Urban Hub 4 : Integral Workbook - Thriveable Cities

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Urban Hub Workbook Thriveable Cities Integral UrbanHub


Paul van Schaik integralMENTORS

A series of graphics from integralMENTORS integral UrbanHub work on Thriveable Cities presentations.

Copyright © Paul van Schaik : February 2017 ISBN-13: 978-1541387393 ISBN-10: 1541387392

When Did You Feel Most Alive in an Urban Habitat? Me

My Behaviour

My Intention

What made this experience come alive for you and made it memorable?

Urban Culture

Urban Activity

My context

What made this activity come alive for you and made it memorable?

Š integralMENTORS

Preface This book is one in a series of presentations for the use of Integral theory or an Integral metaframework in understanding cities and urban design. Although each can stand alone, taken together they give a more rounded appreciation of how this broader framework can help in the analysis and design of thriveable urban environments. Key to an Integral approach to urban design is the notion that although other aspects of urban life are important, people, as individuals and communities, are the primary ‘purpose’ for making cities thriveable. All other aspects (technology, transport & infrastructure, health, education, sustainability, economic development, etc.) although playing a major part, are secondary. This work shows the slides from a dynamic deck that accompany a presentation on Thriveable Smart Sustainable Cities. The history of the co-evolution of cities, worldviews and technology is presented in an integral framework.

This volume is part of an ongoing series of guides for integrally informed practitioners.

Š integralMENTORS

Content Context Evolving Cities Integral Mapping Capitals Integral Theory SDG Urban Fractals Projects Books Annex


© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Context

© integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding Me

My context © integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding Me

My context © integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding Me

My context © integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding Me

My context

© integralMENTORS

Evolving Cities

© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Evolving Cities

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities Survival

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities Survival Magical/Tribal

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities

Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities

Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities

Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities

Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality Integral/3D Holistic

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities

Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality Integral/3D Holistic

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities Survival Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality Integral/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

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Mapping Interventions – Evolving Cities

Magical/Tribal Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality Integral/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

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Mapping Interventions – Medieval Cities

Power-Centric Ancient Medieval City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

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Mapping Interventions – Medieval Cities

Power-Centric Ancient Medieval City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

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Mapping Interventions – Modern Cities

Rational-Centric 19/20th Century Bureaucratic Planned Utopian City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Modern Cities

Rational-Centric 19/20th Century Bureaucratic Planned Utopian City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Modern Cities

‘unplanned’ Econo-Centric Early to Late Modern City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Modern Cities

‘unplanned’ Econo-Centric Early to Late Modern City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Smart Cities

Techno-Centric Modern Smart City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Smart Cities

Techno-Centric Modern Smart City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Sustainable Cities Ecological & EnvironmentalCentric Green Utopian Ecopolis Sustainable City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Sustainable Cities Ecological & EnvironmentalCentric Green Utopian Ecopolis Sustainable City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Holistic Cities

Systems-Centric [Master Code]

SDI Integral Holistic City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Holistic Cities

Systems-Centric [Master Code]

SDI Integral Holistic City

Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities

People-Centric IMP Integral Morphogenic Generative Snippable ThriveAble City Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities

People-Centric IMP Integral Morphogenic Generative Snippable ThriveAble City Mythic/Power Mythic/One Truth Rational/Drive Pluralistic/Equality SDi/3D Holistic Integral/ThriveAble

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities Meaning & Purpose transcended & included Integral/ThriveAble Holistic Pluralistic/Sustainable Rational/Drive Mythic/One Truth


Mythic/Power each more complex stage: - enfolds - transcends [the worst] - includes [the best] of the previous stages

The content of the previous becomes the context of the next Š integralMENTORS

Capacities - Competences - Behaviour

Culture - worldviews

Creations - systems - infrastructure

Collective Exterior- Interobjective

Individual Exterior - Objective

Consciousness - intention - mindsets

Collective Interior - Intersubjective

Individual Interior- Subjective

Mapping Interventions – INTEGRAL Cities

© integralMENTORS

Tetra-meshing The act whereby a ‘holon’ meshes or fits with the selection pressures of all four quadrants. In order to tetra-mesh, each holon must to some degree be able to register its own exterior accurately enough (truth), its own interior accurately enough (truthfulness), understand its cultural milieu (mutual understanding)’ and fit within its social system (functional fit) – meaning that all four selection pressures must be dealt with adequately in order for a holon to evolve.

Self & Consciousness

Brain & Organism



Culture & Worldview

Systems & Environment



© integralMENTORS

Transformation & Tetra-meshing

© integralMENTORS

Tetra-meshing Rio de Janeiro

Olympic preparations

for Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 2014

Consciousness - intention - mindsets

Capacities - Competences - Behaviour

Persons Behaviour to Waste Disposal

Persons beliefs/mindset on Waste Disposal

Cultural views on Waste Disposal

Waste Disposal systems – in place and proposed

Culture - worldviews


Creations - systems - infrastructure Š integralMENTORS


Consciousness - intention - mindsets

Capacities - Competences - Behaviour

Culture - worldviews


Creations - systems - infrastructure Š integralMENTORS

Morpho-Generative and Snippable Transformation Consciousness - intention - mindsets

Morphic Pull (Meta-’Purpose’)

Capacities - Competences - Behaviour


Contextual & creative inputs from all at each step

Step 3

Culture - worldviews

Step 2 Step 1

Creations - systems - infrastructure © integralMENTORS

Morpho-Generative and Snippable Transformation Consciousness - intention - mindsets

Morphic Pull (Meta-’Purpose’)

Capacities - Competences - Behaviour


Contextual & creative inputs from all at each step

Step 3

Culture - worldviews

Step 2 Step 1

Creations - systems - infrastructure © integralMENTORS


Zone #1 : States of individual consciousness Zone #2 : Stage-Structure of individual development Zone #3 : States of ‘cultural’ development Zone #4 : State-Structure communal development Zone #5 : States of individual communication Zone #6 : State-Structure of individual control Zone #7 : State of communal communication Zone #8 : State-Structure of governance/systems

surface structure - the feel deep structure – the look surface structure - the feel deep structure – the look surface structure – the ‘software deep structure – the hardware’ surface structure – the ‘software’ deep structure – the hardware’ © integralMENTORS


© integralMENTORS

Altitude, Stages & Lines of Development

© integralMENTORS

Understanding Stages & Lines of Development Spiritual Moral Cognitive Self-identity Values

Dominant Mode of Discourse

Kosmic Address

Myth of the Given

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions or Means Me

What did you try to change or transform in yourself, others, a human system or a culture? How did you try to change or transform yourself, others, a human system or a culture?

My Behaviour

My Intention

Did your intervention succeed or fail? How do you know? Are you satisfied with the outcome?

Urban Activity

Urban Culture

My context

If not, what would you do next?

Š integralMENTORS

Lines of Development Some major lines of Development

Selman, Perry

Context What is my cultural dominant mode of discourse What is my societal Systems Stage (agricultural, industrial, informational, ‌)

Š integralMENTORS

Altitude, Stages & Lines of Development

© integralMENTORS

Altitude, Stages & Lines of Development

© integralMENTORS

integral Mapping

Š integralMENTORS

Urban Hub integral Mapping

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – SMART Cities Techno-Centred Smart Cities tend to use technical solutions to address first order change. First order change requires support for maintaining, adjusting or improving the status quo. (Think more data banks, driverless cars, faster Wi-Fi.)

Smart Cities World Model

Buckminster Fuller

Systems theory & Cybernetics Complexity Science Platforms for Change Stafford Beer

Systems Dynamics Urban Dynamics Jay Forrester

A smart city is an urban development vision to integrate multiple information and communication technology(ICT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage a city’s assets – the city’s assets include, but not limited to, local departments information systems, schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, law enforcement, and other community services. The goal of building a smart city is to improve quality of life by using technology to improve the efficiency of services and meet residents’ needs. ICT allows city officials to interact directly with the community and the city infrastructure and to monitor what is happening in the city, how the city is evolving, and how to enable a better quality of life. Through the use of sensors integrated with real-time monitoring systems, data are collected from citizens and devices - then processed and analyzed. The information and knowledge gathered are keys to tackling inefficiency © integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – SMART Cities Techno-Centred Smart Cities tend to use technical solutions to address first order change. First order change requires support for maintaining, adjusting or improving the status quo. (Think more data banks, driverless cars, faster Wi-Fi.) A smart city is an urban development vision to integrate multiple information and communication technology(ICT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage a city’s assets – the city’s assets include, but not limited to, local departments information systems, schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, law enforcement, and other community services. The goal of building a smart city is to improve quality of life by using technology to improve the efficiency of services and meet residents’ needs. ICT allows city officials to interact directly with the community and the city infrastructure and to monitor what is happening in the city, how the city is evolving, and how to enable a better quality of life. Through the use of sensors integrated with real-time monitoring systems, data are collected from citizens and devices - then processed and analyzed. The information and knowledge gathered are keys to tackling inefficiency © integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – SUSTAINABLE Cities Eco/Environ-Centred Sustainable City, or eco-city (also "ecocity") is a city designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimization of required inputs of energy, water and food, and waste output of heat, air pollution - CO2, methane, and water pollution - wikipedia Resilient Cities tend to use adaptive solutions that address mid-order change. Such change addresses systemic adaptations, mitigations and restorations. (Think urban food security, reduction of greenhouse gases, daylighting streams.) Human Hive

U Process

Death & Life of Great American Cities Jane Jacobs

The Nature of Order Pattern Language

Sustainable cities Resilient cities/ EcoCity/Ecopolis

Christopher Alexander

Holistic Management

Collaborative Enquiry Appreciative Enquiry

Carbon reduction


David Snowden


“A Resilient City is one that has developed capacities to help absorb future shocks and stresses to its social, economic, and technical systems and infrastructures so as to still be able to maintain essentially the same functions, structures, systems, and identity.” Ecopolis/EcoCity is the design for a

regenerative city, rethinking the ways we live and get around, our sense of place, nature and the changing realities of climate, social inequities and our imported sources of food, energy and waste in a growing age of uncertainty. © integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – SUSTAINABLE Cities Eco/Environ-Centred Sustainable City, or eco-city (also "ecocity") is a city designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimization of required inputs of energy, water and food, and waste output of heat, air pollution - CO2, methane, and water pollution - wikipedia Resilient Cities tend to use adaptive solutions that address mid-order change. Such change addresses systemic adaptations, mitigations and restorations. (Think urban food security, reduction of greenhouse gases, daylighting streams.) Human Hive

“A Resilient City is one that has developed capacities to help absorb future shocks and stresses to its social, economic, and technical systems and infrastructures so as to still be able to maintain essentially the same functions, structures, systems, and identity.” Ecopolis/EcoCity is the design for a

regenerative city, rethinking the ways we live and get around, our sense of place, nature and the changing realities of climate, social inequities and our imported sources of food, energy and waste in a growing age of uncertainty. © integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – SDi-Integral Cities System-Centred

[Master Code based]

Spiral Dynamics

Rational empirical sciences

Integral City (SDi) Marilyn Hamilton

Collaborative Enquiry Appreciative Enquiry

Sustainable/ Resilient cities Smart Cities Cradle to Cradle Biomimicry Systems theory & Cybernetics

SDi-Integral Cities seek to generate solutions that meet second-order change. These changes address a greater order of magnitude of problems than has ever been encountered before. This means that city leaders open up new mindsets, redefine city paradigms, and emerge new potentials for living systems not yet dreamed or tried. (Think cities as Gaia’s Reflective Organs, city as human hive, Planet of Cities as collective intelligence network.) Integral City leaders use both Smart and Resilient solutions – in their appropriate contexts. In fact Generative Change approaches enable Integral City thinking to emerge – because they include and build on both Smart and Resilient Solutions – and step into a zone where they can act effectively to align first order technical problems with Smart City solutions and mid-order adaptive problems with Resilient City Solutions But Integral City leaders go beyond merely aligning technical and adaptive solutions and seek to discover for their cities how to align the very source of City Wellbeing, with City Purpose, Collective Vision and Strategies for thriving. The Human Hive – Marilyn Hamilton © integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – SDi-Integral Cities System-Centred

[Master Code based] SDi-Integral Cities seek to generate solutions that meet second-order change. These changes address a greater order of magnitude of problems than has ever been encountered before. This means that city leaders open up new mindsets, redefine city paradigms, and emerge new potentials for living systems not yet dreamed or tried. (Think cities as Gaia’s Reflective Organs, city as human hive, Planet of Cities as collective intelligence network.) Integral City leaders use both Smart and Resilient solutions – in their appropriate contexts. In fact Generative Change approaches enable Integral City thinking to emerge – because they include and build on both Smart and Resilient Solutions – and step into a zone where they can act effectively to align first order technical problems with Smart City solutions and mid-order adaptive problems with Resilient City Solutions But Integral City leaders go beyond merely aligning technical and adaptive solutions and seek to discover for their cities how to align the very source of City Wellbeing, with City Purpose, Collective Vision and Strategies for thriving. The Human Hive – Marilyn Hamilton © integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – THRIVEABLE Cities People-Centred

Spiral Dynamics

Building Thriveable, Integral Cities seek to generate solutions that meet second & third order change.

Rational empirical sciences

LeaderView & CultureView

[includes all in the previous 3 slides]

IMP Integral - morphogenic, - generative and - snippable.

Social Learning Theory

Constructive-Developmental Theory (Kegan) Constructive Developmental Framework - Otto Laske Integral City Marilyn Hamilton Collaborative Enquiry Appreciative Enquiry

Systems theory & Cybernetics

The Nature of Order Pattern Language

Complexity Science

Chris Alexander

Cradle to Cradle

Death & Life of Great American Cities

Platforms for Change

Jane Jacobs

Stafford Beer


Systems Dynamics Urban Dynamics

David Snowden

Jay Forrester


Sustainable Resilient Cities EcoCity/Ecopolis Smart Cities

Integral Methodological Pluralism (IMP) A set of social practices that corresponds with AQAL metatheory. IMP is paradigmatic in that it includes the most time-honoured methodologies, and meta-paradigmatic in that it weaves them together by way of three integrative principles: nonexclusion, unfoldment, and enactment.

World Model

Buckminster Fuller

Holistic Manage Allan Savory

Global Action Network Net

King 4

Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – THRIVEABLE Cities People-Centred Building Thriveable, Integral Cities seek to generate solutions that meet second & third order change. [includes all in the previous 3 slides]

IMP Integral - morphogenic, - generative and - snippable. Integral Methodological Pluralism (IMP) A set of social practices that corresponds with AQAL metatheory. IMP is paradigmatic in that it includes the most time-honoured methodologies, and meta-paradigmatic in that it weaves them together by way of three integrative principles: nonexclusion, unfoldment, and enactment.

King 4

Š integralMENTORS

Integral Methodological Pluralism Psychological Disciplines Closing the Leadership & Values Gap

Policy & Strategy Disciplines

Classic Definitions Of Success & Thriving

Closing the Organizational & Finance Gap

Closing the Sustainability Gap

“Soft” Systems Disciplines

“Hard” Systems Disciplines

© The ThriveAbility Foundation

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities Map: Interventions Theories Ideas To: Quadrants Stages Zones# Lines Tetra-mesh: Where possible what is mapped in each Quadrant or Stage Determine: What is missing

Š integralMENTORS


© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Capitals

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Spiritual Capital SpC

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Spiritual Capital SpC

© integralMENTORS

Natural Capital NC

© integralMENTORS

Natural Capital NC

© integralMENTORS

Human Capital HC

© integralMENTORS

Human Capital HC

© integralMENTORS

Relationship Capital RC

© integralMENTORS

Relationship Capital RC

© integralMENTORS

Social Capital SC

© integralMENTORS

Social Capital SC

© integralMENTORS

Intellectual Capital IC

© integralMENTORS

Intellectual Capital IC

© integralMENTORS

Knowledge Capital IC

© integralMENTORS

Knowledge Capital IC

© integralMENTORS

Manufacturing Capital MC

© integralMENTORS

Manufacturing Capital MC

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Infrastructure Capital IfC

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Infrastructure Capital IfC

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Financial Capital FC

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Financial Capital FC

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Integral Theory

© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Integral Theory

© integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding

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The Quadrants of Understanding

© integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding

© integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding

© integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding

© integralMENTORS

The Quadrants of Understanding

© integralMENTORS

Understanding Action Logic Stratified levels of development

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Understanding Action Logic Stratified levels of development

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Understanding Action Logic Stratified levels of development

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Understanding Action Logic Stratified levels of development

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Understanding Action Logic Stratified levels of development 3.5%


8.5% 14.0% 67.0%

Global Interdependence Integrated Consciousness

Pluralist/ Individualist/ Sensitive self 39.5% 27.5%

Pluralistic Consensus Enterprising Self Conventional Order

7.0% Powerful Self

Source - Rooke and Torbert’s 2006 Harvard Business Review article : Seven Transformations of Leadership. From a sample of 1000 leaders in N America & Europe

© The ThriveAbility Foundation

© integralMENTORS

Understanding Action Logic Stratified levels of development Alchemist

Pluralist/ Individualist/ Sensitive self 39.5% 27.5%

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Growth in all Quadrants

© integralMENTORS

Tetra-Meshing the Developmental Journey

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Tetra-Meshing the Developmental Journey

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Tetra-Meshing the Developmental Journey

© integralMENTORS

Understanding Types 9 Enneagram types

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Understanding Types MBRI types

© integralMENTORS

Developmental Potential Philosophy





Do for all in a way that best serves all

Organisations are consciously evolving social organisms

We are for each other and the whole

Co-operative Evoking genius Mutually nourishing


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Organisations are living systems

We are all in this together

Caring Appreciative High integrity


Do unto others in Ideal organisation a way that is fair is a well oiled machine

You scratch my back ……

Respectful Purposeful Honest


Do it to others before they do it to you

People are the problem

I will use you

Disrespectful Dishonest Discounting


Do others in before they do you in

Might makes right

I will defeat you

Attacking Blaming © integralMENTORS

Developmental Potential Philosophy








Toxic Š integralMENTORS

Evolution of Participation

© integralMENTORS

Evolution of Participation

© integralMENTORS

Self/Values Stages of Development


Alchemist Š integralMENTORS

Self/Values Stages of Development


Alchemist Š integralMENTORS

Stratified Leaders Roles, Approach & Methods

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Stratified Leaders Roles, Approach & Methods

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Stratified Leaders Roles, Approach & Methods

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Stratified Leaders Roles, Approach & Methods

Š integralMENTORS

Learning Cycle

© integralMENTORS

Learning Cycle

© integralMENTORS

Dominant Mode of Discourse Socio-cultural Dominant Mode of Discourse [Orange]

Turquoise Teal Green Orange Amber Red Magenta

© integralMENTORS

Dominant Mode of Discourse Socio-cultural Dominant Mode of Discourse [Orange]

Turquoise Teal Green Orange Amber Red Magenta

© integralMENTORS

Stratified Documentation

© integralMENTORS

Stratified Documentation

© integralMENTORS

Influences on Individuals

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Influences on Individuals

© integralMENTORS

Spiral Learning & Education Magenta

• • • • •

Through imitation and repetition Animistic analogies - fairy-tales, cartoons and animal metaphors Chants, dances, rhythm music, rituals Practical kinesthetics Learning what the Tribe learns is a major driver

2-8 years


The relationship with the “teacher” is critical - that person must be a mystical, shamanistic figure

Exit Magenta Red

Enter Red

Learning by modelling is still important - but satisfaction of the embryonic ego will also influence what is learned • • • •

Instant results - pain or punishment No threats - only promises of certain outcomes Hands-on action learning - the opportunity to experience it for themselves What is learned needs to be immediately relevant to the circumstances the individual perceives him/herself to be in

9-12 years


Respect for the “teacher” as a hero figure is important - but the teacher must also show respect back to the blossoming egos

Exit Red


What pleases (or is immediately relevant) is still central but there is also some desire now to know what the procedures for learning are - and that leads to WHAT should be learned • • •

Acceptance of Truth from the Higher Authority Prescriptive teaching/learning - following set procedures Right/wrong feedback - testing on the learning

Enter Amber 13-17 years


The work set will be done because it is “the correct thing to do” - but don’t expect imagination in the work or more than is set

Exit Amber

Self-motivation starts to emerge - though learning procedures are still necessary

Enter Orange © integralMENTORS

Spiral Learning & Education Magenta

2-8 years

Exit Magenta Red

Enter Red 9-12 years

Exit Red


Exit Amber



Enter Amber 13-17 years


Enter Orange Š integralMENTORS

Spiral Learning & Education Orange

• • • •

Developing future sense with possibilities of multiple outcomes Trial-and-error experiments to achieve anticipated outcomes Opportunities to analyse and improve - particularly via technology Complete self-motivation to achieve the desired future outcome(s)

18+ years


The “teacher” is now a resource to be used

Exit Orange Green

Enter Green

Broader concerns now start to emerge and there is a need to make sure everybody is getting opportunities • • • •

Bigger picture thinking and emotional responsiveness What is important can be subject to consensus Learning from peers/group learning Personal development/development of self - within the group

18+ years


The “teacher’s” job is to facilitate the development of the group and individuals within the group

Enter Teal

Exit Green Teal



Exit Teal


Enter Turquoise

© integralMENTORS

Spiral Learning & Education Orange

18+ years

Enter Green

Exit Orange Green


18+ years


Enter Teal

Exit Green Teal



Exit Teal


Enter Turquoise

© integralMENTORS

Spiritual and Emotional Intelligences @ Teal

© integralMENTORS

Spiritual and Emotional Intelligences @ Teal

© integralMENTORS

Spiritual and Emotional Intelligences @ Teal

© integralMENTORS

Spiritual and Emotional Intelligences @ Teal

© integralMENTORS

Assessing Environmental Capacity Using the Quadrants Interior (“soft”)

Exterior (“hard”).

Personal capacities:

Technical capacities:

Capacities that allow for a greater self awareness and empowerment, capacity for moral care, capacity for mental models for understanding complex issues.

Capacities for undertaking practical work, such as for sustainable resource use and land use practices.

Interpersonal capacities:

Systemic capacities:

Capacity Development

Capacities to engage meaningful relationships, to foster new cultural trends, social norms, and social discourse.

Capacities to effect systemic change, be it societal, ecological, political, etc, such as policy dialogue, advocacy, scientific research.

© integralMENTORS

Assessing Environmental Capacity Using the Quadrants Interior (“soft”)

Exterior (“hard”).

Personal capacities:

Technical capacities:

Capacity Development

Interpersonal capacities:

Systemic capacities:

© integralMENTORS

Assessing Environmental Capacity Using the Quadrants

Š integralMENTORS

Assessing Environmental Capacity Using the Quadrants Interior Capacities

Leadership Vision and Capacity Examples

Exterior Capacities

Workplace performance Examples



Organizational culture Examples

Organizational systems Examples



Š integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities “I” Subjective realities; - self and consciousness, states of mind, psychological development, mental models/ constructs, emotions, state of self, etc.

“We” Intersubjective realities; - shared values, world views, webs of culture, communication, relationships, cultural norms and customs, etc.

“It” Objective realities; - brain and organism, visible biological features, degree of activation of the various bodily systems, etc.

“Its” Interobjective realities; -. social systems, environmental systems, visible societal structures. economic systems, political systems, etc.

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities “I” Subjective realities; - self and consciousness, states of mind, psychological development, mental models/ constructs, emotions, state of self, etc.

“We” Intersubjective realities; - shared values, world views, webs of culture, communication, relationships, cultural norms and customs, etc.

“It” Objective realities; - brain and organism, visible biological features, degree of activation of the various bodily systems, etc.

“Its” Interobjective realities; -. social systems, environmental systems, visible societal structures. economic systems, political systems, etc.

© integralMENTORS

Mapping Interventions – Thriveable Cities

© integralMENTORS


© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub SDGs

© integralMENTORS

Integrating Sustainable Development Goals

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Integrating Sustainable Development Goals

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Sustainable Development Goals

© integralMENTORS

Integrating Sustainable Development Goals

integralMENTORS ©©integralMENTORS

Integrating Sustainable Development Goals

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Integrating Sustainable Development Goals

Š integralMENTORS

Integrating Sustainable Development Goals

© The ThriveAbility Foundation

© integralMENTORS

Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Social Floors


© integralMENTORS

Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Innovation


Š integralMENTORS


Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Biosphere Environmental Ceilings


© integralMENTORS

Urban Fractals

© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Urban Fractals

© integralMENTORS

The ‘Geometry’ of Urban Fractals

Ecopolis : Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate - Paul F Downton

© integralMENTORS

The ‘Geometry’ of Urban Fractals

Ecopolis : Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate - Paul F Downton

© integralMENTORS

The ‘Geometry’ of Urban Fractals

Ecopolis : Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate - Paul F Downton

© integralMENTORS

The ‘Geometry’ of Urban Fractals

Ecopolis : Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate - Paul F Downton

© integralMENTORS

The ‘Geometry’ of Urban Fractals

Ecopolis : Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate - Paul F Downton © integralMENTORS

The ‘Geometry’ of Urban Fractals

Ecopolis : Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate - Paul F Downton © integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Tools

© integralMENTORS

Urban &Travel Apps

© integralMENTORS


© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub Annex

© integralMENTORS

Paul van Schaik Founder - IntegralMENTORS; Co-Founder/Director - Integral Without Borders (Integral International Development Centre); Chief Knowledge Officer of the ThriveAbility Foundation; Principal Associate/Founder of iSchaik Development Associates, and Founding member of the Integral Institute. He has 40+ year experience of working in international development – with extensive experience in the education, health, and infrastructure sectors. As Principal Associate of iSchaik Development Associates he worked with national governments, bilateral and multilateral development organisations and international NGOs to bring an Integrally informed approach to program development, implementation and evaluation, either directly or through the training of operational staff. He has been an Advisor and Consultant to DFID UK, Danida Denmark, European Commission, KfW/GTZ Germany, Sida Sweden, UNICEF, World Bank among others with extensive experience of working in Asia, Africa, Europe and Middle East. As mentor he works with individuals and small groups to develop a deeper understanding of Integral praxis and to become more integrally informed practitioners. He has co-hosted Integral without Borders gatherings in Perpignan, France in 2006 and in Istanbul, Turkey in 2008 and 2010 and in South Africa 2012. He is a UK trained Architect with extensive global experience doing pioneering work with passive solar energy in the 1970/90s in Africa and Australia, working with the award winning team for the Burrell Museum in Glasgow and has tutored at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London. Currently he is an Integral Mentor, an International Development Advisor, instructor at IWB, and Chief Knowledge Officer of the ThriveAbility Foundation. Lives in Kent, UK with his wife Barbara and has three sons and four grandchildren See also www.facebook.com/integralMENTORS https://www.facebook.com/IntegralUrbanHub/ http://paulvanschaik.wixsite.com/integralmentors (new draft website) Books Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners 1 – BASIC Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners 2 – ADVANCED Urban Hub 1: Smart Sustainable - Thriveable Cities Urban Hub 2: Integral Methodological Pluralism - Thriveable Cities Urban Hub 3: Integral Theory - Thriveable Cities

Acknowledgements I would like to pay special thanks to all those who have assisted me in my work in this area: Ken Wilber who first invited me to be a founding member of the Integral Institute in 1999 and has since provided us with so much as a special advisor to Integral Without Boards; to my fellow founder of Integral Without Borders Gail Hochachka and director Emine Kiray; to my fellow founder of IntegralMENTORS my wife Barbara to all the IntegralMENTORS Fellows who have been a part of this discussion; to Robin Wood who has provided much stimulating dissuasions as founder/CEO and fellow director of the ThriveAbility Foundation and to the many people I have worked with as an Integrally informed practitioner in, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Egypt, Syria, Azerbaijan, Ghana, Rwanda, South Africa, Zanzibar, Australia, England, Scotland, France, Italy and the USA. To Clare Graves, Christopher Cowan and Don Beck for all the pioneering work they have done in the area of values development. And to all others engaged in work exploring the various Quadrants, Stages, Lines, States & Type in development.

Integral UrbanHub

Integral Workbook Thriveable Cities

Urban Hub

A series of graphics from integralMENTORS integral UrbanHub work on IMP Cities presentations.

This work shows the slides from a dynamic deck that accompany a presentation on Integral Theory and Thriveable Cities. The history of the co-evolution of cities, worldviews and technology is presented in an integral framework.

Integral theory is simply explained as it relates to these themes. This volume is part of an ongoing series of guides for integrally informed practitioners.

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