EMPIRE paintball team presentation_en

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Proposal on sponsorship of a sports paintball team

WHATS IS PAINTBALL? Paintball is a team and technical competitive sport using pneumatic markers shooting with gelatin pellets filled with water soluble paint. In the course of 5 minute game the two teams starting from the bases located in the opposing ends of the area aspire to catch the opponent’s flat raising it at the starting base. In the meantime they shall strike the most opponent’s players. • extreme sport ranking 3rd of fastest development • prospect of being admitted to the Olympic Games • actively developed in 104 countries of the world • more than 7,000 teams and about 5,000 paintball sites • about 16 million of players and supporters • by resolution of the RF State Committee for Tourism and Physical Training the paintball was acknowledged as the sport subject to development. There is a formed system of game rules, norms and measures of safety procedures. The world hosts some large series of tournaments. Those in Russia are noticeable, being not only inferior, but exceeding the foreign analogues. Modern paintball is a spectacular sport. Bright uniform, inflatable sheds, fulminant combats draw attention of public at large. No wonder that paintball tournaments are held with famous stadiums or Walt Disney complexes in USA and Europe. The Russian team “Russian legion” won the Sports Paintball World Cup for three times.

WHATS IS PAINTBALL? Paintball is a team and technical competitive sport using pneumatic markers shooting with gelatin pellets filled with water soluble paint. In the course of 5 minute game the two teams starting from the bases located in the opposing ends of the area aspire to catch the opponent’s flat raising it at the starting base. In the meantime they shall strike the most opponent’s players. • extreme sport ranking 3rd of fastest development • prospect of being admitted to the Olympic Games • actively developed in 104 countries of the world • more than 7,000 teams and about 5,000 paintball sites • about 16 million of players and supporters • by resolution of the RF State Committee for Tourism and Physical Training the paintball was acknowledged as the sport subject to development. There is a formed system of game rules, norms and measures of safety procedures. The world hosts some large series of tournaments. Those in Russia are noticeable, being not only inferior, but exceeding the foreign analogues. Modern paintball is a spectacular sport. Bright uniform, inflatable sheds, fulminant combats draw attention of public at large. No wonder that paintball tournaments are held with famous stadiums or Walt Disney complexes in USA and Europe. The Russian team “Russian legion” won the Sports Paintball World Cup for three times.

ABOUT THE TEAM The sports paintball team “The Empire� was established in spring 2012. It won prizes in sports paintball tournaments held within Kaluga region. Included in the select team of Obninsk the team members won the sports paintball tournament held in the city of Kaluga, as well ranked 3rd in the tournament held in the city of Orel. The team includes 6 players, their average age is 25 years. In the sports paintball winter series Ice Ball 2013-2014 the team firmly ranks 7th (27 participating teams). In the season 2014 US company EMPIRE, one of the world leaders for manufacture of paintball equipment and accessories acts as the technical sponsor of the team. Since autumn 2013 Segey Rozhnikov, the current silver winner of the World Cup, 2012 Champion of Europe, as well multiple winner and awardee of Russian and international paintball series, is the coach of our team.

ABOUT THE TEAM The sports paintball team “The Empire� was established in spring 2012. It won prizes in sports paintball tournaments held within Kaluga region. Included in the select team of Obninsk the team members won the sports paintball tournament held in the city of Kaluga, as well ranked 3rd in the tournament held in the city of Orel. The team includes 6 players, their average age is 25 years. In the sports paintball winter series Ice Ball 2013-2014 the team firmly ranks 7th (27 participating teams). In the season 2014 US company EMPIRE, one of the world leaders for manufacture of paintball equipment and accessories acts as the technical sponsor of the team. Since autumn 2013 Segey Rozhnikov, the current silver winner of the World Cup, 2012 Champion of Europe, as well multiple winner and awardee of Russian and international paintball series, is the coach of our team.

TRANING BASES Currently the team holds a home training base located in the city of Obninsk. The said area meets the European standards and is only in its genre within the region of Kaluga. During autumn and winter the team uses as its training base the ARENA sport complex, being the Europe’s largest all season paintball center equipment with al necessary to hold competitions and practice.

TRANING BASES Currently the team holds a home training base located in the city of Obninsk. The said area meets the European standards and is only in its genre within the region of Kaluga. During autumn and winter the team uses as its training base the ARENA sport complex, being the Europe’s largest all season paintball center equipment with al necessary to hold competitions and practice.

SOCIAL ACTIVITY The Empire team, except for participation (in different paintball events within Russia, arranges tournaments for newcomers and amateurs. Indeed, paintball is not only an entertainment with one’s friends, but rather an interesting and fast-moving sport. The characteristic features of the paintball are vigor, risk, passion all those which fit never better the Russian nature. There is scheduled from May to October 2014 to hold tournaments both among amateurs and newcomers within the framework of the activity aimed at promoting the paintball as sport.

SOCIAL ACTIVITY The Empire team, except for participation (in different paintball events within Russia, arranges tournaments for newcomers and amateurs. Indeed, paintball is not only an entertainment with one’s friends, but rather an interesting and fast-moving sport. The characteristic features of the paintball are vigor, risk, passion all those which fit never better the Russian nature. There is scheduled from May to October 2014 to hold tournaments both among amateurs and newcomers within the framework of the activity aimed at promoting the paintball as sport.

INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS We invite for cooperation those companies that are concerned by way of sponsor activity not only to strengthen its own image seen by their market colleagues, partners and compatriots, but assist the development of prospective sports within Russia. The funds of sponsor company will be finally applied towards the attraction of youth into active sport, promotion of a wealth way of life. You are kindly invited for cooperation within the framework of • training process (provision) • tournaments and competitions (support of the team while getting together, participation in Russian and international competitions • fitted out with technical means (equipment and uniform) • transfer of the team (provision of a vehicle for participation in competitions held in other regions and countries) • traveling provision (meals and accommodation during competitions held in other regions and countries • information support (promotion of the team and paintball as sports)

INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS We invite for cooperation those companies that are concerned by way of sponsor activity not only to strengthen its own image seen by their market colleagues, partners and compatriots, but assist the development of prospective sports within Russia. The funds of sponsor company will be finally applied towards the attraction of youth into active sport, promotion of a wealth way of life. You are kindly invited for cooperation within the framework of • training process (provision) • tournaments and competitions (support of the team while getting together, participation in Russian and international competitions • fitted out with technical means (equipment and uniform) • transfer of the team (provision of a vehicle for participation in competitions held in other regions and countries) • traveling provision (meals and accommodation during competitions held in other regions and countries • information support (promotion of the team and paintball as sports)

INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS We propose the placement of the sponsor’s brand image on • playing uniform and equipment, as well sweatshirts and feelce kackets of assistance outside the playing field and support groups • inflatable figures of our training base, as well protective fence when holding tournaments • demo ads placed on the team channel on YouTube • including the information on the sponsor company on team andspecial Internet resources placing a ref to the corporate site including in the players’ signatures on forums • presentation of the sponsor team, as well the display of its banners (placard, flag etc.) during all official events involving the team: during common parades, awarding (if winning prizes), opening and closure of the tournaments in which the team is involved. • mention of the company and its sponsor contribution in mass media (printed editions, TV broadcastings, Internet) • assistance in arrangement of internal paintball competitions as an element of corporate leisure • participation in image and advertising projects of the cosponsor company using paintball attributes • invitation of representatives of the sponsor company to attend tournaments, as well the events related thereto

INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS We propose the placement of the sponsor’s brand image on • playing uniform and equipment, as well sweatshirts and feelce kackets of assistance outside the playing field and support groups • inflatable figures of our training base, as well protective fence when holding tournaments • demo ads placed on the team channel on YouTube • including the information on the sponsor company on team andspecial Internet resources placing a ref to the corporate site including in the players’ signatures on forums • presentation of the sponsor team, as well the display of its banners (placard, flag etc.) during all official events involving the team: during common parades, awarding (if winning prizes), opening and closure of the tournaments in which the team is involved. • mention of the company and its sponsor contribution in mass media (printed editions, TV broadcastings, Internet) • assistance in arrangement of internal paintball competitions as an element of corporate leisure • participation in image and advertising projects of the cosponsor company using paintball attributes • invitation of representatives of the sponsor company to attend tournaments, as well the events related thereto



WE ARE SUPPORTED BY EMPIRE PAINTBALL is one of the world’s largest manufactures of equipment and accessories for paintball.

EXTREME PARK is the modern entertainment complex intended both for individual family and corporate awaydays.

RESTRICTED AREA – community of paintball amateurs arranged for the purposes of development and promotion of paintball within Russia.

ЯДtv is a media partner. Photo and video shooting in paintball.

WE ARE SUPPORTED BY EMPIRE PAINTBALL is one of the world’s largest manufactures of equipment and accessories for paintball.

EXTREME PARK is the modern entertainment complex intended both for individual family and corporate awaydays.

RESTRICTED AREA – community of paintball amateurs arranged for the purposes of development and promotion of paintball within Russia.

ЯДtv is a media partner. Photo and video shooting in paintball.


Krasilnikov Ilya E. pbteam.empire@gmail.com M. +7 903 278-4965


Krasilnikov Ilya E. pbteam.empire@gmail.com M. +7 903 278-4965

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