Initial statement of intent

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Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION OUIL603 Extended Practice



Credits 60

STUDIO PRACTICE Statement of Intent Name Date Rationale

Paul Brough

Blog Address

For this module I intend toFurther build up a professional portfolio with a varied amount of work. Create contacts with exterior print studios Use the knowledge of my tutors to learn about job opportunities Contact businesses and arrange to have my work sold, try to achieve a continuous profit. Gain a somewhat known status as an illustrator Become more confident when approaching potential clients Work at a faster rate to work within tighter deadlines Practice in new mediums and improve in old ones Themes / Subjects

To study the theme of narrative and character to try improve my own stories, I will break down other peoples work and see how’s it’s composed. I also plan to explore the subject of Nature, looking into areas of biology, perhaps creating work that is aimed at educating and informing people. I may look towards the subject of phycology, I enjoyed my previous delves into it for Cop and would like to return to it to learn more.

Products / Methods of Distribution

Posters- Thought bubble Ephemera- Stickers, postcards- selling through own stall and in shops Books Bags Screen prints A potential return to animation

Practical Skills / Media / Formats

I want to produce digital work faster so I’ll be able to work in tighter deadlines · Learn to reuse the Wacom tablets rather then being totally reliant on the cintiq · Return to traditional methods of practice, venture possibly into fabric printing within a collaborative practice · Discover new technique in screen-­‐printing/lino print · Watercolour is a new medium I want to learn · I want to better understand the uses of different pencil grades and how to use them · Make a return to ink based drawing . Play with brusho after my success with it in the first year · Further develop my drawing skills both of natural and mechanical subjects.

Brief 1:Thought Bubble



To create a range of products to sell at Thought Bubble on my reserved table; these products will be based upon subjects of pop culture to cater to the market of the event. My own character designs will also be sold to build up interest in my work. This will also give me the opportunity to give business cards to anyone interested, to help further advertise my commercial identity. Possible subject matters include marvel character, horror films and ever-­‐ popular cats. Star wars is a must with the oncoming film this Christmas. Brief 2: Illustration Friday Deadline Rationale: As a weekly online contest that allows you to enter work based around a certain picked subject each Friday, developing this further I plan to use my weekly entries to be made into a set of sellable postcards. I’m considering approaching Colours may vary to hopefully have them sell my product if it’s suitable. Further development could lead to patterned wrapping paper. I need to further research their products to better understand them; I may ask if they need any products in particular. Looking at the shops audience I need to produce work that will interest people who like bright happy products, possibly as gift items Brief 3: Film Society Deadline Rationale:

The Film society requires a weekly poster, I aim to design one for each week to create a large body of work that can be produced into a book format for my portfolio. The films are varied in subjects and styles and so should my works aesthetics. I may also include my own choices of film, I began sketching ideas during the summer as well as caught up on some of the latest film releases to reach our library.

Brief 4:The Engineering Colouring Book Brief



Collaborative brief requires me to take part in creating a 12 page black and white colouring book; it is intended to be educational, informing students on certain types of engineering and possible careers within the subject. It also needs to be fun and enjoyable to look through; I aim to further develop this brief by adding new an element to the book e.g. puzzles, hidden objects. The book is aimed towards primary school children.

Brief 5:



Design the roughs for a 32 page children’s book, with a minimum a 4 double spreads fully designed to a professional standard. The story is of my own creation and subject and theme will develop from my research into existing children’s stories. Further information on the brief is still to be released. Additional Project Proposals

I’m keeping an eye out for narrative based work I’ve recently heard about these opportunities -House of illustration competition: to design a set of interior illustrations and a cover for ‘War Horse’. -Guardian Agatha Christie competition: to design cover illustration for any Agatha Christie book of your choice -2000AD Art challenge: 4 page comic based on a set script provided by 2000AD -Tiger print Create Adventure Book Competition: design an animated interactive adventure book -Penguin book cover design: Penguin usually deliver a competition annually Not all of these briefs are possible for me to achieve but they give me options to consider.




I plan to research varies pop culture subjects in order to increase my knowledge on them for my illustrations




The film poster I intend to watch and research the backgrounds of the individual films











BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Refernced)

(to be further developed) · Geek art · Film guide 2015 · Works on engineering

MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details)

Imagine FX magazine – good introduction to new artist/illustrators ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls)

OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences)

Films in terms of reference for individual film posters

ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? Thought bubble-­‐ I plan to have everything printed and ready in the week 1 previous to the thought bubble event. This includes posters (A3 size), sketchbook (A4, A3), stickers and tope bag. Illustration Friday-­‐ Plan out my design after each Friday brief release and 2 during the week produce it. These illustrations should be fast and uncomplicated, I should keep a cheerful aesthetic in mind

Deadline 14th November

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Film Society-­‐ similar plan as the illustration society, the poster is preferably to be produced by each Tuesday in order for the audience to view it time. Leeds University Engineering Colouring Book-­‐ tour to be taken around the facility

Pan Macmillan- Brief to be announced

22nd October

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