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Cofounder and CEO Imagine Solutions Conference

Imagine Solutions Conference is a foundation created by Randy Antik, a former executive, and Tom Everist to o er big ideas to audiences that have the power to make a di erence in the world. Imagine Solutions brings in national and international experts in health care, technology, social entrepreneurship, busines and economy, leadership, history and civics, the environment and conservation, and the arts for conferences and associated seminars.

EDUCATION: Harvard University (MBA) FIRST JOB: Mowed lawns at age 12 WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: Strong philanthropy activities are in my DNA; the foundation combines my love of curiosity, respect for learning, and for positively impacting others. FUNNIEST WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: During a fi reside chat at the 2021 conference, I was interviewing the doctor for the Grateful Dead—he wouldn’t answer any questions until I mentioned the band, then the incredible stories started. BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: Always listen fi rst; speak later. SECRET TO SUCCESS: Sharing my passion for learning TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: No father around…mothers are everything.


President and CEO, Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce

Michael Dalby was named President and CEO of the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce in 2016. He also serves as president of both the Leadership Collier Foundation and Partnership for Collier’s Future Economy. Dalby leads a 10-person sta serving 1,100 members with business growth connections, public policy advocacy, economic development resources, and workforce initiatives. Dalby has 28 years of Chamber of Commerce experience and is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force.

EDUCATION: University of Nebraska (MA) HOMETOWN: Stephenville, Texas WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: I love working with businesses and organizations that are providing jobs and making communities great. BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: Don’t take yourself too seriously. FAVORITE BOOK: The Magicians of Main Street: America and its Chambers of Commerce 1768-1945 by Chris Mead FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY PLACE TO VISIT: Audubon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY RESTAURANT: Lake Park Diner


President and CEO Collier Community Foundation

Since 2013, Eileen Connolly-Keesler has led the Collier Community Foundation (CCF), overseeing the foundation’s mission, addressing community needs, and providing collaborative leadership. During the past decade, assets have grown from $62 million to more than $247 million. In 2022, CCF distributed $43.1 million in grants and scholarships. Connolly-Keesler has coordinated Collier Comes Together emergency relief funds in the wake of natural disasters and the pandemic. The foundation manages 850-plus funds.

EDUCATION: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (MPA) FIRST JOB: Cleaning the locker rooms and shining shoes at a country club; eventually I graduated to cocktail waitress. WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: I worked at a domestic violence shelter for 15 years. My current position allows me to address a broad range of needs in the community. BEST ADVICE: Find a career niche. FUNNIEST WORK EXPERIENCE: Returning from lunch to fi nd a sticky note on my computer from an employee saying they quit. This was not at Collier Community Foundation! FAVORITE RESTAURANT: BrickTop’s


President and CEO Jewish Federation of Greater Naples

Je rey David Feld tookthe helm of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples in 2014. Throughout his career, he has been recognized for promoting better communication, tolerance, and inclusiveness, and bringing diverse groups together. The organization, with 2,300 members, recently opened the $10.5 million Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. After college, Feld was director at the Nashville Jewish Community Center and B’nai B’rith Youth Organization. In 2009, Feld received the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award.

EDUCATION: University of Maryland, Baltimore (MSW) WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: My father died when I was a young kid and we were poor; if it had not been for scholarships from the synagogue and camps, I would not be where I am. Serving in this way gives me the opportunity to help others and give back to the community. FAVORITE MOVIE: The Frisco Kid and Silverado—I like Westerns. FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATIONS: Bermuda, where I went with my wife for our honeymoon, Israel, where I have been at least 30 times, often for work, and wherever my kids are FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY RESTAURANTS: Swan River Seafood Restaurant & Fish Market and Shula’s Steakhouse


Florida Director Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation

Mary Beth Geier is responsible for the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation’s Southwest Florida areas of interest in grant making and community initiatives, including social services, education, and healthcare. She also heads up the foundation’s philanthropic work in Anguilla. She is a proud graduate of the Leadership Collier Class of 2016, and serves on several local boards, including YMCA of Southwest Florida, Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation, and Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce.

EDUCATION: Florida Gulf Coast University (MEd) WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: It chose me and I’m very lucky. However, it’s a perfect fi t because I am a true believer in working in service to others. FUNNIEST WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: It’s too long to go into detail but it involved Palm Sunday, the bomb squad, and blowing up a gym bag. BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: Life is all about having a great attitude. If you have a great attitude, you will be assured a great life. FAVORITE BOOK: A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfi nished Woman by Joan Anderson ADVICE TO 18-YEAR-OLD SELF: Believe in yourself—you can do more than you imagine!


Visiting Scholar Clemson University President Fran Mainella Consulting

Fran P. Mainella is a visiting scholar at Clemson University Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. Previously, she served as the sixteenth director and rst woman to lead the National Park Service—a presidential appointment con rmed by the U.S. Senate. While she served as the rst female director of Florida’s State Parks, it was recognized as the best state park system in the country. Mainella was recently appointed the director of environment for the newly formed Bonita-Estero Woman’s Club.

EDUCATION: Central Connecticut State University (PhD) NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS: Serving as the president of many organizations, such as the National Recreation and Park Association and National Association of State Park Directors; currently serving on the board The Alliance for Florida’s National Parks as West Coast Committee chair WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: I love the outdoors from my days as a Girl Scout. As a child, our family vacations were traveling and going to parks. My dad, who is turning 97 years-old, was born in New Mexico, so we travelled west and visited Carlsbad Caverns and other national parks. BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: Use the 3 C’s of leadership as you go forward: courage, communication, and contacts.


CEO Naples Children & Education Foundation

Maria Jimenez-Lara has devoted her career to improving the lives of children in need. She developed ve charter schools for at-risk students and two housing developments for low-income families in Collier, Hillsborough, and Miami-Dade counties. In 2012, she joined the Naples Children & Education Foundation (NCEF), founders of the Naples Winter Wine Festival. As CEO since 2015, Jimenez-Lara has overseen the opening of NCEF’s rst permanent headquarters and expanded partnerships to streamline children’s services into systems of care.

EDUCATION: Hodges University (MPA) WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: Helping children is innate for me. Education has always been a way to open doors to opportunities and is life changing. Through NCEF’s work in the community, I can help thousands of children every day. BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: Always assume the positive in all situations. SECRET TO SUCCESS: Reviewing the objective and mission when facing di cult situations and challenges. TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: Turning around low-performing schools HOBBIES: Hiking, boating, reading


President Florida Gulf Coast University

Hired in 2017, Mike Martin is Florida Gulf Coast University’s fourth president. When he retires this year, he will be wrapping up 52 years in higher education. During his tenure, Martin focused on shoring up the university’s nances; improving student outcomes; and steering campus growth. In recent years, Martin presided over the opening of a student Counseling and Psychological Services building and Community Counseling Center for the public, the Daveler & Kauanui School of Entrepreneurship, Lucas Hall, and The Water School.

EDUCATION: University of Minnesota (PhD) TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: Acknowledging it’s time to retire FAVORITE BOOK: Catch 22 by Joseph Heller FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Minnesota to hang with my grandsons ADVICE TO 18-YEAR-OLD SELF: Don’t over plan; make life an adventure. FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY RESTAURANT: The Capital Grille BUCKET LIST: A road trip across the U.S.


President and CEO Naples Botanical Garden

Donna McGinnis assumed leadership at the Naples Botanical Garden in 2016. Under her leadership, the garden has been instrumental in several public-private partnerships, such as planting trees at East Naples Community Park, distributing 35,000 free trees to the public during the pandemic, and inviting Florida Gulf Coast University’s Everglades Wetland Research Park onsite.

EDUCATION: Webster University (MBA) FIRST JOB: Server at an independent drive-in restaurant; we wore calico headscarves and aprons! WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: Botanical gardens are both cultural institutions and environmental organizations; it’s an incredibly rewarding combination of professional experiences found in no other fi eld. HOBBIES: When I have free time, I devour fi ction. FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: San Juan Islands in the Pacifi c Northwest. ADVICE TO A RECENT GRADUATE: This is the time to try new things: travel, foods, styles, majors, friends, work experiences—you may fi nd a passion you’ve never heard of. FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY PLACE TO VISIT: Exploring Southwest Florida’s natural spaces; my favorite weekend walks are CREW Bird Rookery Swamp Trail and Audubon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary.


President and CEO Conservancy of Southwest Florida

Rob Moher has more than 32 years of experience in local, regional, and international conservation. He has served in various roles during his time at the conservancy and has raised more than $140 million in philanthropic support. With almost a decade at the helm, Moher is the conservancy’s longest serving CEO. His key focus is to build upon its history while keeping a keen eye on future environmental challenges. Moher believes in collaborative and science-based approaches to balancing economic growth with environmental conservation.

EDUCATION: Carleton University (MA) FIRST JOB: Delivering the Globe and Mail every morning in Toronto at 6 a.m. WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: After spending time in Eastern Europe working after fi nishing my undergraduate degree, and seeing fi rsthand devastation to the forests and human health from acid rain, I decided this was a calling worth pursuing. BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: Forget every word someone says before the “but”…the real truth follows in the second half of the sentence. SOMETHING FEW PEOPLE KNOW: I used to be a ski patroller in Canada. ADVICE TO A RECENT GRADUATE: Go see some part of the world, and then come back and make it a better place.


President Hodges University

John Meyer is president of the private, nonprofi t university focused on adult learners where he obtained his bachelor’s degree in accounting. After obtaining his PhD, he taught management for 12 years before being named Hodges University’s president in 2017. Under his leadership the university has undergone a rebranding, introduced new workforce programs, and built a dedicated health sciences building. The university recently launched Florida’s fi rst and only Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree program.

EDUCATION: Hodges University (MBA), Argosy University (DBA) SECRET TO SUCCESS: To always believe that nothing is out of reach or cannot be done. FAVORITE MOVIE: The Bourne Supremacy ADVICE TO A RECENT GRADUATE: Pursue what you want to now, but be ready for a seismic shift later. That’s OK. Accept the shift. FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Anywhere in the Caribbean, but St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Aruba are both fabulous FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY RESTAURANT: Fernandez the Bull BUCKET LIST: Travel to Japan, both coasts of Australia, and New Zealand


President and CEO Guadalupe Center

With two decades of nonprofi t experience, Dawn Montecalvo took the helm in 2016 at Guadalupe Center, which has a mission to break the cycle of poverty through education for children in Immokalee so they can achieve their dreams. Annually, the nonprofi t offers educational programs to more than 1,750 students. Montecalvo has served Southwest Florida’s underprivileged population through leadership roles at Guadalupe Center, Naples Children & Education Foundation, and through her consulting fi rm, Montecalvo & Associates.

EDUCATION: American University (MA) WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: As the daughter of immigrants, I know fi rsthand how education changes lives. Being a part of initiatives that create educational opportunities and empower children motivates me. TOUGHEST CHALLENGE/LESSON LEARNED: The aftermath of Hurricane Irma was the toughest trial I have ever experienced. Through it all I learned that we are stronger together. The new collaborations and relationships created during the recovery helped address critical needs, navigate challenges and enhance resources that built a better, stronger and more resilient Immokalee. These same collaborations were instrumental in helping the community face the challenges of COVID-19.


President and CEO Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens

Since joining Naples Zoo in 2013, Jack Mulvena has building a strong team in Naples that has invested millions of dollars in improvements, including new animal exhibits and upgrades to exhibit areas. He is a national conservation leader with a focus on education and motivating young people to get involved in wildlife conservation; he facilitates traveling exhibits and collaborates with Collier County Public Schools to provide conservation education to children in grades K-5.

EDUCATION: University of Rhode Island (MBA) WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: I love animals and the outdoors, and I always wanted to work for a nonprofi t that serves the community in a signifi cant way. FUNNIEST WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: Helping to prepare an African elephant for artifi cial insemination…it involved an arm-length protective glove BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: Surround yourself with the best people. MOST INSPIRING PERSON: My two daughters, Maggie and Amy HOBBIES: Fishing, hiking, kayaking, and tennis BUCKET LIST: Building an endowment for Naples Zoo


President and CEO The Immokalee Foundation

Noemi Y. Perez is an Immokalee native who has worked at the foundation since 2008, becoming CEO in 2019. The Immokalee Foundation is a 31-year-old nonprofi t organization that focuses on education, career readiness, and professional development for students growing up in the impoverished community. Perez was named Florida College Access Network’s 2022 College Ready Florida Innovator for redesigning the foundation’s college-preparatory programs to ensure students acquire technical skills, hands-on experience, and credentials that lead to careers and fi nancial independence.

EDUCATION: Hodges University FIRST JOB: Working at a produce stand at the Immokalee Farmer’s Market ADVICE TO 18-YEAR-OLD SELF: It’s OK to make mistakes. Learn from them; they will help defi ne who you are in the future. HOBBIES: Reading and cycling on my Peloton BUCKET LIST: Travel to Tuscany, Italy


Superintendent Collier County Public Schools

The fi rst female Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) superintendent, Kamela Patton joined the district in 2011 and stepped down in December 2022, capping a 35-year career in public education. During her tenure, Patton instituted new technological tools, improved communications, and initiated new programs that resulted in increased student achievement. She oversaw the district’s shift to online learning during the pandemic and the opening of school shelters for hurricanes. CCPS ties for fi fth among 67 counties in Florida.

EDUCATION: University of Miami (PhD) NOTABLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Collier County Public School district’s graduation rate rose over 20 percent by 2021 under Patton’s leadership; the percentage of students exceeding the state average skyrocketed from 30 percent to 100 percent. TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: In the spring of 2020, when schools across Florida closed, CCPS quickly pivoted to online learning and made sure all our families had at least one device and internet access in order to minimize learning gaps. In September 2017, CCPS opened 28 shelters in 29 hours for Hurricane Irma and ultimately sheltered 17,000 community members. CCPS found solutions despite only originally having supplies and training for 10 shelters. MOST INSPIRING PERSON: Abraham Lincoln for his constant perseverance


Sheri Collier County Sheri ’s O ce

Kevin Rambosk has come a long way since starting out in as a Naples Police Department offi cer in 1978. He has been Collier County sheriff since 2009. Throughout his career, he’s served as assistant city manager, chief of Naples Police & Emergency Services, and Naples City Manager from 1999 to 2003. He joined the Collier County Sheriff’s Offi ce (CCSO) in 2005 as second-in-command. He believes that selfl essly helping someone else succeed is a reward itself and an authentic measure of one’s own successes—a guiding philosophy at CCSO.

EDUCATION: Nova University (MBA), FBI National Academy BEST ADVICE RECEIVED: We don’t learn from talking; we learn from listening. SECRET TO SUCCESS: It’s a very simple but impactful philosophy I have held all of my life: Service to others before self. SOMETHING FEW PEOPLE KNOW: In my teens, I created a rock and roll band called The Inner Sanctum. I was the drummer and singer. FAVORITE BOOK: A Land Remembered by Patrick D. Smith BUCKET LIST: I would really like to travel to Europe to see the D-Day landing beaches and pay respects to the sacrifi ces made by the Greatest Generation.


Our Naples Top 100 Honoree

The Immokalee Foundation President and CEO, Noemi Y. Perez is a native of Immokalee, Florida. Having experienced the challenges of growing up in a migrant farming family, and overcoming adversity, she passionately supports the dreams of 1,300+ students whose story is not unlike hers.

For over 31 years, The Immokalee Foundation has been preparing the next generation of leaders through a 100% focus on education, career readiness, and professional development for students in Immokalee— from kindergarten to postsecondary education.

Among her many successes, Noemi has led the implementation of The Immokalee Foundation’s award-winning Career Pathways Program, an innovative approach to education that prepares students for well-paying, in-demand professional careers in four specific pathways: Business Management & Entrepreneurship, Education & Human Services, Engineering & Construction Management, and Healthcare.

On behalf of The Immokalee Foundation family of staff, students, mentors, volunteers and donors, we congratulate you on this well-deserved honor.

Career Exploration • Business Skills Development • Mentoring Career Panels • Field Trips • Educational Summer Camps Internships • College Tours • SAT/ACT Prep • Scholarships Industry-Recognized Certifications • Tutoring Guest Lectures • Networking Events • Real-World Experiences


President and CEO Naples Historical Society

Elaine Reed possesses over three decades of strategic marketing management and economic development experience in the U.S. private sector and on USAID-funded non-governmental and nonprofi t projects in Central and Eastern Europe. Under Reed’s leadership, since 2007, the Naples Historical Society has experienced unprecedented growth. She has ensured the society’s role as the central voice of Naples’ history and the Historic Palm Cottage as the portal to the area’s history. She is focused on crafting a long-term sustainability plan.

EDUCATION: Hodges University (MPA) NOTABLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The recent $4.2 million purchase of an historic property adjacent to Historic Palm Cottage that will become a permanent museum display, called the Smith Exhibit Hall. This will protect Historic Palm Cottage, the city’s oldest home, in perpetuity. WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: Nonprofi t leadership is compelling for many reasons, but my motivation in Naples is dual: I have always appreciated the local history wherever I have lived and I enjoy a good challenge. Preserving history in Naples is a massive challenge. HOBBIES: I am one of the many new pickleball players. ADVICE TO A RECENT GRADUATE: Leading isn’t telling people what to do. Leading is inspiring people to do what is best for the company.


President and CEO Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center

Susan L. Suarez joined the team at The Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center in August 2017. She has more than 30 years of nonprofi t experience including running a successful consulting practice for 15 years. Originally from Stanford, California, Suarez and her family moved to Naples in 2000. During her tenure, the museum conducted a successful capital campaign to purchase, renovate, and move to a larger facility. She also has increased partnerships to extend the reach of the museum.

EDUCATION: Santa Clara University (MBA) WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: As a recent graduate, I was working at a high-tech company in Silicon Valley and realized that I was very interested in marketing, but I needed to care about the product or service I was marketing. I left that job and started working for a nonprofi t. I was immediately motivated and satisfi ed—I never looked back! HIDDEN TALENT: Singing karaoke is my guilty pleasure. FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Asheville, North Carolina, and New Zealand ADVICE TO A RECENT GRADUATE: Keep an open mind. Sometimes things don’t work out as you planned, but often that leads to something even better. FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY RESTAURANT: Vergina


Collier County Waterkeeper Waterkeeper Alliance

K.C. Schulberg is an award-winning media specialist, entertainment executive, and entrepreneur who has worked on more than 200 movies, miniseries, television movies, and documentaries, many while serving as an executive for Hallmark Entertainment in the United States and Pandora Cinema in France. Schulberg also is a passionate environmentalist who has lectured widely on climate change. As the Collier County Waterkeeper, part of the international Waterkeeper Alliance., he advocates for maintaining a healthy water quality in Collier County.

EDUCATION: Carnegie-Mellon University FIRST JOB: Building stage sets for a theater tour company, and driving a taxi at night in New York City WHY I CHOSE THIS FIELD: Filmmaking is a family a air—I am third generation. FUNNIEST WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: Being insulted by Nick Nolte on the set of Trixie MOST INSPIRING PERSON: Nelson Mandela SECRET TO SUCCESS: Know your place in the universe. Be humble and respectful. Lead by example. FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Morocco


Executive Director Collier Building Industry Association

The Collier Building Industry Association (CBIA), established in 1953, provides behind-the-scenes support to its 450 member companies, which include builders, developers, remodelers, designers, subcontractors, and suppliers. Amelia Vasquez has been involved with the CBIA since 2012 and was named executive director in 2020, bringing 25 years of professional expertise in budgeting, staff training and development, human resource management, marketing, public relations, and fundraising.

EDUCATION: Hodges University (MBA) MOST INSPIRING PERSON: My father—he spent his life doing charitable work and was one of the kindest and most selfl ess individuals you could ever meet. HIDDEN TALENT: I enjoy making fruitcakes. HOBBIES: Couponing and spending time with family BUCKET LIST: Ireland

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