiration, and nightmare, is as real, maybe more real, than the hard city one can locate on maps in statistics, in monographs on urban sociology and demography and architecture. Jonathan Raban, Soft City

Introduction Meta-Memes unfolding Stage Transitions – vertical development Stage translation – horizontal development Annex 1 Case Study: Thriving Cities Initiative 2 Action-Logics 3 Stage Transition – quadric development 4 Integral Evaluation 5 AQAL – aspects of integral theory & Framework Books Notes


It has become clearer and clearer to me that the work I am engaged in involves building our capacities to cope with phenomena—that is, the mess of the world, “the swamp,” the heat, the smell, the emotionality, the conflict and all the things that come from engaging as whole people with whole people. This means leaving our desks, holding our models lightly and engaging our senses. The reward being work that is deeply rooted in the complexity of the world, owned by the people who are affected by them instead of opaque, unaccountable agencies. Slouching Towards Flatland, Zaid Hassan, 2007


Integral begins with a recognition that we are evolving through growth stages in individual consciousness and culture. Each of these stages has something important to offer: a dignity, insight and capacity, which shines most brightly when combined, or integrated, with the dignity, insights and capacities of other stages. This integration creates more than the sum if its parts, giving rise to new emergent capabilities. These capabilities include the ability to harmonize previously conflicting perspectives and worldviews and to see and enact solutions that have not been seen or tried before.

An Integral Framework Walking in the world not talking of the world

How to use this book

No one vision is sufficient in and of itself – visions can guide but only by collaborative action in a creative generative process can visions grow and become part of an ongoing positive sociocultural reality.

A taste of many visions in our world.

Without taking into account the many worldviews that currently co-exist and crafting ways of including them in a positive and healthy form we will continue to alienate vast sections of all communities and humankind. It is through the growing healthy versions of all the different worldviews that we can attempt to move towards an equitable, regenerative and caring world living within the planetary boundaries. Through action we will move forward – through only ongoing talk we will stagnate and fail.

Visions both positive - utopian, and negative - dystopian. Each claiming to be true and enfolding all the others But in reality, they are ‘true’ but partial – and some more ‘true’ than others. Each ‘shallower’ truth transcended but the best is included in the next ‘deeper’ or broader truth. However also creating new and more complex problems. It’s how we use them together and in collaboration that will define how successful we are. It is the morphogenetic pull of caring that will determine how we succeed as a human race. It is the ability to generate an equitable, fair, resilient and regenerative ‘system’ that must drive us forward. The means will be a combination of many of the ideas showcased here but many more still to be discovered on our exciting journey into the future. Held together through a syngeneic Integral Mythological Pluralism

And most importantly grown, modified in a generative form.

Too little courage and we will fail – too much certainty and we will fail. But with care and collaboration we have a chance of success. Bringing forth emergent impact through innovation, syngeneic enfoldment & collaborative effort. And a deeper understanding of a broader framework will be required – that is, a more integral vision.

For more detail of integral theory and Framework see earlier books in this series.

Explore and enjoy – use as many of the ideas as possible, enfolding each into an emergent whole that grows generatively.

These curation are to be dipped into – explored and used to generate ideas and discussion. A catalyst for collaboration and action.

This is a living document - any suggestions for inclusion in the next volume send to: info@integralmentors.org

At each step testing – reformulating – regrouping – recreating. Moving beyond, participating, thro’ stake-holding, thro’ shareholding, to becoming a thrive-holder. www.integralmentors.org

The Great Possibility

An Integral Framework

……. so it is today, with an integral age at the leading edge. The possibility—and it is only a gossamer possibility at this time—is that a new and wider wave of consciousness— an integral wave, an age of synthesis— is beginning to emerge and push against all of the now-older waves (traditional, modern, and postmodern), throwing each of them (but especially the postmodern) into a legitimation crisis about its own validity— a crisis of legitimacy that can only be resolved by an increase in authenticity, or an actual transformation to the new and wider integral wave of unfolding. This new unfolding will involve, in terms of its paradigmatic base, an actual set of social practices, not merely a new theory or set of theories. ………….. A paradigm is a social practice or behavioral injunction, not simply a theory or intellectual edifice (although, of course, they tetra-evolve together). Accordingly, any new paradigm will include a set of exemplars and practices— practices that, if they contain more depth than their predecessors, will throw the old approaches into a legitimation crisis that can only be resolved by a vertical (“revolutionary”) transformation— ….., the crisis in legitimacy can only be resolved by an increase in authenticity. Thus, a new integral paradigm will therefore be a new set of injunctions and practices, not simply theories, not worldviews, not Web-of-Life notions, not holistic concepts—but actual practices. www.integralmentors.org

An Integral Framework The point is simply that, in principle, cross-paradigmatic judgments are possible because there is not simply one world against which paradigms compete for dominance, a kind of king-of-thehill battle that tosses all losers on the garbage dump, because there are no losers. There is not one world over which all paradigms are fighting for supremacy, but many worlds brought forth by different paradigms, worlds that can be eye-witnessed by the same subjects if they submit to the discipline of the paradigms required to enact those worlds. And while "the" world cannot contain many worlds, awareness can. And because we already know that there are in fact many worlds, it follows that we already are standing in an awareness that has crossparadigmatic capacity, a capacity that can eventuate in meta-theoretical overview, such as the one offered by AQAL. In short, for AQAL meta-theory, the basic levels of consciousness are a measure of the "amount" of awareness or consciousness in any line, but consciousness itself is nothing; it is not a presence but an absence, an opening, a clearing, a space of perspectives, within which phenomena arise. You can't have more or less of consciousness, but you can have more or less phenomena allowed to arise in consciousness. When the entire Kosmos arises in your consciousness, that is Kosmic consciousness—the top of the mountain, so to speak (except there is no top, only an infinitely receding horizon that nonetheless gets bigger and bigger the more that you can love). People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Integral Theory : AQAL Theory of Change

QUADRANTS #Zones The four principal territories a person must navigate successfully

The 8 zones: inside and outside of each quadrant (deep and surface structure}

Areas not explicitly included



The stages of transformational development for people, cultures, systems

The many human intelligences, cultural dimensions, and subsystems in action

Areas included in the book



The peak The many faces of expressions of individuals, people and cultures, systems related organisations, to business and and systems life

Areas not explicitly included


An Integral Framework

Deep drivers by Stage & Quadrant of Development Values/ mindsets

Integral commons












Early nations









Subjective ULQ

Objective URQ

Inter Subjective LLQ

Inter Objective LRQ

Deep drivers


Global community Informational

Value communities Late industrial/ Early informational

Corporate states Industrial Agrarian

Early empires

1st tier 1st tier 1st tier 1st tier 1st tier

Stages of Development

Society systems

Culture/ worldviews

2nd tier


Behaviour/ empirical

‘Strange attractors’

Manifestations www.integralmentors.org

An Integral View

Deep drivers and manifestations tetra-meshing : AQAL Iceberg model Behaviour

Behavioural manifestation

Functional fit Social Systems

Systems manifestation

Intensions Values/Mindsets

Values/Mindsets deep drivers


Cultural deep drivers

All quad.- or Tetra-meshed People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

"The one thing that you will have changed if you adopt an integral approach is your own awareness, your own consciousness, your own map of human possibilities, a map that has dramatically expanded from organic interventions to caring for a human being in all of his or her extraordinary richness across an entire spectrum that runs from dust to deity, dirt to divinity, even here and now." "..... the crucial ingredient in any integral practice is not the integral tools themselves— with all the conventional and unconventional methods— but the user of those tools, the integrally informed practitioner, who have opened themselves to an entire spectrum of consciousness— matter to body to mind to soul to spirit—and who have thereby acknowledged what seems to be happening in any event: body and mind and spirit are operating in self and culture and nature, and thus health and healing, sickness and wholeness, are all bound up in a multidimensional tapestry that cannot be cut into without fatal haemorrhaging." Ken Wilber

An Integral Framework


Volatile Things change continuously. What is true today isn’t true tomorrow. Even the nature and dynamics of change change. Uncertain More than ever, we live with a lack of predictability and a prospect for surprise. It is impossible to predict how projects will evolve.. Complex Simple cause-and-effect chains have been replaced by complex interconnected forces and events. Interconnectedness makes all things increasingly complex. Ambiguous You can easily find convincing but totally contradictory information for any assertion. Because of complexity and unpredictability the ubiquitous availability of information has created a mist in which it becomes increasingly difficult to find clarity. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Thus all actions will have

unintended consequences

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

“In finding the world as we do, we forget all we did to find it as such, and when we are reminded of it in retracing our steps back to indicators, we find little more than a mirror-to-mirror image of ourselves and the world. In contrast with what is commonly assumed, a description, when carefully inspected, reveals the properties of the observer. We observers, distinguish ourselves precisely by distinguishing what we apparently are not, the world." Spencer Brown



An Integral Framework Integral

Magenta Pre Modern

Red Pre Modern

Amber Traditional

Orange Modern

Altitude [AQAL] Thinking is animistic; magical spirits, good and bad, swarm the earth leaving blessings, curses, and spells which determine events. Forms into ethnic tribes. The spirits exist in ancestors and bond the tribe. Kinship and lineage establish political links. Sounds “holistic” but is actually atomistic: “there is a name for each bend in the river but no name for the river.” First emergence of a self distinct from the tribe; powerful, impulsive, egocentric, heroic. Mythic spirits, dragons, beasts, and powerful people. Feudal lords protect underlings in exchange for obedience and labor. The basis of feudal empires—power and glory The world is a jungle full of threats and predators. Conquers, outfoxes, and dominates; enjoys self to the fullest without regret or remorse. Thinking is animistic; magical spirits, good and bad, swarm the earth leaving blessings, curses, and spells which determine events. Forms into ethnic tribes. The spirits exist in ancestors and bond the tribe. Kinship and lineage establish political links. Sounds “holistic” but is actually atomistic: “there is a name for each bend in the river but no name for the river.” At this wave, the self “escapes” from the “herd mentality” of Amber, and seeks truth and meaning in individualistic terms—hypothetico-deductive, experimental, objective, mechanistic, operational—“scientific” in the typical sense. The world is a rational and well-oiled machine with natural laws that can be learned, mastered, and manipulated for one’s own purposes. Highly achievement oriented, especially (in America) toward materialistic gains. The laws of science rule politics, the economy, and human events. The world is a chess-board on which games are played as winners gain pre-eminence and perks over losers. Marketplace alliances; manipulate earth’s resources for one’s strategic gains. Basis of corporate states. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework Integral

Altitude [AQAL]


Communitarian, human bonding, ecological sensitivity, networking. The human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma, and divisiveness; feelings and caring supersede cold rationality; cherishing of the earth, Gaia, life. Against hierarchy; establishes lateral bonding and linking. Permeable self, relational self, group intermeshing. Emphasis on dialogue, relationships. Basis of values communes (i.e., freely chosen affiliations based on shared sentiments). Reaches decisions through reconciliation and consensus (downside: interminable “processing” and incapacity to reach decisions). Refresh spirituality, bring harmony, enrich human potential. Strongly egalitarian, anti-hierarchy, pluralistic values, social construction of reality, diversity, multiculturalism, relativistic value systems; this worldview is often called pluralistic relativism. Subjective, nonlinear thinking; shows a greater degree of affective warmth, sensitivity, and caring, for earth and all its inhabitants.

Post Modern

Life is a kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies [holarchies], systems, and forms. Flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality have the highest priority. Differences and pluralities can be integrated into interdependent, natural flows. Egalitarianism is complemented with natural degrees of excellence Post Post Modern where appropriate. Knowledge and competency should supersede rank, Early Integral power, status, or group. The prevailing world order is the result of the existence of different levels of Meta-Modern reality (memes) and the inevitable patterns of movement up and down the dynamic spiral. Good governance facilitates the emergence of entities through the levels of increasing complexity (nested hierarchy).


Universal holistic system, holons/waves of integrative energies; unites feeling with knowledge [centaur]; multiple levels interwoven into one conscious system. Universal order, but in a living, conscious fashion, not based on external rules (blue) or group bonds (green). A “grand unification” is Post Post Modern possible, in theory and in actuality. Sometimes involves the emergence of a new spirituality as a Integral meshwork of all existence. Turquoise thinking uses the entire spiral; sees multiple levels of interaction; detects harmonics, the mystical forces, and the pervasive flow-states that permeate any organization.



People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

“Development - happens when people, however poor in money, get together, get organised, become sophisticated and go to scale. It happens when they are savvy and able to influence or change the course of events or the order of things locally, nationally or even globally - or are themselves able to become that order or part of it.” “Development - is that stage you reach when you are secure enough in yourself, individually or collectively, to become interdependent; when ‘I’ can emerge as ‘we’, and also when ‘we’ is inclusive of ‘them’... Getting organised is the foundation of all the other developmental goals we have set; it is the essence of good governance and of sustainable work; it empowers and opens doors; it makes you money and wins you respect.” Small change: About the art of practice and the limits of planning in cities, 2004 Nabeel Hamdi

Stage Transitions Vertical Development

A great deal of research into human development now shows in more detail, how we grow in our understanding of ourselves and our world. All human beings have a unique and precious ability to grow throughout their lifetime. While there are many ways in which we can grow – physically, mentally, psychologically, interpersonally, spiritually, artistically, professionally – research shows that our potential in all of these areas is moderated by our Centre of Gravity in these different streams of development. That is where our level of embodiment is situated Our Stage of development is not us and it is in flux. By understanding our current Stage, we see into certain aspects of ourselves. Who we really are is much more than any theory anyone can ever hold about us. Through awareness of our own developmental Centre of Gravity, we will have a better sense of ourselves as we grow, in general, as well as in relationship to the others in our life and our world. In different situations we may respond from different Stages or levels. We therefore have both a tendency towards a Centre of Gravity and also a contextual response to the situation at hand. Development does not progress step-by-step, but in a much more complex pattern. It is important to hold any model lightly and use it to support ourselves in ways that are beneficial to us all. Our Stage of development shapes many aspects of ourselves – our thinking, emotional responses, behaviour, our leadership capacities, our inter-personal interactions, social life, and much more. Our Stage of development doesn’t determine these things, but limits, shapes and influences them – and it should be remembered that any Stage can be transcended. In understanding our Stage of development we can get a deeper understanding of how we make meaning and what influences our daily strategies and actions. This in turn give us a greater understanding of our relationships, and strategies for communication with others. As we begin to recognise our current Stage we start to better understand our world view, and our Level of ‘leadership’ development and this helps us to begin to see our particular strengths, vulnerabilities and learning and coping strategies. This understanding of Stages is then embedded in a more comprehensive map that includes the Deep and Surface Structures of the contexts, both in the interior inter-subjective area such as our culture and the intra-objective area such as the physical systems in which we live i.e. eco-systems, infrastructure-systems etc. All this is then expressed in our own behaviour and actions - the diagrams below map these interconnected areas. Paul van Schaik – Guides for Integral Informed Practitioners

An Integral Framework

Transformation between Meta-Values Stages or Levels of Development What causes the shift between Stages – especially in the lines - Cognitive, Self and Values. These shifts can be detected in the language or concepts used. Also in what is seen as objective and what is subjective. Shifts usually cause discomfort and complaints at first but if positive movement many ‘ah ha’ moments and excitement. In all these shifts life conditions are important – context [the surface structure] causes shifts in the brain complexity or understanding [deep structure] – how no one is sure.

First Tier Shifts Pre ego-centric tribal

pre-rational [Magenta/Purple]

Key Words: Retro-romantic; Respects status quo; "tribal". Magenta ‘world’ is threatening and full of mysterious powers and spirit beings which must be placated and appeased. Magenta is a Tribal ‘World’ development must always alignment to the tribe or clan. Magenta sacrifices self to maintain the ways of the old. Magenta looks for safety and security, seeks protection from harm and a strong family bond. Magenta time horizon: Past What’s important - Allegiance to chief, elders, ancestors, and the clan; - Obeying the desires of spirit beings and mystical signs; - Preserving sacred objects, places, events, and memories; - Rites of passage, seasonal cycles, and tribal customs; - Kinship and lineage. Self-Identity - Often found in very young children, who are governed by their impulses; - Adults at this stage have an inadequate conception of the complexities of life and may easily feel confused and overwhelmed; - Have an expedient morality (actions are only bad if one is caught). Underlying values - Thinking is animistic; magical spirits, good and bad, swarm the earth leaving blessings, curses, and spells which determine events. - Forms into ethnic tribes. - The spirits exist in ancestors and bond the tribe - .Kinship and lineage establish political links. - Sounds holistic but is actually atomistic: - There is a name for each bend in the river but no name for the river. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages or Levels of Development Transformation between Meta-Values Stages or Levels of Development First Tier Shifts Pre ego-centric : tribal pre-rational to Ego-centric: feudal


Pre ego-centric tribal pre rational Magenta/ Purple to Ego-centric feudal pre-modern Red

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Transformation between Meta-Values Stages or Levels of Development First Tier Shifts Ego-centric feudal

pre-modern [Red]

Key Words: Heroic; Challenges status quo; reject order; fight 'the system"; "macho". Red expresses self impulsively at any cost without shame or fear. Red tends to dominate, gain the spoils, and earn the right to rape, pillage, and plunder. Red world is a jungle full of threats and predators. Red tends to like power/action, asserting self, and to dominate and control others. Red needs a sense of power, action, excitement. The proving individual prowess, and instant rewards. Red’s time horizon: Now Underlying Values - First emergence of a self distinct from the tribe; powerful, impulsive, egocentric, heroic.beasts, and powerful people. - Feudal lords protect underlings in exchange for obedience and labour. - The basis of feudal empires—power and glory. - The world is a jungle full of threats and predators. - Conquers, out-foxes, and dominates; - Enjoys self to the fullest without regret or remorse. What’s important - Power, spontaneity, heroism, immediate gratification; - Standing tall, calling the shots, receiving respect, and getting attention; - Being daring, impulsive, and enjoying oneself without regret; - Conquering, outsmarting, dominating Self-Identity - First step toward self-control of impulses; - Sense of vulnerability and guardedness; - Fight/flight response is very strong; Very attack-oriented and win/lose in nature; - Short-term horizon; - Focus on concrete things and personal advantage; - Sees rules as loss of freedom; - Feedback heard as an attack People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Transformation between Meta-Values Stages or Levels of Development First Tier Shifts Ego-centric: feudal pre-modern to Ethno-centric: nations/empires


Ego-centric Red to Ethno-centric nations/empires bureaucratic Amber/Blue

Ethno-centric nations/empires

bureaucratic [Amber/Blue]

Key Words: stewardship; Single secular or religious framework; "conformist". Amber will Sacrifice self for reward later. Amber will align to the one truth [which ever one that may be. Amber ‘world’ has meaning, direction, and purpose, with outcomes determined by an all powerful Other or Order. Amber’s duty is to protect borders, homelands, hearth, preserve way of life, defend "holy" cause. Amber’s time horizon: past and present (yesterday/today) People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework First Tier Shifts Ethno-centric nations/empires

bureaucratic [Amber/Blue]

Underlying Values - Life has meaning, direction, and purpose, with outcomes determined by an all powerful Other or Order. - This righteous Order enforces a code of conduct based on absolutist and unvarying principles of right and wrong. - Violating the code or rules has severe, perhaps everlasting repercussions. - Following the code yields rewards for the faithful. Basis of ancient nations. - Rigid social hierarchies; - Paternalistic; - One right way and only one right way to think about everything. - Law and order; - Impulsivity controlled through guilt; - Concrete-literal and fundamentalist belief; - Obedience to the rule of Order. What’s important - Sacrificing self for a transcendent Cause, (secular or religious) Truth, mission, future reward; laws, regulations, and rules - Discipline, character, duty, honour, justice, and moral fibre; - Righteous living; controlling impulsivity through guilt; - Following absolutistic principles of right and wrong, black and white; - Being faithful, maintaining order and harmony; - One right way to think/do; - Convention, conformity. Self-Identity - Emergence of capacity to see and respond to what others want; - Self-identity defined by relationship to group, whose values impart strong sense of “shoulds” and “oughts”; - Values that differ from one’s own are denigrated or avoided; Conform to norms of whatever group they want to belong to (including gangs and peer-groups); - Avoid inner and outer conflict; - Think in simple terms and speak in generalities and platitudes; - Attend to social welfare of own group; People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework First Tier Shifts IntegralMENTORS Guides – [basic] Ethno-centric: nations/empires

Amber Ethno-centric Amber/Blue to to Orange Socio-centric modern rational Orange

bureaucratic to Socio-centric

Aspires to better life now for self Challenges higher authority to produce tangible results Seeks one best way among many options Awakening of a dependent-seeking self who challenges higher authority and tests possibilities

Orange to Green

Discovers material wealth does not bring happiness or peace Renewed need for community, sharing, and richer inner life Sensitivity to have, and have-not gaps

modern rational

Once stability and security are achieved, and the afterlife is also guaranteed, the time comes when people begin to question the price. The saintly, puritanical , rigid, sacrificial lifestyle is devoid of pleasure, leisure or adventurous thought. Once again, as with the breaking of tribal bonds, people seeks to free themself from the restrictions and constraints of an authoritarian punitive “suffer now to gain later” world view. New, excess energy is produced in the system, creating perturbations and at first subtle attacks on the established Blue [Amber] Order. Deviation surfaces. The basic assumptions of “the system” are questioned. A new elitism is born. The evidence of the BETA state is everywhere, revisionist views abound. Blue [Amber] thinkers attempt to regain control and stability by a frantic First Order Change mandate. Heretics are burned at the stake. Non-conformists have to leave hearth and home to pursue their personal destiny elsewhere.

Once assured of their material satisfaction (not necessarily their neighbours) people discover in themself a spiritual void. They have conquered the world, they have explored everywhere, even into space. They have all the human comforts that can be manufactured and purchased. Yet they has not achieved happiness. they finds themself a neophyte in a subjectivistic, humanistic World. They have achieved the good life but at a price. They are envied - perhaps respected - but not liked. Life becomes shallow, meaningless and jaded, their lifestyle has cost them health, family affection, self-respect and what they now Awakening a sociocentric People do not perceive worlds but enact them.toDifferent mindsets bring perceives be most important of forth all - different people, worlds. community, sensitivity

An Integral Framework First Tier Shifts Socio-centric

modern rational


Key Words: Manage, use, and exploit society for profit and play; Orange is success-driven searching for best answer and ways to advance Goal-orientated planning and strategies to do better. Economic focus is on competition. Orange believes in the laws of science rule politics, the economy, and human events. Orange to advance economic spheres of influence or access to raw materials and markets. Orange needs success, to making things better, progress, prosperity, status, and glitz. Orange’s time horizon: Months/years

Underlying Values - At this wave, the self escapes from the herd mentality of amber, and seeks truth and meaning in individualistic terms - hypo-theotico-deductive, experimental, objective, mechanistic, operational - scientific in the typical sense. - Highly achievement oriented, especially toward materialistic gains. - The world is a chess-board on which games are played as winners gain pre-eminence and perks over losers. - Marketplace alliances; - manipulate earth’s resources for one’s strategic gains. - Basis of corporate states. What’s important - Progress, prosperity, optimism, and self-reliance; - strategy, risk-taking, and competitiveness; goals, leverage, professional development, and mastery; - rationality, objectivism, demonstrated results, technology, and the power of science; - use of the earth’s resources to spread the abundant ‘good life’; - advance by learning nature’s secrets and seeking the best solutions. Self-Identity - Primary elements of adult ‘conscience’ are present, including long-term goals, ability for self-criticism, and a deeper sense of responsibility. - Interested in causes, reasons, consequences, and the effective use of time; - uture-oriented and proactive; - initiator rather than pawn of system; - blind to subjectivity behind objectivity; - feel guilt when not meeting own standards or goals; - behavioural feedback accepted. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

dependent-seeking self who challenges higher authority and tests Shiftspossibilities

Order. Deviation surfaces. The basic assumptions of “the system” are questioned. A new elitism is born. The evidence of the BETA state is everywhere, revisionist views abound. Blue [Amber] thinkers attempt to regain control and stability by a frantic First Order Change mandate. Heretics are burned at the stake. Non-conformists have to leave hearth World-centric pluralistic and home to pursuepost-modern their personal destiny elsewhere.

An Integral Framework

First Tier

Socio-centric: modern rational to Orange Socio-centric Orange to to Green World-centric post modern pluralistic Green

Discovers material wealth does not bring happiness or peace Renewed need for community, sharing, and richer inner life Sensitivity to have, and have-not gaps Awakening a sociocentric self who strives for belonging and acceptance to discover inner harmony


Once assured of their material satisfaction (not necessarily their neighbours) people discover in themself a spiritual void. They have conquered the world, they have explored everywhere, even into space. They have all the human comforts that can be manufactured and purchased. Yet they has not achieved happiness. they finds themself a neophyte in a subjectivistic, humanistic World. They have achieved the good life but at a price. They are envied - perhaps respected - but not liked. Life becomes shallow, meaningless and jaded, their lifestyle has cost them health, family affection, self-respect and what they now perceives to be most important of all - people, community, sensitivity and human Warmth.

post-modern pluralistic

Shift to Second Tier


Key Words: Equality; Protect societies for humanity & for their intrinsic nature no matter what their values; "Communalist". Overwhelmed In spite of their good intentions and social programmes, people in the Green self to get Green Sacrifice acceptanceby now. economic andanti-hierarchy, emotional Green band thinking does not produce the multiculturalism, ideal state they to Green ‘world’ is strongly egalitarian, pluralistic values,ofsocial construction of reality, diversity, envisaged. After spending all the money, mounting the protest marches relativistic valuecosts systems; this worldview is often called pluralistic relativism. Teal Confronted by boycotts and forcing “freedomprocessing and equality” into the Law of the Green Reaches decisions through reconciliation andand consensus (downside interminable and incapacity to reach chaos/disorder land, people are still not equal. Billions are still not free. Evil decisions). foryears tangible results international troublemakers still emerge. Available resources are Green: Time horizon: 1Need to 10+ and functionality shrinking. Nationalism and ethnicity reappear, threatening the very Knowing moves above fabric of community. Their world is in shreds and they cannot feeling understand why ~ it mindsets all felt sobring goodforth at the time. At this point the Green People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different different worlds.

An Integral Framework First Tier Shifts World-centric

post-modern pluralistic


Underlying Values - Communitarian, human bonding, ecological sensitivity, networking. - The human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma, and divisiveness; - feelings and caring supersede cold rationality; - Cherishing of the earth, Gaia, life; - Against hierarchy; - Establishes lateral bonding and linking .- Permeable self, relational self, group intermeshing; - Emphasis on dialogue, relationships; - Basis of values communes (i.e., freely chosen affiliations based on shared sentiments). - Refresh spirituality, bring harmony, enrich human potential. What’s important - Sensitivity to others and the environment; - feelings and caring (in response to the rationality of Orange); - harmony and equality; - reconciliation, consensus, dialogue, participation, relationships, and networking; human development, bonding and spirituality; - diversity and multiculturalism; - relativism and pluralism; - freeing the human spirit from greed, dogma, and divisiveness; - distributing the earth’s resources and opportunities equally among all. - Systematic problem solving; - Begins to seek and value feedback. Self-Identity - Makes decisions based upon their own view of reality; - Aware that interpreting reality always depends on the position of the observer; - More tolerant of oneself and others due to awareness of life’s complexity and individual differences; - Questions old identities; - More interested in personal accomplishments independent of socially sanctioned rewards; - Increased understanding of complexity, systemic connections, and unintended effects of actions; - Begins to question own assumptions and those of others; - Talks of interpretations rather than truth. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Awakening a sociocentric self who strives for belonging and acceptance to discover inner harmony

cost them health, family affection, self-respect and what they now perceives to be most important of all - people, community, sensitivity and human Warmth.

An Integral View

Transformation between Meta-Values Stages or Levels of Development First Tier to Second Tier Shifts – The momentous Leap World-centric: nations/empires Shift to Second Tier Green World-centric Green to to Teal Planet-centric early integral meta-modern Teal/Yellow

bureaucratic to Planet-centric

Overwhelmed by economic and emotional costs Confronted by chaos/disorder Need for tangible results and functionality Knowing moves above feeling Awakening of an inquiring, independent self who no longer needs approval yet can collaborate

modern rational

In spite of their good intentions and social programmes, people in the Green band of thinking does not produce the ideal state they envisaged. After spending all the money, mounting the protest marches and boycotts and forcing “freedom and equality” into the Law of the land, people are still not equal. Billions are still not free. Evil international troublemakers still emerge. Available resources are shrinking. Nationalism and ethnicity reappear, threatening the very fabric of community. Their world is in shreds and they cannot understand why ~ it all felt so good at the time. At this point the Green mini-crucible produces a new alloy, a new paradigm - one that contains the elements necessary for a major quantum leap in the understanding of the species Homo sapiens, and at a level not even imagined in earlier systems of thought. In the Orange band the hidden secrets of the physical universe demand our attention. In the Green band the feelings of people are paramount. “Getting along with” is valued above “getting ahead”. In the Yellow [Teal] band a new self- interest returns, but in a higher form designed for thinking in natural, evolutionary, living systems.

Senses order within chaos Powerful insights gained in the Yellow [Teal] band and implemented in Search for guiding an attempt to solve the global mess caused by the first six levels of principles human existence, lack means of enforcement. Destruction is still Whole-earth problems rampant. The ethic: "Recognise, truly notice what life is and you shall as technology knowthem. how Different to behave” makes no forth sense at all worlds. to people with earlier Peoplearise do not perceive worlds but enact mindsets bring different

Teal to Turquoise

An Integral Framework Second Tier Shifts – The momentous Leap

Planet-centric early integral meta-modern


Key Words: Flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality have the highest priority. Teal express self with concern for, and not at the expense of, other. Teal ‘world’ is a chaotic organism where change is the norm and uncertainty an acceptable state of being. Teal has recognition of overlapping dynamic systems and natural hierarchies in any context. Teal’s time horizon: Lifetime (own history) Underlying Values Life is a kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies [holarchies], systems, and forms. - Flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality have the highest priority. - Differences and pluralities can be integrated into interdependent, natural flows. - Egalitarianism is complemented with natural degrees of excellence where appropriate. - Knowledge and competency should supersede rank, power, status, or group.

The prevailing world order is the result of the existence of different levels of reality and the inevitable patterns of movement up and down the dynamic developmental stages. Good governance facilitates the emergence of entities through the levels of increasing complexity (nested hierarchy).

What’s important The magnificence of existence (over material possessions); flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality; knowledge and competency (over rank, power, status); the integration of differences into interdependent, natural flows; complementing egalitarianism with natural degrees of ranking and excellence; recognition of overlapping dynamic systems and natural hierarchies in any context. Self-Identity Comprehends multiple interconnected systems of relationships and processes; able to deal with conflicting needs and duties in constantly shifting contexts; recognizes the need for autonomy while parts of a system are interdependent; recognizes higher principles, social construction of reality, complexity and interrelationships; problem finding not just creative problem solving; aware of paradox and contradiction in system and self; sensitive to unique market niches, historical moment, larger social movements; creates ‘positive-sum’ games; aware of own power (and perhaps tempted by it); seeks feedback from others and environment as vital for growth and making sense of world. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

systems of thought. In the Orange band the hidden secrets of the physical universe demand our attention. In the Green band the feelings of people are paramount. “Getting along with” is valued above Second Tier Shifts – The momentous“getting Leap ahead”. In the Yellow [Teal] band a new self- interest returns, but in a higher form designed for thinking in natural, evolutionary, living Planet-centric early integral meta-modern to Kosmic-centric integral systems. approval yet can collaborate

An Integral Framework

Senses order within chaos

Teal Planet-centric Search for guiding Teal/Yellow to to Turquoise principles Kosmic-centric Whole-earth problems integral arise as technology A Broader Framework Turquoise connects everybody

Spirituality backed with physics Awakening of an inquiring, independent self who no longer needs approval yet can collaborate

TBA Turquoise Kosmic-centric


Powerful insights gained in the Yellow [Teal] band and implemented in an attempt to solve the global mess caused by the first six levels of human existence, lack means of enforcement. Destruction is still rampant. The ethic: "Recognise, truly notice what life is and you shall know how to behave” makes no sense at all to people with earlier world views. Therefore practicality. If it is realistic that an individual should suffer, suffer he should. If it is realistic to be happy, then it is good to be happy. If the situation calls for authoritarianism, then it is proper to be58authoritarian. If the situation calls for democracy, one should be democratic. Behaviour is “right” and “proper" it is based on todays best possible evidence. What was “right” yesterday may not be so today. The supreme issue in GT is restoration of the world so it may continue – not just human life but life it self. For the first time people are able to face existence in all it dimensions even to the point of valuing inconsistencies, opposites and flat contradictions. This mini crucible ultimately produces a human being who find that the answers are not within ‘reality’, currently available information or historical evidence.

TBA [Turquoise]

Key Words: Flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality have the highest priority. An example of how the ‘talk’ and the ‘walk’ differ for an individual operating out of a Green of gravity Turquoise is highly aware of complexity of meaning making, systemic interactions, and centre dynamic processes. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework Second Tier Shifts – The momentous Leap




Turquoise thinking uses the entire framework, sees multiple levels of interaction, detects harmonics, the mystical forces, and the pervasive flow- states that permeate any organization. Turquoise unites feeling with knowledge creating on multiple levels interwoven into one conscious system. Turquoise sacrifices self to existential realities. Turquoise’s time horizon: Global historical; More than one generation. Underlying Values Universal holistic system, holons/waves of integrative energies; Unites feeling with knowledge; Multiple levels interwoven into one conscious system Universal order, but in a living, conscious fashion, not based on external rules (amber) or group bonds (green). A grand unification is possible, in theory and in actuality. Turquoise thinking uses the entire framework; sees multiple levels of interaction; detects harmonics, the mystical forces, and the pervasive flow-states that permeate any organization. What’s important Holistic, intuitive thinking and cooperative actions; waves of integrative energies; uniting feeling with knowledge; seeing the self as both distinct and a blended part of a larger, compassionate whole; recognition that everything connects to everything else in ecological alignments; universal order, but in a living, conscious fashion not based on external rules (amber) or group bonds (green); the possibility and actuality of a ‘grand unification’; the detection of harmonics, mystical forces, and the pervasive flowstates that permeate any organization. Self-Identity Highly aware of complexity of meaning making, systemic interactions, and dynamic processes; seeks personal and spiritual transformation and supports others in their life quests; creates events that become mythical and reframe meaning of situations; may understand ‘ego’ as a ‘central processing unit’ that actively creates a sense of identity; increasingly sensitive to the continuous ‘e-storying’ of who one is; may recognize ego as most serious threat to future growth; continually attend to interaction among thought, action, feeling, and perception as well as influences from and effects on individuals, institutions, history and culture; treat time and events as symbolic, analogical, metaphorical (not merely linear, digital, literal); may feel rarely understood in their complexity by others. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework Complexity of Experience – Stages or Levels: Each higher Stage transcends and includes the lower stages – including the best and transcending the areas that no longer apply. Development occurs through the interplay between person and environment, not just by one or the other. It is a potential and can be encouraged and facilitated by appropriate support and challenge. The depth, complexity, and scope of what people notice can expand throughout life. Yet no matter how evolved we become, our knowledge and understanding is always partial and incomplete. As development unfolds, autonomy, freedom, tolerance for difference and ambiguity, as well as flexibility, reflection and skill in interacting with the environment increase, while defences decrease. But each transformation can and will leave aspects of self that does not always transcend and turns into shadow. Overall, worldviews evolve from simple to complex, from static to dynamic, and from egocentric to sociocentric to world-centric to planet-centric. Each later stage in the sequence is more differentiated, integrated, flexible and capable of functioning optimally in a world that is rapidly changing and becoming more complicated. People's stage of development influences what they notice or can become aware of, and therefore what they can describe, articulate, influence, and change. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Movement and stasis along the developmental Spiral Either up or down - are reflections of the interaction between LIFE CONDITIONS (the conditions without which no development can take place) -

combine the historic times, physical place, psycho-social existence problems, and socio-economic circumstances) and the vMEMEs [meta-memes] accessible in the individual or collective mind (the systems-within).

Generally, the evolution is toward more elaborated, more complex and inclusive ways of being - "higher" levels. However, life is without guarantees and there can also be regressions to previous, less complex, "lower" level structures. In either case, the active vMEMEs are the containers for ideas and the essence of value systems, worldview, and the many "real" worlds that exist in parallel sometimes in conflict, sometimes in confluence - on earth today.�

Clare Graves

Stage Translation Horizontal Development

An Integral Framework Guide to understand the manifestation of unhealthy and healthy version of each Stage. Stage/Level

Unhealthy manifestation >

Healthy manifestation <


Witchcraft, curses and spells. War potions to encourage conflict. Faction fighting, grudges.

Warm, supportive nests. Ritual, tradition and magic. Healthy use of shaman. Belief in animistic spirit


Warlords, violence, hit squads, gangsterism. Lack of guilt, excessive bravado,

Strong self-image. Expressiveness the arts. Breaking free from barriers


Rigid ideology, punitive holy wars, zealotry, depersonalisation of ‘enemies’. Heavy-handed bureaucracy

Truth, honour, justice, discipline, work ethic, sacrifice for the greater good.

Crass materialism, dishonest government and business, shady dealing. Contamination of the environment for profit. Destructive, competitive, gamesmanship

Entrepreneurialism, ambition. Desire to improve, to be best. Attitude of thrive and help thrive. Expand economic cake. Produce the middle class

Post Modern

Naive egalitarianism within moral crusades. Compassion becomes patronising contempt. Romanticises the underprivileged. Develops a narrow view of human diversity. Demands piety, harmony and understanding above all else.

Beyond materialism and dogma. Focuses on warm interpersonal relations. Promotes affiliation and personal growth. Supports consensus and community. Softens edges in conflict. Genuine concern for others.

Early integral

Often drops out, stays on side-lines or “does own thing” regardless. Shows little passion for others. Absorbed in selfinterest. Pursues a variety of interests based on selfmotivation. Often “lets things be” to excess.

Big-picture view of life systems. Values what is natural – less can mean more. Focuses on competency, responsibility, and freedom of choice. Rejects status, conformity, authoritarian structures. Information and knowledge-based decision making. Capable of fearless, creative problem solving.


Becomes abstract, other-worldly, tuned into frequencies and energy systems that transcend the anything practical. Little use for people or community because of interaction with life forces in nature, through media and information net-works. Often condescending to those who are not “tuned in”

In tune with large scale of planetary concerns. Can “see” everything at once. Thinks in holographic mosaics. Respects all life – and the implicit order within the universe. Understands mega-systems in nature, social relations, evolution, business and the need to preserve Plant Earth for future generations.

pre-egoic ego-centric










This table is only a rough indication to the manifestation of values and behaviour at each stage in development.

An Integral Framework Second-tier solutions Second-tier solutions to social problems involve sustained inquiries into ways that will allow each wave

(e.g., tribal, traditional, modern, post-modern and integral) to freely explore its own potentials but in ways that those waves would not construct if left to their own exclusionary practices. In academic settings, integral methodological pluralism allows the creation not so much of more cross-disciplinary studies (which confirm each other in their first-tier prejudices) but in trans-disciplinary studies (which enact a new territory of integral displays between old rivalries). In general, to put it in ‘modern’ terms, any sort of Integral Methodological Pluralism allows the creation of a multi-purpose toolkit for approaching today's complex problems - individually, socially, and globally - with more comprehensive solutions that have a chance of actually making a difference. Or, to say the same thing with post-modern terms, an Integral Methodological Pluralism allows a richer diversity of interpretations of life's text to stand forth in a clearing of mutual regard, thus marginalizing no interpretation in the process. On an individual scale, the same approach can be applied to one's own profession, converting it into a practice of integral law, integral medicine, integral business, integral education, integral politics, integral ecology, integral psychotherapy and family practice, and so on. …….. Most of the tools to do all of the above already exist (i.e., the MP of the IMP are already out there). All that is required, at least to get started, are a few integrating principles to initiate the "integral" part of the IMP. These heuristic principles suggest simple ways to practice on those practices already out there, thus quickly converting any given practice into an integral practice. Let's look at three such integrative principles as examples. 1. 2.

The Essence of Integral Metatheory: Everybody Is Right (excluding fake news) Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them.


Non-exclusion People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Annex 1

Case Study

Thriving Cities Initiative Tom Bailey

An Integral Framework

A Case Study - TCI Development transformations

Tom Bailey

Create a world view sensitive approach The mission of Thriving demands a fundamental shift in how we approach consumption, energy, life in general. It is a global framing as well as local, and planetary as well as social. This will re ‘The most exciting breakthrough of the twenty-first century will occur not because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human.” John Naisbitt

What is a world view? • A complex, adaptive, and contextual mental framework that defines what reality is and how it works • Informs your priorities, values, attitudes, concept of other people and defines what has meaning. • Everything you experience is seen through this lens, and people of different world-views can experience and value the same thing very differently. • World-view is different to personality (e.g. Meyers Brigs) or personal attributes & talents (e.g. intelligence, creativity, personability) Where do world views come from? • Are formed based on life conditions and experiences, and tend to develop through life. Each is a complex, adaptive, and contextual intelligence that addresses and responds to the emerging and prevailing life conditions an individual has encountered. Since people do have very different life conditions, they hence very different world views. • Also have tended to develop and deepen over history of humanity • Research indicates there are some common types or themes across human race today • The mindsets, behaviours, cultures and systems in the world today are in a large part determined by the prevailing worldview of those involved, hence why they’re so important for change. What are the main world views today? C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations

Three main world views are dominant today, summarised in the figure below:

As indicated in the above, all world views and the systems and cultures associated with them have a vital role in a functioning modern society, and so all are important and valuable, and so all must be accommodated in a balanced way. C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations

Each sees the world in unique ways. Following figure gives examples and comparisons.

A detailed comparison of today’s three most common world-views:




Global view, yet individual if focal point, and those like me.

All humans (and organisms).

Stability. Order, law and justice. Clear and enduring framework of ideas.

Material prosperity, independence, newness, excitement.

Healthy planet, equality and harmony for all people. End greed, cruelty etc. A global community by breaking down boundaries between us.

Conformist. Group belonging. Conservative.

Individualist and rational. Risk taking, self reliance, proactive. Material world is there to use. “It’s just business…”

Communalist. Inclusive, independent, & tolerant. Harmony is best. Use systemic approaches. Material world has own value.


“The right thing.” Being faithful, maintaining order and convention. Obedience and responsibilities.

“The efficient and effective thing.” Progress, competence, success, optimism, freedom, reward hard work and success.

“The good and fair thing.” Cherish all life. Principles matter, i.e. pluralism & equality.


Knowledge and truth

Truth is pre-ordained and absolute. Only from a trusted source. Literal, black and white. Simple answers.

Truth is arrived at though empirical reductionism, & while ultimately absolute, our understanding changes.

Truth seen as partly or entirely contextual. Personal interpretations. Feelings and intuition are helpful tools not confusion.

Knowledge and truth


Rigid social hierarchy. Authority ordained. (positional)

Reference point Goal


Ethnic group / nation / community centric.

Significant but mobile hierarchical. Authority earned (material)

Non-hierarchical. Authority to be regulated or even avoided.

Reference point Goal



C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations

The following image gives a rough idea of population split for main world view, with the majority of people are traditional globally. In developing countries, the proportion of traditional is higher, and in more developed countries modern and post-modern levels are higher than the global average. This is because, as mentioned above, world view are not accidents but depend largely on life conditions.

There are actually many further world view categories within grouping “other”, mostly made up of “pretraditional” or “meta-modern”, however given their low prevalence they will not be considered here, however. Some general points on world views today: • Over time trend is for growth in more recent world views at the expense of older ones • Traditional most common in most countries • Modern is currently the powerful and dominant, being system of globalised economic system, based on science and evidence. • Post-modern has been in emergence and seen strong impact for 30 years. Some evidence of strong push back with resurgence of popularism and isolationism. C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

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TCI Development transformations

Communicating for world views It is not a viable approach to force a preferred world view on others, or use arguments not fitting to a particular world view. Common do’s and don'ts are included below.





Invoke ideals of responsibility & duty to own group.

Show increased efficiency, competence, rationality of an approach or view

Call for good citizenship, looking after your community and family.

Use evidence, data, analysis and strategic reasoning.

Be sensitive to human histories, plights and feelings and always include nature in conversation

Show behaviour will ensure future reward, delayed gratification

Inspire to face challenge, be an entrepreneur, calling for bigger, better, faster etc.

Appeal to laws, order, being prepared


Overstress needs of people (or nature) outside of own group/horizon. Demand that people step out of sink with those around them Disregard rules or traditions, or put down allegiance to country or heritage Contradict trusted sources Talk down, use unfamiliar language

Draw on success, progress and status motivation, encourage to be trail-blazer Talk about collectivisation Put down profit or entrepreneurship Deny reward for good performance Force to be one of the heard, or to seem ordinary Force sameness, trap with rules and procedure


Equalisation for the oppressed, act through consensus, Ensure inclusion of all groups and places Present openness and authenticity Focus on non-material goals and needs Talk of centralising of control or power to achieve goals


Talk about hierarchies in any way Deny feelings Talk about absolute truths or use demanding or explosive language Rely only on complex language, hard facts, technical knowledge, or seem elitist

C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations

As can be seen in the above there are potential contradictions throughout that make it challenging to develop a universally accessible narrative or framing. Here are three examples: 1.

Traditional would not want overstress needs of people (or nature) outside of own group/horizon – This could conflict with – Post-modern requiring that ensure inclusion of all groups and places


Modern no: Put down profit or entrepreneurship - Conflict with - Post modern yes: Focus on non-material goals and needs


Traditional no: Demand that people step out of sink with those around them - Conflict with - Modern no: Force to be one of the heard, or to seem ordinary

Working with world views when driving for change •

World views do change slowly over time. Historically world views have tended to expand to include more of the more recently emerging world views. This is expected to continue unless there are large shocks, such as war or climate disaster. Post-modern and meta-modern are naturally focused on environmental issues and so over time this is expected to be beneficial.

However, the split of world views is not going to change significantly enough in next 10-20 years and so must work with current split of world views – This is the period over which we need the shift to prevent climate breakdown, and so from point of view of ecological collapse need a strategy that works with the split of world views we have now. Given that most high consumers are probably modern, straight away need to work at modern framing, because we don’t have time to wait, we need to change their behaviour now, so need a way of talking to blue and orange about sustainable living now. Need to work with their existing mindsets.

At the same time cannot force systems on people, and so over the long term must also work to allow greater numbers at post-modern and meta-modern through improving life conditions - Can’t get a largescale sustained shift in fundamental systems until have sufficient change in underlying world views. This is why communism didn’t work (and actually resulted in 100m deaths), or why EU is backfiring, or Trump got into power, why backlash against climate action. We must engage with people where they are

Based on this, and the analysis above on communications, here are some potential responses from a climate point of view. C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

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Potential responses to crisis from point of view of climate, based on world view

Potential negative response

Positive response



Demand simple answers to complex problems Prefer having “bad guy” to blame Others are the problem Look after our own in time of crises Nationalism and preference for strong leaders Less trust of strangers and new perspectives Recourse to heavy handed bureaucracy and rigidly holding to rules

Growth only way out Technical and economic solutions are only way Put environmental action on hold for now Time to compete for resources and win over the others

Stick together and support each other in own community where existing bonds

A wake up call, call to arms, action stations

Understanding of the causes

Problem solving

Strengthen community bonds and resilience

Use evidence to see what this means for society and develop a competent response

Mitigate recession through GNG, green investments and just transitions etc

POST-MODERN Now’s the time for a climate change crusade

Negative response

There is huge opportunity here Everyone will agree with me on this and see this in the same way or they’re not clever enough Talking about equality but really keeping everything high level and complaining about system

Positive response

Invoke ideals of responsibility & duty to own group. Call for good citizenship, looking after your community and family.

C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations Impact of COVID-19

We keep hearing this is a moment for change, even an opportunity. For whom? Is COVID likely to lead to progress or regression on climate change? Forces at work in both directions. COVID making harder to act Being at threat of life, loosing work & general financial insecurity, will push people to the left of world view set, making people less open to climate action, particularly on consumption. Given scale of recession likely, impact could be for decades. COVID making easier to at Psychological foundations of inaction being eroded. The COVID-19 crisis has some important lessons for us: 1.

Society is not invulnerable…


But we can collaborate to respond to global challenges when we need to


Individuals cannot isolate from global problems…


But we can and do depend on those around us


We have been shown there are more important things than “stuff” when it’s over it won’t be fast fashion we rush out to, but to each other and to the earth we live on.

Both will be at work and so must respond to both. Mitigate regression by minimising recession through green investment just transition etc. On comm’s even more important to ensure are working with all world views. On positive ones, do best to leverage these “lessons” but from point of view of each world view

C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations Worlds views and Thriving Cities Initiative

Where the world views are in relation to TCI framing •

TCI is a post-modern project with inherently post-modern goals, values, processes and language. Post-modern is entirely aligned, indeed TCI is a post-modern view. This is an extremely important recognition.

Modern is main focus for action or change, to move modern to post modern: Modern world view dominates today’s power structures, can present as fundamentally based on certain things that at odds with climate action. TCI challenges many aspects of modern world view

Traditional can be worked with directly in a number of ways. Traditional world view: • Doesn’t mind over arching system, will copy everyone else once a new normal defined as long as provides for stability etc. •

However at the moment that means focused on consumption as prevailing view is “modern” one.

Not open to global view (top half of portrait)

• •

Traditional will also shift to follow wider convention. Traditional typically Summary: There are positive elements of each world view in how they can relate to aspects if not all of TCI aims and methods. However traditional and modern not naturally in support of TCI vision, which is essentially post-modern. However traditional and modern make up vast majority of humanity, and so must consider how to bring on board.

There are positive elements of each world view in how they can relate to aspects if not all of TCI aims and methods. However traditional and modern not naturally in support of TCI vision, which is essentially post-modern. However traditional and modern make up vast majority of humanity, and so must consider how to bring on board.

Important because world views are not accidents, but based on wide mix of life conditions, therefore the current split is not going to change significantly during the time we have left to stop environmental disaster, therefore any global shift will need to bring along traditional and certainly modern.

C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations Options for TCI in driving change

We must create a vision of a path towards a thriving future that actually makes space for, or speaks to, the other world views. This is hard, because to do so is a post-modern project. We will need tailored approaches to each however. The following image outlines two main approaches to driving action on thriving


• Much easier • Post-modern needs direction • “leading edge” has driven huge fast change in history many times



Approach A: Focus on the leading edge

Approach B: Engage at all levels

• Ultimately unavoidable if going to stop climate change because otherwise will leave out most of humanity given world views wont change in time (even less so due to COVID) • Harness the best energies of each world view together to solve problem

• Post-modern currently a PostPost“disgraced leading edge” so mod mod historical comparisons may not be relevant Traditional Modern Traditional Modern • Modern is directly opposed to some of these principles • Is contradicted because post-modern depends on • prosperity created by a modern system creating affluence to think in global way TCI is left with three options, A, B or some mix of the two. • Post-modern is bad at incorporating other views It seems inevitable that a degree of both is required.


Much harder, require for instance engaging on only a slice of portrait, and so a reframe of TCI

C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations

Recommendations for TCI: Develop a world view sensitive impact strategy Based on the above discussions, it is clear that TCI’s goals will not be met without being aware off and working with the predominant world views around today, especially given the majority are not naturally aligned with TCI framing. This even more important if online because won’t be able to deliver the material directly and can be accessed by multiple audience types. This is important question, are we aiming at any audience or just Therefore, specific recommendations are: •

Acknowledge TCI is a particular (and far from universal) world view in itself, being necessarily post-modern. This is not a bad thing and is accepted as inherent to TCI, as post-modern systems, narratives, processes and language are core to TCI, and these are the processes needed to address todays’ problems. It does not mean that TCI should change track at all. It is however important to acknowledge and to create as much opportunity as possible to reach out to these other groups.

World view appropriate narrative development – In phase 2 of TCI the development of alternative economic narratives is a core objective. Working with worldviews will be a key element, and so recommendations are made: o


o o o

Build an overall TCI narrative that which is post-modern in core content, but avoids the main big communication risks outline above, so for instance removing obvious reference to having to pioneer new challenging things (will excite modern but alienate traditional, so remove and find other ways to excite modern). A more Create specialised world view specific TCI narratives, effectively determining a traditional, modern and postmodern focus. This can be used in specific situations or audiences. These could be combined into a narrative guide that can be used to guide messaging on the go. Create resources that helps TCI cities and stakeholders build the most helpful narrative for their situation by helping them think through how their community sees the world (acknowledging that city staff don’t. Not be just a new economic narrative (current framing), but also new cultural and (crucially) personal narratives. Develop COVID recovery specific narrative that uses the COVID recovery moment to subtly encourage traditional and modern to adopt TCI post-modern approach (see below image for more detail).

C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations •

Adaptive tool’s and processes o

Can we develop versions and processes that are suitable to traditional and modern contexts? For instance, looking at how we present the portrait by focusing on local rather than global issues.


Make sure playbook of tools and actions are appropriate for use by different world view. Use for action design and deployment at city level as part of TCI process (step 2) enabling creation of full thriving strategy


Guidance for global leadership engagement by TCI/C40, mayors and partners

Participation and workshop/stakeholder inclusion strategy

ons – Evolving Cities o o

Establish guidelines to make sure including people representing all world views in all local work. Wont always be possible to accommodate all viewpoints, but huge benefit in involving from start WorldViews - Values WorldViews - Values identify champions and community leaders able to speak to other world views (this particularly important for Stages - Meanings of Space & Boundaries Stages - Meanings of Space & Boundaries traditional)



Areas of property which can be used to realise the benefits of calculated risk taking – from which individual wealth, material gain and status can be extracted to be displayed and shown for all to see and made aware of economic influence and achievement.

Communally shared open areas used for mutual social development, sharing and growth, boundaries and divisions are scorned as artificial and keeping people apart as the whole community must share and have equal access to land and space for the common good of the everyone in the group. No one person nor group can be dominant.

Urban Manifestations:

Urban Manifestations:

High status areas of living and working which have resulted from successful wealth creation, prosperous displays of affluence and image – buildings and property developments which are designed and built to make financially successful statements with appearance more important than substance.

Open areas, rural and natural land and space with no limits to access, ownership and use as everyone must be able to live in harmony with each other and the environment without restraints and restrictions, strong focus on the redistribution and sharing of any material gains and spoils for the sustainable benefit of all.

Meanings Of Space & Boundaries:

Meanings Of Space & Boundaries:

Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects Subjects bringdo forth notdifferent perceiveworlds. worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.

C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

An Integral Framework

TCI Development transformations

Example COVID and general narrative for TCI: to COVID Recommendations for TCIrecommendations language and responding




Don’t talk about rebuilding a better world, just creating safety

This is a new lens on this challenge, a new opportunity to figure out answers to the big risks and questions

Be sensitive to human histories, plights and feelings and always include nature in conversation

Shifting to a more sensible, efficient, evidence based approach that delivers goals more effectively

Equalisation for the oppressed, act through consensus, and ensure inclusion.

Talk about doing better next time, that was a trial run, now the big one (climate)

Present openness and authenticity

Don’t talk about what ideals need to meet, talk about responsibility Take this change to strengthen the resilience and bonds in your community

Show increased efficiency, competence, rationality of an approach or view

Use COVID moment to push hard messages Highlight that this shows how exposed our communities and loved ones are to big risks like climate:

Focus on non-material goals and needs Be sensitive to hierarchies are discussed by they will need to be discussed in some form to make any progress

Use COVID moment to push hard messages: Call out that GDP growth important for this response but not always, must be intelegently used or will lead to more things like this

Society is not invulnerable and you cannot isolate from world problems!

C40 Cities – Thriving Cities Initiatives

“We fail to take responsibility, to act productively in the interest of ourselves and others. And in our attempts at a better life, we are often severely limited or thwarted by the immature and socially inept behavior of ourselves and others. There is a great fabric of relations, behaviors and emotions, reverberating with human and animal bliss and suffering, a web of intimate and formal relations, both direct and indirect. Nasty whirlwinds of feedback cycles blow through this great multidimensional web, pulsating with hurt and degradation. My lacking human development blocks your possible human development. My lack of understanding of you, your needs perspectives, hurts you in a million subtle ways. I become a bad lover, a bad colleague, a bad fellow citizen and human being. We are interconnected: You cannot get away from my hurt and wounds. They will follow you all of your life—I will be your daughter’s abusive boyfriend, your belligerent neighbor from hell. And you will never grow wings because there will always be mean bosses, misunderstanding families and envious friends. And you will tell yourself that is how life must be. But it is not how life has to be. Once you begin to be able to see the social-psychological fabric of everyday life, it becomes increasingly apparent that the fabric is relatively easy to change, to develop. Metamodern politics aims to make everyone secure at the deepest psychological level, so that we can live authentically; a byproduct of which is a sense of meaning in life and lasting happiness; a byproduct of which is kindness and an increased ability to cooperate with others; a byproduct of which is deeper freedom and better concrete results in the lives of everyone; a byproduct of which is a society less likely to collapse into a heap of atrocities.” Hanzi Freinacht, The Listening Society: A Metamodern Guide to Politics

Annex 2


An Integral Framework

Action Logics Stages of Leadership Development

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development Communities

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Briefly what I am proposing is that the psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiralling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower order behavioural systems to newer, higher-order systems as an individual’s existential problems change. Each successive stage, wave, or level of existence is a state through which people pass on their way to other stages of being. When the human is centralized in one state of existence, he or she has a psychology which is particular to that state. His or her feelings, motivations, ethics and values, biochemistry, degree of neurological activation, learning system, belief system, conception of mental health, ideas to what mental illness is and how it should be treated, conceptions of and preferences for management, education, economics, political theory and practice are all appropriate to that stage. Professor Clare Graves

Annex 3

Stage Transition Quadratic

The Never-Ending Quest "At each stage of human existence the adult man {woman} is off on his quest of his holy grail, the way of life he seeks by which to live. At his [her] first level he is on a quest for automatic physiological satisfaction. At the second level he seeks a safe mode of living, and this is followed in turn, by a search for heroic status, for power and glory, by a search for ultimate peace; a search for material pleasure, a search for affectionate relations, a search for respect of self, and a search for peace in an incomprehensible world. And, when he finds he will not find that peace, he will be off on his ninth level quest. As he sets off on each quest, he believes he will find the answer to his existence. Yet, much to his surprise and much to his dismay, he finds at every stage that the solution to existence is not the solution he has come to find. Every stage he reaches leaves him disconcerted and perplexed. It is simply that as he solves one set of human problems he finds a new set in their place. The quest he finds is never ending."

-- Dr. Clare W. Graves

An Integral Framework

Stages of Development - Red transforms to Amber (Blue)

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development – Amber transforms to Orange

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development – Orange transforms to Green

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development – Green transforms to Teal (Yellow)

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development – Teal transforms to Turquoise

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Stages of Leadership Development – Turquoise transforms to Indigo (Coral)

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework

Tetra-Meshing the Developmental Journey

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

"Systems theorists are fond of saying that systems theory deals with the “whole of reality” and thus it covers all the holistic bases. For example, they point out that dynamic systems theory can even be used to successfully describe the traffic patterns in large cities. And that is true— the flow patterns of the automobiles follow specific patterns that systems theory captures well. But systems theory cannot tell you if the driver (i.e., the intentionality) of a particular automobile is motivated by Red, Amber, Orange or Green values, and so on —and yet those interior domains contain the key not only to much of human existence and motivation, but to all of the feelings of sentient beings throughout the planet. If all we do is describe the traffic patterns of sentient beings —using ecology, systems theory, chaos and complexity theory — then we have indeed reduced all first-person consciousness to third-person objects, ‘its’, and artefacts: we have killed all culture and consciousness." Ken Wilber

"Perhaps of even greater relevance is that the long-term sustainability of the planet is inextricably linked to the fate of our cities. We are urbanizing at an exponential rate, with more than half of the world’s population now living in urban centres. The biggest global challenges we are facing from climate change, the environment, availability of energy and resources, social unrest, and financial markets are generated in cities, but cities are also the hubs of innovation, wealth creation, and power. Put slightly differently, cities may well be the problem, but they are also the solution. This strongly suggests that there is a great urgency to develop a more quantitative, predictive, computational framework that can complement the traditional, more qualitative, narrative approaches to understanding cities – a framework that can help inform today’s and tomorrow’s practitioners and policy makers.”

Geoffrey West - Santa Fe Institute

Annex 4


An Integral Framework

Impact on Mindsets

Impact on Practices

Impact on Culture

Impact on Systems

(ways of thinking about and approaching problems)


Guiding principle here is that you need enough diversity in what data you are gathering and how you are gathering it, that you can adequately capture impacts that are occurring in all quadrants.

(practices & conduct carrying out work)

Types of data to be collected: - third-person data (objective) such as surveys or other quantitative ways to measure change, - second-person (intersubjective data) such as data that is generated and interpreted together as a group or within a process, and - first-person (subjective data) such as reflective answers, thick description, or other qualitative descriptions (one-on-one).

(collaboration, cultural perceptions, and social discourse in issues)

(policies, structures that support innovation in work)


An Integral Framework THIRD-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • Build in content from the indicator table into the feedback forms, proposal questions, grant reports, forum retrospectives, etc. • This will generate actual numbers along the 1-5 spectrum for these indicators, which can be quantified and used in evaluation analysis and reporting. • Any thing you quantify (numbers of participants, proposals or multi sector tables) can be useful to analyze and include.

FIRST-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • To generate thick descriptions on these indicators (about how and why changes occurred as they did): • use more in-depth reflective questions posed within one of the activities, such as a qualitative question in a survey • or by doing key-informant interviews with a sample of the target audience.

SECOND-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • At the Evaluation Pod meetings and Development Evaluation (DE) meetings generate discussion and reflection through prompting with skillful DE questions. Then, harvest the insights and doing pattern-finding; that is where indicators come in. • Community Liaison carry out this pattern-finding afterwards then reflect back to the other participants later. • During the DE sessions, do some group patternfinding with indicator tables written on flipcharts, and participants use post-it notes to tag where in the spectrum they would say the outcome was achieved. This is based on participant-observation and is co-generated in a focus-group style meeting.


An Integral Framework


Reflective, experiential inquiry Description: interior felt-sense, how one feels (about oneself, org, project, issue), Methods: phenomenology Methodologies: personal ecology sheet self-reflection (can use this tool to guide the process, can be an ongoing cascading reflection-stream, and/or can be accessed through journaling).

Developmental inquiry Description: interior personal change, developmental stages, changes in motivation, attitudes, and values. Methods: structuralism Methodologies: developmental assessment (includes pre/post interviews that are carried out one-onone with a sample of the population and the interviewer is trained to ask the same questions that hone in on indicators for motivational, attitudinal

Interpretive inquiry Description: culture and meanings held by the group or community; for example, how do people generally feel and what do they know about “conservation”, what does “conservation concession” mean to them? Methods: hermeneutics Methodologies: focus group (using a guided method, shared below, as a pre/during/post method of “taking the pulse” of the group—where motivation lies, what is working what is not, how can the project shift and flow.

Ethno-methodological inquiry Description: changes in social discourse, implicit “background” social norms, and shared worldview. Method Family: ethno-methodology Methodologies: participant-observation (using a tool with focus questions on specific domains of change) www.integralwithoutborders.org


An Integral Framework


Empirical inquiry Description: quantitative measurement of seen changes in behaviours, for example: shifts in land-use practices, uptake of conservation practices in the household, behavioural change in gender relations. Methods: empiricism Methodologies: measuring, ranking, and quantitative analysis (pre/during/post measurement that ranks certain behaviours from 1-10 and can compare/contrast to later assessment, after which time that data can be analysed using quantitative methods to create graphs and figures of what percentage of behaviours changed through the lifetime of the project.)

Systems inquiry Description: quantitative measurement of seen changes in social, economic, political systems in which the work is carried out. Methods: systems analysis Methodologies: systems-analysis tool



Annex 5


Aspects of Integral theory & Framework

An Integral Framework Perspectives – Domains of Knowing SELF AQAL quadrants

My Values & Mindset

Our Culture & WorldViews

PERSPECTIVE (consumption) AQAL quadrivia

My Behaviour & Lifestyle

‘Consumption’ viewed from a personal perspective – through personal mindsets & values

‘Consumption’ viewed from an empirical perspective – (data and observation driven)

Our Society & Systems

‘Consumption’ viewed from a cultural perspective – through group culture & worldviews

‘Consumption’ viewed from a social & systems perspective – (data and observation driven)

domains in which I am embedded

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework Stages of Development Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds. For AQAL, this means that a subject might be at a particular wave of consciousness, in a particular stream of consciousness, in a particular state of consciousness, in one quadrant or another. That means that the phenomena brought forth by various types of human inquiry will be different depending on the quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types of the subjects bringing forth the phenomena. A subject at one wave of consciousness will not enact and bring forth the same worldspace as a subject at another wave; and similarly with quadrants, streams, states, and types (as we will see in more detail). This does not mean that the phenomena are not objectively there in a meaningful sense; it means the phenomena are not there for everybody. Macbeth exists, but not for my dog. Cells with DNA exist, but they can only be seen by subjects using microscopes (which did not exist until the orange wave, which is why cells did not "ex-ist" or stand out for magic and mythic worldviews; you can find no account of DNA in any magic or mythic text. This does not mean DNA wasn't there, just that it did not "ex-ist" in those worldviews). Phenomena ex-ist, stand forth, or shine only for subjects who can enact and co-create them (or, more technically, only as they are tetra-enacted). People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework AQAL

Integral Methodological Pluralism, Quadrants & #Zones mapping interventions integral methodological pluralism (IMP), four research paradigms are identified, which are consistent with each of the four quadrant ontologies of AQAL. The research paradigms include epistemologies and methodologies. Wilber identified exemplar methodologies in each quadrant. Thus, the framework of IMP provides a coherent map that links the ontologies, epistemologies and methodologies within each quadrant.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework AQAL Upper Quadrants EXPERIENCE Individual-Interior: Self and Consciousness The invisible, subjective, internal reality of an individual Context: self-identity and consciousness; intentions; personal values; attitude; religious or spiritual beliefs; commitment (e.g., cognitive, emotional, moral); cognitive capacity; depth of responsibility; degree of care for others and the environment; etc. Examples of areas addressed: psychological health and development; educational level; emotional intelligence; motivation and will; understanding of one's role in the community and impact on the environment; personal goals; the practitioner's intrapersonal intelligence, mental model, and self-knowledge; Tools for transformation: e.g., psychotherapy; religious or spiritual counseling; phenomenological research; introspection; goal-setting;

BEHAVIOR Individual-Exterior: Brain and Organism The visible, objective, external reality of individual


Context: empirically measurable individual qualities; physical boundaries or surfaces; biological features; brain chemistry; bodily states; physical health; behaviors; skills; capabilities; actions; etc. Examples of areas addressed: energy level of a practitioner; nutritional intake; conduct toward environment or opposite sex; response to rules and regulations; money management; computer skills; acidity; Tools for transformation: e.g., diet; hygiene; exercise; skill-building; clear rules, regulations, and guidance from a respected authority; use of litigation to enforce regulations

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework AQAL Upper Quadrants CULTURE


Collective-Interior: Cultures and Worldviews The invisible, inter-subjective, internal realities of groups

Collective-Exterior: Social Systems & Environments The visible, inter-objective, external realities of groups

Context: shared values and worldviews; shared meaning; mutual resonance; cultural norms, boundaries and mores; language; customs; communication; relationships; symbolism; agreed upon ethics; etc. Examples of areas addressed: cultural "appropriateness"; collective vision; relationship between practitioners and the community; relationship amongst communityIfamilyIorganization members; language differences; collective interpretation of power, class, race and gender inequities; collective perception of the environment and pollution Tools for transformation: e.g., dialogue; communitydirected development; inclusive decision making; consensus-based strategic planning; organizational learning; support groups (religious or secular); trust building exercises techniques; community visioning; cooperative participation; storytelling; collective introspection; meme development and propagation

Context: visible societal structures; systems & modes of production (economic, political, social, informational, educational, technological); strategies; policies; work processes; technologies; natural systems, processes & interactions in the environment Examples of areas addressed: stability & effectiveness of economic & political systems; legal frameworks; strength of tech., educational & healthcare infrastructure; poverty alleviation; actual power, class, race & gender inequities; job creation & trade; corporate regulation; organizational structure; food security; health of local biota or global biosphere; climate change; restoration, protection & sustainable use of natural resources; Tools for transformation: e.g., policy-making; capacity building; systems thinking; "upstream" strategies; organizational reengineering; microcredit & micro-enterprise;

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.


An Integral Framework Tom Bailey Head of Consumption Program C40 Cities Tom Bailey serves as the Head of Consumption Program. Tom is responsible for driving a number of research areas, from assessing the climate action being taken by C40 cities to developing an evidence base to support C40's city diplomacy work. Prior to joining C40, Tom was a Senior Consultant in Arup's Energy and Climate Change team, both in London and in Hong Kong, where he led projects in strategic city and national climate policy modeling and planning, urban energy infrastructure delivery and low-carbon energy system design. He has experience across the green urban infrastructure development process and has spent an extended period seconded to the GLA in London, writing the Mayor’s Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy. Tom has also helped drive a successful internal sustainability change program at Arup. A Chartered Environmentalist, Tom has a Masters degree in Sustainable Energy Systems from Imperial College London and a Bachelors in physics from the University of Manchester Paul van Schaik RIBA rtd. Founder/Creator and Managing Curator of Urban Hub: Thriveable Cities Series; Founder integralMENTORS; Co Founder- Integral Without Borders; Founder/Principal Associate iSchaik Development Associates; Founding member of the Integral Institute. 40 years experience of working in international development – with extensive experience, as team leader, in the education, health, infrastructure sectors and program management. Worked with national governments, bilateral and multilateral development organisations and international NGOs to bring an integrally informed approach to programme development, implementation and evaluation, either directly or through the training of operational staff. A UK trained Architect with extensive global experience doing pioneering work with passive solar energy in the 1970/80s in Africa and Australia, and tutored at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London As mentor he works with individuals and small groups to develop a deeper understanding of Integral praxis and to become more integrally informed practitioners. He has co-hosted Integral without Borders gatherings in Perpignan, France in 2006 and in Istanbul, Turkey in 2008 and 2010 and in South Africa 2012. www.integralmentors.org



People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.


Guides for Practitioners



The Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners (adjacent) cover much of the theory behind the Integral Meta-framework used in these volumes. For topics covered in others volumes in this series see the following page. Urban Hub Series These books are a series of presentations for the use of Integral theory or an Integral Meta-framework in understanding cities and urban Thriveability. Although each can stand alone, taken together they give a more rounded appreciation of how this broader framework can help in the analysis and design of thriveable urban environments. Key to an Integral approach to urban design is the notion that although other aspects of urban life are important, people (sentient beings), as individuals and communities, are the primary ‘purpose’ for making cities thriveable. All other aspects (technology, transport & infra-structure, health, education, sustain-ability, economic development, etc.) although playing a major part, are secondary.

October 2020


An Integral Framework Notes

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework Notes

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

An Integral Framework Notes

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

The Importance Of Balance As has been discussed in depth in Healing Integral, what Wilber’s critique in Trump leaves out, misses, or ignores, is the difficulty, if not impossibility, of arriving at, much less maintaining, higher levels of integration when fundamental requisite elements have not attained or managed to maintain some minimal level of balance. This is not only a failure to balance the four quadrants of intention, culture, behavior and interaction, but the four core lines of cognition, morality, empathy and self. (We use “empathy” rather than Wilber’s “relationship” because empathy is the core characteristic or sub-line for the evolution of relationship.) The higher any organism moves on the developmental ladder, the broader and more stable its supportive lower rungs must be in order to sustain increased altitude. The visual of a pyramid provides an appropriate model, an analogy mined by Wilber in Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. The greater the altitude, the broader the foundational levels must be to provide required support. You can’t retrofit a broader base to your pyramid; you have to build a broad base according to the altitude you want to attain. We see an example of the problem in the Bent Pyramid of Dashur. An early attempt at pyramid building, the Egyptians did not initially figure correctly how broad the base had to be to sustain the height they wanted to attain. The result was something less than a perfect pyramid. Joseph Dillard

“…Its broad-minded pluralism slipped into a rampant and runaway relativism (collapsing into nihilism), and the notion that all truth is contextualized (or gains meaning from its cultural context) slid into the notion that there is no real universal truth at all, there are only shifting cultural interpretations (which eventually slid into a widespread narcissism). Central notions (which began as important “true but partial” concepts, but collapsed into extreme and deeply self-contradictory views) included the ideas that all knowledge is, in part, a cultural construction; all knowledge is context-bound; there are no privileged perspectives; what passes for “truth” is a cultural fashion, and is almost always advanced by one oppressive force or another (racism, sexism, eurocentrism, patriarchy, capitalism, consumerism, greed, environmental exploitation); the utter, absolutely unique, and absolutely equal value of each and every human being, often including animals (egalitarianism).” The implication is that cultural elites, including ourselves, have evolved at least to a late personal stage of development and have gotten stuck there. Wilber also indicates that the cure for aperspectival madness lies in our movement as individuals and a culture to a more integral perspective: “It’s widely acknowledged that postmodernism as a philosophy is now dead; and books are everywhere starting to appear that are written about “What comes next?” (with no clear winner yet, but the trend is toward more evolutionary and more systemic — more integral — views). But in academia and the universities, it is a long, slow death, and most teachers still teach some version of postmodernism and its aperspectival madness even if they have many deep doubts themselves. But it’s telling that virtually every major developmental model in existence contains, beyond the stage generally known as “pluralistic,” at least a stage or two variously called “integrated,” “systemic,” “integral,” or some such, all of which overcome the limitations of a collapsed pluralism through a higher-level wholeness and unity, thus returning to a genuine “order out of chaos.” Joseph Dillard https://www.dreamyoga.com/aperspectival-madness-why-and-how-aqal-grossly-overestimates-your-level-of-development/

Integral UrbanHub


a meta-pragmatic approach

Thriveable Cities

Urban Hub22

A series of books from integralMENTORS Integral UrbanHub work - on Wellbeing and Thriveable Cities Integral theory is simply explained as it relates to these themes see UH 2 & UH 3 for more detail. This volume is part of an ongoing series of guides to integrally inform practitioners. No one vision is sufficient in and of itself – visions can guide but only by collaborative action in a creative generative process can visions grow and become part of an ongoing positive sociocultural reality. Without taking into account the many worldviews that currently co-exist and crafting ways of including them in a positive and healthy form we will continue to alienate vast sections of all communities and humankind.

Integral UrbanHub


a meta-pragmatic approach

Thriveable Cities

Urban Hub22

A series of books from integralMENTORS Integral UrbanHub work - on Wellbeing and Thriveable Cities

No one vision is sufficient in and of itself – visions can guide but only by collaborative action in a creative generative process can visions grow and become part of an ongoing positive sociocultural reality. Without taking into account the many worldviews that currently co-exist and crafting ways of including them in a positive and healthy form we will continue to alienate vast sections of all communities and humankind.

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