Our Cause Winter 2011

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Our Cause

WINTER 2010/2011



Hon. Darryl T. Williams 24th Regional Director

Leonard Lockhart Vice Regional Director

Dwayne Wright Associate Regional Director

Bernard Hamilton Treasurer

Charles Holt Secretary

Craig Collins Director of Social Action

Jean Lamothe Director of Education

Van Rosebrough Director of Bigger & Better Business

Milton Savage Legal Counsel

Greville French Immediate Past Regional

Newsletter Staff


Gerald Smith (Editor-in-Chief)

Todd D. Le Bon

Craig Arthur / Brandon Brown / Brad Leak

Director of Publicity

Todd D. Le Bon / J. Artel Smith / Tyrone Williams

FROM: http://progress-index.com/ PETERSBURG, VA - Dr. Kenneth W. Lewis, Education Director for the Alpha Kappa Sigma (AKS) Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., donated approximately 20 backpacks, each full of school supplies to Dr. Yardley Farquharson, principal of Peabody Middle School, 725 Wesley St., to be given to Peabody students who would benefit from them. This donation was made on behalf of the members of the local graduate chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. Even though many donation programs have been in effect since the beginning of the school year, there are still children who need school supplies and other forms of academic support. The men of the Alpha Kappa Sigma Chapter which serves the Southside Virginia region wanted to make an educational contribution to one of the local schools in their service area. With Petersburg School Board member, Dr. Kenneth Lewis, also a member of the graduate chapter, it was an easy choice. The AKS chapter will be sponsoring a Bear and Book program this month where they will collect teddy bears or other small stuffed toys and children's books and donate those items to the Petersburg Bureau of Police so that local police officers may hand them out to youngsters who are the victims of domestic or juvenile abuse or involved with hostile domestic issues. The AKS Chapter participates in service activities around the region such as the Walk Against Hunger, sponsored by the Petersburg Downtown Churches Inc., or the Relay For Life sponsored by the American Cancer Society. On Oct. 2, the Alpha Kappa Sigma Chapter hosted its annual awards banquet where they recognized three local citizens for their work in the areas of business, social action and education. The 2010 Phi Beta Sigma Award recipients are the Rev. William N. Bland Jr. - Bigger and Better Business; Herbert V. Coulton Jr., - Social Action; and Petersburg High School Basketball Coach William L. Lawson III, for Education. The awards banquet took place on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Regimental Club, located on Fort Lee.

STUDENTS RAISE MONEY TO HELP HOMELESS From: WAVY.com / WAVY-TV 10 Norfolk, VA NORFOLK, VA- Students at Old Dominion University learned an important lesson overnight as they camped out in cardboard boxes. It was the annual "Sleep out for the Homeless" held by the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, partnered with "The Dwelling Place" to promote awareness of homelessness in Hampton Roads. "This year, we had a lot more participation and that was the main thing we were gearing towards for this year," said Bro. Jovaate Cuffee. Food, clothing and monetary donations were also accepted throughout the night. All of those will go to benefit "The Dwelling Place." Please visit the following link to view a video from the event: http://www.wavy.com/dpp/news/local_news/norfolk/odu-annual-%22sleep-out-for-the-homeless%22

Every year, in the spirit of Thanksgiving and education, the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness cosponsor National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, one week prior to Thanksgiving. During this week over 500, schools, communities and cities throughout the nation endeavor to bring a greater awareness to the issues of hunger and homelessness. On Friday, November 19, 2010 Omicron Iota Chapter was honored by The Dwelling House for their continued effort to raise awareness to the issues of homelessness. The award was presented at the Poor Man‟s Breakfast. Congratulations to the brothers of Omicron Iota Chapter for their hard work.

Harlem Sigmas Celebrate 90 Years

EPSILON SIGMA CHAPTER FROM: New York Amsterdam News HARLEM, NY—The Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity in Harlem is in the middle of its 90th anniversary celebration. Since the chapter‟s charter in 1920, the black fraternity‟s history of service in Harlem continues to stand out even today. Most recognized by the colors royal blue and white, Phi Beta Sigma was founded in 1914 at Howard University by A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse and Charles I. Brown. Today, the fraternity has more than 150,000 members and 650 chapters under the motto “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity”. Phi Beta Sigma is constitutionally bonded with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, which was founded in 1920. The Epsilon Sigma Chapter was founded by George Archer, Samuel Braithwaite, David Collins, Charles Pinckney and John W. Sampson. The chapter currently has a membership of 150 men and owns a brownstone located on 120th Street that serves as a meeting and event space.

The chapter participates in several community service activities, including blood drives, voter registration drives, toy drives and book donations through Literacy, Inc. Recently, the chapter volunteered in the New York City Marathon, and on Thanksgiving Day, members will be serving food at Blessed Trinity Church in Harlem. However, the chapter‟s most celebrated program is the Sigma beta Club, which is geared towards uplifting and mentoring young men between the ages of 8 and 17. The young men in the program participate in community service programs and learn college readiness. “Our fraternity is built around culture because we are a service oriented fraternity”, said member Kevin Bracey, who serves as the Sigma Beta Club chair. “We do what we can to serve the community. Living by our motto, we want the community to know we are here to help in any way that we can”.

Notable members of the Epsilon Sigma chapter have included A. Philip Randolph; C. D. King, founding member of Carver Bank and James Weldon Johnson, composer of “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” In new York City, notable members include the Rev. Al Sharpton, State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Lewis, Congressman Ed Towns and Al Roker. William Allen, member of the Epsilon Sigma chapter and the district leader for the 70th Assembly District, said the fraternity‟s visibility in the community is vital. He said, “Anytime that Black men can be organized, it‟s always an important thing and it‟s very significant, especially for the promotion of education.” To celebrate their 90th anniversary, the Epsilon Sigma Chapter is hosting a scholarship gala on December 11 at Eastwood Manor in the Bronx. Phi Beta Sigma International President Jimmy Hammock will be present at the event. Three $1,000 scholarships are being awarded to three male students from Rice High School, Thurgood Marshall Academy and A. Philip Randolph High School. Community awards will also be given out. For more information about Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma, log onto www.harlemsigmas.org.

Cyril Josh Baker

RICHMOND SIGMAS HONOR ONE OF THEIR OWN RICHMOND, VA - The Sigmas of Richmond, VA celebrated the holiday season by honoring one of their own. Brothers, family and friends gathered on Saturday, December 4, 2010 to honor the many achievements of our 26th International President, Hon. Bro. Moses C. McClendon, Sr. The event was held at the Milestone Restaurant and Jazz Lounge in Richmond, VA. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity International President, Hon. Jimmy Hammock, was on hand to bring greetings from the General Board and join in the festivities. Hon. Bro. McClendon was initiated via our Zeta Chapter (Morris Brown College) in 1956 and has remained active in the Fraternity ever since. He was reared in Florida and enjoyed Bottom of Formmany opportunities to learn from Most Honorable Founder Leonard F. Morse, both as a youth and while attending Edward Waters College. Bro. McClendon had a successful career working for AT&T in Richmond, VA.; and is a strong family man. His son, Bro. Moses McClendon, Jr. was initiated into the Fraternity via our Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter in 1993. Bro. McClendon, Sr. served as the International President of Phi Beta Sigma from 1987 until 1989 and Eastern Regional Director from 1885 until 1987.

C. Arthur

Hon Moses McClendon (2nd from right) is joined by Hon. Bill Stanley (28th President), Hon. Jimmy Hammock (33rd President), Devon Henry (VA State Director) and Hon. Peter Adams (30th President)

NEWARK, NJ - The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma, Chi Sigma Chapter / Northern New Jersey, have taken our chapter programming back to the basics. The ninety plus member chapter banded together to lend a helping hand to The Apostales‟ House for the Thanksgiving holiday. Those brothers available to serve made it a point to spend part of their holiday at The Apostales‟ House. The Apostales‟ House is located at 24 Grant Street, in Newark NJ. The organization provides social services to the homeless and at risk families in and around the Newark, NJ area. This organization is responsible for feeding hundreds of the homeless in Newark. Chi Sigma Chapter has an extensive history of community service in the Newark area dating back to 1923. Our brothers also participated in community service events with other organizations, such as the Masons and local churches, as well as serving the community on their own. On Thanksgiving Day brothers worked hand and hand with several other community based organizations to prepare food for the homeless. Brothers showed up for the day of service with their wives, children and friends. They were determined to make an impact, and they did. Their contribution was greatly appreciated by the staff at The Apostales‟ House and all those who received a hot meal on that day. The brothers of Chi Sigma Chapter continue to show their commitment to our cause through their service to the community. Under the leadership of Chapter President, Jenabu Williams, and the Executive Board, Chi Sigma Chapter is ready to make an even greater impact in the community. Bro. Williams has made it his mission to make community services the main focus of Chi Sigma in these tough economic times. What‟s next for the chapter? This remains to be seen, but watch out for a Christmas surprise!!

Bro. Eric A. Fuller

HR 789 and HR 2616

WASHINGTON, DC / ON THE HILL - It‟s been quite a few months since we converged on Capitol Hill; however, our presence is still felt. As a result of our face-to-face visit with each office on Capitol Hill, support for H.R.‟s 789 and 2616 continues to grow each day. In addition, your efforts helped lay the foundation for future endeavors of this nature from Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Brothers, simply put, we were/are a part of history and we‟ve only just begun. For those of you who weren‟t able to attend, here‟s a brief overview: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 – Sigma Day On The Hill 2010 kicked off with a reception welcoming brothers of Sigma and those partnering with us to Capitol Hill. Our Master of Ceremony for the evening was Bro. William Kellibrew, a fellow Sigma brother and founder of The Kellibrew Foundation. The event was well attended by Sigmas, members of the Pan Hellenic Council, family and friends. Bro. Congressman John Lewis, gave brief comments thanking Sigma for advocating on behalf of our nation‟s youth by way of H.R. 789 and 2616. Congressman Lewis went on to say he was overwhelmed with the amount of support received.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 – The day started off with a continental breakfast and a gathering of the brothers for a refresher of the day‟s events and the proper way to lobby on Capitol Hill. Of our three days on Capitol Hill, Wednesday was the most significant in that this was our opportunity to visit each representative‟s office and gain support for H.R. 789 and 2616, but also to make our presence known. After a group photo, the Brothers converged on Capitol Hill and visited every congressional office, meeting with either the legislative assistant and/or office manager and dropping off packages with information about our two bills. While not an easy or quick

Hon. Darryl T. Williams (Eastern Regional Director) & Hon. Jimmy Hammock (33rd International President)

Hon. Jimmy Hammock joined by Soror Sheryl Underwood (Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, front row/center), Bro. Congressman John Lewis (D-GA, front, 2nd from R) and the Blue & White Family

process, each brother took on the challenge professionally and with purpose. If ever there was a time our founders were looking down upon us smiling, it was that day. Thursday, September 16, 2010 – The men of Sigma visited the local Job Corps located in Washington DC and spoke to a group of 40 program participants on areas ranging from mentorship, job applications to making the right decisions. It was a huge success and after the meeting many of the participants expressed a desire to stay in contact with the presenters. In addition, the coordinator at the particular location expressed a desire that the men of Sigma establish a recurring visiting schedule. As a result of the huge success of Sigma Day On The Hill 2010, we are already formulating ideas for Sigma Day On The Hill 2011. Those of you who would like to participate again this year, it is not too soon to make your desire known. Please contact us with your intent to participate and any special skills, talents or area of expertise you wish to offer. In addition, please feel free to share any personal “lessons learned” from our previous endeavor.

Jacob Gillison Deputy Assistant to the President For Governmental and Civic Affairs Chairman, Sigma Day On The Hill Sigmadayonthehill@gmail.com

FROM: ZS—Roving Reporter As a result of the general election held on November 2, 2010, five members of the Zeta Sigma Chapter were elected to public office. The effort to participate and engage in the political process provides another dimension to their role as “Men of Sigma”. The motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity” should help guide them in their new positions as they are now part of the political apparatus that represents their respective communities, develops regulatory policy, and request resources for public safety. These undertakings not only represent just another historic and proud moment for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., but they also highlight the continued effort of Zeta Sigma members to be leaders in the areas of Social Action. The benefits to the chapter are immeasurable, as each of these brothers exemplifies the high ideals of Brotherhood through their commitment to be financial members of the organization; Scholarship, through persistent involvement in the education of our youth; and Service by their endeavors to improve the community. The combined resume‟ and biography of these members are immense with respect to their overwhelming contributions to our community. With education backgrounds from Morgan State, Coppin State, Towson University of Baltimore and Johns Hopkins; these dynamic brothers use their talents to elevate themselves as leaders in the community. For this reason alone, we congratulate and commend the following Zeta Sigma brothers for their new accomplishments: John W. Anderson

Baltimore City Sheriff

Hon. Marvin L. Cheatham (DSC # 124)

44th District Central Committee

Hon. Scherod C. Barnes (DSC # 153)

Interim Delegate, 43rd District Central Committee

Kevin W. Parson

45th District Central Committee

Rodney C. Burris

43rd District Central Committee

Submitted by: Bro. Van Rosebrough

98th Anniversary Eastern Regional Conference Newsletter

WINTER 2010/2011



HARTFORD, CT - The holiday season is a special time of year. We look forward to spending quality time with family and friends, and reflecting on yet another year gone by. It is also a time to renew our spirits and look ahead to the next year with hope and optimism. For the brothers of Delta Pi Sigma Chapter the 2010 holiday season marked their 4 th Annual Holiday Party at the Sarah J. Rawson School, in Hartford, CT. On Friday, December 17, 2010 the Chapter hosted a holiday party for all 3rd grade students at the school, 110 children total. We prepared an event which was filled with fun and holiday cheer for all present. Our goal was to provide 400 to 500 toys and 120 holiday treat bags for the children. Due to the generous donations from brothers, other National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations, family and friends; we exceeded our original goal for this event. There were enough toys collected to distribute to children at a local church, and to donate to Delta Iota Sigma Chapter (New Haven, CT) for their holiday party. We are always looking for volunteers to collect donations, wrap toys and provide monetary donations. This year, volunteers did not only donate toys and other services, but took time out of their busy schedules to come out and enjoy the day with the children. We wish to extend our thanks to our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha and Sigma Gamma Rho Sororities, the Connecticut State Troopers and all other volunteers for their time and support. We also would like to thank the Rawson Elementary School family for having us. See you next year.

Bro. Samuel Saylor

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FOXWOODS Foxwoods Resort/Casino is owned by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation. Southeastern Connecticut is the traditional homeland of the Mashantucket Pequot people, where they have lived on one of the oldest Indian reservations in the United States, established in 1666. Today the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation owns one of the largest resort casinos in the world, Foxwoods Resort Casino. Along with the casino, they own the Lake of Isles Golf Course, The Spa at Norwich Inn and Foxwoods Development Company dedicated to world-class resort development throughout the United States and Caribbean. In 2006 they announced a partnership with MGM Mirage to establish the MGM Grand at Foxwoods. The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation is one of the largest tax payers and employers in the state of Connecticut. They have also come to be known as a huge contributor to state and local non-profit organizations. Gambling came to Connecticut in 1986 when the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation opened a highstakes bingo hall. Located in southeast Connecticut, near the Rhode Island border, the facility now covers 4.7 million square feet and features six casinos. Guests have a choice of 7,000+ slot machines and 400 tables, with 17 different types of table games to choose from. The facility also has a high-tech Race Book and the largest bingo hall in the world. With more than 40,000 guests a day it is one of the busiest casinos in the world. Not into games of chance? Foxwoods offers a host of activities for the entire family. They have a theater, venues for major sporting events and concerts, a lounge and video a game arcade for the kids.

MGM The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation began a $700 million expansion at Foxwoods in late 2005. In April of 2006 they announced the partnership with MGM Mirage in the expansion project. As part of the partnership, they would lease the MGM Grand brand name for the new building. The MGM Grand at Foxwoods, opened in May of 2008. Foxwoods and the MGM Grand are connected by a moving walkway.

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Amenities at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods include: Comix At Foxwoods: Comedy club featuring the best national club headliners, cutting-edge alternative comedy and musical variety acts, along with superb local talent. Comix also presents top-ranked national comedians at Foxwoods‟ MGM Grand and Fox Theaters. The Tree House: Video arcade with over 100 of today‟s top video and redemption games as rated by Replay and Play Meter Magazines. This multi-level arcade offers an enormous redemption counter including hundreds of toys, gifts. Let’s Make A Deal: Join the fun and get your shot at thousands of dollars in cash and prizes available every show. Host Joey Fatone ('N Sync, Dancing With The Stars) takes the helm as "big-dealer", offering audience members the chance to buy, sell or trade anything and everything. Experience the onstage excitement of one of TV's most-loved game shows, currently seen weekdays on CBS-TV.

Pequot Museum and Research Center A visit to the area would not be complete without a stop at the Pequot Museum and Research Center. The Museum is filled with exhibits and materials about the rich history of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation. The center offers engaging experiences for all ages, from life-size walk-through dioramas that transport visitors into the past, to changing exhibits and live performances of contemporary arts and cultures. Extensive interactive exhibits depict 18,000 years of Native and natural history, while two libraries, including one for children, offer a diverse selection of materials on the histories and cultures of all Native peoples of the United States and Canada. Fall is overflowing with a bounty of activities for the whole family. See our new exhibit, Native Words, Native Warriors, which tells the story of WWI and WWII American Indian code talkers and gain insights into the weapons and tactics used during the Pequot War. Watch and discuss Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond's documentary Reel Injun, while ventriloquism and puppetry master Buddy Big Mountain delights audiences with his hilarious blend of Native American comedy, ventriloquism, singing, magic, and wonderfully whacky puppets.

T. Le Bon

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The Mohegan Tribe is a recognized Indian Nation with its own constitution and government. The tribal government oversees the everyday operation of the reservation and provides for its members. The Mohegan Sun Casino is only one of several business ventures owned by the Tribe. While their business holdings benefit the tribe and its members, they also help to support surrounding communities and other local organizations. Opened in 1996 by the Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut, Mohegan Sun Casino is now home of three world-class casinos. The Casinos of the Earth, Sky and Wind have over 300,000 square feet of gaming space. The facility has some of the finest restaurants in the state, retail shopping, live entertainment, sporting events and so much more. Bringing the family along or planning a convention? Mohegan Sun has the Kids Quest/Cyber Quest family entertainment facility, a luxurious day spa, convention center and meeting facility. You will also find a state-of-the-art Poker Room as well as three major entertainment venues with seating from 300 to 10,000. The Mohegan Sun Arena is home to the Connecticut Sun of the WNBA, and location of live concerts featuring today‟s top headliners, as well as other major sporting events.

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Upon visiting guests experience a spectacular collection of items adding to the unique experience which is the Mohegan Sun Casino. Some of the unique items inside the casino include; an indoor 55foot waterfall, and electrifying water wall, spectacular indoor planetarium dome and the awe-inspiring Wombi Rock, a glowing crystal mountain made of imported stone. Amenities at the Mohegan Sun include: 34-story hotel tower World-class spa by Elemis The Shops at Mohegan Sun Over 40 restaurants 3 entertainment venues: Mohegan Sun Arena, Cabaret Theatre and the Wolf Den Over 100,000 square feet of meeting and function space Professionally-managed business center 10,000 square-foot indoor pool

T. Le Bon

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HARTFORD, CT - The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity (Delta Pi Sigma Chapter / Hartford, CT) and the sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority (Phi Delta Zeta Chapter / Manchester, CT) spent an evening of fellowship and serving Thanksgiving dinner at the Rambuh House in Hartford, CT. The Rambuh House at The Village for Children is one of four family centers funded by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, through its Brighter Futures Initiative. These centers offer parents a range of activities, which are developed by parents and local community agencies. These neighborhood based family centers provide a unique approach to supporting parents in their role as a child‟s first teacher, beginning prenatally through eight years of age. The centers offer parents training in positive practices to promote the healthy development of their children. On Friday, November 19, 2010 the Blue and White Family helped serve a holiday meal to a group of 50. The day‟s activities also included the presentation of awards and other recognitions to participants of the Village's community programs. This year marks the third year the ladies of Zeta Phi Beta have partnered with the Village for Children to do this event. This was the first year Phi Beta Sigma has participated. Going forward, both chapters will maintain a relationship with the Village and continue to maintain a commitment to servicing the Greater Hartford and surrounding communities.

Bro. Marlo Simon

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BRO. DONALD WILLIAMS DEVELOPS NEW TELEVISION SERIES FROM: http://www.theday.com/article/20101204/ENT09/312049946 A COP AND A CRIMINAL COLLABORATE ON A NEW TELEVISION SERIES It's not hard to imagine how Mark Manson, a Hartford police officer, and Felix Soto, a known criminal in the city, felt about each other upon their first meeting. "I think (he's) like, the scum of the scum," Manson remembers thinking, "and he thinks I'm a jerk 'cause I'm a cop. I never would have thought in my wildest dreams I would associate with him." But their mutual passion for entertainment, along with a well-connected Groton attorney, Donald L. Williams, led to a project called "The Second District," a television series they are negotiating to get on the air. The Second District is called the most dangerous area in Hartford in the trailer for the show, which has gained attention on YouTube and Facebook. Manson says the name itself is not a real beat, but the streets and neighborhoods are. "If you're assigned to this district, you will be challenged," the trailer says, as aerial shots of the city and highways flash by. As a struggling police department fights to maintain order, the description reads, rival gangs have seized control of portions of the city, leaving the public in fear and a once vibrant city without hope. In a style similar to HBO's "The Wire," the show aims to portray both the realities of being a police officer and a gangster in the city, says Manson, who began a career in acting in New York before joining the Coast Guard and then law enforcement in his home state of Connecticut. He spent time with Soto, who is now in prison for bank robbery and other crimes, in bookstores or in the car writing and revising to get the terminology and street language right. Soto then got Williams involved. Williams says he was representing Soto for an extortion case when they started talking about the project. Williams, who has experience in entertainment - acting, singing and publishing books - helped form Independent House Productions and eventually turn their rough draft into a polished pilot. They connected with a production company called Solid Brick Entertainment, which started shooting for three weeks in July in Hartford, East Hartford, New Britain and Bloomfield, including in real housing projects. They held casting calls and used some actual police officers, along with real uniforms, guns and cruisers, Williams says.

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They have about six to eight episodes written, and Williams' character shows up in the fourth episode. "It's really our lives fictionalized," he says. David Wenzel, with Onward and Sideways Productions, learned about the project through his brother, who has connections in law enforcement. Wenzel and his partner Rick Lohman are helping shop the show around the industry. "Obviously crime shows are a dime a dozen," Wenzel says. But The Second District "rings so true. It's so organic and so honest." "What's an interesting hook is here you've got (a police officer) and a creative liaison who's been in the criminal system for 20 years," Wenzel says of Williams. It's people with real background versus writers in Hollywood trying to write from a perspective they'll never be able to get, he adds. Williams, who originally moved to Connecticut as a Navy JAG, says the show's hardest sell is its Connecticut setting. "No one knew affluent Connecticut had issues," he says, adding that people who know about the production have been telling him it could be "a fantastic thing for Hartford," highlighting social issues.

A scene from the trailer of the pilot episode of "The Second District," which creators Groton attorney Donald L. Williams and Hartford police officer Mark Manson are hoping to sell as a television show.

Manson stresses the show is "purely entertainment," pointing out his decision to make the Hartford police chief a woman, heightening the drama of internal politics in the department, but at the same time, he wants to maintain the feeling of reality. "It was easy because I was writing what I know," he says. "I've been involved in an officer-involved shooting, I know what it feels like... I want cops, not just in Hartford to say, this is what it feels like."

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The trailer's popularity on social media sites has them further tweaking the show based on viewer comments, like the scene on the roof where Felix's character is wearing Adidas. In Hartford, the commenters say, they wear Nike. Manson and Williams want to get even those small details right, in addition to consulting with other police officers and doctors on their experiences. Manson wants the end of every episode to be dedicated to a police officer fallen in the line of duty. His relative, Henry Jennings, was a Hartford police officer who was killed in line of duty in 1964. The partners aren't sure whether the show will have an effect on crime in Hartford. Manson says, "You may get a criminal who looks at the show and says, 'Is that me? Is this what I'm really doing, killing people out there?'" But Williams points out that others may see the show as glorifying those actions. "Either way, it's bringing out a real reaction from real people," Williams says.

Katie Warchut Reporter theday.com

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AMHERST, MA - The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Beta Beta Psi Chapter, came out to support the Amherst “A Better Chance (ABC) House” at their 39th Annual Fall Foliage Walk. The Fall Foliage Walk serves as the program‟s largest fundraising event, funding 50% of their operating budget. The Chapter has a long standing relationship with the ABC program; this was the Chapter‟s 4th year participating in the walk. Beta Beta Psi also donates $400 or more each year to support ABC and its programming. This year the Walk featured a five-kilometer route beginning and ending on the Town Common. Over the last several years ABC Fall Foliage Walk has raised over $30,000.00 annually. These funds are used to maintain the ABC House, a residence where the scholars reside while in the program. Amherst “A Better Chance” is a national residential high school program for talented and highly motivated African-American, Latino, Asian, and Native American students. These students come from educationally under-served school districts to study a preparatory curriculum. Over the past 40 years, the program has served over 100 students at Amherst Regional High School. Upon completion of the program, graduates have gone on to attend more than 50 colleges and universities across the country. ABC Scholars come from local urban neighborhoods in Massachusetts, New York, and as far away as Ohio, Indiana, Arkansas and New Mexico. Scholars have an extended support system, which includes; Amherst College tutors, ABC Board members, community mentors and Amherst Regional High School faculty and staff. The students participate in daily sessions with their mentors; which helps to form a lasting bond. Bonds are also forged with the local community and host families through monthly weekend visits and additional enrichment activities. For more information on the Amherst ABC Program please visit: www.amherstabetterchance.org

Bro. Noah Kirksey

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The Alain Leroy Locke Honors Chapter is the newest chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. It was created to recognize our scholastically high achieving undergraduate brothers. This Chapter will help fulfill its purpose through the encouragement of high academic achievement. It will also serve as the highest distinction an undergraduate brother can obtain during their undergraduate years. Scholarship is one of the high ideals of our illustrious organization, and as such it is imperative that we promote this ideal among our undergraduate members.


It is my honor and privilege to once again address you as your Associate Regional Director. It gives me great pleasure to update you on some of the items we have been working on over the last eight months. Since my last address, we were able to come off a moratorium on undergraduate intake, conduct a very successful reactivation month, experience a positive state meeting season, and are now planning for a productive Regional Board Meeting in December. In the months of September and October, we had an opportunity to visit with the brothers at their state conferences. A report has been shared with your State Directors summarizing my experiences. During the state conferences, I conducted a “listening tour” in which I encouraged our undergraduate brothers to express their concerns. The theme of these meetings was familiar from state to state; undergraduates were eager to once again have an opportunity to conduct intake. One of the major concerns with the moratorium was the demise of several chapters as a result of graduation. Their concerns were shared and the moratorium has recently been lifted. They wanted their voices to be heard, and they have been. Another major concern was the massive gap between undergraduate and graduate brothers. We are currently working on the issue and are discussing ways in which to close the gap. The upcoming year will present a host of challenges, but I am more encouraged by the seemingly endless opportunities it also holds. In the upcoming year, starting on January, 15 th; undergraduates will have the opportunity to apply for membership in the 5th chapter in Phi Beta Sigma, Alain Leroy Locke Honors Chapter. The first inductees will be installed in Atlanta at Conclave 2011. All of the Fraternity‟s graduating seniors will also be honored at Conclave Atlanta. This will be the first time our graduating seniors will be so honored. At the end of January we will roll out the results of our Occupational Mentoring Database. In 2001, your financial status will not only result in receiving a sticker from the Headquarters, but also give you access to a list of over 500 or more Sigma Brothers committed to assisting you as you prepare for life beyond the campus. I encourage any brother who has not as yet signed up with the Occupational Mentoring Database to go to our regional website right now and do so.

Next April, during the 2011 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference, we will hold our Ms. Phi Beta Sigma East Pageant. The winner of our regional pageant will represent the region at Conclave 2011 in Atlanta. The 2011 Eastern Regional Leadership Conference will not only be a conference filled with meetings and forums, but will also provide professional development and allow for networking amongst the brotherhood. In the Spring of 2011, we hope to again have an opportunity to conduct undergraduate intake in the Region. However, we must remember, while intake does hold hope and promise it also gives us cause for much pause. We must all realize that the only way we can continue to serve humanity is to find a way to eradicate all Membership Intake Violations in our region, and the Fraternity. It is my hope that in April 2011 we will find the Region a year smarter, a year stronger, and a year closer to accomplishing the goals we first set out to do for the Region and the Fraternity. Committed To Serve

Bro. Dwayne Wright


TRENTON, NJ - The men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., Lambda Lambda Sigma Chapter, enjoyed a night of bowling, music, food and fun at our 1st Annual Bowling Party. On the evening of October 23rd, 2010 brothers gathered in Trenton to bowl for a cause. House music was flowing and nonstop bowling was in full effect all night. Our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority were present to show their support, as well as friends and supporters of the Blue and White Family. A portion of the proceeds from the event will be used to support the chapter‟s educational initiatives. The evening‟s event marked the completion of a long day for the brothers in the state. The morning began with the annual New Jersey State Conference on the campus of the College of New Jersey. After a day of business sessions and workshops brothers were ready to wind down and enjoy the night of fun. We thank all those taking the time to come out and support this event, and look forward to next year‟s event.

T. Williams


TRENTON, NJ - The men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., Lambda Lambda Sigma Chapter, cordially invite you to join us for a great time of fellowship, food and ministry. On Saturday, January 15, 2011 we will have our 7th Annual Gospel Brunch at KatManDu Restaurant in Trenton, NJ. Musical performance features the awesome praise and worship ministry of Minister William Carter III of First Baptist Church of Princeton, NJ. Come out and enjoy a scrumptious "all you can eat” buffet. Tickets are $45.00 for adults, $25.00 for children under 12. Proceeds benefit the Andrew Maddox Scholarship Fund. While indeed this will be a festive time, join the Blue and White Family as we honor Bro. Bill Johnson for 34 years of service to SIGMA. Bro. Johnson joined our wondrous band by way of the Epsilon Pi Sigma Chapter in 1976, and later was one of the charter members, and first president, of Lambda Lambda Sigma. He is the recipient of the Chapter's Distinguished Service Award in 2007 and holds a seat on the Board of Directors of Martin House. Bro. Johnson recently retired as principal of the John Witherspoon Middle School in Princeton, NJ after 34 years of impeccable service. He was also one of the chief organizers of the Chapter‟s James Bodley Golf Classic, which honors his late friend and fellow charter member of Lambda Lambda Sigma. For a festive time in fellowship, great food and celebration see you at Katmandu Restaurant January 15, 2011, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Come join us as we honor Brother Bill Johnson and celebrate his 34 years of service and commitment to Sigma and the Princeton school system. Witness the awesome praise and worship ministry of Minister William Carter III of First Baptist Church of Princeton, NJ. For tickets contact Bro, Keith Jenkins, Chairperson @: 646-326-5417 or at KDJENKINSMS@MSN.COM See you there . . .

T. Williams

Bro. Anthony Maddox A Life Dedicated to Service

TRENTON, NJ - Who is Andrew Maddox? He was a giant of a man in the Greater Mercer County area and a great man of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. His memory and accomplishments will be celebrated on Saturday, January 15, 2011 at Lambda Lambda Sigma Chapter‟s 7th Annual Gospel Brunch. Born in Donalds, South Carolina on October 21, 1917, Bro. Maddox received his early education in South Carolina, graduated from South Carolina State College and attended Atlanta University and Trenton State College. He served in the U. S. Army from 1941 until his retirement, as a Chief Warrant Officer, in 1962. In 1946 he married his lovely wife, Lula M. Johnson. During his military career, he was decorated with numerous outstanding and distinguished military awards. Following his retirement from the armed services, he began working for the state of New Jersey at the Department of Human Services. After 21 years of service as a food service supervisor, at the Johnstone Training and Research Center in Bordentown, NJ; he retired from the state in 1983. Bro. Maddox was a charter member of Epsilon Pi Sigma Chapter of Trenton, New Jersey and its first chapter president. He also served the Chapter as education chairman and chairman of the Annual Blue & White Sigma/Zeta Ball. The annual event was held at McGuire's Air Force Base Officer‟s Club from 1970 thru 1988. Proceeds from the event funded the Chapter's educational incentive awards. When Epsilon Pi Sigma and Chi Sigma Chapters merged, the Andrew Maddox Scholarship fund was established. Bro, Maddox crossed over into the Omega Chapter on April 7, 1996.

The Lambda Lambda Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was conceived in the fall of 2000. The Chapter was officially chartered on November 27, 2001, and received its charter declaration during the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Regional Conference in April, 2002. The 11 charter members were: Delbert Bauldock Jr., Scott Bollwage, Fredrick Cook, Leon N. Crawford Jr., Robert Donaldson, Dr. Gilbert Francis (DSC), William Johnson, Jean B. Lamothe, Jerry Lawson, Leon A. Williams and the late James E. Bodley Sr. Upon receiving the charter, the Chapter restored the Andrew Maddox Scholarship fund to the Greater Mercer County Area to better serve, further promote and assist families in the area to obtain additional educational opportunities. Bro. Maddox‟s list of accomplishments reads like a who‟s who novel. He was past president of Frontiers International Trenton Club; a member of the Trenton branch of the NAACP, a member of the Kiwanis Club of Bordentown, the American Disabled Veterans Committee and a board member of Concerned Citizens of Ewing Township. For over 50 years, he was a member of the Masonic Order. Mr. Maddox was a Grand Inspector General of the 33 and last degree. He was a devoted member of Shiloh Baptist Church in Trenton, NJ. He served the church congregation as a member of the Men's Day Committee, Pew Rally Chairman and the Captain for Men's Day Christians Climbing God's Mountain Group. The Andrew Maddox Scholarship fund will continue to support his life-long philanthropic endeavors. His dream continues to live on through the lives he touched and through the men of Lambda Lambda Sigma; as our motto, "Culture for Service and Service for Humanity” reigns supreme. We thank everyone for your support and look forward to hosting you on January 15th 2011 at Katmandu Restaurant. Please join us as we honor Bro. Bill Johnson and celebrate the memory of Bro. Andrew Maddox. T. Williams

BALTIMORE, MD - Though they knew the task would not be easy, the brothers of Zeta Sigma Chapter had no idea of every obstacle they would encounter in their quest to renovate a dilapidated building. When completed the building would serve as the Zeta Sigma Fraternity House and Community Center. Not a brief spike in neighborhood crime, a flooded basement, crooked contractors, zealous city inspectors or seemingly ever changing building codes could diminish the collective spirit and sense of pride the Chapter has experienced with every completed phase of the project. Under the watchful eye of the Zeta Sigma Business Manager, Bro. Elford Jackson, and utilizing every tenet of the „12 Inch Rule‟; along with some good old fashion sweat equity, the chapter is poised to host its December meeting at the newly renovated headquarters. The opening of the building will be almost twenty years to the day since the sale of the last property owned by the Chapter. While additional exterior renovations are still planned for next spring, the completed phases give the Chapter ample space to conduct meetings, host community activities and generate income through rental space.

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was founded to be an asset to the well being of our communities. Taking what had become a real eyesore and turning it into a viable community resource, the brothers of Zeta Sigma have put our faith to work in the effort to uplift our motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity”. By establishing working relationships with the Greenmount Merchant‟s Association, elected officials and local schools in the area, the brothers are ready to make a tremendous impact on the lives of those who live in the community.

A special thank you goes out to all brothers who have donated their time, money, resources and skills to the success of this project. Special thanks also go out to the Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit for providing additional funding to support this cause.

Bro. Van Rosebrough President Zeta Sigma Chapter

In keeping with the spirit of our national education initiative, “My Brother‟s Keeper”, Bro. Jean B. Lamothe (Eastern Regional Director of Education) developed and coordinated an Eastern Regional Sigma Suit Exchange Program. The program was designed to assist our undergraduate brothers as they transition from the campus into the workforce. “Through the program we are asking our graduate brothers to donate new and gently used suits to our undergraduate brothers”, Bro. Lamothe stated. “This idea was introduced after numerous conversations with undergraduate brothers throughout the region who did not own any suits”, says Bro. Lamothe. Brothers were aware of the need to wear professional attire for job interviews and at various fraternity events. However, many could not afford to purchase a new suit. In an effort to assist our undergraduate brothers, the Eastern Regional Sigma Suit Exchange was created. Through the efforts of Bro. Lamothe and the State Directors, suits were collected and immediately distributed during state conference meetings. We also received generous donations from our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. They were more than happy to clean out the closets of their husbands, and thanked us for the opportunity. The undergraduate brothers agreed this was a tangible way for the graduate brothers to express support as they begin preparing for life after college. This year, a total of 136 suits were distributed during the state conferences. Additionally, graduate chapters pledged to collect and distribute suits to the members of the undergraduate chapters they advise. As has been expressed by the state and regional officers, in order for this program to continue to be a success, SIGMA needs cooperation from all brothers and chapters. Every Brother Is Part Of The Formula. Brothers and chapters who have not yet donated a suit, and are looking to do so, should contact their State or Area Deputy Director for more information. As a result of the program‟s success our International 2nd Vice President, Lonnie Wall requested this initiative be implemented at the 2011 Conclave in Atlanta, GA. We thank all those contributing to the success of the program, and encourage all brothers to get involved.

Bro. Jean B. Lamothe

COLUMBIA, MD - December 2, 2010 - The Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter, Inc. of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated will present the books it collected during its recent book drive to Bryant Woods Elementary School on December 17, 2010. During October and November 2010, Zeta Alpha Sigma collected over two hundred, mostly-new children‟s books with an approximate retail value of $2,200 to promote its ideal of scholarship and to encourage reading over the upcoming holiday break. The Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter sought to participate in a national education initiative promoted by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and to build upon the relationship it started with the elementary school earlier in the year. The chapter received support from the Lambda Gamma Zeta Chapter of their sister organization, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated as well as support from Capstone Publishing, Dawn Publishing and EDC Publishing and members of the general public. “Phi Beta Sigma continues to promote a love of literacy within our student body through coordinating a book drive, which resulted in a $2,200 donation of books. Their active solicitation of publishers and individual donations have reconfirmed Phi Beta Sigma‟s commitment and genuine passion for supporting the reading program at Bryant Woods Elementary School,” said Principal Sean Martin. Bryant Woods Reading Specialist, Joanne Howard, had this to say about the effort, “We are so pleased that the Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has chosen to support and encourage literacy learning at Bryant Woods Elementary School. From providing guest readers for classrooms to a book drive designed to put new books into the hands of children, Phi Beta Sigma has demonstrated its commitment to promoting a love of books and reading. Our students will be delighted to receive their very own new books this holiday season.” The Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter has been proudly serving the Howard County area since 1976 and looks forward to building even deeper relationships with all of the schools in the region in the future. "Books are a major source to provide our young people with a view of our community. With this view, together with their personal experiences, each one can prepare to be a good citizen and contribute to the wellness of our society. The Officers and Members of Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter, of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity are proud to be a contributor to this effort," said Gilbert Jackson, President of the Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter, Inc.

Bro. Jason Bladen



FROM: wtop.com (http://wtop.com/?sid=2197182&nid=596) WASHINGTON, DC - Despite the cold weather, a group of people chose to sleep on the sidewalk outside the Wilson Building Friday night to draw attention to the problem of domestic violence. "We've got gloves and scarves and hats, sweaters. We've got the whole deal, and it's still cold," said Brandon Wallace with the William Kellibrew Foundation. It was the Foundation's third annual Victims and Survivors Sleep Out for Peace, which highlights the fact that domestic violence can force people out of their homes, and onto the streets. The sleep out was started in response to the death of 33year-old Tiffany Gates of D.C. In 2008, she was stabbed to death by her abusive ex-boyfriend. She called for help, but was attacked as she spoke on the phone with a federal marshal. Wallace says domestic violence is an issue that can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or class. "Sometimes folks in million dollar homes are dealing with these issues (and thinking) if I leave, I have nothing." He says this time of year, the stress of the holiday season can make the problem worse. "Spending money on holiday presents and things like that the money's stretched, the stress is high, and folks are living in terror," says Wallace.

The Foundation is named after 36-year-old William Kellibrew. When Kellibrew was 10, he watched his mother's abusive boyfriend shoot and kill his mom and brother. The killer released William. "I had my shirt, my shorts, and I was barefoot," he says. Kellibrew got help, but says more resources are needed to help others like him. "There are more animal shelters in this country than there are shelters for domestic violence victims," he says. For more information about the William Kellibrew Foundation: http://williamkellibrewfoundation.roundtablelive.org/

Michelle Basch

Make The Smart Move Today

Celebrating 24 Years Personal Service & Economic Empowerment

HARFORD COUNTY, MD - Nu Sigma Sigma Chapter hosted their annual Dinner and Conversations event. Our theme for this year: “Remembering the Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement: Will Their Legacy be Enough for Change as We Face the Future?” Our honored guest Dr. Horace Julian Bond delivered an educational testimony that took us back down a historical trail enabling our guests to relive the moments of the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. Bond credited Ms. Ella Baker, a very powerful force within the movement as the organizer of a meeting that took place at Shaw University for the student leaders of the sitins in April 1960. From that meeting, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee -- SNCC -was established. Dr. Bond soon became SNCC's communications director. One of Bond's many tasks as communications director was editing the SNCC newsletter, the Student Voice. As a member of SNCC, Bond was very instrumental in voter registration drives in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Dr. Bond shared his views about why Blacks aren‟t always committed to voting. He concluded that Blacks do not make voting a routine habit like “back in the day”. He shared with us how his mother would round up her church friends and they would be very instrumental in getting people to the polls to vote. Our moderators, Ms. Lorrie Grant, Editor with National Public Radio (NPR) and Mr. Lee Ivory, President and CEO of Ivory Communications felt a need to solicit Dr. Bond‟s opinion as it relates to allegations against a very powerful leader at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church which is located in Lithonia, Georgia.

Dr. Bond protested Coretta Scott-King‟s funeral services being held there because of the church‟s position on homosexuality. Dr. Bond, felt that because Coretta Scott-King‟s beliefs differed so much from that of the church when it comes to gay relationship. “Coretta ScottKing was a big defender of gay rights” Dr. Bond said. When asked about President Obama, Dr. Bond felt that President Obama is a very intelligent individual and when he was elected President he cried. Just to think of Obama as President he became a bit emotional. When asked, during the question and answer period, which persons in the Civil Rights Movement he most admired, Dr. Bond named Hosea Williams and James Forman. As a non fraternity member, Dr. Bond was unaware that both Williams and Forman are members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Dr. Bond left our audience thirsty for more knowledge of the movement and his thoughts and opinion of our leaders of today. Dr. Bond autographed books and posed for photos.

Bro. William Powell International Director of Education


Undergraduate: $ 325.00

REGULAR REGISTRATION: Graduate: $ 525.00

Guest: $ 325.00


Undergraduate: $ 400.00

Guest: $ 400.00

ON-SITE REGISTRATION: Graduate: $ 650.00

Undergraduate: $ 500.00

Guest: $ 500.00

For more information and registration form: http://www.pbs1914.org/news/conclave_2011_early_registration_announcement/

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