Pau Olivares Peiró | Architecture Portfolio

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Pau Olivares Peirรณ Architecture Portfolio





About me My name is Pau Olivares Peiró, an architect from Valencia, Spain. I got my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2009-2016), Place where my curiosity for architecture and creativity started. At classes but also travelling, at cultural events and rolling into any creative project with my classmates, the engine of curiosity its developed in all kind of situations. As an architect I did an internship at MCBAD Colomer Dumont architects and I worked at Jose Costa Arq. during three years. In my experience I have been implied in the different phases of the projects, such as: concept idea, design process, project drafting and construction details. I have experience in construction control visits too, where learning from the technicians is vital for a good final result. From the concept idea to the construction, any moment of an architecture project has its own character and offers you the opportunity of learning. I perceive architecture as a tool, not only for designing, but to understand us. From the urban perspective I’m interested in the development of cities that are more concerned about social and environmental needs. From the architectural design perspective I’m interested in how are related the past and the future, and how humans can coexist with nature. Furthermore I find an excellent opportunity in the design of ephemeral art installations, where it’s possible to be more experimental than in solid projects. Another tool that turns on my creativity is photography. Not only focusing in pictures as a result, but paying attention to the way we look at things. That continuous developing of the view comes with me as an architect, and also through all the aspects of my life.

Index Projects at work

1. Coworking Wayco

Renovation of an old printing factory.....................................................................................5-8

2. Casa Campo

Single family house in a pine forest.....................................................................................9-12

3. Coworking extension

Renovation of an old cinema.............................................................................................13-16

4. Sustainable neighborhood


Collective and individual dwellings...................................................................................17-20

5. Urban intervention

Historical center area.............................................................................................................21

6. Architecture school

Extension connecting previous buildings................................................................................22

7. Student’s residence + Gym

Building-bridge over a highway...............................................................................................23

8. Suites into the forest

Personal projects

Prototype of sustainable suites...............................................................................................24

9. Cultural center

Buildings and public space. Connection city-orchard........................................................25-28

10. Street Art installation

“RUSC” Urban furniture made of cardboard...................................................................29-30

11. Architecture exhibition

Exhibition about Mat-building.........................................................................................31-32

12. Photograpy exhibition

“In transit” Discoveries inside the construction..............................................................33-34

*All the graphic information showed has been made by Pau Olivares, except when it’s specified


Coworking Wayco Project: Coworking space Renovation of an old printing factory Architect: Jose Costa Arq. Client: Coworking WayCO Place: Ruzafa distric, Valencia, Spain Year: 2018 Built area: 740m2 My role: Architect at Jose Costa Arq. Design process + Construction control The original building was used as a printing plant several decades ago. The challenge: to recover and transform this abandoned space into a new coworking space. The program have two different parts. The first, under the residential building, where are located the administration, internal cafeteria and flexible work spaces. The second is the industrial building with its characteristic structure made of mixed wood and steel trusses, and with a central skylight that floods the work space with natural light. The project focuses on recovering the fundamental elements that are characteristic of the place: natural light, structures, materiality, space, etc. And on preserve all the original materials, textures and elements (fans, electrical mechanisms, structures, chimney). The load-bearing brick is recovered and left exposed in its natural state. All non-essential aggregates and divisions are eliminated, achieving a fluid and flexible space. On this pre-existing stage, the introduction of new elements activate the space and allow this one to be used in different and changing modes.

Picture by Š Milena Villalba | 05

Building process - Space evolution

Design process views

Site plan - Ruzafa district

06 |

The articulated and motorised design of these 4 tables, measuring 3.60m x 1.40m, means that in just a few minutes the main working space can be transformed into a place for events.



Residential building


Ground floor + Section | 07

Almirante Cadarso Street

Residential building

General space section

Residential building

Stairs construction detail

air conditioning installation

Multi-use room section

Courtyard section

Building process pictures by Pau Olivares Final result pictures by Š Milena Villalba 08 |


Casa Campo Project: Single family house in a pine forest Keeping the original trees distribution Architect: Jose Costa Arq. Place: Campolivar, Valencia, Spain Year: 2019 Built area: 600m2 My role: Architect at Jose Costa Arq. Execution project + Construction details

The house is conceived as a clearing in its surrounding pine forest. Its contour folds, conditioned by the existing trees that guide its walls and volume. The orography is decisive, with a descending slope towards the end of the plot. This allows to bury part of the construction, minimizing the impact of the 600 built square meters. Giving lightness to such a large construction, while rooting it on the earth, becomes the main architectural leitmotiv. Looking at the sky. Opening up the landscape while preserving all the possible intimacy. Limiting the spaces, providing them with the human scale, making them comfortable to be lived. Widening the plot by opening diagonals and breaking up the volumes at the ends. Capturing the sun, but also the shadows. Eaves, canopies, sliding panels, cantilevers and pine trees. Many pine trees. The spaces within the plot are organized in semi-levels in a kind of spiral that concatenates them all. Into this proposal, the different relationships and connections among the levels is the key to the richness of the environments and the desired nuances.

Picture by Š Mariela Apollonio | 09

Northeast facade


Ground floor

10 |

Construction process - Landscape views Construction blueprints

| 11

Facade + rooftop details

Skylight + Metalic rooftop details

Building process pictures by Pau Olivares Final result pictures by Š Mariela Apollonio 12 |


Coworking extension Project: Coworking space extension Renovation of an old cinema Architect: Jose Costa Arq. Client: Coworking WayCO Place: Ruzafa district, Valencia, Spain Year: 2019 Built area: 1590m2 My role: Architect at Jose Costa Arq. Design process + Construction control On the final stretch of the construction works of Wayco Ruzafa coworking space, the opportunity to add the adjacent property arose. The place that in the past had hosted the Goya cinema in the early 20th century and later the Crisol library. The intervention is purposely scenographic. The large central space corresponds to the large cinema room with a surrounding gallery, with several sub-levels, looking out to the spot where once hundreds of films were screened. The project places great emphasis on offering various solutions for privacy and rest, compensating for the overexposure of the central space. It is as desirable to work in open spaces, as it is necessary to retreat and find several degrees of privacy throughout the day. The plasters in poor conditions were removed and the brick left visible, giving warmth, strength and notion of temporality. An orange carpet covers the ground floor, mitigating noise and giving it personality. A series of permeable shelves run through the central working area, protecting it from circulation spaces and digging into another recurring idea of the project, the library. And ,as a main character, a young olive tree rests in the center introducing some calmness and freshness.

Picture by Š Mariela Apollonio | 13

Design process views






phase 1

phase 2

Phase 1 of the project

Ground floor distribution

Access from Burriana street

Independent office space

14 |

Building process - Space evolution Skylight details

Stairs construction detail

Phase 1


| 15

Section - Connection phases 1 and 2

multi-use room

Specific office furniture design

Stairs - stands detail

Multi-use room access detail

bikes parking

multi-use room

Section - Acces from Burriana street

Burriana Street

Residential building

Building process pictures by Pau Olivares Final result pictures by Š Mariela Apollonio 16 |


Sustainable neighborhood Project: 194 Collective and individual dwellings Housing, shops and common services Architects: MCBAD Colomer Dumont architects Avenier Cornejo architects D’Ici La landscapers Place: Vilmorin Point P, Massy, France Year: Competition 2016 - Construction 2020 Built area: 14500 m2 My role: Internship at MCBAD Colomer Dumont Competition + Basic project The development is organised on the principle of the fragmentation. The flaw planted linking and structuring the projects from side to side accompanies the transition from a built-up density area to a vegetation open space. The transition from collective housing programmes to intermediaries and individuals is a very sensitive subject that is translated by a fine treatment and work of the templates, facades and exterior spaces throughout of the project. The ground floors of the buildings are designed to be lively and to encourage meetings between the inhabitants. Halls, common areas for activities, storage for bicycles and pushchairs punctuate the ground floor with an animation of the feet of buildings located at strategic points in the project. The project presents three types of housing: collective, intermediate and individual. The design of each dwelling complies with common rules of orientation, organisation and evolution. We have defined a common denominator to master the unity and variety of the building complex and freely modulate the project in time without distorting it. In this way all buildings respond to the same rule and are different and identifiable.

Image by Š MCBAD Colomer Dumont | 17

General section of the project area

Site plan with surroundings

Ground floor with landscape plan

18 |

Buildings facades - Common space vegetation

Ground floor - All buildings into the project area

| 19

Sections - Different parts of the project area

4th floor - Building type G

2nd floor of Terrasse-houses

1st floor of Terrasse-houses 2nd floor - Building type G

Ground floor - Building type G

Images by Š MCBAD Colomer Dumont 20 |



Urban intervention


ració urbana de l’entorn del Mercat eda, l’Esglèsia de Sants Joans i la

El fanalet

1/2 Competition: Intervention in historical center Central Market surroundings Architects: Calatayud Navarro architects Pau Olivares Maria Aucejo Daniel Juan Escobedo Place: Ciutat Vella district, Valencia, Spain Year: 2017 Grades i escenari a Joans Images:Sants Juan Suay + Pau Olivares My role: Collaboration Design process + Panels


Proposta per a la regeneració urbana de l’entorn del Mercat Central, la Llotja de la seda, l’Esglèsia de Sants Joans i la futura Plaça de Bruges.

El fanalet


Plaça de Bruges amb fanalet i paradetes


Proposta per a la regeneració urbana de l’entorn del Mercat Central, la Llotja de la seda, l’Esglèsia de Sants Joans i la futura Plaça de Bruges.

Plaça de Bruges amb fanalet i paradetes

Grades i escenari a Sants Joans

The proposal established a road system that restricts road traffic. All the area acquires an eminently pedestrian use with the intention of promoting the monumental and urban character of the market.

Plaça de Bruges amb fanalet i paradetes

The market building extends its geometric pattern to its surroundings. This geometry is designed to harmonise the different directions that converge in it. Based on this criterion we establish a geometric pattern for the cutting of the pavement, which escenarigeometry a is materialised as an extensionGrades of i the Sants Joans of the market. This criterion favours the fluidity of the transition between the covered and uncovered space, and allows it to be adapted, through the subdivision of the triangular base element, to the different scales where it is to be installed without losing continuity. A light sculptural element is proposed as an end to the perspective and an articulating element for the different squares. It is a volume that can be lit from the inside, generating a pergola space below. This element, without interrupting the continuity of the paving, delimits the square in front of the church with an appropriate scale, and is established as a background for the perspective from the avenue.

L’estratègia s’enfoca en dissoldre el contacte entre les trames que conflueixen en la Plaça de Bruges, i generar una secuència d’espais que permeta una transició fluida i menysL’estratègia traumàtica entre la trama s’enfoca en dissoldre de l’Avinguda de l’Oest i l’encontre el contacte entre les trames que amb el teixit medieval.

Urban connection proposal

| 21

Site plan and surroundings Placeta Sants Joans

conflueixen en la Plaça de Bruges, i generar una secuència d’espais Esc. 1/750 10 permeta 20 30 40 50 fluida i que una transició menys traumàtica entre la trama de l’Avinguda de l’Oest i l’encontre amb el teixit medieval.

0 12 5

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­ ­ ­


PLANTA 1ª AULAS + ZONAS DE ESTUDIO ����������������� ���������������������2 ��������������2 ���������������������������������������2 ������������������������������2 ���������������2 TOTAL: 995m2 �������������������� �������������������2 ����������������������������������������2 ����������������������2 ������������������2 ������������������2��� ������������������2

TOTAL: 425m2


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­ ­ ­


PLANTA BAJA LABORATORIOS + TRABAJO ABIERTO ����������������� ������������������2 ����������������������2 �����������������������������2 ������������������������������� �������������������������2 �������������������������������2 ���������������2 Vestuario 25m2 �����������������������������2 ���������������������������������������2 TOTAL:


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2 �������������������������������� �����������������������������������������2

Park section



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PLANTA SÓTANO LABORATORIOS + SALÓN DE ACTOS ��������������������������������2 Laboratorio de Arquitectura 35m2 Laboratorio de Arquitectura 25m2��� �������������������������������2 ����������������������������2��� �������������������2 ����������������������������2 ���������������������������������2 ��������������������������2 TOTAL:

Ground floor








Architecture school Competition: Architecture school extension Connecting previous buildings Architects: El fabricante de espheras Grupo Aranea Pau Olivares Place: University of Cartagena, Spain Year: 2017 Images: Bernat Ivars My role: Collaboration Design process + Panels The main idea is to generate a single building that gives the School of Architecture an identity, connecting the existing buildings and spaces by establishing new continuities to the existing corridors in the School building through an external route that seeks to connect with the different levels on the Campus. The new surrounding building is a simple gesture but one that transforms the space: embracing and protecting an interior garden, as the new central space of the School and the Campus, which opens out onto the walkway under a concrete pergola and is configured as a gateway to a green space of great environmental and landscape quality.




Old factory02section


­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­

The project proposes a unitary landscape action for the whole environment, better integrating the Campus at an urban level. The union between the promenade and the campus is encouraged by planting new trees and successively permeating the floor paving towards the interior garden with small topographies around the trees and the buildings that facilitate their accessibility with a natural slope,03eliminating the current added stairs and ramps of the new continuous green public space.

22 | ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­



Residential + Gym










Competition: Student’s residence + Gym Building-bridge over a highway nd Result: 2 price Architects: MCBAD Colomer Dumont architects Barozzi Veiga architects Place: Paris, France Year: 2017 My role: Internship at MCBAD Colomer Dumont Design process + Panels










Site plan



The architectural project, which proposes a diversity of ways of “inhabiting these strata”, has an ecological ambition, with buildings no longer constituting a barrier to trade biological and ecological. Architecture becomes porous, welcoming living things and agriculture, social bonding through shared or private gardens, on the ground or on the roofs.


Residence Arrival floor

Residence Type floor

1 Gym 3dVUE floor DEPUIS






The new buildings want to preserve and amplify the open-plan spaces. The continuities of the planted slopes of the ring road and the new park define a system of generalised greening throughout the project. The idea is for the park to rise on the building and colonises the residence and the gymnasium.




The mutualisation of architecture and landscape is part of the idea of the sustainable city, the driving force behind “microclimatism”. Architecture must be a part of this landscape quality and offer the conditions of a true hybridity between nature and habitat. It will be integrated into the exchange system ecological, multi-layered: ground-level gardens, upper floors and terraces exchanging with the tree crown or canopy. This set of strata allows a presence of continuous and rhythmic plant life.


Previous building







Suites into the forest Private client: Prototype of sustainable suites Architect: Jose Costa Arq. Place: Cuenca, Spain Year: 2018 Images: Marco Grechi Handmade drawings: Alejandro Martinez My role: Architect at Jose Costa Arq. Design process + Blueprints

The cabins are conceived as a viewpoint between the trees, a 360 degree balcony from the to contemplate the landscape. This idea takes us directly to the traditional viewpoints of wood that are part of a typical popular architecture of the area. In the huts, as well as in the viewpoints, the landscape becomes the great protagonist, framed by a sloping roof and a series of lightweight wooden supports. These are elements that make up the shape and image of the cabins, and the enclosures are removed from the front and are mostly made up of large cloths of glass, which disappear in favour of indoor-outdoor integration. The construction solutions seek to produce a minimum impact on their environment, the landscape integration and the reversibility of the intervention. All the construction is “dry�, that is, all the elements are assembled, allowing them to be dismantled if necessary. These elements have minimal impact on the ground and their design ensures the reversibility of the same.

24 |


Cultural center Academic Project: Cultural and social center Buildings and public space Connection city-orchard Place: Benimaclet district, Valencia, Spain Year: 2016 My role: Student at Architrecture school Polytechnic University of Valencia Master degree final work

In order to understand the urban context, this work started with a study of the lacks of the district and the needs of the neighbors. A mixed team of architecture students and social workers interviewed different profiles of neighbors to gather real information from the area. This information was transferred to an urban proposal wich mixed housing, new public spaces and equipments for the district. One of the conclusions of this study was the lack of a public space with a certain dimension in the area. A square able to hold multitudinous events such as concerts, markets or fairs. An ideal space to be linked to the Cultural Centre as it allows the uses of the building and the square to be combined, generating a relationship of indoor and outdoor activity. Arround this square the project is divided into two buildings: The Cultural Centre, where are placed flexible spaces that can be transformed and combined between them and with the square. And the neighbourhood centre, a building that allows the self-management by the residents themselves. The general strategy is to raise the compartmentalised spaces to the first and second floors, allowing the spaces for events to be located on the ground floor. In this way, an ascending privacy gradient is produced, from the most public ground floor to the most private upper floor. The aim of this strategy is that the ground floor spaces can be used in combination with outdoor areas, transforming the buildings into a roof for the public space.

| 25


la torre de vivendes i la residencia d’estudiants com a punts finals.

cadascun dels equipaments. Així, a l’hora de pro-

posar els volums edificats, s’ha tingut en compte PROYECTO CULTURAL BENIMACLET - HORTA NORD

principals del barri.

Centro vecinal Benimaclet + Centro cultural Horta Nord _Pau Olivares Peiró PFC Taller 5 2016

Estructura general


Zones verdes

Edificació proposta


camí Farinós

2 min

camí d’Alboraia

zada en equipo por estudiantes de Arquitectura y de Trabajo Social, parte de un análisis del barrio


Resultados encuestas realizadas a los vecinos de Benimaclet

Localización Benimaclet

Secció Ronda Nord-camí Farinós

plaça de l’Èsglèsia 15 min

2 min PLATJA 2,5 Km

jo Social, parte de un análisis del barrio un recorrido natural desde el barrio. borar la propuesta se realizó undeestudio Por además del Centro cultural Horta nord, se plantea el Centro vecinal Benimaclet. Este s necesidades reales a resolver, el otra cualparte, Interpretació del barri �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� vindicativo de los habitantes del barrio. responde ideas “Benimaclet-Est” convocado por la a escalas de espacios más reducidas (salas de reunión, aulas-taller...). Además, se plantea con una altura cercana a la de las viviendas tradicionales del barrio, reduciendo así la escala de los ernativa al obsoleto PAI, todavía vigente Resultados encuestas realizadas a los vecinos de Benimaclet fondos de perspectiva de las calles del entrono. ���������������������������������������� De este modo, el conjunto propuesto se compone de: Centro cultural, Centro vecinal y plaza. Enlaaltura de la fachada urbana que da a al la recorrido peatonal de borde planteado entre ciudad y parque. zados cercana a la horizontalidad del paisaje, a escala desmesurada. Por otra parte, la so temporal, respondiendo inicialmente e realizando el resto de la intervención.


punts de trobada

Urban analysis

horta urbana



vies rodades


curt termini

llarg termini

Localización Benimaclet



S’ha tingut en compte l’opinió dels veïns i veïnes del barri sobre la intervenció urbanística a realitzar en Benimaclet, mitjançant una enquesta a una mostra representativa per edat i gènere. Les dades que se presenten en aquesta proposta procedeixen d’aquesta enquesta.

Considerem que els recursos i serveis proposats deuen ser gestionats pels veïns i veïnes del barri a través d’una cooperativa de serveis. La majoria de les persones enquestades, el 64%, estan disposades a participar activament en la gestió dels serveis que utilitzen. Amb la creació d’un Banc del Temps, es facilitarà l’intercanvi de béns i serveis. El 80% de les persones enquestades mostra la seva disponibilitat a participar en ell.

camí d’Alboraia

Centro cultural

ro cultural, Centro vecinal y plaza. Enlad y parque.

Borde peatonal


Urban proposal


Parque en pendiente

utilitzats. La majoria, el 54%, estan disposats a cofinançar-los. La resta del finançament s’obtindrà a través dels serveis prestats a les persones que no resideixen al barri, des del centre cultural, l’espai de salut, els horts ecològics urbans, l’escola taller de capacitació en agricultura ecològica, la granja escola, la residència per a joves estudiants i l’aparcament cobert.


Els serveis del centre d’atenció permanent a la infància, Alquerías Per al finançament dels recursos, els veïns i veïnes con- per la seua alta demanda, s’oferirien únicament als veïns tribuiran amb el pagament d’una quota pels serveis i veïnes del barri.

Escenario exterior

Huertos urbanos

Ronda norte Huertos urbanos

Estructura general




1. Centro vecinal Benimaclet Parque en pendiente 2. Centro cultural Horta Nord ������������������������������������� 4. Casa del niño 5. Huertos urbanos 6. Alquerías URBANA_E.1:2500 7. Centro deportivo 8. Pistas deportivas 9. Tejido residencial de baja altura 10. Bolque de viviendas 11. Aparcamiento en superfície 12. Residencia de estudiantes

Secció Ronda Nord


Para resolver esa situación se realiza una propuesta urbana que pretende reconectar el barrio con

antea el Centro vecinal Benimaclet. Este ���������������������������������������� unión, aulas-taller...). Además, se plantea el barrio, reduciendo así la escala de los

Procés temporal

15 min

la huerta a través de un parque lineal que difumine los límites actuales y en el que se alberguen los RAL BENIMACLET - HORTA NORD equipamientos que resuelvan las actuales carencias dotacionales del barrio. Esta propuesta, reali-

SECCIÓN �������������������������������������������� iéndose así en punto de transición entre Ciudad banos de cierta escala en el barrio que ����������������������������������������� a, se produce de forma gradual a través

Volta a l’Horta

2 min

15 min

ural Horta Nord _Pautanto Olivares Peirócomo PFC Taller 5De2016 Ronda a nivel urbano sociológico. hecho, para elaborar la propuesta se realizó un estudio mediante encuestas a los propios vecinos para valorar las necesidades reales a resolver, el cual coses tuvo una gran acogida mostrando el marcado carácter reivindicativo de los habitantes del barrio. ficant la Cabe destacar que la propuesta se presentó al concurso de ideas “Benimaclet-Est” convocado por la uno de los terrenos más propia proclives asociación de vecinos del barrio para plantear una alternativa al obsoleto PAI, todavía vigente aSiendo verda grícola para Valencia desde la época delvías de ser anulado. pero en et. D’alue un paisaje, representa una forma pro��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� eabitantes cota, y de cuidado de la naturaleza. tejido residencial de baja escala. El objetivo es reducir la altura de la fachada urbana que da a la del pasado, muy necesarios en el huerta creando un borde más amable y a una escala más cercana a la horizontalidad del paisaje, ralores obert dejando en segundo plano la actual fachada urbana con una escala desmesurada. Por otra parte, la passeig rio históricamente vinculado a la huerta, �����������������������������������������������������proceso temporal, respondiendo inicialmente equias que delimitan y sirven a las zonas el món, a las necesidades más cercanas al barrio y progresivamente realizando el resto de la intervención. se ha convertido en una frontera entre el alors ciudad,inde naturaleza. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ n agrede la intervención más cercano al corazón del barrio convirtiéndose así en punto de transición entre a que pretende reconectar el barrio con ciudadlos y huerta. Además, dada la carencia de espacios urbanos de cierta escala en el barrio que r en un y en el que se alberguen es actuales ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ onales del barrio. Esta propuesta, realienvolta. este modo la transición espacial calle-plaza-parque-huerta, se produce de forma gradual a través

Benimaclet any 2010


L’ Horta Nord es un territorio con carácter e historia propios. Siendo uno de los terrenos más proclives para el cultivo de toda Europa, ha sido fuente de sustento agrícola para Valencia desde la época del imperio romano. Un territorio que representa mucho más que un paisaje, representa una forma propia de producción, de vida, de interacción social entre sus habitantes y de cuidado de la naturaleza. Un lugar que por su marcado carácter histórico desprende valores del pasado, muy necesarios en el presente, y por ello, un lugar que merece la pena preservar. En este contexto se localiza el barrio de Benimaclet. Un barrio históricamente vinculado a la huerta, que de hecho conserva la conexión con los caminos y las acequias que delimitan y sirven a las zonas de cultivo. Sin embargo, la construcción de la Ronda norte se ha convertido en una frontera entre el barrio y la huerta, un límite visual y psicológico que separa ciudad, de naturaleza.

: el de otograallar, on s tracta rta, de el cona seua


Benimaclet any 2000

Ronda norte

Borde peatonal

Escenario exterior

Huertos urbanos

camí Farinós

Huertos urbanos

camí d’Alboraia

Estructura general

plaça de l’Èsglèsia

camí Farinós camí d’Alboraia


HABITATGES SOCIALS Els veïns y veïnes enquestades d’entre 16 i 39 anys (45% del total) considera que necessitaran un habitatge en Benimaclet durant els pròxims deu anys. I, d’ells, el 86% està disposat a participar en la construcció dels habitatges a canvi que els resulte més econòmic, apostant per un model cooperatiu d’autogestió del seu habitatge. Amb aquesta modalitat, cada persona tindrà dret a l’ús d’un habitatge a canvi de la seua participació en la cons-

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Dels serveis oferts per al centre cultural, els veïns i veïnes enquestats han valorat positivament l’assaig per a bandes i grups de música, els tallers o activitats proposades pels veïns i veïnes, les exposicions artístiques i la cafeteria/restaurant social, tots ells per damunt del 70%. S’obtindrà finançament extern a través del servei de cafeteria/restaurant, la realització d’exposicions artístiques i la recerca de subvencions públiques i privades per al desenvolupament de les activitats culturals a realitzar en el centre.


puntos de encuentro

Zonas verdes

plaça de l’Èsglèsia

trucció del mateix, l’aportació en forma de quota monetària i/o en forma de serveis oferts a la comunitat a través del banc del temps.


Aquest és el recurs més innovador dels oferts, qu com podem observar per les dades recollides en l’e questa respon a necessitats molt prioritzades pels veïn i veïnes del barri, ja que la majoria dels serveis ofer són molt valorats per damunt del 85%. La situació d crisi que travessen moltes famílies fa que el servei d menjador infantil sigui el més valorat (94%). Li segueixe el servei d’acolliment infantil 24 hores (88%), l’esco matinera (87%), l’escola infantil per a menors de 3 an (85%), el suport a la realització de deures i repàs (82% i l’escola per a pares (77%).

El servei més innovador és el servei d’acolliment infan 24 hores que es realitzarà a través del suport mutu e tre veïns i veïnes del barri i es gestionarà amb el ban del temps.

La majoria, el 62%, valora com a tipologia caminos puntos de encuentro més apropiada l’unifamiliar, destaquem que el 31% opta per una tipologia en Zonas verdes apartaments. La nostra proposta contempla ambdues tipologies.


En aquest espai compost per una piscina coberta i poliesportiu es realitzaran activitats orientades a la prom la salut dels veïns i veïnes de Benimaclet.

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camí Farin



huertos urbanos


D’entre les teràpies aquàtiques propostes, la més dem ha estat la de rehabilitació de persones malaltes (98% da de la teràpia dirigida a persones amb diversitat (97%), i a persones ancianes (93%). A més de les e des, també es durien a terme en aquest espai teràp des a altres sectors de la població com la infància, le embarassades…

Per al finançament extern d’aquests serveis s’oferiran ces lliures, no ocupades pels veïns i veïnes, de les aquàtiques, així com l’ús de les instal·lacions en el te ponible, a persones que no resideixin al barri.





huertos urbanos



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Site plan: neighborhood - orchard

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Tanteig de vivendes en filera Dimensió aproximada 5m de fatxada x 12m de profunditat + pati posterior de 6m de profunditat Superfície aproximada de la vivenda (2 plantes) 120 m2. Vivendes per a

Aquest recurs integra diversos serveis que es gestionaran conjuntament pel vincle que existeix entre ells. El projecte parteix de l’experiència dels horts urbans actualment existents en Benimaclet. Els veïns i veïnes enquestats (66%) estimen la necessitat de disposar de nous horts ecològics urbans en Benimaclet. Serien gestionats pels joves que es formaran a l’escola taller de capacitació en agricultura ecològica (87%). Així també, des d’aquesta escola s’oferirà el servei de granja escola per a col·legis, associacions,

Ens ha sorprès servei de subm ecològics a me associacions... d’aquests prod mandat pel 74 dable pel 80%.

Considerem q

ext 26 |nançament d’aquests serv

equipamientos Viario


dels productes participació en per persones e a la formació i a

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Ground floor of buildings and public space into the project area

Urban + Constructive axonometry

Building detail section

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Street Art installation Project: “RUSC” Street Art installation Urban furniture made of cardboard Architects: Jose Costa Pau Olivares Client: College of Architects of Castelló Place: Castelló, Spain Year: 2018 My role: Design process + Assembler Photographer The versatility of the cardboard honeycomb structure is the germ of the proposal. To make the street more dynamic, to give it movement, to accelerate and pause, waves that compress and expand, to transform a place of transition into space. Movement in 3 dimensions. Flow. To inhabit time. Cut into thin sheets are waves in the sky, shadows that become vibrant light at night. The same material on the ground acquires solidity, density, body. It is a bench, a shelf, an invitation, an anomaly, a provocation to the sobriety of the street. The alveolar cardboard structure is light, easy to assemble and disassemble, to reuse, to bend, to expand. A perfect material for temporary installations with a great variety of possible registers. The suspended cardboard sheets are placed on top of steel cables fixed to the balconies. On the floor we use modules combined, intermingled and superimposed forming urban furniture of different configurations. The cardboard is expanded, folded and fixed with wooden strips making the system rigid. Some cylindrical pieces in the form of benches and tables contrast with the linearity of the system. Light projectors complete the installation by illuminating the alveolar structures, creating a vibrant and stimulating atmosphere.

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Architecture exhibition Project: Exhibition about Mat-building Architects: Débora Domingo Raúl castellanos Ana Abalos Client: Architecture school of UPV Place: Valencia, Spain Year: 2013 My role: Content editor + Assembler Photographer The main objective of the exhibition is the study and knowledge of Mat-building. This is a building typology, characteristic of the 1960s and 1970s and put into practice in buildings with an extensive programme, whose definition alludes to the concept of “open work” due to its characteristics of flexibility and adaptability. Through a transversal reading of the five examples -the first four included in the article published by Alison Smithson in Architectural Design in September 1974- the aim is to carry out a compositional analysis that reveals three basic strategies of this type of project: the role of the needs programme, the use of metrics and formal construction. This study will be accompanied by the necessary information for the correct contextualisation of the Mat-building from the point of view of history, the course of architecture and urban planning.

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Ground floor expo space

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Photography exhibition Project: “In transit” Photography exhibition Discoveries inside the construction Photographer: Pau Olivares Clients: Jose Costa Arq. and WayCO Place: Valencia, Spain Year: 2018 My role: Photographer Exhibition space designer

In this exhibition we explore those moments of discovery that appear when you interact with an old building and all its layers of history. Any wall, texture, material are telling stories about the past, and as we interact with them, stories about the future. Space, as well as time, are allways “In transit”. We move. We mutate. We evolve. Change is inevitable. Whether we are more or less conscious, whether it happens with more or less intensity, movement is the nature of the universe we inhabit. We transform spaces and objects, while being transformed by them in that process. Layer upon layer, metal upon brick, wood upon concrete, light upon all of them. Every crack, every little treasure that the eye discovers, leaves its mark on us. And so, day after day, memory continues to collect moments and arrange them in a capricious way. Because memory was never taught that time is linear and progressive, so it plays with our memories and our reality. We are points, a cumulus of moments. Our purest essence in permanent transit.

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Thank you for your time Contact info: Email: Phone: +34 657878926 Instagram: @_pau_er Flickr:

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