June 3rd Social Breakfast: Eggcellence Annapolis, MD
4th Tour: To Linganore Winery Ellicott City, MD
10th Porsche 75th Anniversary Celebrations Hunt Valley, MD
20th Social Dinner: Manor Tavern Monkton, MD
24th Autocross #3 PGS-Bowie, MD
25th Tour: Ice Cream Tour & Food Drive TBD, MD
1st Social Breakfast: Eggcellence Annapolis, MD
8th Autocross #4 PGS-Bowie, MD
9th Children’s Hospital at Sinai and Oregon Ridge Tour Hunt Valley, MD
12th Board Meeting: Greene Turtle Hanover, MD
16th Tour: Air & Space Ice Cream Tour (#2), TBD, MD
18th Social Dinner: La Posta Severna Park, MD
29th Tech: Garage Crawl Trifecta Monkton, MD
Wow, we are only a week out from the huge 75th anniversary celebrations happening at all our local Porsche dealers on June 10th, so make sure you attend at least one of these.
There was a lot of competition for cover photo this month, so you’ll see there are 3 back full page photos from some of our talented members.
Have you thought about running for a board position, turn to page 54 to find out more.
We’ve been enjoying a very dry time here in Maryland, good for driving, not so good for our yards and gardens, so here’s hoping we get a few mid-week rains in June with dry weekends. Have an article idea or want to do a member profile, shoot me an email editor@pcachs.org
James B Beavan IIIFor the latest events and news follow us! I’m always posting photos from our events here that don’t make it in the Patter and there’s no delay to see what you missed or attended.
Porsche Club of America - Chesapeake Region | Facebook
Chesapeake Region PCA (@chesapeakepca) • Instagram photos and videos
SocialsinReview PicnicPhotos
Ryan Boxler
Front Cover photo: GT4RS by Aniano Arao
Back Cover photo: GT4RS by Jim McKee, 997
Carrera by Ryan Boxler, 991.2 GT3 by Steve Graham
Andy Hsu
The PorschePatteris the official newsletter of the Chesapeake Region of the Porsche Club of America. Contributions to the PorschePattershould be sent by the 25th of the month preceding the month of publication in Microsoft Word format to editor@pcachs.org. Please send images high resolution. Editor/
Publisher: James B Beavan III; Contributing Photographers: James B Beavan III, Mark Miller, Greg Hartke, Pedro Bonilla, Aniano Arao, Ryan Boxler, Jim McKee, Steve Graham; Contributing Writers: James B Beavan III, Mark Miller, Ron Farb, Ken Wilmers, Steve & Marsha Buss, Aniano Arao, Pedro Bonilla, Greg Hartke, David Whitlock. Advertising: For questions about advertising rates and placement in the PorschePatter, please contact Editors at editor@pcachs.org Unless otherwise reserved, permission is granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the PorschePatter and to the respective author.
Subscriptions: join the Porsche Club of America www.pca.org. The PorschePatter is published monthly by the
RonFarb president@pcachs.org
VicePresident SteveWood vicepresident@pcachs.org
Treasurer AndyPowell treasurer@pcachs.org
Secretary WayneNelms secretary@pcachs.org
ExecutiveVicePresident MichaelMurphy executivevicepresident@pcachs.org
AutocrossCommittee GregHartke autocross@pcachs.org
MarkHubley autocross@pcachs.org
JamesBBeavanIII editor@pcachs.org
Publicity:Facebook/Instagram JamesBBeavanIII publicity@pcachs.org
JimEarlbeck tech@pcachs.org
RandyRichter tech@pcachs.org
RickHawver tech@pcachs.org
DanZadra simracing@pcachs.org
MeilyngWigney-Burmaka msregistrar@pcachs.org
PhotographyChair JimMcKee photography@pcachs.org
Tour/Rally AnianoArao tour@pcachs.org
RichEhrlich rally@pcachs.org
JohnJensen safetychair@pcachs.org
ChiefDrivingInstructor EllenBeck instructor@pcachs.org
PaulKoenigsmark concours@pcachs.org
DavidDukehart concours@pcachs.org
StacyHawver chesapeakechallenge@pcachs.org
TraceyJennings chesapeakechallenge@pcachs.org
JenKocsan chesapeakechallenge@pcachs.org
DanMcNally communityservice@pcachs.org
Historian BobRassa historian@pcachs.org
Membership KenWilmers membership@pcachs.org
Webmaster HenryBecker webmaster@pcachs.org
Insurance EricSaletel insurance@pcachs.org
PCALicense Laurie&BruceTarsia pcalicenseplates@pcachs.org
PCAZone2Rep PhilGrandfield zonerep@pcachs.org
Primary Members: 1142
Affiliate Members: 607
NewMembers (16)
Life Members: 2
Total Members: 1751
KenWilmers New
Transfers Out (3) Ari Ghosal Transfer To: Potomac (POT)
Michale Onkst Transfer To: Arizona (AZ)
Rob Sass Transfer To: Upper Canada (UCR)
Transfers In (1) Doug
Transfer From: Diablo (DIA)
Full Membership Committee Reports can be found on our website: https://pcachs.org/
40 Years
Michael and Shelly Horne
35 Years
Ernest Richmond
Eric Stahl
30 Years
Brandi Bryant
Robert Abbott
Benjamin Pettis
20 Years
Andy & Sharon Jaunzemis
William Riebel
15 Years
James Rich
Ronald Millstein
5 Years
Chip and Patty Heaps
Marsha and Steve Buss
David Eitner
Timothy Lyddane
Mary Lynn
Matthew Malaska
Seung Paik
Tim Nash
1 Year
Julie and David Guido
Madhu Subramanian
Erica Hodgman
Matt Morris
Ryan Boxler
Aidan Ruiz
Ben Kropf
John Mcgregor
Jeffrey Fugitt
Dan Ellerman
Kenneth Praay
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee has 16 events on its 2023 calendar. The dates and events listed here are subject to change. Registration for most events will open 2 to 3 weeks before their scheduled dates. Log on to your account at www.motorsportreg.com to sign up. (Ver. 12, 05/24/2023)
April 15 (1) Delmarva Tour, DE, MD and VA, tour master Aniano Arao (45 people, 26 cars)
April 29 (2) Drive to Porsche Swap Meet in Carlisle, tour master Rich Ehrlich (canceled; weather)
May 6 (3) Tour & TSD Rally School, guest rally master Bob Rassa, (11 people, 8 cars)
May 20 (4) Safeway to the Bay Tour, guest tour master Hank Lucas (60 people, 32 cars)
June 4 (5) Linganore Winecellars Tour, Frederick County, guest tour master Ron Farb
June 25 (6) Ice Cream Tour (#1) and Charity Drive, guest tour master Steve Graham
July 9 (7) Children’s Hospital at Sinai and Oregon Ridge Tour, tour master Aniano Arao
July 16 (8) Air & Space Ice Cream Tour (#2), Maryland to Virginia, tour master Rich Ehrlich
Aug. 6 (9) Ice Cream Tour (#3), tour master Rich Ehrlich
Aug. 12 (10) Allegheny Mountain Tour in PA, guest tour master Ron Farb
Sept. 23 (11) Chesapeake Challenge Gimmick Rally, rally master Aniano Arao
Oct. 8 (12) Off-Road Tour, guest tour master Jim Hemig
Oct. 21 (13) West Virginia Fall Colors Tour (#1), tour master Aniano Arao
Oct. 29 (14) Catoctin Mountain Fall Colors Tour (#2), tour master Aniano Arao
Nov. 5 (15) Baltimore County Fall Colors Tour (#3), tour master Aniano Arao
Dec. 3 (16) “Kindertime & Linda’s Legacy” Tour, Baltimore County, tour master Rich Ehrlich
Check www.pcachs.org, Patter, www.motorsportreg.com and the events’ eBlasts for details and updates. Send questions to tour@pcachs.org.
-- Aniano Arao & Rich Ehrlich, Co-Chairs, Tour & Rally Committee
The May Breakfast Social was cancelled for May due to conflicts with other PCA events – Autocross 1 and TSD Tour and Rally School and TSD Rally 1. The May Dinner Social was canceled due to the conflict with the Grand Opening at Hunt Valley Porsche planned for the same evening.
Our First Annual Family Picnic was held on May 7th at Patapsco Valley State Park. It was a beautiful day for the 60 people who attended. The grill masters cooked burgers and dogs and there were plenty of sides and desserts. The kids enjoyed the playground and the hike (about 250 feet) to the river. It was wonderful to have many new members in attendance the majority of whom brought out there Porsche for our corral area in front of the pavilion.
The June Breakfast Social is planned for June 3rd at Eggcellence in Annapolis. The June Dinner Social will be at the Manor Tavern in Monkton, Baltimore County, on Tuesday, June 20th at 6:30pm. This event is sold out.
Please remember you need to register on MotorsportReg.com. If after you have registered, you decide to not attend, please go back into MotorsportReg.com and cancel your reservation. As these events have been selling out, this will allow members on the waitlist to be confirmed.
The July Breakfast Social will be at Eggcellence in Annapolis on July 1st at 8am sharp. www.MotorsportReg.com
The July Dinner Social will be at La Posta in Severna Park, Anne Arundel County, beginning at 6:30pm. The Manager invited us to use the private dining room for our event. The dinner will be capped at 40 members, so sign up early. https:// www.motorsportreg.com
We are investigating restaurants for a social breakfast to coincide with the Hunt Valley Horsepower gathering. We are looking for recommendations! Thanks
Do you have restaurant recommendations or interesting ideas for Socials? Send us an email social@pcachs.org. We’d love to hear from you!
Thanks, Steve
& MarshaDo you know a Porsche Club member that could use a little sunshine? Please let us know. TheClubhasestablishedanewSunshineposition. IfyouknowaClubmemberwhois ill,hasahospitalstay,afamilymemberhaspassed,orisfacingsomedifficultorchallengingtimes,wewouldlikesendacardtoletthemknowtheClubisthinkingabout them.
PleasecontactDougEhmannatSunshine@pcachs.org. Thanks!
Most of us folks in the Porsche Club know what a radar detector is, but as technology and products have changed over the years, it gets fuzzy for some. Well, I have sold them for well over 30 years and am here to offer an education along with some technical advice.
Let’s start with the basics. A radar detector is designed to alert you of the authorities running radar in an area to measure your speed, and hopefully, make some revenue for whomever they work. The goal of a radar detector is to pick up their signal before they get an accurate reading on your Porsche. The reality is that is easier said than done in many instances. Here are some examples:
You are driving all alone on a road and come upon a speed trap where the person is using instant on radar. Since they don’t activate it until they have you in their sights, you are caught. Should they decide to have their radar running constantly, a good unit can often pick up their signal before they can get a reading on you. Just know that rarely happens. So, when alone on a road with a detector, always keep that in mind.
In this scenario, you are on i95 and there is the usual traffic that is moving at a fast clip. There is a very high percentage chance that your detector will pick up the radar that is being shot at someone well in front of you, giving you an opportunity to slow down. I have been on rt50 east of the Bay Bridge a lot since we bought property in Chincoteague. My Escort unit picked up Ka band up to 1.1 miles before I crossed paths with the police car. I know it because I have measured it on multiple locations. So, in this instance, I have loads of time to slow down.
Here is some free advice if you are going to drive over the speed limit. If you always try and stay in the “slow lanes” and move over only to pass people, as long as you have vehicles in front of you, your vehicle is getting some protection from seeing your speed read.
Now, up to this point, we have talked about typical radio wave-based radar. In these scenarios, a high-quality portable unit like an Escort Redline 360 or a Valentine One (in their newest versions) can offer you good protection when used properly. When we talk about LIDAR, or laser-based radar, a portable unit offers you zero protection. The reason is that a detector only goes off when that particular vehicle is targeted, and that is too late. Since they are using a beam of light and not a radio wave, the light reflects back to the laser gun after the vehicle is targeted. And since LIDAR only shoots a 21” diameter beam at 1000 feet, the reality is they either get a reading on you, or no one at all. For that reason, laser is getting more and more popular for departments to use as they don’t lose in court. The defense attorney can’t say they were getting a reading on the car beside you as the beam is too narrow. The downside is the laser guns are more expensive to purchase, so it is slowly getting more popular as they see the revenue increase.
So, how do you defend against LIDAR? By using laser “shifters” or “defusers.” We offer K40 and Escort in our store and each company calls it something different. But here is how it works. When your vehicle is targeted by a laser gun, the shifters sense the signal and immediately fire back powerful beams of light so the gun can’t get a reading on you. From an engineering perspective, it is not jamming the signal, so it is legal in 45 states, including Maryland. Let’s go back to that first scenario where you are driving alone on a road and then get targeted. If it is LIDAR, you are safe,
as you can simply slow down and keep on driving. In my vehicles, I simply slow down and disable the laser shifting, so they get a reading on me. In reality, I don’t have to turn it off.
Laser shifters must be installed on your vehicle, so they aren’t portable. They can be removed and reinstalled on a future vehicle as an FYI. The two brands we sell offer a “laser add-on” that can be used alongside a portable detector to give you protection and alerts from both types of radar.
We have discussed portable radar detectors, but did you know there are also custom installed radar and laser defense systems? In this scenario, the front and/or front & rear radar receivers are hidden behind the bumpers of your vehicle. Inside, a display and controller are strategically placed along with a speaker to allow you to see and hear that a threat exists. Now there is nothing hanging from your windshield or rearview mirror that can be stolen and nothing that the authorities see should you happen to get pulled over. These models also have the highest technology available when it comes to range and filtering against false alerts. It is also the most expensive option. These units can be removed and reinstalled in future vehicles as well.
In closing, here are a few important things to consider:
Do NOT buy an inexpensive unit as it will false so often that you will learn to zone it out when it goes off. Spend the money on a nice unit. Escort even offers their “Escort Live” technology that automatically crowd sources alerts and tells you about them.
Escort is the only company on the market that truly offers an “undetectable” radar unit. In states like Virginia, they use RDD’s, or radar detector detectors to let them know you are using one. Better models from people like K40 and Valentine can only be picked up from around 100’ away, so you can surely turn the unit off. With the Escort models with stealth technology, it is 100% invisible. Now, it is illegal to use radar detectors in Virginia, so I can’t condone their operation there. If you want to have an in-person discussion, I will tell you how I handle driving in Virginia.
Should you decide to get a custom installed unit, make sure it is someone that specializes in them AND knows how to set them up properly for the best performance. In our store, we own a police grade radar and LIDAR gun and test every custom installed system before it is given back
I am happy to answer any questions you may have on the topic. I can be reached at mark@westminsterspeed.com. Now get out and drive!
Come out and join your fellow PCAers for a morning of fun in Annapolis. We’ll meet Saturday morning, June 3rd, at 8am in Annapolis.
Eggcellence Brunchery features comfort food for breakfast including waffles, pancakes, build your own omelettes, benedicts and more. Check out their menu here.
All participants must register for the breakfast on www.MotorsportReg.com by June 28th.
Seating is limited to 30 people. There is no registration fee for this event.
WHEN and WHERE When: July 1, 2023, Saturday Meeting time: 8:00am
Meeting point: Eggcellence Brunchery restaurant, Gateway Shopping Plaza, 2625 Housley Road, Annapolis 410-573-9503
End of social: 9:30am Cost: Members are responsible for their own breakfast. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons. While we are striving to make this event safe, with your Participation in and Registration for this social event, you recognize and acknowledge the hazards of COVID-19, and you assume the risk of illness or death arising from a COVID-19 infection at this event. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it. Log onto your Motorsportreg account at www.MotorsportReg.com Registration will close at midnight on June 28th. There is no fee for this event.
Send social related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org.
Member Names & Join Date:
By:JamesB.BeavanIIIRyan Boxler (Box) - 05/05/2022 (Previously some point in the early 00’s)
Current Cars, Previous Cars:
Current- 2006 911 Carrera
Previous - 1987 944… all of the hot wheels and die cast.
Have you served on any Regional or National committees: No
What encouraged you to join the Porsche Club of America:
When I was 18 and driving my very tired 944 (175k less than gentle miles before I got my teenage hands on it), the service manager of Porsche Silver Spring took pity on me when my clutch imploded on itself. Understanding I couldn’t afford half the cost of the car on the *many, many* hour clutch job he offered the PCA discount and his own cost discount to help get me back on the road. He had seen me fawning over one of his associates 928,
and just loitering around looking at things I could never afford. One of the sales gentlemen, on what I assume must have been their slowest day, even let me sit in the first Carrera GT they had in, behind
the crimson ropes and covered in plastic, but they let this dirty from working at UPS kid climb into supercar royalty, fresh from Germany. Reinforced the hook.
When it came time to buy a vehicle, what made you choose your Porsche and is this your first Porsche (if not please detail prior Porsche's):
The first girl I ever made friends with, first girl I ever kissed in kindergarten, was named Porscha. It was hardwired into a very young boy that “Porsche” meant pretty girls and pretty cars. Since then, I grew up pining for my friend’s father’s guards red on black on black Fuchs wheels 1983 944, which he wouldn’t part with, so I bought my first white on tan 944. Learned that an 18-year-old can’t afford a tired 944 and have been working towards a 911 since, and finally have it!
What are your favorite Regional &/or National events: The drives. It’s delightful just heading out with similarly minded enthusiasts on a beautiful day.
What is your favorite PCA memory:
Shutting down I 83 for the Hopkins Toy Drive. Absolutely unreal.
What advice about PCA or Chesapeake would you give to new members:
Encourage others to sign up, let your insurance know (lowers your rates and pays for itself) and enjoy the magazines.
If money was no object, what Porsche would you love to own and why:
Mine. It’s my perfect car. It’s simple as they came with the original owner only spending money on noise and look (sport exhaust, Bose, sunroof, and sparkly silver). Faster than I am, and just everything I wanted, more than I need.
Over a decade ago I started an online community which has grown to be the largest childfree dating/ friends/community group online, which has spread to regional meets and events. We’re the cool aunts and uncles who are happy to hand the kids back hyped up on sugar. www.childfree4childfree.com
POWER With DEEP TONE SOUND [OEM exhaust Included]
V12 EVO2
$52,997 OBO FOR MORE
1971 410-812-6363 or Jan Gunzelman 410-812
2001 Porsche Boxster S parts for sale as shown in photo...car was sold to a gentlemen who drove it all the way home to California before laying it to eternal rest...
Includes wheels with tires, sway bars, test pipes, side scoop, oil filter, etc. $750 Lot
Contact Dave Arnold @ 443-608-8555 or email kdarnold329@gmail.com
Located in Pasadena MD.
Last month I reported on the successful start of the autocross season with the Test & Tune plus the AX School, whereas this month, the racing season got into full swing with AX#1 on May 6th at Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen and AX#2 on May 27th at Prince George’s Stadium (PGS) in Bowie. I’m relieved to report that both events featured fabulous weather and went very well.
There are pluses and minuses to holding events at Ripken Stadium. First, it’s a great venue because it’s a very large parking lot, thus allowing for a big course for racing. After all, long laps are always fun! Secondly, we always have a great turnout at Ripken, presumably because we attract so many of our more northerly Members who find it a little inconvenient to come down to Bowie to race. On the downside, it’s logistically difficult because it’s a long haul for our stalwart southern Members, for Co-chair Mark Hubley, who stores the equipment trailer at his farm and hauls it to every race with his truck. Ordinarily at PGS, Mark drops off the trailer, we drop cones on the lot, then he takes his truck back home to get his car. Unfortunately, he can’t do that for Ripken events since it’s something like a 2-hour drive from his farm. Instead, Mark (and AX Team member John Cho) drove up to Aberdeen the night before and stayed at a motel, then came over to Ripken to join the rest of the team (Pinto Soin, Phong Nguyen, and myself) to set up. Mark was then constrained to race with someone else’s car rather than his own. It worked, but it’s certainly not the most convenient venue for us!
I arrived as usual about 4:45 AM or so, with the rest of the Team right behind me. It was somewhat surprising to find that it was a chilly, foggy morning – so chilly that we needed gloves early to ward off the chill. It was sunny and pleasant once the sun came up and warmed us, but it was an uncomfortable start. Since we don’t race at Ripken that often, we spent a little time figuring out exactly where to place everything, but that was quickly determined and we began the set up for the event in good order. We were fortunate to have Doug Slocum show up
early to help as well, which gave Mark one more set of hands to get the course built. It was a big course, too, so the extra help was especially appreciated.
We made some changes to the event schedule this year for greater efficiency to get started earlier than we usually do and Mark and I were quite happy with how that proceeded. We got ahead of schedule, but we forgot that the long course means we really needed to leave more time for the course walk so that drivers can become
One thing that drivers must realize is that a big course means there are a lot of cones out there, so it’s easy to get lost and go off-course. Even though Mark emphasized looking ahead and pointed out tough sight lines in the novice course walk, there were still a lot of off course calls in the first run. Looking ahead for the navigation aids and working hard to memorize the line when walking the course is the key and while veteran drivers generally didn’t have too much trouble, it was a bit difficult for the less experienced. The course wasn’t really all that complicated (see the map), but you really must pay attention on such a big course. The map doesn’t really do it justice. The course was big!
This race was unusual in that we had a huge number of people registered for the event. Ordinarily, I’m sweating the registration right up to the last minute, even though we always fill the registration (with a cap at 65). Not this time! We filled the registration weeks early and at one point had 40 people on the waitlist. 40! Unbelievable! In retrospect, maybe I should have increased the cap to 75, run three heats, and accepted a longer event. As it was, we did 6 runs and finished at 3:00 PM. The first heat finished right at 12:00 noon and the second got underway at 12:18, which means the heats were fairly long, kind of on the outside of what I want for how long the course workers have to stay out there. It was OK for such a pleasant day but could have been tough if the weather
had been hot. Must think about that for next year when we race again at Ripken.
It's interesting how the S5 class has grown over the last couple of years with a proliferation of GT4’s, GT3’s, and model 982 S’s and GTS’s. Wow! These cars are the cream of the crop for AX and in the hands of good drivers are certainly making their mark. The fastest time of the day (63.489 dec) went to Michael Tavenner in his 2017 Cayman S, which made him tops in the very competitive S5 class. Second overall (at 63.862 sec) and 1st in P5 went to Rick Newman in his 2023 Spyder. Howard Leikin came up from Potomac to race with us at Ripken and was 2nd in S5 (65.321 sec), 3rd among the Porsches, and 6th overall. Dave Critcher was 3rd in S5 (65.462 sec), 4th among the Porsches, and 8th overall.
Damon Lowney had a good day in his modified 2007 Cayman (with the modifications chronicled on the PCA website!) and was 1st in I Class (65.876 sec), 5th among the Porsches, and 10th overall. Dan Ruddick is campaigning a 2015 Cayman GTS for the first time this year (Dan’s a relative newcomer and raced a Miata last year before deciding to go all-in with a GTS) and was 1st in S4 (66.533 sec), 6th among the Porsches, and 11th overall. Ken Wojcik came up from Potomac in his 2011 Turbo and was 4th in S5 (67.054 sec), 7th among the Porsches, and 13th overall. If I’m not mistaken, Ken only just started racing last year, so he’s really coming along great!
Unmentioned so far in the Production classes are Darrell Pope, who was 1st in P1 (69.443 sec) in his 1989 944, Samuel Vassallo 1st in P2 (68.379 sec) in his 2004 Boxster 550, and Greg Whitehead 1st in P4 (73.620 sec) in his 2014 Cayman S. In the remaining Stock classes, newcomer Fadil Santosa was 1st in S1 in his 1996 911C2, Leslie Flanagan was 1st in S2 in a 1990 911 Cabriolet, and Michael Press 1st in S3 in his 2014 Boxster. Special mention for Potomac AXer Chris Markwood, who was 1st in P3 (69.075 sec) in his 2007 997 Carrera but had his car break on
the last run when a shifter cable let loose. What a disaster! Poor Chris had to have his car taken away on a flatbed, which was particularly nasty since he lives in Virginia. Fortunately, fellow POT AXer Bill Schwinn was there to give Chris a ride home. These things can happen!
We certainly had a very enjoyable event and the course was lots of fun, particularly for those of us who are experienced AXers. It featured some technical elements, wide sweepers, a non-circular skidpad (which some might consider somewhat diabolical ;) ), and a long, fast slalom. Fun stuff! This was Mark’s first Ripken course design and was a good one.
After AX#1, we had a three-week breather to get ready for AX#2 at PGS on May 27th. Again, we hit the registration cap very early and had a large waitlist. I accepted a few extra drivers for this one to cope with no-shows and wound up with another full event with 65 drivers competing.
Race morning was again quite chilly, but the weather forecast was excellent and it quickly warmed and was pleasant once the sun made an appearance. At our last event at PGS, management had forgotten to plug in the extension cord to provide power for our equipment and the Amazing Pinto had to climb the security gate to find somewhere to plug it in. This time, however, everything was in readiness and Pinto didn’t have to risk a security breach to get us going. Bloody good thing. I did not enjoy the prospect last time of seeing Pinto’s likeness on a poster in the Post Office. ;)
The crew (Mark, Pinto, John, Phong, and I) was there at the usual time and being well-versed in our roles, quickly got to work getting set up. Cones were dropped on the lot and Mark went off to get his car while John and Phong built the course and Pinto and I set up all the equipment.
Doug Slocum was planning to be there early to help, but he got halfway to PGS only to find a badly leaking valve stem, so he had to give it up. What a disappointment for Doug! Curiously, he wasn’t the only one with a tire pressure problem. CCA (Corvette Club of America) AX regular Bob Atwell only managed two runs in the 2nd heat in his Vette before he had a puncture and had to retire. Fortunately, he was able to plug the leak and pump up his tire so he could drive home, but it took him out of the racing for the day. Bummer!
I was worried about AX#1 (and AX#2, for that matter) because Marilyn was on travel for both events, so I had no backup if I forgot anything. Gulp. That’s certainly a demonstrably dangerous scenario. Fortunately, I seemed to have my act together this time and managed to cram everything in my car that I was supposed to bring to the event. Well miracles never cease. ;) Marilyn arrived late in the morning (she had been visiting family at the beach) and picked up ice on the way in to augment what I could fit in my car, so we were in good shape on that score for the day.
Mark had designed an interesting course for AX#2 and one of its features was an early clearing of the first car to allow a second car to be sent out on the course quickly. For that reason, we got done somewhat early, even though it was a longish course. This course was much more technical than it appeared from the map, with drivers almost constantly maneuvering. When the fast drivers were on the course, there was certainly a lot of tire squeal-
ing going on, but you know the old saying (at least among AXers): a squealing tire is a happy tire! ;) Interestingly, more than one driver had motion sickness problems due to the constant high-g reversals on this course. Hmm. I should mention that we had 8 Taste of Autocross participants for this race and they had an absolute blast. Many thanks to our corps of Instructors for giving rides of the ToA folks!
phasize this enough: when I’m confronted with a course with which I’m a bit unsure, I always take an instructor for my first run (and sometimes my second) to keep me on course and I make sure I tell them that navigational help is exactly what I want from them. When I do that, I’m not pushing the car like I normally would and my goal is simply to learn the course. It works. You can’t go fast if you’re going OC all the time and at our events you typically have the luxury of 6 runs to get fast. Paradoxically, this course wasn’t especially confusing, but there were a lot of turns to be negotiated and you really needed to look ahead. In AX, you always have to be looking ahead if you have a hope of being fast, but a course like this really separated those who can do that from those who have trouble with it.
We started almost on time (9:36 AM) with the first heat completing at 11:50 after 6 runs for everyone. Heat 2 started at 12:06 and we finished up at 2:13. Nice! I like to finish 6 heats at a reasonable time so that participants still have time for other activities with their families in the afternoon. Even better, we were packed up and ready to leave by 2:45.
1st overall and 1st in Class S5 (60.715 sec) went to Dave Critcher in his 2016 GT3. Dave just put this car on the
road last year and he certainly looks as if he’s having a blast with it, though there are days when he seems to pine for his modified 1996 993. ;) 2nd overall and 2nd in S5 (60.925 sec) was Patrick Gaffney in his 2022 GT4 in beautiful Martini livery. 5th overall, 3rd among Porsches, and 1st in Class I (62.723 sec) was Damon Lowney in his modified 2007 Cayman. (You just can’t go wrong with a Cayman! Superb AX cars!) 7th overall, 4th among Porsches, and 3rd in the killer S5 class was Scott Borden in his Carmine Red GT3T. No shame in coming in 3rd in class to Dave and Patrick, that’s for sure!
9th overall, 5th among Porsches, and 1st in S4 was Dan Ruddick in his 2015 Cayman GTS. Dan has PDK and the X73 suspension in his car, so he’s really prepared to race and is doing a great job making the most of it! 10th overall, 6th among Porsches, and 4th in S5 was Potomac AXer Ken Wojcik in his 2011 Turbo, again going a great job for a relative newcomer. 11th overall, 7th among Porsches, and 2nd in S4 was Mark Hubley in his 2015 Cayman GTS.
Among the classes not mentioned so far, Potomac AXer Jim Musgrave came out with us again after a lengthy absence (good to see you again, Jim!) and was first in Class M (his car is set up for the track, not AX) in his 2009 Cayman S (65.431 sec). Tops in P1 (66.320 sec) was Darrell Pope, who was (as always) driving the wheels off his 1989 944. 1st in P3 (64.256 sec) was PCA Executive Director Vu Nguyen in his 1999 996 Carrera. (Great to see you out with us again, Vu!)
1st in P5 was Tom Divilio in his beautiful Chalk 2019 Turbo Cabriolet. Sadly, Lisa couldn’t be with us for this race because of a sick pet, but she was kind enough to send along some of her wonderful chocolate chip cookies with Tom for the AX Team. Lisa is so-o-o-o-o thoughtful! Thanks, Lisa! Long-time Potomac AXer John Clay came out in his older car for this race (1986 944) and was 1st in S1, having a blast tossing that baby around on old tires. Michael Press was 1st in S3 in his 2014 Boxster with a more than respectable 65.818 sec.
We closed out a really fun month of May with two great races to start the season. As I write this, there’s more than three weeks to AX#3 on June 24th and the registration is already full. I’m hearing that this is a common occurrence among the clubs running AX this year. Events are filling up early, so if you want to participate, make sure you register early. All the CHS AX events are up on MSR, so there’s no excuse for missing an event due to being waitlisted. In addition, if you’re interested in coming out to see what AX is like, you can always ride along with our Taste of Autocross program. You can register at the event link, or even show up on event-day and we’ll certainly take care of you and give you a thrill!
Looking forward to seeing you soon at the races! Greg Hartke CHS AX
Join Porsche Annapolis on Porsche’s 75th Anniversary for joyful celebration of this event. The event will begin at 9:00AM at Porsche Annapolis. There will be a colorful display of Porsches with some rarely seen colors. Brunch will be provided at 10:30AM -12:00PM via an onsite food vendor and prizes will be given away. There will be dedicated Porsche parking so polish up your ride and bring it out for all to see. This dedicated parking will be located in the parking lot of the former Harley-Davidson dealership. It is located on the left just past the main PA building. Registration is not required.
On June 10th there will be worldwide celebrations marking Porsche’s 75th Anniversary. Join us along with Porsche Hunt Valley in noting this milestone. We will meet up at 9 AM at the Hunt Valley Towne Center, 118 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030 on the east side of the lower parking lot, near the Iron Rooster. This is the location for the Hunt Valley Horse Power (HVHP) “cars and coffee” event that occurs every Saturday from 8 AM to 10 AM. A reserved parking area will be provided for Porsches. Feel free to come early as greeters will be on hand to help you park. There will be two parking areas. The first will be for the approximately 45 display cars chosen to represent their models. We will have stunning examples of everything from the late 1950s to current models. The display cars will be parked in chronological order. The second area will be for all other members that are registered for this event.
At approximately 9:45 Porsche Hunt Valley will serve us breakfast sandwiches from the Iron Rooster. At 11 AM we will be tentatively given a Baltimore County Police Escort group from the Hunt Valley Towne Center to Porsche Hunt Valley. Hopefully we will pull out in one string, the display cars going first in their display order, followed by the non-display cars, down to PHV. Upon arrival the display cars will be lined up in front of Porsche Hunt Valley’s facility. After viewing the cars and PHV’s beautiful new facility, you will be able to enjoy a beer and repast in the beer garden. Lunch will be served along with music. So, polish up your ride and bring it out for all to see.
Registration on motorsportreg.com will open on May 6th at noon and close on June 3rd at midnight on Motorsportreg.com. If you are not able to attend after registering, please cancel so that Porsche Hunt Valley will be to accurately know the planned attendance. This is going to be an event for the memory books!
Member Names & Join Date:
Andy Hsu October 29, 2022
Current Cars, Previous Cars:
2022 992 Carrera GTS 7-spd manual
2016 BMW F82 M4 6-spd manual
2000 BMW E46 323ci 5-spd manual
By:JamesB.BeavanIIIHave you served on any Regional or National committees: No, I have not served on any Regional or National committees.
What encouraged you to join the Porsche Club of America: I was with the BMWCCA for quite some time when I was driving BMWs, so naturally when the 911 arrived, I had to join the PCA!
When it came time to buy a vehicle, what made you choose your Porsche and is this your first Porsche (if not please detail prior Porsche's): It was a happy accident actually. In late 2021, I've been happily driving my BMW F82 M4 for a good 5
years and the plan was to keep it long term 10+ years. On one unfortunate day, road debris struck the oil cooler which immediately seized the engine. The car was totaled and I was put in a difficult position with being car-less. As I shopped for a car, it was increasingly difficult to find a daily commuter vehicle that drove fantastic, somewhat lightweight, made well, looked the part, and most importantly: it had to have a manual transmission. On top of that, deep into the supply chain shortage and the car market becoming insane made the process arduous.
Without going into supercar territory, the 911 fit the criteria superbly! 12 months and a successful Euro Delivery later, I'm a happy driver again!
What are your favorite Regional &/or National events:
I really enjoy the drives and charity events but being so new to the club, I'm sure I'll be exposed to more favorites.
What is your favorite PCA memory: Not that many since I'm new to the club. Ask me in a year or so.
What advice about PCA or Chesapeake would you give to new members:
Go meet the wonderful people! Everyone has been so lovely and welcoming.
If money was no object, what Porsche would you love to own and why:
That's difficult. My favorite is a 964 gen 911 so naturally I would love to own a Singer 964 done up to my spec. As for a modern
car, I'd go with a 991.1 911R, 991.2 GT3, 992 GT3T or a 992 Sport Classic.
Anything additional you would like to share about yourself (Family/Work/Etc): I'm the Creative Director and a Partner at a post-production agency in Bethesda MD where we work with many global brands and outlets you may have seen some of our work on television, in the cinema, or online! My wife and I just mar-
ried earlier this year in January after a 10-year relationship plus a 2-year delay because of the pandemic. The plan is to get her into a Porsche soon! We have a greyhound and two cats. www.andyhsu.com
What Are PCA License Plates: Chesapeake Region PCA coordinates the purchase of PCA Organizational License Plates issued through the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). The PCA License Plate Program promotes the visibility and camaraderie of PCA. PCA Maryland License Plates are pre-numbered Organizational Plates, not vanity plates. PCA License Plates are available for all cars, trucks and minivans, but not for motorcycles or trailers.
Cost: The one-time cost for the PCA License Plates is $40.00, which includes the $25.00 MVA fee and a $15 Chesapeake PCA fundraising fee to support the PCA License Plate Program and Chesapeake Region events.
How To Apply: The only way to apply for PCA Organizational License Plates is to complete the online PCA Maryland License Web Form at https://pcachs.org/pcamaryland-license-plate/ and submit it electronically. Please click on the above link to learn the details and requirements to apply for PCA License Plates.
If you have any questions regarding the purchase of PCA Maryland Organizational License Plates, please contact us at: pcaLicensePlates@pcachs.org. Safe and Happy Motoring.
Requirements: You must be a PCA Member and the car must be registered in Maryland. The PCA Plates are not limited to Porsches. You can apply for PCA plates for all your cars registered in Maryland!
Should I spend the extra money in synthetic oil?
What’s the difference between dino and synthetic?
What’s the difference between the different brands of synthetics?
Why is one better?... which one?
OK, let’s go one at a time.
Is it real oil? The answer is yes and no. Yes, because dino (conventional) oil and synthetic oil both come from the ground.
By:PedroBonilla,No, because synthetic oil starts out as crude oil which gets pumped out of the ground, then gets distilled, purified and broken down to its basic molecules.
The oil companies do this so that they can remove much more of the impurities from the raw oil and they can also customize the oil molecules to perform at much higher levels of protection and performance than with conventional oil.
Synthetic oil also resists the formation of oil sludge, a thick, nasty goop formed when motor oil breaks down from prolonged exposure to high heat and stress. Because of it’s consistency and viscosity, sludge does not flow well and therefore does not get into all of the nook and crannies to protect the engine as it is supposed to do, generating in extreme cases catastrophic engine failure.
Because of it’s reengineered molecules and special additives, synthetic oils can also work more efficiently in weather extremes.
Maybe you have noticed how oil change intervals have been getting longer and longer in the last 10 or 15 years. this is because of what we explained above. There are Porsches where the recommended oil change interval is 15,000 miles, even 20,000!
Although I understand the factory’s reasoning and the intent for environmental protection, I recommend to all my customers and do so myself, no more than 5,000 mile intervals.
Most Porsches are driven right around 5,000 miles per year so that’s a once-per-year oil change. By changing the oil at that interval it also allows you to check the oil filter element and see what it caught in its folds.
If you don’t change the oil yourself, make sure you ask your tech to save the filter for you. Then closely look in between the filter’s paper folds so you can see if it’s catching metal particles and flakes that come from no other place than your engine. In many cases people have been able to avert catastrophic engine failure by catching it in time through oil filter inspection.
The differences between the different synthetics, when comparing the same viscosity, is basically just the additives used by each oil company.
According to Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, additives in motor oil can comprise up to 5% by weight of the oil.
There are additives for controlling chemical breakdown (detergents, rust inhibitors, anti-oxidants, and metal deactivators) for viscosity (to maintain fluidity at temperature extremes), for lubricity (friction modifiers, pressure and anti-wear agents), for contaminant control (dipersants, anti-foam, anti-misting).
There are also other additives blended into synthetics for the purpose of conditioning the seals and gaskets., so as you can see it gets really complex.
So, how do you choose? Porsche recommends Mobil 1 Synthetic oil for use in all Porsches, but they also publish a list of approved oils worldwide and if you go to any of the Porsche-related Internet forums and ask which oil is better, you’d think you just started World War III.
What is the PCA Juniors program?
✓PCA Juniors is a program for Porsche enthusiasts under age 18.
✓Participants must be registered by an active PCA member.
✓It’s not just the cars… and now it’s not just the grownups!
✓With our new PCA Juniors program, PCA is about the kids too!
The PCA Juniors program has been created so kids can enjoy PCA events, learn about Porsches and build the enthusiasm that runs through all of the Porsche Club of America.
Who is eligible?
Any child under age 18 who is registered by a current PCA member can participate in the program.
(Note: This is not a PCA Membership.)
What will the child receive?
PCA Juniors will receive a welcome package that includes an ageappropriate gift and PCA Juniors ID badge. We look forward to developing the program and its features over time.
What does it cost to register?
It’s FREE! Participants must be registered by an active PCA member, and there is no cost to join!
With 74% of the 506 Porsches on offer in April bringing in a whopping $29.9m, you might find it hard to believe that not a single car sold for over $500,000. But that was the case this month with our top 10 sales as follows: 2016 911 R $470,000, 1997 911 Turbo S $465,000, 2018 911 GT2 RS Weissach $434,000, 2019 911 Speedster 396,000, 1993 911 Turbo 3.6 $370,000, 2018 911 GT2 RS Weissach $346,500, 2011 911 GT3 RS 4.1-liter $338,000, 2019 911 Speedster $335,000, 1988 911 Turbo Cabriolet M505 $332,000, and a 2023 911 Turbo S Coupe $320,000.
So, what does that tell us about the market? For one, limited production cars with GT engines are still hot with two 991 GT2 RS’ and two 991 Speedsters making the top 10. And two, air-cooled turbos still command big money although the market has shown some signs of softening.
Let’s start with the air-cooled Turbo market which had an 80% sell-through rate from 20 cars totaling just over $3m. The overall 993 Turbo market has appeared to level out with an average of $201,000, about where it was last month. And although our second-highest car sold for the month was a 993 Turbo S at $465,000, that was the lowest price paid for one of only 345 cars-built year to date and an uber-rare 911 GT2 Evo failed to sell at $440,000, a far cry from where this car should have been.
THE as only one 3.3-liter car and one 3.6-liter car sold with one of each not selling. With a 50% sellthrough rate, there isn’t anything to write home about. 930 Turbos fared much better however with an 89% sell-through rate of 9 cars with the high point being a 1988 911 Turbo Cabriolet with the M505 Slant Nose package at $332,000.
Absent from the $300k club this month were delivery mileage 992 GT3s with a 2023 PTS Olympic Blue Touring with a 6-speed only bringing $295,000. A PTS Touring 6-Speed used to be your ticket to $300+, but it looks like that ship has sailed and other sellers need to adjust their reserves as we saw a 33% sell-through rate. That doesn’t mean all GT3s didn’t do well though. Modified 997.2 GT3 RS’ had their month with two examples bringing above average RS money at $246,000 and $338,000 for a Shark Werks modified 4.1-liter example.
Normally aspirated 993s have started to level out as well with an average price of $80,500 paid for a coupe although we did have a couple of surprises. One was a Supercharged 3.8-liter Coupe that sold for
$172,000 and a ‘96 Targa 6-Speed that crossed the $100k mark at $101,000. Remember when nobody wanted a “greenhouse” Targa? Not anymore. Another surprise was the $296,000 paid for a 1995 993 RS Clubsport which was the lowest price we’ve seen by far since way back in the beginning of 2019.
But it wasn’t all modern classics making moves in April either. 356s looked good with a 78% sell-through rate with the top sale being a 1957 356A Coupe with boatloads of patina for $150,000. On the classic 911 side of the market, we saw a 55% sell-through rate and a top sale of $259,503 (not including buyer's premium) for a 1972 'Ölklappe' Coupe in exceptionally rare right-hand drive configuration at Bonhams’ Goodwood Members’ Meeting sale.
So where were the million-dollar sales this month? Well, without any large auctions in April we didn’t have the opportunity to see any true “star cars” cross the block. And the absence of a Carrera GT or 959 meant that it would take a VERY special 911 or 356 to sell although we did have the opportunity with the 993 GT2 Evo mentioned prior. But that all changes over the next two months as we already have both a 959 and Carrera GT set to end in May and June brings us the 75th Anniversary Porsche sale in Atlanta hosted by Broad Arrow auctions. Will you be there? If so, look for the guy in the Stuttgart Market Letter sweatshirt and say “hello”.
David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschephiles, delivered free to your inbox. To sign up, go to: www.stuttgartmarketletter.com
Please mark your calendars for Tuesday night, June 20th, at 6:30pm at Manor Tavern located in picturesque Monkton, Baltimore County. The restaurant features farm to table American food in a country club atmosphere. Check out their menu here.
All participants must register for the dinner on www.MotorsportReg.com by June 15th
Seating is limited to 30 people (you will be placed on the waitlist if the limit is met but may be contacted should anyone cancel and there is availability). There is no registration fee for this event.
When: June 20, 2023, Tuesday Meeting time: 6:30pm End of social: 8:30pm
Meeting point: Manor Tavern, 15819 Old York Road, Monkton 410-771-8155
Cost: Members are responsible for their own dinner. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons. While we are striving to make this event safe, with your Participation in and Registration for this social event, you recognize and acknowledge the hazards of COVID-19, and you assume the risk of illness or death arising from a COVID-19 infection at this event. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it.
Log onto your Motorsportreg account or create one at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will close at midnight on Thursday, June 15th . There is no fee for this event.
Send social event related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org
Personal/Classified Items Free to PCA members
Full page ad—$600
Half page ad $450
Quarter page ad $250
Business card $200
Send to:
Now you can obtain your Chesapeake Region Name Badge!
Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page. The Name Badge cost is $25, inclusive of handling and shipping.
This is your opportunity to purchase a heavy “gold- plated” Chesapeake Region metal car badge.
Each metal car badge comes complete with stainless steel slotted retaining plate, screws, washers and nuts to mount it through your car grille or separate mounting plate.
You can order right now! The cost per metal car badge is $30 or two for $50, inclusive of handling and shipping.
Here’s how you order your metal car badge: Go to www.pcachs.org and use the “GOODIE STORE” menu from the main page. Click the button and complete the order form page and make your payment.
As had been frequently said around the PCA world “It’s not just the cars - it is the people”. In order to run a successful club the region relies on a robust group of volunteers to steer it along. Part of that active group of volun- teers is the Executive Board that over- sees the club activities, works with the various committees and in- terfaces with Zone and National lev- el leadership teams.
Chesapeake’s Executive Board serves a 2-year term and the next round of elections is due to take place this fall with the new Board taking over in January 2024. If you have an interest in becoming a member of the Board and influencing the future direction then now is the time to let your voice be heard.
Anyone interested in possibly putting their name into the ring and running for one of the Board positions; President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary, or just interested in more information can reach out to me at racerj3@gmail.com. Alternately you can always discuss the positions with the current or past Board members to get a feel for what the roles entail.
The club is growing and the number of activities and members is at an all-time high, but volunteers are the key to keeping things on track.
Thanks for considering this opportunity.
John Jensen Chairman, Nominating CommitteePlease mark your calendars for Tuesday night, July 18th, at 6:30pm at La Posta located inSeverna Park, Anne Arundel County. The restaurant features woodfire pizza and Italian cuisine in a comfortable and relaxed setting. Check out their menu here.
All participants must register for the dinner on www.MotorsportReg.com by July 14th .
Seating is limited to 40 people (you will be placed on the waitlist if the limit is met but may be contacted should anyone cancel and there is availability). There is no registration fee for this event.
When: July 18, 2023, Tuesday
Meeting time: 6:30pm
Meeting point: La Posta, 513 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard, Severna Park (443) 906-2840
End of social: 8:30pm
Cost: Members are responsible for their own dinner. Registration is free and required for planning purposes.
Participants must comply with PCA, CDC, state and county guidelines for COVID prevention. By signing up for and joining any of our social events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons. While we are striving to make this event safe, with your Participation in and Registration for this social event, you recognize and acknowledge the hazards of COVID-19, and you assume the risk of illness or death arising from a COVID-19 infection at this event. If you feel sick during the week prior and/or the day of the event or if there is any chance you may have COVID-19 or be contagious, PLEASE do not attend the event.
The eBlast announcing this event will have a weblink for registration. Click it.
Log onto your Motorsportreg account or create one at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will close at midnight on Friday, July 14th
There is no fee for this event.
Send social event related questions to the Social Committee at social@pcachs.org
Join us on Sunday, June 25th, as the Chesapeake Region makes its return to Keyes Creamery, a well-known destination on the Maryland Ice Cream Trail. This Sunday afternoon tour will take participants on a relaxed drive along some of Baltimore and Harford counties’ most delightful country roads and lanes, selected by guest tour master Steve Graham. This tour will feature a new route.
Keyes Creamery is a small family-run business in Aberdeen producing high quality cheese and ice cream from their own herd of grass-fed cows. In addition to offering hand-dipped ice cream on-site, cheese and ice cream may be purchased to go (just bring an appropriate cooler). Credit cards are accepted, with the exception of American Express. Restroom facilities are not available at the creamery; only a “spot a pot” is available on-site.
More information can be found here; https://keyescreamery.com/
This tour will be held in conjunction with a CHARITY DRIVE spearheaded by Community Service Chair Dan McNally. The tour’s $5 registration fee per adult will be waived for registrants who pledge to bring food stuff and other necessities for the Lindaben Foundation (LBF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the resource gap in food security and other social determinants of health. Their Hunger for Health initiative addresses the link between poor health and food insecurity, with programs like Food as Medicine (FAM) focusing on community-linked interventions for at-risk populations in underserved areas. Recognized for its transparent and effective work, LBF fosters purpose-driven connections, promotes healthier lifestyles, and improves overall well-being for thousands of individuals and families each year.
Please bring only items that appear on the Lindaben Foundation’s list of needs:
Canned tuna, peanut butter, vegetable oil, Maseca Flour, rice, dry beans, spices, whole wheat pasta, oat meal, cereals, Goldfish, apple sauce, shelf stable milk of any kind, and toiletries, including women's sanitary Items, pads for seniors, diapers, and baby wipes.
Please note that these items are for distribution to individuals, seniors and families in need.
Four-Door Porsche Group:
For this tour, if there is sufficient interest, we will include a group that solely consists of Macans, Cayennes, Panameras and Taycans. If you are interested in being in a group like this, please indicate your interest when you register. When we send the tour documents, we will confirm if such a group will be formed in the tour.
Assembly Point: Sparks, MD 21152
When: June 25th, Sunday, at 1:00 PM
Driver’s Meeting: 1:15 PM
Departure: First cars off at 1:30 PM
Destination: Keyes Creamery, 349 Hopewell Road, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Distance: 60 miles
ETA: Approximately 2 hours
By signing up for and joining any of our driving events, registrants acknowledge and assume all the risks in and full responsibility for their participation. PCA waiver forms must be completed and signed by all, online or on paper. Note that planned events are subject to change, for weather-related or other reasons.
Log on to your MotorsportReg account at www.MotorsportReg.com
Registration will open at 1 PM on June 8th and close at 1 PM on June 22nd .
PCA members and their guests must be registered and confirmed to join this event.
Drivers must be adult PCA members with a valid driver’s license.
Fee $5 per adult; maximum fee $10 per car; minors (17 and younger) free.
MotorsportReg charges a new $2 booking fee for every registration (not for every person).
Route instructions and other documents will be sent to confirmed registrants via e-mail on either June 23rd or June 24th. If you have not received the documents by 6 PM on June 24th, please email tour@pcachs.org
This event has capacity limits for cars and people.
When you register, please indicate if you are interested in a Four-Door Porsche Group.
QUESTIONS: Send tour-related questions to Rich Ehrlich, Co-Chair, Tour &Rally Committee, at tour@pcachs.org.
PCA Chesapeake’s Tour & Rally Committee kicked off 2023 with its first event, the April 15 “Delmarva Tour” by tour master Aniano Arao. The route took 45 participants in 26 cars through some of the most delightful back roads of the Delmarva Peninsula, made up of the Eastern Shore portions of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia
This tour consisted of two stages, each with roughly two hours of driving. Stage 1 took us from Queenstown, MD, to Millsboro, DE – where we had lunch at the Clubhouse at Baywood, a Sodel Concepts restaurant. Stage 2 took some of us from our Delaware lunch venue, through southeastern Maryland, to Chincoteague, VA. We had most of the wonderful back roads to ourselves, which always means more enjoyment. The tour ended at Virginia’s Delmarva resort town, where some of us enjoyed some ice cream and where a few stayed overnight.
This year’s Stage 1 had been the entire “Delmarva Tour” in 2022.
In addition to offering wonderful food, the Clubhouse at Baywood offers plenty of space for parking.
After playing cat-and-mouse with the forecasts for two weeks, we had favorable weather on tour day.
By the time we got back to our cars, everything was dry outside, as though it had not rained at all.
We concluded the tour at the parking lot of Chincoteague High School.
We had our usual post-tour social in Chincoteague. Here we have John’s lovely 2019 911 GT3 Tour-