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Restaurant and Hospitality
FABRIZIO AIELLI Chef and Owner Aielli Group
Fabrizio Aielli worked in his mother’s kitchen in his native Venice, Italy, before traveling the world to gain culinary experience. He returned home and became executive chef at the renowned Taverna la Fenice. His and his wife, Ingrid, opened their first acclaimed restaurant in 1995 in Washington, D.C. They relocated to Naples in 2008 and launched Sea Salt, the first of many successful local establishments. In 2018, Aielli was honored by the Culinary & Hospitality Education Foundation for his “Venetian World” cuisine.
FUNNIEST WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: When I cooked my first plate of pasta in a restaurant, I was very nervous. BEST ADVICE: Listen to what others have to say. TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: Accomplishing something others do not understand HIDDEN TALENT: Visual arts, décor FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Venice and the Amalfi Coast FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY RESTAURANT: Other than my own,Bleu Provence and Osteria Tulia BUCKET LIST: Driving a Formula One Ferrari INGRID AIELLI Owner Aielli Group
Ingrid Aielli is the force behind the corporate brand Aielli Group. Ingrid and her husband, chef Fabrizio Aielli, established three highly acclaimed restaurants in Washington, D.C. in the 1990s. Since moving to Naples and opening Sea Salt in 2008, Aielli’s acumen for marketing and operations has grown the enterprise into four restaurants and allowed them to engage in Naples’ philanthropic community. This powerful team has become a fixture in the dynamic Naples restaurant scene.
HOMETOWN: Bratislava, Slovakia BEST ADVICE: Nothing is handed over to you. Hard work and dedication are always required. SECRET TO SUCCESS: Hard work, passion, and treating customers like family FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY PLACES TO VISIT: Artis-Naples, NGALA Wildlife Preserve, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary CHARITIES: Make-A-Wish Foundation, David Lawrence Center, American Cancer Society, Naples Women’s Club, Naples Botanical Garden, Naples Winter Wine Festival, Southwest Florida Wine Fest, Youth Haven, PAWS Assistance Dogs, Shelter for Abused Women & Children
Adria D. Starkey, President, Collier County FineMark National Bank & Trust
ANTONIO ALVES General Manager Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee
Antonio “Tony” Alves brings 24-plus years of extensive casino and hotel management expertise to his position as general manager of Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee, where he oversees all aspects of casino and hotel operations. Previously, in Las Vegas, he was vice president of casino marketing for Planet Hollywood Casino and for the Las Vegas Hilton, and director of hotel operations for Station Hotel & Casinos and the Stratosphere Hotel & Casino.
EDUCATION: Kutztown University BEST ADVICE: Whenever you come across a problem at your job, always have a solution to suggest to your boss. Just complaining doesn’t solve anything. SECRET TO SUCCESS: Finding a profession that I truly enjoy and that has allowed me to learn and grow in both the workplace and as a person FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY PLACE TO VISIT: Naples Botanical Garden FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY RESTAURANT: Jimmy P’s Charred BUCKET LIST: Learn to play the saxophone
Photo Courtesy of Arthrex VINCENZO BETULIA Chef and Owner The French, Osteria Tulia, and Bar Tulia
Coming from the rich cultural heritage of Italy, Vincenzo Betulia was first exposed to the restaurant business as a dishwasher. His parents encouraged him to work hard and pay attention, and Betulia became intrigued by the atmosphere in the kitchen. Working with mentors at Ristorante Bartolotta in Madison, Wisconsin, launched his career. Today, he oversees three popular downtown Naples restaurants, where he endeavors to better understand his clients to continue to hone his menus.
EDUCATION: Kendall College HOMETOWN: Palermo, Sicily; Milwaukee, Wisconsin SECRET TO SUCCESS: Good, old-fashioned hard work. Being present at work. Being positive and passionate about my craft. I have a love affair with my work and that is key. FEW PEOPLE KNOW: I entertain for a living, so I love being at home doing work outside like trimming trees and mowing the lawn. It’s very therapeutic to me. HOBBIES: I’m a huge European soccer fan, so watching games with my boys is truly awesome. I love watching them play soccer as I live vicariously through them. I also play guitar and enjoy traveling. FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Italy—it’s full of culture, food, convivial and bustling piazzas, and variable weather

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You may know we’ve built some of Southwest Florida’s largest projects, but did you know we have completed 1,500+ special projects? Interior buildouts, renovations, and additions—it’s our honor to build, big or small.
Proud to be part of ‘The Naples 100’

LUCA DI FALCO Managing Partner BiCE Ristorante, Caffé Milano, and La Trattoria
Luca Di Falco started in the restaurant business at the age of 15 while working at his brother’s restaurant in Sicily and studying hospitality. By 18, he was traveling around Italy, working at top hotels. Di Falco gained more experience in London, with Disney World in Orlando, and in San Diego, Chicago, Miami, and on cruise ships. In 2004, Di Falco transferred with BiCE Group to Naples, where he has since opened two more restaurants on Fifth Avenue South. His passion for hospitality has never waned and he enjoys sharing authentic Italian cuisine.
EDUCATION: Hotel Management School in Sicily, Italy HOMETOWN: Catania, Sicily FIRST JOB: My brother’s pub in Italy BEST ADVICE: My first manager in Italy told me that passion for this job should go beyond the paycheck. TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: Building a restaurant from a past failure and making it the best in town HIDDEN TALENT: I do my own restaurant design and décor. FAVORITE MOVIE: The Godfather FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Italy, Dominican Republic REBECCA J. MADDOX Owner and Developer Three60 Market, Celebration Park, The 50,000 Meals Fund, and Rebecca’s Wine Bar and Club learned are how important generosity of spirit and gratitude are,” she says. EDUCATION: Columbia University (MBA) FIRST JOB: My first job, like all girls, was babysitting. Then I became an entrepreneur at age 10 and was selling sandwiches that I made at an auction house. BEST ADVICE: From my mom, “Character matters.” TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: Losing my parents FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Italy, France, or Spain PETS: Taylor (a schnauzer mix rescue dog), Jake (a terrier mix rescue dog), and Max (a sheedadoodle) FAVORITE BOOK: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky FAVORITE TV SHOW: A Place Called Home CHARITIES: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, American Cancer Society, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital TIM HERMAN General Manager LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort
Tim Herman was born and raised in Connecticut and began his management career in New York City. During his 40-year career, Herman has successfully orchestrated numerous successful hotel, resort, casino, and restaurant openings, and earned many industry accolades. He is a graduate of Choice Center Leadership and Rapport Leadership International. Herman and his wife have two daughters as well as a horse named Rockette.
WHY YOU CHOSE THIS FIELD: I have always enjoyed making others happy and I knew very early on that this would be the career for me. It’s a great feeling to not only satisfy our guests but to exceed their expectations and make memorable experiences that will last a lifetime. BEST ADVICE: When you know your destination and commit to your course, it is easier for you to get back on track when you are faced with obstacles. So, persevere and achieve your vision. FAVORITE TV SHOW: Breaking Bad FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Kenya BUCKET LIST: I recently braved a weeklong cattle drive with nearly 50 hours in the saddle climbing to 9,000 feet in the Big Horn mountains. The next item on my bucket list is to hike the Inca Trail to
Rebecca J. Maddox is a serial entrepreneur whose Three60 Market and waterfront Celebration Park featuring local craft beer and food trucks have been a catalyst in the redevelopment of the Bayshore community located east of U.S. 41. In the initial aftermath of the pandemic, Maddox launched her charity, The 50,000 Meals Fund, to keep her employees working while feeding residents in need. “The best lessons
Machu Picchu.
PHOTO: NANCY MADDOX JON MCGAUNN Hotel Manager The Ritz-Carlton, Naples
Jon McGaunn has been working with The Ritz-Carlton since 1997, arriving at the Naples resort in 2010. His leadership has helped The Ritz-Carlton, Naples earn its standing as a Forbes Five Star Awards and AAA Five Diamond Awards property and become top-ranking for employee and guest engagement.
EDUCATION: Widener University HOMETOWN: Manchester, New Hampshire WHY YOU CHOSE THIS FIELD: My father was in the hospitality/hotel business and was a part of the founding group for Dunfey Hotels, which became Omni Hotels. TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: The unforeseen challenges resulting from recent environmental issues such as Hurricane Irma and Covid-19. These situations have had devastating impacts on our ladies and gentlemen, both personally and professionally. I am very inspired by how we always come together to face these situations and learn how to become stronger and more resilient as a team. ADVICE TO 18-YEAR-OLD SELF: If you put everything you have into doing your very best work today, tomorrow will take care of itself. CHARITIES: Bascom Palmer Foundation board member. I am proud to be a part of many local charities through The Ritz-Carlton Community Footprints program which has partnered with Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, and the Naples Children’s & Education Foundation, among others.
MICHAEL MIR Owner and Executive Chef Bha! Bha! Persian Bistro
Originally from a middle-class family in Tehran, Michael Mir came to the United States to study architecture. Working in exclusive hotels in the Washington, D.C. area, he found his passion and opened Orchard Market, a Persian café in 1987. Seduced by the subtropics, he relocated to Naples and opened Bha! Bha! Persian Bistro in Naples in 1997. He has been invited twice to participate in the Noruz Feast (Persian New Year) by the James Beard Foundation.
EDUCATION: Howard University FUNNIEST WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: In a five-star hotel restaurant in Washington, D.C., one of the very first arriving guests was a tall, handsome, and well-dressed man who I did not allow to start the buffet without completing its finishing touches. A few hours later, I was informed that he was Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Barcelona, Spain; Mykonos, Greece ADVICE TO 18-YEAR-OLD SELF: When shopping in a foreign destination, when you see something you really like in a window,buy it right then, because you may never be able to find that street again! FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY PLACE TO VISIT: Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park HENRY B. WATKINS III President, Naples Management and Investment Company Co-owner, Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Resort Henry B. Watkins III, a Naples native whose family moved to the town in the mid 1940s, remembers when Naples was a small town. The third generation to attend Hamilton College in upstate New York, Watkins began his career in banking in New York City. He was a top-producing banker at Manufacturers Hanover, Wells Fargo, and CitiBank before returning to Naples in 1991. Watkins managed his family’s investments, and is actively involved in negotiating the sale of the family’s business, the historic Naples Beach Hotel. Closing is expected in mid-2021. EDUCATION: Hamilton College SECRET TO SUCCESS: It’s important to know your costs when competing for business. You may win the battle to sell a product or service, but, in the long run, you may lose the war. Knowing your costs will keep you from winning an unprofitable piece of business. Ignorance isn’t always bliss. BEST ADVICE: Be prepared. When my father coached Little League baseball, he always preached to be prepared that the ball would be hit to you. HOBBIES: Tennis, exercise, reading TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: Recovering from Hurricane Donna in 1960 FAVORITE COLLIER COUNTY PLACE TO VISIT: Artis-Naples TONY RIDGWAY Owner and Partner Ridgway Bar & Grill, Tony’s Off Third, Sukie’s Wine Shop, Bayside Seafood Bar & Grill
Tony Ridgway’s passion for cooking hasn’t faded since revolutionizing the Naples restaurant scene almost 50 years ago. A fixture in Old Naples since 1971, he founded Chef’s Garden, Naples’s first gourmet restaurant. He has opened many others, including the eponymous, well-established Ridgway Bar & Grill on Third Street South. Ridgway recalls making his first apple pie at the age of 8 and continues sharing his culinary knowledge through teaching cooks and his book Kitchen Privileges.
EDUCATION: Kenyon College FIRST JOB: Pasting labels on the ends of apple boxes FUNNIEST WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE: Early in my career at The Wurst Place in Old Naples, the kitchen was old and had a very underpowered hood system. The grilling process for a whole marinated leg of lamb was so smoky that we were on our hands and knees trying to work. TOUGHEST CHALLENGE: You can’t control everything. HIDDEN TALENT: I am a good gardener. FAVORITE MOVIE: Chariots of Fire
FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION: Vermont MIKE WATKINS Co-owner and President Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club
Mike Watkins grew up in the family business started by his grandfather, Henry Watkins Sr., in 1946. He started working for the company in the late 1960s, and earned a master’s degree in hospitality administration. He returned to become general manager in 1987, before being named president in 1996. While carrying on the hotel’s legendary hospitality, Watkins has inherited the family’s focus on giving back to the community, for which he has received the region’s most prestigious honors.
EDUCATION: Cornell University (MS) HOMETOWN: Naples, Florida FIRST JOB: Cleaning tennis courts SECRET TO SUCCESS: Trust others. FAVORITE MOVIE: The Bourne Identity FAVORITE BOOK: The Swamp by Michael Grunwald CHARITIES: Cancer Alliance of Naples, Everglades Foundation, Fun Time Early Childhood Academy, Champions For Learning