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Thank You for Shopping Local
Shopping is special in Vero Beach. Our rich collection of local shops, restaurants and boutiques survived the challenges of the past year by doubling down and doing even more of what they have always done — building relationships, stocking unique, high-quality products, and finding creative ways to ensure you will always be able to find exactly what you need. They know Vero Beach: They can tell you what events are happening this month, how people are dressing, and what colors are trending in coastal home decor. These local business owners are ready to welcome you to the community.
Here are some other good reasons to start finding your favorite local businesses today:
Local business owners provide good jobs for residents. Almost three out of every four new jobs in Florida are created by businesses with fewer than 50 employees.
Small businesses value customer relationships. Your favorite shops will be greeting you by name in no time.
Local businesses keep Vero Beach feeling fresh and original; they create that hometown vibe we love.
Local business owners know exactly what is happening in Vero Beach right now and can adapt their inventories.
Thriving local businesses are committed to their neighbors and support local nonprofit organizations.
Shopping locally keeps your money circulating in Vero Beach, where you can see every day how it benefits the community.