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Boating & Water Sports
In Vero Beach, it's easy to leave the land behind. Seasoned boaters and sailors will find plenty of marinas, boat ramps and places to rent everything they need. Kayaks and paddleboards are also easy to come by and can be launched from local parks and beaches. You can take a Jet Ski out on the river or even try a water bike.
If you would rather get into the water, you've come to the right place. You'll find plenty of opportunities here to snorkel, scuba dive, surf, and even kiteboard.
Finally, if you want to get out on the water but want someone else to do the driving, all sorts of guided tours are available. We've compiled all the information you need to get started on your next aquatic adventure!
Marinas & Gear
Sebastian Inlet Marina
8685 U.S. Hwy. 1, Micco 772-664-8500 sebastianinletmarina.com
Vero Beach Municipal Marina 3611 Rio Vista Blvd. 772-978-4960 covb.org
Vero Beach Rowing 310 Acacia Road 772-261-0747 verobeachrowing.org
Vero Beach Yacht Club 3601 Rio Vista Blvd. 772-231-2211 verobeachyachtclub.com
Vero Marine Center 12 Royal Palm Pointe 772-562-7922 veromarine.com
Vero Tackle & Watersports 3321 Bridge Plaza Drive 772-234-9585 verowatersports.com
Youth Sailing Foundation 17 17th St. 772-492-3243 ysfirc.org
Boats & Jet Skis
Florida Boat Rentals 3321 Bridge Plaza Drive (behind Riverside Cafe) 772-713-7132 flboatrentals.com
Just in Time 1730 Indian River Drive, Sebastian 772-300-4101 justintimewatercraftrentals.com
Landlubber Boat Rentals 732-861-4175 landlubber-boat-rentals.business. site

Leisure Time Boating Club 3321 Bridge Plaza Drive 772-539-0051 leisuretimeboatclub.com
Propel Watersports and Boat Rental 3611 Rio Vista Blvd. 772-643-0245 propelwsbr.com
Sail Moonraker 3611 Rio Vista Blvd. 772-696-2941
40-foot luxury catamaran available for charter
Sebastian Watercraft Rentals 1606 Indian River Drive, Sebastian (at Capt. Hiram’s) 772-589-5560 sebastianwatercraftrentals.com
Vero Beach Rental Boats 3611 Rio Vista Blvd. 772-453-3516 verobeachrentalboats.com

Canoes, Kayaks & More
Adventure Kayaking Tours 772-567-0522 adventurekayakingtours.com

Environmental Learning Center 255 Live Oak Drive 772-589-5050 discoverelc.org
Orchid Island Bikes & Kayaks 1175 Commerce Ave. 772-299-1286 orchidislandbikesandkayaks.com
Paddles by the Sea 3321 Bridge Plaza Drive 772-444-7871 paddlesbythesea.com
Sea Sup Go Paddle & Surf Company 40 Royal Palm Pointe 772-217-8708 seasupgo.com
Shark Bait Beach Gear Rentals 561-248-5695 sharkbaitgearrentals.com
Scuba Classes & Gear
Deep 6 Dive and Watersports 416 21st St. 772-562-2883 deepsixintl.com

Treasure Coast Dive Center 8466 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-571-5987 tcdivecenter.com
Paddles by the Sea
Snorkel Tours
3321 Bridge Plaza Drive 772-444-7871 paddlesbythesea.com
Shark Bait Beach Gear Rentals
Snorkeling gear, rentals and guided tours 561-248-5695 sharkbaitgearrentals.com
Surfing Lessons & Gear
Endless Windz 3615 U.S. Hwy. 1 772-217-KITE (5483) endlesswindz.com
Epic Sessions
Skimboard, surf and paddleboard lessons and tours 772-360-7166

EZride Surf School
Professional surf lessons and ocean education 905 Shorewinds Drive 954-803-5169 ezridesurfschool.com
Deep 6 Dive and Watersports (gear only) 416 21st St. 772-562-2883 deepsixintl.com
Sebastian Inlet Surf & Sport 8898 S. Hwy. A1A, Melbourne Beach 321-574-0600 sebastianinletsurfshop.com
Wabasso Beach Shop 4880 87th St., Sebastian 772-388-4077 wabassobeachshop.com

Guided Tours
Adventure Kayaking Tours 772-567-0522 adventurekayakingtours.com
Airboat Wilderness Rides Blue Cypress Conservation Area County Road 512 772-589-3278 airboatwildernessrides.com
Capt. Bob’s Airboat Adventures of Vero Beach
Blue Cypress Conservation Area County Road 512 772-633-7849 airboatadventuretours.com
Environmental Learning Center 255 Live Oak Drive 772-589-5050 discoverelc.org
Florida Cracker Airboat Rides and Guide Service Blue Cypress Conservation Area County Road 512 772-563-0001 floridacrackerairboatride.com
Gator Bait Airboat Adventures Blue Cypress Conservation Area County Road 512 772-766-2629 gatorbaitairboatadventures.com
Marsh Beast Airboat Tours Blue Cypress Conservation Area County Road 512 772-584-0089 marshbeastairboattours.com
Middleton's Fish Camp 7400 Blue Cypress Road 772-473-1885 middletonsfishcamp.com
River Explorer Boat Tours 3321 Bridge Plaza Drive 772-713-7132 riverexplorerboattours.com

River King at Capt. Hiram’s 45-foot Sightseer pontoon boat 1606 Indian River Drive, Sebastian 772-589-4345 hirams.com
Treasure Coast Cruises at MacWilliam Park 3469 Indian River Drive 772-321-5955 tccruise.com
Tropical Kayak Tours 772-778-3044 tropicalkayaktours.com