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Photo of the Month Contest Winner
from Die Porsche Kassette
by Pcagcr
by Christy Spangler, photo of the month chair
Tropical Drive
This month’s photo was submitted by Mitch Weinberg of Coral Gables of his 1993 964 black Porsche with black leather interior.
This photo is all about the lines. Part of what I love about Porsche (as I’m sure you all do as well) are the lines - beautifully designed - makes you always want to look back at it, maybe a second time, perhaps a third.
According to MerriumWebster (M-W.com) there are many definitions for the word “line”. The one that describes this image for me is “the course or direction of something in motion”. Even though Mitch’s 964 is parked, the double-yellow street markings, the tilted horizon and the height of the palm trees, not to mention the shape of the 964 all speak motion to me. Ready, set, GO!
Mitch took this photograph using an iPhone 11 Pro.
I really appreciate all the great submissions - please keep them coming!