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N A P L E S R E A LT O R ®
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Hello. I was fortunate to attend the 2022 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings in Washington D.C. in May for the purpose of advancing issues important to the real estate profession and the livelihood of our membership. The meetings, which were very insightful and filled with information, allowed us to build on the momentum of the advocacy work of the National Association of REALTORS® and continue the critical policy conversations among REALTORS®, lawmakers, and industry leaders. As you may be aware, Congress has discussed significant changes to our tax preferences regarding homeownership such as capping the Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID) and Property Tax Deduction and limiting the 1031 Like Kind Exchanges, all of which have a significant impact on the housing market and your business. I encourage you to voice your opinion about this legislation to your local and state representatives. My hope is that you will continue to lead prosperous, fulfilling, and successful careers in the real estate industry. You can invest in the success of our industry and your own business by responding to Calls for Action and investing your fair share ($20) in the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC). I encourage you to please invest your time and dollars, so the American dream of homeownership remains for many years to come. Best wishes for a great third quarter!
Ryan Bleggi
NABOR® President
Q3 2022
6/16/22 2:48 PM