Peter van de Merwe auction exclusive selection
Auction Catalogue
Preface P-BAY proudly presents this fantastic auction of Peter van de Merwe (NL.), for the very first time on her platform… It’s a unique mix with super record birds and youngsters out of the very best breeders. Highlights of this auction is for sure “ADELE”, who won the prestigious title of 2. Nat. Ace Bird W.H.Z.B. Young Birds and 3. Nat. Ace Bird Young Birds PIPA Ranking of The Netherlands. Next to this fantastic racing hen, we have different NPO winners and winners against massive numbers of pigeons. It was hard to convince Peter to put them in auction but our clients will be extremely happy with the selection that Peter van de Merwe have made for P-BAY. Another top bird in the auction is “SISTER JILL” (NL16-1528061). She won herself 16. Nat. Ace Bird The Netherlands 2016 and is a sister to fabulous “JILL” who won 1. Nat. Ace Bird The Netherlands 2015 + 4. Nat. Ace Bird W.H.Z.B. 2015. And last but not least, Peter put one of the very last sisters to “JARA” inside this auction! “JARA” won 1. Nat. Chateauroux 37,571 b. (2015). It’s a real honour for us that Peter put so many good pigeons in an auction at P-BAY. We want to wish Peter & Nathalie van de Merwe big luck. And to all the buyers and bidders on this auction: thanks for your support. If you are lucky to buy one of those pearls, you will strengthen your breeding loft to an higher dimension than ever before… Good luck and thank you very much! Kevin Roosens CEO P-BAY
Information of the auction Start date February, 13rd – 2020 Ending date February, 27th – 2020 (in 4 parts)
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The NPO Grand Master of Dordrecht
Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Coming into Dordrecht following the GPS’ direction towards Peter van de Merwe’s house you get the eerie feeling the tiny computer in the dashboard of your car has made a mistake. Dordrecht has the looks and feel of a very busy city and even as you start to leave the bypass the GPS seems to steer you towards what looks almost as an industrial area. Who would be keeping pigeons in such an environment? 4
However, a couple of turns later and the landscape completely changes. Turning left unto one of those dykes the Netherlands are famous for you suddenly find yourself riding high above green fields with grazing horses and near the rooftops of the houses sheltered by the dyke you’re driving on. Small stairways and scattered driveways lead to the houses below. Peter van de Merwe’s house is a bit difficult to find, but once you do the busy city of Dordrecht is immediately forgotten. It’s almost like you’ve come to an oasis in the desert. A nice house in the middle of green fields and small waterways, some plum trees in the garden, a sheep, a pony and of course the pigeonlofts. No passing traffic. Everything’s quiet. What a great place to live. If I were a pigeon I would surely hurry back home to such a paradise after being released. And that’s exactly what Peter van de Merwe’s birds are doing: racing back home at the highest speed possible. Aged 48 Peter is still a young fancier in the relatively greyhaired pigeon sport world. Nevertheless he’s been active since 1985 and it has to be said: his 34 year track record is very impressive indeed. Ever since his uncle Piet started him off with 11 youngsters Peter has shown his talent over and over again turning him into an international star. Meanwhile his young daughter Gwen is following in her father’s footsteps to secure the fame of the van de Merwe loft for the future. The first decade of Peter’s pigeon sport career saw him develop his potential under the watchful eye of his uncle Piet and his father Arie. Peter was entirely focused on enlarging his knowledge and getting experience, a process that is usually accompanied by ups and downs but in Peter’s case by immediate success. The initial small loft for 11 birds was therefore quickly replaced by a 21 meter loft suited for larger numbers of pigeons and Peter’s impressive start in the same fashion made way for a phenomenal follow up in results in the nineties. His National victory as a Youth member made sure people started noticing him and Peter quickly proved he was not just a one day phenomenon by adding another 6 first NPO prizes in the next couple of years, putting the cherry on the cake in 2001 when his “Gwen”, named after his daughter, became 1st National Acepigeon young birds of the Netherlands. That year he also won another 1st National NPO, this time from Creil against 22725 pigeons. He also took a 4th and a 9th in that same race and scored a 3rd National NPO Ablis against 21009 pigeons as well.
“Since 1985 his birds have made their mark on the Dutch pigeon sport scene…” The years that followed were no different: 1st and 6th National NPO Sourdun against 18339 pigeons in 2002, 3rd National NPO from Chantilly against 12108 pigeons, 5th and 8th National Troyes against 12067 pigeons the same year, 3rd National NPO Chantilly twice in 2003, 2nd and 7th National NPO Chateauroux against 12074 pigeons in 2004 as well as a 4th, 5th and 7th National NPO Peronne against 17932 pigeons, 4th National NPO Le Mans against 34932 pigeons and 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th National NPO Ablis in 2005, another National NPO victory in 2006, this time from Chantilly against 30074 pigeons and a stunning series of 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th National NPO Ablis against 15004 pigeons, 2nd, 5th and 10th National NPO Peronne against 30423 pigeons in 2007, another 1st National NPO Ablis against 15871 pigeons and a 2nd and 3rd National NPO Sezanne against 21720 pigeons in 2008, no less than 2 National NPO victories in 2009 (Ablis against 18911 pigeons and Blois sector 2 against 15172 pigeons), another 1st National NPO sector 2 from Blois against 13155 pigeons in 2010, 2nd and 5th NPO Region East from Peronne against 19944 pigeons in 2011, an amazing 3 1st NPO results in 2012 (Peronne against 35985 pigeons, Sens sector 2 against 14753 pigeons, Argenton against 10432 pigeons), another 2 1st NPO’s in 2013 (Sens against 28413 pigeons and Chateaudun against 11572 pigeons), no less than 21 1st prizes (among which 3 first Provincials) in 2014, a 1st National Chateauroux against 37819 pigeons in 2015, … I guess you will have gotten the picture right now. Between 1991 and 2008 about 6 to 8 cars were won as well (Peter can’t exactly recall the number!), and of course numerous championship titles and Acepigeon results. Needless to say we’ve only
“One thing stands out however: the absolute dominance of the Peter van de Merwe pigeons on distances between 100 and 700 km and against huge numbers of birds.” mentioned some of the records to avoid having to publish a very very long list of results and making this article as large as a phonebook. One thing stands out however: the absolute dominance of the Peter van de Merwe pigeons on distances between 100 and 700 km and against huge numbers of birds. One thing that is missing from Peter’s endless records lists is an Olympic title, but that is simply because it is not really his ambition. “You need to race a bird 2 years in a row for an Olympic title,” he tells me, “and when I have a very good yearling, I tend to transfer him to the breeding loft. Besides, my position here, near the edge of the region, isn’t particularly suited for Olympic results. You need a more central position for that. My birds are able to peak, but not week after week.” When they do peak however, the competition is swept aside. “I do try to race every week,” Peter says, “but if the weather looks really bad I keep a part of my racing team at home.” Overnight races do not interest him either: “I never had time for this type of race. I concentrate on one day racing. I’d rather do one thing good instead of two things half bad.” This doesn’t mean his pigeons aren’t capable of covering the longer distance: another fancier, who did take van de Merwe pigeons to Bordeaux, scored a 1st after a tough 12 hour race. More proof that his pigeons have stamina comes from Morocco; with its desert and mountains not exactly the easiest country to race: the championships on the one day long distance, middle distance, etc. were all won with Peter’s birds, as well as the 1st National Acepigeon Allround. All of this in a National program that started out with 60000 pigeons.
It is clear that all these results do not just materialize out of thin air. They are based on one thing and one thing only: pure and solid quality. It is no coincidence that Peter’s stunning records list, which put him in the international spotlight, is still strongly based on the “Oude Zwarte” line he used when he started. “Gwen”, the fantastic 1st National Acepigeon Young birds of 2001, is a granddaughter to “De Zwarte 430” of 1986, mated to a Tournier hen (her father, “De 608 Tournier”, which came out of this pair, won 3 firsts among which a 1st National Ruffec). On mother’s side there is Van Loon in the mix. Together with “Gwen”, the light check cock “Replay” forms the basic couple of the van de Merwe loft: they are father and mother to no less than 6 generations of 1st NPO winners. Of course ”Replay” is not just any pigeon: a 100% Koopman he is heavily inbred towards the famous “Golden Lady”, daughter of the legendary “Kannibaal” of Dirk Van Dyck and mother of the just as legendary “Kleine Dirk”, grandfather of, among others, another legend, “Harry” of Jan Hooymans. “Replay”’s maternal grandmother is “Yi Min”, daughter of “Golden Lady”. Grandfather on mother’s side is “Mister Ermerveen”, a grandson of “Golden Lady”. The same blood is found on “Replay”’s father’s side as well: his grandfather there is also a son of “Golden Lady”. Grandmother on father’s side on the other hand is “Lei”, 2nd National NPO Bourges, sister of “Wonder Lady”, 1st National Orleans with 30 minutes ahead, and of Janssen/Meulemans/Van Loon descent. The bloodline of these solid foundations runs all the way throughout the van de Merwe loft today. 1st NPO winner from Chantilly “Nathalie” is a direct daughter of “Replay” and the mother of “Rivaldo”, 1st NPO Nanteuil. 1st NPO Ruffec “Alivierro” is a grandson of “Replay”. “Didi”, 3rd Provincial Peronne against 23694 pigeons, is a great grandchild of both “Gwen” and “Replay”. “Argentonneke”, 5th NPO Argenton against 12267 pigeons is a great grandson of “Replay”, “Rambo”, 3rd National sector 2 of Melun against 8893 pigeons also has both “Gwen” and “Replay” in his pedigree, “Desi”, 4th NPO Chateauroux (after three loft mates) against 7151 pigeons is a great granddaughter of “Replay”, etc., etc. Not that Peter is obsessed by his own line. Good breeds good is the champion’s motto and so the best of the best also get a chance to prove their worth on the breeding loft. Particularly the cooperation with Guy Van Der Auwera has been very successful. 1st National Acepigeon and 4th Acepigeon WHZB “Jill” for example has direct Van Der Auwera’s as parents, inbred towards “Su-
per 481 De Kaasboer” and super breeding hen “Daughter Chateauroux” of Jozef Goovaerts. “Elle”, 2nd National Acepigeon Allround with results such as 1st Asse against 6892 pigeons, is a great granddaughter of “Replay” but on mother’s side a greatgranddaughter of both Gaby Vandenabeele icons “Bliksem” and “Rudy”, sourced through Henk De Weerd. “Don Bravour”, 1st Provincial Acepigeon One Day Long Distance, 4th National Acepigeon, 1st Asse, 1st Argenton, 1st Chateauroux, is also a “Replay” descendant but with Rudi De Saer thrown in through Guy Van Der Auwera on mother’s side. Peter’s breeding strategy is simple: racers get a chance up until they are two year olds to prove their worth; if they are good they are transferred to the stock loft. Peter keeps about 45 to 50 breeding pairs which provide his daughter Gwen with 50 youngsters and himself with another 120. 95 birds make up Peter’s old bird and yearling loft; Gwen keeps 37. Some pairs are kept as continuous couples but most are re-mated every year to test out new combinations. It certainly has been a winning strategy; one which has crowned Peter and his daughter Gwen to Grand Masters of the Dutch NPO races and made the van de Merwe loft famous all over the world. Since 2015 Peter is now
focussing 100% on the pigeons. That year he won the 1st National Chateauroux from 37819 pigeons, 1st NPO Ruffec against 4133 pigeons, 1st NPO Nanteuil against 15640 pigeons and a whole series of Acepigeon titles. In 2016 he scored 14 firsts several 1-2-3 series (from Laon, Pont St. Maxence, Peronne, etc.), a 2Nd NPO Pointoise against 16611 pigeons, a 3rd NPO Fontenay against 15222 pigeons, etc. In 2017 he won a 1st NPO La Souterraine twice (against 4783 and 7713 pigeons respectively), a 1st and 2nd NPO Pont St. Maxence against 15270 pigeons, a 1st and 2nd NPO Argenton against 12267 pigoens, etc. and last season 2018 among many other prizes a 1st National Melun against 8893 pigeons, a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th NPO Chateauroux against 7151 pigeons, a 1st NPO sector 2 against 12511 pigeons, a 2nd Pontoise against 15317 pigeons and 33 outright victories. All this every year of course accompanied by a whole bunch of Acepigeon and Championship titles. We will see what 2019 has to bring, but we can already be sure it will be another super season for the father and daughter team of Dordrecht. The van de Merwe pigeons are here to stay and will certainly continue to put their mark on the Dutch and International pigeon scene. And whatever the future brings, Peter van de Merwe has already secured his spot in pigeon sport history.
van de Merwe family clears house… “Not much left for the competition on Pont St. Maxence...” That the van de Merwe family in the Dutch city of Dordrecht knows how to score some tremendous results is by now common knowledge. Between 1991 and 2018 roughly 25 first NPO prizes were added to the trophee list of Peter, his wife Nathalie and daughter Gwen. Mind you: first NPO prizes. We’re not even talking about the endless list of other top positions. As we’ve written before: on distances between 100 and 700 km and against big numbers of pigeons there is not much to be done against the absolute dominance of what we call without hesitation the strain van de Merwe. As recently as 7 September, on the race of Pont St. Maxence, Peter, Nathalie and Gwen cleared the tables in Sector 3 South-Holland. No less than 6733 young birds were released at 08:30 am and what does the Teletext result teach us? Let’s have a look: 1. Peter van de Merwe (speed1408 meter per minute) 2. Peter van de Merwe (speed1408 meter per minute) 3. Gwen van de Merwe (speed1408 meter per minute) 4. Peter van de Merwe (speed 1408 meter per minute) Or in other words: four pigeons at the same time through the trap, against 6733 competitors no less! But things get even more interesting: 5. Peter van de Merwe (sspeed 1407 meter per minute) 6. Nathalie van de Merwe (speed 1407 meter per minute) 7. Peter van de Merwe (speed 1406 meter per minute) 8. Nathalie van de Merwe (speed1405 meter per minute) 9. Gwen van de Merwe (speed 1391 meter per minute) 10. Gwen van de Merwe (speed1391 meter per minute) Here we go: the 10 first positions for the lofts in Dordrecht and looking at the speed the pigeons must have dropped out of the sky as thick as hairs on the dog’s back. Once again: against 6733 competitors. Try racing against a loft like that. Of course such dominance is no coincidence at all but the clearly visible result of many years of hard work. Building a strain that is capable of repeatedly scoring this type of result cannot be achieved by just anybody but there is no doubt that Gwen van de Merwe with the assistance of his family has managed to build an almost unbeatable team of pigeons around the lines of his “Oude Zwarte” and “Replay”. To refresh everyone’s memory: key hen “Gwen”, 1st National Acepigeon Young Birds 2001, is a granddaughter of “De Zwarte 430” and “Replay” is a 100% Koopman, heavily inbred towards the famous “Golden Lady”, daughter of the legendary “Kannibaal” of Dirk Van Dyck. Pedigrees that makes one dream and that are a guarantee for future successes. Anyone racing pigeons in the Dordrecht area and wishing to score some results from time to time might seriously start thinking about moving!
Peter van de Merwe in numbers Pont st Max NPO 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21 Chateauroux NPO 1-2-3-4-11-12-12-15-17-21-25-30-31-33-45 Pont st Max NPO 2-3-4-5-6-7-9-12-14-22-23-32-33-35-37 Chateauroux NPO 1-10-27-28-32-33-41-51-58-63-64-67-79-95-99 Chateaudun NPO 1-5-6-18-24-44-81-119-131-159 Peronne 1-6-8-14-19-22-24-25-28-29-45-56-65-66-70-86-98 Ablis NPO 1-3-5-17-24-31-40-75-76 Peronne 1-3-6-9-13-16-17-20-23-32-35-41-47-49-50-51-61-65-81-84-88 Sens 1-9-37-39-41-42-49-65-82-135-137-173-182 Peronne 1-3-4-5-6-7-9-12-14-15-17-19-22-23-25-26-27-28-30-31-32-34 Pommeroeul 1-2-5-9-16-19-20-21-22-25-34-41-45-46-58-60-67-68 Nanteuil NPO 4-5-6-8-10-12-16-17-18-24-33-35-39 Quievrain 1-2-5-7-8-9-13-19-21-22-31-33-36-38-41 Peronne 1-2-3-4-5-7-14-15-16-17-18-19-21-23-25-26-29-33-36 Quievrain 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-11-13-15-16-21 Quievrain 1-2-5-7-8-9-13-19-21-22-31-33-36-38-41 La Souterraine NPO 1-4-10-22-27-28-33 Arras 1-2-3-6-9-11-14-15-19-28-31-35-36-37-40 Quievrain 1-4-5-6-7-9-13-14-15-16-18-20-21 Ruffec NPO 1-10-12-14-26-32-46-55-61-69-81-89
6.733 p. 7,151 p. 8,727 p. 5,907 p. 11,572 p. 19,214 p. 18,911 p. 5,385 p. 13,373 p. 9,695 p. 4,441 p. 12.413 p. 8.648 p. 7,234 p. 7.761 p. 8.648 p. 4,783 p. 2,361 p. 3,752 p. 4,133 p.
NPO 1st winnings ſ 1991 1st Nat NPO Etampes 27,698 b. ſ 1991 1st Nat NPO Orleans 11,244 b. ſ 1994 1st Nat NPO Orleans 17,150 b. ſ 1995 1st Nat NPO Ruffec 6,150 b. ſ 2000 1st Nat NPO Chateauroux 10,789 b. ſ 2001 1st Nat NPO Creil 22,715 b. ſ 2002 1st Nat NPO Sourdun 18,339 b. ſ 2006 1st Nat NPO Chantilly 30,074 b. ſ 2008 1st Nat NPO Ablis 15,871 b. ſ 2009 1st Nat NPO Blois 15,172 b. ſ 2009 1st Nat NPO Ablis 18911 b. ſ 2010 1st Nat NPO Blois 13155 b. ſ 2012 1st Nat NPO Peronne 35985 b. ſ 2012 1st NPO Argenton 10432 b. ſ 2012 1st NPO Sens sector 2 14753 b. ſ 2013 1st NPO Sens 28413 b. ſ 2013 1st NPO Chateaudun 11572 b. ſ 2015 1st Nat. Chateauroux (591 km) 37819 b. ſ 2015 1st NPO Ruffec (722 km) 4133 b. ſ 2015 1st NPO Nanteuil 15640 b. ſ 2015 1st Nat Acepigeon young ſ PIPA ranking 2015 ſ 2017 1st NPO Argenton (624 km) 12,267 b. ſ 2017 1st NPO La Souteraine (661 km ) 7,713 b. ſ 2017 1st NPO Pont st Max 15,270 b. ſ 2018 1st Nat Chateauroux sec 2 7,151 b. ſ 2018 1st Nat Melun sec 2 8,893 b. ſ 2018 1st NPO Chateauroux 3,244 b. ſ 2019 1st Nat Issoudun sec 2 9.570 b. ſ 2019 1st NPO Pointoise 16.215 b. ſ 2019 1st NPO Pont st Max 6.733 b. ſ 2019 1st NPO Pointoise 3.173 b.
Highlight of this auction
What a fantastic winner! 12
ADELE (hen) NL15-1708827 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“ADELE” won a/o: 2. Nat. Ace Bird W.H.Z.B. Young Birds 2015 3. Nat. Ace Bird Young Birds PIPA Ranking 2015 1. Morlincourt 938 b. (275 km) 1. Pont St. Max. 273 b. (315 km) 2. Prov. Pont St. Max. 11,162 b. (315 km) 2. Duffel 1,064 b. (80 km) 5. Prov. Morlincourt 8,738 b. (275 km) 17. Nanteuil 7,763 b. (326 km) 28. Quievrain 2,993 b. (170 km)
“ADELE” is mother to a/o: 9. NPO St. Max. 6,733 b. (315km) 2. Peronne 8,420 b. (243 km) 5. Pointoise 6,679 b. (355 km) 15. Pont st Max 18,381 b. (315 km) 18. Quievrain 1,234 b. (170 km) 30. Quievrain 2,755 b. (170 km) 30. Nat. Chateauroux 7,151 (595 km) 33. Nat. Chateauroux 7,151 b. (595 km)
Sister to “ALLIVIERRO” (NL14-1061575), who won a/o: 1. NPO Ruffec 4,133 b. (722 km) 8. Prov. Peronne 19,772 b. (243 km) 11. NPO Nanteuil 16,722 b. (326 km) 11. Asse Zellik 556 b. (106 km) 13. Pont St. Max. 445 b. (315 km) 44. Morlincourt 11,191 b. (275 km)
Granddaughter “REPLAY”, whom is a true super breeder! Offspring won a/o: 1. NPO Mantes 31,758 b. 1. Prov. Ablis 40,268 b. 1. Prov. Pommeroul 27,000 b. 1. NPO Creil 26,489 b. 1. NPO Peronne 19,866 b. 1. Prov. Peronne 19,722 b. 1. Prov. Nanteuil 13,814 b. = 100% G&C KOOPMAN, NL.
“ADELE” is grandmother to a/o: 1. Quievrain 1,323 b. (170 km)
Super record bird! 100% Kaasboer bloodlines!
SISTER JILL (hen) NL16-1528061 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“SISTER JILL” won herself:
Full sister to “JILL”
16. Nat. Ace Bird The Netherlands 2016 12. Duffel 3,850 b. (80 km) 17. Pont St. Max. 7,593 b. (315 km) 25. Pont St. Max. 1,881 b. (315 km) 26. Fontenay 1,296 b. (443 km) 27. Peronne 995 b. (243 km) 29. Peronne 3,803 b. (243 km) 52. Peronne 1,788 b. (243 km) 66. Pontoise 1,596 b. (355 km) 75. Pont St. Max. 1,761 b. (315 km) 111. Quievrain 3,200 b. (170 km) 122. Pontoise 3,991 b. (355 km) 123. Peronne 3,818 b. (243 km) 127. Pont St. Max. 1,063 b. (315 km) 148. Peronne 1,949 b. (243 km) 162. Fontenay 1,375 b. (443 km) 167. Peronne 8,965 b. (243 km) 308. Roye 6,946 b. (270 km)
1. Nat. Ace Bird The Netherland 2015 4. Nat. Ace Bird W.H.Z.B. 2015 1. Duffel 1,064 b. (80 km) 2. Duffel 2,355 b. (80 km) 13. Pont. St. Max. 6,160 b. (315 km)
“JILL” is mother to a/o: 5. Nat. Ace Bird The Netherlands 2018 1. Peronne 1,004 b. (243 km) 2. NPO Pontoise 3,173 b. (355km) 3. Nat. Pontoise 8,068 b. (355 km) (sector 2) 3. Nat. Melun 8,893 b. (384 km) 5. Pont St. Max. 1,970 b. (315 km) 10. Prov. Peronne 19,257 b. (243km) 10. NPO Pontoise 6,679 b. (355 km) 10. NPO Pont St. Max. 6,733 b. (315km) (won by different pigeons)
“JILL” is grandmother to a/o: 2. Nat. Ace Bird The Netherlands 2018 (6 prices) 1. Nanteuil 3,086 b. (326 km) 4. Prov. Nanteuil 12,413 b. (326 km) 4. Melun 9,656 b. (384 km) 6. Peronne 8,420 b. (243 km) 8. Quievrain 2,391 b. (170 km) 12. Pontoise 6,679 b. (355 km) 27. Pont St. Max. 18,381 b. (315 km) (won by different pigeons)
One of the very last pigeons for sale ever from “SON GWEN” (NL07-1824396), who is the father to “JARA”
Half sister “JARA” (hen) NL14-1075253 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Half sister “JARA” 1. Nat. Chateauroux 37,571 b. (591 km) (2015)
Granddaughter strain mother “GWEN” 1. Nat. Champion NPO 1. Peronne 9,548 b. 15. Nat. Ablis 21,009 b. 4. Etampes 1,656 b. 9. Nat. Ace Bird W.H.Z.B. = mother and grandmother from so many winners at VD Merwe and other fanciers in the whole world! Now already in 6 generations 1. Nat. Winners & Nat. Ace Birds!
From her sister, Peter van de Merwe bred a/o: 1. Nat Issoudun 9,570 b. (fastest of 23,654 b.) (sector 2) (574 km) 5. Prov Peronne 8,420 b. (243 km) 9. Nat. Melun 8,893 b. (384 km) 23. Nat Fontenay 14,516 b. (443 km)
Granddaughter “REPLAY” (hen) NL15-1708682 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Won herself a/o: 1. Asse Zellik 320 b. (106 km) 2. Asse Zellik 2,570 b. (106 km) (after loft mate) 3. Arras 3,713 b. (214 km) 4. Quievrain 421 b. (170 km) 28. Asse Zellik 2,626 b. (106 km) 35. NPO Nanteuil 7,763 b. (326 km) 40. NPO Pont St. Max. 6,160 b. (315 km) 65. Nat. Chateauroux 9,980 b. (595 km) 69. NPO Bourges 13,431 b. (549 km) 68. Pontoise 6,521 b. (355 km)
“REPLAY” is a true super breeder! Offspring won a/o: 1. NPO Mantes 31,758 b. 1. Prov. Ablis 40,268 b. 1. Prov. Pommeroul 27,000 b. 1. NPO Creil 26,489 b.
1. NPO Peronne 19,866 b. 1. Prov. Peronne 19,722 b. 1. Prov. Nanteuil 13,814 b. = 100% G&C KOOPMAN, NL.
Granddaughter “CAITLIN” 1. Prov. Peronne 25,458 b.
Daughter “LOTTE” 1. Prov. Peronne 20,239 b. (243 km) 8. Nijvel 1,236 b. (137 km) 12. Zellik 1,142 b. (106 km) 16. Duffel 3,439 b. (80 km) 46. Peronne 1,106 b. (243 km) 55. Meaux 2,114 b. (342 km) 69. Quievrain 2,290 b. (170 km) 75. Sens 1,543 b. (413 km)
100% Leo Heremans bloodlines! What a super breeder!
Grandson “GILBERT” (cock) NL13-1769519 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“GRANDSON GILBERT” is father to a/o: 1. Pontoise 1,930 b. (355 km) 5. NPO Argenton 12,267 b. (624 km) 6. NPO Pontoise 16,611 b. (355 km)
“GILBERT” (sold for 162,000 EURO) 1. Nat. Ace Bird Young Birds LCB 2011 3. Nat. Ace Bird Europe Cup 2012 4. Nat. Ace Bird K.B.D.B. 2011 Sprint Distance 1. Quievrain 1,943 b. 1. Quievrain 1,612 b. 4. Quievrain 1,974 b. 11. Quievrain 2,589 b. 13. Quievrain 2,270 b. (won at Leo HEREMANS, BE.) = grandson “DE JAN”
DIABLO (cock) NL17-1280431 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“DIABLO” won a/o:
Inbred “REPLAY”
1. NPO Pont. St. Max. 15,270 b. (315 km) 30. Duffel 349 b. (80 km) 37. Quievrain 431 b. (170 km) 43. Pont St. Max. 433 b. (315 km) 46. Arras 510 b. (214 km)
= top breeder, breed in 6 generations 1. Nat. winners and Nat. Ace Birds!
Nephew to a/o: 3. NPO Fontenay 15,222 b. (443 km) 1. Duffel 3,544 b. (80 km) 1. Asse Zellik 1,202 b. (106 km) 1. Peronne 602 b. (243 km) 2. Duffel 1,243 b. (80 km) 3. Menen 1,751 b. (155 km)
Grandson “SHIRA” 1. Prov. Morlincourt 18,848 b. (275 km)
Offspring won a/o: 1. NPO Mantes 31,758 b. 1. Prov. Ablis 40,268 b. 1. Prov. Pommeroul 27,000 b. 1. NPO Creil 26,489 b. 1. NPO Peronne 19,866 b. 1. Prov. Peronne 19,722 b. 1. Prov. Nanteuil 13,814 b. = 100% G&C KOOPMAN, NL.
What a fantastic winner!
SARA (hen) NL15-1708775 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“SARA” won a/o: 1. Prov. Arras 12,475 b. (214 km) 6. Chimay 359 b. (197 km) 8. Pontoise 428 b. (355 km) 9. Bourges 1,186 b. (549 km) 10. NPO La Souterraine 4,783 b. (661 km) 17. Asse Zellik 1,278 b. (106 km) 24. Nanteuil 1,351 b. (326 km) 39. Asse Zellik 2,626 b. (106 km) 56. NPO Bourges 10,321 b. (549 km)
Direct daughter “CAITLIN” (NL10-1689236) 1. Prov. Peronne 25,458 b. (243 km)
Granddaughter “BAUER” (NL02-1643772)
1. Chantilly 1,320 b. (330 km) 3. Duffel 4,714 b. (80 km) 3. Chantilly 5,087 b. (330 km) 4. Bourges 2,032 b. (549 km) 10. Niergnies 3,865 b. (210 km)
Granddaughter “REPLAY” “REPLAY” is a true super breeder! Offspring won a/o: 1. NPO Mantes 31,758 b. 1. Prov. Ablis 40,268 b. 1. Prov. Pommeroul 27,000 b. 1. NPO Creil 26,489 b. 1. NPO Peronne 19,866 b. 1. Prov. Peronne 19,722 b. 1. Prov. Nanteuil 13,814 b. = 100% G&C KOOPMAN, NL.
1. Nat. Ace Bird Middle Distance WENC 2004 4. Nat. Ace Bird Yearlings T.B.O.T.B. 2003 7. Nat. Ace Bird N.P.O. Middle Distance 2003
Another super record bird of Peter vd Merwe!
Son “ALIVIERRO” (cock) NL16-1527913 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“Son ALLIVIERRO” won a/o:
Direct son “SHIRA”
1. Arras 1,503 b. (214 km) 2. Arras 3,713 b. (214 km) (after loftmate) 19. Roye 6,946 b. (270 km) 22. Pont St. Max. 7,593 b. (315 km) 30. Peronne 8,965 b. (243 km) 36. Pontoise 6,878 b. (355 km)
1. Prov. Morlincourt 18,848 b. (275 km) = grandmother 1. NPO Pont St. Max. 15,270 b. (315 km) = sister “JACQUELINE” = 1. NPO Sens 29,164 b. (413 km) + 5. NPO Chateauroux 11,572 b. (595 km) = sister “DESPERADO” = 1. Ronquieres 2,082 b. (138 km) + 1. Mantes 1,371 b. (377 km) + 1. Nanteuil 904 b. (326 km)
“ALLIVIERRO” (NL14-1061575) won a/o: 1. NPO Ruffec 4,133 b. (722 km) 8. Prov. Peronne 19,772 b. (243 km) 11. NPO Nanteuil 16,722 b. (326 km) 11. Asse Zellik 556 b. (106 km) 13. Pont St. Max. 445 b. (315 km) 44. Morlincourt 11,191 b. (275 km) = sister “ADELE” (sold in this auction) 2. Nat. Ace Bird W.H.Z.B. 2015 3. Nat. Ace Bird Young Birds PIPA Ranking 2015
Another super ace bird!
ASKE 936 (hen) NL16-1527936 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“ASKE 936” won a/o: 6. Nat. Ace Bird Yearlings 2017 1. Duffel 108 b. (80 km) 3. Duffel 986 b. (80 km) (after 2 loftmates) 2. Peronne 498 b. (243 km) 8. Pont St. Max. 1,063 b. 17. Arras 4,115 b. (214 km) 28. Asse Zellik 1,278 b. (106 km) 37. Peronne 3,803 b. (243 km) 40. Arras 2,361 b. (214 km) 41. Duffel 3,850 b. (80 km)
Niece to 1. Nat. Argenton 10,432 b. (624 km)
Sister to a/o: 1. Quievrain 7,761 (fastest of 24,000 b.) (170 km) 1. Peronne 1,012 b. (243 km) 2. Duffel 1,327 (80 km)
3. Lennik 1,202 6. Quievrain 1,896 (170 km) 11. Quievrain 2,192 (170 km)
Granddaughter “MISTER ABLIS” 1. Nat. NPO Ablis 18,911 b. 1. NPO Sens 14,753 b.
Granddaughter “UNITED” 2. Nat. Ace Bird Young Birds T.B.O.T.B. 2009 1. Peronne 1,967 b. (243 km) 3. Prov. Peronne 23,022 b. (243 km) 5. Strombeek 4,458 b. (103 km) 5. Strombeek 3,449 b. (103 km) 5. Pommerouil 4,529 b. (165 km) 24. Nat. Ablis 18,911 b. (417 km)
Granddaughter “JOY” 1. Nat. NPO Ablis 15,871 b. (417 km)
Super breeding hen!
Daughter “ARIE x JACQUELINE” (hen) NL14-1061558 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Grandmother to a/o:
1. NPO St. Max. 15,270 b. (315 km) 3. NPO Melun 9,556 b. (384 km) 5. NPO Nanteuil 12,413 b. (326 km) 9. Melun 1,994 b. (384 km) 21. Peronne 2,143 b. (243 km)
“ARIE” (NL12-1620214) 1. NPO Sens 14,753 b. (413 km)
Brothers or sisters won a/o: 1. Asse Zellik 1,708 b. (106 km) 1. Quievrain 2,993 b. (170 km) 1. Pont St. Max. 1,857 b. (315 km)
Mother “JACQUELINE” (NL11-1744298) 1. NPO Sens 29,164 b. (413 km) 5. NPO Chateauroux 11,572 b. (595 km) 4. Pommeroeul 2,176 b. (165 km) 9. Pommeroeul 4,441 b. (165 km) 14. Prov. Peronne 19,214 b. (243 km) 16. Pommeroeul 2,135 b. (165 km) 25. Nijvel 4,300 b. (137 km) 47. Prov. Peronne 9,965 b. (243 km)
Daughter “HARLEY x JANNEKE” (hen) NL14-1075122 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Granddaughter “REPLAY”
Sister to a/o:
= top breeder, breed in 6 generations 1. Nat. winners and Nat. Ace Birds!
1. Quievrain 1,208 b. (170 km) 4. Quievrain 3,752 b. (170 km) 5. NPO Blois 13,155 b. (528 km) 6. Prov. Peronne 20,239 b. (243 km) 8. NPO Sens 6,019 b. (413 km) 10. Nijvel 4,300 b. (137 km) 12. Nijvel 4,300 b. (137 km) 18. s/Prov. Peronne 13,438 b. (243 km)
Offspring won a/o: 1. NPO Mantes 31,758 b. 1. Prov. Ablis 40,268 b. 1. Prov. Pommeroul 27,000 b. 1. NPO Creil 26,489 b. 1. NPO Peronne 19,866 b. 1. Prov. Peronne 19,722 b. 1. Prov. Nanteuil 13,814 b. = 100% G&C KOOPMAN, NL.
Sister “JAQUELINE” (hen) NL15-1708760 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Sister to a/o:
1. NPO Sens 29,164 b. (413 km) 1. Prov. Morlincourt 18,848 b. (275 km) 1. Ronquieres 2,082 b. (138 km) 1. Mantes 1,371 b. (377 km) 5. NPO Chateaudun 11,572 b. (478 km) 1. Blois 1,012 b. (528 km) 1. Nanteuil 904 b. (326 km) 1. Chateauroux 560 b. (595 km)
“COCKTAIL” (NL99-5956992) 7. Nat. Orleans 17,923 b. (475 km) 1. Peronne 3,332 b. (243 km) 1. St. Ghislain 1,815 b. (163 km) 6. Peronne 5,150 b. (243 km) 6. Bourges 2,770 b. (549 km)
Super record bird!
Half sister “CHARLOTTE” (hen) NL18-5129456 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
She won a/o: 3. Peronne 102 b. (243 km) 4. Vierzon 1,151 b. (544 km) 25. Peronne 1,012 b. (243 km) 45. Quievrain 1,234 b. (170 km) 50. Quievrain 2,391 b. (170 km) 125. Nat. Issoudun 9,766 b. (574 km) = half sister “CHARLOTTE” 1. NPO Pontoise 16,215 b. (355 km)
100% Gaston VD Wouwer (BE.) bloodlines! Nestsister of NL18-5129455 (also in this sale)
Super record bird!
Half sister “CHARLOTTE” (hen) NL18-5129455 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
She won a/o: 9. Nanteuil 3,086 b. (326 klm) 16. NPO Nanteuil 12,413 b. (326 km) 9. Quievrain 1,347 b. (170 km) 23. Melun 1,082 b. (384 km) 37. Lennik 984 b. (116 km) 41. Peronne 1,012 b. (243 km) 142. Nat. Blois 5,964 b. (528 km) = half sister “CHARLOTTE” 1. NPO Pontoise 16,215 b. (355 km)
100% Gaston VD Wouwer (BE.) bloodlines! Nestsister of NL18-5129456 (also in this sale)
Another superb winner!
Half sister “MAX & MAXIEN” (hen) NL18-5129430 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
She won a/o: 1. Pontoise 1,706 b. (355 km) 2. NPO Pontoise 15,340 b. (355 km) 35. Pontoise 1,351 b. (355 km) 38. Melun 1,082 b. (384 km) 39. Peronne 2,143 b. (243 km) 42. Quievrain 1,234 b. (170 km) 66. Pont St. Max. 1,970 b. (315 km) 113. Nanteuil 12,413 b. (326 km)
“MAX” & “MAXIEN” won together a/o: 2. Nat Ace Pigeon The Netherlands 2018 (6 prices) 1. Nanteuil 3,086 b. (326 km) 4. Prov Nanteuil 12,413 b. (326 km) 4. Melun 9,656 b. (384 km) 9. Quievrain 3,742 b.(170 km) 12. Melun 1,994 b. (384 km) 17. Quievrain 2,192 b. (170 km) 59. Pont St. Max. 18,381 b. (315 km)
6. Peronne 8,420 b. (243 km) 8. Quievrain 2,391 b. (170 km) 11. Quievrain 1,234 b. (170 km) 12. Pointoise 6,679 b. (355 km) 27. Pont St. Max. 18,381 b. (315 km) 78. Pont St. Max. 9,047 b. (315 km)
Granddaughter “JILL”, who won a/o: 1. Nat. Ace Bird The Netherlands 2015 4. Nat. Ace Bird W.H.Z.B. 2015
Granddaughter “CAITLIN” 1. Prov. Peronne 25,458 b.
Super bloodlines!
Son “BLACK JACK” (cock) NL16-1882177 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Direct son to “BLACK JACK”
Direct son to “719”
1. Chateauroux 1,163 b. (595 km) 7. Prov. Pont St. Max. 12,189 b. (315 km) 8. Nat. Chateauroux 44,332 b. (595 km) 23. s/Prov. Mantes 7,517 b. (377 km)
1. Duffel 2,474 b. (80 km) 1. Quievrain 2,069 b. (fastest of 6,734 b.) (170 km) 1. Peronne 1,008 b. (243 km)
Nephew “TIESTO” 1. Prov. Nanteuil 13,814 b. (326 km) 1. Sens 1,332 b. (413 km) 1. Quievrain 2,069 b. (fastest of 6,734 b.) 1. Duffel 2,355 b. (80 km) 2. Peronne 8,901 b. (243 km) 1. Quievrain 616 b. (170 km)
Brother “ALIVIERRO” (cock) NL14-1075166 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“ALLIVIERRO” (NL14-1061575) won a/o:
Grandson “REPLAY”
1. NPO Ruffec 4,133 b. (722 km) 8. Prov. Peronne 19,772 b. (243 km) 11. NPO Nanteuil 16,722 b. (326 km) 11. Asse Zellik 556 b. (106 km) 13. Pont St. Max. 445 b. (315 km) 44. Morlincourt 11,191 b. (275 km)
“REPLAY” is a true super breeder! Offspring won a/o: 1. NPO Mantes 31,758 b. 1. Prov. Ablis 40,268 b. 1. Prov. Pommeroul 27,000 b. 1. NPO Creil 26,489 b. 1. NPO Peronne 19,866 b. 1. Prov. Peronne 19,722 b. 1. Prov. Nanteuil 13,814 b. = 100% G&C KOOPMAN, NL.
= sister “ADELE” (sold in this auction)
2. Nat. Ace Bird W.H.Z.B. 2015 3. Nat. Ace Bird Young Birds PIPA Ranking 2015
Unique pairing!
Son “UNITED x JOY” (cock) NL15-1875501 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Siblings of this unique bird won a/o:
2. Nat. Ace Bird Young Birds T.B.O.T.B. 2009 1. Peronne 1,967 b. (243 km) 3. Prov. Peronne 23,022 b. (243 km) 5. Strombeek 4,458 b. (103 km) 5. Strombeek 3,449 b. (103 km) 5. Pommerouil 4,529 b. (165 km) 24. Nat. Ablis 18,911 b. (417 km)
1. NPO Argenton 10,432 b. (624 km) at 1181 m/min! 1. NPO Nanteuil 15,640 b. (326 km) 1. Peronne 2,817 b. (243 km) 4. s/Prov. Nanteuil 8,709 b. (326 km) 14. Nat. Ruffec 4,133 b. (722 km) 23. NPO Sens 11,608 b. (413 km) 29. Prov. Peronne 9,776 b. (243 km) 32. Peronne 11,680 b. (243 km) 43. Prov. Peronne 11,930 b. (243 km) 52. Prov. Peronne 19,537 b. (243 km) 73. Prov. Morlincourt 11,191 b. 79. Nat. Chateauroux 5,907 b. (595 km)
“JOY” 1. Nat. NPO Ablis 15,871 b. (417 km)
Daughter “RIVALDO” (hen) NL17-1854974 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Daughter “RIVALDO” (NL14-1061646) won a/o: 1. NPO Nanteuil 15,640 b. (326 km) 3. Peronne 2,247 b. (243 km) 6. Asse Zellik 1,939 b. (106 km) 31. Duffel 1,243 b. (80 km) = half-brother “SHANE” = 1. NPO Argenton 10,432 b.
Daughter “MAKKE BONTJE” (NL141061592) 7. Nat. Ace Bird Sprint Distance – Middle Distance PIPA Ranking 2015 1. Duffel 2,637 b. (80 km) 3. NPO Nanteuil 15,640 b. (326 km) 1. Duffel 1,023 b. (80 km) 1. Duffel 753 b. (80 km) 6. Nanteuil 3,306 b. (326 km) 6. Duffel 1,243 b. (80 km)
8. Nanteuil 2,235 b. (326 km) 12. Peronne 2,247 b. (243 km)
Granddaughter “UNITED” 2. Nat. Ace Bird Young Birds T.B.O.T.B. 2009 1. Peronne 1,967 b. (243 km) 3. Prov. Peronne 23,022 b. (243 km) 5. Strombeek 4,458 b. (103 km) 5. Strombeek 3,449 b. (103 km) 5. Pommerouil 4,529 b. (165 km) 24. Nat. Ablis 18,911 b. (417 km)
Granddaughter “NATHALIE” 1. Nat. NPO Chantilly 30,074 b. (330 km) = sister to 1. Prov. Ablis 40,268 b. (417 km)
Daughter “ARIE x JACQUELINE” (cock) NL14-1061722 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Brothers or sisters won a/o: 1. Asse Zellik 1,708 b. (106 km) 1. Quievrain 2,993 b. (170 km) 1. Pont St. Max. 1,857 b. (315 km)
Father = “ARIE” (NL12-1620214) 1. NPO Sens 14,753 b. (413 km)
Mother = “JACQUELINE” (NL11-1744298) 1. NPO Sens 29,164 b. (413 km) 5. NPO Chateauroux 11,572 b. (595 km) 4. Pommeroeul 2,176 b. (165 km) 9. Pommeroeul 4,441 b. (165 km) 14. Prov. Peronne 19,214 b. (243 km) 16. Pommeroeul 2,135 b. (165 km) 25. Nijvel 4,300 b. (137 km) 47. Prov. Peronne 9,965 b. (243 km
Son “METALL” (cock) NL15-1708854 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
Brother to a/o: 3. NPO Fontenay 15,222 b. (443 km) 1. Duffel 3,544 b. (80 km) 1. Asse Zellik 1,202 b. (106 km) 1. Peronne 602 b. (243 km) 2. Duffel 1,243 b. (80 km) 3. Menen 1,751 b. (155 km) 3. Quievrain 1,057 b. (170 km)
Son to “METALL” (NL11-1744275) is father & grandfather to a/o: 1. NPO Pont St. Max. 15,270 b. (315 km) 3. NPO Fontenay 15,222 b. (443 km) 1. Duffel 3,544 b. (80 km) 1. Asse Zellik 1,202 b. (106 km) 1. Peronne 602 b. (243 km) 2. Duffel 1,243 b. (80 km)
Son to “SHIRA” 1. Prov. Morlincourt 18,848 b. (275 km)
Daughter “AMIGO” (hen) NL13-1241824 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
= half-sister “JOY” 1. Nat. NPO Ablis 15,871 b. (417 km)
Daughter “AMIGO” 4. Prov. Peronne 44,240 b. 16. Prov. Creil 38,401 b. 6. Duffel 2,383 b. 7. Duffel 2,065 b. 16. Duffel 1,677 b. 21. Strombeek 5,614 b. 21. Peronne 2,496 b.
Granddaughter “REPLAY” “REPLAY” is a true super breeder! Offspring won a/o: 1. NPO Mantes 31,758 b. 1. Prov. Ablis 40,268 b. 1. Prov. Pommeroul 27,000 b. 1. NPO Creil 26,489 b. 1. NPO Peronne 19,866 b. 1. Prov. Peronne 19,722 b. 1. Prov. Nanteuil 13,814 b. = 100% G&C KOOPMAN, NL.
5x “kaasboer” inside this pigeon = 100% Gaston vd Wouwer (be.)
INBRED KAASBOER 460 (hen) NL18-5129460 Or. Peter van de Merwe (NL.)
“INBRED KAASBOER 460” won a/o: 9. Peronne 2,143 b. (243 km) 18. Quievrain 2,755 b. (170 km) 20. Duffel 1,273 b. (80 km) 22. Quievrain 1,273 b. (170 km) 24. Asse Zellik 837 b. (106 km) 52. Lennik 1,837 b. (116 km) 62. Quievrain 2,391 b. (170 km) 62. Quievrain 2,192 b. (170 km) 66. Melun 1,994 b. (384 km) 69. Prov. Peronne 11,428 b. (243 km)
Colofon The selection of the pigeons in this auction is made by Peter van de Merwe (NL.) exclusively for P-BAY. The auction can be followed at www.pbay.be. address of the company P-BAY, brand of P-MEDIA-GROUP BVBA Klein Holland 48 1840 LONDERZEEL Belgium KBO: 0897.240.694 Phone: +32.52.300.007 E-mail: info@p-bay.be Wechat ID: PBAY888888 Line ID: pbay88888888
agencies P-BAY Taiwan Mr. Hsia Lei
+886.989563388 (local: 0989563388)
P-BAY China Mr. Yao Liwei Miss Liu (customer service)
+8618612131058 (local: 18612131058) +8615501001913 (local: 15501001913)
Km list Chateauroux Peronne Duffel Nijvel Menen Nanteuil Pommeroeul Mantes la Jolie Morlincourt Argenton Strombeek Creil Tours Vierzon Sezanne Ablis Grimbergen Ronquieres Sens Lille-Lesquin Bourges Ruffec Chateaudun Meaux Pointoise Quievrain Pont st Max Lennik Ruffec Issoudun Blois Fontenay Melun Asse Zellik Arras Chimay Chantilly Roye Niergnies Orleans St Ghislain
595 km 243 km 80 km 137 km 155 km 326 km 165 km 377km 275 km 624 km 103 km 325 km 570 km 544 km 350 km 417 km 97 km 138 km 413 km 175 km 549 km 722 km 478 km 342 km 355 km 170 km 315 km 116 km 722 km 574 km 528 km 443 km 384 km 106 km 214 km 197 km 330 km 270 km 210 km 475 km 163 km
WWW.PBAY.BE Klein Holland 48 1840 Londerzeel