Our Cause Summer 2011

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Hampton University

September 24

DC / Delaware / Maryland Delaware State University

October 8 New York Queens, NY

October 15

New England Hartford, CT

October 22

Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

October 29 New Jersey

Rowan University

Hon. Darryl T. Williams 24th Regional Director

Leonard Lockhart Vice Director

Dwayne Wright Associate Director

Bernard Hamilton Treasurer

Charles Holt Secretary

Craig Collins Director of Social Action

Jean Lamothe Director of Education

Van Rosebrough Director of BBB

Milton Savage Legal Counsel

Greville French Immediate Past Regional Director

Todd D. Le Bon Director of Publicity

NEWSLETTER STAFF Gerald Smith (Editor) Craig Arthur * Terrance Barker Brandon Brown * Jonathan Burton Brad Leak * Todd Le Bon J. Artel Smith * Tyrone Williams

Epsilon Nu Sigma A New Direction

BALTIMORE COUNTY, MD - Epsilon Nu Sigma (ENS) Chapter was founded in 1972. Most Honorable Charles B. Wright, 23rd International President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, was one of the charter members of ENS. Since its rebirth, in 2002, the Chapter has been active throughout the Baltimore County/Baltimore Metropolitan area. Throughout the years, ENS has undergone many changes; however, the most prevalent change took place in 2010 when the chapter rededicated itself to truly uphold the Fraternity’s motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity”. In 2010, new leadership emerged in ENS. Bro. Shannon T. Cole was elected President and was joined in his effort to redirect ENS by a fully functional Executive Board. Under Bro. Cole’s administration the chapter ushered in a spirit of new ideas, brotherly voice, and a promise to move the chapter forward. Brothers’ voices were now being heard. Ideas were being discussed more than ever before and from there; the camaraderie grew amongst the chapter membership. The brothers began to communicate with one another more and see the Chapter for more than just a place to pay your dues. The brothers started to view the Chapter as a reflection of themselves, and were willing to invest more time to build the Chapter in their image. Since the fall 2010, Epsilon Nu Sigma Chapter has successfully executed national programming such as; bringing awareness and fundraising for the March of Dimes March for Babies, American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Maryland. In the area of education the Chapter partners with Rosemont Elementary/Middle Continued on page 5

Continued from page 4 School to reinforce strong reading skills to kindergarteners under the Sigma Reads Initiative and Patterson High School to prepare graduating seniors for real world experiences under its Exit/Enter Program. Other notable accomplishments of ENS include; raising funds for the first “Leaders of the Future” Scholarship in conjunction with the Tau Eta Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., hosting our 1st annual Trump Tight Spades Tournament and conducting the 1st Annual Entrepreneurship Seminar in the Greater Baltimore Metropolitan area. The Chapter is preparing for its 9th Annual Crab Feast, on July 29, 2011 at Baltimore’s own Martin’s West. The road Martin’s West sits on was adopted by ENS under the Baltimore County Adopt-A-Road Program. The Crab Feast is a stellar event for the ENS and this year we are adding something extra special. We will award a $500.00 scholarship to a graduating high school student who is college bound. Lastly, in August 2011, the chapter will host their 1st Annual Mental Health and Stress Health Fair. Epsilon Nu Sigma currently has 26 financial brothers. In an effort to continue the positive growth of the chapter we were able to reclaim four brothers through the national reclamation initiative, welcomed two recent graduates from undergraduate chapters, two brothers transferred from another graduate chapter and we also initiated two new brothers into the fold. As a small chapter, Epsilon Nu Sigma has made a BIG difference . . . and we are striving to make a BIGGER impact. The Chapter is preparing its fall agenda, which includes a financial literacy workshop, a college readiness symposium, raising money and walking for AIDS Walk Washington D.C., our 2nd Annual Spades Tournament and partnering with a local church to volunteer its services during the Christmas holiday. The Chapter’s commitment and confidence gets bigger and stronger with every event, and shows no indication of slowing down. For more information on the Epsilon Nu Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (Baltimore County, Maryland), please go to our website: www.ENS-PBS1914.com or follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Epsilon-Nu-Sigma-Alumni-Chapter-of -PBS-Baltimore-Co/130500683680787.

Bro. Shannon O. Hayes 1st Vice President Epsilon Nu Sigma Chapter

CONNECTICUT DELTA IOTA SIGMA (University of New Haven) Brian Lasure (BS) DELTA PI SIGMA (University of Hartford) Chris A. Perry (Health Sciences / Psychology) OMICRON THETA (Southern Connecticut State University) Jonathan Burton (Journalism) Willie Garcia (Recreation and Leisure) Randolph Hill (BA) Victor Robles (Social Work) BETA BETA CHI (Wesleyan University) Michael Battle (BA) Bomani Brown (Neuroscience)

MASSACHUSSETTS BETA BETA PSI (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Daniel Lauture (Communication and Information Technology) Cory Smith (BS)

NEW YORK KAPPA BETA SIGMA (Brooklyn, NY) Joe-Louis McCray (Master’s of Social Work) BETA LAMBDA (Brooklyn College) Kimba Noel (Accounting) Kervins Yeye (Business Management & Finance) Jason Young (International Business Management)

VIRGINIA BETA SIGMA (Liberty University) Al Hogwood (Master’s of Education) IOTA SIGMA (Chowan University) Alonzo J. Coney (Interdisciplinary Studies) DELTA UPSILON (Virginia Commonwealth University) Freeman Chavis (Political Science) MU NU (Virginia Tech) Karl Anthony Brunner IV (Hospitality and Tourism Management) XI RHO (St. Paul’s College) Asteway Gass (English) Leon Trout (Business Administration)

2011 EASTERN REGION LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE RICHMOND, VA - Last fall a call went out to all brothers in the Eastern Region to gather in the city of Richmond, Virginia in April 2011. The state capitol would serve as the site of the 2011 Eastern Region Leadership Conference. Brothers came from all states in the Region to fellowship, participate in workshops, handle the business of Sigma and enjoy all that Richmond had to offer. The Iota Sigma Chapter (Richmond, VA graduate chapter) served as our hosts for the conference. The beautiful Crowne Plaza Hotel Richmond Downtown would serve as our base of operations while in the city. Friday morning began with a community service program at the George Washington Carver Elementary School in Richmond. Phi Beta Sigma shares a long history with George Washington Carver School. The school was the location of the 1952 Eastern Regional Conference. The 1952 conference was the first public event held at the school. Bro. Oscar A. Morton was the principal of the school at the time. During the visit brothers had an opportunity to meet with the students and spent the morning reading to them. The Region also presented the school with a one thousand dollar check for needed school supplies. After the reading program, it was time to return to the hotel and begin a day of workshops, training and other activities.

The first activity on the agenda was the State Director/Area Deputy Director Training, conducted by Bros. Leonard Lockhart (Vice Regional Director) and Dwayne Wright (Associate Regional Director). The training is designed to provide the State and Area Deputy Directors with the information and tools necessary to service the brothers and chapters in their respective states. This was also an opportunity to notify them of their responsibilities to the chapters and the Region, while also affording them an opportunity to ask any questions. Brothers left the training more equipped to serve the Region and Fraternity in a more efficient and professional manner. Continued on page 9

Continued from page 8 The afternoon began with a series of workshops on the following topics: Planning and Execution of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Initiation Ceremony, Understanding Fiduciary Responsibilities of Non-Profit Organizations, Sigma Beta Clubs and Risk Management. The workshops were designed to provide information to the chapters in an effort to enhance their overall operation and programming. The workshops were conducted twice in order for brothers to participate in several workshops. Brothers went home with a wealth of information to share with their chapters. Following the workshops brothers attended the first General Session to discuss the newly revised Membership Intake Process (MIP), which is a work in progress. The new process was developed by the Membership Committee, under the direction of Bro. Jonathan Mason (1st Vice President of Phi Beta Sigma). The presentation was conducted by Bro. Daniel Tann (20th Eastern Regional Director), with the assistance of Bro. Lockhart. This presentation was conducted in all seven regions in an effort to gather feedback from the brotherhood. Bro. Tann went through all modules of the process and gave brothers an opportunity to ask questions and give suggestions. Any suggestions from the brothers will be shared with the Committee for further discussion and possible inclusion in the final draft. When all additions and/or changes are noted, the final draft will be presented to the Body at Conclave Atlanta in July. At that time the Body will have an opportunity to vote to adopt the new process or request the Committee make more revisions to the draft. Brothers provided several suggestions, which were well received by the Committee. The Committee will share these suggestions as they work to complete a final draft in preparation for the presentation in Atlanta.

The highlight of the day’s activities was the Eastern Region Initiation Ceremony, under the direction of Bro. Michael Ferby (Theta Tau Sigma Chapter/Northern VA). This was an opportunity for brothers to witness the Phi Beta Sigma Initiation Ceremony in its entirety. Earlier in the day brothers participated in a mock ceremony, which included information on the materials and personnel necessary to conduct a proper ceremony. Five young men from the University of Virginia (Zeta Eta Chapter) were inducted as the newest members of our wondrous band. The Initiation Ceremony is a solemn occasion and should be a time brothers cherish and remember for the rest of their lives. We owe it to all new members to ensure their ceremony is conducted with the highest of respect and professionalism. Continued on page 10

Continued from page 9 Following the ceremony brothers gathered for the Candidates forum. The Body heard from those brothers with the desire to serve the Fraternity on the national level. These brothers will seek office at the 2011 Conclave in Atlanta. Following their remarks brothers had an opportunity to ask questions of the candidates. Those participating in the forum, and the positions they seek are as follows: Hon. Jimmy Hammock (President), Jonathan Mason (1st Vice President), Gerald Grant III (2nd Vice President), Larry Mungin, CPA (Treasurer), Hon. Darryl Williams (Director of Social Action), Dr. Shirl Gilbert (Director of Education), Jean Lamothe (Director of Education), Chris Rey (Director of Collegiate Affairs) and William Powell (Director of Collegiate Affairs). We extend thanks to Bros. Hammock, Gilbert and Rey for taking the time out of their busy schedules to come fellowship with us in the Eastern Region. The Regional Reception closed out the night of scheduled activities. This was an opportunity to fellowship with brothers from across the Region and with our guests. Brothers were also introduced to the young ladies who would participate in the Eastern Region Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant on Saturday evening. A great time was had by all. Following the reception attendees either migrated to the hospitality suite or to their rooms to prepare for the next day’s activities. Saturday morning began early with the Regional Breakfast. Master of Ceremonies for the event was Bro. Jean “Jet” Lamothe (Regional Director of Education). During the breakfast guests were treated to the Regional Undergraduate Oratorical & Debate Contest. Winners of these competitions will represent the Region at Conclave Atlanta. Guests were treated to spirited presentations by young men representing Alpha Chapter (Howard University) and Delta Zeta Chapter (Norfolk State University). The Region will be well represented in Atlanta by Bro. Dwayne Wright (Delta Zeta) in the oratorical competition, and the team of Bros. James Robinson and Darryl Kemp (Alpha Chapter) in the debate competition. We wish these young men well and will be there to cheer them on. The breakfast was followed by the second General Session. During this session brothers received members of the General Board, who shared information and updates from the national level. Hon. Jimmy Hammock (33rd President of Phi Beta Sigma) gave the State of the Fraternity address, and was available to answer questions from the Body. We also received an update from our Executive Director, Bro. Marco McMillian, concerning the operation of the headquarters and staff. The highlight of the session was a visit by Bro. Wesley Carter. Bro. Carter is 103 years young and an active member of Iota Sigma Chapter. He joined our wondrous band through the Lambda Chapter (Virginia Union University) in 1927. The Eastern Region presented Bro. Carter with a resolution, in honor of his over eight decades of service, and arranged for him to sign the Centennial Signature Book and receive a Centennial Pin. Bro. Carter took a moment to share a few words with the brothers and expressed his appreciation. Brothers were excited to meet him and grateful he took time to spend the day with us. He continues to be an inspiration for all brothers of Sigma. The General Session was followed by the Leadership Luncheon. Brothers enjoyed a buffet style meal in the hotel restaurant. This was another opportunity for brothers to Continued on page 11

Continued from page 10 fellowship and network during the weekend of activities. It was a time to re-unite with old friends and build a life long bond with others. After enjoying lunch brothers gathered for the Leadership Conference Keynote Speaker, Dr. Dudley Flood. A life-long educator and brother of Phi Beta Sigma, Dr. Flood spoke to the Body about leadership. He gave some examples of those essential qualities any good leader must have to be a successful. Bro. Flood’s address was both informative and inspirational, with touch of humor to help keep the brothers engaged. The afternoon of business included a series of workshops, most falling under the Sigma Wellness umbrella. Attendees had the opportunity to attend two of the following workshops: Wealth Building Strategies, presented by American Save Project (Bigger and Better Business); Taking Care of Your Health: Cancer Risk Reduction, presented by the American Cancer Society (Social Action); Preparing for Graduate School (Education) and Crafting and Communicating a Shared Vision – Taking a Chapter from Good to Great. These workshops would conclude the weekend’s training component. Brothers then gathered in the general session room for an additional question and answer session with our national officers. At the conclusion of the question and answer session the undergraduate brothers closed out the day with an Undergraduate Panel Discussion. This was an opportunity for our undergraduate brothers to speak candidly on the issues important to them in a more relaxed and informal environment. The evening came to a close with the Eastern Region Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant. Representatives from Delaware, New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia competed in the competition. The winner would go on to represent the Region at the Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant at Conclave Atlanta. All five ladies represented their states with grace, class and dignity. Miss Virginia, Brittany Jetaun Louie, was crowned Eastern Region Miss Phi Beta Sigma. Miss New York, Sunshine Cooper, was the first runner up. We thank all of the ladies for participating and wish them well in their academic studies. The 2011 Eastern Region Leadership Conference was an overall success. Brothers in attendance gathered a wealth of information to share with their chapters, as we move towards Conclave Atlanta in July. It was an excellent opportunity to fellowship and meet with the brothers, young and old, from across the Region. The Regional Board wishes to extend thanks to the brothers of Iota Sigma Chapter for their hard work and hospitality.

T. Le Bon

Bro. Herman Williams Honored

WINDSOR MILL, MD – On June 11, 2011 the Associated Black Charities (ABC) held their annual gala at Martin’s West. The theme for this year’s gala was "African Americans in Corporate Leadership". In keeping with the theme they honored outstanding Black leaders in the state of Maryland. Eddie C. Brown, President & CEO of Brown Capital Management, and Mayo Shattuck, President & CEO of Constellation Energy, served as co-chairs for the event. "While we take enormous pride in ABC's More in the Middle Initiative, which includes our Speakers Series, Financial Literacy Workshops, Board Pipeline Program, Workforce Development, Higher Education, Childhood Obesity Prevention, and programs to address other health disparities," said ABC President & CEO Diane Bell-McKoy, "we are aware that it is our community partners, like-minded organizations, government leaders, and corporate partners that allow the motion of progress to continue. The Gala is our premiere way of recognizing these partners and perhaps in the process to spur linkages among Maryland's enormous pool of talent." Honorees were recognized in three categories: Icons, Torchbearers, and Emerging Leaders. Bro. Herman Williams, former Baltimore City Fire Chief and current Chairman of MECU, was one of those recognized in the Icon category. MECU Credit Union is a member-owned notfor-profit financial cooperative committed to providing its members with high quality financial services through sound management and innovation for over 70 years. It represents over 95,000 members, with assets over 1 billion dollars. MECU has been serving the people of Baltimore City since 1936. Prior to joining MECU, Bro. Williams enjoyed a long and distinguished career in the Baltimore Fire Department. Williams was one of the first Black firefighters in the city of Baltimore. The early years of his career in the department were not easy. During those years he would not only fight fires, but was forced to fight the racial barriers within the department and the firehouse. His decision to focus on providing a service to the people of Baltimore helped him to navigate the early years and the challenges they presented. He rose through the ranks to become the first African American fire chief in a major U.S. city. He also played a role in forming the Vulcan Blazers, the first association of African American firefighters.

Bro. Dean Smith

LIFT EVERY VOICE Blue & White Gospel Choir HARTFORD, CT - O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name. O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD; bless his name (psalm 96:1) The “Royal Pham” Gospel Choir was merely a dream; just a vision only three years ago. That vision has finally come to pass. The Connecticut Blue & White Family has taken the constitutional bond, existing between Zeta and Sigma, and taken it to a higher level. With the formation of the Royal Pham Gospel choir we are also linked by the blood of Jesus. In the spring of 2007 Delta Pi Sigma Chapter was fortunate enough to initiate a unique; and extremely talented brother into our wondrous band. Bro. Antoine Dolberry is both a certified vocal instructor and nationally recognized musician/performer. He is a graduate of the Choir Academy of Harlem, where he was also a member of the world famous Boys Choir of Harlem. He would later go on to the prestigious Hartt Conservatory at the University of Hartford in Connecticut. Bro. Dolberry has traveled the world sharing his gift of music with others.

The vision to form a Connecticut Blue & White Family choir was the brainchild of Bro. Trevor Ford. Although Bro. Ford had the desire to move forward with his vision several years ago, the time was not right. He was required to follow the lead of another visionary, Honorable Founder A. Langston Taylor, and wait for the right moment to put his plan into action. However, like Taylor, he used the time to prepare and assemble the necessary pieces to make his vision a reality. Continued on page 15

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Continued from page 14 After recognizing the enormous talent existing within the state, he began to reach out to those with experience in the music arena. New Haven, Connecticut is home of the Kergyma Community Choir, founded by Bro. Arnold Johnson and Soror Gwendolyn Busch. Their experience in the music business spans from sharing the stage with the likes of Shirley Ceasar, Dr. Bobby Jones and others, to touring, recording and more. Their input and wealth of knowledge would prove to be invaluable to Bro. Ford’s journey. The Choir also tapped into the talents of recent recording sensation Jared Dixon, as well as Bro. Ashely Johnson. Sound Doctrine, a local band featuring Bro Johnson on keyboard, orchestrates the music for the choir.

In the fall of 2010 Bros. Ford and Dolberry collaborated to form a choir committee consisting of members of the Blue & White Family from across the state. Joining in to share their passion to create heavenly music were; Bros Randy Hill, Ashely Johnson and Sorors Jeneen Crawford, DeAnna Chestnut, Sheena Postell and Dez White. The 2011 joint Connecticut Founder’s Day Celebration would serve as the location of their premiere performance. The Committee was able to assemble a choir of twenty members. The Choir consists of members from the following chapters: Zeta Phi Beta Chapters; Phi Delta Zeta (Manchester, CT), Pi Lambda Zeta (New Haven, CT), Psi Omicron (Southern Connecticut State University Connecticut State University), Upsilon Sigma (University of Hartford) and Phi Beta Sigma Chapters; Delta Pi Sigma (Hartford, CT), Delta Iota Sigma (New Haven, CT) and Omicron Theta (Southern Connecticut State University). On Saturday, January 8, 2010, as the choir prepared for their first performance at the joint Connecticut Phi Beta Sigma Founders Day Celebration, it was time to for the vision to become a reality. This moment was several years in the making. The Choir was well received as they filled the venue with a joyful noise. All in attendance enjoyed the performance, it was an overwhelming success. What is next for the Royal Pham Gospel Choir? The Choir plans to double its membership, as they prepare for appearances all over the state. The Royal Pham Gospel Choir was a featured guest at the Phi Delta Zeta Chapter “Finer Womanhood Luncheon” in March 2011. The Choir plans to participate in conferences, regional and national events; and are available to receive requests for future performances. For more information regarding availability please contact Bro. Trevor Ford at jabari1914@yahoo.com.

Bro. Trevor Ford

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Bro. Bishop Benjamin K. Watts’ 25th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration

NEW LONDON, CT – 2010 was a celebratory year for the congregation at the Shiloh Baptist Church of New London. The congregation celebrated 25 years of service to both the congregation and the community atlarge by Bishop Benjamin K. Watts. The 25th Pastoral Anniversary event, which began in July with the celebration of his 50th birthday, was a wonderful time of celebrating Bishop Watts, his family, and his ministry to the Shiloh Baptist Church of New London. Bishop Watts began serving as pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, back in 1986. From the beginning increasing the church’s impact in the community was a major focus. Over the last 25 year the church has witnessed the completion of several projects to the church facility, the inclusion of additional worship services and development of several ministries and outreach programs. Bishop Watts is a highly respected member of the local community and the church community. Bishop Watts did his undergraduate work at Selma University in Selma, Alabama and Alabama A & M, receiving a BA in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy. He is a 1986 graduate of Yale University Divinity School where he received his Master of Divinity degree. In 1995 Bishop Watts received the Doctor of Ministry degree from the Hartford Seminary. Bishop Watts’ service to the community at-large is expansive. He is a member of both the Shiloh Development Corporation and United Way Board of Directors. He served as a member of the Board of Trustees at Connecticut College in New London, and is a past president of the Connecticut State Missionary Baptist Convention. He is a member of the New London Rotary Club and has been awarded the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow Award for community service. He is a faculty associate at Hartford Seminary, where he is also the director of the Black Ministries Program. He is a member of the New London Chapter, NAACP; and Past President of the Southeastern Connecticut Ministerial Alliance. Many events were sponsored during the 4-month period leading up to the main event, which was the Anniversary Gala held at the Coast Guard Academy Officers Club; Friday, October 8, 2010. The Theme for this Anniversary Celebration was: Faith, Family, and Fellowship. Continued on page 17

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Continued from page 16 The celebration was concluded Sunday, October 10th, 2010 with guest preachers; Rev. Mack Elder (Pastor of Open Door Missionary Baptist Church, Middletown, CT) and Rev. Dr. Edward Harding (Prince Georges Community Church, Springdale, MD). Bishop Watts is married to the former Cynthia Reaves. This union has been blessed with two lovely daughters, Brittany Clarvon and Christina Alexis; and a son, Benjamin Keith II.

Bro. Steve Fabius

Rickey Lee Blakes Scholarship Banquet NEW HAVEN, CT - Two New Haven teens received academic scholarships from the members of the Omicron Theta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., and Steppin’ Up Drill Team at the third annual Ricky Lee Blakes Scholarship Banquet. On Thursday, May 5; Chantalle Martin, 17, won the $500 essay scholarship. She plans on pursing nursing at Blakes’ alma mater, Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU). Hillhouse track star, and straight A student, Joel Clark, 17, won the $1,000 leadership scholarship. He will be attending Luther College, where he plans on majoring in engineering or business. Former Omicron Theta Chapter president, Quinton Bright started the banquet three years ago, in honor of the memory of Brother Blakes.. The spirit of brother Blakes was awaken, as the current members of Step-pin’ Up Drill Team and members of Omicron Theta and Delta Iota Sigma chapters took to the floor to perform a practically flawless and breath taking step routine in his honor.

Members of Phi Beta Sigma, Steppin’ Up Drill Team and scholarship honorees gather with members of the Blakes family at the banquet

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Continued from page 17 According to family, friends and his line brothers, Blakes was on a mission to help our youth, especially young minority males, discover a life greater than the fate handed to them by birth. Blakes was a trail blazer on the campus of Southern Connecticut State University. He co-founded Steppin’ Up Drill Team, worked as a Resident Advisor, and worked day and night to establish Phi Beta Sigma on the SCSU campus, and still managed to help the community. According to his line brothers, Tai Richardson and Jeff Paulin, he wanted to save young Black males of the world by providing them with stability and a future; but. unfortunately Blakes passed before he could turn his dream into reality. The Banquet gives Blakes’ fraternity brothers a chance to keep his name and legacy alive, by providing scholarships to college bound students. “It is fitting that you have this banquet in his name, Ricky was the kind of man that would literally give you the shirt off his back”, said a sadden Paulin Thanks to Omicron Theta Chapter, Steppin’ Up and Blakes living dream, Martin and Clark now have a little more assistance to help guide them towards their ultimate goal of being college graduates.

J. Burton

NEW LONDON, CT - In honor of Black History Month, Delta Iota Sigma Chapter, in partnership with Connecticut College, hosted an informational forum for students of diverse backgrounds who were interested in pursuing a career in criminal justice. A six member panel consisting of representatives from the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch, Dept. of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of Investigations facilitated an informational forum. Among the panelist were Bros. John Watts (Connecticut Probation Department), James Scott (Connecticut State Trooper) and Donald Williams (Defense Attorney). Continued on page 19

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Continued from page 18 Each panelist provided the attendees with an overview of their respective backgrounds, as well as why they would recommend a career with their respective agency. In addition each panelist provided the attendees with strategies to assist them with seeking a criminal justice career.

Bro. Grant Leroy

One Hour 2 Live NEW HAVEN, CT - On Saturday, June 4 the members of the Delta Iota Sigma Chapter (New Haven graduate chapter) of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. presented “One Hour 2 Live”, a play that tells the story of a gang members last hours on this Earth. During the young man’s last hour he is visited by the two people he has killed, and they take him on a journey exposing him to how his actions have affected others. Because he made the choice to kill, family members and friends are left mourning their loved ones. “One Hour 2 Live”, which was written, produced, and directed by Pastor Princeton H. Holt, comes to New Haven at the right time, according to some of the city’s residents. The Federal Bureau of Investigation recently released a poll stating that New Haven was the fourth most dangerous city in the United States. As a chapter of a service based organization Delta Iota Sigma members fully supported this play because, just like Holt, we are all working towards a common goal, which is protecting New Haven by positively effecting our youth.

Bro. Johnny Gulston

For more information about the play visit their website: www.onehour2live.net

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The Connecticut Association for Marriage & Family Therapy (CTAMFT) recently announced the appointment of Bro. Steven Fabius as their newest Student Representative. Bro. Fabius was born and raised in Stamford, Connecticut and attended the Stamford public school system. While at Stamford High School Bro. Fabius was a stellar student athlete. His talents on the gridiron afforded him the opportunity to attend Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) and play football. While at CCSU he served on several executive boards, various committees and participated in numerous campus programs. As an undergraduate student he was elected vice president of the United Caribbean Club, parliamentarian of the Black Student Union and president of the Mu Beta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Currently he serves as the treasurer of the Delta Pi Sigma Chapter (Hartford graduate chapter) of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Deacon of New Generation Ministries in New Britain, CT. Bro. Fabius was recently inducted into the Golden Key Honor Society. The Golden Key Society is an academic honor society with chapters at over 390 colleges and universities worldwide. The Society offers its members over $1,000,000 (USD) annually through numerous scholarship and award programs. Members are also connected to exclusive career opportunities and assistance through Golden Key's partnerships with major corporations and graduate programs. Membership is by invitation only. He is currently employed with Connecticut Junior Republic as an In-Home Therapist for the Multi-Systemic Treatment Program. “The experience gained from previous executive board positions and participation on sports teams, in conjunction with my work history will make me a strong asset to the CTAMFT Executive Board. Marriage and Family Therapy has been an increasingly growing profession and with the population becoming more diverse, it helps to have a broad range of representation on the Board.” With this appointment the CTAMFT Board can expect a team player who is honest, creative, trustworthy, and possesses great leadership and strong communication skills. The brothers of Delta Pi Sigma wish to extend congratulations to Bro. Fabius on his recent appointment, his continued commitment to the community and to our cause.

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SERVING THE TOWN OF WINDSOR Bro. Leonard Lockhart Promoted

Chief William Lewis of the Town of Windsor Volunteer Fire Department announces the promotion of Leonard O. Lockhart to the position of Lieutenant. Lieutenant Lockhart will remain assigned to Station 700 (The Wilson Fire Company) from which he joined as a volunteer firefighter in 2006. Lieutenant Lockhart has been a valuable member of the department and of the social company where he is serving and has served in various positions. Lieutenant Lockhart is a certified driver of many of the company's apparatus and is a graduate of the State of Connecticut Fire Academy to the FF II level. Lieutenant Lockhart passed a written and oral examination process near the top of the list and had refused earlier promotions due to his desire to remain in his present assignment. His company overwhelming endorsed his appointment. Lieutenant Lockhart is an asset to the department and has performed excellently in his new position. His talents include an ability to listen, his ability to lead others and he sincerely cares about the customers he serves.

Chief William Lewis Town of Windsor Volunteer Fire Department

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Endless Possibilities WASHINGTON, DC – In February 2011, the brothers of Chi Sigma Chapter began to prepare thirty-five Sigma Beta Club members for an opportunity that would hopefully change their lives forever. The Chapter met with these young men three times during the month leading up to our 1st Annual Young Men’s Leadership Retreat to Washington DC, February 11-12. Twelve brothers and four female parents made the commitment to chaperone these young men to our nation’s capital to share in their experience. One of the highlights of the Retreat would be an approved tour of the East Wing of The White House. The theme of this year’s retreat was “Endless Possibilities”. Our primary goal was to open the minds of the club members and help them realize anything is possible in life when you apply yourself and work hard. Every aspect of the retreat was carefully planned out to ensure the experience would be meaningful and have a lasting impression on the group. On the ride to Washington the young men watched Antwone Fisher, starring Derek Luck and Denzel Washington, and were asked to take notes. Upon arrival at the hotel, we secured the hotel conference room and the brothers facilitated three workshops; Conflict Resolutions and the Benefits of Mental Health (we referenced the Antwone Fisher movie for examples), The Next Step: “Am I going to college or trade school?” and The History of the White House (we wanted to make sure the young men were armed with information to ask provocative questions and empower them throughout the tour). In an effort to gauge the impact of this experience, preconference interviews were conducted with eight of the young men via video tape. The Friday night conference was also video taped.

Brothers and Sigma Beta Club members watch the movie during the bus ride down to DC

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Our ice breaker activities and personable interactions really allowed the young men to open up and share intimate information. Nineteen of the thirty-five young men in attendance live in a single family household. These young men all expressed their appreciation for the male camaraderie, love, and overall fellowship the Sigma Beta Club provides. The highlight of the trip took place on Saturday morning at 9:00 am. We began the morning by eating breakfast together at 6:30 am in the hotel lobby. By 8:30 am we were all lined up outside the U.S. Department of the Treasury waiting to be screened. During the White House tour the students visited the following rooms and were able to ask questions from extremely knowledgeable tour guides: The Blue Room, Red Room, Green Room, State Dining Room, the Library and the outer East Corridor. As we walked through you could almost hear a pin drop. The students were not asked to be quiet, but they clearly knew they were walking on sacred grounds. The antique furniture, the pristine walls, and timeless photographs left us all speechless. All of the students came out of the White House running, skipping, and hopping as if they all came in 1st place of a race. Their minds where clearly open and the “Endless Possibilities” became a reality!

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Our day in Washington concluded with an official tour of the Phi Beta Sigma plot, the Blackburn Student Center and outer Quad area of the Howard University campus. While standing around the Fraternity plot the students received a brief oral history about how our Honorable Founding Fathers began the work to start Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Each brother present also shared how and why they chose to join our wondrous band. Our tour of the Blackburn Student Center was facilitated by Ms. Roberta McLeod, Director of the Blackburn Student Center, who was born and raised in the South Ward of Newark, NJ (this is where the SBC members are from). Ms. McLeod spoke very candidly to the young men and told them they were all extremely precious jewels. She had never seen a group of thirty-five young men with twelve adult AfricanAmerican men leading them in her twenty-two years at Howard University. Ms. McLeod spoke with great admiration and affection thus commanding the attention of every adult and child. During her passionate forty-five minute interactive dialogue with the young men, Ms. McLeod challenged each of the young men to love themselves, work harder, follow passion, to never take no for an answer and to reach for the stars. Chi Sigma Chapter has taken its rightful place in the Northern New Jersey community as leaders accepting the responsibility of being role models, and ensuring the next generation of young men develops into responsible and productive members of the community. Our prayer, for our sons and the Sigma Beta Club members, is to develop Love, Honor, and Respect for themselves; their families and their community. Chi Sigma Chapter salutes our 20th International President Dr. Parlett Moore for his vision and we honor him through our service.

Bro. Jenabu C. Williams, MPA President Chi Sigma Chapter Brothers and Sigma Beta Club members gather outside The Willard Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue in DC

Good Luck to Ms. Brittany J. Louie

Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant

Miss Eastern Region Phi Beta Sigma

Visit us on line to read all of our regional publications www.pbseast.org The 2012 issue of OUR CAUSE Magazine is scheduled for a February 2012 release. The theme for the issue is HISTORY. The deadline for article submissions is Friday, December 16. In an effort to meet the February production schedule the Committee will accept submissions and article ideas beginning in September 2011. We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your submissions.

Working for a Healthier Community Kappa Beta Sigma Chapter BROOKLYN, NY – The Kappa Beta Sigma (Brooklyn Graduate) Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. held our Annual Brooklyn Health Fest, Saturday June 4, 2011 at the Beacon Community Center in Brooklyn, New York. Through this annual event we hope to increase awareness of those health issues impacting the communities we serve. The Health Fest has continued to grow every year, allowing us to impact a larger portion of the community. Over 60 individuals were tested this year. The event focused on providing free health services to the often neglected Brownsville section of Brooklyn. Participants were screened for diabetes, blood pressure, bone density and HIV. Kappa Beta Sigma Chapter’s goal is to provide service to the community through innovative means aimed at bringing service, faith based, political and business organizations together. The Brooklyn Health Fest has created an opportunity for the Chapter to accomplish this goal in creating solid partnerships with community organizations throughout Brooklyn. We will continue to use the Brooklyn Health Fest as a pillar for increased involvement in the community.

Bro. Kori Scott

Zeta Rho Sigma Chapter and the

March of Dimes CAMDEN, NJ — The Men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Zeta Rho Sigma Chapter participated in the Annual March of Dimes Walk for Babies campaign on Sunday, May 1. The chapter donated over $600 to the organization and worked the registration tables and monitored the walking course for walk participants. The walk was held at Campbell’s Field in Camden, New Jersey. Bro. Thom Nixon is the Chapter President of Zeta Rho Sigma Chapter.

For information please contact us: email antoinejarrett@gmail.com or via cell (443) 629-0882


International First Vice President Jonathan A. Mason Kappa Beta Sigma Chapter

International Second Vice President Gerald C. Grant III Beta Gamma Chapter

International Treasurer Larry A. Mungin Lambda Delta Sigma Chapter

International Director of Education Jean B. Lamothe Lambda Lambda Sigma Chapter

International Director of Social Action Darryl T. Williams Kappa Upsilon Sigma Chapter

International Director of Collegiate Affairs William Powell Nu Sigma Sigma Chapter

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