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Project Proposal Essay
Project Proposal INTRODUCTION
Topic and Purpose
This proposal identifies the need for a document, which will propose and develop reasons why a for–profit transportation service for Kent should be perused. This service should be considered because of the recent parking and commuting problems both on and off campus.
There have been many reasons why on–campus parking has become difficult in recent years. Increased student enrollment at Kent State University has posed many problems. The parking lots cannot facilitate the growing need for vehicle parking. Campus officials have undertaken construction projects to curb the parking problem, but these renovations have closed lots in the near term. Also, the increased enrollment of...show more content...
The demand for student bus transportation has far exceeded the supply. Also, vandalism and automotive theft has nearly doubled since 1997. DUI convictions have quadrupled in the city of Kent since last year. The need for public transportation is quite clear. Because of this evident crisis in transportation, a solution must be in order.
This proposal will outline and validate the impending document generally. First the general nature of the document will be discussed; then the ensuing proposal will be outlined.
Discussion Of Proposal
The proposed document must be constructed to demonstrate the need for a new for–profit transportation service. It will present a business plan, and then go into detail about characteristics specific to this service.
Information about competitive transportation services will be gathered. Questionnaires will be distributed to students and faculty of Kent State University in order to gather customer insight. Also, a financial consulting firm will be hired to provide professional assistance. Document Outline
The proposed document will include the following specific sections. This outline is tentative and may be adjusted in accord with new developments.
Description of Business
Type of Service the Business will provide
My Business Idea
In my coursework I intend to start my own business. I will devise my own business plan which outlines my business proposal and the key aspects, during this I will need to seek good business advice on the necessary steps I will have to make. As I go through the coursework I will show evidence, examples and explain how businesses are set up, what types of businesses there are and their similarities, the kind of targets businesses set for themselves and also the different objectives of different stakeholders. For my business I plan to sell toys and other game products that educate young children under the age of 11.
Starting up a business is difficult and risky. Anyone setting up needs to consider:
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Most people though have to research their product. Businesses also have to decide how the product is to be made.
No businesses can be set up without finance. Most people who start their own business underestimate the amount of money they will need to set up. They are often UNCAPITALISED and this causes problems as the business expands. Some businesses have the potential to be highly profitable but fail because they run out of cash at a crucial early stage in the life of the business. So it is very important to work out how much money is needed to start the business and to identify where the money will come from.
Identifying the sources of help
Most new businesses don not survive for more than three years of trading. However, their chance of success is much greater if those setting up the business have received help from experts before the launch. Many new businesses turn to Business Link or to their local TEC. They can identify any grants, loans or benefits that are available from government or from bodies like the Prince's Trust. They can also organise training in setting up small businesses that is so often vital to the survival of the business.
Drawing up a business plan is very important. The business plan sets out how the business is to be set up and Get