Respect Many people have different ideas about what respect means. I think it means having respect for others, property, and respect for yourself. Most people want respect even if it is just a little. The American Heritage Dictionary states that respect is 1.A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard, esteem. 2.The state of being regarded with honor or esteem. 3.Willingness to show consideration or appreciation. People demand different amounts of respect, though not everyone is willing to give the amount needed. Maybe this is because not every one knows what respect means. The first rule is respect for others. A few of those "others" are teachers, police, authority figures, and business people. Respect more content...
This respect should be shown on every ones property including friend's, teachers, and even strangers. The last rule is respecting yourself. Respecting yourself can mean holding your head up high and respecting your own ideas. You can share your ideas even if you might not thing they are right. But it can lead to more important things like peer pressure, and not giving into it. It is about not letting it affect you in any way or sort. You can not have respect for others if you can not respect yourself. There are many little things you can do to show respect. For example you can clean your room and set the dishes. You can raise your hand when some one else is talking when you have an opinion. Don't be afraid to share your opinions and ideas. They can be a good example for someone. Be a person that another person would want to look up to. You can not be this person when you have a lack of respect. You may not notice it, but respect plays a role in our daily lives. Respect follows you wherever you go. Whether it is in school, your home, or in a restaurant. You may not notice it that other people give you respect, but you do notice when they don't. Even for the simplest reasons. If you are not respectful than you will not be respected. You can't DEMAND respect, nor make people give respect out of fear. The scare will not work. You have to get respect by earning it. Remaining calm in bad situations and being
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Respect Essay
what is respect? respect is a word most people can't even say without getting choked up. it's foreign concept in their minds because the hate in their hearts cover up their ability to give, show & earn it Respect is something unfortunately most people haven't figured out as if they were blind & oblivious to the concept respect is admiring those who make multiple errors in your life instead of treating them as if the things they do don't matter or the things they do are the things they have to
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Definition Essay: What Is Respect?
One of the keys to building or tearing down ego is respect. The communication of respect or the failure to communicate respect can greatly affect self esteem. Oftentimes it can take a lifetime of investment to communicate love, respect, and admiration. Self doubt and poor self–esteem can often erode the efforts of a friend or mentor to encourage and support. Oftentimes, though, building and destroying self–esteem can take place in a very short time. The ego buster and the ego booster in my life are one in the same person. Even more, the busting and boosting took place in the same conversation.
I had a close relationship with a teacher in high school. Throughout my years there, this teacher encouraged me to work hard academically. He more content...
I responded, "I like take–home exams." In retrospect, I wish I had given the answer more though. The teacher had just said how valuable my opinion was in front of the entire class, and I could only must this brief phrase. In my defense, he did catch me off guard.
I remember his response equally well. Without a singleword, he said, "Hmpf." It was obvious that my answer had not been neither as insightful not as informative as he had hoped. In that one exhale of air, he expressed his frustration, annoyance, and disappointment with my unreasoned and lack–luster response.
In the space of a few seconds, the ego booster became the ego buster, and I left feeling quite small, regretting my pitiful response.
Since that time, I have thought back on that moment many times. I have wished that I had said something different. I have wished that I'd thought a little bit more about the question. I could have expounded upon the benefits of a take–home exam. I could have explained how take–home exams allow more time for detailed research and thorough response, while in–class exams are often rushed and filled with pressure. I could have argued that in–class exams are less about measuring knowledge and more an exercise in memorization. I have run through the details many times.
Perhaps it says something about me that I could be so greatly
Essay on Respect
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When talking about the word respect, numerous individuals have no clue what it implies. This word changes its meaning depending on who is inquired. Several people, even ones who comprehend what respect implies, still have no respect for anyone else. A two–way streak that everyone appears to overlook is respect. The word respect has a one–sided meaning to it, as an consequence of all the disrespect around the world. Respect has different opinions, gone through history, and help shape famous quotes. These days, numerous individuals have different implications for the word respect, however there is only one genuine meaning. The definition for the respect is as per the following, a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Apperception, esteem, consideration, dignity, recognition, and honor are just a minority of the synonyms. So of course, criticism, dishonor, disrespect, neglect, disregard, and ignorance are just a minority of the antonyms. Indeed, even across the world, there are different definition for the word respect. Even throughout time this word has changed numerous times. This word has endless implications around the world and all throughout time. For instance, an elderly person might find it respectful for another person to help them cross the street while on the other hand they might consider it a sign of weakness. An example of how the word respect changes around the world, like in some areas of Get more content
What Respect Is The Word Respect?
You also cannot just respect people, you have to respect their property, their family, the things that are special to them, their goals, their life plans... you have to respect what they respect. If people didn't respect each other or anything we would live in a very rough society. When you respect someone it means you like them as a person, you believe that they are decent and worth your time. You believe that they will not be rude to you or hateful and that you can trust them. When you respect a person and when you fear a person it's hard to decipher the two because when you fear someone you respect them because you think they will hurt you or harm you in some way. When you respect someone you feel comfortable with the person and you more content...
In the Ten Commandments the first one is to honor your parents. "It says: "honor your mother and father for they gave birth to you and raised you." In Muslim religion, the Allah asks you to respect your parents till the day you die. This is your moral responsibility to do so. In Hinduism, the god asks you to always remember your mother and father and never forget them in your entire life. Respect your parents for your religion demands you to do so." You should also respect your parents because they are a form of God and some religions state that you should worship them and treat them as if they are a form of God because parents fulfill the wishes that you pray to God. If you pray to God for something you really want (like homecoming) then it is up to your parents to decide whether A) you deserve it and B) do you need it. You should respect your parents because they try to give you as much as possible and even though sometimes they can't give you everything you want (like that pony you have been dying to have since you were seven or that extravaganza Sweet Sixteen that you want because it costs 50,000 dollars because of everything you want (i.e. sushi bar, petting zoo, juggling bear, the "bridal party" of the girl, etc.
How To Respect You Essay
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Love , honor and respect Yourself First for healthy, happy living Are there some relationships in your life that just take more work to maintain than you 're enjoying? Do you find yourself wanting to be compassionate and be able to listen in a caring way but it 's just not supporting you and the kind of life you want to have? Psychotherapists advise patients that fostering exlove and respect is the most important factor in maintaining healthy family bonds and for other personal relationships . The twist in this love/respect equation is equation is if the other person isnot reciprocating? How is it possible to get along and create a healthy relationship when one person refuses to, or for some reason can 't, put more content...
can think of honoring ourselves in many different ways. defines it as "accepting all parts of ourselves: "the good and bad, the perfect and imperfect, the disappointments and triumphs." According to somatic psychotherapist Lisa McCrohan, MSW, given our current culture, it means living our lives around what's most sacred or important to us – instead of based on "the time on the clock." For self–acceptance and self–love coach Miri Klements it means being honest with herself and acknowledging what is true for her. It means treating herself with compassion, understanding, gentleness, acceptance and love. For so many of us all of that is hard to do. It may feel foreign. Unnatural. It's hard to accept all our parts. It's hard to prioritize what's important. Do we even know what important is? It's hard to treat ourselves with compassion and even more so, with love. Part of this is because we simply haven't been taught and trained to honor ourselves, Klements said. Maybe we grew up with parents or caregivers who were struggling with their own wounds and traumas, she said. Maybe you heard a lot of: "Don't be so selfish. It's not all about you. What is wrong with you? Get over it already. That's ridiculous to feel that way. Enough. You don't really feel that way! Stop crying now. Can't you see I'm busy?" McCrohan sees many people in her practice who hold destructive
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Essay On Love And Respect
Respect can be displayed in numerous ways which may be verbal or none verbal dependent upon the individual. My aim is to demonstrate a clear outline of 'respect' touching upon subjects such as, human rights, and values. Respect can be as straightforward as manors such as 'please' and 'thank you', although many may not always display this. Respect is dignity for every individual, mutual acknowledgment from one individual to another portraying thoughtfulness and equality. (Nhina le, 2016). Respect has changed outstandingly over the years which effects the way we live today. Morally It is of significance to include others without preconceptions or exceptions no matter of differences such as ethnicity or beliefs. (Joyce Catlett and Robert w firestone 2009) respect and human rights interlink, as in 1998 the humans right act came into power which is built up of 30 articles e.g. 'right to life' which states that "nobody including the government can try to end your life" (ref article) these rights are about respect and belong to everyone.
Values are personal attributes of importance which we are passionate about, gained through life and experiences. Values certainly influence the opinions we have and the choices we make, as these are personal thoughts and felling of what we care about. (Hayden, 2006)
Values affect the way we choose to live our life furthermore the way we act towards others and their life.(REF) As we develop as individuals many factors such as age, wisdom and life experiences are likely to have an impacted value's now held in comparison to ones held in younger life, as growth, knowledge and life experience act towards shaping us as individuals and the way we may view things. Values are not factual nevertheless there are no right or wrong values as these are personal to each and every individual. (x2ref) changes were made, which has a huge influence throughout the world.
RESPECT– many may say respect should be earned, but in certain instances, this is not always possible, for ex; when holding the door for someone who is walking behind you is effortless human respect, that is morally expected to be given and reciprocated. showing respect for someone does not necessarily mean you have to
The Importance Of Respect
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What Does Being Respect Mean To Me
To me, respect means to treat everybody with care and recognition. Being respectful is about accepting a person's styles, methods, and thinking as well as showing him or her courtesy and politeness. Treat people the way you want to be treated by showing him or her the same respect you want for yourself. This action could be carried out in a day–to–day classroom by allowing someone to include their own ideas and contribute to things such as group projects or just being kind in conversation and other types of communication. If someone were to walk into the room and observe this community agreement, he or she would see people sharing techniques and suggestions and nicely commenting on each other's opinions. He or she would see students including
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The Importance of Respect in Our Society
Respect plays a role in our every day lives. When we go to school, there's respect. When we go to a restaurant, there's respect. When you go to your family reunion, there is respect. You may not notice it, but that's only because they are being respectful to you .If you're not respectful then you will be disrespected because your being mean. So you should always be respectful to others so they will treat you the way you want to be treated. If you are respectful to others then you can get good jobs because they?ll like you. The better the job is the better your life will be in the future, and trust me you want a good and happy future. Jobs will get you money for your more content...
You being respectful will help you from being depressed from loneliness. You should be honest, kid, nice, gentle, relaxed, and happy to make friends. The word respect is a word to summarize all of the things above and plenty more. Things like being quite while someone is talking, or not bothering someone when they?re in bad mood. I see respect all the time, that?s what makes every thing so easy to do and no one gets sad. If I ever saw someone get knocked over and there stuff is on the ground scattered all over, I would definitely help him pick it up. Because other wise I would feel bad watching them pick it up all by themselves. Always treat others the way you would want to be treated. This way you will be respected and loved. My definition of respect is being nice, generous, and helpful. Because all of those things can be the best things to do if you want to be respectful, which you should always be. So next time I talk in class out of turn, I will remember this two page report about respect.
Respect can be making sure that everyone has equal time. For instance, if there was one toy to play with and their 5 kids that want to play with it. They should all share the toy at equal times to be equal. Because no one wants to give the toy to one kid that gets all the fun. We all have or should share and give to be nice and make some new friends.
The Importance of Respect in Our Society Essay
Respect is what we Get more content
Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don't know what it means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions. Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life. Respect for yourself is very important to a person because it can be the balancing factor of your life. If a person has no respect for themselves the will most likely go into depression. Respecting yourself is also important for your self–esteem. Having a high self–esteem means that more content...
Respecting your elders is important because they know more than you and they know what is good for you and what isn't. Respecting your peers is important too. Respecting your peers means not making fun of them, not fighting, and helping them when they are troubled by something. Lastly respecting property means not damaging or taking something that is not yours. Respecting property can vary from writing on a desk at school to stealing from a store. Respecting property is important because if you don't it could be considered a felony offense. But respecting property is just using your common sense. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment because they believe that the earth is holy, such as the trees, grass, and animals. You may be asking yourself "what does this have to do with respecting property?" But respecting property does not just mean that you shouldn't damage things that are not yours but it also means taking care of your enviorment. There is an old saying "do onto others as you would have them do onto you." How would you feel if someone came along and broke your bicycle, or trampled on your flowers? Most people don't think about how the other person would feel if someone did something to their personal property. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment because they believe that the earth is holy,
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The Meaning of Respect Essay
In this paper I will argue that respect, when earned, is more stable, more specific, and allows for a better relationship then when respect is simply demanded. Respect has been a major issue throughout time. Towns and countries alike were crushed simply for disrespecting their invaders.Vlad Dracul, a Transylvanian ruler most feared for his barbaric behavior used to cut off theheads of nonconformist villagers and place them on stakes outside his castle. The reason this issue is so important is because if respect is unjustly demanded by everyone, everywhere, all the time, the idea of respect, will be cheapened and true respect will become almost worthless. The supporting arguments that can be made for my thesis are as more content...
This point clearly shows that earned respect forms a better relationship then demanded respect since now that the people can respect the officers, they will have better communication.
When respect is earned it is more specific then demanded respect. If you respect someone for a specific talent, but don't actually think they are a good person, you can say that they have earned respect for their talent, but not for their character. An example of this is Bing Crosby. Although he earned respect for being great singer, people did not respect him for beating his kids. A second example of this would be River Phoenix, who earned respect for his outstanding acting abilities, but was disrespected for his drug habit. This point supports my thesis because if respect is demanded it does not specify what is being respected. It is important that respect be specific because, as shown above, a person cannot always be respected universally.
It is ineffective to assume that if you demand respect, you will automatically get it. If it is assumed that respect will be given on command, or if respect if forced unto people it makes them reluctant to respect, and stunts the growth of any earned respect. Respect is normally demanded through fear, but the fear is not actually respect. One example of this is Czar Nicholas II. His respect was
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Reflective Essay About Self Respect
In life, people are free to do what they desire. We have the ability to choose our own path; a path that teaches us not only lessons that lead us to social/academic achievement, but a lesson about morality, self–respect, and integrity. It's importance are the key components that inspire us to strive and want to succeed. The path that each of us chooses to take surrounds us with problems and obstacles that derogate the self–confidence that we have in ourselves away and leading us to distress. However, these problems that torment our mind are the reasons we learn the morality of self–respect. It's not about how great you can succeed without fault, it's about how critical you can fail and still maintain the determination to move forward in order to mature to this mindset of self–respect and integrity, which are the fundamentals more content... My self–assurance inspired people and the leadership I possessed, was beneficial to my community. I learned the difference behind true versus toxic friendships and realize there is so much more of life that is more relevant than obsolete problems I once fretted over. Being able evolve from being diagnosed with autism to becoming an inspirational achiever was also a result of my self–confidence. Most importantly, going through a depression and executing a solution showed me how to think much more creatively and uniquely, both critically and ethically. Enlightening my mind from the worst of my depression helped me help others who are also depressed, transforming their confidence into determination and perseverance. All these benefits evolved me into becoming much more mature and wise. To conclude, these are the procedures of self–respect and self–confidence that made me much stronger, physically, mentally as opposed to how I negatively functioned in the
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The feeling of a deep admiration for someone could be used to describe the word respect. Others may say that allowing a person to believe in or speak for whatever they feel the need to show a great deal of respect. A substitute meaning for the word is an agreement to abide by a person's rules or thoughts, and avoiding confrontation, though you may not fully agree with what that person has to say, their interests, or even the way things are being presented, you are still courteous and polite. Multiple different meanings and definitions are used to describe the word respect. One may say that respect can be defined as an acknowledgement of something or of someone (Marriam Webster.) Acknowledging something or someone means to recognize the fact, importance, or quality of something or someone. When speaking with someone, a person should normally acknowledge everything the other person is saying. Nodding when a person speaks could be a great way to express the fact that you may be acknowledging them. By acknowledging a person, the person receiving the message is confirming that they matter and that what they are saying may be relevant, more content... Respect could be hard to come by and that is because sometimes people let their emotions get in the way of their respect towards that person or persons. This can be a problem because a person should not let their emotions prevent them from acting the way they should and showing someone the respect that person deserves. Some may have a difference of opinion and still show respect towards someone in order to be thought highly of or to avoid a problem from stirring. How a person acts and what a person does that shape them into the person they are. If you want the respect of others, you must first give it, though respect should be a thing common enough where every person receives it. You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should expect it(Sarah Get more content
Definition Essay
Respect, a term used for a sense of trust. Many people strive to earn respect from others. Respect is not always easy to obtain. Just one action can destroy any respect that someone had for another. Respect is not given it must be earned. Respect is an achievement. Earning the respect of people is something to be proud of because it is not easy. The real definition of respect is, an achievement not given, but earned through hard hard work. People today do not understand the true definition of respect. Kids tend to think they just deserve to be respected by everyone. I also have a tendency to think that I deserve respect from everyone and I can get frustrated sometimes when I am not respected. Some adults also have false perceptions of what respect is. Adults will say you should "respect your elders", yes this is true, but some adults take it too far and they must realize respect is a two way street. Respect is more content...
Respect is said to be held by a thin line. Say someone breaks a promise or talks behind another person's back, just like that all respect for a person can be gone. That is what so many people do not understand about respect. What does respect really mean. The technical definition of respect is a deep feeling of admiration usually because of their abilities, qualities, or achievements. To me respect is much more than that. Respect is an achievement in itself. We should be proud of the respect we have earned from others and continue to strive for more. It is not just a deep admiration for someone it's a sense of fulfillment and a challenge to maintain that respect and make it grow. Earning respect is the only way to obtain it and once earned we now have a greater responsibility. Some people may not care about respect, but they will not get very far without it. Everyday we must strive for respect amongst employers, teachers, family, and friends. Respect is one of the greatest achievements we will ever
Respect Definition Essay
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Respect The definition of respect is: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. What we respect is a clue to what we want in life. Respect is really about what we admire in the world and in people. Respect is understanding and acknowledging the rights of someone else to have their beliefs. Respect is something everyone wants, not many have, and few want to give. A person should not only respect themselves, but also other people. Also, to show respect, people should listen to what others have to say. Demonstration of respect should not be expressed only towards people you like, but to everyone that deserves it. Respecting others is very important if you want to be respected. However, the way to earn respect is to be respectful. Make it an attitude, not a thing given to a person after they have proven themselves. To me, respect is how someone else treats me as a person. I've always firmly believed that respect is earned, not given. However, it means a lot of different things for different people. For example, in sports and various competitions sportsmen should treat their rivals with respect, because everybody is strong enough to win the competition. For some, they say that respect is a two way street. For others, you treat others how you want to be treated, even if you can not stand that person. Respect is a noble behavior, but today it can be met rarely, because the society is becoming more evil and Get more content
The Importance Of Respect Essay
Respecting Others
The many problems we face today as a society seem to become more and more overwhelming. I believe that respect for one other is a big social issue we face today in our generation of tomorrow. We see this problem in teens, in so many places. For example, in school there is a lack of respect for students from other fellow students. At home there is a lack of respect from the children of this generation to their parents. There is also a lack of respect from young adults to most authoritative figures. First, the most apparent sign of lack of respect is in the school with students who do not respect their peers. Most students fail to recognize each other as equals because of differing economic status, race, more content...
This is where the golden rule comes in to play. If the majority of students up held respect for one another by treating others as they would like to be treated, situations like Columbine may could have been avoided. The next, most apparent sign of lack of respect is in the common household from this generation. This is where the whole problem of disrespect begins, learning to disrespect or respect one another. If a juvenile has not been taught to respect his or her parents, why would that person even consider respecting anyone outside a relationship that was supposed to be close knit?
Adolescents must be taught in the home to respect others; realizing that each person has a differing situation and a different outlook on life, but before this can happen they too must be respected and regarded themselves. The best way of teaching is to lead by example. Maybe, if taught young to respect others inside the home, the majority of most young adults could avoid a life misery and trouble. This life is brought before them via their decisions in life. A good illustration of this is when teenagers turn to gangs to feel respect– the wrong kind – from one another as a substitute for what they should receive at home, thus leading to a life of violence and crime. This decision of choosing this parody of life only invites for other problems to begin, in more ways than one. If one person out of the household could sit down and ask Jack and Jill if they know
Respecting Others Essay
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What is respect? Is the way people should be treated, how you would want to be treated, and should it come naturally or should it be taught? Respect is what are world is built on, I feel that the phrases like "reap what you sow" explain what respect works like. For example to when I am rude to someone they tend to be rude back, the same works with respect. When being disrespectful to someone you most likely will disrespect you right back. Not everyone follows these thoughts of respect. Actions like these can lead to dangerous places, people begin to break boundaries that were once built on respect. In other cases respect is earned, and not given. What I mean by this is that, sometimes people must gain the respect of others. This can be earned in many ways, like being respectful of others, being the best you can be, and doing kind things for others. This respect can cause people to look up and follow in example of someone, and eventually making you an example for others to follow and look up to, on so on and so forth. Respect can also be lost very easily, doing things that can discourage people who look up to you as an example. Losing this respect could make you untrustworthy and cause people to become unfaithful in you. This could also make you a bad example, people respecting you for the wrong reasons. Wrong interpretations of of people who respect your bad examples can cause people to do things they think is good thing to do. I do my best to respect others, even
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The Importance Of Respect
As children we are taught to always show respect to those around us. We are taught to never say no to an adult, to listen and to use manners to everyone around us. But as we grow older we develop a sense of rebelliousness, and an urge to question every single moral and value we have learned.
So the burning question arises: Should respect be given to everyone no matter what, or is it something that needs to be earned? I believe that respect is a given. Like a natural right, it is born with it, and it is your choice whether you can gain more or lose it. People around the world have been fighting all around the world for equality. Isn't that the same as respect? We have been fighting for respect this whole time, so why should we suddenly discriminate every organism on this planet. Everyone has a side of insecurity and if we keep making people feel ashamed of that, there would be no respect. Respect is what separates me from you, him from her. But shouldn't everyone get respect no matter the case? From CEOs to retail workers?
According to The Positivity Solution, an organization dedicated to spread positivity, dignity, and kindness, "Rudeness is often a by–product of a lack of respect. Not to sound like Captain Obvious here, but most people don't choose to be rude and disrespectful to people who they respect, do they?". What they are trying to convey is that people often don't give everyone the respect they deserve. When we do not give people respect, we lose respect for ourselves and become rude in other people's eyes. As we learn to realize that everyone deserves respect, we can see that even the most small things can earn our attention. If you are consciously deciding to give people respect or not, that is a mistake. Why do people need your acceptance to be treated equally? They do not. And if you are making a choice based on shallow judgment, you are destroying the love and kindness that others have shown to you. To be critical like that is unacceptable and wrong universally. "A person's a person, no matter how small" said Dr. Suess, an award winning children's books writer. Everyone wants to be accepted, some people at all costs. But would we like to see these people struggle to work there way up and Get
Persuasive Essay On Respect
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Respect can be defined as an action or a feeling that is shown to others, oneself or something. Some may that you can get a feeling out of any virtue, for example anger or disrespect, but respect is usually connected between two individuals; an action of showing how much love, pride and honor you have for them and having your words and actions speak for you indicating that respect is being shown. There is a chain reaction when it comes to expressing respect, you must give respect to gain respect and it can go the other way around also, where in order to receive respect you must give respect. When it comes to the virtue respect it is a give and take type of situation. As Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Russian novelist and short–story writer, once said, " If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by self–respect you will compel others to respect you." Having self–respect has a lot to do with one's self–esteem, knowing their own worth and confidence plays an important role. Having an open mind to being wrong is a gateway to self–respect, it shows acknowledgment and acceptance of the truth or existence of a fact or opinion. It shows that a person knows their rights from wrongs and having self–respect opens new doors of opportunities, this means that a person is willing to understand their mistakes and learn from them; learn from those mistakes, wrongs and anything that can be found to not being worthy of putting it out there in the world and public
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On Self Respect
Most people are taught the word respect at a young age, but many will not really know what it truly means until they get a little older. Respect is acknowledging other people with whatever they have to say or do and valuing their opinion even if the other person does not agree with them. It also means that people should be mindful of what they say to people so, in other words, thinking before speaking. The most common phrases we hear when it comes to respecting others is, treat others the way you want to be treated, accept others for who they are, and always show kindness and consideration. No matter where anyone is at or who they are with, it is important for them to always be respectful. I remember when I was in elementary school, we would always sing the song about respect without really knowing what it meant because we were so young. We were just taught that song because it is important for every little kid to start learning about respect at a young age so when they get older, they can look back at what they have learned. Till this day, I still remember the respect song that I learned in my 1st grade classroom, and will probably never forget it because of all the times that I head that song. It is a simple song that almost every little kid learned at a young age.
When people think of respect, they often just think about being respectful to other people and forget about being respectful to places and things. Not only is it important to be respectful towards other
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Speech About Respect