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There’s nothing like being treated to a tour of Miami’s Telemundo Studios—especially when your tour guide is veteran journalist José Díaz-Balart, MSNBC host and anchor of NBC Nightly News Saturday. The massive building (it’s the size of seven soccer fi elds) houses state-of-the-art production for programming from telenovelas to sports to hard news—and everything in between.
In this month’s Power Plays–themed issue, we’re homing in on the things that move us here in Miami—from the power of giving back to local nonprofi ts with your time and talents (page 28) to the power of intuition with tarot reader Cardsy B (page 46). And don’t miss our profi le of Ana Navarro and Al Cárdenas for a peek into how they balance their marriage with their high-profi le careers as political consultants (including Navarro’s new hosting gig on ABC’s The View) in “Power House” on page 40.
This month’s cover features José Díaz-Balart, who understands the place of power he holds as a journalist serving both the English- and Spanish-speaking communities. Whether you’ve seen him report in English on his MSNBC weekday show, anchor the Saturday evening news on NBC, or host Noticias Telemundo in Spanish, Díaz-Balart is revered by viewers and industry insiders alike for his journalistic integrity and community-minded focus. With elections (and their eventual results) upon us this month, journalists like DíazBalart play a key role in helping voters access the facts they need to make an informed decision at the ballot booth. Read more about Díaz-Balart’s storied career in Linda Marx’s story, “Reporting for Duty” on page 84.
As the end-of-year holidays approach, you’re probably in one of two camps: those who eagerly await the onslaught of decor and celebrations, or those who feel like they could use another month or two to prepare. Either way, we’ve got you covered. From tablescaping tips from the expert behind Pialisa (page 36) to Daphne Nikolopoulos’ piece (page 90) on an absolutely inspo-worthy Thanksgiving gathering of family and friends hosted by philanthropist Petra Levin in her art-fi lled Miami Beach home, our stories are sure to have you feeling festive.
Miami Art Week kicks off at the tail end of this month (continuing into early December), so we’re taking a moment to pay tribute to local art and culture. For autistic Aventura teenager Viktor “Vichy” Bevanda, art offers a form of expression that verbal communication can’t. Turn to page 44 for his colorful story. Beginning on page 98, “unchARTed Territory” by Nicole Martinez is a primer on what’s new and now in Miami’s vibrant visual art world—including artists to know, galleries to visit, trends to spot, and exhibits to view. Fashion and dance collide in Katherine Lande’s feature story, “Turning Pointe,” on page 106, showcasing the dancers of the Miami City Ballet decked out in looks from the likes of Chanel, Alexander McQueen, and Dior, among other sartorial stars.
I hope you enjoy our truly powerful pages this month. Cheers to the power of all things Magic City!
Kristen Desmond LeFevre klefevre@aventuramagazine.com