2 minute read
First Turn
from Die Porsche Kassette
by Pcagcr
Peter Olliviere , President
Well, the year is rapidly ending, you will be reading this in August with summer winding down. Escape to the Cape should be right around the corner with the excitement growing for what is going to be a great event. There is one glaring opportunity, that in the future could severely impact our region’s ability to put on events like The Escape. That opportunity is the lack of volunteers. PCA is a volunteer driven organization, that derives its strength from the participation of its members. Those members give of their time, money, and enthusiasm to make our events both social and charity successful. People are the fuel that powers our activities and boy are we running low. It takes only a small amount of effort to progress from just watching to being a volunteer and part of the fun. The jobs are numerous and require no special skills. At the recent viewing of the Top Gun movie, our volunteers registered members in and gave them their tickets. Less than an hour’s worth of work, but work that led to an enjoyable evening for all. That was a small event that only required two volunteers as opposed to something like The Escape that requires several people at the starting point, followed by helpers at lunch. When we reach the hotel volunteers will be needed to run Club Check in and registration, to help at the Banquet, as well as the Car Show on Sunday Morning. This is just to make you the member aware that having fun in PCA is not free, that several people are giving of their time to make sure you have a good time. Maybe you should think about volunteering the next time you’re enjoying a PCA event, or how about volunteering for Escape right now.
As the year starts to wind down the Board has had to think about this year’s Holiday Party. Those that attended last year had a great time, so the question begs how can we improve. Last year planning was affected by the Covid Pandemic, which was still very much on people’s mind, and was still affecting the number of people that turned up at various events. None the less we were able to secure a location and had a great party. This year we will do better. Although plans are not firm, I can say that the Committee is planning a Holiday in Paradise affair that will be totally South Florida. In addition to make, it more convenient to our members we will be locating the event in the Hollywood, North Miami area. As I said not all the plans have been confirmed yet but be prepared for a Holiday Party like never before.