Urban Hub 20 Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World - Thriveable Cities

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Integral UrbanHub

Urban Hub

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World a meta-pragmatic approach

Thriveable Cities


“This is a truly brilliant and much needed presentation. The author has brought together an extremely intelligent group of writers and thinkers to apply Integral principles to the problems and creative openings of city, regions, ecosystems, and the biosphere itself. Each one of these areas is treated as a living, complex, integral system, and the ways that they all mutually interact are fully explored, with the added benefit that they are all looked through an integral lens, insuring that a fully whole and complete path is taken. There is really no other approach like this available, and certainly none that give as full and comprehensive and inclusive an account. I can’t recommend this approach more highly, it truly touches a level of genius.” Ken Wilber —Sex, Ecology, Spirituality; The Integral Vision

Urban Hub

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Thriveable Cities Integral UrbanHub

20 Marilyn Hamilton Guest Curator

In fullness and freedom A series of graphic papers from integralMENTORS integral UrbanHub work on Thriveable Cities Founder and Managing Curator Paul van Schaik

Copyright ©©integralMENTORS– April 2020 ISBN-13: 978-166-0970339

“A city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time” Patrick Geddes


Paul van Schaik, UH Founder and Managing Editor


Marilyn Hamilton, Integral City Meshworks Guest Curator

Caring for Planet Jude Currivan Karen O’Brien Marilyn Hamilton

Restory and Restore Climate Challenge Community Learning Spirituality Optimizes Integral City

Daniel Christian Wahl Peter Merry

Salutogenic Cities Information & Energy Fields

Caring for Local/Place Stephan Martineau

Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative

Andrew Becker & Danielle Huffaker

Integral Project Design

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Wisdom Economies

Beth Sanders

Nest City Serves Citizens & City

Lev Gordon

Living Cities Association

Taisa Mattos, Anna Kovasna & Kosha Joubert

Global Ecovillage Network

Mark DeKay

Integral Sustainable Design

Diana Claire Douglas

Systemic Constellations for OneCity


Caring for Others/Collectives/Groups Miriam Mason Martineau

Parenting as Integral Evolutionary Activism

Miriam Binder-Lang

Integral Coaching for Sustainable Change

Synnervate - Ard Hordijk & Allard De Ranitz

Organizational Collaboration

Edward Fitsell

Integrating Civil Society

Kara Stonehouse; Anne-Marie Voorhoeve & Morel Fourman

Meshworking for Thriving Cities

Ian Wight

Making a Place We Can All Call Home

Caring for Self Jon Freeman Marilyn Hamilton

Intelligence in Living Systems

Ellen Van Dongen

Lifemaps for Integral City

Leadership in a VUCA World

Prototype City Transformation Marilyn Hamilton

Storyboard Design for Meshworks

Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior

Creating a Sustainable & Just Lisbon

Contributors Books


Volatile Things change continuously. What is true today isn’t true tomorrow. Even the nature and dynamics of change change.

Uncertain More than ever, we live with a lack of predictability and a prospect for surprise. It is impossible to predict how projects will evolve.

Complex Simple cause-and-effect chains have been replaced by complex interconnected forces and events. Interconnectedness makes all things increasingly complex. Ambiguous You can easily find convincing but totally contradictory information for any assertion. Because of complexity and unpredictability the ubiquitous availability of information has created a mist in which it becomes increasingly difficult to find clarity.

Urban Hub 20 - Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World is the twentieth book in the series from Integral Urban Hub and IntegralMENTORS. For the first time we have asked a guest integralist to curate a book. And it is appropriate that for this 20:20 vision of our VUCA world that we have asked the creator of Integral City Meshworks Dr. Marilyn Hamilton to take on this task as guest curator. Marilyn has a vast experience in this area with a great network of fellow integralists. She has been inspired by the pioneer of city planning and sociology Patrick Geddes. His Outlook Tower, Camera Obscura and Summer Schools renewed old Edinburgh. We hope that the results of this highly readable and informative volume can renew and regenerate cities today. Together we have imagined how an Integral City Meshwork enables us to respond in a wholistic way to the life conditions of our VUCA world We hope you enjoy our co-creation and share it widely.



Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Introduction How would a group/collective/team of integralists Accelerate Transformation for their City in VUCA times? How would Integralists Meshwork themselves to serve the City as Gaia’s Reflective Organ in a VUCA situation like Climate Change or Coronavirus? Those are the questions I have been asking since I have observed the Integral Capacity arise in many practices, professions and places. But most of the Integrally-informed practitioners live in many different places around the world – so it is hard to imagine how many of us have now emerged who could be called to be the City’s organs – just as Cities have become Gaia’s Reflective Organs. How could we tap into our 12 Intelligences, 4 Voices, and Master Code of Care? But what if we all lived, worked, played and co-created in one place? How might we gain an overview of our gifts, talents, services and strengths? What would happen if we called these forth in one place in service to the wellbeing of one City? That is what this Urban Hub 20 book is about. We have called together in these pages a potential Meshwork of Integralists who can share their approaches. Each of these is valuable in themselves, but when they are linked together in a “supply chain” organized as a Meshwork of a Master Community of Carers, we amplify each link. Furthermore, we provide a path/direction/ of Care for all Voices in the City to interconnect as a living system of Care. In these VUCA times of Coronavirus and Climate Change and other threats and challenges these are the “Capacitators” who can help us understand Context and catalyze Care to Transform Cities as Gaia’s Reflective Organs. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Master Code of Care This book is organized into 4 sections. Each one holds the insights, practices, contexts and priorities for one or more of the levels of Care: • Caring for Planet • Caring for Place • Caring for Others • Caring for Self In actual practice, this Code of Care grows as Capacities we practise from the smallest fractal of Caring for Self through Caring for Others through Caring for Place and then Caring for Planet. So, this book can be read in either direction – from Planet to Self for Context and from Self to Planet for Capacity Development. Taken as a whole these 4 sections offer a kind of Sacred Meshwork that helps us imagine how each level of Caring is holographic and fractal. We can see how the City is a living system, where individuals and collectives seek to survive, connect with their environment of Place and Planet (internally and externally) and regenerate. Each generation adds to the lineage of city life that it receives as a legacy, and in turn creates capacities for future generations to continue Life. We suggest to our Prototype City of Lisbon these initiatives to accelerate transformation of Care, Context and Capacity in these VUCA times.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Caring for Planet In this section we gain the Overview of a Living System Cosmology that embraces all of the Cares into ONE planet. We discern the deep connections of Planetary Care in VUCA times – using Climate Change as an example that calls on the collaboration of individuals and collectives wearing the hats of the Practical, Political and Personal. We appreciate the power of Spirituality to bring optimism alive and optimization to empower our practices. We learn how a Salutogenic sense of Wellbeing creates the conditions for a Planet of Cities interconnected through science and spirit. We gain insights through the powers of ECOintention to change whole systems through sensing the energies of person, peoples, place and planet.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Re-story to Restore

Jude Currivan

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Re-story to Restore The stories we tell about ourselves and the world are the stories we live by. Our world-views and beliefs drive our behaviours. Our collective and fragmented world-view, maintained by a materialistic and reductionist scientific paradigm, has been reflected in our dysfunctional behaviours. If we are to heal and restore our relationships with ourselves, each other and our planetary home, Gaia, we need to re-story our understanding of reality itself. At this critical time, in answer to this need, a new and yet ancient story is emerging. Leading edge science across all scales of existence and numerous fields of research is converging with universal spirituality into an integral model of unified reality. It reveals our Universe as composed of meaningful information holographically manifested, and so exquisitely fine-tuned that it exists TO evolve: -

This emergent wholeworld-view imbues our entire Universe and ourselves with inherent meaning and purpose.

It invites us to understand, experience and embody unity awareness and to Think Cosmic, Feel Global and Act Local. Jude Currivan PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Evolving Evolution Our Planet is calling to us to WAKE UP: rapid climate change and environmental destruction is reflecting the need to expand our awareness. Our unsustainable interactions with each other, resulting in inequality, injustice and conflict are calling us to GROW UP and change our behaviours. The damage we have caused to ourselves and our planetary home, Gaia, is calling us to regeneratively CLEAN UP and co-creatively SHOW UP. A WholeWorld-View, by serving our understanding, experiencing and embodying unity awareness, aims to empower all the above and facilitate us to LINK UP and LIFT UP to consciously evolve.

Think Cosmic, Feel Global, Act Local The integral wholeworld-view story helps us understand our unique diversity within the unity of reality and the evolutionary impulse of our Universe. It helps us to tune into the evolutionary meaning that is unfolding and flowing around us in these transformative times and empower hope in action. Jude Currivan PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Think Cosmic – Unified wholeworld-view As a species, never before have we had so much scientific evidence that we are living in an interdependent, in-formed and holographically manifested Universe that not only exists and evolves as a unified entity – but exists TO evolve. We are coming to realize that mind and consciousness aren’t something we have but rather what we and the whole world are. That our Universe is a great thought rather than a great thing and that we are its micro-cosmic co-creators. From such unity awareness comes a realisation that separation is an illusion. We are alive in a critical evolutionary moment. After 13.8 billion years of evolution, our Universe has birthed us as a self-aware species. We now have a choice to become unity-aware beings and conscious co-creators and evolutionary partners with our Universe and its ongoing evolutionary impulse. As we collectively re-member the multi-dimensional and unified All of the Cosmos, we can choose.

Jude Currivan PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Feel Global – Unity-aware care for our planet Gaia We are all indigenous to Earth–we, and all the plants and animals that share our planetary home, are Gaia’s children. Like a healthy resilient ecosystem, within the wholeness of the all, our global experience is manifested through the radical diversity, and purpose of me and we. The illusionary story of separation is breaking down. We either evolve globally together or become extinct as a species. In these pivotal times of breakdown and breakthrough, we can re-member and ‘feel’ our inherent connection to each other and Gaia, and co-create a thriving future for all. It is time to evolve through love, from the inside out. While the process of re-membering unity is unique to each individual, all are paths on the same journey of inner and outer evolution. We can choose to become unity aware beings, and in acting local and feeling global, experience and embody wholeness. We are indeed in this together. And we always have been.

Jude Currivan PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Act Local – Linking up and lifting up for transformational change In the coming years, the choices of each and all of us will determine the fate of our species and potentially all life on Gaia. Locally, individuals and communities are embarking on quests and practices of ‘sacred normality’–reconnecting to each other, Gaia and the universal pulse of evolution that flows through us. We are re-membering what it means to co-create lives of meaning, purpose and responsibility. Communities are rediscovering their ability to find local solutions to global challenges. Crisis breeds opportunity and innovation. As we expand the spiral of compassion to include Me, We and All, cities can be transformational accelerators for how we do this together. In acting local whilst feeling global and thinking from a perspective of unity in diversity, cities can lead the way forward in transforming our human capacity and facilitating our conscious evolution.

Jude Currivan PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Re-story to Restore The existential challenges we face today and in the coming years ultimately have arisen from a common cause: - our fragmented understanding of reality and our collective belief in the illusion of separation. Increasingly compelling scientific evidence is converging with universal spiritual traditions to reveal that this perception is fundamentally wrong. Instead discovering an emergent wholeworld-view of unified reality and a living Universe imbued with meaning and evolutionary purpose. We now have the opportunity and the choice to re-story our understanding and re-member and restore our understanding and experiencing its innate unity: -

We are invited to experience and embody its hope in action through a spiral of compassion that embraces:


Caring for our Planet


Caring for our cities and communities


Caring for ourselves

Jude Currivan PhD

Climate Challenge Community Learning

Karen O’Brien


Photo by Lucas Albuquerque on Unsplash

Is it possible to realize the goals and targets of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Or maybe this is not the right question. Perhaps the question to ask is not whether, but how we can reach these goals. To bend the emissions curves at the rate and scale needed to limit warming to 1.5C (see figure) requires dramatic transformations. The coronavirus crisis and the economic crisis reveal that dramatic transformations are possible. Yet it is not only the direction and amount of change that should concern us, but also the quality of change. How we transform will make a difference to what the future looks like. If we value an equitable and sustainable world, it is important to take transformations seriously.

“To catalyze rapid and large-scale systems change will no doubt involve multiple approaches, some radical and conflictive and others incremental and collaborative, and there will be both intended and unintended consequences. Although roadmaps and pathways for low carbon development are important, the paradigms, perspectives and power of the mapmakers and pathbreakers are seldom neutral — with the best of intentions they often perpetuate old paradigms and ideas, pave overly deterministic pathways that risk becoming selffulfilling prophecies, and exclude other ways of framing and approaching problems and solutions. Generating rapid social change involves broader and deeper approaches to transformations.” (O’Brien 2018, pp. 157-158) Karen O’Brien


Three Dimensions of Adaptive Challenges Practical What to do? How to do it?


How do we organize? Who decides? How do we challenge the status quo?


What do I/we value? How do I/we see the world?

The social, economic, political, cultural and environmental consequences of transformation processes will have profound impacts for the way that society evolves over the next centuries. There are numerous ways to approach transformations within the context of climate change, and not all of them will lead to the same results. How we frame the problem will influence the types of solutions that are identified and prioritized. In their work on Adaptive Leadership, Ronald Heifetz and his colleagues (2009) make a distinction between technical problems and adaptive problems. Technical problems are those than can be successfully addressed by applying more knowledge, know-how, expertise, innovation, and management. Adaptive problems draw attention to the personal dimensions of change, particularly mindsets, which include the beliefs, values, and worldviews. They are also political, as they often involve challenging social and cultural social norms, forms of governance, and engaging in collective action. Adaptive challenges also have practical dimensions that require techno-managerial and behavioral responses. Individuals, groups, and organizations tend to avoid adaptive challenges when they introduce too much disequilibrium. Instead, the problem will be treated as a technical one, or it will be ignored or avoided. Climate change is an excellent example of an adaptive challenge (O’Brien and Selboe 2015).

Karen O’Brien

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World 3. THE THREE SPHERES OF TRANSFORMATION The Three Spheres of Transformation is a simple heuristic that provides an accessible way to think about transformations to sustainability (O’Brien and Sygna 2013). It is an adaptation of Dr. Monica Sharma’s conscious full spectrum response, which is based on empirical work in the field of development. Although many existing and emerging theories of social change recognize interactions among multiple spheres, there is a tendency to prioritize only one or two dimensions. Transformation processes that simultaneously engage with all three spheres of transformation have been shown to generate results (Sharma 2017). The labels for the spheres do not correspond directly to the economic, social and environmental spheres of sustainability. The word ‘spheres’ is instead used figuratively to represent areas or domains that are an intrinsic part of a larger whole. The approach aligns with Integral Theory, which recognizes that behaviors, systems, culture, and experiences are interdependent, and that mindsets and paradigms influence how systems are viewed, which theories, relationships and goals are deemed legitimate and desirable, and which behaviors and technical responses are prioritized (O’Brien 2018).

Karen O’Brien

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World 4. TH R E E SP H E R E S IN T E R A C T IN G SP H E R E S

Practical Sphere The practical sphere is at the core of the figure, and it represents specific actions, interventions, strategies and behaviors that directly contribute to a desired outcome, such as the 1.5 C target (e.g., solar panels, plant-based diets, bicycles). Results here can be easily monitored and measured by indicators.

Political Sphere The political sphere represents the systems and structures that facilitate or constrain practical responses to climate change. These include social and cultural norms, rules, regulations, institutions, regimes and incentives that influence how systems are designed, organized and governed. These are often created, codified and managed through political processes, including through collective actions.

Personal Sphere The personal sphere of transformation relates to the individual and shared beliefs, values, worldviews and paradigms. This sphere acknowledges different understandings of causality, levels of social consciousness, perceptions of agency, and assumptions about leadership.

Karen O’Brien

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World 5. Leveraging Systems Change The three spheres of transformation map on to the 12 leverage points for systems change identified by Donella Meadows (1999), which is considered a useful framework for conceptualizing transformations. Interventions related to the practical sphere leverage have lower leverage than those associated with the political sphere, such as policies that strengthen or weaken feedbacks, information flows, and most importantly, through the rules of the system and those who have power to change the rules. Meadows (1999) argues that the most powerful leverage points are the goals of the system and ‘the mindset or paradigm out of which the system — its goals, structure, rules, delays, parameters — arises’. She considers the highest leverage point to be the power to transcend paradigms. This falls into the realm of the personal sphere. When new thought patterns contribute to actions that are based on universal values, such as equity, dignity and compassion, cultures and systems will be transformed to support a world that is both equitable and sustainable (Sharma 2017).

Karen O’Brien

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World 6. INTEGRATING KNOWLEDGE AND ACTION

Frameworks and heuristics are not enough to address the adaptive challenge of climate change. Yet how do we move from intellectual understandings to consciously generating transformations? The cCHALLENGE – a 30-day experiment with change -- was developed as a reflexive and experiential process exploring the relationships between individual change, collective change, and systems change. Experimenting with change provides the interactions among the practical, political and personal spheres of transformation. By committing to one small change for thirty days and treating it as an object for study and reflection, participants gain insights into how change happens and how to see opportunities to create change Read more: www.cchallenge.no

Karen O’Brien

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World 6. REFERENCES Heifetz, RA, Grashow, A, Linsky, M. 2009. The practice of adaptive leadership: tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world. Harvard Business Press. Meadows, DH. 1999. Leverage points: Places to intervene in a system. 1999, O’Brien, K. 2018. Is the 1.5°C target possible? Exploring the three spheres of transformation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 31, 153–160. O’Brien, K.L., Selboe, E., 2015. Climate change as an adaptive challenge, in: The Adaptive Challenge of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, pp. 1–23. O’Brien, K., Sygna, L., 2013. Responding to climate change: The three spheres of transformation, in: Proceedings of Transformation in a Changing Climate. University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, pp. 16–23. Sharma, M., 2017. Radical Transformational Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents. North Atlantic Books.

Karen O’Brien

Spirituality Optimizes Integral City Marilyn Hamilton

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

We Are Accomplices of the Divine As we survey the trouble spots of the world – mostly located in cities – we face challenges that seem overwhelming with seemingly no precedents for easy solutions. Recovering from coronavirus, regenerating communities for climate change, challenging terrorism, dealing with homelessness, facing a deluge of refugee migrations . . . We do not know if the choices we make – will lead to desolation or prosperity. We are called to be of service to the Highest Good. We cross a threshold that moves us beyond ego into

• Our practice of contemplation, our opening to a collective intelligence, our commitment to a neverending path of learning extends our circles of care to embrace the whole city. • We sense the Divine embracing the whole planet. We can be of service in allowing the Divine to use us. • There is magic in the Master Code – to Care for Self, so that we can Care for Others, so we can Care for this Place, so we can Care for this Planet. • This practice impacts the city and the world with the Grace of the Divine and makes us accomplices of Goodness, Truth and Beauty beyond our understanding.

something deeper, more alive, more awake, more demanding. Chihuly Glass Museum, Seattle, Photos: by Marilyn Hamilton

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World How Can We Optimize Integral City Impact as Spiritual Practice? When we treat this question as a Wisdom Query, it becomes a kind of koan, that takes us deeper into ourselves/Self and reality. Dr. Roger Walsh

As intentional Practitioners we are called to develop expertise to do three things: 1. Relieve external problems to the best of our ability as “barefoot doctors” or “Spiral Wizards”. 2. Heal the internal sources of problems in our own psyche, the anguish of others, or across cultural divides. As we widen our circle of compassion, we are more able to be the non-anxious presence who can offer a calm and grounded centre to be together in difficult circumstances. 3. Bring more integral and Integral City frames to bear on the work we do.

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World As pioneers of a new paradigm for the city we engage spirituality in multiple contexts • In our personal reflective practice • In the workplace • In our communities (of practice and place) • On behalf of the city as a whole.

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Integral frameworks are now emerging in most domains of human understanding

• psychology, medicine, education, sexuality, history, geography, systems, culture • We are recalibrating our ability to design habitats for wellbeing and relieve dis-ease in all its manifestations.

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

An integral mindset is able to flex and flow • In a stream of awareness we open eventually into a transcendental awareness. • In this flow spirituality in the Human Hive is an alive resourceful condition.

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World To optimize Integral City impact, choose a path of never-ending maturing • Regularly dive into inner work as deeply as you can. • Dr. Roger Walsh calls this “karma yoga”. • Our work in the world of Integral Cities becomes a spiritual practice itself (as illustrated in this book).

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Salutogenic Cities

Daniel Christian Wahl

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Salutogenic Cities as catalysts of bioregional regeneration and planetary health One aspect of taking a dynamic and evolutionary approach to cities in their regional and planetary context is to go beyond asking ‘what would a healthy city look like?’ or ‘how can we create sustainable cities?’ If we understand cities primarily as a process and the physical infrastructure of cities as temporary manifestations or footprints of that underlying process, can we begin to explore the potential of cities to contribute to the health of individuals, communities, ecosystems and the biosphere? Can we re-conceive cities as catalysts for whole systems health? In doing so we would make urban development a healing profession. This offers an invitation for urban design professionals to take a form of Hippocratic Oath: Do no harm! I personally believe we do urgently need such an oath for urban development and all forms of design. The notion of Salutogenesis —improving dynamic health — as distinct from a pathogenic approach to health that starts with symptoms or ‘problems’ was pioneered by the Israeli health scientist Aaron Antonovsky (1979). My 2006 doctoral thesis on ‘Design for Human and Planetary Health: A Holistic / Integral Approach to Complexity and Sustainability’ applied the Salutogenic approach to health to the field of design. Inspired by the work of Janis Birkeland (2002), as well as, Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan (1996), I used the notion of ‘scales of design’ and ‘scale-linking design’ to explore design with a big ‘D’ (see graphic). Salutogenic Design aims to regenerate health, vitality, transformative resilience and adaptability at personal and collective levels. It takes a glocal (global and local) approach that pays attention to facilitating health across scales. Place is always a fractal with local, regional and global significance in affecting systemic health. The measure of good design is whether it improves systemic health reflected in the health of individuals, communities, ecosystems and the biosphere.

The Western Mediterranean at night from the International Space Station mage Credit: ISS - ESA / NASA

The Salutogenic Design practitioner has to develop the skill of considering all design decisions as affecting and being affected by interconnected scales of green chemistry, product design, architecture, community design, industrial ecology, urban planning, bioregional planning, and national and international collaboration. If we want to redesign the human presence and impact on Earth from being degenerative and exploitative to being regenerative and healing we have to re-match human activities to the golden rule of biomimicry: “Life creates conditions conducive to life” (Janine Benyus, 1996). Regenerative practice and Salutogenic Design ask us to pay attention to the material manifestations of design at all these scales while actively transforming the underlying processes, worldviews, value systems and narratives that give rise to these manifestations in ways that add health and value to the nested wholeness in which we participate. At the bioregional scale we can reintegrate urban development into the bio-physical processes that maintain ecosystems health and stabilise climate patterns. We can do so in place-sourced ways that pay attention to manifesting the potential inherent in the bio-cultural uniqueness of people and place. Each bioregionally integrated city makes essential contribution to systemic health. A Salutogenic City serves its inhabitants by improving their health and as process of bioregional regeneration contributing to planetary health.

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Salutogenic Design helps us move beyond sustainability to regeneration The most critical intervention point to affect design at and across all these physical scales is to pay attention to the processes and patterns underlying their physical manifestations. It is critical to follow design upstream and pay attention to how different worldviews, value systems, organising ideas and mental models shape our perception of reality. Together they inform how we ‘bring forth a world together’ (Maturana & Varela, 1992). I believe it will be the upstream change in the stories we tell about (literally) what matters and how we make meaning together that will be the most effective catalyst in the transition towards diversely expressed and bioregionally adapted regenerative cultures everywhere. Only once we learn to assume our own potential for healing and being agents of healing will the Salutogenic Cities we participate in realise their potential as patterns that contribute to bioregional and planetary health.

The Scales of Design & Scale-linking Design for Whole Systems Health reproduced from ‘Designing Regenerative Cultures’

The bioregional scale is the scale at which we can increase the resilience of communities, cities and their region in the face of the catastrophic climate change we are already committed to. Past emissions will cause continued warming for the coming decades at best. We need to act decisively now to avoid irreversible climate cataclysm and a worsening of the extinction crises driven by cascading ecosystems collapse. Creating Salutogenic cities that catalyse the improvement of ecosystems and planetary health is grounded in place and participation and focusses on the local and regional scale. Yet, it also needs to be enabled through collaboration, solidarity and open knowledge exchange at the national and international scales, in order to be inclusive and reduce inequality.

In my 2006 doctoral thesis I explored the upstream end of the design process under the notion of meta-design: the design that affects worldview and value systems and hence the why of design—and through that what we design and how. One example for a powerful Metadesign shift is the change from the arrogance of claiming dominion over nature while understanding nature as divorced from culture and only of instrumental value to human beings, to understanding nature and life as a planetary process of which we are emergent properties and in which we are co-creative agents, dependent on the health of the whole. In acknowledging our inescapable agency in nested complexity we begin to understand that “everything is an intervention” (Gerald Midgley)—all our thoughts, words and actions matter! This insight invites us to take responsibility for how we individually and collectively contribute to the emergence of health as a scale-linking emergent property at and across all the fractal scales of dynamically transforming wholeness.

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World relationship that enable our communities and cities to flourish while driving the regeneration of the bioregions and ecosystems we inhabit. The ‘reconciliatory’ step which reintegrates humanity into life as a planetary process is possibly the crucial Metadesign shift that will enable us to understand our action not as something we are doing to nature, but rather to pay special attention to how our doing and being are expressions of design as nature. As parts of and participants in nature we can learn to nurture health, resilience and adaptive capacity within the Socio-Ecological-Systems we participate in. Evolution is a process of diversification and subsequent integration of diversity at higher levels of complexity. Such integration tends to occur as life evolves new patterns of cooperative organization (see graphic). Cities are an example of such integration at high levels of complexity. Every day there are many more cooperative than competitive interactions in the world’s cities. The challenge now is to reintegrate cities into the living fabric of their bioregions within the context of regenerating ecosystems and planetary health. The Regenerative Design Framework (based on the work of Bill Reed, Carol Sanford, and Regenesis Group) - reproduced in this adapted version in ‘Designing Regenerative Cultures’

I see the ‘regenerative design framework’ developed by Regenesis Group and Carol Sanford as another example of Salutogenic Metadesign. It invites us to think beyond sustainability by exploring our individual and collective potential to have restorative, regenerative and healing agency. I first came across this work in an article by Bill Reed (2006) entitled ‘Shifting our Mental Models’. By putting conventional practice, green, sustainable, restorative and regenerative on one spectrum we can learn to value all of them as steps on a journey. We have done so much damage to the systemic health of the biosphere and to our communities and societies that simply being sustainable — while still representing an important bridge we have not crossed yet — will no longer be enough. We need to restore ecosystems and planetary health and regenerate the patterns of

Graphic reproduced with permission from John Stewart ‘The direction of evolution: The rise of cooperative organisation’ Biosystems Vol 123, 2014

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Salutogenic Cities are regenerative by design Town planning pioneer, Sir Patrick Geddes, stressed in Cities in Evolution (1915) that effective urban planning must be based on a detailed survey of, and integration with, the surrounding region. As a biologist, Geddes is also credited as a founding contributor to the fields of sociology and town planning. His work in the Old Town of Edinburgh was an early example of slum redevelopment through the active participation of residents which led to the creation of the world’s first student union housing. The Edinburgh Summer School —today ‘The Edinburgh Festival’ — started by Geddes was an interdisciplinary exchange of some of the leading thinkers at the time and served as an opportunity for public education. The ‘Outlook Tower’ at Ramsey Gardens established by Geddes invited the visitor to contextualise their city within Scotland, the United Kingdom, Europe and the World, with each floor focusing on one of these inter-connected scales. Almost 100 years later, Herbert Girardet wrote in a World Future Council report on Regenerative Cities: “Planners seeking to design resilient urban systems should start by studying the ecology of natural systems.

Linear Metabolism Cities Resources and Create Waste and Pollution at a High Rate

From linear to circular urban metabolisms (reproduced with permission from Herbert Girardet and Rick Lawrence in ‘Designing Regenerative Cultures by Daniel Christian Wahl 2016

Circular Metabolism Cities Reduce Consumption and Pollution, Recycling and Maximise Renewables

On a predominantly urban planet, cities will need to adopt circular metabolic systems to assure their own long-term viability as well as that of the rural environments on which they depend.” He suggests: “Policy makers, the commercial sector and the general public need to jointly develop a much clearer understanding of how cities can develop a restorative relationship to the natural environment on which they ultimately depend” (Girardet, 2010). The graphic on the left shows how the transition to regenerative cities with a drastically reduced ecological footprint will require a redesign of the material and energy flows that cities depend upon primarily at the scale of their region. In Creating Regenerative Cities —a book based on Girardet’s work with the World Future Council—he describes the evolution of cities from ‘agropolis’ to today’s ‘petropolis’. To create ‘ecopolis’ as cities that are restorative and regenerative by design, we need to learn from the cascading and circular flows of energy and matter within ecosystems. Applying these patterns to how we organise cities can help us reduce their ecological footprint. The aim is to optimise the urban metabolism by designing for circular resource and energy flows and reliance on renewable energy and resources (Girardet, 2015).

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Girardet’s book is a great place to start exploring how cities can become Salutogenic processes that support the health of their inhabitants and of people in their bioregion while actively restoring healthy ecosystems functions and regenerating planetary health. We would however do well to also go back to Geddes’ original work and pay attention to the crucial role that civic participation, public education and individual and collective capacity building will play in this transformation. The work of Marilyn Hamilton and her ‘ Integral City’ trilogy (2008, 2017, 2018) offers important insights and processes for how we might go about facilitating such profound change towards Salutogenic cities.

‘Ecopolis’ – the ecologically as well as an economically restorative city - Source https://www.worldfuturecouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/WFC_2010_Regenerative_Cities.pdf

City as Process: breakdown & breakthrough in Socio-EcologicalSystems To understand cities as processes embedded in bio-physical patterns of change and transformation requires new frameworks for thinking about the patterns of periodic collapse and disturbance as critical aspects of innovation, transformation and evolution.

Based on and adapted from Gunderson & Holling (2001), reproduced from Designing Regenerative Cultures

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

The three aspects of resilience—persistence, adaptive capacity and transformability—describe important capacities of living systems: i) to resist collapse and maintain vital functions, ii) to adapt to changing conditions (learn and self-organise) and iii) in the case of SocioEcological Systems to apply foresight and anticipation to transform the system towards increased health and an improved capacity to respond wisely and creatively to disruptions and change.

and resource distribution; ‘collapse or release’ (Ω); and reorganisation (α). The adaptive cycle is often drawn as a Möbius loop that joins these four phases.

Gunderson and Holling explain that the word ‘panarchy’ describes nature’s (w)holistic hierarchies and the complex dynamics that link different spatial scales and their fast- and slow-moving processes into an interconnected whole. The panarchy interlinks adaptive cycles occurring This dynamic understanding of resilience as the capacity to persist, at multiple temporal and spatial scales simultaneously. It elucidates the adapt and transform is akin to Antonovsky’s Salutogenic approach to interplay between change and persistence in scale-linked sociohealth. Rather than waiting for symptoms or (problems) to occur and ecological systems. then treat or solve those for the affected, the Salutogenic way of working builds individual and collective capacity to realise the potential for The model can help us visualise the scale-linking complexity of natural positive health. Antonovsky’s work also identified the importance of processes. Facing this fractal complexity of interacting transformative social cohesion, shared frameworks of meaning and mutual support as processes — nested adaptive cycles spanning across temporal and spatial scales — invites us to stay mindful of the limits of prediction and key factors for positive health. control that we face as participants in such complexity. The adaptive cycle is a model of natural patterns of change in ecosystems and eco-social systems. It consists of four distinct phases: The figure above is a visual representation of panarchy. Fast-moving cycles at smaller scales are more likely to innovate and test innovations. ‘growth or exploitation’ (r); ‘conservation’ (K) of established patterns While slow-moving cycles at larger scales “stabilise and conserve accumulated memory of past successful, surviving experiments. The whole panarchy is both creative and conserving. The interactions between cycles combine learning with continuity” (Resilience Alliance, 2015c).

Based on and adapted from Gunderson & Holling (2001), reproduced from Designing Regenerative Cultures

An understanding of cities as Salutogenic processes must embrace that “death is Nature’s ingenious device to create plenty of life” (Goethe, 1829). Periodic disruption, and the dissolution and breakdown of ossified structures that no longer serve are important aspects of dynamic change in natural systems — cities included! Salutogenic cities as part of bioregional Socio-Ecological-Systems in transformation need to persist, adapt and transform in response to changing circumstances. Often it is the breakdown of rigid old structures, outdated patterns and processes that no longer serve that actually enable the breakthrough to new patterns of health and regeneration”

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

The world's rivers flow lmapped by Hungarian cartographer Robert Szucs, who sells these maps as art for download on Etsy. The maps are scientifically accurate, with the thickness of each line representing the size of each waterway. Different drainage basins are captured in different colours. See: grasshopergeography.etsy.com/RobertSzucs/BNPS

“Re-inhabitation”: Return to bioregional futures Sir Patrick Geddes (1915) suggested that cities should be planned within the biological, ecological, geological, hydrological, climatological, and socio-cultural context of their region. The great American urbanist Lewis Mumford (1961) was very much influenced by Geddes and in turn inspired the work of the landscape architect Ian L. McHarg, who’s book ‘Design with Nature’ (1969) and TV show ‘The House We Live In’ on CBS contributed significantly to the first rise of environmental and ecological awareness in the 1970s. His ‘over-lay mapping’ approach followed Geddes’ suggestion and eventually evolved into the Geographic Information System (GIS) software that is now used by planners everywhere - sadly not with a focus on regional regeneration.

Watersheds are a useful starting point for exploring bioregional boundaries and situating cities within the context of their bioregion. Clearly some watersheds of the world’s major rivers are so large that the appropriate scale for bioregional context for cities within them might require defining sub-regions within one large watershed.

A large part of our species history is based on bioregional patterns of inhabiting the Earth in close reciprocity with the opportunities and challenges of particular ecosystems. Whether during the many millennia of our Nomadic existence or among the early settled cultures, our patterns of living were closely matched to the uniqueness of the places and regions we inhabited. Bioregional patterns of organisations are not something new. We are invited to combine the wisdom of indigenous cultures with the best of modern (appropriate) technology to rematch our human presence into the bio-physical realities of regions within the limits of planetary boundaries (Rockström et al, 2009). It is at the local and bioregional scales that we can transform the impact of the world’s cities. With more than half of humanity living in urban areas the creation of bioregionally

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World regenerative cities will be a critical contribution to the redesign of the human impact on Earth from being exploitative and degenerative to being regenerative and healing! “Those who envision a possible future planet on which we continue […], and where we live by the green and the sun, have no choice but to bring whatever science, imagination, strength, and political finesse they have to the support of the inhabitory people—natives and peasants of the world. In making common cause with them, we become ‘reinhabitory’.”—Gary Snyder, 1976 The process of healing our relationship with each other, with the Earth and the wider community of life is a process of “re-inhabitation.” The poet Gary Snyder saw this rematching of human affairs to the uniqueness of each place and its story as the central aim of bioregional regeneration. Snyder worked closely with the early bioregionalists Peter Berg and Raymond Dasmann of the Planet Drum Foundation.

creative field effect that reorientates our ‘doing’ and ‘being’ toward the process of ‘unveiling’ or ‘manifesting’ latent potential sourced out of the bio-cultural uniqueness of each place. I believe, working with cities to transform them into Salutogenic processes and weaving the complex cross-sector, multi-stakeholder collaborations that are necessary for bioregional regeneration requires us to work patiently over the long term. Initially we need to pay less attention to the physical design decisions or infrastructural changes that are clearly required and focus instead on patiently nurturing the emergence of regenerative cultural expressions — isolated at first and then woven into an infectious story.

Islands as case studies for bioregional regeneration The Planet Drum Foundation (1973) described a bioregion as “a distinct area with coherent and interconnected plant and animal communities, and natural systems, often defined by a watershed. A bioregion is a whole "life-place" with unique requirements for human inhabitation so that it will not be disrupted and injured”. There is no one-size-fits-all blueprint for Salutogenic Cities within regenerative bioregional economies. If we aim to implement this vision we have to do so in deep connection to a place and its people. Regenerative practice aims to identify the unique essence of people and place and enable their contribution to improved health. To find this essence we need to pay attention to the ‘story of place’ (Regenesis Group) and work from the potential of people and place rather than fall into the habits of ‘problem solving’ in a piecemeal fashion. Regeneration starts with personal development, including individual and collective capacity building. This, in turn, creates a culturally

The island of Mallorca has a cosmopolitan yet relatively small city of just under half a million inhabitants on a landmass of 3640 km2 with a population of just under one million. Along with its extremely diverse Mediterranean climate pattern and an exceptionally high food plant biodiversity make the island an excellent case study for bioregional regeneration and the transition to regionally focussed circular biomaterials economies.

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World into an emerging culture of regeneration that the next decade will be marked by surprising systemic transformations stemming in part from these collective efforts.? Each place and each culture is different. Here on Mallorca, turning Palma into a Salutogenic city to enable regional regeneration also requires engaging the tourism industry that affects 80% of the island’s economy into a conversation about ‘regenerative tourism’. An important part of working regeneratively—practicing Salutogenic design—is to re-perceive what is framed as a problem as a potential solution pathway. Every day there are more of us asking the central question:

The global Extinction Rebellion movement has made the above one of their core principles. I was delighted to see them use a direct quote from my book ‘Designing Regenerative Cultures’ as their inspiration for this principle, and have recently engaged them in a positive conversation about why the plural in ‘regenerative cultures’ matters. A healthy world will thrive on diversity and regenerative cultures will express that diversity sourced out of the uniqueness of place and nourished by the essence of the people (re)inhabiting that place.

How can we enable a culturally creative process of engagement— between people and with this place — in ways that manifest the potential of this city-region to become Salutogenic by enhancing the capacity of everyone to find and express their unique essence and contribute to systemic health and regeneration?

Working with people, inviting them into dialogue, education and capacity building, awareness raising, creating public spaces where people can explore the questions they hold about their children’s future and the future of their place, listening deeply to their stories and how the place speaks through them, paying close attention to what wants to emerge are all foundations of such culturally creative work. I moved to Mallorca in late 2010 to begin my own process of reinhabitation: to grow roots, community connection and create a home for my family while aiming to be of service to this place and its people. I did so in part because of the unique opportunity that islands present to work on bioregional regeneration. It helps that their boundaries are so clearly defined. After 10 years, I feel positive that we have connected a sufficient diversity of locally committed people Dr. Daniel Christian Wahl — www.danielchristianwahl.com — Salutogenic Cities

Daniel Christian Wahl, PhD,

Information and Energy Fields

Peter Merry

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Working With Information and Energy Fields for City Coherence There are methods for experienced practitioners to work with the energy and information fields of large systems like cities and organizations within cities to increase vitality, coherence and performance.

Copyright © 2020 Ubiquity University, Inc. All rights reserved

ECOintention is a method with 20+ years of researched and validated experience. Peter Merry

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World You can think of reality as having three levels of architecture – the material that we can see, the quality of relationships and the energy/information fields.

Copyright © 2020 Ubiquity University, Inc. All rights reserved

Peter Merry

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Anything with a name and a boundary (e.g. a city) has a field of information and energy associated with it that can be worked with consciously.

Copyright © 2020 Ubiquity University, Inc. All rights reserved

Peter Merry

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Information and energy fields are impacted by the intention of the person or people who are responsible for the entity (e.g. city).


Moves Matter

Proven by 28 years of research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research project

Peter Merry

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World There are principles for those responsible for an entity (e.g. city) that enable them to keep the information and energy fields coherent. For example: Boundaries




Peter Merry

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Organizations like Impact Hub in Amsterdam have used the ECOintention balancing process to help them move to a more complex operating system within their city, to serve more effectively in a VUCA world.

Peter Merry

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Caring for Place In this section we start with appreciating the City as a Whole Living System in an eco-regional context through the evolution of Sifco forest management over the last 20 years.

We expand our perspectives of 10 City Assets and Capitals with Wisdom Economies that co-relate Supply Chain stakeholders. We learn how to design Project Management inquiries and Project Manager capacities in a VUCA world of ever-increasing diversity. We realize that citizens serve cities and cities serve citizens in the Nest City exploration of work. We see a whole nation of cities in Living Cities emerging because they are building on the 4 Voices and Master Code of Integral City. We explore how a whole planet of Ecovillages organize Cultural, Social, Economic and Ecological capacities for all village scales, including Urban Ecovillages. We ground our Sustainable City Design with an architecture of Regional-Climate Responsiveness. We discern the insights from the Knowing Field and subtle realms with a Systemic Constellation of OneCity.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative

Stephan Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World SIFCo as a living case study for creating integral change The Context: We are facing challenges of unprecedented complexity and scale, to the point of exponential existential threat to human civilization. From exponential technology to overshoot in Climate Change Modelling, these challenges are coming at us faster than expected:

Image: Scripps InsCtuCon of Oceanography, University of California – San Diego (scripps.ucsd.edu/programs/keelingcurve)

We, therefore, need a response that is fast, precise, and radical, and that takes the following into consideration: • Human capacity and willingness for change • Economic systems that support necessary change • Ecosystem capacity for adaptation • On-the-ground examples of such change happening in real time that are replicable and scalable • Acknowledgment that these challenges are global in scope - we are in this together

Stephan Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World SIFCo as a living case study for creating integral change The Journey – Key Steps to implement integral change: 1. Identify the various value systems you will be working with. In the context of a city, it is the full spectrum. 2. Work with each value system individually at first; resist the "everyone in the room/round-table” habit! 3. Inquire and listen deeply. Seek to fully understand and appreciate the world through the lens of each value system. Inhabit the varying values and action logics as much as possible. Keep awakening and engaging your inquisitive self. 4. Learn the language of each action logic and bring flexibility to your use of words (speak their language). 5. Capture the thread of truth that each value system and action logic carries. Leave your preferred outcome at the door, suspend your personal desires. 6. Create solutions that include all of these threads of truth and insight. Identify elevator threads that run through the whole system; those that tie all the value-systems together. 7. Acknowledge the imperfection of integral solutions and recognize the evolving nature of both the solution and the process. 8. Present one step at a time, while keeping in mind the full spectrum of change that needs to happen over the long term. Speak about year 1 while knowing it is a 25-year journey that considers the next 100 years of change. 9. Never cement your movements forward, always make each step capable of evolving, otherwise your positive move of today may become the stumbling blocks of tomorrow. Acknowledge that however great the step forward is, it is only one step – there is no arrival point. 10. Remember that systemic changes interest only about 2% of the population. Get those individuals on board first. The rest will easily support the changes as long as they recognize themselves in the proposed solutions. 11. Creating change is not a personal thing. To be an integral change maker you need to leave your personal hopes and desires at the door; central keys to success are humility and ongoing inquiry. Stephan Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World SIFCo as a living case study for creating integral change An Example of ImplemenOng Integral Change in Forest Management in Canada, BC.: First, some background – The historical context and conflict 1980-2003 – The conflict • Hundreds of local residents blocked access to their watersheds and were arrested because of corporate logging. • On the other side, a Union of workers that feared loss of jobs, and a provincial government that did not want to create a precedent by agreeing to residents’ demands for community control of local resources. • In addiaon, a First Naaon that was seeking recogniaon, and eight governmentsponsored iniaaaves to solve the conflict (millions spent, without successful resoluaon) A solution • 2003 – Integral Forestry is proposed as an approach to navigate this conflict and find a way forward that acknowledges and works with all perspectives involved. • 2005 – The Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative (SIFCo) is created. • 2007 – Following 4 years of negotiations, an Agreement is reached between SIFCo, corporations and the provincial government on a tenure transfer (success due to slide #2) SIFCo's vision • To transcend and Include all perspectives • Ecosystem-Based Management • Climate Change Adaptation and Wildfire Mitigation • Meaningful employment • Education Stephan Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World SIFCo as a living case study for creating integral change SIFCo’s Unfolding: Year 1 (2008): The first step was to address the need for systemic change using a meta-perspectival lens on the agreement with government and identifying fulcrum points that could have long-term leverage. This included, for example, broadening the acceptable species of trees on the land base to account for Climate Change, changing stocking standards in wildfire-prone ecosystems, and reducing the Annual Allowable Cut to account for ecosystem diversity and old growth retention. Year 2 (2009): We did an Ecosystem-Based analysis of the land base, set aside old growth management areas, included the protection of riparian ecosystems, and began Wildfire Mitigation work in a small area close to supportive members of the community to begin on-the- ground demonstration and education on Climate Change adaptation. Year 3 (2010): We signed a 99-year lease with government, expanded our Wildfire mitigation work, and gave our first provincial presentation on the approach and concept of SIFCo. Our conclusion? The world is not yet quite ready for our approach :) Years 4-6 (2011 – 2013): We expanded our work: we grew our on-theground workforce, educated the public, reached 95% support from the local community, and participated in a comprehensive study of Climate Change in the region, looking at different scenarios of how this will affect our future and what the range of variability is. Years 7-8 (2014-15): We imported leading-edge software (developed for US Forest Services) and built a simulation of potential fire behavior characteristics under varying conditions. After thousands of virtual fire ignitions, we identified main travel corridors in the landscape. From these findings, we created a Landscape Level Wildfire Mitigation Plan for the Slocan Valley (first of its kind in Canada). Stephan Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World SIFCo as a living case study for creating integral change Year 9 (2016): We released this plan and received our first million $ grant for its implementation. We gave numerous presentations at the provincial level and got the sense that the mainstream was almost ready. Year 10 (2017): British Columbia had its biggest wildfire season in recorded history; the province wakes up to the scale of the issue. SIFCo’s work becomes highly relevant and interest in its approach is high. Year 11 (2018): Government approaches SIFCo to co-sponsor a conference: 225 delegates from all levels of government, industry and NGOs are present at a sold-out conference. 2018 is an even a bigger wildfire year than 2017, and now the needs for decisive action has become obvious at a provincial level. That year also marks the beginning of SIFCo’s reintroduction of prescribed fire in fire-prone ecosystems. A series of documentaries are released by SIFCo. SIFCo’s negotiated Stocking Standards, acceptable species & other sustainable standards (from 2007) are now standards for all tenure holders in BC. Year 12 (2019): SIFCo begins a new phase of the work by forming a coalition of three municipalities with the goal of making them more resilient to climate change. The program includes: community education - emergency preparedness - inter-agency collaboration - wildfire mitigation work - private land incentives. SIFCo makes their film crew available to other organizations and begins shooting videos on river restoration, lake stewardship, and wilderness education. Year 13 (2020): In addition to continuing the work above, this year begins a new research project: The relationship between carbon emission, wildfire mitigation and forest ecosystems. We are now three years away from completing our initial Landscape Level Climate Change Adaptation and Wildfire Mitigation plan started in 2008. Our prescribed fires file is growing, with 700 hectares planned for this spring. The journey continues. Interest in our work is now very high, with ongoing requests for consulting and replication. Stephan Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World SIFCo as a living case study for creating integral change With all this work underway, we are aware that our efforts are helpful but not sufficient, given that we are part of a global ecosystem. As a global community, the following steps are necessary as we lean into the future: Onward and forward – next steps: §

Change agents need to become champions at collaboration, and we are terrible at it. The problem is not ‘Trump’ or the ‘others’; the real challenge is us – people with capacity, yet not able to cooperate with each other at a meta-systemic level, not being able to really embody the insight that every perspective holds gems and that it is these gems we need to focus on, to blow wind into, to utilize to tie us together. We need to FULLY realize that our own perspective is partial; from this we can gain a humble, courageous, inquisitive stance. Change happens when stress (like the Coronavirus) and readily available solutions combine. We need to work on solutions prior to the stress coming on, and as humans we tend to respond only when the stress is in our face. Thus we need to “pre-sense“ – to be in touch with the future in order to ready ourselves.


We need to deeply learn and implement the key steps in slide #2


Ego will kill us if it can. Ego gets more subtle as consciousness evolves, so we need to be aware of how we tend to sabotage evolution, even with great intentions. The more consciousness, the more responsibility we have. Let’s look at what needs to evolve in us. Let’s teach by example and remember that the solution is all-considerate and non-rivalrous.


We have most of the solutions today; the real challenge is for people capable of seeing these, to come together and begin implementing them. Notice in your life how your perspective competes with others, what is at the root of this?


The larger systems that are both holding societies together as well as considerably slowing down our evolution (Economic - Education - Energy Transportation - Communication - Governance) have been pretty much created and practiced in their current forms over the last 150 years. Considering our exponential capacity, both in consciousness and technology, vectoring them toward a saner world should not take much more than a decade or two if we learn to collaborate – that is the great task at hand.


Finally, solutions will not come from the same consciousness that created the challenges. Solutions to today’s problems are found in meta-modern perspectives. We need to think outside the box and realize that the box only actually exists through the power that we collectively give it.

To learn more about SIFCo’s and Stephan Martineau’s approach to accelerating change in a VUCA world, please visit: www.sifco.ca

Stephan Martineau

Integral Project Design Andrew Becker & Danielle Huffaker

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Integral Without Borders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Integral Without Borders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Integral Without Borders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Integral Without Borders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Integral Without Borders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Integral Without Borders

Wisdom Economies

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Civic Institutions, Business & 3rd Sector want more of the right kinds of IMPACT It isn’t enough to just measure impact or even have more impact. Rather you want to make sure you are having more of the right kinds of impact. The MetaImpact Framework enables organizations to: • • • • •

Close the gap between its mission and its impact in the world Expand what gets measured using established metrics (1P, 2P, & 3P data) – a shift from objective to visible. Include and understand the four critical relationships between behavior, systems, relationships, and mindsets Measure what is most important to the organization Achieve the four types of impact: Clear, High, Deep, and Wide

Tell better stories about the unique impact you are having

The MetaImpact Framework Ecosystem Integrative tools for designing and implementing systems and Wisdom Economies for any project, organization, community, or society. These tools simultaneously: • Maximize positive mission driven impacts (while minimizing negative impacts)– cultivating true, thriving sustainability • Increase the value generated from current efforts • Guide more effective daily operations, and • Make visible whole new categories of value creation

Design Qs • What are the most important types of capital? • What is their relationship & how can they be included in an integrated fashion? • How to measure them, make them visible? (e.g., currency = visible flow of energy/value.) Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Why the MetaImpact Framework? No other multicapital system does even half of the following:

• • • • •

Evolves triple bottom lines approaches to multidimensional thriving Simultaneously transforms mindsets, behaviors, culture, and systems Includes informal, formal, and professional metrics Integrates impacts, capitals, metrics, and bottom lines Is anchored in the academic, research, and measurement literature

From monocapitalism to thriving multicapitalism

Financial only capitalism– harmful liquidation of all other capitals to produce profit

Triple bottom line–focused on third-person “objective” data and usually leaves out interiors of the individual

MetaImpact– all the perspectives and capitals to truly thrive! Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Wisdom Economics Cultivate and track multiple forms of value in a way that preserves the wholeness of people and systems. Are wise because they make room for and integrate the insights from all 10 of the major domains of human knowledge and understanding. This allows us to design systems that work for all of us and the planet.

4 Dimensions 4 Types of Impact Clear, High, Wide, & Deep 10 Types of Capital Health, Human, Manufactured, Financial, Natural, Cultural, Social, Knowledge, Psychological, & Spiritual

3 Types of Data Subjective (1p), Intersubjective (2p), & Objective (3p) 4 Types of Bottom Lines Profit, Planet, Purpose, & People

The Wisdom of All 10 Capitals in Action The Problem • South Australia employs 500 Allied Health Professionals (Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians, Social Workers, Speech Pathologists, Podiatrists) • 2009 very high vacancy rates (20% Dietitians, >50% Physiotherapists and Podiatrists) • 2 – 4 rounds of advertising to fill vacant positions (attraction problem) • Very high turnover; 50% churn every 3 years (retention problem) • Very young, inexperienced workforce; over 55% graduated <3 years ago • High rates of burnout Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Analysis of Problem – 10 Capitals of MetaImpact Framework • Burnout • Lack of professional development support • Low confidence to deliver on expected broad scope of practice • Knowledge/ skills gaps

• Feeling undervalued & misunderstood • Unclear role scope (unclear purpose)

• Workplace stress and safety concerns • High sick leave, turnover • Clinical scope of role broader than skills & capabilities

• Professionally isolated

• Demand for services higher than capacity

• Personally isolated, away from family and friend supports

• Cost of regular travel to see family, costs of training and support

• Unfamiliar lifestyle and environment (culturally very different to the city)

• Geographically isolated environment, travel safety risks (eg: kangaroos)

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Interventions – 10 Capitals of MetaImpact Framework • Transition to Rural & Remote

Professional Practice Program

• Country-wide Professional

Development Program developed ($2K/year)

• Training and development

strategy per profession

• Country-wide Profession

Networks established, clarification of role scope & purpose

• Clinical Supervision/

Mentoring (debriefing, professional support)

• Isolated Worker policy • Clinical Governance &

leadership structure, career progression pathway

• University partnerships,

• Country-wide Service Access

• Country-wide professional

• $2K/year for professional

student placements

networks, annual F2F meet

• Orientation/induction

program with focus on linking into local sporting activities, community

& Prioritisation framework development

• Isolated worker policy and


• Strengthened local peer

networks, social life

• Young Professionals Program

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Results (3 – 5 years) – in all 4 Impacts • Staff report increased levels of job satisfaction, pride, clarity of role, higher levels of optimism • Increased number of presentations delivered at state and national conferences (showcasing good work,


• Strong country-wide professional networks, sharing of resources, standardisation of practices, strong

sense of collective professional identify and connectedness • Increased volume of services provided • Reduction in recruitment costs, reduction in locum

agency costs • Reduced vacancy rates to <5% across all Allied Health Professions

• Increased number of applications received for vacant


• Majority of vacant roles filled within the first round of


• Increased retention of Allied Health Professional Staff •

20% increase in Level 2 roles, 53 level 3 roles created, 1 level 4 role created per profession Average length of tenure increased by almost 12 months

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD

Nest City Beth Sanders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Beth Sanders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Beth Sanders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Beth Sanders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Beth Sanders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Beth Sanders

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Beth Sanders

Living Cities

Lev Gordon

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World



From inner integrity to Integral City development

Lev Gordon

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World STRATEGY

Living Cities – a space for integration and vibrant communication that attracts advanced leaders from all walks of life to support together integral human development and social evolution

[1] CONNECTING LEADERS создание сообщества созидателей #1 в России, взаимоподдержка, соединение ресурсов, обмен знаниями и опытом Функции ЖГ организация Форума Живых городов и других мероприятий, развитие связей между лидерами сообществ и проектов Форматы строим сообщество созидателей, оживителей и лидеров развития, проводим мероприятия, ведём совместные проекты, исследуем и продвигаем лучшие практики, выпускаем сборники реализованных кейсов, проводим Премию Нобеля за лучшие городские проекты Строим сообщество с открытым центром, создаём результаты группами людей, связанными общими ценностями и видением.

OUR MISSION 1000 Living Cities by 2035 OUR STRATEGY Connecting leaders, enlivening cities bottom-up and top-down

[2] ENLIVENING TOP DOWN участие в разработке государственных программ, крупных сетевых проектов, влияющих на десятки и сотни городов Функции ЖГ работа экспертов, разработка программ, GR и PR

Форматы работа в национальных приоритетных проектах, экспертных советах и группах разработки при АСИ, ФРМ, ОПРФ, Минстрое, Госдуме, СФ РФ, индивидуальная работа с ЛПР, консалтинг, исследования, публикации, спикеры на форумах и конференциях, в СМИ * Живые города - экспертная платформа №1 в России по интегральному развитию городов.

[3] ENLIVENING BOTTOM-UP поддержка лидеров развития на местах Функции ЖГ образование, просвещение, методическое сопровождение, поддержка проектов, интегральное развитие лидеров в 1000 городах Форматы Популяризация нового видения развития городов через Премию Живых городов, форумы, медиа, соцсети, онлайн и офлайн мастерские для лидеров развития в 1000 городах, Школа Живых городов, Школа городских коммуникаций, стажировки, программы от экспертов и партнёров, координация между лидерами и проектами, методическое сопровождение и обмен опытом между командами и городами

Lev Gordon

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

• • • • •


Solving the problem together

Many cities – as complex living organisms - are weak

Unite leaders of 4 voices / urban communities

Society is divided, low Trust, Communication and Collaboration Management system from the 20th century can’t meet challenges of the 21st Young people, talents and capital leaving the city Infrastructure is deteriorating, meanings are lost, low energy overall Need new ways to bring life back to the city

Unlock creative energy hidden in people and communities • Engage citizens in problem solving and city management • Build Trust and Integrity through Communication and Collaboration • Create common Vision and start building future together Start the engine of integral city development

Renaissance of a city ..

…and a country

Collective intelligence runs the city development

• • • •

People enjoy living here, they feel the city as their home Together, they are crea~ng a healthy modern city City becomes a rac~ve for youth, talents and capital Together, leaders of 4 voices ensure sustainable integral city development

Collective intelligence of cities activates development

• 1000 Living Cities by 2035 • Living Cities and engaged city communities drive the country development • Healthy and dynamic, conscious and integrally developing cities will transform Russia • into an integrally developed country, a leader in sustainable development by 2100

Lev Gordon

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World What kind of cities do we want to live in? “we want to see Living Cities – life-supporting spaces, where a modern person could live happily and work productively” -- from a street interview

4 dimensions of a city

Unite leaders of 4 voices + Engage 1% of citizens

Lev Gordon

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World “If you want your city to be alive, you should understand what’s its source of energy, its concept, what activities will take place there”

-- Emir Kusturica, movie director, creator of Kustendorf village, special guest of Living Cities Forum 2016 and a winner of Nobel award for best urban practices

Living Cities born from Loving Gaze

3 groups of Citizens: degrees of influence

1. Cities are complex living systems 2. To prosper they need to restore interconnectedness and activate collective intelligence 3. 4 levels of the city development I-We-City-Cities (and Planet) 4. 6 steps: Innate Creativity Creative Energy inside each of us – Communication – Coordination – Cooperation – Culture of collaboration – Capitalization 10 kinds of capital 5. We create a Living City through loving attitude, words and actions filled with love. 6. Our capacity for love is the true foundation of blossoming, integration and development of a human being, a city and a society. Lev Gordon

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Living Cities – an integration space for leaders and communities

Living Cities The Charter of Living Cities states that we could live happily and build thriving cities – when we discover and bring integrity, awareness and loving attitude to every breath and every step we make. Living Cities community of practice connects thousands city makers and integral practitioners across several countries and was born out of an annual Forum of Living Cities in 2014 in Izhevsk, Russia. A magic journey to community’s mission “1000 Living Cities by 2035” leads us through connecting leaders and communities to taking transformative action on every level – from an individual to a city and to our planet Earth. Lev Gordon

Global Ecovillage Network

Taisa Mattos, Anna Kovasna, Kosha Joubert & Design Camila Olarte

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Global Ecovillage Network - Map of Regeneration ECOVILLAGE DEFINITION AND PRINCIPLES ECOVILLAGE: A community using participatory design processes to integrate the ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions of sustainability into a whole systems pathway towards a regenerative future.

Global Ecovillage Network

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Working at different scales


www.ecovillage.org Global Ecovillage Network

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World With 5 Ecovillage Programmes

Ecovillage Development And Transition

Ecovillage Incubation


Eco Schools For Eco Communities Urban Eco Neighbourhoods Global Ecovillage Network

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World GEN Regenerative Urban Communities CREATING COMMUNITIES ANYWHERE

When we talk about creating community in urban areas, we are not referring specifically to residential communities, but to creating ‘the spirit of community’, a community field of trust and mutual support, collaborative and meaningful relationships in neighborhoods, community houses, community-led projects, schools and organisations. What really matters is to strengthen community ties, to dream, plan and work together for the benefit of all. Urban communities can take different forms depending on the group´s purpose and each participant´s choice. They can be residential or non-residential, more or less communitarian, shared income based or not. They can have their own space or be scattered around the city. The most common types within GEN network are: 1. Urban Ecovillages 2. Co-housing Communities 3. Coliving Communities 4. Transition Neighbourhoods 5. Regenerative Urban Community-Led Initiatives

Global Ecovillage Network

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Diversity: a Key for Regeneration


Global Ecovillage Network

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Ecovillage Impact Assessment


100% provide education in sustainable development, regenerative lifestyles and climate change adaptation 90% sequester carbon in soil and biomass 97% restore or replenish sources and cycles of water 97% restore damaged or degraded ecosystems 2020



Ecovillages researched

100 Global Ecovillage Network

Integral Sustainable Design

Mark DeKay

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Regional Urban Expression via Climate-Responsive Design: prospects and limits through an integral lens In 2020 we see trends of globalization, continued industrialization, centralization and corporatization. The effect is a smoothing out of the character and distinctions of buildings and urban design worldwide. This is exacerbated by concentrated sources of fossil fuel energy that have allowed cultures to increasingly disconnect from the local materials from which their indigenous buildings were constructed, allowing movement of industrial building products over distances inconceivable even a hundred years ago. The same fossil fuel use has driven mechanized artificial heating, cooling and lighting, disconnecting inhabitants from the natural forces of sun, wind and light that previously required builders to adapt to the local climate. The free flow of knowledge by electronic means has made the modern architectural icons of capitalism available in the most remote of places globally. This combination of forces is rapidly homogenizing distinctive built urban cultural expressions, while simultaneously forcing global climate change. Buildings alone are responsible for about 40% of energy use and greenhouse gases.

Fig 1. Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Ahmedabad, India, Bimal Patel, architect, breezy courts and shaded circulation in a composite hot climate. (DeKay & Brown, 2014)

Can regional cultural identity be saved or will the future of architecture and cities follow the way of the ubiquitous white plastic stacking chair? In solving the climate crisis by design, can we also recover a place-based built expression for the durable values of diverse cultures? It is well understood that halting climate change requires the shift to an economy based on renewable energy and materials. For buildings that means beginning with climate as a context and implementing bioclimatically appropriate design strategies in an architectural regionalism. Renewable energy production cannot supply fossil fuel era levels of consumption. Demand for energy will have to be radically reduced so that the distributed energies of sun-powered photovoltaics and wind

Fig. 2 Wall Building, Resolute Bay, NWT, Canada, Ralph Erskine. A continuous solid wall building wraps a wind-protected community in an arctic climate. (DeKay & Brown, 2014)

Mark DeKay

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World generators will affordably supply people’s needs in buildings. The current professional targets move buildings toward carbon-neutrality and net-zero energy, the latter meaning that the building produces as much energy on site annually as it consumes. In Sun, Wind & Light: architectural design strategies, 3rd edition, we use a hierarchical approach to designing for net-zero (Fig 3). “The hierarchy suggests solving the energy design problem with the lowest level of technology possible and the least cost strategies, while also substituting embodied intelligence in architectural form for hardware.” Designing to fit the climate addresses the bottom three levels of this hierarchy. Since climate is a regional phenomenon, climate-responsive design generates variations in building form similar to how natural ecosystems and species are varied based on their underlying conditions. This stands in stark contrast to the flattening forces of architectural globalizations. Buildings in Miami and Marrakesh will be different; Stockholm and Singapore manifest as radically different expressions. Buildings designed to light with the sky, heat with the sun and cool with the wind and earth also provide one basis for regionally adapted architectural languages that give identity to the people living in particular places. The physical urban context determines the access for each building to the site-based resources of sun, wind and light. Fig. 4 shows how street orientation and block massing might be shaped to insure such renewable resource access while also accommodating the site and property variability already present in a city. The famous Indian architect Charles Correa proclaimed that “Form follows climate.” While this argument is, in integral terms, partially true, it is also evident that climate is not the only driver of building and urban form. We can also consider cultural practices, human activities, individual experiences (such as aesthetic experience), and materials and methods of construction as significant influences.

Fig. 3 Hierarchy of strategies for net-zero energy design (DeKay & Brown, 2014)

Fig. 4 Design sequence for optimizing access to sun, wind and light in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Study by Mark DeKay and Grant Joerger (2017)

Mark DeKay

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World In Integral Sustainable Design: transformative perspectives (DeKay, 2011), we proposed that a designer’s awareness required six fundamental intelligences (lines), each contributing to the generation of built form, whether it is a building or a city (Fig. 5). Climate, as a form-generating complex of forces, falls under “place and context” as an aspect of the situational Nature in which buildings are always rooted. In the same way that macro-climate is regionally variable from rain-forest to desert and tropics to the poles, each of the other processes that contribute their influence to process-form (Fig. 6), that is, Behaviour, Use, Experience and Thought has a regional or local dimension. This raises the fundamental question:

Fig 5. Six lines of design awareness, unfolding in complexity within the mind of the architect, but also already always integrated (DeKay, 2011)

How can we understand what is local, regional and universal among the progenitors of built form? Modernism in design can be observed to have expressed in two broad modes: internationalism and regionalism. While we can now see the insanity of an international modernism of the same grids, single use zones, object buildings free of contribution to larger urban patterns, bias to automobile transport, etc.—a one-size-fits-all urban template—its lesser known alternative, regionalism, also conflates multiple scales into a singular dominant influence. For example climate, as a regional pattern is lumped into regionalism along with topography, a local site-specific variable. Fig. 7 Shows a sketch idea for a series of nested scales. Internationalism uses the same architectural forms, typologies, urban organizations, materials and technologies throughout the world, as if none of the lower scales of complexity have significant influence on what form and expression buildings and cities take. Most regionalists do the same within a region’s geographic scope, yet climate, topography, culture, way of life, schools of thought, etc., vary within lesser territorial dimensions than a region. Contextual variability is exponentially inverse to territorial scope.

Fig 6. Types of process-form relationships in design (DeKay, 2011)

Fig 7. Scope and variability of built form patterns

Mark DeKay

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Formal differentiation increases with span, not scope. Therefore, what is universal in building and urban design is that which is the most invariable: gravity, human physiology, the organs of perception and the sub-cortical processing of sensation, the length of the solar year, and so on. An arch follows the same physics-based structural principles everywhere on the planet. No humans are over ten feet tall, so human scale matters everywhere, and our human sense of vertical and horizontal are invariant. At the regional level, macro-climate might provide similar conditions, for example in the















Sun, Wind, & Light Patterns












Progenitors of built form influence the order of places downward in complexity.




Each level of nested holarchic complexity can be understood as being constituted by relationships among patterns at a lower level. Each higher order pattern helps organize the ones below it. A generalized scheme for patterns of green infrastructure across five complexity levels is given in Fig 8 (DeKay & Moir-McClean, 2006). Boxes show patterns that our research focused on developing. In this way, regions extend their influence on form and organization one level down, not many. In Sun, Wind & Light, we use nine levels, from Materials (level 1) to Neighborhoods (Level 9). In integral terms, lower levels have greater span and number, but less extensive geographic scope, while higher levels have greater depth, fewer number and more extensive scope. We may now define two qualified design precepts.

Fig 8. Map of high order green infrastructure acrosspatterns scales from region to neighborhood (DeKay & Moir-McClean, 2006) Mappatterns of high order & their context PGI book patterns are boxed

Mark DeKay

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

The levels of complexity in our discussion so far apply only in the exteriors, to the right-side quadrants and not strictly to individual experiences or to cultural meaning. Fig. 9 was developed to help understand architectural experience (upper left quadrant) in its fourquadrant integral context (DeKay, 2020). Readers, if not familiar with Wilber’s model can undoubtedly find it explained in other papers within this volume. Levels of complexity in human artefacts are a lower-right systems affair, as are issues of life activities, ecology, urban infrastructure, etc. Scale, scope, geography, climate, materials, construction methods, finance, etc. apply to the right side empirical world where things can be measured and mapped. Regionalist design theory recognizes that environmental conditions, such as climate and materials, are not the only drivers that can differentiate design in one place from that in another—and by doing so resist the erasure of difference and identity at work under globalism. Frampton (1987), in an influential essay on critical regionalism, addresses both the broader culture and “schools of thought” in the building community, along with the role of clients. However, few thinkers in this domain distinguish the [LR] scales of nested networks of systemic contexts from the UR basic environmental conditions. Neither do they have any awareness of [UL] stages of consciousness or have a powerful enough language to distinguish [LL] worldviews. Fig. 10 in a simplified way suggests some major progenitors of differentiated localized/regional urban built


Fields of Experiental Possibilities

Distribution of Enviornmental Conditions I WE


tropics, while microclimates create significant variances. For example, the high altitude cities of Cuenca and Quito in Ecuador experience conditions referred to as “eternal spring,” whereas lower elevation might be the always hot-humid Amazon rainforest. Similarly, my home region is topographically called the “ridge and valley district” while individual building sites can be alternately relatively flat or unbuildable in their steepness. Topography is a most local type of progenitor.



Backgrounds of Interpretation

IT ITS Organizations of Architectual Space

Fig 9. The integral context of architectural experience (DeKay, 2020)

Fig 10. Major differentiating progenitors of urban form

Mark DeKay

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World form as parsed into the four quadrants. Each quadrant in the diagram is a different primary orienting perspective in which the methods used reveal the phenomena studied in radically different ways. While the scope of this short essay does not allow the development of interaction details, such as the relationship between proximate materials, construction practices, the local building economy and its related building culture, for example, it can, however, serve provisionally to point towards the range of factors that may vary at regional and sub-regional territorial scopes. Many observers have noted that powerful forces are at work, from global corporate capitalism to fossil fuel driven planetary transport to the media and internet transmission of seductive and consumptive images of modern and western lifestyles. Therefore, it is even more important that the resistance to these homogenizing forces that is presenced by an informed regionalism and localism (including bioclimatic design regionalism) become integrally informed. One last issue is worth mentioning in brief, the common false dialectic between the Traditional and Modern, between conservation and progress and subsequently, progress as myth. Past-present-future is an improper continuum for a pragmatic theory of the city. Alternately, time is a vector in service to development in complexity and richness. Preservationmaintenance-innovation form an equally deluded if partially true trilogy. A city in development is a city in transformation, an ongoing process of evolution, a transcendence of the unworkable disasters of both pre-modern and modern, and now also postmodern, while integrally including their workable dignities in the creation of new orders. In the new city as complex integral artefact, the best of the past, generated by regional extent, limited technology and isolation, becomes the recognizable (thus relevant to continuity) constituent and foundation of the present form, shaped through the addition of its contemporary access to the knowledge of all cultures in all times.

Returning to the opening question of how a cultural continuity of architectural expression and regional identity might be maintained in the midst of rapid change, we end with the proposition that, with respect to design-with-climate: Bioclimatic design articulates a place-empathetic formal expression, to the extent that • intelligence embodied in its configuration is allowed to substitute for hardware and fossil energy • it is allied with a constructive material culture of necessarily limited geographic scope • a hybrid form language is employed such that durable life patterns and values are retained in the transcendence of newer vocabulary fit to emerging conditions. References DeKay, Mark (2020). An Integral Approach to Architectural Experience. Integral European Conference, Siófok, Hungary DeKay, Mark (2011). Integral Sustainable Design: transformative perspectives. Ed. Susanne Bennett. Earthscan, London DeKay, Mark & Grant Joerger (2017). Design Strategies for Wind-Responsive Urban Morphology: Form, Rhythm, and Climate, research project, unpublished. DeKay, Mark & G. Z. Brown (2014). Sun, Wind & Light: architectural design strategies, 3rd ed. Wiley, Hoboken DeKay, Mark & Tracy Moir-McClean (2006). Patterns of Green Infrastructure: Tools for Urban Design, Research Report to Boston Society of Architects Frampton, Kenneth (1987). Ten Points on an Architecture of Regionalism: A Provisional Polemic, Center 3: New Regionalism, Univ. of Texas, Austin, p20-27

Mark DeKay

Systemic Constellations for OneCity Diana Claire Douglas

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World "Through inviting in the Knowing Field, this situates the Integral City work in the realm of consciousness. We have found this vital in making accessible the energetic qualities of the city at all scales of human systems in it...the KF gives insights into the invisible aspects of a city that we believe are continually impacting it through energy, habits, lineages, traumas, and wisdom." Marilyn Hamilton

A Systemic Constellation to explore what serves the well-being of OneCity (an imaginary city) in service of the well-being of Gaia. A case study using Systemic Constellation Work (SCW) as a method for deep enquiry into what is needed to come together for "Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World" — with a special focus on Climate Change. Systemic Constellation Work (SCW): SCW is an experiential method for design, inquiry, research, mapping, testing, seeing the whole system, and changing patterns in consciousness through creating a living dimensional map, within which time, space, distance, direction, movement and (often hidden) dynamics are explored. Bert Hellinger, the founder of SCW, made two discoveries using this phenomenological method of research: the Knowing Field (KF)+ Representative Perception. About the Knowing Field (KF): The KF is a sacred container that has always been here and has been known since ancient times. Some describe it to be like Wifi — present, not limited by space and time, yet invisible. Systemic Facilitators work with the KF consciously.


Photos by Diana Claire

Representative Perception: Human beings are the receptors for the energy and information from the KF – when they are empty of their mental perceptions and using their whole body/mind sensing abilities.

“Stone People” sculptures by John Felice Ceprano, Ottawa River, Ottawa Canada

© Diana Claire Douglas

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Integral City and Systemic Constellation Work: Since 2013 Integral City has used SCW to explore many questions and issues on behalf of Integral City as an organization and on behalf of city transformation. Here are some of the results of these experiments.

“Cities are the most complex of human systems. The normal tools of mapmaking, planning and priority setting cannot reveal all the dynamics that occur within it. SCW seems like the most powerful methodology to tap into the fractal, holarchic capacities of the Integral City." Marilyn Hamilton

a. Wake up the city to her “knowing capacities” as a living system. b. Inform the members of the system by showing the relationship between and amongst all the elements within the system as well as the system as a whole. c. Explore (often hidden) dynamics and restore balance to the system where all players are in their right place and feel strong and centered. d. Inform the system of itself. e. Shift perspectives, shift systems f. Prototype the Human Hive Mind. "It is our belief that our SCW practices have uncovered the early stages of the Human Hive Mind (HHM)." g. Resolve issues: To come to a resolution is not necessarily creating or finding a "solution." Perhaps the problem dissolves or solution emerges from the field. h. Discern in which scale blocks in flow of life are; and to see where the levels of change are possible. i. Experience many ways of knowing: We access levels of knowing — implicit and explicit j. Make visible and accessible the energetic qualities of the city at all scales of human systems in it...the KF gives insights into the invisible aspects of a city that we believe are continually impacting it through energy, habits, lineages, traumas, and wisdom. Diana Claire Douglas

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World The Process Naming the Issue or question: Using the collective intelligence of the participants shared through dialogue, the issue chosen was: Imagine being OneCity together. The goal we are serving is the the well-being of OneCity in service of the well-being of Gaia. Now imagine OneCity has a major climate challenge. Naming the Elements in the Field: Climate Challenges; Citizens, Civic Managers, Business innovators, Civil Society of OneCity; Together; Landscape Angel (Gaia’s local representative); Angel of Peace; Land (every city has a place); Water; Life Force; ability to move into well-being; Dynamic Equilibrium; Resilience; Evolutionary Impulse. Choosing the Elements to be represented: Each participant chose 5-6 elements to be represented. Those Elements most chosen became the Elements represented. 1. Well-being of Gaia 4. Together/4 voices 2. Spirit of OneCity 5. Evolutionary Impulse 3. Climate Challenges 6. Well-being of OneCity With only four participants, #1 and # 6 were not represented until later in the process. All other Elements named + not represented were placed on the periphery of the circle, forming a container for the process. Diana Claire Douglas

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Dimensionalizing the Images: The system is mapped in 3D space (a room, a table-top, on the internet) through the use of markers (people, paper, foam mats, etc). For on-line ZOOM sessions (with participants from many countries) each participant has a clock diagram placed in the center of their floor space. We use the clock to tell each other where the marker for each representative is so that we are all on the same “map.”

Room set-up White in centre = clock diagram Pink= 12 o’clock Yellow 3 o’clock Blue = 6 o’clock Orange = 9 o’clock

Representatives find their place in the Field. #1 and #6 not placed into the Field yet. On clock, 6 is designated the Past and 12 is the Future.

Messages from the Field: Elements: Well-being of Gaia and OneCity not chosen to be represented at beginning. What steps need to happen before they enter? Space: Evolutionary Impulse is at a distance from others at 6. She is on the same line with Spirit of One City in Centre and Together/4 Voices. Climate Challenges on periphery at 11, close to Together/4 Voices. Time: Evolutionary Impulse in Past looking to Future, “not at Together.” Spirit of OneCity is in Present looking into Future, Together/4Voices in the Future looking into farFuture. Climate Challenges close to the Future facing OneCity. Diana Claire Douglas

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World 2. Movements: Well-being of Gaia entered at 9 facing Together/4Voices. Well-being of OnceCity floating on top of Spirit of OneCity. OneCity felt she needed to step back so Well-being was closer to the Future. Together/4 Voices was invited to ground on same plane as others. She landed on the line from centre to 12 and connected with Spirit and Well-being of OneCity. Well-being of Gaia seeing overview and not really connected to anyone. Well-being of OneCity needed to rest in Together/4 Voices, “like relaxing in arms of mother. Then together we transmute into a cloud, rain falls to the earth and that would ground Together more. Movement is happening above the circle.” Well-being of Gaia grew straighter and stronger. Others felt serene.

1. Movements (connections/ no connections) Climate Challenges felt danger from Together. When she noticed Evolutionary Impulse, she relaxed. OnecIty felt drawn to Climate Challenges and stayed in the centre. Evolutionary Impulse felt a yearning to connect with OneCity. OneCity called for the help of Together for reassurance. Together/4 Voices heard her and turned to reach out to her. Evolutionary Impulse moved closer to others, looking at Climate Challenges and when she did, she felt a great sadness and weeping. Climate Challenges had been disinterested and now felt sadness and weeps also. Together/4 Voices felt she was on another plane, above Climate Challenges and Evolutionary Impulse, and wanted to hold both. Climate Challenges said, “No touching!” Evolutionary Impulse suggested they were all connected through breath and everyone relaxed. Diana Claire Douglas

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World 3. Messages from the Field: Spirit of OneCity: Felt not seen and wants to be seen. Deep trust in the Future. Climate Challenges: Felt connected with Evolutionary Impulse and Well-being of Gaia. Named relationship between Spirit of OneCity and Well-being of OneCity and Together/4 Voices as a bit messy. Together/4 Voices: When she came back into the circle she was able to connect with the Well-being of OneCity and as a duo they are not stable because of the tensions on Evolutionary Impulse and Climate Challenges. Evolutionary Impulse: Impulse to be the context for the Challenges, bringing some comfort. Well-being of OneCity: “I started out with the Spirit of OneCity, then felt embrace of Together/4 Voices and I say to Together/4 Voices: “In you is my salvation. Togetherness is my salvation. It is only when you are Together (all 4 voices) can there be a grounded, gentle rain.” It took the Well-being of OneCity connecting with Together/4 Voices, not Together on its own, for the Well-being of Gaia to stand tall. That’s when the Spirit of OneCity responded.. Evolutionary Impulse is in the lead of Climate Challenges. Important for messiness of human relationships to be acknowledged in order to be real. Climate Challenges + Evolutionary Impulse expressed grief - not Humanity! A wondering whether the elements not chosen to be represented - Land, Nature, Gaia, Water – were needed in order to bring a focus and grounding to the represented Elements which were operating in different dimensions. “Well-being of OneCity recognized the power of Together/4 Voices and it doesn’t go far enough. Together/4 Voices hasn’t acted yet. How would that combination impact Climate Challenges? It may be poised with potential”. Next Systemic Constellation Steps: 1. What happens when the Spirit of Lisbon is brought into this circle? 2. What is needed to bring 4 Voices together? © Diana Claire Douglas

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Caring for Others In this section we start with Parenting – taking as sacred service parental presence for and with our children to create conditions for their security and growth. We offer Integral Coaching – to support others (and ourselves) to view the metaphors which keep us stuck in Current Conditions and learn how Coaching can support us to change to a New Metaphor that expands our context and our capacity. We explore organizational care through Synnervate’s case study of Rotterdam Port that reveals how our organizations have functional organs as mirrors of cities who are Gaia’s Reflective Organs. We discover the power of organizations in the Civil Society/Third Sector to serve all 4 Voices of the City at all scales – Citizens, Civic Managers, Business/Innovators and other Civil Society/Third Sector organizations. We co-create the Meshwork that will align our many capacities around a superordinate goal and help us navigate our way to coherence. We consider the power of Storytelling to the Future for making sense of a "Place We Can All Call Home.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Parenting as Integral Evolutionary Activism

Miriam Mason Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Parenting as integral evolutionary activism for a sane world When considering parenang in our volaale, uncertain, increasingly complex and ambiguous world, we stand at the interface between the inamate world we cocreate with our child and the world-at-large that we are introducing and orienang them to. In this context we are tasked with creaang both sanctuary and bridge, as well as — together with our children and youth — finding a path forward toward a saner world.

Sanctuary: to allow our children to experience first-hand the sancaty of life,

of their life. To give them an embodied sense of safety, acceptance and love. To offer them a sane reference point and matrix from which to draw upon throughout their lives. To let them taste and know their birthright: to be seen, to be heard, to be loved and welcomed wholeheartedly, to take their seat in this universe, to play and explore, to become who they are, to engage their will, to express themselves, to change their surroundings as well as to adapt to them, and eventually, to facilitate this for others too. From the relaave safety and nourishment of incubaaon in the womb, sanctuary offers our children an extended womb space, gradually expanding to a family culture that allows them to enter the world in a way that both honors their unique essence — as well as prepares them for the world “out there”. As parents, as families, we are invited to recreate culture, to siÖ through all the assumpaons, habits and givens, and to choose anew: what do we keep, what do we let go of, what do we recycle and evolve? We stand at a very paracular juncture between what was and what can be: a perfect moment to engage the fullness of our imaginaaon and vision, to encourage evoluaon of the good, true and beauaful to take foot ever more firmly in our family culture at home, then beyond. It is a moment (many moments!) of potenaal healing, of releasing mulageneraaonal trauma and condiaoning to make space for new choices, of stepping into ‘first-hand’ parenang instead of a hand-me-down version. It is the work of including and transcending, through the lens of discernment and making new choices. Miriam Mason Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Parenting as integral evolutionary activism for a sane world Imagining is one of the first ways to begin change. As you imagine, you carve out space in your consciousness for a saner world, and then follow with actions and gestures to take you there. Imagine, for example, a society in which every participant comes from an experience of secure, healthy attachment. Imagine a city of deeply nourished individuals, securely attached, integrated, with the tools and skill to navigate shadow, conflict, and trauma. Each person lives from the felt-sense of a “yes” to their person, to their existence — and this at all levels on being human: physical, emotional, cognitive, psycho-spiritual, interpersonal, cultural, and systemic. Imagine that as the jolts, large and small, happen as part of a human life, each person is held, supported in their integration and release of said jolt, and instead of trauma accumulating, trauma is lived and grown through. Imagine a city in which values and ethics are as or more important that the usual content of curriculum: we learn how to show up as a decent human, also under duress, we practice kindness, we learn how to take another’s perspective and show up with empathy and with clarity, we practice holding more than one perspective at any time, we learn how to discern (to see clearly with an open heart ‘what is’), we grow in our awareness of others, and we keep practicing these “muscles ” until they become embodied in our individual and collective culture. Learning is state-dependent. Children who feel loved and cherished thrive. Children in fear are busy dealing with threat, and can’t focus on learning, as they deal with survival. Sanctuary is the ground from which learning happens naturally, following the inherent threads of curiosity in child, and teaching on a foundation of “connection first”. In sanctuary we parent such that our children don’t need to “get over their childhood”, rather their childhood is foundation from which to grow on and up.

Miriam Mason Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Parenting as integral evolutionary activism for a sane world Bridge and Path Forward: Until our world becomes more sane, we need to both preserve and protect the sanctity of our children’s lives as well as prepare them for a VUCA world by standing at the interface between home sanctuary and the world at large, by bridging from one to the other, and by contributing with every bit of sanity we can muster. If we just keep them in a safe “bubble” we will do them a great disservice. Their movement is to inhabit ever-widening circles of experience, care, perception, sense making, concern and compassion. To facilitate such bridging in ways that fully considers their developmental phases and stages, we need to: • Discern and filter what they are exposed to, especially in the early years when their own discernment faculties are nascent, and their absorbent capacities very high. As they grow in their own discernment capacities, they stand increasingly at this interface as their own gatekeepers. • Help them make sense of the world they are entering. Help them integrate jolts to their system. Support them as they experience both delights and challenges. Stand with them as they realize in dismay, and often with accompanying grief, that there is much hurt, injustice, and greed in the world. • Offer them tools to navigate the world without losing touch with themselves, helping them remain sensitive and open-hearted while becoming more sturdy and resilient. Standing between likely futures and preferred ones and given that we don’t ultimately know what lies ahead, we do know that these times call for determination, grace, and intelligence of heart, mind and body. Here are some suggested skills and capacities to equip our children and youth with, and practice alongside them as we co-create our shared future: Miriam Mason Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Parenting as integral evolutionary activism for a sane world Regulation. Awareness of when one’s ‘instrument’ is ‘out of tune’ and how to ‘retune’ it: to keep coming home to self. Learn to respond rather than react.

Adaptability. Ability to adapt and respond to change, and also to what we can’t change. Curiosity. Inquiry as an ongoing stance

Nurture the vessel: To be in touch with and attentive to physical health and vitality.

ContemplaOon. To witness. To ‘let come’. Navigating the unknown. To be OK and familiar with not knowing, and to see such moments as invitations to listen more deeply, to innovate, imagine and collaborate.

Discernment. To have the ability to perceive accurately, to see things from various angles, to see “what is” with an open heart. Awareness & Authenticity. To be in touch with and expressing one’s authentic self. To know the distinction between one’s constructed self and one’s essential self.

Systems thinking: The capacity to understand multiple layers to anything and look at things from a systems-point of view. Integrity. Show up with decency & kindness. To practice the art of being simultaneously openhearted and boundaried/clear. Perspective taking. The ability to hold multiple perspectives. Integrative functioning – both/and rather than either/or. The practice of getting behind the eyes of another.

Resilience. To bounce back in the face of challenge, hurt and disappointment. To allow time for rest and recuperation. To stretch out and to curl in. To be proactive and take responsibility. To turn worry into action. To balance consumption with creativity. Miriam Mason Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Parenting as integral evolutionary activism for a sane world How do we do this? • Timing of exposure is key to building sturdiness, and transforming information into empowerment, potential worry into action. • We offer our children states of sanity along the way, as much as possible. Time in nature. Presence. Laughter. Tears. Connection.

• We engage the two-fold path of 1) being present to our children’s authentic self and expression and 2) helping them develop a well-functioning, “light-weight ” coat of an ego. • We work toward building a sane village / town / city. Parenting does not happen in a vacuum. The greater structures, systems and cultures need to transform, and having the sanctity and well-being of our youngest ones as a measure for what needs to change is an excellent reference point and directive.

• We expose them gradually to the world, allowing time for integration, and helping them transform stress and worry into action. • We model that which we wish them to grow into, in other words, we keep practising ourselves! • We remember that Parenting is an Art: it can be learnt; it can be practiced. We educate ourselves. • We understand that we parent who we are, and so we engage in the ongoing work of growing up and waking up ourselves. We stretch, and, and we offer ourselves kindness and compassion. • We take action. Theory is not enough. We feed every morsel of consciousness we can access into our daily life, into our relationships with our children.

Miriam Mason Martineau

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Parenting as integral evolutionary activism for a sane world Parenting is one of the most effective ways to change our society. It is a form of in-depth long-term activism. When we truly understand that the foundations for human life and relationship are laid in the early years of a person’s life, we have every reason to put our care, our attention and intention toward this central phase of human life. Transforming how we parent transforms the very foundations of our culture and society. Parenting as a Spiritual Practice - An Integral Evolutionary Approach to Parenting is an 8-week course we began offering to groups in 2008, and have been facilitating online since 2012 to reach parents and caregivers around the world. In this virtual community parents experience that they are not alone in walking the path. They support one another, they practice together. From meta-perspectives to daily practices, they explore just how powerful an integralevolutionary context can be in creating the fullest, richest, most loving parenting practice. They learn about creating sanctuary within themselves and their families, as well as how to bridge from home to the larger world without overwhelm or trauma, instead, with skill, joy and resilience. They raise the bar for how to show up as a parent, and provide their child(ren) with the very best foundation for being a loving, creative, conscious being — while discovering an unshakeable ease amidst the inevitable ups, downs, and doubts of parenting. To inhabit and teach capacities such as regulation, perspective taking, empathy, kindness and clarity, responsibility and collaboration have never been more important as we face disparaging gaps in values and world views, as the world feels increasingly off kilter, and we face an uncertain future. Your course impacted my life and view to parenting in an enormous way. Seven years later I can tell that it started a big wave of personal transformation and I have carried so much of what I learned thanks to your creation almost every day with me ever since. I am endlessly thankful! – Marta

To learn more about this course for parents, caregivers and anyone who makes up the ‘village’, please visit: www.integralparenting.com Images by artist (& fellow mama), Claudia Tremblay. You can find more of her beautiful work here: www.claudiatremblay.com Miriam Mason Martineau

Coaching for Sustainable Change

Miriam Binder-Lang

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Coaching for Sustainable Change Citizens

Civic mangers

• Horizontal and vertical development • Connecting to purpose • Stepping up and taking action impact Integral CoachTM

Civil society • Collaboration • Culture change

impact impact

• presence & awareness in groups • discernment of patterns • working with multiple perspectives

What topics can Integral Coaching® be applied to?

• leadership/ management skills • interpersonal skills • personal efficacy

Business • entrepreneurship • strategic skills • organizational skills

Integral Coaching® and integral cities in a VUCA world. A VUCA world calls for greater ability of the individual and the collective to be with the unknown and respond in ways different from the ones we are conditioned to use. It calls for better, more agile and immediate collaboration to find solutions of a new level. Integral Coaching® can contribute to this in several ways. Its initial purpose of alleviating suffering in clients, and coaches support individuals in stepping out of their own way, in being more present and aware to what happens around them, in discerning right action in the given circumstances and in taking action. The Integral Coaching® Method can also be applied to groups who want to move from a current way of working together into a new way of interbeing.

! In principle, any kind of topic that is coachable (vs. Other forms of support like therapy, mentoring, consulting). ! The fit of coach and client is important as some Integral Coaches™ may specialize in certain themes (e.g. high level sports, activism, entrepreneurs, leaders, ...)

Integral Coaching ®

Miriam Binder-Lang

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World COACHING FOR S USTAINABLE


What makes Integral Coaching® INTEGRAL? ! The ICC Method is rooted in the include & transcend developmental model and subject / object theory . ! An Integral Coach™ looks AT and looks AS the client through integral lenses to appreciate the client’s unique AQAL Constellation™.

What is Integral Coaching® ?

! Integral Coaching® was born Joanne Hunt and Laura comprehensive, all-embracing that is effective, sustainable coaches and clients.

from the vision of its founders, Divine, to develop a truly Method for human development and alleviates suffering in both

! Integral Coaching Canada (ICC) founded a coach training school that brings Science and Soul together and enables students to be of skillful service through embodying this powerful approach. ! Sourced with deep roots in Integral Theory, the rigor of Zen, practices in writing and martial arts, and wisdom through practical experience, embodied Integral Coaches™ throughout the world have made this Method their art in their very own context and style. Integral Coaching ®

! Coaches are aware of how their own AQAL Constellation™ can color how they perceive the client. ! Integral Coaching Canada Inc. has been officially endorsed by Ken Wilber “to be the most complete and the most comprehensive coaching program available”.

What makes Integral Coaching® SUSTAINABLE? ! Integral Coaching® enables the client to effectively identify and work with longstanding beliefs and patterns of behavior while concurrently building abilities to see in fresh ways and move in new directions. ! Through both honoring and recognizing the limits of the client’s “current way of being” and having an include and transcend approach to building a “new way of being” in their topic, the client is expanding who they are and what they are capable of. ! Through the use of metaphors to symbolize “current and new ways of being” in a coaching topic and the development of new capabilities to see and operate from a new way of being, a client outgrows the need for a coach. Miriam Binder-Lang

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World What does the Integral Coaching® process look like?


Explore client’s experience in his current practice :

• Agreeing on a topic. • Getting to know the client through the many facets of AQAL lenses. • Understanding his ways of seeing & thinking of in his topic. • Offering and co-creatively building the elements of his coaching program. ELEME


• An Integral Coaching® program has an endpoint: when the topic is achieved! • Looking back at the journey, what has been developed, honoring the progress and the relationship. Integral Coaching ®

• What conditions were your current belief checking for? • What were the impacts of any triggered behaviors?

Intake conversation

• How does the belief of your new way shift your view? • What new impacts are you noticing as you build new capabilities? Co-Create Next Developmental Step (Focus & Practice )

Offer conversation

Cycle of development conversation

.. . Cycle of development conversation

EL E M E N T 1.








Completion conversation


• Practice examples: • Being in different speeds • Discerning ’right action’ • Making requests • Being in others’ shoes • Adventurous acts • Practices develop capabilities any quadrant, line, state… tailored to a client’s specific developmental step in their coaching program. • Exercised in lower-risk settings and properly scaled to be just enough to consciously engage in a new behavior(s) and explore answers to powerful reflection questions. Miriam Binder-Lang

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World COACHING FOR SUSTAINABLE CHANGE

How does an Integral Coach™ translate the longings of the client’s topic into an intimate and effective coaching program ?

? Quadrants

Emotional line Cognitive line Moral line ...






Integral CoachTM

Client In all conversations there needs to be a mutually shared space of trust, intimacy and honesty, which starts when I first connect with a client. In the Intake conversation, I want to deeply feel what matters to my client and the pain of longings not being fulfilled in their coaching topic. I want the client to feel safe, that this is a co-creative relationship and that we both feel there is a good fit between us. In preparation for the Offer conversation, I will sink into my experiences of looking AT and AS the client to discern their unique AQAL Constellation™, craft language in the form of metaphors that depict the client’s current and new ways of being in this topic and draft a set of developmental objectives that capture the 2 – 3 areas of development most pivotal to the client fulfilling their topic. These coaching program components are then offered to the client as the catalysts for the co-creative work that we will collaboratively refine during the Offer conversation. By the end of this conversation the client has a coaching program that is truly their own!






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And off we go! Integral Coaching ®


Miriam Binder-Lang


Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World How does a client’s current way of being hinder change ?


! One key for an Integral Coaching® program is the illumination of the hidden belief that a client unconsciously holds, which generates reinforcing behavior over and over even though it is unproductive in the context of the client’s topic. ! It’s important to understand that this conditional belief was created in the past, when the client experienced that a certain behaviour consistently produced a certain, desirable result. For example, a client may have gotten to associate working hard with being respected by their parents! ! The resulting unconscious belief is something like “as long as I work hard, I will be respected.” The yearning for a healthier balance in their life will bump up against this belief, because unconsciously, rest or taking time to play is associated with not being respected (or being a loser). So they get back to work! ! Trying to make the change at the level of behaviors often only generates fear and resistance. This unconscious belief will do whatever it takes to keep it intact, resulting in changes for a healthier balance in life being limited to ones that don’t threaten this belief.

The client‘s journey of building awareness and competence Integral Coaching ®



How does a shift to a new way of being happen?

! In order to allow for embodied change of a behaviour, e.g. from workaholic to a balanced life, it is important the client can concretely observe how this conditional belief shows up in their life in real time and make it object. ! The client also needs a new belief from which to see, check and behave that opens up new possibilities supportive of their topic. Rather than try to “fix” the current way of being, this new way of being enables the client to include and transcend their current way of being and make some significant, sustainable changes. This new belief starts as object and progressively becomes subject . ! While the client is looking for more rest, being able to work hard is most likely still a necessity sometimes, so the ability to work hard is included and transcended into the new way of being. The new belief could be something like this: “as long as I stay attuned to me and others I can clearly discern priorities.” ! Through practices in “low-risk situations”, the client can experience operating from this new belief and discovering new outcomes. (e.g. they are also respected when they rest.) !

The client becomes able to see when their current belief arises in real time, and shift to being sourced by their new belief. Eventually, what naturally arises is their new belief, new way of being .


Finally, deciding if hard work is appropriate or not becomes an embodied new unconscious behaviour that makes resting an equally valid option as hard work










Miriam Binder-Lang

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Integral Coaching®


Program Highlights – client example


Topic: I am more able to be connected to my source, to trust it and generate my messages with joy in order to make greater impact! Why it’s important: I am yearning to make an impact in people’s lives by using my creative passions for the greater good.. As part of an Integral Coaching® program, the coach offers and co-creates with the client 2 metaphors. One depicting the current way of approaching the topic, the beliefs and actions, the other one depicting a new way, its beliefs and actions that are helpful in the topic. Metaphors allow the client to see that their way of being is different from them, it allows them to look at it as object.

The client‘s current way of being: the way of the Enchanted Butterfly

Practice examples: 1. 2. 3.

Purposefully looking for & creating moments of joy; High energy “eruptive” workout moves; Noticing and inquiring on (self-) judgment.

The client‘s new way of being: the way of the Inspiring Volcano

Belief of the Enchanted Butterfly: As long as I get enraptured by every flower, every thought, I create interesting ideas and I feel alive.

Belief of the Inspiring Volcano: • As long as I stay connected to the fiery core of the earth, I can share my message with power and love.

Behaviors of the Enchanted Butterfly: • Everything is constantly work in progress; • Always on the move, searching for more beautiful “flowers”; • Never settling on one idea, that feels like a prison; • Creating colorful complexity; • Orienting outwards to find purpose.

Behaviors of the Inspiring Volcano: • Connected to body and inner purpose; • Varying speed, including rest and joy; • Calmly prepare and deliver the one “eruption” (i.e. project) that will make an impact; • Speaking with power from inner sense of purpose.

Integral Coaching ®

Miriam Binder-Lang

Transition Dynamics

Ard Hordijk & Allard de Ranitz

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Transition Dynamics A case for Working with the hidden dynamics of Transitions, through fields, themes and roles Transitions like the energy and climate change transition are long term and systemic changes, highly uncertain and unpredictable, often with shocks (VUCA) in which all different stakeholders (i.e. the 4 Voices of a city) are involved.

What role to play in the climate change transition?

Optimizing the old

Old systems run into their limits and new values, behaviors, culture and systems will emerge. Transitions cannot be managed, but organizations can contribute by choosing a clear role or combinations of roles: Optimizing the old, Supporting emergence of the new, Illuminating the choice and Giving hospice to the old. Transition Dynamics supports organizations and collaborations in making this choice and realizing the impact they want. A combination of Ability to change (culture and values) and Agility to change (structures, systems and behaviors) is needed.

Based on Berkana Institute

Roles applied to climate change: • Optimizing the old: Energy efficiency • Supporting the new: Blue hydrogen • Giving hospice: dealing with stranded assets • Illuminating the choice: working with housing associations to make housing climate neutral Ard Hordijk & Allard de Ranitz

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Vitality – What Field of possibilities.




Fields of Change in Transition Dynamics

Intention – How do we wish to deal with it? Translation of possibilities into direction purpose/vision. Relation - How do we put this in motion? Translate vision by relating to it, creation of common images – what does value look like for us. Matter - What do we need to make this happen? Materializing image into form, creating shape to support creation of value. Vitality is the driving force for transitions. Though unpredictable, vitality is the thermometer for direction, decision, definition, purpose and materialization. To be able to operate within a transition, one needs to be able to listen to information from all fields simultaneously and integrate that into direction, definition, co-creation and materialization. Ard Hordijk & Allard de Ranitz

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World 1. Reasoning: Sensing and awareness of personal unrest/agitation; discovering personal drivers and pain,

8 Themes of Change in Transition Dynamics

2. Sense of Urgency/Dissonance: Collective need sensing, experience of the problems or issues at hand; gathering the tribe around pain and passion, 3. Taking the lead/Organizing emergence: Personal leadership & setting the stage for change, 4. Setting the terms & Contracting and processing the work: Roles, plans, planning, expectancies, boundaries, 5. Realization & Delivery of Results: projects, actions, results, managing, delivering and matching requirements. 6. Implementing Results & transiting from old to new: Results implementation and change management. 7. Creating the Benefits; Valuing & pursuing: Benefit management, creating value, working towards purpose. 8. Vision fulfillment: Collective integration and sensing emergence. Letting Go and Letting Come. This looks like a linear process, but again: Vitality is leading and will guide your every next step forward – or backwards in the process of transition. When arriving at a point of Implementing Results, it could be that, due to the nature of the change, Vitality directs you towards Sense of Urgency/Dissonance, enabling you to create a more coherent level of cooperation than before.

Ard Hordijk & Allard de Ranitz

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Every change, be it an unpredictable Transition, or a small change within that Transition, is created from the tension between a Dissonance and an Urgency:

Tension & Complexity

• Dissonance is a discrepancy in current system-situation and potential Vitality – in other words: Vitality is limited, impaired or hindered by the current way of Being and Doing. • Urgency is the Optimal potential Vitality as related to the current situation

The more complex the context, the more that complexity will be reflected in the tension between Dissonance and Urgency: • The work within the fields of Vitality, Intention, Relation and matter will have to reflect that complexity • Energy work, Purpose work, Relational and undercurrent work and project methodologies need to match the necessary level of complexity in their field.

First: Dissonance work: come to terms with a clear sense and definition of Dissonance and Tribe. Then: Get a clear sense of Purpose / Vision / Mission and the necessary leadership. Then: Create clear boundaries, roles & organizational elements. Then: Operationalize the above, to create necessary elements for changing the current situation into a viable future realization for Urgency. Lastly: Create Value; organize, monitor, relate, work with the tribe to create the optimal Vitality for the system. The system will then create the value it can. Ard Hordijk & Allard de Ranitz

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Background: • •

National climate agreement and a specific plan for reducing C02-level with 90% in 2050 for the Rotterdam Harbor Area in place; Government and business ( civic managers and business voice) committed but are now hesitant to enter the phase of implementation.

Case: Accelerating the energy transition in Rotterdam Harbour

Plan: to set up House of Acceleration •

Goal is to coordinate efforts and remove barriers if and when they come up.

Our support: With Transition Dynamics we support them in addressing some key issues around the second, third and fourth themes: •

Dissonance: is the individual and collective dissonance high enough to actually start working in new ways? How to increase dissonance? Tribe: Are organizations willing to acknowledge who is part of the “tribe” and who is not? involving all organizations with a stake in the most suitable way, including civil society and citizens; Leadership, roles and structures: Who takes up which role and how to organize ourselves?

Probe-sense-act: tension-based approach of setting up the House of Acceleration • • •

Working with prototypes around real-life projects; Learning how to work together from experience: to build trust, to better understand and share the pain/dissonance in each individual organization; Not designing the structure of the collaboration in advance. Ard Hordijk & Allard de Ranitz

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Principles of collaboration: Functional roles for all stakeholders/Voices involved.

Collaboration in Transition Dynamics:

Beyond (Spiral Dynamics) unhealthy green: “all stakeholders should be involved in all (decision making) processes” Ensuring that all interests are woven into the solution. Each stakeholder owns role or combination of roles in transition. Co-creation and collaboration throughout the different themes: Theme 2: Sense of urgency/Dissonance • Determining who is part of the dissonance tribe • Sharing the dissonance/pain and building trust around a commonly shared issue.

Theme 3: • Clear overarching purpose and setting the stage for collaboration within the tension.

Theme 4: • Clear roles and empowerment to play these roles (partial involvement)- Holacratic way of working.

Within all themes • Do the energy work; Vitality has its own playing field too.

Ard Hordijk & Allard de Ranitz

Integrating Civil Society Edward Fitsell & tsiMoray

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World People Innately Care Relaxing at home one Christmas with unusually heavy snow, my street became treacherous for vehicles and pedestrians. Naturally, I waited patiently for local government employees to come and clear our road. After several days of waiting I heard a scraping sound, then two...three...four scraping sounds. Citizens up and down the road had taken matters into their own hands and were clearing the street. I pulled out my shovel and joined in. The afternoon was fun, social, and made me feel good by doing something for, and with, others; car drivers waved at us in appreciation. Most citizens innately want to care for each other. Indeed, it is part of the key to our success as a species. In a climatechanged VUCA world, with more extreme weather and social challenges to be expected, we are going to require more people to care for others than local governments can be reasonably expected to provide or pay for. Powerful, skilled and resourced citizens represent a key source of hope for the future of our cities, to work alongside technological advancements, civil society, business innovators and civic managers to care for those in need. Releasing the creative potential of citizens and limited financial resources requires evolved governance systems and processes in government, and civil society community organisations. Edward Fitsell & tsiMoray

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Faster can be safer Evolved governance structures increase speed and can increase safety. Consider riding a mountain bike down a hill and the path becomes a bed of dense, fist-sized rocks. Your immediate inclination may be to slow down to navigate the increased complexity, however this will likely lead to you falling off as your tyres get stuck between the boulders. Instead, paradoxically, letting go of the brakes and increasing your speed helps you to ride over the top of the boulders as the bike absorbs the terrane, enabling you to stay safely upright.

So too with evolved governance structures where citizens and thirdsector employees are constitutionally powerful; faster can prove better for all concerned. With the implementation of self-managed teams (rather than the slower top-down dominator hierarchical structure), those with the most information available can make decisions quickly and effectively that help others in times of urgent and increasingly complex situations. Decision-making at the most appropriate level of the organisation also frees up resources that can be put directly towards serving those in need resulting in better outcomes. For instance, a Deloitte publication on a Dutch health-care provider that organises nurses into self-managed teams highlights that “an independent evaluation of Buurtzorg found it has reduced the administrative burden for nurses, improved quality of care and raised satisfaction of their employees”(1). To safely navigate this increasingly VUCA world, we need to let go of the brakes, release the creative potential in citizens through governance structures that create powerful individuals; all while ensuring accountability is clear and apportioned. In this way, powerful communities and civil society organisations will be better able to respond to the needs of citizens and ensure they are effectively cared for in a VUCA, climate-changed world. (1) Vital Signs: How to deliver better healthcare across Europe, July 2016 Edward Fitsell & tsiMoray

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World The Future Governance Workforce As evolved organisations emerge in greater numbers alongside exponential technological advancements, potential and existing employees will need different skills to meet the challenges and realise the creative potential of the future workplace.

An example of a meta-skill is the capacity to know how to learn. If you know how to learn languages for example, you can learn any language. With this meta-skill you are able to continuously adapt to changing circumstances and thrive in self-managing workplaces.

Employees will increasingly need to hone meta-skills in order to thrive individually and collectively into the future. Meta-skills can be defined as "higher order skills that create adaptive learners and promote success in whatever context the future brings. These are the skills that enable individuals to perform highly today" (2) and into the future.

If governments fail to equip people with meta-skills through the education system, civil society should respond to fill the gap. In this way, the third sector can increase the capacity of individuals to care for others who are less able to adapt in a climate-changed world.

From this way of learning.

(2) Skills 4.0: A skills model to drive Scotland’s future

To this way of learning...

Edward Fitsell & tsiMoray

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Four Voices Working Together Business, civic managers and civil society require high-functioning citizens to enable society to thrive and care effectively for each other in a climatechanged world.

Civil Society Care and support – filling the gaps

Volunteer engagement in community

A positive feedback loop can be generated as each Voice serves the whole through the support of citizens. In Scotland for example, the Community Empowerment Act, passed by central government, has given citizens the legal rights to take community ownership of assets, request participation in the provision of services and influence how budgets are spent. This in turn enables civil society to support citizens to be more active in their communities which raises the overall capacity of society to care for each other.

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By filling the gaps that other sectors are unable to fill, civil society can support the ongoing positive spiral towards resilient and thriving communities.

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Civil society has a pivotal role to play in supporting this process. Where market failures occur and civic managers have insufficient resources to effectively fix them, civil society must step forward to fill the gap. For example, as identified, through the teaching of meta-skills if not done so by the education system or private enterprise.



Civic Managers Edward Fitsell & tsiMoray

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Thriving Towards a Climate-Changed World Climate change offers perhaps the most extreme example of a governance failure that results in an embarrassing lack of care for others; developed countries' failure to agree to combat climate change is likely to affect the poorest in the world disproportionately. Reassuringly, governance is also part of the solution when evolved to adapt to the complexities of the present and uncertainties of the future. With many organisations (particularly in civil society) experimenting with and implementing new governance models, there is hope for the future. These governance models release scarce resources, create powerful individuals and enable decisions to be made quickly. Of course organisations are only as good as the people in them, and our leaders and workforce need to be sufficiently equiped with the levels of awareness, worldview and requisite skills to realise the full potential of evolved organisational structures. With these new governance characteristics, skilled people and a cross-sector collaborative mindset, a positive feedback loop can be created in communities as the creative contribution of individuals, along with their innate capacity to care for others is realised. This spiral of progress could in time work alongside global efforts to tackle and adapt to climate change, resulting in powerful communities working to care for others, locally and globally. Edward Fitsell & tsiMoray

Meshworking for Thriving Cities

Kara Stonehouse/Anne-Marie Voorhoeve / Morel Fourman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World A collaboration and co-creation process for the 21st century Cities are where our desires for a better world can become reality. The complex challenges of the 21st century require a deep level of civic engagement, creativity and commitment. A meshworking approach broadens the scope of civic engagement from consulting the public in the city’s affairs, to building a connected community of business, city managers, non-profits, academics and citizens. When we develop a shared purpose together, we are all energized to contribute resources to improve the fabric of the city. Many city planners and governments are realizing their role for the 21st century is one of a convener of voices in complex systems. The major challenge of switching to this mindset is to give up control of the engagement process. How can we follow the energy from the broader community to unleash a massive resource potential? Bold solutions will face entrenched power dynamics and take economic and political risks. But only from a deeply compassionate stance, understanding and designing for the potential impacts on people. Kara Stonehouse/Anne-Marie Voorhoeve / Morel Fourman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World What is Meshworks “A collaborative practice for creating radically more effective partnerships to develop and implement systemic solutions for complex challenges”

Characteristics of a Meshwork: • Representation of the whole system • Diversity of individual stake(holder)s • Coherence in shared purpose • Cross-boundary collaboration • Learning community • Basis for economic accelerator

What does a meshwork do? A Meshwork identifies, integrates, aligns and mobilizes all available resources. These, in turn, are focused like laser beams on specific challenges, goals, objectives, or outcomes. An overarching goal is found for all parties involved, which includes the individual goals, but at the same time asks parties to let go of purely individual interests, and as such brings in “the third win.” Kara Stonehouse/Anne-Marie Voorhoeve / Morel Fourman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World The Process Continue… The process cycles again, as we broaden the engagement and endeavor to fund and scale-up the best solutions.

While every meshwork is unique to meet the needs of the participants and system it serves, there is a basic pattern of stages to reach a mature meshwork capable of transforming a wicked problem by nourishing a regenerative community.

5. Celebrate Successes and failures are shared and time is taken to appreciate people and have fun.

1. The call People feel the call to make a shift or solve a wicked problem. A core team decides to host the process of collaboration. 2. Convene A microcosm of the system is invited into a long-term process Regular meetings are held to share perspectives, build trust and understand the system we are working in.

3. Clarify As the problem is more deeply understood, a shared purpose arises for the collective. We map the issue, the areas of focus that are important, and all the actions in each area.

4. Co-create Projects are aligned and funded to test ideas working towards the desired impact. The evaluation framework monitors progress.

Kara Stonehouse/Anne-Marie Voorhoeve / Morel Fourman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World The whole system for success

Strategic Connecting Our global network assists with invi~ng and mo~va~ng a mul~-disciplinary selec~on of the people required in this transforma~ve process.

Training to build collaboration and leadership capacities and hold a heart centred space for transformation.

Participative meetings to generate the shared purpose and action plan , creating broad ownership.

‘Vital Signs Monitor’ Evaluation and Monitoring process to focus on current needs.

Meshworking with THC and Gaiasoft includes a complete support system geared toward the success of a longterm, collaborative endeavor with the power to shift the landscape of complex challenges of the 21st Century. Who funds a meshwork? Cities, national governments, foundations and large corporations can pool resources to fund an ongoing meshworking process for an issue that matters. The more diverse the pool of funds, the more likely the program can continue multiple years and come to fruition. Often an NGO champion is able to keep the flame burning through government change-overs and business trend shifts.

An online technology platform that combines performance management, knowledge exchange and a collaboration platform.

Implementation support To ensure projects are seen through and the energy of the collaboration is kept up.

Kara Stonehouse/Anne-Marie Voorhoeve / Morel Fourman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Maturing into Meshworks Over months and years, a community develops from a loose network, to a community of practice to a fully functioning meshwork.

Meshwork Community of Practice


Facilitators observe the participants to understand their worldviews and design interventions that can help the group move forward. The underlying philosophy is that of guiding a large community through a process of maturing as a super-organism (meshwork) to support life’s call and urgent need for us to evolve as a species.

Most groups begin as an informal Network. Convening thought leaders from throughout the systems means some new mixing will occur that normally doesn’t such as engineers and NGOs. This will be valuable to many participants.

The facilitators will have an important but subtle role in training and holding the values of the community, but the goal is to get people learning and sharing in a field of generosity and reciprocation that builds trust and understanding over time. With regular meetings and deepening understanding, the collective becomes a community of practice.

As the field matures in its understanding of all the perspectives and people involved, it becomes clear what the central aim of the collective could be and how the various actors have strengths and resources that can be synergized. Developing a success map of shared purpose, goals and actions, enables the community to cover key action areas in a coordinated manner. The community grows to function as an effective, adaptive, Meshwork of aligned interests able to tackle its chosen wicked problem.

Kara Stonehouse/Anne-Marie Voorhoeve / Morel Fourman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Story of a Meshwork Issue: The City of Ottawa, Canada was planning to make significant reductions in carbon dioxide; however, only moderate city resources were available to allocate to staff time, community engagement and projects. A community led collective impact project funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and Ottawa Community Foundation aimed to deeply collaborate with the broad community to make a shared city-wide action plan. The scope of this project was to submit proposals of $500,000/year for five years in provincial and federal grants to co-create and implement a city-wide action plan . The plan aimed to unlock 100’s of millions of dollars in sustainable investment streams to transform the city.

Process: A core team of mostly environmental non-profits organized a series of events with many stakeholders to explore Ottawa’s CO2 landscape to more deeply understand the issues and define the problem. A multi-disciplinary advisory board of influential champions met quarterly to oversee the progress and make connections. A common aim of renovating residential buildings became the focus for the action plan. A theory of change model with 5 key action areas was developed through the consultations. Many organizations pulled together to create program proposals. A measurement score card was designed to monitor the vital signs of the progress towards the larger aim. Results: The various silos of thought between City, Federal, NGO, Business and Energy providers were significantly bridged. Thought leaders from Toronto inspired Ottawa leaders to be more bold. The collective helped secure an endorsement from the Federal Minster of the Environment for a multi-million dollar investment in carbon reductions financing framework for Ottawa. Social finance expert Tessa Hebb, led a social finance design lab to explore how to leverage investments towards energy retrofits in Ottawa. The Ottawa community built significant capacity to work intelligently together leveraging the strengths of each organization towards our common goal. The project is continuing, applying for large grants, and getting ready to implement pilot projects.

To learn more visit: Bit.ly/OttEnergyCI

Making a Place We Can All Call Home Ian Wight

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Inter-subjective According in the Noosphere Our climate change challenge - sourced in the atmosphere, entailing destruction of our biosphere – may only be resolved by achieving ‘an inter-subjective accord in the noosphere’. The real challenge will be ‘getting subjects to agree on’ how we might live in accord with nature. And most of these ‘subjects’ are now living in cities; the challenge is mainly theirs – as citizens, civic managers, business innovators, and civil society denizens - in pursuit of the necessary ecological wisdom. ‘Getting subjects to agree’ will take work, on ourselves as well as with others; not simply our more familiar ‘outer work’ (in our jobs, career, businesses), nor even our ‘inner work’ on our self-awareness and presence, but also – and perhaps especially - on our ‘inter-work’, on our relationships with one another, on our inter-relating.

“the startling fact is that ecological wisdom does not consist in how to live in accord with nature; it consists in how to get subjects to agree on how to live in accord with nature. This wisdom is an inter-subjective accord in the noosphere; it is a path based upon mutual understanding grounded in sincerity; it has its own developmental stages… with its own logic“. (Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything, 1996, p. 293; my emphasis) [The root noo is from the ancient Greek that translates as ‘spreading the thread of the mind’ connected to ‘reasoning’ - but wisdom, intelligence, intellect, insight, intuition and thought are all parts of the meaning of the word noo. This is the context for our ‘inter-subjective according’, beyond our otherwise familiar biosphere and atmosphere settings].

This is primarily consciousness work, in the noosphere – the sphere of thinking, and hearting and souling – first conceived by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin as a natural cognitive layer of existence ‘above the atmosphere’. From an integral perspective this involves an extraordinary integration effort, demanding our best efforts in terms of both our integratedness (on our insides), and our integration-ability (on our outside, in our outer work in the world); an embodiment and enacting of our integrity – as ongoing default mode. In particular this involves a critical integration of significant differentiations, rooted in the integral quadrants and levels; an integration of self, culture and nature – in body, mind, soul and spirit. Imagine a more evolved collective mind – and heart and soul - charged with ecological wisdom, bearing down on our challenge. ‘We’ are being implicated, in the deepest, most direct sense; ‘We’ need a defining ethos – as manifestation of our inter-subjective according; ‘We’, beyond ‘them and us’. ‘We’ need to get in better touch with our transformer-selves, to achieve – together - transformation beyond mere change Ian Wight

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Place, Placemaking and Placemakers: Poetic Agency in Communion How can we feel at home in this strange new sphere - and with this possibly unfamiliar ‘inter-subjective according’? Activate your place sensibility, your placesensing. Place is something we make, individually or collectively. The setting might be our room, our home, our garden, our community, our country, our world. When the making is collective, as is the case with the most meaningful and meaning-filled placemaking, it represents essentially a form of inter-subjective according in the noosphere, in our collective consciousness. So, take your cue from place, in particular its making, and most especially as yourselves as agents - as the quintessential placemakers. You can ground your action on the climate change challenge, and your wrestling with VUCA, in your very own place - and in your natural concern for that place to manifest wellbeing, in part by your very own design. In our increasingly urban world, with its global interconnections, the scale of place that most matters, where we can make the most difference together, is probably the city scale. Consider your city worthy of your love, a making like no other, that could be life-saving as well as life-affirming.

Drawing on an integral perspective, place may be conceived as the integration of physicality, functionality, conviviality and spirituality. In the city context it is the convivants – the placemakers – who are the integrators. Cast yourself in this role, with this integral perspective. Place is where we - together - coordinate, collaborate, constellate and meshwork our capacities for the wellbeing of the city - and as a result for the wellbeing of our planet, Gaia. Our city is where we ‘zoom in’ from, and ‘zoom out’ from, our holonics@work. So – with your fellow placemakers – convivants all – tap into your poetic sensibility; consciously put yourself, your Self, in place; you are inside it, and it is inside you. You are implicated in the making of the place – as a placemaker (not taker) as a conducer (not consumer) of the place. Feel into the challenge of ‘making a place we can all call home’.

We are called to the challenge of making a place we can all call home – beginning in our city, with our fellow citizens – as convivants. Sustainability may have been our macro-mission for the past few decades, but now, more than ever, we have to cultivate conviviality on a par with sustainability. This gets to the heart of ‘living together’, living well together, in well-loved places, with fellow placelovers – the convivants.

Ian Wight

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Coming Home to Ourselves – Praxis-making Our effectiveness as placemakers – in integral terms – will depend on our integrated-ness, on our insides, as much as our integration-ability – on the outside, achieving the integration of physicality, functionality, conviviality and spirituality. Our integrity is implicated - how we hold ourselves together, how whole we can be, how much at home we are in ourselves. This is personal place-making, consciously integrating our knowing, doing and being, aiming for the congruence that makes us more than an individual, but a person of real substance. In this world of rampant individualism we may need to work at this deliberate privileging of the personal. The invitation is to see ourselves as persons, with a praxis - as our home-base, our home-place. My praxis becomes an integration of my various ‘workings’ in my world: my behaving; my enacting; my relating; and my operative system. I am my praxis@work in a meshwork of knowing, doing, being and becoming – inclusively, comprehensively. Praxis is a place of congruence as well as integration. It is where my various ‘spaces’ – my I-space, my We-space, my It-space, my Its-space – are transformed into the place that emanates from my Self, as I show up in the world – where I manifest as a whole person, whole in body, mind, soul and spirit. Consider praxis as the place where you come home to yourself, your Self – the groundwork for all your future placemaking with others. A person as a whole, rooted in family, community – and the land… in all one’s indigeneity.

A Praxis in Essence “Each of us is an artist of our days; The greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative, our days will become” (John O’Donohue) Who Am I? An artist of my days What is my Work? Embodying integrity and awareness Why? In service of our becoming – original and creative – as evermore-whole-making Ian Wight

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Co-Creative Integrities – Ethos-Making With a visceral sense of your own praxis, you are now well prepared to venture into inter-subjective according with a vengeance. Appreciate that a shared praxis - with others having a sense of their praxis - paves the way for some ethos-making, by potential co-creative integrities. Getting subjects to agree on how we can live in accord with nature will depend on the ‘subjects’ operating in and as co-creative integrities, forged in a co-created ethos, as integration-in-action. Think of it as collective-consciousness-in-action – ‘grounded’ in the noosphere we coconstitute. In ethos territory your praxis shifts from the personal to the interpersonal. You are still ‘you’ but just as a praxis disposition facilitates the transformation from ‘me’ to ‘I’, so an ethos orientation also engages increasing dimensions of your ‘We-ness’ – the We-ness at work in ‘You’ with others, exploring common ethos territory. The ethos-making occurs as the integration of personal embodiment, self-transformation, relationships and systems. Discernment - our ability to judge what is good, true, and beautiful - comes again to the fore – but now in a collective, co-creative, context; marshalling the inner knowledge in collective intelligence of how to act on that which we perceive. We operate in ‘fields of engagement’, disposed to acknowledge that ‘institutions are us’. We present as whole persons – engagers, engaging, engagingly. We seek to achieve right relations, just relationships. We support one another on a self-transformation journey from I to We. Think of ethos-making as the ‘inter-work’ between our ‘outer’ work and ‘inner’ work. For professionals en route to being integrals, and for individuals en route to identifying primarily as persons, ethos-making can open you up, in good company. Opposite are two scene-setting fragments of an ethos (Agency in Communion) developed by a mix of built environment professionals – city-makers all – reflecting on their common interprofessionalism.

We are professionals, in development from solo to synchro, generating synergy Inter-professing together, integrated and integrating In service, to our wider worlds, beyond us Transcending while including, all we hold dear We are personals, in relationship whole beings, making meaning discerning truth goodness and beauty agents of wholeness / enacting our truth exuding goodness and privileging beauty In a loving embrace

Ian Wight

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Enacting Our Knowing, Doing and Being – in Service Ethos-making aligns perfectly with efforts to achieve an inter-subjective accord on how we might better live together, with nature, in our cities, in pursuit of well-being, by co-design. It features extraordinary inter-relating, the quality of which is very much helped by some grounding in praxis work. In turn, it takes our knowing/doing/being beyond the concrete into more subtle realms, that transforms what would otherwise be simply group-work. It achieves a ‘compound interest’, through co-creative integrities, in extraordinary service, for city transformation in a VUCA world. In integral terms enacting is more than acting; it honours the in-side-ing, the in-sighting, the intuiting - alongside the otherwise too easily privileged outer acting or performing, where our True Self can often-times be off to the side, or in shadow. An enacting disposition directs attention to the ‘in-goes’ in our ‘out-comes’ – the inner-goings-on in our part of the noosphere. We ‘enact’ as knowing/doing/being self-systems, that we are personally accountable for, that we monitor, and adjust, and consciously transform. How might we ‘see’ this self-system, from an integral perspective, in a way that might help us better presence such enacting? A natural response might be to seek greater understanding - to get to the essence of what we know. Consider that we might have other ‘standings’ - in relation to our knowing – than simply under-standing. The diagram offers some integral hunches about equally significant over-standing, inner-standing and outer-standing that we might wish to acknowledge and cultivate, in our personal praxis-making and inter-personal ethos-making. Over-standing might be read as our spirit-at-work; inner-standing might be our soul-at work; outer-standing where we are most obviously in service beyond ourselves; under-standing as our ground of being. There are probably similar insights to be derived from an integral inquiry into our doing and our being, to yield a better sense of ourselves, of our knowing/doing/being selfsystem. Our current doings might be mostly manifest acts of information-processing – informersat-work, often given form in our performing – as performers in systems, but less often in our transforming. Consider that we may be being called to be present as our transformer-selves transforming, transformatively, transcendingly. Our current ‘being’ may also be a function of our operative setting – where we sit, as well as stand. Mind-set may loom large here; is it fixed/static or is it expanding/growing? Or is it set to ‘flow’, optimally? And what about similar considerations of our heart-set, and our soul-set? There is much scope for some common meaning-making hereabouts, to deepen our enacting, individually and collectively. Think, for example, of our outer knowing/doing/being in terms of our inner minding, hearting and souling. And connect with not simply the subjectivity, but the inter-subjectivity in all this.

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” Hermes Trismegistus Ian Wight

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Telling Stories to the Future There is a larger story being told in such enactings,. The praxis-making and ethosmaking come together in some extraordinary story-telling, around an evolution story on a par with our creation story. We are the authors of, and the characters in, the story – as its enactors. This particular ‘inter-subjective according in the noosphere’ is given form as ‘telling we-stories to our future’ – primal and potent in equal measure. A higher ‘making’ is implicated – by those with a praxis and sharing an ethos, venturing into their leading edge, targeting the ‘territory beyond’. This is the realm of poiesis, undertaken by modern sophrosynes: exquisite making by exquisite makers. Consider the power of story, as a medium for the integration that is so valued, the integration of differentiations that matter. How might we as a species – in all our inter-subjectivity - be enabled to achieve greater accord as to how we might fruitfully engage with the challenges of our times. So that we might achieve some ‘we-stories’ – some further evolution stories – that are worth telling to our collective future.The underlying ethos-making is being conceived in novel ways, that may presage very different future manifestations of what gets consciously presenced. It involves ‘telling a WE-story to the future’. It is a collective, convivial project – for agents in communion (not sole agents, nor solo efforts). As story-telling it is a moral tale. As a ‘making’ endeavour it is a ‘we-design’ project, in a ‘we-zone’. Ethos-making is about ‘big-picture’, ‘big-caring’ perspectives - calling into being a higher/wider/deeper sense of our selves, in our persons, and collectively: “Once upon a time, and space, in an eternal place… there are the stories that make us 'us'. There is a power in story… synergy-generating, eternity-embracing, infinityanticipating. What might be our integral we-story… our yarning and our yearning?” Opposite are fragments of an emergent ethos – Yesterday’s Tomorrows – honoring our entanglements.

Making a place we might all call home implicates an exquisite making by exquisite makers. The underlying poiesis is more than poetry-making; it engages other allied arts, such as story-telling. But it also demands placemakers – the agents of placemaking - who have a poetic sensibility and disposition - enacting and embodying the modern equivalent of sophrosyne: integrated, balanced, centred, graceful, poised. At home in oneself. In place. In communion. Relishing the challenge of inter-subjective according in the noosphere. A poiesis of sophrosynes? ‘When one is at home in oneself, one is integrated and enjoys a sense of balance and poise’ John O’Donohue Yarning A Primal Human Urge - That is also an Impera~ve The Evolu~on in the Crea~on Story: The Crea~on in the Evolu~on Story Once Upon a Time – To Come The Yonder in the Wonder Yearning Discerning what is s~ll inside – Wai~ng to be given out Beyond Being: The Becoming on the Horizon A Privileging of the Humanity of it All The Yearning in Yarning An Onus for Wholeness – for Whole-making Genera~ng Yesterday’s Tomorrows Ushering in New Perspec~ves on Old Reali~es Making Connec~on Second Nature The Yarning in Yearning Storying Tomorrow’s Yesterdays An Uncommon Respect for Basic Humanity Overcoming the Par~ality of it All

[Our Entangled Future: Stories to Empower Quantum Social Change (2019). Edited by Karen O’Brien, Ann El Khoury, Nicole Schafenacker and Jordan Rosenfeld. Adaptation CONNECTS]

Ian Wight

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Caring for Self In this section we start with the natural intelligences of living systems and their capacity to produce Mindsets. We then move to Leadership in a VUCA world, considering the relationship of Care, Context and Capacity building through the dimensions of Space, Time and Moral influence. We finish with Lifemapping as a personal journey that opens us to the priorities, purpose and values of a life in service to the Master Code of Care.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Intelligence in Living Systems

Jon Freeman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Intelligence in City Living Systems – revealed by Mind-Set We have two ways to deal with challenges. Sometimes we can alter the external world. Sometimes we must change to fit with what we cannot alter. Humans have become accustomed to technological dominance. Our habitual response is to alter the external world. This is arrogance. Melting glaciers are not a problem to solve. They are a predicament that we must adapt to. Our ability to steward complex systems requires that we change our thinking. We cannot control life, we cannot dominate it, we can only harmonise with it. The new mind-set is revealed in our choices. Care shows itself first in a choice to change how we think of ourselves as humans. It then extends into how we see the world, our care for the whole, through adaptability, awareness and resilience. It culminates in recognising and experiencing that the city, the ecosystem, the whole, are inseparable from us. Jon Freeman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Intelligence in Living Systems – where is it found? I am a plant Plants have no brains. Where is the intelligence located that turns me to face the sun? If I were a city, where would my intelligence be found? How would my intelligence be maximised? What would enable me to care optimally for myself and all who inhabit me? What new mind-sets are needed for intelligent, living, human systems? Jon Freeman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Intelligence in Living Systems – how does it work? Intellect and language.




Language uses polarities. These are constructs. They are not reality. Living reality dances between the poles. Living reality seeks balance.

Right-Wrong Good-Bad Masculine-Feminine Dark-Light Good-Evil Individual-collective

Living Systems are complex. You cannot isolate variables. Cause-and-effect thinking does not work. Complex (VUCA) systems cannot be predicted through linear thinking. The only way to deal with this is through adaptive responsiveness.

NEW MINDSET. Requires a shift from analysis, polarity and linearity to embedded whole-system awareness Jon Freeman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Intelligence in Living Systems – an observer can see the flow Energy and resources flow between all of the parts of the forest system. It is an organic process. Trees connect beneath the Earth, sharing nutrients through micro-rhizomes. An observer, even an internal one, doesn’t have the data to manage this. Sheep don’t manage trees or worms. The forest’s health depends on the relationships and activities of all participants. The ecosystem maintains its own balances over time, adjusting to weather, to incoming species and over time, to genetic drifts and larger patterns such as climate cycles. The intelligence is distributed. Only the participants have access to the relevant data. Each must respond adaptively according to its own range of choices. Jon Freeman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Intelligence in Living Systems – where and how are choices made? Our parents and schools teach us about right and wrong. They teach us that there are right answers and wrong ones. What is right is always right. They teach us to make decisions. Systems cannot self-balance based on fixed, “correct” decisions. Circumstances change. Every decision changes a complex picture. It is no use examining why you “got it wrong”. We must learn to live in short-term choices. Volatility demands Adaptability The surfer adjusts continuously. She doesn’t review an earlier choice. We must learn to surf our existence. We must develop agile mind-sets, choosing and re-choosing based on continuous awareness. A problem never exists in isolation; it is surrounded by other problems in space and time. A system is more than the sum of its parts; it is an indivisible whole. It loses its essential properties when it is taken apart. The elements of a system may themselves be systems, and every system may be part of a larger system. Russell Ackoff

Agility and adaptability are required of all living systems, including cities Jon Freeman

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Intelligence in Living Systems – living from the bottom up Subsidiarity is an organizing principle that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralized competent authority. Decisions should be taken at a local level if possible, rather than by a central authority. Living systems practice subsidiarity. Your body acts at the level of cells and organs. It has mechanisms for homeostasis (maintaining balance). Your intelligence is embodied.

Cities are living systems. Their intelligence is in us, in their processes and in our shared contexts. The city’s intelligence arises from awareness of explicit information and implicit context and the choices made by every “cell” (us) and in every organ (the sub-systems). Jon Freeman


Leadership in a VUCA World Marilyn Hamilton

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Personal Leadership Deepens Care, Raises Context & Leadership capacity for care is Matures Capacity developed within the context of life conditions that can only be appreciated through expanding levels of capacity.


Adapt Adapt Adapt Adapt Adapt

Sur t e Suvriv a r e rat e Suvriev n Suvriev ege ne rat te Suvriev R ege ne ra te viev R ege ene ra e R eg ne e R g CONTEXT e CAPACITY R CONTEXT CAPACITY



As living human systems all leaders express these qualities as we survive, adapt and regenerate. Caring may influence leadership Context and/or Capacity; Context may amplify Capacity and/or Caring; Capacity Building may embrace both Caring and Contexting.

3/10/21 Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Leadership capacity increases as we deepen the stance for our work. (Barrett Brown)

Barrett Brown’s research on leaders in sustainability, suggests that our Integral City leaders will frame their work as it relates to working “on” the city, or “with” the city, or “as” the city. As we do so, we become much more subtle in how we relate to the city and her many voices.

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Leaders Negotiate Time, Space, Moral Influence Morality, space and time grow a nest of fractals-patterns through which leaders negotiate as they work “on”, “with” and “as” the city. All people in the city are constantly interacting, transacting, recalibrating and even transforming their practices of leadership within the dimensions of morality, space and time.

Moral Influence Moral Influence Moral Influence


Time Time


Space Space

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Deepening Care is an Inner Journey It Grows Perspectives of I/We/It/Its It Becomes the Master Code of Care

Widening Capacity Integrates Inner Care & Outer Context

Raising Context is an Outer Journey It Gives perspectives of expanding boundaries and views of how to increase scale of impact Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Adult Development is a “never-ending quest” (Clare Graves) Creating habitats that optimize the opportunities for adult development is one of the greatest values that Integral City design has to offer the world. Through individual adult development we can create the conditions to support the intelligences of “WE-space” that is the natural legacy of optimizing the impact of the Integral City. Underpinning our intentions to optimize lies a radical optimism that fires an Integral way of working in our cities on our Planet of Cities. Integral optimism as an evolutionary impulse lies at the very centre of how we optimize Integral City impact – and our Integral City Compass.

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Leadership Questions to Ponder How much is enough Care/Contexting/Capacity Building to produce a world that is sustainable and resilient? • • • • • • • •


How much CCC is enough to obtain the basics of life? How much CCC is enough to nurture family bonds? How much CCC is enough to express personal power? How much CCC is enough to enforce authority, standards, rules and laws? How much CCC is enough to produce strategic plans, technology and stuff? How much CCC is enough to ensure social safety nets? How much CCC is enough to sustain resilience, flexibility and flow? th How much CCC is enough to enable global thinking, acting, relating and producing?

Thank You for Caring, Contexting & Capacity Building

For Gaia’s Living Cities

Unto the 7


Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Lifemaps for Integral City Ellen van Dongen

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World In transformation towards a natural world. Taking care of self, other, place, planet. How do I care for all four, at every step? Finding your peace, place and compass, in the midst of tension and turbulence.

Lifemap scenario Climate change & nature’s decline ANGEL OF PEACE



Ellen van Dongen

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World I am a world citizen, aspiring to live the Master Code: Take care of self, other, place and planet. THE VISION: Creation/evolution in Oneness. Humanity is moving into the natural. We choose to adapt, transform. The mission: As a nature lover and Biologist I am taking on the mission to discover the hidden and forgotten connections between humankind and nature. To create awareness of what this means, for the individual, community, business, civil society and government. The city as an entity is ideally positioned for this, because it is clear to all, that the physical, the locality and the local conditions are part of its being.

The realization: I am living in this place, doing my best to take care of myself, my family and others. My intention has been to be a

good person, friend, colleague, citizen. I have lived moderately environment friendly. Now, here is climate change. The future has become unsure. I have become aware, that life conditions will worsen. I can feel the urgency, but what can I do? It is causing me stress. It makes me feel powerless. I do not know the impact, over here, but I do know, that I have to get involved, more than I ever thought I would have to. THE QUESTIONS o How can I make sense, let alone meaning, of this worldwide phenomenon? I want to know how I can relate to climate change. What is my position? How does this affect my relationships, work, direction, purpose? o When I see the Amazon or Australia burning, I feel grief. I feel a need to express it. I realize how small I am. With whom can I share? How can we find ways to cope? o I know that this is my place and my moment. How can I find out where to begin? o I love my city and can find others, partners, to do something. But what value can I add? What is my function? o I would like to have more influence in my city, my organization. What would make sense for me? Lifemaps.NL

Ellen van Dongen

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World We are the city: Visualizing care, context, capacity. Inquiring into placemaking and placecaring. Lifemap scenario Caring, in a Natural City



Ellen van Dongen

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World We are the city: Visualizing care, context, capacity. Inquiring into placemaking and placecaring. Lifemaps are a tool for reality-based, purpose oriented visualization. For inquiry, discovery, meaning making, finding new perspective and direction. Of key issues in life, business, community or the world. A lifemap is a table poster plus a set of stickers. A lifemap has a built-in process and comes with a scenario around a core theme, question or situation. New lifemap scenarios for the city will be co-designed with key question owners.

LIFEMAP SCENARIO’S FOR THE CITY & THE STAKEHOLDERS A journey towards becoming an Integral City

The Integral City framework and meshwork offer wisdom, perspective, models and maps, strategies and advice for cities on their journey to become an Integral City. A city, in which evolutionary capacities are developed and connectedness is strong. A city, that makes space for nature and takes a responsible role in its eco-region. There are several lifemap scenario’s in development, finding direction in the Master Code: Take care of self, other, place, planet.

Applying new-economy principles Jan Jonker, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, has done research, broad and deep, into what drives hundreds of neweconomy initiatives and what makes them successful. I had the pleasure of being one of a group of co-writers of his book New Business Models . The NBM’s are based on three metaprinciples: value creation is multiple, collective and shared. These principles are embedded in the lifemaps for the city and its stakeholders.

Finding your path and compass in this time of climate change

It is possible to find a personal connection with climate change & nature’s decline. Coming from who you are, from your unicity, place and contribution to the world. During the journey in this lifemap scenario, you will also discover which new knowledge and principles are needed, and why. it is of crucial importance to gain knowledge about the physical, matter & materials, and ecology. The lifemap scenarios for the city are co-developed with key question owners. Lifemaps.NL

Ellen van Dongen

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Change starts with me: Evaluating who I have been, who I am becoming, how I can be of service. Lifemap scenario’s Choosing for transformation


Existing scenario’s: being who you are, living as a personal creator, living your purpose, conscious business Theme stickers: life, venture, habitat

Key aspects of the theme or situation


There are many lifemap building blocks. They provide a flexible, holistic framework, based on experiential knowledge, created with love. Lifemaps use realistic input and have an intuitive process. They hold the intention to involve the senses and touch the heart, to create conditions for people to be fully present. They provide a setting in which key questions can be researched and connections and directions can be found. o Intuitive mapping of reality, into key aspects and themes, in several layers. o Studying the map and completing the overview. o E-valuating the map, using symbol stickers. o Choosing next steps, actions, finding new paths – in: personal life, work, creating, life’s mission, working with money, co-creating an initiative or project, in business and community, neighbourhood and, city. Lifemaps.NL

Ellen van Dongen

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Change starts with me: Evaluating who I have been, who I am becoming, how I can be of service. 7 Keys in all lifemaps 1. Being who we are 2. Living our purpose 3. Working with creative forces 4. Conscious business 5. Living together in harmony 6. Caring for place, the earth 7. Seeing the whole of reality.

Sources: Alexander Lowen, Antonio Damasio, Bruce Lipton, de Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Don Beck, Ch. Eisenstein, Elaine Aron, E.O. Wilson, Esbjörn-Hargens & Zimmerman, Fraser & Massey, Frederic Laloux, Günther Pauli, J.G. Speth, Jan Jonker, Joanna Macey, Kate Raworth, Ken Wilber, Marilyn Hamilton, Neale D. Walsch, Sanaya Roman, Otto Scharmer, Robert Fritz, Thomas Rau, Wayne Dyer.


Ellen van Dongen

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Applying the Wisdom of Urban Hub 20 This section offers a Storyboard that any City or Team could use to design a Meshwork to Accelerate Transformation in their City in these VUCA times, using the wisdom in these pages. The Design Question or Equation the Meshworkers must ask is: How do we work together in service to the wellbeing of Gaia and what group(s) of people, for what purpose, where? We also share from Lisbon UrbanA their selected approaches from Urban Hub 20 to guide the unfolding of their inquiry and project development for Creating a Sustainable and Just Lisbon. People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Storyboard Design for Meshworks

Marilyn Hamilton

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Who are we as a Team of Practitioners/Catalysts/Meshworkers ? • What are our strengths/qualities? • How do our perspectives frame the system we see? • How are we in relationship with the system as it sees itself? • How do we Lead with the Master Code of Care? Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

What is our Project? • • •

What is our Superordinate Goal? How Does Our Project Evolve Over Time? How do we in-form and cohere energy fields?

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World What Factors Come Into Play as we Engage with the System? • How does spiritual practice optimize our impact? • What capital/assets are available? • How do we define/frame/ engage our challenge with the 4 Voices?

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World How can we design Urban Eco-Villages with Regenerative Principles and Processes? • How do they support us as we parent our children? • How do they enable us to integrate the ecological, social, cultural and economic dimensions of community?

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Who are the 4 Voices of the City/Neighbourhood? • How can we constellate them? • How might we coach them? • How do we invite all 4 Voices to the table?

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World How do the dynamics of organization and collaboration influence change? • What are the themes of Transition? • How do we design with awareness of complexity, climate, region, to shape and build form?

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

How can we map our Meshwork? • What are our Intentions? • How do we interact with 3 Spheres? • How does our Timeline of Stages unfold? • What is our Collaboration System? • How could we Gamify/ Play with the System? Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World How do we Share Stories that Align Values & Respond to VUCA Life Changes? • Through the Intelligences alive in the system? • To Capture our Visions and Tell Stories to the Future? • So we Re-story to Restore CARING?

Marilyn Hamilton PhD

Creating a Sustainable & Just Lisbon Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Creating Sustainable and Just Cities

Creating a Sustainable & Just Lisbon

UrbanA is a 3-yrs (2019-21) European funded academic project that revolves around four “Urban Arenas”, each one explores specific themes with a range of “City Makers” to better understand how to create Sustainable and Just cities. The project consortium is nurturing a “Community of Practice” to better connect communities translocally and building a “Knowledge Commons”, offering processes where collaboration happens by online, offline and blended approaches. UrbanA´s Portuguese team is seeking to ground this process by creating face-to-face “Local Arenas” in Lisbon. The purpose is to identify, connect and cocreate with local communities responding to local urban challenges, who have clear insights on urban justice, or who are developing local solutions to climate breakdown.

UrbanA Blended Arenas Duncan CrowleyUrbanA & Constança Belchior Blended Arenas

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Cities play a key role in responding to the great challenges of our time. However increasing poverty and inequality, exacerbated by the recent financial and housing crises, are putting the social cohesion and resilience of European cities to the test.


UrbanA is a 3-year project funded by the European Union, and led by a consortium of seven partners

Many researchers and innovators have focused on understanding urban social inequality and ecological unsustainability and have identified numerous ways of making cities more just and sustainable. This knowledge and experience needs to be further consolidated and effectively communicated. UrbanA takes up this challenge •

Distilling and sharing knowledge generated by research and innovation projects and translating it into action.

Facilitating interaction and knowledge exchange.

Empowering UrbanA participants to apply this knowledge locally.

Influencing policies in favour of sustainable and just cities. Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

The first UrbanA Local Arena in Lisbon, the new capital of gentrification & evictions. November 12th 2019 was the start of the UrbanA project in Lisbon, a city going through such rapid and profound change that it was recently deemed “The new capital of gentrification and evictions”. After much time reaching out to local groups and projects active in the city, a group of about 30 participated in a full day of activity in the city’s most multicultural community, Mouraria. The event started with a walking tour of the labyrinthine neighbourhood under the old castle, where, like many European cities, touristification, gentrification and short-term housing are driving up rents so quickly that locals can no longer afford to pay and are moving out of their bairros (neighbourhoods). Minimum wage raised 6% to 635 euros in 2019, but it is still the lowest in western Europe. Activists from Housing and Right to the City groups Stop Despejos (Stop evictions), Jardim Martim Moniz and Habita led a mostly local group through the streets to the heart of this transformation, the now mostly emptied, Rua Dos Lagares, where remaining families recently had their evictions stalled due to mobilisations in the streets. Then, in the Mouraria Creative Hub participants explored how the approaches to urban justice and sustainability identified in UrbanA translate to the Lisbon context, using Fishbowl, World Café and other participatory methods. Their findings are being fed into the wider UrbanA project through its collaborative processes and tools, including a Community of Practice and Knowledge Commons. (All links available on the UrbanA Zine: https://tinyurl.com/vp7ml2z) Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Live Sketching at Local Arena #1 Social metrics: Where are we from / Who are we / What’s our focus / Age / Measure Lisbon Sustainability and Justice levels. Group Culture: Horizontality / Give a voice to all / Confidentiality / Don’t Judge / Explore differences and contradictions / Empathy / Ecosocial Regeneration / Intersectionality / Respect Time / Active Listening. World Café: Existing Solutions / Barriers and Opportunities / Current Problems in Lisbon / Sustainable Vision for Lisbon. Fish Bowl: How can an urban Community of Practice help manifest the dream of a Sustainable and Just Lisbon? Conclusions: Many solutions exist, but complex problems persist / Need to better connect communities & projects / Local participation needs deepening & expand included voices / Identify Citizen intervention points. #EcoDesignGrafico #EcoDesignGrafico

Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

How might UrbanA enable integral capacities in Lisbon?

Chinese Neighbourhood & Quinta do Chale, 1990’s (Soares 2011, ROCK 2018) (ROCK)

UrbanA will continue its local community engagement process in Lisbon by grounding its activity in Marvila, a rapidly transforming riverside neighbourhood on the Eastern side of Lisbon. The objective is to identify how best can the needs of the local communities be supported by the wider UrbanA “Community of Practice” and the project´s tools. It also aims to explore how to accelerate the transformation of Marvila into an Integral City Neigbourhood by applying perspectives and tools from Urban Hub 20. This port industry and working class area was forgotten about for many decades and housed one of Lisbon’s largest shanty towns, the Chinese Neighbourhood. This was replaced in the late 1990’s by fragmented modern housing blocks of high rise towers, amidst large, empty, unused spaces. The latest urban transformation sees rent and land prices rise rapidly, established communities being forced to leave and even evictions happening.

Chinese Neighbourhood & Quinta do Chale, 2018 (Google Earth, ROCK 2018) (ROCK)

Marvila is beaming with transformation potential. Many research and social innovation groups are already active here, working with the local government and communities to increase citizen collaboration in planning processes and to explore issues of equality and urban sustainability. Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Honouring and building on previous work in Marvila Marvila library, tower blocks and community gardens

Marvila´s fragmented communities & empty spaces

UrbanA aims to partner with and build on the work done by local change-making actors and activities to explore what sustainability and justice means in context, and how UrbanA might help local communities develop further in an integral way. UrbanA will use the public library as a central community-building space. Lisbon is Europe’s “Green Capital” for 2020. A great opportunity exists to deepen current ecological urban concepts to better incorporate social justice. Community-led initiatives and local government can design regenerative solutions for Marvila’s open spaces, based around the cultural, economic, ecological and social dimensions of sustainability.

Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

Supporting existing projects in Marvila Illustrations of community projects in Marvila, orchestrated and co-created by local change agents, such as the EUfunded ROCK project (Cultural Heritage leading urban futures), an urban regeneration non-profit association Rés-doChão and the 4 Crescente community group.

Development of a pathway of games in Marvila – O nosso Chão (Our Ground), directed at children and youth, a`s a tool to promote citizenship appropriation of public spaces.

ROCK Coffee Talk #3 “Neighborhood memories”, in local library.


ROCK’s trip through Marvila in the 20th century, told by elders, translated by youth ROCK’s trip through Marvila in the 20th century, told by elders, translated by youth

Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World A central question to UrbanA´s implementation in Lisbon is “How might an urban Community of Practice help manifest the dream of a Sustainable and Just Lisbon?”

UrbanA´s intention for Marvila UrbanA´s Portuguese team will ground this central inquiry in Marvila with the intention of acting as a meta-collaboration platform for actors of change, both local and translocal (through the UrbanA Community of Practice). Preliminary conversations with local actors in Marvila indicate the need for continuity of previous collaborative and co-creative community work. UrbanA will work with a microsmos of Marvila and together explore how to best serve the flow development of this neighbourhood as a nested system in the wider Lisbon. UrbanA will realize this intention by applying selected approaches from Urban Hub 20 to guide the unfolding of our inquiry and our project development. These include: 1) 2)

3) 4)

What are the worldviews and capabilities in our team to help the system see itself? (Integral Project Design) Who are the 4 voices we will join in to help transform Marvila, and how will our common project evolve over time? (Integraing Civil Society; Salutogenic Cities; Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative) How can we help tell better stories about the meta-impact the communities are having? (Wisdom Economies) How to include and understand the four critical relationships between behaviour, systems, relationships and mindsets in our responses? (Making a Place We Can All Call Home) Duncan Crowley & Constança Belchior


Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Biographies Guest Curator Urban Hub 20 Marilyn Hamilton PhD, CPA-CGA (ret) Dr. Marilyn Hamilton is a city (or Human Hive) evolutionist, futurist, PRAQtivist, author and independent researcher. Founder of Integral City Meshworks Inc; author of the Integral City Book Series, she has created several international communities of Integral City practise. Partnering with Findhorn College she convenes workshops and webinars. She has designed and delivered “learning lhabitats” for the 4+1 Voices of the city (Citizens, Civic Managers, Business/Innovators, Third Sector) for Ecocity World Summit 2019, 6Aika Finland, WeMaketheCity Amsterdam, IDG Smart City, Globe Forum Sustainable Cities, Integral Europe Conferences and Integral Theory Conferences. She has held the position of CEO, COO, CFO and CIO in the private and not-forprofit sectors, serves on the Board of Findhorn College and F.I.R.E. CIC; and is Associate or Faculty in the School of Leadership at Royal Roads University, U of Victoria, Adizes Graduate School, Fielding U, Skolkovo Moscow, California Institute of Integral Studies, Murdoch U and conferences around the world. Marilyn is committed to the wellbeing of Gaia, by co-evolving cities as Gaia’s Reflective Organs. LI Marilyn Hamilton www.integralcity.com

Founder/Creator and Managing Curator Urban Hub series RIBA (ret) Paul van Schaik Founder/Creator and Managing Curator of Urban Hub: Thriveable Cities Series; Founder integralMENTORS; Co Founder- Integral Without Borders; Founder/Principal Associate iSchaik Development Associates; Founding member of the Integral Institute. 40 years experience of working in international development – with extensive experience, as team leader, in the education, health, infrastructure sectors and program management. Worked with national governments, bilateral and multilateral development organisations and international NGOs to bring an integrally informed approach to programme development, implementation and evaluation, either directly or through the training of operational staff. He has been an Advisor and Consultant to DFID UK, Danida Denmark, European Commission, KfW/GTZ Germany, Sida Sweden, UNICEF, World Bank among others with extensive experience of working in Asia, Africa, Europe and Middle East. A UK trained Architect with extensive global experience doing pioneering work with passive solar energy in the 1970/80s in Africa and Australia, and tutored at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London www.integralmentors.org; https://www.facebook.com/integralMENTORS/; www.facebook.com/IntegralUrbanHub/

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Contributors Andrew Becker is the Executive director of Integral Without Borders (IWB). He views himself as a facilitator of development who works to discover where he might encourage the emergent development of others; primarily at the community level. Danielle Huffaker is on the Board of Directors of IWB and orients herself towards the intention to be wisdom and love in action. Both have years of experience working on community development projects, primarily in Guatemala. www.integralwithoutborders.org Constança Belchior is sustainability designer, facilitator and researcher with a living systems and integral worldview. Currently devoted to experimenting and facilitating learning and innovation journeys for systemic impact in our society. She is also an action-researcher on sustainability transitions, and urban sustainability and justice for the EU H2020 project “UrbanA – Arenas for sustainable and just cities”, at the Centre for Ecology and Environmental Changes (ce3c) in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. Former work experience and worldview development stemmed from operating for over 10yrs at the science-policy interface for marine and environmental sustainability, in Portugal, Brazil and for the EU. https://ce3c.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/member/contancabelchior https://www.linkedin.com/in/constancabelchior/ Miriam Binder-Lang is a coach, a mother, a wife, a daughter and a friend. She has become integralist by coincidence and is passionately pursuing the path of development. To be on that path more fully, she has left the corporate world after a 20-year executive career to train as a coach with Integral Coaching Canada and do what she most enjoyed in her leadership roles: support people to own and use their talents. Today, she works as a coach with individuals and teams, and as a faculty member of Integral Coaching Canada with students around the globe. Duncan Crowley Greening Cities & Connecting Communities. From Dublin, Barcelona, Curitiba to Lisbon, Duncan is an Irish architect and PhD student whose work uses action research to bridge activism and academia to examine community-led responses to Climate Breakdown. His “Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories” PhD in Lisbon explores what processes, structures or forms can enable the scaling up of the Global Ecovillage Network to transform modern global cities into ecocities. He also works on the European UrbanA project (Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just cities). While living in Curitiba, Brazil he attained a Masters in Environment and Development. Living in Barcelona before that, he co-founded the local Transition group, gained a Permaculture Design Certificate at Mas Franch and was active in the Barcelona Indignado square occupation of 2011. He’s part of Degrowth, Extinction Rebellion and Indymedia, loves adventures, standing in rivers and reading Corto Maltese or Asterix books. https://ce3c.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/member/duncancrowley https://www.dinamiacet.iscte-iul.pt/research-team/Duncan-Crowley

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Contributors Jude Currivan PhD is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, previously one of the most senior businesswomen in the UK and author, latterly of The Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation. Integrating leading-edge science, consciousness research and universal wisdom teachings, she has experienced supernormal phenomena since early childhood. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle (www.evolutionaryleaders.net) and co-founder of WholeWorld-View (www.wholeworld-view.org) serving conscious evolution and emergent resolutions to planetary issues. She holds a PhD in Archaeology researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specialising in cosmology and quantum physics. Mark DeKay, registered architect BArch/MArch (Tulane Univ.), MArch (Univ. of Oregon) is a Professor of Architecture at the University of Tennessee, specializing in sustainable design theory and tools. He is author of Integral Sustainable Design: transformative perspectives and co-author of Sun, Wind, and Light: architectural design strategies, 3rd edition. Mark teaches and lectures internationally on climatic design, design education, and integral sustainability. His recent work includes: integral theory applications to architectural photography, transdisciplinary design research, and narratives about nature design-with-nature. Mark’s current primary scholarship is about design as a means to experience nature via buildings. He collaborates with scholars in Scotland, Australia, California, China, and Greece. Mark and his wife, Susanne, were trained by Al Gore as Climate Reality Leaders and offer lectures on “Solving the Climate Crisis by Design.” Ellen van Dongen is Mother. Nature lover. Biologist. A long career in systemic business development and strategic consulting; values based; purpose oriented. A burn-out brought new consciousness, an inward journey to become more real and embody the fullness of who I am, a re-evaluation of my position and contribution in the world. Diana Claire Douglas, Systemic facilitator, coach, consultant, author, founder of Knowing Field Designs; lead facilitator of Systemic Constellation Work (SCW) with Integral City and The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence. She is participating in the evolution of a new branch of SCW — which she calls Constellating for the Collective— through facilitating monthly gatherings, retreats, workshops, on-line sessions and presenting at international conferences. At IEC2018 she was on the planning and facilitation team for the Big Community Constellation where 400 conference attendees participated in constellating “Restoring Peace in Europe.” She, Anne-Marie Voorhoeve from THC and colleagues have been co-creating the research and real-world implementation of The Conscious Witness Project. Her work in the constellation field is published in The Knowing Field International Journal, the Integral Leadership Review, and included as chapters in two books. Her book Constellating for the Collective is forthcoming in 2020. www.knowingfielddesigns.com dianaclairedouglas@bell.net

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Contributors Edward Fitsell is a civil society expert and practitioner specialising in supporting not-for-profit organisations with their governance and funding needs. Passionate about the evolution of organisational and societal governance, Edward works to inspire Integral approaches to the way civil society operates to create fairer, more efficient communities. Morel Fourman is founder-CEO of Gaiasoft International and President of International Coach Federation Foundation. Morel combines a deep understanding of personal and cultural transformation with a rigorous technical mind. He designs and leads development of systems, software tools and environments that enable lasting and meaningful change. Morel’s work and life reflect his commitment to making a positive impact on a global scale. He received the Meshworkers of the Year Award 2016. Morel's vision as President of ICF is to curate tools to bring the power of coaching to the 3.5 billion of the world's population who live on less than $5 dollars per day. Gaiasoft works with cities and nations particularly in Africa, enabling strategic positioning for organizations within cities and across cities in the same country or continent. It’s multidisciplinary creative communications and instructional design team delivers coherent multi-channel knowledge products and tools suitable for meshworking and for different roles, cultures and learning styles. https://www.linkedin.com/in/morelfourman/ https://gaiasoft.com/ https://coachfederation.org/ Jon Freeman is an organisational development practitioner, a Spiral Dynamics trainer, an author on new reality frameworks (“The Science of Possibility”) and future economics (“Reinventing Capitalism”). He sees the emerging world from the perspectives of Living Systems Intelligence and Conscious Cocreation. His most recent work offers online training programs to develop inner mind capacities for intuition development and reality creation. His Spiral Dynamics papers and advanced online trainings in Organisational Development and Individual Development, Leadership and Coaching can be found at www.spiralfutures.com. The new personal development programs (“Connect to Source”) can be found through the Access to Possibility Facebook page. Lev Gordon As a Dzogchen practitioner Lev has deep respect for all forms of Life. After exploring the world in 1993-2008 he has settled in Russia to share his modest gifts of love and wisdom with those interested in discovering their true nature and inner source of unshakable presence and happiness. When awake, Lev enjoys connecting leaders and inspiring people and cities to live their full potential. Inspired by Eduard Gordon, Marilyn Hamilton and other amazing humans in 2014 Lev co-founded Living Cities community of practice with the mission “1000 Living Cities by 2035”. Since 2009 Lev supports integral development of 11 575 municipalities. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD a global leader in the application of integrative thinking to leader development, organizational design, and mixed-methods design. In 2011 he founded MetaIntegral a social impact network that supports change leaders around the world in applying integrative principles. Sean’s passion lies at the intersection of design, integral theory, and embodiment. He has published and edited numerous articles, chapters, and books. His most recent books are Metatheory for the Twenty-first Century (2015) and Dancing with Sophia: Integral Philosophy on the Verge (2019). He lives in Northern California with his wife and two daughters. www.metaintegral.com

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Contributors Ard Hordijk & Allard de Ranitz are partners at Synnervate. Synnervate guides change processes, is Holacracy® expert and is the only accredited organization in the Netherlands providing certified Spiral Dynamics integral training. We create sustainable change, with tangible and durable effects. We support societal transitions in healthcare, in education, within government organizations and in business. As Changemakers, we aim to work towards a sustainable society and are inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals. In our experience, consciousness development is a necessary condition for achieving those goals. In current times living and working is not just about creating better solutions, but also about building a more inclusive and integral way of thinking and doing. Stephan Martineau is the Founder and Manager of Slocan Integral Forestry Cooperative (SIFCo). He is a futurist and integrated systems strategist & consultant. As a serial entrepreneur and leading expert on discernment & collective intelligence, he works as a project manager and integral consultant with influencers, as well as with municipalities and organizations as they develop vision, inter- and intrapersonal discernment skills and practices, and seek to implement these in ways that are effective and resilient to change. Stephan's lifelong passion and pursuit is to move beyond ideas, discussions and theorizing to the doing that exists beyond the "arriving" that is found at the core of ourselves. For the past 30 years he has designed and led numerous transformative educational events internationally, specifically for entrepreneurs, ecologists, community builders, educators and parents. Stephan loves finding fulcrum points for collective transformation. He lives with his family in the beautiful mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Miriam Mason Martineau is a mother, therapeutic counselor, parenting coach, writer, speaker, and researcher. She holds an M.A. in Psychology from the University of Zurich, with specialization in Youth and Child Psychology, and has been working in private practice as an integral therapeutic counselor since 1995. Miriam is vice-president of Next Step Integral, an international organization that brings an integral perspective to ecology, education, parenting and community. Through her writing, workshops, speaking engagements, counselling for individuals and couples, as well as parent coaching and online parenting course, she helps clients discover and express their evolving potential – in themselves, their relationships, and the world. www.miriammartineau.com Peter Merry is Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University . He has worked in and across different sectors. As well as co-founding and leading various organisations, his experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, and government ministries, and in multistakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics. He is the author of Evolutionary Leadership and Why Work. He has a Ph.D. on volution theory with Ubiquity University’s Wisdom School, an M.Sc. from Edinburgh University’s Centre for Human Ecology and is a qualified ECOintention practitioner. For more information, see CV on LinkedIn and www.petermerry.org, www.volutiontheory.net

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Contributors Karen O’Brien is a Professor in the Dept. of Sociology & Human Geography at University of Oslo, Norway. Co-founder of cCHANGE, a company supporting transformation in a changing climate, Karen has over 30 years of research experience, emphasizing the social & human dimensions of climate change and implications for human security. Current research focuses on the relationship between climate change adaptation & transformations to sustainability, emphasizing the role of creativity, collaboration, empowerment and narratives. She is particularly interested in the role of beliefs, values, worldviews and paradigms in generating conscious social change, including exploration of the potential for “quantum social change.” Karen has participated in 4 reports for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and as part of the IPCC was a co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. She has published many academic articles, written, and co-edited numerous books, including “Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security,” “The Adaptive Challenge of Climate Change,” and most recently, co-authored with Robin Leichenko, is “Climate and Society: Transforming the Future.” Beth Sanders MCP RPP is the author of Nest City: How Cities Serve Citizens and Citizens Serve Cities. She is an award-winning city planner, including the International Integral City Meshworker of the Year in 2013. She has worked for municipalities across Western Canada, including as general manager of planning and development in Fort McMurray, in the heart of the oil sands, when it was the fastest growing municipality in North America in the mid2000s. In 2007 she founded POPULUS to shepherd efforts to make city habitats that serve citizens well. Beth is a fourth-generation settler of English, Irish and Norwegian descent living in the territory of the Treaty 6 First Nations and the homelands of the Métis people. She makes herself at home in Edmonton, a welcoming city where the first footsteps that marked this place belonged to the Cree, Dene, Saulteaux, Nakota Sioux, Blackfoot, Métis. #Nestcity www.bethsanders.ca Kara Stonehouse is a systems transformation facilitator with The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence. She has 10 years of experience in speaking, facilitating and graphic recording for government, academic and non-profit clients around the world. Kara was lead facilitator of the Ottawa Energy Collective Impact project from 2016-2019, combining her design thinking and sustainability leadership expertise to create meaningful collaboration on carbon dioxide reductions. Kara is deeply spiritual and sensitive to the needs and patterns of life, beneath the surface. She contributes wholeheartedly to creating a world where people are ‘Home’ on Earth. https://www.linkedin.com/in/kara-stonehouse-178a957/ http://www.thehaguecenter.org/ http://www.ahagraphic.com/

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World Contributors Anne-Marie Voorhoeve is founder of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation & Emergence, and core team member of Integral City Meshworks. She is a strategist, social and energetic architect, innovative co-creator, master facilitator, expert in Spiral Dynamics integral, ECOintention Practitioner. She focuses on integral transformation of society into a regenerative world, with a balance of the masculine and feminine. She works internationally designing and supporting complex multi-stakeholder projects that commit to meaningful, ambitious goals. She contributes to many networks and initiatives, for example as Chief Creative Director for the Club of Budapest International Network, core team member of the Unity Community and Co-creating Europe, as partner of CityTransformers and the Infinite World Game and as co-initiator and catalyser of 2020 Caravan of Unity Europe initiative. She is recipient of World Forum Peace Prize for Communities 2017. In 2019 she was inducted as an Evolutionary Leader and awarded the Integral City Meshworker of the Year 2019. nl.linkedin.com/in/annemarievoorhoeve/ http://www.thehaguecenter.org/ www.integralcity.com www.evolutionaryleaders.net www.theclubofbudapest.com http://www.wholeworld-view.org/ http://co-creatingeurope.eu/ www.ecointention.com Daniel Christian Wahl originally trained as a biologist and holds degrees in Biology and Holistic Science and a PhD in Natural Design. Daniel lives on Majorca where he helped to set up SMART UIB and works locally and internationally as a consultant, educator and activist. Among his clients have been Ecover, Forum for the Future, Camper, Balears.t, Save the Med, Lush, UNITAR, UK Foresight and many universities and N.G.O.s. Daniel wrote the content and developed the concept of Gaia Education's SDGs Flashcards which supported by UNESCO are now translated into 7 languages. Daniel's 2016 book 'Designing Regenerative Cultures' has quickly gained international acclaim, his Blog on Medium is followed by nearly 20k people. Ian Wight is a former Canadian professional planner, and city planner educator (Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba), now re-firing in his native land, in Edinburgh Scotland. He is interested in integrally evolving professionalism beyond the status quo, in the context of contemplating the education of the agents of the next enlightenment. This takes the form of facilitating professional-self design, through a focus on praxis-making, ethosmaking, poiesis and 'prof-essencing'. Ian has had a long engagement with placemaking, as wellbeing by design, and is currently working on ’the possibility in conviviality’ - both in the context of his commitment to ‘ever-more-whole-making’. ‘Integral’ has been his default mode since 1998. GEN, the Global Ecovillage Network is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives, founded in 1995, and with consultative status to UN ECOSOC and UNEP. Comprising of five continental networks and a youth arm, and reaching out to more than 6.000 communities, GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, ism beyond the status quo, in the context of contemplating the education of the agents of the next enlightenment. This takes NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures. Ecovillages are living laboratories pioneering innovative solutions for low environmental impact and high quality lifestyles.

People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Contributors Cover Art “She Flourishes” - Gaia Orion

Gaia Orion is a visionary artist who has gained international recognition by participating in many worldwide projects that are working toward constructive world change. She has exhibited in Paris, Moscow, New York, San Francisco and Toronto as well as in Mexico, Spain, Germany, Hungary and Bali. Gaia is also a creativity coach and a business coach. She is a mentor for anyone willing to ignite their creativity or their art career. With GO Creative! Corporate Coaching she brings art based learning to organizations to grow, flourish and excel. As an advocate for personal and societal change she is also a motivational speaker inspiring others to live a fulfilling, healthy, life where their own unique talents can flourish.


Gaia Orion


Books by Marilyn Hamilton

12 City Intelligences multiply & integrate all city capacities . Book 1 shows how City Leaders, Business/ Innovators, the 3rd Sector & Citizens are the 4 Voices of the Human Hive. In a VUCA world generate city resonance through 5 sets of Intelligences: Contexting, Individual, Collective, Strategic & Evolutionary. Enhance city wellbeing by living the Master Code of Care: for Self/Others/Place/Planet.

Inquiry, Action and Impact Design add value to the city. Placecarers & Placemakers use the 16 chapters of Book 2 to design Action Research practices, processes & prototypes. This integrally pluralistic approach enables city development that aligns the wellbeing of People, Place & Planet. Transform shared vision into shared action and co-create cities as Gaia’s Reflective Organs.

Care, Contexting & Capacity Building are the keys to reframing the intractable challenges cities face in our VUCA world. Book 3 offers an overview that integrates bio-psychocultural-systemic action with spirit. Explore the collective capacities of WE-Space through the science of complexity & the power of community. Learn how meshworking our networks enables collaboration at the city scale.


People do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different mindsets bring forth different worlds.

Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners The Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners (adjacent) cover much of the theory behind the Integral Meta-framework used in these volumes. For topics covered in other volumes in this series see the following page. Urban Hub Series These books are a series of presentations for the use of Integral theory or an Integral Meta-framework in understanding cities and urban Thriveability. Although each can stand alone, taken together they give a more rounded appreciation of how this broader framework can help in the analysis and design of thriveable urban environments. Key to an Integral approach to urban design is the notion that although other aspects of urban life are important, people (sentient beings), as individuals and communities, are the primary ‘purpose’ for making cities thriveable. All other aspects (technology, transport & infra-structure, health, education, sustainability, economic development, etc.) although playing a major part, are secondary. Pdf versions are gratis to view & download @: https://www.slideshare.net/PauljvsSS issuu.com/paulvanschaik

Urban Hub Series Hardcopies can be purchased from Amazon

Pub. Spring 2021

Pub. November 2020

Pub. December 2020

Pub. November 2020


Integral Africa Notes


Integral Africa Notes


Integral Africa Notes


A series of books from integralMENTORS Integral UrbanHub on Thriveable Cities

Thriveable Cities

Urban Hub

Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World

This book curates an imaginal assembly of Integral practitioners. This thought experiment reveals how we might face unprecedented complex challenges. How can we create the conditions to accept, respond and transform the life of the Human Hive to thrive in a VUCA world? What would happen if a core of integrally-informed practitioners all lived in the same city? How could we enable our city to transform challenges into opportunities? How could we share our learning with other cities – like Lisbon who has volunteered to imagine itself into this experiment? “This is a truly brilliant and much needed presentation. The author has brought together an extremely intelligent group of writers and thinkers to apply Integral principles to the problems and creative openings of city, regions, ecosystems, and the biosphere itself. Each one of these areas is treated as a living, complex, integral system, and the ways that they all mutually interact are fully explored, with the added benefit that they are all looked through an integral lens, insuring that a fully whole and complete path is taken. There is really no other approach like this available, and certainly none that give as full and comprehensive and inclusive an account. I can’t recommend this approach more highly, it truly touches a level of genius.” Ken Wilber —Sex, Ecology, Spirituality; The Integral Vision

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