Urban Hub 21 Coming of Age in a post Covid19 world "Dare to Dream"

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Urban Hub Integral UrbanHub

Coming of Age

in a Post Covid19 World

Dare to Dream

a meta-pragmatic approach

Thriveable Cities

integralMENTORS integralMENTORS


© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Dare to Dream

Thriveable Cities Integral UrbanHub

21 Paul van Schaik Creator & Curator integralMENTORS

“Dare to Dream” A series of graphic papers from integral UrbanHub input for Thriveable Cities Founder and Managing Editor Paul van Schaik

Copyright ©©integralMENTORS– August 2020 ISBN-13: 979-866-491-7819

No longer are cities defined by a single slowly evolving Worldview as they have tended to be up until the failure of both Modern and Post-modern Worldviews, to provide thriving, fair, equitable and resilient cities for all. Current trends in sustainable or smart cities have proven insufficient to encompass and include the degree of complex thinking needed. A complexity that defies individual or expert group planning. A complexity that needs to involve us all in the development of selforganising evolving cities which allow us to define who we are and what we want from our co-created urban environment. A city capable of holding various different cultures and Worldviews that can be technically resilient, socially relevant and culturally inclusive for all its citizens. These volumes are part of the evolving process that defines the actions we all need to be involved in if our cities are to be places, we love to be a part of. Paul van Schaik - Founder IntegralMENTORS: Creator and publisher of the Integral UrbanHub series Thriveable Cities, and Co Founder Integral Without Borders

Before modern man can gain control over the forces that now threaten his very existence, he must resume possession of himself. This sets the chief mission for the city of the future: that of creating a visible regional and civic structure, designed to make man at home with his deeper self and his larger world, attached to images of human nature and love. Lewis Mumford, writer

Introduction Integral Africa - liberating holism

Paddy Pampallis PhD

Evolution’s Dream, Humanity’s mission Meshworking Cities and Eco-Region

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav PhD Kara Stonehouse & Diana Claire Douglas

A Journey into Unity - WholeWorld-view

Jude Currivan PhD, et al

Evolving a Meta-Organ of Gaia

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Co-Creating Europe and Caravan of Unity

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve DRS, Julian Baller, & Katie Mottram


Stefan Frankenberger

A Systemic View of Life

Prof. Paul Krause PhD


Anne Caspari

How Will We Choose to Respond?

Cristina Mendonça

Smart Tourism vs Wise Tourism

Flavio Fabiani MBA

Your organisation’s weakest link

Graham Boyd

Biographies Books




Volatile Things change continuously. What is true today isn’t true tomorrow. Even the nature and dynamics of change change. Uncertain More than ever, we live with a lack of predictability and a prospect for surprise. It is impossible to predict how projects will evolve. Complex Simple cause-and-effect chains have been replaced by complex interconnected forces and events. Interconnectedness makes all things increasingly complex. Ambiguous You can easily find convincing but totally contradictory information for any assertion. Because of complexity and unpredictability the ubiquitous availability of information has created a mist in which it becomes increasingly difficult to find clarity.

Dare to Dream

Thus all actions will have

unintended consequences

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.


Dare to Dream Lets us ‘Dear to Dream’ together This is the 21st volume of our Integral Urban Hub series on Thriveable Cities. As such we have called it Coming of Age. The Urban Hub series showcases ideas, theories, tools, stories and dreams as part of an Integral Methodological Pluralism. Covering these ideas within an Integral Framework. Views from perspectives of culture, systems, consciousness, psychology & valuesystems –and behaviour . At the start of planning this volume Covid19 followed by BLM struck and we paused to think how to proceed. Dare to Dream emerged as an appropriate framing. We know that utopias are unrealistic dreams although they may guide us to more constructive stories. Being aware that the only way to proceed is to ‘Transcend the failed narrative but to include what is good and needed in the old narrative. The future must be broader and more ‘conscious’ than the present. It must also take, as far as is possible, everyone with it. Covid19 & BLM has shown, if nothing else, that if we don’t take, by leadership and co-creation, everyone with us, improvements will never take hold and become mere wishful thinking. Here we share a few dares. IntegralMENTORS

Dare to Dream Complexity philosopher Nora Bateson writes, “The knowing is only possible in the aesthetic of uncertainty . . . complexity demands a more engaged inquiry to explore the patterns that connect.” “there is something holding all of this together, all of us together. There is an alive order that we are within and that is within us.” Post modern

Meta modern

Olafur Eliasson the Weather Project People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Dare to Dream Extract from Meta, Modern Understanding the phenomenology of consciousness. Jeremy Johnson “The “alive order” seems to be found in-between, when we make “linkings and meta-linkings.” Maria Popova affirms this wholeness poetically: “Some truths, like beauty, are best illuminated by the sidewise gleam of figuring, of meaning-making . . . facts crosshatch with other facts to shade in the nuances of a larger truth—not relativism, no, but the mightiest realism we have. We slice through the simultaneity by being everything at once.” “The compulsion to know this new reality leads us to certain idolizations (we could also say oscillations), reaching back to retrieve, or indeed revive, certain habits of sensemaking modernity provided for us. “Meditating on the possible forms of a future culture after modernity in her essay, “A Non-Euclidian View of California as a Cold Place to Be,” Ursula K. Le Guin writes that, “side trips and reversals are precisely what minds stuck in forward gear most need . . . knowledge is power, and we want to know what comes next, we want it all mapped out . . . I don’t think we’re ever going to get to utopia again by going forward, but only roundabout or sideways.” “This uncanny world of hyperobjects we have entered defies categorical and compulsory mapping. There really are 'no Maps of these Territories.’

Past and Present: J.E.H. MacDonald and Peter Doig


Dare to Dream “In The Listening Society (2017) Hanzi Freinacht writes that, “reconstruction must follow deconstruction,” and so developmental metamodernism’s project, in similar fashion to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, is to “erect a new grand narrative by combining all known knowledge and wisdom, well aware that it is a never ending endeavor and that the only achievable synthesis is a proto-synthesis.” “Hanzi’s developmental metamodernism retrieves grand synthesis and systemization—albeit with many more caveats, warning labels, and complexities, taking elements from both modernist and (post) modernist thinking. Both Integral Theory and developmental metamodernism attempt to incorporate process, complexity, and (post) modern skepticism as a kind of “safety valve” to ward against modernity’s penchant for totalizing thought— Dostoyevsky’s “euclidian mind.” Is this a sufficient response to the task of articulating the emergent ontology?” “These schools of thought—dubbed the “emergentsia” by sociologist Brent Cooper as a constellation of different sensemaking approaches—present us with varied attempts to remix and retrieve (post) modernity and synthesize it, transcend and include, as (meta) modernity, hybridizing the collapsing ontology while anticipating a more processual, future one.”

Extract from Meta, Modern Understanding the phenomenology of consciousness. Jeremy Johnson


Dare to Dream “Integral Theory, developmental metamodernism, Game B, the “memetic mediators” and other tribes are noble waymakers finding the latent paths not yet trodden into tomorrow.” But what of tomorrow? ”What about the “thought we cannot explicitly think at present?” ”If we wish to render transparent the true extent of the meta-crisis, to get a clear sense of how to navigate through it, then we need to thoroughly identify the foundations of the world coming undone. In order to navigate this space “between worlds,” we need a phenomenology of consciousness that can help us to trace, as it were, the underlying ontological “structures” of the old world, the constellations of sensemaking we have relied on up until now. We should do this so that we can better recognize what the new world might be like—to re-constellate ourselves around that emergent foundation.” “Although this unfolding occurred in a certain sequence, it was not a strictly linear or developmental one but discontinuous, expressing a series of gains (individuation and self-reflexivity) and losses (disenchantment and alienation).” Extract from Meta, Modern Understanding the phenomenology of consciousness. Jeremy Johnson

Peter Doig (b. 1959) | Swamped


Dare to Dream “The earlier, pre-rational ontologies had their own foundations in vitalistic (magic) and imagistic (mythic) emphases. Importantly for [Jean] Gebser these previous epochs and their respective structures continued to influence the present culture, although in latent fashion.”

“How can we listen to tomorrow if we have yet to clarify what belongs to yesterday? We don’t just need new maps that order the world in the same old ways. New vision is required. New ontologies reshape the map, and reshape us. So we should listen to the future. “Whose voices do we hear? Le Guin writes, which is farther from us, farther out of reach, more silent—the dead, or the unborn?” “To listen, we must first be present.”

Extract from Meta, Modern Understanding the phenomenology of consciousness. Jeremy Johnson


Integral Africa - liberating holism

Intelligence by emerging the wisdom of an African oral tradition as a way towards transforming and integrating hearts and minds. Bringing the oral tradition of Africa into the coaching space. The stories of humanity. Paddy Pampallis PhD


Dare to Dream Liberating Intelligence Organisational T Sustainability R A N S F O INTEGR RATION M A T I O Transforming Transforming N Leadership Practice



Integral U Africa

Show Yourself Skilled Behaviour Right Action Healthy Body Embodied Practice Clean Language Energy & Vitality

Grow with Others Honour Communities Flourishing Organisations Systems/Communication Inclusive Policies Grounding Frameworks Regenerative Environments Artist: Gaia Orion

Know Yourself Wake-up awareness Grow-up: Maturity Clean-up: Shadow Open-up: Intelligences Access Motivation Develop Morality

Engage Others Co-operation Co-creation Co-trust Purposeful Cultures Ethical Commitments Flourishing Relationships

All Rights Reserved ©


Having the Conversation!

Question: what are the conversations that we need to have, now, to enable us to be and do human better? A way towards a greater sense of expansion can lie in the creation and cultivation of greater connection between each and all of us so that we can more fully comprehend that which constitutes the foundation of our relationship with all things. Next question: how then do we develop our capacity to hold such conversations? Transformative learning sits at the root of this work and developmental coaching as a technology for both individual, social and environmental transformation enables the lessening of the illusions of separation. As an inclusive approach, with the narratives of all voices adds richness to the tapestry of our collective selves. The subject object dilemma can be dismantled if we can view it as progression to dissembling constructs that constrain us. Ubuntu Botho – an essentially African philosophy of humanness … I am because we all are ... can be included in the discourse. As a transformative vehicle for social (and individual) change, Ubuntu serves as an integrating principle for integral theory (Pampallis) and the practice of having meaningful conversations while engaging the infinity dance of the ‘I’ and ‘We’. This is turn serves to support the embodiment of a ‘whole’ way of being to self, relationship, systems and our environment as we cultivate our fuller ‘range’ of being fully alive in, and to, all that is.

Integral+ Africa Institute™ // The Coaching Centre // UBUNTU Coaching Foundation™ // Integral+ Practice of Leadership & Coaching™

Dare to Dream

What does it take to become fully human? Sawubona (Sa-woo-bo-nah) ‘Hello’ “I see YOU. I also see ALL that you are, And All that you represent… When I look closely, I can see myself in you…”

Sikhona I am here! Through my lens I see you.

Embracing Deep Empathy

The necessary inclusion of approaches beyond the partial and limited view of the west are essential and critical. Dismantling a colonised, industrial and traditional education, which has a largely dominant view of consciousness as a property of the mind that is aware of itself, further limits us as in connection and as contributing to an evolving earth (Kosmos) and our humanity. Consciousness is better served when viewed as a living aspect of our interconnectedness with all parts of the self, our environment and with others in physical, non-physical, and transpersonal ways. The ruptures in connection to the earth, to universal mother, to goddess, to spirit leaves us still grappling with ways to live together as a species given our human condition. Our dissociated ways have created deep perversions of the good, the beautiful and the true (Plato). Healing the paradoxical nature of unity- in-diversity with its grave splits and separations that arise in bio/psycho/socio/politico/eco streams of expression - individually and collectively -have consequences that rip into manufactured expressions of life creating the current conditions of stress and dis-ease. Connection needs to happen for collaboration to take form. From a stage perspective, excluding the wisdom of each takes us further away from integration while the more disconnected impulses continue to surface in a predominantly red (Spiral Dynamics) expression of selfcentricity with a burden on the implicate order of things. The laws and groupings of blue stage theory, has served a limited frame of the overachieving orange strategies. These have collapsed into narcissistic ways of being and the fall back to cluster in factionalism, first tier tribalism and concrete materialism where opportunism is lauded for the wrong reasons. In the earlier stages and concrete states of mind, responsibility is lifted from a positive agency and the feminine grounding in each stage is subsumed by power in the halls of stage underbellies. At the same time, the more complex demands of making sense of our current world envisioning a future, continue to feed a disconnect fueled by distraction and mindless desensitisation. www.thecoachingcentre.co.za/

Dare to Dream Challenges to the call to’ include and transcend’ has meant that we have not yet become that which we could be. Our indigenous wisdom has been relegated to the non-rational in a pejorative way rather than as an essence of being. Dissociation has created massive cracks in our social fabric and connectivity within this cloth of life. There is a call to grace and gratitude, to humility and holism with our earth and all beings that go beyond the illusions we have created and the conversations for truth need to become core to our educational foundations for growing up. The western male and shadow masculine dominated exclusions need to be engaged more in a massive journey of cleaning up go and letting go. It needs the philosophical, psychological and spiritual inclusion of all cultures as an embodied experience and an African wisdom contribution is necessary without collapsing the distinctions into narrow categories. To describe things as African it is important to hold that there are many different peoples within the meta-collective view of this continent, and each of these groupings has its own particular nature. Currently the world is awash with headlines of the many fractures based on false distinctions of race, creed, colour and geography. We are currently brought to an edge: one that could be evolutionary or one that could be that of extinction. Is there a middle way…? An over-reliance on linearity, cause and effect, and rationalisation has privileged competition, difference, and polarisation, through colonialising mindsets, as a pervasive enslavement of holding knowledge in the realms of the current, but failing, enclaves of power. Conversely, the process and powers of the non-material realm are recognised in most of the non-Western world where people ‘think, not only with their minds but with their hearts” (Setiloane, 1985). In South Africa, a ngaka or Inyanga – (diviner) is aware of and uses the life-force radiated by each living person or thing which affects others it comes in contact with. Through this, one is able to make contact with one’s ancestors and access a wisdom beyond a physical knowing of the living. Divining material is from Mother Earth, and includes shaking and blowing on them with the breath. The breath remains critical in the current narrative of our day, where the ultimate statement of #I can’t breathe (George Floyd) has torn into our psyche as an agonising shockwave to that which we are disconnected from. Covid-19 virus may well be restructuring our DNA but it has been labelled as an enemy there to attack our lungs; the world’s pollution levels strangle the air from the lungs of all and deforestation attacks the lungs this earth; we are out of breath from our relentless pursuit of the ‘dream’. The ultimate polarity of the in-breathe and the out-breathe as a life force for driving attention to the realisation that, as in the East, to be in flow and union with – not rebellion against – is the fundamental law of the universe (Tao). Integral+ Africa Institute™ // The Coaching Centre // UBUNTU Coaching Foundation™ // Integral+ Practice of Leadership & Coaching™

Dare to Dream

The time is now …

The stories of transformative development, growth and consciousness have been documented over an 18-year-old journey with students of Integral U Practiceâ. A deep dive through a 15 month process allows a deep unfolding. Experiential learning, research, assessments and application into a cross-section of industry, including international corporates & NGO’s, government, higher education, health, and communities across southern Africa lay testament to a gradual releasing of narrow worldviews. The essential question of how to be more fully human-in-the-world, when so much creates massive division between an ‘us’ and ’them’ within a backdrop of absolutism and dogmatism, is one of the greatest challenges facing us more now than ever and that new consciousness needs many technologies to penetrate (positive masculine) through to the sacred womb. An African inclusivity approach to transformative learning and development has been incorporated in the skillful conversations of ‘transformative coaching’ that traverse a range of topics and purpose. The author suggests that coaching per se has taken traction in the world as a response of the human soul to find connection in a flat world of dehumanization and objectification in the service of profit for a few. A large desire to find a different way in the work and world space by bringing healing and consciousness to leaders and people. Research in 2003 led to a re-orientation of the quadrant dynamics of Wilber’s Integral Theory through what has become the Integral+ U Practice of Leadership and CoachingÒ (Pampallis 2003-20). www.thecoachingcentre.co.za/

Dare to Dream

Integral U Africa Process for Transformation EXTERIOR




I am

We are

This re-orientation has been grounded by the actual practice in the field over decades for many. The Integral U process includes the: 1. Work of Otto Scharmer which found its way to a small group of 8 in South Africa in 2002 and personal meeting. Integral Theory was not yet part of Scharmer’s discourse, but this author saw the potential. The U journey was first described in 1968 by Fritz Glasl and Dirk Lemson, though their work is never acknowledged. 2. The U has been a process used by shamans and healers as part of a hero’s journey (Campbell) and there was a glaring need for a dynamic process to accompany the rational and masculine stasis of the AQAL map through exploration of experience that engages a fluid and feminine nature to take one through the unique territories of story. 3. The deep wisdom of process that expresses the dynamics and natural flow of life can take one through descendent and ascendant processes to integrate. Freud’s Iceberg theory of ego development is included here as it refers to the unconscious, sub- and pre-conscious functions of the id, ego and super-ego. The ego development work has continued through developmental theories and is expanding. 4. Topographically, mother Africa’s positioning on the current maps of the world needs deconstruction at many levels. By embracing a more collective way of being, and the wisdom of the feminine aspects of our consciousness back into the ‘whole’ story and as distinct from a single story. (Chimamanda Adichie) 5. A possible antidote for the patriarchal discourse is to keep ‘sight’ of the womb – the U of the uterus – as the base for cradling the necessary connection to creativity, to source, to generativity, in relationship and communion as part of co-sensing, co-creating, co-being. In this way – the individual and collective shifts are interwoven, and we can learn better to connect. The I and We as enfoldment. The great womb of humanity as essential to rebirth: Big Womb concept!

6. The image of the calabash with the spear brings in both feminine and masculine qualities as an inclusive whole. The U mapping of lifelong journey’s provide the activation of various acupuncture points for intervention while accessing the many individual parts of that whole. Integral+ U Practice of Leadership & Coaching™


Integral+ Africa Institute™ // The Coaching Centre // UBUNTU Coaching Foundation™ // Integral+ Practice of Leadership & Coaching™

Dare to Dream

What have/are ‘we’ giving birth to… TCC Student Artist’s expression of the coach training journey. John Neave

The 1st Integral African Conference (2019) was held at the Cradle of Humankind (it used to be called mankind) with a vision of rebirthing a multi-dimensional and sensory consciousness amongst many that included the feminine. Mother Africa’s voice has much to offer and it was Jung who mentioned that ‘if mother Africa and father Europe could birth a divine child’. One of our great wisdom teaches, Mandaza Kandemwa, and before him, Credo Mutwa, stated: ‘ as long as the womb of the earth and her creative offerings are not respected – so will children, and woman, and our living nature, the earth, continue to be raped’. There is a collective trauma amongst us and by truly seeing each other in communion with other and one’s ancestry in the present moment, that our ways of being will shift to a more awakened state. Deep in a large group constellation, blessed by sangomo’s, the soul of Africa gave voice to spirit and a process of healing unfolded during the IAC. There is a tension regarding an ‘African’ philosophy: is it something unique; ethnic: spatial; phenomenological; all of which may lead it to be dismissed under certain definitions. It needs Africans to speak it and it goes beyond Africa, to all humanity. It lies in the roots of its langauge ‘muntu’ = a human being and Ntu=human and to becoming as an ongoing inter-relationship with past, present, future, material and spiritual and the conversation of encounter. The deeply feminine and relational aspects of creative and regenerative phenomena in our (inclusive of the physical and non-physical realms) individual and collective experiences can be captured by Jung (1961): In consequence of the autonomy of the physical phenomena there cannot be only one approach to the mystery of being – they must include both the physical happening and psychic reflection, yet it hardly possible to decide what is reflecting what. Raising awareness to the contribution of Africa is necessary. www.thecoachingcentre.co.za/

Dare to Dream Change, as a constant, requires either a shockwave or an intentional and conscious transformative process for individual and collective growth along both horizontal and vertical lines of development, for the nature of how things form to trans-form. The use of skilled conversation as a window into the soul of a human being in relationship with their storied self, enables subtle realms of being-ness to emerge. Through the dialogic nature of questioning what it is to be, a sharing of concerns towards deeper and wider meaning and purpose lie at the feet of deep listening. This goes beyond reason and the barriers of language to facilitating the drop in constructed boundaries of relating to self, other, community, the earth and all that is. In this place: connection happens. Oral traditions pass on wisdom and the shared stories across the landscapes of place, time and people. The conversational nature of our reality assesses the relationship between oppositions and the interconnectedness of networks with reality. From the Egyptian concept of 'ma‘at’ – truth, justice – or that which is right – through to the cosmologies and philosophies of the Akan, Dogan and Sere, to the horn of Africa and to the Khoi San of the Southern Africa, the deep sense of ‘personhood’ is bound with humanistic ethics aimed at improving social functioning and human flourishing . The age of reason and multiple regressions into massive –isms, that have been so dominant and have not served the idea of a dynamic principle behind the being- ness of an us. Too much in the we can also collapse the I which has its life. “To be, is the ontological basis for the ensuing tension between -ness and -ism. This tension arises as soon as we attempt to construct social reality on the preposition that there is radical difference between –ness and – ism.” (M. Ramose). Ubuntu is ontologically viewed as ‘– ness’ and is an essential organising principle for the African people. Imperative to this is that to be human is to recognise the humanity of another. Up to now, parts of our wholeness have been privileged over others (reason over heart) and a massive evolutionary process that can go beyond differentiation to a space of re-differentiation across multiple intelligences at later stage capacity, is critical. We, as a human race, have not yet mastered this and our horizons are moving in. The conversation for been truly seen, supports this. UMNTU NGUMNTU NGABANYE ABANTU – I am because we are

(Xhosa language)

Integral+ Africa Institute™ // The Coaching Centre // UBUNTU Coaching Foundation™ // Integral+ Practice of Leadership & Coaching™

Dare to Dream By cultivating an active network of connections in which to be human, is to practice humanness. An integral human being would include a constant flow between the ‘I’ and the ‘We’. We have seen how the stories of people in the conversation of coaching as a key transformative practice create shifts not only in the I but in the social mind of those who go through a process. AS a technology for fulfilling its potential of relationship, this conversation needs to engage in the multiplicity of the many stories that are enfolded in the personal version of such a story and in doing so, as it becomes a richer more inclusive story that enables insight and clear action.

TCC Student Coach’s Learning Journey Presentation. JB.

Through multiple acts of intent, from deep listening, suspension of ego, connection and compassion, to direct action that is clear and clean, a ‘simple’ form of being-ness through the becoming more fully human, appears. Within the alchemical journey towards integration and transformation, the I/We can dance into the embrace and embodiment of its potential. While a coaching conversation can include transactional and transitional goals across the horizontal domains of learning, the transformative integral conversation that is layered into finely attuned incremental and developmental layers of deepening, bring about profound shifts in vertical realization, not only for individuals but for teams, groups, communities and, when integrated into whole, organisations. This too, is possible for larger conversation. Where two or more are recognized in relationship as equal, the ground of consciousness shifts leading to courageous impact. The coaching process becomes much more than an individual conversation because it is part of the collective – the ancestors and all of the community walks into a room and none of it can be excluded in the conversation. www.thecoachingcentre.co.za/

Dare to Dream

Integral+ U Quadrant Map Ubuntu-Integral Systems and Laws

Ubuntu-Integral Behaviours • Deep connection to body/heart • Skills and Performances that serve the greater good and demonstrate grounded-ness in Ubuntu… Lets dance… I am being… (because we are…)

Deep connection to mother earth/Africa Regulations, policies and rules governing Ubuntu behaviours and shaping Ubuntu ways of being. Codes of our dance… know it. We are being… (because this is what makes us, us). • •

I am because We are Ubuntu-Integral Conscious Personal Intentions (Motives) & Values & Beliefs • •

…Awareness: Its about the sacredness of self in the Ubuntu context. My individual drive and will-power is already infused with the inherent interconnectedness of everything around me. I am the embodiment, and the personal expression and manifestation, of what is essentially collective…I am (because we are…) the dance.

Ubuntu-Integral Conscious Culture and Collective Values and Beliefs. The source. • • •

Ubuntu Values emerge from the Collective where it all starts. Home Ground of Ubuntu Integral Values (UIV). We have a common song/sound we all must dance to in order to live meaningful lives – TOGETHER. We are… (because this is who we are).

Integral+ U Map™ P Pampallis 2006-2020: D. Magadlela 2017-2020

Integral+ Africa Institute™ // The Coaching Centre // UBUNTU Coaching Foundation™ // Integral+ Practice of Leadership & Coaching™

Dare to Dream

INTEGRAL U-buntu AFRICA Through the journey of consciousness as an intentional practice of letting go while also including and transcending, we can break down the splits and schisms of separation to come closer to oneness.

Journey of Wholeness


Way of Being & Becoming

Ground artist: nic pampallis

Leadership & Coaching for Social Change

The individual conversations cannot be seen in isolation of the whole and as such are deeply transformative to the social constructs of a culture and collective way of being. In liberating intelligence, the necessary availability and capacities work for positive change in self, through, and with, others. From the ground of our rootedness to differentiation and opportunity to see beyond the now, the human story is transformed and evolves with greater connection to mind, body, soul, the planet and Kosmos. P. Pampallis 2002-2020 www.thecoachingcentre.co.za/

Evolution’s Dream, Humanity’s mission

Meshworking Cities and Eco-Regions “The stories we tell matter. The larger the perspective we take, the more potential we open up. This is the story we sense emerging …”

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve DRS, Shweta Srivastav, PhD Kara Stonehouse and Diana Claire Douglas

Dare to Dream

At the Hague Center, we envisage humanity cocreating and living in thriving societies and cities, aligned with all domains of life, visible and invisible. We serve the emergence of a conscious heartcentered humanity.

The stories we tell matter. The larger the perspective we take, the more potential we open up. This is the story we sense emerging ‌. In the beginning, there was nothing and the potential for everything. Something happened, a desire, a breath, an explosion, a sound? The rhythm of form emerged ever so slowly and formed life, cell division, lizards, birds, mammals, humans‌. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


Dare to Dream Humans... with a new frontal lobe, developed the capacity for selfawareness and planning... so that a relatively fast cultural evolution was unleashed. Innovations and disruptions propelled us from basic survival to tribes, empires, nations, and recently globalized networks of modern cities. We, as humanity, saw ourselves as the pinnacle of life, treating the Earth and all beings as objects at our disposal. The consequences of this mindset include severe environmental degradation, social unrest and economic inequality. It is time for us to embody the next level of awareness.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


Dare to Dream Now it’s time for a new story where humans return to being in rightful relationship as part of the Earth, with Spirit. There is no Hero, but a conscious collective rising to meet the needs of the day on a global scale in regional networks. Cities and ecoregions, understood to be living systems, are centers of activity where we put transformation into practice.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


Dare to Dream

We are co-creating this new reality with a process called Meshworking. This is the practice of being aware of wider systems dynamics and supporting conscious individuals, groups and institutions, to become coherent new systems at this higher level of awareness. There are four main stages of this large-scale collaboration: Networks, Communities of Practice, Meshworks, Systems of Influence. The Hague Center’s gift is to nurture relationships to cultivate higher orders of emergence.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


Dare to Dream

Emergence is when something new arises Where the Evolutionary Impulse that wasn’t there before, forming meets the Emerging Future a greater whole. We believe a higher order of selforganization is emerging for (from) All-Life, which includes the Cosmos, Gaia, Nature (plants, fish, animals etc) and humans. This space needs to be held and nourished to be aware of life’s best possibilities emerging. Listening deeply, we hold space, ask powerful questions, help unblock stuck energy, and align ourselves with Life to be informed as we make our choices for action.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


Dare to Dream

Big Questions and Deep Listening

At The Hague Center, we work with big questions and track the progress of the answers as humanity moves through this time of transition. Like the Presencing Institute, we practice different levels of listening. We have strong capacites in several ‘generative listening’ tools, such as Systemic Constellation Work, Spiritual Accessing, Deep Earth Architecture, ECOintention, and Life-Alignment. When these capacities are implemented consistently in governance, wiser responses are initiated in the global collective. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


Dare to Dream

THC Processes at Play

“In Complex systems there are neither problems nor solutions. There is only change and adaptation�. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas

Ugo Bardi


Dare to Dream

Stages of Collaboration and Co-Creation The Hague Center consciously nurtures the stages of collaboration and co-creation Networking. There is a rapidly growing conscious community, who resonates with this great dream of upgrading the global operating system so that humanity functions in alignment with Life. Many groups have formed networks and are playing their part in manifesting this dream and yet find it a challenge to see how they fit into the big picture. World Unity Week (June 20-27, 2020) gave many networks the opportunity to see each other and for these co-creators to connect. Communities of Practice evolve when a network develops capacities to learn, where people trust each other, share their dilemmas, and learn from each other. They start to participate, not only for themselves, but also to help others. THC’s involvement in World Unity Week brought awareness that this community was learning to work together to create new potentials. We will continue this work towards Peace Weekend.

Meshworks. As trust and capacity to collaborate builds, the impulse to co-create arises. When nurtured and steered through leadership, design and facilitation, the collective begins to integrate into a coherent system with a shared purpose. When a whole system is functioning, it can support livelihoods in growing numbers. As cracks deepen in the prevailing system, this new collective will serve as a bridge to a healthier, more just way of life.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


Dare to Dream

Meshworking Cities and Eco-Regions at World Unity Week An opportunity arose at World Unity Week to initiate and host “Meshworking for Cities and Eco-regions� as a way for participants to dialogue and experience ways to transform how we care for the place we live in, to listen to the voices of all of life, and to create a regenerative way of coming together on planet earth connected to the larger whole. We use the GPS of Integral City Meshworks (IC) as a menu and an evolving map of the human hive, to help navigate and position the different intelligences and capacities that people bring working in diverse areas in cities and eco-regions. The GPS is an inclusive way of visualizing which piece of the puzzle each holds and how developing relationships leads to sharing and learning together.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


Dare to Dream

Cities and Eco-Regions dreams for 2050 In an open collaborative forum, thought leaders, representatives, practitioners and citizens shared their experiences, hopes, dreams and wishes for Cities and Ecoregions to evolve together with us as a living system. Practicing the core of the meshwork strategy of ‘linking up and lifting up’, from the seeds sown at the World Unity Week, we continue to grow this collective meshwork in the next phase towards the Peace Weekend.

https://trello.com/b/wg2SEZD3/ wuw-meshworking-cities-andeco-regions-room

Being able to see the uniqueness of all the different expressions of life forms and seeing how it’s all intertwined and brought together Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, The Hague Center

Gaia’s reflective heart organ has reconnected with the mothership and is steering in the right direction… David Beatty, World Syntegrity Project

If technology and change continues to accelerate the way it has, we might be close to being interplanetary .. when we expand our boundaries, learning how to survive off-earth, we may also learn how to survive as a species on Earth Kara Stonehouse, The Hague Center

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas

Each day, each of us was living from the heart intelligence, listening to the whole and it has brought us the answers, the direction and the energy to implement and act on what needs to be acted Lev Gordon, Living Cities Network, Russia

I am in the field, looking at the celebrations going on this whole wonderful world that is heart centered… it’s not a meshwork anymore it’s a mycelium-work that connects us across all our different ways of knowing .. we exceeded our intentions .. - Marilyn Hamilton, Integral Cities


Dare to Dream

Join us for Peace Weekend - Follow the movement The network is lighting up, the field is becoming visible to itself and others... If you recognise yourself as part of the rising conscious collective, come celebrate Peace Weekend on September 19-21, 2020, with major events in cities on every continent, and a 72-hour live internet broadcast with an anticipated audience in the millions. The Meshworking Cities and EcoRegions Convergence Room will be your home for activities leading to and during Peace Weekend for exploring the emergence of cities and eco-regions from a unity perspective.

● UP (Unity + Peace) Convergence

September 11-18 #unitetheworld

● Peace Weekend September 19-20-21 ● Youth Assembly: from Youth Island the voices of youth will be

https://peaceweekend.com/ https://www.peaceday2020.com/

collected from 96 cities around the world on September 19-20 and presented to the UN on 21st

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Shweta Srivastav, Kara Stonehouse and Diana-Claire Douglas


A Journey Into Unity


Core team: Jude Currivan PhD, Janice Dolley, Anne-Marie

Voorhoeve, Genevieve Boast, Jane Corbett, Sara Vaughan, Tim Westwell, Priya Mahtani, Kate Genevieve, Chuck Peters, Isaac Hassan, Tony Currivan, Alice Haynes, Kara Stonehouse and Emma Brice

Dare to Dream A WholeWorld-View is an evolutionary framework that invites global change makers to explore and communicate unity consciousness. It is based on the spiral of consciousness that moves our focus dynamically between ME, WE and ALL levels of communication and engagement. The purpose of this journey is to provide a structure within which we can understand, experience and embody unity. The adventure can be seen as a spiral of consciousness that moves us dynamically between head, heart and hands. We call this; Think Cosmic, Feel Global, Act Local. Each level of the journey has a story, an adventure and a path of action. This is your invitation to embark on a personal and collective quest into the heart of one of our times of transformation! Unity in diversity is the foundational conversation and invitation of our times, certainly in the context of thrivable cities and eco-regions. Are you ready? www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream The adventure of our times is unfolding All your life you have been choosing the worldview that you individually inhabit and live from. These are the times when the journey of unity starts to swell up through everyone and every situation. The challenges of our times are conspiring to help us personally and collectively embark on our collective journey and choose unifying perspectives and actions in everything we are and do. Once we allow the journey of unity to inhabit us fully, we start to notice how we expand and grow with each experience. We begin to understand the true nature of evolution in our Universe in new ways and embody the unifying impulse of life through our diversity. This embodiment process is a dance. One that is joyful and full of mystery. Co-creation becomes our quest and no one of us knows all the answers. These emerge as we join our heads, hearts and hands together, playing with potential and stepping into our unique evolutionary purpose.

Choosing our journey of unity

Connecting to the universal impulse of evolution

Co-creating a whole new world

Together, as we link up and lift up, we co-create a ‘whole’ new world. www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Choosing our journey of unity - celebrating unity in diversity Day 1 – Gaian Blessing Ceremony This is the quest of our lifetime. An adventure that we came into this life ready to embark on. Our WholeWorld-View team has cocreated an experiential and participative journey into unity, where we are invited to act local, feel global and think cosmic. We welcome you all – those with us now and those joining us later - to link up and lift up with us and share together as we answer the call to this wonder-full adventure; our journey into unity. How do you experience the web of love in your life right now?


Dare to Dream Choosing our journey of unity - experiencing unity Day 2 – Singing your soul song in the cosmic symphony Today we’ll be seeking and singing our heart song. Our Uni-verse was literally sang into being. The ancient wisdom of the Indian Vedic sages tell of a primordial AUM as the sound of creation - and now leading-edge science is discovering that whilst the early Uni-verse was too hot and dense to be transparent to light, waves of sound pulsed through it, indeed a primordial AUM that rang throughout space and time for nearly four hundred thousand years. Its waves rippled to compose the initial clustered harmonics of matter that would eventually form into stars and galaxies – and many billions of years later to planets, plants and people – able themselves to sing the song of creation. What is the evolving song in the symphony of your life? www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Choosing our journey of unity - embodying unity Day 3 – Accessing archetypal wisdom Leading edge science is now converging with universal wisdom traditions to reveal that our Universe exists and evolves as a unified entity. And so exquisitely finetuned that it exists TO evolve. From simplicity to complexity – its all-pervasive and in-formed intelligence holographically expressed individually, collectively and archetypally. These are momentous times. We are at a pivotal threshold of breakdown and breakthrough. To breakthrough, our conscious evolution calls us to attune and align with the evolutionary impulse of our Universe; accessing and naturalising communicating with its archetypal and multidimensional wisdom, itself evolving. What is your current archetypal pattern? www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Connecting to the impulse of evolution – experiencing evolution Day 4 – Thoughtstorm Thoughtstorm is a proven process that will radically enhance the ability of your mind to think creatively. It is a group discovery tool that can unlock the answer to nearly any question in the Universe. The purpose of Thoughtstorm is to widen possibilities and awareness in everyday life. Also if you are wanting stimulating out of the box connection with a purpose, you will love this event. As long as you are willing to participate in some verbal chaos and surrender any right to feel offended, Thoughtstorm will sweep you into a most pleasant state of heightened awareness and creativity. A question/s is posed and ideas are shared by participants until an answer is revealed or created...an answer you may not arrive at as an individual. Under what conditions do we operate most effectively as a group? www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Connecting to the impulse of evolution – embodying evolution Day 5 – Embodying the evolutionary impulse as water Today we gratefully honour Water as a Universal wonder and invite all of us to align with and attune to the universal heartbeat and pulse of the evolutionary impulse of the whole world. As we Think Cosmic: we understand that its hydrogen was created in the first few moments of our Universe - but its oxygen was only formed in the interiors of stars billions of years later . As we Feel Global: we may experience that more than half of all the water of Gaia and within us - is older than our Soular System – with crystals of ice all-pervasive in the interstellar cosmic womb from which it was birthed And as we Act Local: our bodies can go without food for three weeks but only without water for around three days. Water, both literally and symbolically is the essence and the flow of All Life What is your current evolutionary impulse and how is it flowing through you? www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Co-creating a whole new world – understanding co-creation

Day 6 – Experiencing complexity - Warm Data Lab Nearly fourteen billion years ago, the story of our Universe began. A evolving story from simplicity to complexity and evergreater self-awareness. Here and now, we are, literally, at the bow wave of our Universe’s ongoing and evolving journey. What we choose here and now and in these coming few years will determine whether we can wake up, grow up, clean up – and vitally link up and lift up together to heal, restore and regenerate our relationships with ourselves, each other, Gaia and all her children – and the whole world. May we choose wisely. What is essential in your journey right now? www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Co-creating a whole new world – experiencing co-creation

Day 7 – Manifesting the mystery As we align with and attune to the universal heartbeat and evolutionary impulse of our entire Universe, today we continue to invite an exploration of the marvel and miracle that is the manifest whole world. A wholeworld-view of our Universe as a cosmic hologram - the all in each pixel, intimately and dynamically inter- and intra-related. Fundamentally simple yet expressed through sublime differentiation and complexity. And to explore what our innate heritage of such wholeness invites in us – to act local, feel global and think cosmic. How can I fully embrace creativity as a co-creative force? www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Co-creating a whole new world – embodying your unique evolutionary purpose Day 8 – Co-creating a whole new world The eighth day of our adventure represents the completion of one octave and our rising to a higher one in our journey. It also activates the 8th chakra of the universal heart within us; as a bridge to expand the self-awareness of Me, to include We and the unity awareness of the All. Our invitation and opportunity to attune and align with the evolutionary impulse of the entire Universe flowing through us and discover our evolutionary purpose and unique adventure. How can I step into my evolutionary purpose and co-create a whole new world? www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Day 1 Saturday 20th June Gaian unity blessing wave from St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall to Avebury, Wiltshire (Dr Jude Currivan and Tim Westwell) Day 2 Sunday 21st June Singing your Soul Song in the Cosmic Symphony (Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Kara Stonehouse and Chloe Goodchild) Day 3 Monday 22nd June Accessing Archetypal Wisdom to accelerate the evolution of life affirming culture (Richard Olivier) Day 4 Tuesday 23rd June Experiencing evolution – Thoughtstorm (Sara Vaughan) Day 5 Wednesday 24th June Embodying and dancing the evolutionary impulse as water (Adam Barley and Genevieve Boast) Day 6 Thursday 25th June Embodying Complexity - Warm data lab (Kate Genevieve, Jackie Thoms, Kaa Faensen and Warm Data Lab hosts) Day 7 Friday 26th June Co-creating unity in diversity – Manifesting the mystery (AnneMarie Voorhoeve and Adrian Iacobus)

In June 2020 this programme was offered as part of World Unity Week as convened by Unity Earth and partner organisations.

Day 8 Saturday 27th Embodying the cocreation of a whole new world (WholeWorldView team) www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream Are you ready for the next stage of the journey?

Metamorphosis 2020 A caterpillar exists to eat. Its aim is to consume as much as possible. When there is nothing left to devour, evolution forces its isolation into becoming a chrysalis; within which it dissolves. In the breaking down of its old form, a new form begins to evolve into a butterfly. One morning, it breaks through the wall of its chrysalis. It waits for its wings to dry in the warmth of the Sun, and then it flies. A butterfly exists to pollinate. Its aim is to sip the sweetness of flowers. And as it does so, it fertilizes life. We have been a caterpillar species; consuming, not only all that Gaia could spare in her generosity, but much more. Now cocooned by physical distancing, we can choose to breakdown who we thought we were. To surrender; not to the will of man, but to the evolutionary impulse of the Universe. To dissolve our separated sense of self and co-create imaginal cells of potential; linking up and lifting up to form organelles of emergence. We can reframe and more deeply understand, the breakdown and dying of the old and breakthrough and birth of the new; not as a crisis but as a metamorphosis. Instead of plunderers we can evolve to become pollinators. www.wholeworld-view.org

Dare to Dream

We are a fast-growing international community of change-makers co-creating together to Link Up and Lift Up with other like-minded and like-hearted organisations, communities and networks - aiming to empower the understanding, experiencing and embodying of unity awareness for conscious evolution. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO CONTINUE EXPLORING A WHOLEWORLD-VIEW:



The Cosmic Hologram, by Dr. Jude Currivan, available on Amazon.

www.wholeworld-view.org for mailing list, science, videos, talks, articles, news and more.




Our strong and growing community currently meet twice a year, March and September in London. Join our mailing list or find us on Facebook to keep up to date.

We are looking for technical, network and financial support to help us grow in all ways.


JOIN Find us on Facebook, UbiVerse and LinkedIn


Evolving a Meta-Organ of Gaia

Coming of Age Postcards From Europe

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Dare to Dream A new post-national Europe is emerging through the inquiries and Essentials of Co-Creating Europe. It can playfully be framed by a 16th Century map, depicting Lady Europe. Her head touches the Azores and her hem skirts the Urals, with river flows and mountain ranges strategically positioning her emerging cities (see Figure 1).

https://co-creating-europe.eu/ Integral City Meshworks

Figure 1 www.integralcity.com

Dare to Dream Lady Europe’s countries seem to presage two maps developed by the ECOintention Group that identify the organism of Europe (Figure 2) and reveals the energetic strength of her centres (or organs) in (Figure 3). In Figure 3 the darker regions indicate greater importance of balancing the region for the healing of Europe.

Figure 2


Figure 3

Integral City Meshworks


Dare to Dream We can see that what has been revealed are the energetic centres of the eco-regions of Europe’s cities, when we examine the maps in the 3 Figures above. Integral City maps consider cities to be living systems. These maps suggest that Europe is an “organism” made up of city/ecoregion subsystems. This organic approach to mapping living systems, brings into play the fractal nature of Planet, Europe and her Cities – a most interesting thought experiment. If it holds “water” the relationship of these 3 scales of living systems must be respected as integral to the wellbeing of Planet, Europe, Cities and all life.

Integral City Meshworks


Dare to Dream The cities of Europe act like her organs situated on her rivers, which enable the flows of energy, matter and information throughout her living system.

As a result, cities are playing a major role in the flow of people and resources throughout Europe and onto the greater Planet. Each city of Europe has the potential to integrate Integral City’s 4 key Voices as a coherent living system: • Citizens • Civic Managers • Business/Innovators

4 +1 VOICES OF CITY Citizens

Civic Managers

Civil Society

Business/ Innovators

• Civil Society/3rd Sector A 5th voice arises from relating to the other European cities each with their own 4 Voices. Emerging a new living Europe happens through the multi-logues of the 4+1 voices. Integral City Meshworks


Dare to Dream In these VUCA times in Europe, the patterns of people-flow are bringing pressures on her ecological river systems and her traditional city structures and infrastructures. Previously homogenous cultures and consciousness (of city language and traditions) are impacted by 4 types of nomads who are flowing at high volume into, through and out of Europe’s cities: Digital, Tourists, Immigrants, Viral. Thus, nomads are evolving the perfect conditions for re-imagining and co-creating Europe. Only by embracing the 4+1 Voices can the greatest Care be manifested for the greatest good of all life in Europe.

Integral City Meshworks






Dare to Dream Europe is a vital meta-organ of Gaia. None of us can be healthy without her. Within each city organ operates the Master Code of Care. This fractal principle used by Integral City Voices offers the heart intelligence for evolving new governance for Europe. This Code says simply that every time we make a decision, take action, relate to others and co-create we should align: Care for our Planet. Care for Place (so altogether we can) Care for Others (so together we can) Care for Self (so that we can)

Integral City Meshworks

4 +1 VOICES OF CITY Citizens

Civic Managers

Civil Society

Business/ Innovators


Co-creating Europe & Caravan of Unity One point of ongoing inquiry in our network is about the role of cities and their crucial role in the transformation of Europe.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram

Dare to Dream We need Europe and Europe needs Us Connect | Inspire | Transform

Connect | Inspire | Transform

All of us, who live in Europe, are being called upon to stand up for the fundamental ideas and values of a united Europe and to cultivate an open European society that helps develop solutions for the world’s challenges, tries out new ways of living, and maintains solidarity with the world at large.

One point of ongoing inquiry in our network is about the role of cities and their crucial role in the transformation of Europe. There is already a great number of people and initiatives waking up to a deeper understanding of who we are as human beings – creation and creators. Our focus is to bring these people and their initiatives together to co-operate and to cocreate with even greater coherence. Together we are forming a collaborative ecosystem in service of sustainable change.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram


Dare to Dream

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram


Dare to Dream Our Essentials Over 18 months Co-Creating Europe as been facilitating a process with over 40 social-change agents from 22 countries to define our Essentials. The 8 Essentials are at the core of our Vision of a Europe that is true to its highest values and facing the shadows of its past, to become an experimental hub for post-national forms of society.

Prior Unity

We can transcend what separates us and build on the deep foundation we all share, which is our prior, or alreadyexisting unity. Go Deeper

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram


European societies have a strong tendency towards secularism. The secular reasoning of modernity however only represents the empirical dimension of existence and leaves out the more existential, spiritual aspects of life. But not being religious does not mean not being spiritual. A transsecular attitude includes and transcends a modernist secular outlook.


Dare to Dream Freedom & Human Rights

Universal Spirituality

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights True Spirituality is universal. Love is drafted by representatives with different universal. A new Europe capable of legal and cultural backgrounds from all incorporating the transcendent will regions of the world was proclaimed by the operate through the dynamics of Love. United Nations General Assembly in Paris Love is the highest dynamic force in the on 10 December 1948 as a common universe. It is the engine of evolution. Its standard of achievements for all peoples power of attraction is irresistible. and all nations. It set out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram


Dare to Dream Deep Ecology Today’s environmental issues call for a renewed relationship with the earth. Seeing the sacred in the creation and the interdependence in all ecosystems is the foundation and drive to strive for sustainable and ecological solutions.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram

Glocal & In Solidarity We strive to be free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments and to feel at home all over the world, while at the same time respecting and honoring our roots and the diversity of regions, cultures, religions and nations in Europe. We feel the obligation to exercise solidarity.


Dare to Dream Dialogical

Evolutionary & Integral

The diversity of perspectives, cultures, and lifestyles is not a weakness but a strength of Europe. However, we can only really bring this strength to fruition if we succeed in developing a new democratic culture of dialogue

Physical evolution and psychological development can be described, but there is also spiritual evolution. This is central to the project’s approach. We see the need for growth in consciousness, not only individually but also collectively

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram


Dare to Dream Connection and Action

In nature everything is connected. Europe can be considered as one eco-system, which is however not separate from the rest of the world. As people who are involved in networks, organizations, businesses and schools each of us co-operates with many others who are also involved in inspiring work across all sectors of society, locally, regionally, on a European and on global scale. There are many people and organizations working already on bringing the essentials into practice in many ways, with great impact, power and creativity. We are dedicated to support, connect and inspire them, foster conversations, support and make visible what is already happening. After creating coherence in our community of social change agents through the development of the essentials we are now ready to collectively step into action for the first time through participation in the Caravan of Unity leading up to Peace Weekend 2020 Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram


Dare to Dream The Caravan of Unity is not a caravan in a classic sense. Originally used to describe a diverse group of people travelling together by camel or camper van, we define the term caravan in a new and contemporary way.

Co-Creating Europe is joining the Initiative of Unity Earth, The Hague Center for Global Governance and partners to contribute to what may grow into one of the largest and most diverse physical and digital collective movements for peace in human history. The Caravan of Unity is not a caravan in a classic sense. Originally used to describe a diverse group of people travelling together by camel or camper van, we define the term caravan in a new and contemporary way. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram

What travels in our caravan is the energy of peace and the spirit of unity, finding expression through the actions and events of our Europewide and global network of members, friends and co-creators during the first three weeks of September 2020 and culminating in the global celebration of World Peace Day on September 21st. Held by a strong virtual infrastructure and dedicated participants in many nations, cities and regions in Europe and beyond, the Caravan of Unity aims to connect purposeful people and projects to create an intention based field of consciousness that strengthens unity in diversity. Our vision is based on the realization of the prior unity of all beings: https://co-creating-europe.eu/

Dare to Dream The deep and timeless interconnection that knits us together as one human family. The Caravan of Unity will strive to inspire a shared sense of inner and outer peace, install kind-heartedness as a guiding motive for cooperation, and contribute towards inclusive and just societies at local and transnational levels. we explore the many

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram

dimensions of peace in the four streams of spirit, art, dialogue and action. The Caravan of Unity will provide the foundation for a second phase of action in 2021, including an on the road Caravan and other actions and events created through the synergies and collaborations of our participants’ work and visions.


Dare to Dream Join us Everyone is welcome in the Caravan of Unity regardless of age or experience: all that counts is your alignment with Co-Creating Europe’s essential values and a desire to make the caravan a rich and impactful experience for all. So whether you’re 8 or 80, in France or in Finland, an existing change-maker or simply someone wishing to create a brighter collective future, we invite you to join us and enrich the Caravan of Unity with the unique treasures and talents of your own culture and community. Unity Earth, The Hague Center for Global Governance, Co-Creating Europe and many of our friends and partners aim to make the Caravan an ongoing journey culminating on Peace Weekend year by year.

At this time of unprecedented global challenge and change, we will take collective action for a regeneration for humanity that is rooted in the values of peace, unity and transnational solidarity! Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Julian Baller, Katie Mottram

https://co-creating-europe.eu/ https://co-creating-europe.eu/about-caravan-of-unity/ https://www.facebook.com/CoCreatingEurope/ https://peaceweekend.com/



METROPA is an art and peace project that shows Europe as an entity on multiple layers. Its clear and simple imagery speaks to the people like a current map of any subway in any possible city in Europe. It makes people believe that it is already true and thus, it anticipates the idea of a pan-European metro network system that interconnects all of its citizens and visitors. Stefan Frankenberger, initiator

Dare to Dream METROPA operates in a future where all ecological, economical, technical and political questions are answered and transformed into a viable comprehension of what could be, at times, the Federal Republic of Europe. And the more people see it, talk and think about it and wear its t-shirts, the more pressure grows on the people in charge – the decision makers such as the EU, companies and the heads of governments. What Europe needs most is a common myth – a narrative that unites all of us and whose benefits are clear to all. And mind-travelling is the best way to open up the importance of Europe to people. Thus, METROPA is a contribution to overcome the current crisis and to make Europe as we all want it: an open, strong continent that preserves its achievements and does not shy away from innovation. A continent in fruitful competition with other global metropolitan areas, inspiration and fascination for its visitors – and pride of its inhabitants.

website and shop: www.metropa.eu Stefan Frankenberger


Dare to Dream

Stefan Frankenberger


A Systemic View of Life

“… a biosphere on Earth is necessary, that it emerged along the arc of disequilibrium because it provides an independent channel from geochemistry to relax redox stresses, and that the universal core metabolic pathways we find today were the favoured and perhaps unique solutions to the relaxation problem in an abiotic earth” Prof. Paul Krause PhD

Dare to Dream

A Systemic View of Life - Paul Krause

A Systemic View of Life The First Three Geospheres The Lithosphere: Mantle convection converts heat energy through longrange transport into highly energetic redox disequilibria. The Hydrosphere: Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur may be present in relatively high concentrations. Concentration of metals depends sensitively on redox state. Primary chemistry is oxidation/reduction, acid/base, hydration/dehydration. The Atmosphere: Small molecules principally non-metals and noble gases. Primary chemistry of excited gas-phase free radical chemistry. The interfaces between geospheres can be concentrating centres for disequilibria and the emergence of complexity.

Figure 1 A Systemic View of Life - Paul Krause


Dare to Dream The Fourth Geosphere - The Biosphere ‌ a biosphere on Earth is necessary, that it emerged along the arc of disequilibrium because it provides an independent channel from geochemistry to relax redox stresses, and that the universal core metabolic pathways we find today were the favoured and perhaps unique solutions to the relaxation problem in an abiotic earth. Smith E and Morowitz H J (2016) The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth: The Emergence of the Fourth Geosphere. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. It can be argued that the aggregate function of the biosphere is to open up new channels for high-volume, steady energy flux through covalent bond chemistry. The main network of these pathways is metabolism. Geochemical ecosystems.







But now most ecosystems rely on the more complex but higher yielding harvesting of light. The progression away from a simple geochemistry based metabolism began with the emergence of autocatalytic selfmaintenance of metabolic pathways. Progressing to the rise of the oligomer world - increased size and componentisation led to combinatorial explosion of possibilities for maintaining the system. Compartments or genomes make forms of individuality providing nearly identical forms of the same function that can be replicated or eliminated independently. A Systemic View of Life - Paul Krause

Self-maintenance of metabolism The rise of an oligomer world

Emergence of individualities www.surrey.ac.uk/people/paul-krause

Dare to Dream The Fifth Geosphere - The Ethnosphere The biosphere is a product of and embedded within the three other geospheres; a change in any one of the latter three geospheres will impact on the current state of the biosphere. Processes within the biosphere can also impact on the states of the other three geospheres with the impact of plant life on the composition of the atmosphere perhaps being the most significant. An understanding of how human society developed is emerging. With all its complexities, and pathologies, we believe it stands recognition as a fifth geosphere; the ethnosphere. Again, it has a complex of processes (legal, social, economic, industrial, political) and a suite of entities (more than just humans, but also books, works of art, music, religions, institutions). Even harder to isolate, it is a product of and embedded within the four other geospheres; a change in any one of the latter four geospheres will impact on the current state of the ethnosphere. As with the biosphere, processes within the ethnosphere can and do impact on the stability of the other four geospheres. The embeddedness of the ethnosphere within the four other geospheres is a critical feature. The microbiome within our gastro-intestinal tract is as important to feed and nourish as that within the soil that grows our food, and both in turn can sustain our physical and mental health. Equally, the natural world around us nourishes our physical, mental and spiritual health, as well as providing inspiration for our art, music and literature. A Systemic View of Life - Paul Krause

The choice of name has been motivated by the discipline of ethnobiology, by which is meant engaging in “the scientific study of dynamic relationships among peoples, biota, and environments”. There is a common presumption that any name that begins with “ethno” refers to a study of “other” peoples, populations, and societies, but this is incorrect; “ethno” simply refers to culture/people. Literally the word means ‘nation’. The etymology of the word refers to nation, not in patriotic sense, but in the sense of tradition, practices, and overall culture of the people. So, in a way it refers to people together with their ‘lives’. www.surrey.ac.uk/people/paul-krause

Dare to Dream Embededness

The colon, for example, contains the highest microbial density recorded in any habitat on Earth: • They benefit us by fermenting dietary fibre into short chain fatty acids that enhance immune responses and aid in the synthesis of vitamins B and K • In contrast, dysregulation of the gut flora has been correlated with a host of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions • A diet built around foods sourced from biodiverse environments helps to build and strengthen the human microbiome

By working with natural processes, we can put carbon back into the soil (zero tillage, continuous cover, allowing crop residues to break down naturally) This stimulates the microbiome in the soil, enhances the structure of the soil and the recycling of nutrients: • Reducing (even eliminating, in some cases) the use of carbon intensive fuel, fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides • Prevents nitrogen and other pollutants entering water systems • Sequesters carbon • Eliminates soil erosion • Increases resilience against drought • Reduces flood risk • Enhances biodiversity (actually, it is the enhancement of biodiversity that leads to these other benefits) A Systemic View of Life - Paul Krause


Dare to Dream Understanding the “Natural” World

Outside of agriculture, the “natural” world provides us with vitally important “ecosystem services”: pollution reduction, water management, pollination, water quality, carbon sequestration, amenity, health and wellbeing, and many more • There are few true wilderness areas, most “natural” areas have evolved through interactions between humans and the landscape over millennia • One side-effect of the industrial revolution of the 19th Century and the steady move to service-based economies during the late 20th Century has been our disconnect with nature and a progressive deterioration of these natural spaces - sometimes a catastrophic deterioration • Deeper understanding of if, when and how to intervene to maintain the quality of these areas is still needed Ancient woodlands, for example, have in most cases in England, been managed for extraction of firewood and timber. But this was done in a sustainable way so that now most woodland plants and insects need some level of light to survive. This can be provided by reinstating traditional management practices, which also retain the trees in an early growth phase that is when their carbon sequestration is at a maximum. Harvested wood products can be used in turn to sequester carbon and recover degraded soils of parks and gardens, sports fields and around urban trees. A Systemic View of Life - Paul Krause


Dare to Dream Carbon is not the enemy

Every landscape contains a mixture of: • Fugitive Carbon - carbon in the wrong place (mostly in the atmosphere) • Living Carbon: Carbon that is embodied in the natural processes of life • Durable carbon: Carbon that is in a “recalcitrant” form (coal, charcoal, biochar, oil, before we convert them into fugitive carbon) or in a form that has been converted into a durable good (trees for building, for example) Pyrolysis plants can convert wood chip and waste material into biochar and generate energy. Carbon in biochar is in recalcitrant form and will stay in soil for possibly thousands of years. When added to soil, if inoculated correctly, it can act as a slow release fertiliser and stimulate microbial life. Ecological engineering brought into the City can stimulate biodiversity and human health - recovering both the biosphere and the ethnosphere. A Systemic View of Life - Paul Krause


Sensemaking/Sensemaker collecting micronarratives in cities

Anne Caspari MSc

Dare to Dream Sense and the City

The crisis of confusion

Two of the major crises of our time, Covid-19 and climate change, are indicators of the general failure of our globalized, co-dependent and fragile systems. Collectively, we are in a phase of deep uncertainty. At the moment, it seems that our own interests contradict each other on many different levels of our work and personal life. We have a hard time balancing our basic values while it seems that work is pitched against health, health against freedom, economic interests against survival, young against old, ethics against pragmatism. We are in an unprecedented crisis of confusion: we are unable to process what is happening around us sensibly in real time in order to be able to act. Nowhere is this multiple Crisis of Sensemaking more evident than in our cities. Existing pathologies and systemic issues are magnified, like in the case of an increase in domestic violence, the fact that the elderly in their homes can’t be visited, or worse, have to die alone. New fault lines show themselves between privileged and not privileged in being able to keep distance or in having access to a garden or not. At the same time, the current crisis offers historical chances to allow new habits, new rituals, new ways of dealing with each other in our relationships, economies, and ecologies. Some cities, like Amsterdam, are talking about adopting different approaches to value chain and city management (doughnut economics). Experts estimate that through the obligatory working in home office and the resulting push in innovation in telecommunication on the one side and trust on the other side, between 15 and 30% of office retail space in our city centres will be obsolete in the near future, which would open up other possibilities for housing etc. New stories are emerging, both utopian and dystopian. Whatever happens, it will have an impact on the way we live together, on the urban fabric, the city scape, our co-living space. Any attempt to cocreate a new generative direction consciously, in its best integral sense, must start with paying attention to the phenomena that are actually happening right now, to the overall felt sense of confusion on the one hand and collective sensemaking on the other, especially when people are overwhelmed by the ambiguity inherent in current developments. Fears, worries, contradictions, values, new ideas, frustrations, shadows, wishes and desires live here, on this level.



Dare to Dream So, what if we listened deeply? What if we could access the high dreams and the low dreams, the fears, concerns, ideas, trends, signals coming from the system, the early warning signs for changes that are currently taking place or those that are overdue? What do people tell each other about how they experience and understand the crisis? And of course: how can collective change take place on this basis? How can a new, meaningful narrative be created here?

It’s the Stories that create the Future:

art Artist: Banksy

The Capture of Micronarratives "Applying the findings from complexity research and cognitive science consistently, as Prof. Dave Snowden and his team at Cognitive Edge do just that, they listen attentively to what is actually happening. Snowden uses a software("SenseMaker") to collect socalled micro-narratives, i.e. he asks in organizations or communities for small stories about everyday experiences, for anecdotes, for snippets of narratives from daily work or private life that make up the fabric of our meaning making systems”. SenseMaker software provides the ability to capture stories and experiences, and the ability for the respondent to self-interpret their story. By allowing the originator of the story the power to interpret it, the process seeks to democratise the research. At the same time it allows us to identify patterns and themes in the stories and to identify collectively held belief and contradictions. Each capture looks for certain aspects of collective action that are in the foreground, such as: What is going on? What values are lived? What culture is prevalent? Which attitudes are dominant - in relation to refugees, the environment, recycling, public transport, climate change, the willingness to do something or not? The key (“prompting”) question is asked indirectly, more generally, in the direction of: "How is it to live in your neighbourhood?" "What would you tell a friend who wants to work in your company?" "What is important to talk about?" anne.caspari@ezc.partners


Dare to Dream Traditional Survey Methods


Numbers that lack context.

Numbers come with context of stories, the latter. which can be accessed directly when needed.

Seeks opinions or evaluations of people which are usually not immediately actionable.

Seeks descriptive narratives (observation or experiences), which are immediately actionable.

Uses direct questions which people can game (or gift the expected right answer.

Use of indirect prompting questions force people to think and elicit answers that tend to be more honest and revealing.

Questions are based on a pre-existing hypothesis therefore results contain only the insights that we thought to ask for.

Narrative elicitation questions are pre-hypothesis and therefore allow unexpected insights to emerge.

Reliance on traditional statistical analysis which ‘drowns out’ weak signals until they become significant, at which point it may be difficult and expensive to intervene.

Visualizations in SenceMaker present alternative and diverse points of view and make weak signals visible.

Usually once-off or administered periodically, therefore results may become outdated quickly, or opportunities may be missed to intervene early when new behaviours emerge.

Continuous capture allows for continuous monitoring.

Data requires analysis before becoming useful, therefore there is a time lag between capture, analysis and intervention.

Data is available in real-time and visualizations make patterns accessible.

Through a series of design principles, that make the SenseMaker Capture different from traditional surveys, the respondent's micro-stories are embedded more accurately in their systemic and relational contexts and can keep their natural ambiguity of the lived experience. In this way, real, self-determined, context-related real-time data (qualitative and quantitative) are collected. anne.caspari@ezc.partners


Dare to Dream

Examples of "triads" from the SenseMaker capture as part of the Integral LIFT (Leadership in Transition) EU project: The participants are asked to move the white dot to the position that seems to fit best. All 3 key points are equally positive or negative - one is not better / worse than the other. This briefly stimulates the respondents to think (cognitive activation). If all three factors are equally relevant, the dot ends up in the middle. Next page: Examples of Captures from the city of Malmö. The project “My Malmö” is a a collaborative initiative established by the NGO Forward Malmö, Tjejer I Förening and the Cynefin Centre, funded by Malmö Municipal government. The project is designed to bring to light the everyday yet important conversations and experiences that happen in the city, to help the city better understand and address the biggest issues and opportunities facing the future of Malmö.



Dare to Dream The goal was to start meaningful conversations, create useful material that can be used to encourage people to explore and understand key issues in their city, and to create new ways of addressing these issues together (My Malmรถ Draft report 2020). Over a period of 4 weeks the young people from the initiative went on to capture over 1500 micronarratives. Each dot stands for a story that was entered and contextualised. By clicking on the dot the story itself remains accessible. At the collective level we can look for insightful patterns, trends, outliers and dispositions of the city system.



Dare to Dream Examples of stories captured in Malmö “Malmö is a natural city and a lot happens here, I am not directly affected by crime. I feel pretty safe here in Malmö but am a little worried about my children's future”. “Great and nice city, problems with rubbish and too many people, happy with neighbours people and culture. The children enjoy reading. However, I am afraid about my children and myself as a woman when we walk in the evening. It has gotten worse last year.” “Malmö is a nice city that has changed my life for the better. I have a daughter who is ill and has a little difficulty understanding and learning things like other children. When I moved to Malmö seven years ago, I did not know the language and had no information at all about how I could help my daughter who was then 5 years old. After a while I found out that there is an open preschool in Rosengård where parents can take their children to play. When the staff heard my story, they were very helpful and referred me to a specialist who could help me with my daughter. After that, my daughter had to start school where she got the help she needed and since then she has developed a lot. I love Malmö because the people here are very helpful and because there are lots of associations that exist just to help others get into society and thrive.” “A young woman says that she thinks Malmö has gotten worse in recent years and that she does not feel safe at all or for her children. She says that she hopes it will get better so that her children do not have to be in contact with crime. Despite this, she thinks that Malmö is still a nice city with many activities and occupations. She thinks it is good that there are leisure activities for children, for example.” anne.caspari@ezc.partners

Photo: Alex Waltner – Swedish Nomad

“When I started high school and got to meet my class and then I found out that Malmö is not that bad. I thought when you meet people who live in different places you usually get a bad picture, but when I met them, my picture of the people here changed more. It made me think that Malmö is still an okay city and we all feel connected in some way.


Dare to Dream Due to the responses a pattern of challenges appear. Those can in short be summarized as follows: ● Segregation - Malmö is a segregated city which has consequences in a variety of ways. For example it affects schools, where high-performance schools tend to thrive while schools at the other end of the spectra keeps struggling. Segregation is in a sense a reinforcing phenomenon to social injustice. To a large extent the responses in My Malmö witness of a city that is geographically as well as mentally divided. ● Insecurity - a majority of the respondents truly appreciate their hometown, but at the same time they tell stories about how specific areas in Malmö is struggling with crime, in particular from shootings, and recent years even from bombings. Even though the city in 2019 is more safe than ever, the feeling is that some areas are not safe. ● Unfairness - this one relates to segregation. The stories witness of unfair opportunities due to where in the city you live. Frequently topics are about inequality in terms of housing, schools and leisure activities. Due to the responses patterns of challenges appear.For example: ● Collaboration - at the same time as a lot of stories are about segregation etc., quite many stories are about a sense of solidarity and compassion among the citizens in Malmö. Many stories portray a city where we help each other out when we are in need. ● Involvement - quite surprising we found that more than half of the respondents experienced that they are involved in decisions on important matters in Malmö. (My Malmö Draft Report 2020)



Dare to Dream The stories and the patterns that emerge this way show ways out of the initially described crisis of confusion, both on a personal and on a collective level. On a personal level, the mere fact that one's own contribution is “heard” can have a cathartic effect and give people a voice. Furthermore, the individual contributions can point to hyper-concrete situations the have immediate action potential. When looked at collectively, the charts can provide a contextualized picture of “what is actually going on”, with patterns and clusters providing an insight into collectively held beliefs, perceptions and experiences. This can allow key stakeholders to identify emerging themes whilst empowering the community to provide their own explanations and to identify solutions to existing conflicts (refugees, inclusion, safety) or to novel challenges (pandemic). Many of these solutions that come out of the sensemaking process can be dealt with right away without long-term planning and bureaucracy. The motto is: "What can we do tomorrow so that we get less of the negative and more of the positive micro stories"?

Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash This approach is all the more important since larger collectives that only have diffuse cohesion, many different value streams and little internal coherence lack most of the basic conditions for intentional change processes, as we know them for individuals or groups.


The guiding principle in the sensemaking work follows the approach of fractal intervention: action potential exists at all levels, from the highest level to the lowest, with formal and informal influencing factors and constraints. In the complex domain (see D. Snowden’s CYNEFIN Framework), change takes place by changing framework conditions and attractors, promoting conditions that are considered advantageous and dampening negative factors. The type and amplitude of such measures depends on the properties of the respective system, e.g. the respective openness or closeness to changes (or to the environment, climate change, new policies, etc.) and is aimed at the next possible step, not a large, distant ultimate goal. The change in the whole collective is always a result of the total of all shifts in everyday behaviour, relationships and attitudes in a direction that is desirable. The small step is the key unit here. This can actually be a different way to do funding, street lightning, planting schemes, public transport fees or different interventions in the urban realm and fabric.


Dare to Dream Sense and the City: Collecting micronarratives and the associated sensemaking process as an approach and framework for collective participation, real time decision making support and collective change processes has several implications: 1. Founded on the principles of empowerment, democratisation and collective intelligence, this approach allows to capture narratives on a relevant topic from different perspectives, allowing the respondent to discuss what matters to them without leading questions. This also ensures that the engagement and data capture framework is flexible enough to be relevant and useful to the diverse range of people involved. 2. By observing the design principles derived from complexity theory and cognitive sciences it is possible to collect quantitative and qualitative contextualized data that are as unbiased as possible by the (unconscious) hypotheses of the researchers. This captures what really happens. 3. The capture gives the participants in a collective (city, valley, neighbourhood, organization) of whatever type an active voice and the power to evaluate and interpret their own experience. This may have cathartic effect for the participants and give the felt sense of being seen or heard. 4. Everyone in a city or community can contribute to the process of telling their stories – good and bad - and adding meaning by interpreting their own experience. Like in a hologram, each story can have the power to cotain or point to the whole system. Measures and actions can be derived on the basis of entire “experience landscape�. 5. Everybody in a city or community can contribute without having to reach a certain level of awareness (developmental bias), having to adopt certain values, having to understand systemic relationships or having process skills. 6. Since data volumes are no longer a problem nowadays, neither in the acquisition nor in the processing, this approach can be easily scaled to process large amounts of data. 7. Sensemaking as a process does not end with the recording of states, attitudes, and micronarratives, but supports a collective process of interpreting one's own current landscape and deriving concrete action potential. The creation of new, meaningful meta-narratives is encouraged.



Dare to Dream

References: • Caspari, A. (2019): Blog: “Driving Development vs Scaling Change”, Blog, www.mindshift-Integral.com, or at www.ezc.partners/blog/ “Scaling Microchanges” • Caspari, A. & M. Schilling: A We-Space Process Ecology (2016). In: Cohering the Integral We-Space. In: Cohering the Integral We Space: Developing Theory and Practice for Engaging Collective Emergence, Wisdom and Healing in Groups. Olen Gunnlaugson (Ed); Integral Publishing House. • Eoyang, Glenda (2013): Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization • Schmachtenberger, Daniel (2019): The War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LqaotiGWjQ.









• Smith Bethan & Cynefin Centre (2020): My Malmö Draft Report. • Snowden, Dave (2015): How leaders change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsLmjoAp_Dg.


• Snowden, Dave (CognitiveEdge 2010), The Cynefin Framework; www.cognitive-edge.com. • Snowden, David J.; Boone, Mary E. (2007). "A Leader's Framework for Decision Making". Harvard Business Review. 85: 68–76. PMID 18159787. • Weick, K. E. (1995). Sensemaking in organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. • Weick, K. E. (2001). Making sense of the organization. Oxford: Blackwell. anne.caspari@ezc.partners


How Will We Choose to Respond?

When we inhabit wider, more compassionate and inclusive perspectives, diversity and conflicts are drivers of a constant creative process that stimulates the systems, culture and individuals to continue to evolve

Techni Inclusive Sustainability Cristina Mendonรงa MSc

Dare to Dream

When enough people awaken to the inherent purpose and meaning in their own lives, a collective initiation can occur that shifts the level of meaning as well as alters the course of history. (6)


The creative individual is born of suffering the tension between the poles(2) Cristina Mendonรงa (techni@techni.com.br )

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. (4)

The emergence of the third thing, after a struggle with the opposites is a form of creation. It arrives as a revelation, as something that was unknown, either long forgotten, or else newly shaped; it brings renewed energy and a greater courage for living. (5) At critical moments in the life of individuals and in societies, the basic elements and the energies of existence do polarize. And when life becomes stuck, and we feel crucified on the cross of oppositions, what is being called for is not simple change, but genuine transformation. (3) www.techni.com.br

Dare to Dream The following diagrams illustrate the dimensions of change and potential expressions of:

Dimensions of Change

How can all dimensions of change be activated? How can a new way of Being for Individuals, Culture and Systems be Unlocked? Cristina Mendonรงa (techni@techni.com.br )

Adaptation from the MetaImpact Framework (https://www.metaintegral.com/) www.techni.com.br

Dare to Dream Dimensions of Change

Upper quadrants Values & Philosophy

Cristina Mendonรงa (techni@techni.com.br )

Health & Behaviour


Dare to Dream Dimensions of Change Culture & Relationships

Cristina Mendonรงa (techni@techni.com.br )

Lower quadrants Systems


Dare to Dream How Can Potential Expressions Show up? Regenerative and anti-fragile scenarios

Cristina Mendonรงa (techni@techni.com.br )

Self-terminating processes of a pre & postcovid-19 world


Dare to Dream How Can Potential Expressions Show up? Regenerative and anti-fragile scenarios

Cristina Mendonรงa (techni@techni.com.br )

Self-terminating processes of a pre & postcovid-19 world


Dare to Dream How Can Potential Expressions Show up? Regenerative and anti-fragile scenarios

Cristina Mendonรงa (techni@techni.com.br )

Self-terminating processes of a pre & postcovid-19 world


Dare to Dream How Can Potential Expressions Show up? Regenerative and anti-fragile scenarios

Self-terminating processes of a pre & postcovid-19 world

All scenarios and processes are not exhaustive, nor represent the full spectrum of stage-structures of the development. It is intended to illustrate the potential expressions of the dimensions of change and trigger reflection and inquiry processes from readers. All dimensions of change are interlinked and interdependent with each other. Every change in one interconnection affects the entire system. 21st century change agents are not only more skillful, with higher capacities, but essentially embody a new way of being, through a more complex, compassionate and inclusive worldview, enabling them to activate all dimensions of change. Please visit Techni.com.br for a full description of the scenarios References: (1) “Espaço Transicional”. Mendonça, C. 2004. Self-portrait; 35mm color photography. (2), (3), (5): Meade, M (2018). Tension of the Opposites (Podcast #55). Available at: https://www.mosaicvoices.org/episode-55-the-tension-of-opposites (4): Viktor Frankl (6): Michael Meade (2020). Paths of Initiation. Available at: https://www.mosaicvoices.org/events/touching-the-soul-of-the-world-jwye8 (7) Stein, Z. (2019). If education is not the answer you are asking the wrong question: why it’s time to see planetary crises as a species-wide learning opportunity. Transformative Educational Alliance. London: Perspectiva Press. Available at https://bit.ly/2NQmSkP (8). Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2009). Uniting multiple perspectives of the natural world. Integral Books. Boston & London. Page 302 & 303.

Cristina Mendonça (techni@techni.com.br )


Smart Tourism vs Wise Tourism

Tourism and new lifestyles: from Holiday to Presence

Flavio Fabiani MBA


Tourism and new lifestyles: from Holiday to Presence.

Tourism is one of the sectors most affected by COVID-19. The fear of travelling to faraway destinations, the closing of borders between countries, safety regulations, have put the economic model of this sector to the test, which therefore requires a profound re-invention of itself to adapt to the current context. For this reason, at Peoplerise we asked ourselves how this moment of breaking of an automatic paradigm could represent an opportunity to create new models of sustainable tourism. Flavio Fabiani



Excessive tourism (over-tourism) has long been a well-known phenomenon, so much so that it has become a mainstream theme for insiders. The expression over-tourism is commonly used to describe the negative impacts attributed to excess and congestion of tourists, resulting in conflicts with local residents. This phenomenon has created resentment among locals and depletion of environmental resources, which in turn has impacted on tourist satisfaction and return to the tourist destination in many places.

In the light of these critical issues, we have therefore asked ourselves:

How can we offer hospitality on a large scale so that the net benefit to stakeholders, commercial and otherwise, is positive? When this does not happen, in fact, the tourist destination is inexorably destined to lose appeal due to overexploitation, i.e. when the stocks of capital used to create the demand of tourists and to offer them hospitality are greater than those regenerated through the same activities. In these cases tourism is not able to regenerate the territory that hosts it.

Flavio Fabiani


Dare to Dream We believe that regenerative tourism can really become a positive agent of transformation that contributes to improving the quality of our lives.

A MODEL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Human beings do not grow linearly: fortunately, when they stop growing tall, they begin to develop emotionally, socially and spiritually. This also happens in different industries: at a certain point when you have grown up, you can also try to become an adult. Within the mature industries, are the companies who know how to seize the "spirit of times" that gain ground, proposing offers connected with the needs of the eco-system they belong to.

Flavio Fabiani


Dare to Dream

Degree of decentralization/empowerment

In this perspective, tourism can play an important role in making us develop healthier relationships with our Planet Earth that take into account the whole ecosystem in an integrated way. Such an approach to tourism requires recognition of systemic interdependence and the different dimensions that make it up. The vision that sees Nature as a set of resources to be exploited individually through competition, must therefore be replaced by a vision that recognizes the interdependence and abundance that flows from the flourishing collaboration and self-organization of different resources: environmental, social and technological.

Timeline: Organization’s age

We have called this approach WISE TOURISM, i.e. conscious tourism, in contrast to the already established concept of SMART-TOURISM, which is focused on the development of tourism through the integration of smart technologies in the tourism experience. On this issue the UNWTO, the World Tourism Organization, has indicated some objectives for tourism operators in relation to SDGs

Flavio Fabiani


Dare to Dream


WISE TOURSIM vs SMART TOURISM For this "post-smart" generation of tourist destinations, one of the key challenges to be faced is a fundamental change in mentality. The focus on technology or environmental sustainability alone will not be enough; instead, it will be necessary to integrate these dimensions with other lenses of financial, social, intellectual and physical value generation. Flavio Fabiani


Dare to Dream

The new generation of "wise tourist destinations" should adopt a people-centred network approach and collaborate in a wider regional ecosystem of tourist destinations, in a way not unlike existing urban innovation initiatives. One of the defining characteristics of wise cities, for example, will be their ability to build on a broader regional concept, going beyond the urban sphere and creating symbiotic relationships with neighboring "villages", connecting urban and rural areas through a more integrated regional approach. Wise destinations could be those places where long-term visions that go beyond the lifespan of the residents or the mere satisfaction of the residents can be realized. Such an approach, however, requires new, interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder development frameworks.

Flavio Fabiani


Liv in gS ys te m

Caring Efficiency Effectiveness

Organizing Principle


Dare to Dream

Planet Community


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Business Purpose Maximizing Shareholder Value

Delivering Shared Value

Becoming a Force for Good

Becoming a Regenerative Force

THE UNIQUENESS OF WISDOM Wise tourist destinations can increase their resilience through: - Increasing the well-being of their residents and visitors; - A broader regional eco-system approach to tourism innovation It will be the attributes resulting from these initiatives that will make tourist destinations not only more attractive to visitors as short-term destinations, but also intrinsically more livable and, therefore, more attractive to potential new residents. These attributes will be closely linked to the "unique personality" that these city-regions will be able to give to their destinations, making them much more attractive. Flavio Fabiani


Your organisation’s weakest link and how to make it strong

Almost everything managers and leaders do is a waste of time.

Graham Boyd

Dare to Dream Your organisation’s weakest link; and how to make it strong Almost everything managers and leaders do is a waste of time. Because they are trying to bring order into a world inherently disordered. Our world, especially business and our economy, is nebulous and unpredictable all the way through. So there is nothing you can do to impose order. And still you are held accountable for delivering results, in good times and bad, by your staff, customers, investors, suppliers; and especially by future generations. You must deliver results across many metrics: financial, human, and environmental. Good leaders deliver results across all metrics in good times and bad because they focus on creating the conditions for future antifragility, not on futile attempts to impose order, nor on dissecting the past. You create the best conditions for antifragility by getting all three independent dimensions of your organization to level 5: 1. incorporation, 2. roles and tasks, 3. human interaction and development. Any axis below level 3 is a weak link, as fragile as a filigree glass ornament. Which one of these is your weakest link? Which one of these breaks first when the world throws a big stone of uncertainty at it? graham-boyd.biz


Dare to Dream Quite likely you have already begun work on strengthening one of these axes. Perhaps, like many, the axis (2) of roles and tasks, by shifting from a simplistic traditional management accountability hierarchy to a matrix organisation, or better to lean, sociocracy, Holacracy, etc. Or you have worked on the human side, axis (3). Bringing in new cultures, company-wide ways of working with each other, creating psychological safety at work, deliberately developmental organizations, and much more. A rapidly growing number have also recognised nothing can ever be antifragile if dimension (1) is the standard limited company, because it excludes those stakeholders, and shuts down the psychological safety needed for the other two axes to function. Standard cooperatives, multi-stakeholder coops, forpurpose enterprises, benefit corporations, are some of the best known. Better, but not enough. To begin the journey to full antifragility you need to have each of the three axes at or above level 3. Ideally at least one at level 5 and be working on getting all of them to level 5. Many have begun on (2), roles and tasks, by deploying at level 3 with Holacracy, but on foundations at level 0 or 1 on the incorporation and the human axes. This is the reason why many attempts to build a Teal / Integral / Conscious etc. business fail: the incorporation and human foundations are filigree glass, shattering at the slightest shock. graham-boyd.biz

Why are we failing to have the regenerative, integral businesses we all desperately need? Because we believe that a business is only a thing to start; to shape; to build; scale to unicorn size; and finally sell. How simple we could make business if we could only make that true by bringing order in. Sadly we cannot, because business is filled with irremovable disorder. www.evolutesix.com

Dare to Dream Most are looking straight past what a business really also is: a living, sentient being. You know you are a living sentient being. You are aware of your awareness, of being alive, of giving meaning to everything in and around you, and that you cannot make everything you are ordered and predictable. Think of yourself and someone you are very close to; both of you are living, sentient beings, as a pair far less ordered and predictable than any one of you is. Now put a few thousand of us together, all the different stakeholders (staff, customers, suppliers, investors, city, etc.) in a small organisation, and you can only get something filled with unpredictable, nebulous, disorderly currents and relationships. With a culture, practices, and relationships that give meaning to everything in and around the company. A company cannot be less a living being than any individual in it, only more so. Everything changes when we begin to look at a company as a living, sentient, meaning-making being (See Norman Wolfe’s book “The Living Organization”.) It becomes obvious why even the most enlightened attempts to build a Teal organization get corrupted in service of the status quo. You cannot build or change an organisation in an orderly fashion, just as you cannot raise a child into who you want them to be. What you can do is offer a nurturing context for the child to grow up in. It’s time to do the same for your company. Raise it as a living being, not a thing. graham-boyd.biz


Dare to Dream Wolfe’s Law, depicted on the right, describes the essence of an organisation as a living, meaning-making being. (From Norman Wolfe). Put most of your effort into working on your biggest lever: your Culture, or the Context of collective beliefs, identities, etc. that define what kind of company you are, and therefore what kind of things you do. Beliefs shape everything else. Believe a company is a thing, and you will only be able to change the company within that belief. Even though the mere existence of that belief proves the opposite: that a company is a living, meaning-making being! Kodak is a superb example of how its unseen, unreflected self-identity as “I am the kind of company that enables technically perfect photographs” caused it to implode when the world changed, and people became more interested in capturing digitally experiences in the moment. Your second biggest lever lies in the Relationships between everyone, and between different roles, departments, products, etc. (R in the equation). In any big organization work happens because of healthy, productive relationships between people, where a minimum of energy is lost in protecting vulnerabilities.


Your smallest lever is the arena of activities: the structures you’re using, the work and decision-making processes, etc. (A in the equation.) And yet, almost all of the go-to approaches today act primarily on A, weakly on R, and not at all on C. What are you working on? C, R, or A? If you want to create an antifragile, integral, regenerative, circular, conscious, etc. company, start: • seeing it as a living, meaning-making being; • lifting all three axes to level 5. You can read more on how to do this in my DIY manual, available via https://graham-boyd.biz, and maybe in your local bookshop too. www.evolutesix.com


Dare to Dream Biographies Julian Baller. A cultural activist, scholar, and managing director of Co-Creating Europe, an international network of social change agents with a grounding in contemporary spirituality. He taught for several years at the Department of Cultural History and Theory at the HU Berlin, where he has been pursuing his doctorate and was a visiting scholar at Columbia University NYC in 2018/19. He is also a core team member of Integrales Forum. In fall 2020 he is Co-Creating the Caravan of Unity. A European contribution to one of the largest collective actions for peace in human history together with a wonderful team as part of an initiative of Unity Earth. Graham Boyd We can rise, phoenix-like, from today’s burning global challenges. All of us, and our children, can thrive in the coming decades, because we can build a regenerative global economy: an ecosystem of regenerative businesses. Today I apply the experience gathered across three careers (particle physics, Procter and Gamble management, serial startup founder) to bring that vision to reality. The DNA of everything I do is the integration of three elements to create powerfully adaptive organisations: 1) the FairShares Commons incorporation, a B-corporation on steroids; self-directing ways of working, like sociocracy; and developmental practices, like our adaptive way. I use these to incubate regenerative startups; am starting a seed stage investment fund for ecosystems of such regenerative startups; and consult to multi-nationals and start-ups on using these axes in harnessing conflict to drive their own regeneration. graham-boyd.biz www.evolutesix.com Anne Caspari MSc. Studied landscape architecture, urban design and environmental development at Hannover University and worked extensively on sustainability projects in many different countries. For 20 years she has added increasingly the human element to her work: consciousness training, coaching, change & transformation, and organizational development and leadership. Since 2006 Anne has designed her projects using the Integral Framework. She was a private lecturer for integral project management and leadership at various universities (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, European School of Economics, Rome & London). In 2014 she and her partner founded a company that specializes in transformative processes, leadership and coaching under complex conditions (www.ezc.partners). Anne sees the work based on complexity theory and sensemaking as the way forward to complement the work on “one consciousness at the time” with being able to work with larger scale collectives.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Dare to Dream Biographies Diana Claire Douglas, Systemic facilitator, coach, consultant, author, founder of Knowing Field Designs; lead facilitator of Systemic Constellation Work (SCW) with The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence and Integral City. She is participating in the evolution of a new branch of SCW — which she calls Constellating for the Collective— through facilitating monthly gatherings, retreats, workshops, on-line sessions and presenting at international conferences. She, Anne-Marie Voorhoeve from THC and colleagues are cocreating the research and real-world implementation of The Conscious Witness Project. Her work in the constellation field is published in The Knowing Field International Journal, the Integral Leadership Review, Urban Hub20, and included as chapters in two books. Her book Constellating for the Collective is forthcoming in 2020. Underlying all she does is her purpose: attuning to the Sacred and honouring the Creative Force, to participate in the movements for humanity to be in its rightful place in relationship with All-Life. She loves to ask big questions (such as: What is Conscious Dying? And What is the Imagination, really? And What is Humanity’s place in the flow of Life?) She allows these questions to be her guide on her journey leading to her researching, reporting, teaching and publishing what she discovers on the way. Her work with complex systems that serves a city or cities was recognized by Integral City awarding her the “Meshworker of the Year” Award, 2018. dianaclaire@thehaguecenter.org www.thehaguecenter.org www.knowingfielddesigns.com Flavio Fabiani MBA from Milan where he lived until 2000. The city and family nurtured a strong social spirit in him, especially when he was studying for his first degree in communication science. At that time Milan shone as a star of fashion and business world. During this period he got to know the paradoxes of the Italian business capital and loved and surpassed them. He then moved to Europe, US and Africa with his travels and career. He now works with people and organizations who are willing to base their success on a healthy path towards social and environmental excellence, and therefore are willing to get involved in not linear journeys of transformation. Where we co-create new emergent practices together with their stakeholders and employees and customers. He designs and implements business co-creation platforms, i.e. real and virtual social spaces consisting of artefacts, interfaces, processes and primarily of people. Fostering the mutual co-created value is the main purpose of these platforms. Other important characteristics of these social platforms are advanced levels of people engagement were working activities are experienced on a deeper level of sense making and a greater number of radical innovation opportunities with the lower costs and time typical of open innovation initiatives. He curated the Italian version of a number of books, among those: The Essentials of Theory U: Core Principles and Applications (Otto Scharmer); Inside the change (Adriaan Bekman); Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness (Fredric Laloux). He is currently a Researcher, Lecturer & Consultant on Co-creation Design @ Peoplerise and Knowmads


People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Dare to Dream Stefan Frankenberger Initiator of Metropa Born in Bavaria late 70ies, he currently works and lives in Vienna/Austria. Basically a music producer (www.studio77.at) in audio books, pop, theatre and film, he considers art in general as a space for borderless communication, and thus an important source for solutions. Thus, he also organizes a peace festival (www.friedensbim.com) and, as chairman of the society77 (www.society77.org), concerts and lectures. Marilyn Hamilton PhD. A city evolutionist, activist, author, and researcher. A radical optimist, she catalyzes city well-being through living, evolutionary, whole systems approaches. Generating courageous community dialogue, deliberation and design, she helps people discover invisible options for complex issues, using interdisciplinary actions, ideas, relationships and systems. She incubates resilience and transformation strategies with city staff, civic leaders, civil society, entrepreneurs and community participants. Her passions are designing processes that enable the Human Hive - Gaia's most reflective organ - to live sustainably so that people can look after themselves, each other and the planet. www.intergalcity.org Paul Krause PhD. Professor in Complex System at the University of Surrey. He has a very broad background in the application of data science and complexity theory to geophysics, quantum metrology, medical decision making, software quality assessment and process monitoring, and most recently, environmental assessment. Throughout his forty-year career he has worked on the interface between industrial application and academic research. He has worked with, and continues to work with, a broad range of enterprises from innovative start-ups, through charities such as the Surrey Wildlife Trust and Royal Horticultural Society, to large corporations such as Philips Electronics, Jaguar Land Rover, and the City of London. https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-krause-71b0711/ https://www.surrey.ac.uk/people/paul-krause Katie Mottram. Author, Campaign Founder, Film Producer and Publisher with a specialist interest in mental health and spirituality. She was one of the Founding Directors of the International Spiritual Emergence Network, providing a collaborative platform for the global networks that exist to support people going through the spiritual emergence process. Her personal story is featured in the publication by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Spirituality and Narrative in Psychiatric Practice: Stories of Mind and Soul, 2016, and in her own book; Mend the Gap, 2014. Katie founded the International anti- stigma campaign in support of those experiencing a difficult transformation process; #Emerging Proud and the Emerging Kind; a project training Peers to hold ‘Safe Space’ support groups. Her most recent project is the ongoing publication of the ‘KindaProud’ series of ‘Pocket Books of Hope’ for people experiencing different themes of mental distress. In Fall 2020 Katie is co-creating the Caravan of Unity.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Dare to Dream Cristina Mendonça MSc. Change strategist in the context of climate change, cities and development initiatives, with 20+ years of leadership experience in the private and non-governmental sectors. She has mobilized human and financial resources and engaged multiple national and international stakeholders in change processes. She heads Techni Inclusive Sustainability, which she founded 13 years ago, with the mission of supporting organizations, communities and individuals to amplify their impacts, in integration with nature, promoting prosperity and evolution for everyone in the world. Master of Science in Urban and Environmental Engineering from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and Technical University of Braunschweig, Executive MBA from COPPEAD-UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), specialist in R&D from COPPEUFRJ, Chemical Engineer from UFRJ, and leadership courses in personal, social and cultural transformation processes. www.techni.com.br Paddy Pampallis PhD. Explored (her) human growth and development over her life as an educationalist, psychologist/psychotherapist having worked with young children, adolescents, adults, families, groups and organisations. She is an integral practitioner and teacher, executive coach and organizational innovator and leader. Deeply connected to her African roots, she was also inspired by Wilber’s approach to understanding human experience through a full spectrum view of consciousness during her transpersonal psychology training (1992). Paddy did her doctorate research (5 of the 1st academic & professional qualifications) in executive coaching: towards an integral vision of super-vision (MDX. 2005) using her unique application of integral U theory; Learning at the Integral Institute in Denver 2006; co-teaching with Susanne Cooke Greuter on the LMF internationally. She is the Founder CEO of The (Integral) Coaching Centre (2003), established the more recent Integral+ Africa Institute (2015), and together with co-founder Dr Dumisani Magadlela and community, the Ubuntu Coaching Foundation. She is founder/co-director of the Integral African Conference. Her unique application of Wilber’s AQAL theory, into the Integral U Practice of Leadership and Coaching™, has created 18 years of coach and leader training and development grounded in theory and practice towards both part, or whole immersion within this map of human experience, as a lived way of being and becoming. Hundreds of students have graduated through the ICF accredited coach training progammes with a pathway to a master’s degree. She is a global leader in the practice of coaching, developmental learning and leadership maturity, and is sought after as a teacher, while working with her current students and clients - leaders and organisations -across multiple sectors. Her passion in the ongoing exploration of a de-colonised expression of Integral Theory and Practice within African philosophy by finding an African integral dialect, is in service of acting as a messenger of Africa’s contribution to Wilber’s theory and to working towards continued lessening of constructed boundaries of separation. https://www.linkedin.com/company/5020947 https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-paddy-pampallis-0985b44/ www.thecoachingcentre.co.za/

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Dare to Dream Shweta Srivastav PhD. A Design Researcher, Architect, Educator, and Sustainability Consultant. She has a PhD in urban sustainability and a deep interest in trans-disciplinary learning, critical sustainability studies, the idea of indicators, pathways to sustainability transitions and much more. She has worked in the UK, India and Netherlands on co-creative projects and learning engagements for systemic impact. She was previously coordinator of the UNESCO chair in Culture, Habitat and Sustainable Development and Associate Dean at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore India and is currently on a journey with The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence as a Meshworks Coordinator. An eternal optimist, she refuses to see the world in problems, only ways to a better life, society and universe. shweta@thehaguecenter.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/srivastavshweta/ www.thehaguecenter.org Kara Stonehouse. A meshworker and graphic facilitator with The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence. She has 10 years of experience speaking, facilitating and graphic recording for high level government, academic and non-profit clients around the world. Kara was lead facilitator of the Ottawa Energy Collective Impact project from 2016-2019 combining her design thinking and sustainability leadership expertise to create meaningful collaboration on carbon dioxide reductions. Kara has a spiritual gift of being a clear channel, helping others learn to listen from source, sing their true voice in the cosmic symphony and create a world where humanity is at home on Earth. kara@thehaguecenter.org https://www.linkedin.com/in/kara-stonehouse-178a957/ www.thehaguecenter.org Anne-Marie Voorhoeve DRS. The founder and strategic connector of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence and a core team member of Integral City Meshworks. She is a strategist, social alchemist, social architect, innovative cocreator, experienced facilitator, coach and ECOintention Practitioner. She contributes to the integral transformation of society into a regenerative world, with focus on the heart intelligence and rebalance of the masculine and feminine. She works internationally, designing and supporting complex multi-stakeholder projects that commit to meaningful, ambitious goals. She contributes to many networks and initiatives, for example as chief creative director for the Club of Budapest International Network, as core team member of the WholeWorld-View & Unity Community, of Co-Creating Europe, of City Transformers and the Youth Assembly project, as partner in Living Cities Network, Humanity Rising, Loving Classroom-Loving World and the Infinite World Game. She is ambassador of One Humanity Institute. Combining her creativity with strategic connecting, she initiated the Caravan of Unity Europe, empowering people to collaborate. As co-convenor in World Unity Week she curated multiple convergence rooms, including Meshworking Cities and Eco-Regions. She is at the heart of design and strategy of the follow up, the 8 Days UP Convergence (Unity+Peace) and Peace Weekend - 3 days #unitetheworld. Anne-Marie is recipient of the World Forum Peace Prize for Communities in 2017. In 2019 she was inducted as an Evolutionary Leader and awarded Integral City Meshworker of the Year 2019. anne-marie@thehaguecenter.org



People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Dare to Dream Founder/Creator and Managing Curator Paul van Schaik RIBA rtd. Founder/Creator and Managing Curator of Urban Hub: Thriveable Cities Series; Founder integralMENTORS; Co Founder- Integral Without Borders; Founder/Principal Associate iSchaik Development Associates; Founding member of the Integral Institute. 40 years experience of working in international development – with extensive experience, as team leader, in the education, health, infrastructure sectors and program management. Worked with national governments, bilateral and multilateral development organisations and international NGOs to bring an integrally informed approach to programme development, implementation and evaluation, either directly or through the training of operational staff. A UK trained Architect with extensive global experience doing pioneering work with passive solar energy in the 1970/80s in Africa and Australia, and tutored at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London www.integralmentors.org;



People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.


Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners The Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners (adjacent) cover much of the theory behind the Integral Metaframework used in these volumes. For topics covered in others volumes in this series see the following page. Urban Hub Series These books are a series of presentations for the use of Integral theory or an Integral Meta-framework in understanding cities and urban Thriveability. Although each can stand alone, taken together they give a more rounded appreciation of how this broader framework can help in the analysis and design of thriveable urban environments. Key to an Integral approach to urban design is the notion that although other aspects of urban life are important, people (sentient beings), as individuals and communities, are the primary ‘purpose’ for making cities thriveable. All other aspects (technology, transport & infra-structure, health, education, sustain-ability, economic development, etc.) although playing a major part, are secondary.

October 2020

Integral UrbanHub

Coming of Age Dare to Dream

In a Post Covid World a meta-pragmatic approach

Thriveable Cities

Urban Hub

A series of books from integralMENTORS Integral UrbanHub work

Dare to Dream for

Thriveable Cities and Thriving People

This is the 21st volume of our Integral Urban Hub series on Thriveable Cities. As such we have called it Coming of Age. The Urban Hub series showcases ideas, theories, tools, stories and dreams as part of an Integral Methodological Pluralism. Covering these ideas within an Integral Framework. Views from perspectives of culture, systems, consciousness, psychology & value-systems, and behaviour. At the start of planning this volume Covid19 struck and we paused to think how to proceed. Dare to Dream emerged as an appropriate framing.

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