PCA-OCR Pandemonium - April 2014

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www.pcaocr.org Editor

April 2014

Inside this issue

Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530

7 Book Review: Porsche 911 9 Blast From The Past 12 Feature: Walters Porsche Hosts 2013 AutoCross Awards 17 Award Winners Chart 26 AX Corner

Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com 714-315-7977

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs

Porsche at the track in Mexico in 1964

cooper.boggs@gmail.com (714) 505-3662

Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981

Technical Writer Lee Rice

Contributing Writers

Steve presents ‘Top Gun’ to Jeremy Cottrell

Garey Cooper Bruce Herrington Michael Knudsen Bob Scheussler

Upcoming Events 2 2 3 16 17 22 31 35 IBC

Members come in all shapes, sizes and amounts of hair

Concours Prep Session Calendar of Events Malamut Museum Tour PCA/OCR White Glove Concours Porsche Parade In Monterey Garden Tour AutoCross Events Zone 8 Festival of Speed DE Event


Contributing Photographers Garey Cooper Michael Knudsen Gerry Labb Greg Lush John Ortize


2 4 5 21 24 25 35 36

Goodie Store Contacts Editor’s Corner Rice’s Ramblings Anniversaries /Membership Breakfast Club/Member Events Classified Ads List of Advertisers

On the Cover: Top: (L to R) Ed McRae, Walter’s Porsche GM; Trophies; Don Chapman presenting ‘AX Chair’ award to Christine Newcomer. Bottom: Bob Scheussler presenting ‘Sponsor’ trophy to Walter & Steve Kienle of Walter’s Porsche. Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726

APRIL 2014


2013/14 OCR Calendar of Events* APRIL 2014 4-6 California Festival of Speed, Fontana 5 Sat Zone 8 Concours, Fontana 5 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 6 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro 10 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 12 Mike Malamut’s Vintage Car Museum 11-13 Long Beach Grand Prix 13 PCA-CAI Concours In The Canyon 19 Krispy Kreme Gathering 26 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido 28 PCA-OCR DE Event – Chuckwalla

MAY 2014 3 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 3 Ladies Garden Tour 4 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro 8 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 9-11 PCA-OCR Central Coast Tour 17 Krispy Kreme Gathering 24 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido 31 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

JUNE 2014 1 PCA-OCR 44th Annual White Glove Concours 7 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 7 Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show 12 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 15 PCA Porsche Parade in Monterey 21 Krispy Kreme Gathering 28 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido 29 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

JULY 2014 5 10 19 26 27

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

2 14 16 23 24

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro


SEPTEMBER 2014 6 11 20 21 27 27

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

PCA-RR Porsche Timeline Lake Arrowhead

4 9 18 19 25

OCTOBER 2014 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

* Event dates subject to change. Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www.Zone8.org.

Concours Preparation Session Sunday, April 27, 2014 8:30 am to 1 pm Hosted by Cooper’s Classy Car Care in Tustin Learn what Concours is all about! Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP for directions and so that we can have enough food. Cooper.boggs@gmail.com or (714) 350-0572

The Rennlist A Request for updated emails! The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You

Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net


Saturday, April 12, 2012 Depart Krispy Kremes at 8:30 am Join us for a tour of the Malamut Vintage Car Museum in Thousand Oaks. The Museum has a wide variety of vintage cars and memorabilia. For more details, see the museum’s website at http://www.malamutautomuseum. com/index.htm The collection is constantly changing, as cars come and go, but you will get the flavor from the website. From Krispy Kremes in Orange, we will cruise up the 405 then head over to Pacific Coast Highway and Malibu for some scenic vistas and mountainous Porsche roads. We are scheduled to arrive at 11:00 am and will be joining the 356 Club and another Porsche Club at the Museum. After tour lunch suggestions will be provided. The return to central OC will take about 1-1/2 hours. Be sure to allow time to coffee-up and prepare for a 2 hour drive at Krispy Kremes. In case you get separated from the group, printed directions will be provided. $ 5.00 per car, collected at the start. RSVPs are NOT necessary. Pete Lech Peterlech@att.net

APRIL 2014


Contact Information


OCR Executive Board

Zone 8 Chairs Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com

President - Greg Lush ocrtours@live.com

Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com

Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com

Vice President - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com

Membership Director - Rob Greene GreeneR@pbworld.com

Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Zone 8 Region Coordinator Gary Peterson gary.peterson@hrh.com

OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Don Chapman PorscheDon@mail.com Craig Adams ocrautox@live.com Autocross Registration Armand Gastelo autoxreg@live.com Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com Concours Chair Norm Follis njfollis@gmail.com Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net


Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com

Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Got a suggestion? Need a question answered? Just want to vent? This email will go straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we will share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the

information to this email also.

Owen Cudney Brittney Dunham




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Member at Large - Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com

Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson fast.freddy@verizon.net

Camino Capistrano

Secretary - Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com




Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper Hi, oh so hi in the OCR tower, busy functionaries carry weighty queries, to and fro, on club business they go. Far below, in the spring air, a Porsche owner waxes his car with the greatest of care. Motors revive and come alive heralding an April beginning of Porsche Club giving. If you haven’t before, get out the door and join with us along the Pacific shore. It never fails It really doesn’t, you just get used to writing “2014” instead of “2013” and glancing at the calendar you realize it’s APRIL. And the usual self dialogue “where did the year go” or similar begins to take place. Citizens hear me out! Don’t let this be you, get into that Porsche and come out to play with us. Time, as we are reminded, waits for no man (or woman). And don’t get to December with that inner dialogue; “I shoulda/ coulda/woulda… at least not when it comes to the Orange Coast Region.

Utility Vehicle As in Macan, Porsche wants to sell a LOT of Macans. Like 75,000 of them! That is a lot of anything including corn, or as we say “tea in China”. Porsche is on record as having said that they want to be a 200,000 per year car company, and with a supposed 133,140 vehicles sold in 2013, the Macan boost will put them right there. Early reviews are positive on the mini-SUV and it will be a sibling rival to the Audi Q small SUV and a BMW category fighter as well as an upscale magnet for purchasers of other mini’s from anywhere. The pricing looks interesting. At least as it compares to the Audi/ BMW competition. Now what’s interesting about this is that the US market share of Porsche is reported to be 0.3% and the USA is supposed to be Porsche’s largest current market. So, whoever gets the Macan will still be buying a “niche” market machine. So big numbers

GT3 at the racetrack

to Porsche are still down in the “rounding error” areas of the overall market. My posed question to our club since it looks like we are going to have the potential for a windfall of new members, “How to entice the Macan crowd into the PCA? And once there how do we keep them?” I leave that for better minds than mine but it could be key to maintaining our own relevance to the company and products that Porsche is evolving to be. Porsche sales were up by 21% in North America for the year 2013. That is impressive in a continued weak economy with a higher-end product. Per the record this included about 10,500 911’s. This resonated with me because I remember reading some(Continued on Page 29)

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APRIL 2014



Book Review:

101 Projects for Your Porsche 911 1998-2008, 996 and 997 By Wayne R. Dempsey, Published by Motorbooks, Minneapolis, MN.

Review by Bruce Herrington This book, a part of the Motorbooks Workshop series, is the third in a series of 101 Projects books written by Wayne Dempsey of Pelican Parts. It covers the Porsche 911 models from 1998-2008, e.g. the 996 and 997 Gen-1 cars. The author’s introduction says, “I’ve made many mistakes and learned the hard way the best and worst way to repair, restore and modify these cars...The projects in this book are written in a format and style that should empower anyone to work on his or her car”. Without having tried each and every one of the projects in the book, this reviewer is confident that the author has achieved his goal of producing a comprehensive and ‘idiot proof’ guide for the projects included. 101 Projects for Your Porsche 911 gives recommendations for tools to acquire and lists of additional reference material that would be useful. As a book intended to introduce the neophyte into the joys of working on 911s and the satisfaction (and economies) of doing it yourself, the very first project is “Jacking Up Your Car”. Unibody cars like Porsches do not have a multitude of jacking opportunities like older Detroit Iron, so it is important to know the specific points where jacks can be safely placed against the Porsche ‘chassis’. Jack stand placement can also be critical to ensure safety. Project 2 is Changing Engine Oil. The very first do-it-yourself oil change will probably pay for the book. Projects 3-5 are replacing air filters, fuel filters and accessory drive belt. All pretty routine stuff, but essential maintenance items. The book is very well illustrated with very clear color photos of each critical step of each project, annotated with colored arrows ensuring that the reader is looking at exactly the part of the picture to which the caption is referring. The individual writeups are complete and comprehensive, and do not leave out the tricks of the trade that

many manuals assume the (professional mechanic) reader already knows. And those little ‘gotchas’ that the author learned about the hard way – they’re documented as warnings or look-out-fors in the text. Wrench sizes and torque values are often given in the captions, avoiding the need to search them out in the text. Yes, the IMS issue is dealt with: Project 11 is Installing the IMS Guardian, and Project 14 is Intermediate Shaft Bearing Upgrade, the latter a very well illustrated 10 page treatise, including a short section on verifying that cam timing has not been disturbed in the process. 101 Projects for Your Porsche 911 is divided into 11 sections, ranging from Basics through Engine, Fuel, Water, Transmission, Exhaust, Brakes, Suspension, Body/ Interior, to Gauges and Electrical, and Miscellaneous. The pages in each section are marked with a color tab keyed to a color ladder on the back cover, another nice touch.

APRIL 2014

Covering over one hundred different projects allows a range of topics from the very simple to the very complex – from installing headlight protection film or a strut brace to engine teardown or window regulator replacement. Key to the value of the book for the average owner is the coverage of maintenance items – brake bleeding, pad replacement, coolant replacement, headlight replacement, etc. etc. Soft bound, with 312 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages on glossy paper to enhance the clarity of the pictures, it is a must have for any Porsche enthusiast who owns a 996 or 997. Even if one is not into auto mechanics, the very readable descriptions of the projects gives the reader a better understanding of how the cars are built and how they work. Many will succumb to the inspiration provided, will undertake a project, and become hooked on the feeling of satisfaction that comes from actually participating intimately in the care of the car, not just the superficialities of driving and washing. By the time you read this, 101 Projects for Your Porsche 911 should be available for $34.99 from your favorite bookseller (ask for it), or from http://www.motorbooks.com


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Blast from the Past

(Continued on Page (Continued on Page 22 ) 12)

APRIL 2014


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APRIL 2014



Walter’s Porsche Hosts 2013 Autocross Awards Story by Bob Scheussler Award photos by Greg Lush, Driving photos by Michael Knudsen The 2013 Walter’s Porsche Autocross Series Awards Party was hosted for the sixth consecutive year by Walter’s Porsche in Riverside on January 25. Attendance was at an all-time high with 115 registered drivers and guests to reflect on the 2013 Autocross season and celebrate victories with the award winners. As always, the selection of food and beverages provided by Walter’s was outstanding. Ed McRae, Walter’s Porsche General Manager, welcomed the group. Ed expressed how pleased Walter’s is with their PCA ‘partner’, the Orange Coast Region. Ed thanked Club members for their business over the years. He noted that the number of Club member car purchases and volume of service work is quite visible and appreciated. Walter’s is looking forward with enthusiasm to their seventh year of PCAOCR Sponsorship in 2014. Ed then introduced Walter Kienle, the ‘Walter’ in Walter’s. Walter recounted how the Kienles got into the Porsche business. When Walter acquired the Porsche franchise in Riverside, the annual sales volume was three Porsches! Steve Kienle added his perspective from the ‘second generation’. Porsche fans note, Steve highlighted Walter’s plans to build a new ‘world-class’ Porsche facility nearby, adjacent to the 91 freeway in Riverside. Bob Scheussler next presented a Sponsor’s Trophy to Walter & Steve thanking them for their long term support. Sponsor jackets were awarded to Walter’s employees in recognition of their individual contributions to the Walter’s/PCAOCR relationship. AX Event Sponsor awards were then presented to businesses that sponsored AX events throughout the season. Event Sponsors help to subsidize the cost of monthly AX events and frequently provide lunches and soft drinks. Orange Coast Region is very lucky to have a number of outstanding Event Sponsors – all of the 2013 Event Sponsors are repeat sponsors over several years, some even do multiple events in a single year!!! These sponsors are: • Autowerkes – Bruce Powers


• • • • • • •

Bill Brewster Porsche Specialists – Bill Brewster Cape Auto Repair – James Buck Fairview Mortgage Capital – Steve Eguina Flying L Racing – Lisa Taylor & Tom Ridings GMG Motorsports - James Sofronas & Fabryce Kutyba GSR Autosport – Nick Richards Racing Lifestyle – Steve Eguina

Two other important sponsors recognized for supporting our 2013 Driving Events program in addition general Club ac-

tivities were: our Website Sponsor, Omniplatform, owned by Drew Jorgenson, located in Riverside and our Graphics/Photo Sponsor, Studio Z Advertising & Design, owned by John Ortiz, located in Fountain Valley. Support provided by all of our Sponsors is greatly appreciated and is a critical element in continuing our outstanding AX program. Also recognized for continuing support of our 2013 Driving Events program was one of our past presidents, Chris Duva and his company, RMS Answers, located in Wilmington, North Carolina. Chris maintains the ‘Results’ for AX on our website.

Top: Eric Budai presenting ‘Instructor of the Year’ award to Dwight Moore, Below: Steve Eguina presenting ‘Top Gun’ award to Jeremy Cottrell

Clockwise from Top Left: Bob Scheussler presenting ‘Class Winner’ trophy to Greg Lush; Winners at the wheel: Rick Neff, Dave Waddell, David Piper.

“Support provided by all of our Sponsors is greatly appreciated and is a critical element in continuing our outstanding AX program.”

Don Chapman, the 2014 AX Co-Chair, presented the Championship Jackets and Trophies to the 2013 AX award winners. A full list of award winners can be seen in the accompanying table. Don also presented Christine Newcomer, the outgoing AX Cochair, an award in recognition of her service co-chairing the AX events. We will miss Christine as she joins the expanding ranks of Emeriti that include Steve Eguina, Jim Harris, Bob Scheussler, James Buck, Greg Lush & Chuck Bartolon. Eric Budai, Chief Driving Instructor, presented the Instructor of the Year Award to Dwight Moore, who is a graduate of the OCR Control Clinic as well as the PCA National DE Instructor Program. Thank you and congratulations Dwight! The ‘need-for-speed’ crowd was speculating on the recipient of the Top Gun Award, which recognizes the driver with the highest score for the season using the BRI (Bench Racing Index). The award, presented by Emeritus Steve Eguina, went to Jeremy Cottrell. Congrats Jeremy! (Continued on Page 15 )

APRIL 2014


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The 2013 Autocross Events Team was recognized for their hard work throughout the year: AX Co-Chairs

Christine Newcomer & Craig Adams

Chief Driving Instructor

Eric Budai

Corner Workers

James Buck

Course Design

Attila Szilagyi & Dave Palmquist


Matt O’Donnell & Courtney Coad


Armand Gastelo & Christine Newcomer


Don Chapman


Christian & Kevin Van Fleet


Chris Barrington, Kris Scheussler, Lorri Trotter, & Karin Scheussler

DE Co-Chairs

Steve Eguina & Bob Scheussler


Steve Eguina, Jim Harris, Bob Scheussler, James Buck, Greg Lush & Chuck Bartolon

The Club could not have a driving program without efforts of the AX Team and the volunteer Instructors. Thanks to all Sponsors, Volunteers and Drivers for a great 2013 AX season!!! You are the reason our Autocross program continues to get better every year. We look forward to seeing you all at the Walter’s PCAOCR Driving Events during 2014!!!

More Winners on wheels! Top to bottom: Don Costello, John Ortize, and the newly christened Emeratus and queen of the speedway, Christine Newcomer

APRIL 2014



2013 PCA OCR Autocross Year End Awards Class Position Name CC01 CC02 CC03 CC03L CC04 CC05 CC06 CC07 CC08 CC09 CC10


1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1

Class Position Name

Armand Gastelo John Ortiz John Pettross Matthew O'Donnell Courtney Coad Rick Neff Dennis Neff Dennis Wolfe Jeremy Cottrell Chuck Bartolon Hideki Okano Roger Ang Dave Waddell Paul Matsushita Christian Van Fleet Christopher Barrington Kaj Lea Kris Scheussler Craig Adams Christine Newcomer

CC12 CC12L CC13 CC14 CC15 SS01 SS03 SS04 SS05 SS06 SS07 SS08 SS10

APRIL 2014

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1

Greg Lush Lisa Taylor Jan Weir Steve Wong James Buck Michael Oest David Piper Lee Smith Steve Stewart Bob Scheussler Lorri Trotter Don Costello Kenneth Leddon Quynh Nguyen Robert Perkowski Dwight Moore Don Chapman Koko Bakchajian Kyle Largent


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Rice’s Ramblings:

Manuals and Motors Story by Lee Rice

Some new and immediate news is that Porsche is discussing a return to air-cooled engines for 2018 as a weight savings measure and an emission need for quicker warm up requirements. This is something once thought of but dismissed when they chose to go with the easier water-cooled systems. And it was also dismissed – something about the date of this article… Ok, enough of that. References Needed? First, I have been asked for references for manuals to help those air-cooled 911 owners who want to learn about their Porsches and want to work on them. And also a few in particular who need to work on their 911s in order to afford them. I recommend these publications and books quite often, but there are still some younger and more interested 911 owners in the dark. The number ONE is Bruce Anderson’s 911 Performance Handbook. This comprehensive manual and history of the 911 and it’s engine is the best handbook for describing the changes made with every model year and how they were done. It is still the best single book ever written for all model of 911s, 1965 thru 1998. Number TWO is Porsche 911 Story by Paul Frère. Paul’s book is a history of the changes that have a special racing application for every new 911. Paul Frère tells in detail not only how the 911 was changed but WHY it was done, including some ideas that were not so good. One example that was never revealed until its racing career was well over is the C-2 911 turbo IMSA Supercup racing car. Frère tells how the C-2

Supercar’s instant turbo spool-up was developed and how its trick turbo “jet like” operation actually worked, and he knows from his engineering and racing background. Nobody else ever did it better! Almost every Porsche racing car that ever raced, Paul has driven and reported on. He is the one man who knew exactly how everything worked and reported it in simple enough language that we are all able to ‘get it’. Then there is a “Porsche Carrera 964 1989-1994” technical data spiral book and a companion hard cover book, sold for a while. (I have copies I never refer to!) Unfortunately they are expensive and so full of errors that they should be avoided. “When one uses a technical resource and discovers errors with them, one looses trust and avoids mistakes by avoiding the faulty resource. This is most regrettable, and to add further distrust, late printings have not corrected the initial errors!”-LfR Factory workshop manuals are mysteries in themselves, as one section will have data that is totally unnecessary and yet still leave gaps in basic needs. This is troublesome for the mechanic learning about a 911. Factory manuals are made for professional Porsche mechanics who are factory trained and use the manuals for specific needs. The manuals therefore omit things that are well covered in training classes. So, while very helpful, the factory manuals do not contain complete answers, are very expensive and are even more difficult to find. BOSCH Technical Instruction (service booklets) for fuel Injection systems and electrical systems are gems in detail and concept to construction, operation troubleshooting, etc, etc. However, they can become complicated. They are reasonably priced and most are available through BOSCH directly. For the specific model year of 911-924944-928, the Porsche Service information is a gem for each specific model year car. One must remember that for a 1982 911SC for instance, it is a continuation of the 1965 911 and the major changes in the 911SC model happened during the years ranging from 1981-’83. All 1981, ’82, and ’83 911SC’s service changes are covered in the

APRIL 2014

1981 911 SC Service information - covering ONLY those changes. I recently received a copy of the Woods and Anderson’s Engine Overhaul Course, Woods and Anderson’s 911 MAINTENANCE COURSE and a Jerry Wood’s 911 Transmission Overhaul Course. I did not expect too much from them, and regrettably I was correct. I had hoped for some new insights and maybe some new things never seen before, but I was disappointed. From what I read, they did have some printed notes that are helpful but nothing like a manual or detailed service guide to show and tell you how to do the work on your 911. Again, theses are for in class hands on training and not useful when you need a complete ‘how to do it’ to work on your 911. Most of the information in this training guide can be found in Bruce Anderson’s Porsche 911 Performance Handbook. And for the 993, Adrian Streather’s PORSCHE 993 The essential Companion is still the best. PS: If anyone is interested in 928 Service manuals, Service Information, Factory class notes, 944 service information booklets, 1976 and 1980 911 Service Information, or Bosch Technical Instructions booklets, call me. I have too many already. More Turbo evolution engine MY 3.6 Turbo evolution engine is going through a turbocharger replacement and Upgrade, not that I wanted to, but it has come to a time where after 4 turbocharger overhauls it is necessary. To begin, I built my first turbo engine (3.0L) in January 1995. I upgraded to a short stroke 3.2 liter engine with large ported heads, headers and cams. I also up graded to a KKK K-27-7006 type turbocharger. This was a common upgrade used by everyone with a 930 for good spool up and great reliability. In 2006 I upgraded again to a KKK K27-7200, which is a stock C-2 turbocharger for the 1991-1994 3.3 & 3.6 Turbo. The K27-7200 is the most reliable turbocharger I have seen and is still used to date. When I (Continued on Page 33)


Blast from the Pastes: (Continued from Page 9)

Join The Porsche Ladies Group on the 2014 Mary Lou Heard Garden Tour Immediately following the May 3rd breakfast meeting at Original Mikes


APRIL 2014


OCR Membership Anniversaries [6 years or more]

40 years Dennis & Julie Walsh 39 Years Bruce Bollong 34 Years William & Margaret Otto 30 Years David & Devi Bellows Thomas & Cynthia Schomberg Pamela Horton 29 Years Martin & Ron Kurta 26 Years Kiyoshi Takano Stephen & Pearl Faddis 25 Years Ed & Rosalie Ricci 24 Years Bob Weber & David Hankes 21 Years Jeff & Marsha Peterson Viken & Nora Bedrossian John Bouza & Sherron Bennett 19 Years Arnie & Carolyn Shusterman Margaret & Jack Brown

14 years Louis & Pegi Marecek Joe & Emma Kunz Walt & Susan Crandall 13 Years Mark & Michelle Chao Bryan & Heather Pepper Joseph Fan Bill & Jason Tran 11 Years Bradley & Michael Thalken Tina & Tom Olsen Marc & Linda McConnell 10 Years Michael & Tina Ventrella Ray Maa Jon & Toby Shapiro Ruben & Chris Solano Thomas & Nancy Sternad Kirk & Christopher Todd James & Regan Steedman Robert Berger 9 Years James Schaedler & Jocelyn Mccord Jeff Fraser Rick & Lori Lal Andrew & Ivan Oransky Jacqueline Weber

18 Years Jack Gabus & Bolette Albertsen

8 Years Arthur & Joanne Iwasaki Craig Taylor Sergio & Shirlene Rosman

17 Years Dennis & Debi Donsker Paul & Penny Hinds Keith & Rita Hulley

7 Years Aaron & Edward Peralta

16 Years Brent & Cheryl Holden Bob Scheussler & Lisa Goetsch Neil & Connie Colwell Thomas Randel & Wei Han 15 Years Michael & Florine Swain


6 Years Mike & Mary Kay Groff David Waddell Alan & Brian Smith Chris & Abby Walls Ernest & Miki Simonin Christian Asis Charles & Dorothy Lawrence Craig & Grace Scott

6 Years Contd. Toni Schmidt & Ronald Ruff David Brundage Mark & Debbi Coffman Eric & Joung Tostenrud James & Patricia Wehner Tony & Patricia Perez Cody & Linden Leser

New Members John Brown Balboa/1965 356 Mike Dickey San Clemente/1994 911 Gary Greening San Clemente/1998 Boxster

Carl Winefordner Laguna Beach/1973 914

Transfers Chris & Jil Baleno Seal Beach/1966 912 California Central Coast (CCC) Andrew Do Huntington Beach/1987 911 Cal Inland (CAI) Mark & Maureen Jordan Orange/1997 993 Cabriolet & 2010 911 Carrera Northern New Jersey (NNJ)

Andy Thonet John Haymes Corona Del Mar/2013 Cayenne Orange/1970 914-6 Los Angeles (LA) & 2006 Carrera William Lafitte Balboa Island/2001 Boxster S Anil Lalchand Chino Hills/2014 Carrera Pamela Lawrence Tustin/Unknown Chafic &Ivonne Najjar Alta Loma/2014 Carrera S Henry Park Brea/2013 Boxster Michael & Julie Payne

San Clemente/2002 911 Carrera

Derek Peterson Laguna Bch/2009 911 Carrera Robert Schoonenberg Newport Beach/2013 Carrera Karen & Cole Templer Yorba Linda/2009 911

Nikolas Vallens Costa Mesa/2006 Cayman Los Angeles (LA) Richard & Debi Wilbur Trabuco Canyon/2011 CarreraS Cal Inland (CAI) David Woods Redlands/2007 911 Carrera Riverside (RIV) Mark Zablan Newport Bch/1998 911 Carrera Grand Prix (GPX)

Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by Gary Labb

Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members pictures for March were rained out so some members at our monthly events are pictured below with their Porsches. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support. Breakfast Club 02/01/14

Krispy Kreme 02/15/14

BurgerBahn 02/13/14

L-R: Steve Eguina, Scott Fleener, Derek Reiter, Dick Sartor, Patty Hufnagel, Billy Hufnagel, Joe Nedza, Karen Nedza, Kathleen Phillips, Fred Phillips,Patty Hufnagel

Porsches & peeps in the parking lot at Woody’s

Porsches and Pancakes 02/22/14

APRIL 2014



APRIL 2014


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Editor’s Notes:

(Continued from Page 5)

where that Porsche, just before the “comeback” 993 era, sold 12,000 cars WORLDWIDE in the earlier 90’s. How many total cars were sold in America in 2013? That would be about 15 and a half million, hence Porsche’s position as niche player. Look Back (but not in anger) Okay so we have the efforts of Porsche to face the 21st Century in fine commercial fettle producing highly desirable road cars. But what about the Porsche some of us knew back in the 60-70-80’s with a racing heart? Actually they never left producing a string of “adaptions” to their road cars over the years that morphed from “RS” variants to “GT3” types. These raced in spec series around the world and did quite well. In fact, Porsche may have been one of the few companies to actually make money racing as a well-heeled gentleman racer could purchase a factory car, fit the key in and go weekend trophy hunting. And he paid cash to do this. Then, a few years back they produced an all carbon fiber “LMP2” car that actually won the overall class on at least one occasion. Now, there is an “LMP1” car that has been tested and that will compete for overall honors once again. One of the drivers for this vehicle will be Mark Webber, a “just now” ex Formula 1 driver, so this is a serious effort. You can see video of this machine on the Porsche Motorsport site. The new GT3 racer, based upon the just-released 991 GT3 street car (oh, do I want one of those, Santa!) was a winner in its first outing. So, Porsche is back racing. And the race car, in the case of the LMP1 model, is very complex, including technical content very commensurate with the 21st century, as in hybrid power and energy recovery systems. I think LeMans this year

will be very interesting and it would be great to see the new prototype up there with past masters such as the 917, 956, and 962. Ground Control to Major Tom Take your protein pills and put your helmet on… as I mentioned last month, the ethernet and the world beyond are catching up to cars. Perhaps this was the last space available to us but now we read that more than 20% of cars on the road are connected to the Internet. That number seems low to me with smart phones but maybe it just includes the “hard wired” type connections. So, are you a “Spotify” or “Pandora” or “Sirius” radio fan? Do you listen to any of these or others in your vehicle? If you haven’t heard of these, check with your nearest younger friend and they will fill you in. They’ve never had to suffer through listening only to what the deejay wants to play. And I would imagine that AM radio would sound like one of Edison’s wax cylinders to this younger tribe. Most new cars are pre-fitted with at least Satellite Radio. Many are now also supplied with cross connection to “apps” on your smart phone. For example, your contact list can be wirelessly transferred and updated to most in-car systems. This has been available for some time. Porsche seems to trail at this end of the auto rolling entertainment device business. Look how long it took them to add drink holders. Back in the Stone Age, I had to buy after-market drink holders well into the era when other manufacturers had anywhere from two to twenty pre-installed. Recently, I had a rental Ford which had cross functionality with my contact and calendar AND email. So even

APRIL 2014

Porsche’s ready for launch

on the road I wasn’t out of touch with people in Nigeria who wanted to share millions of dollars with me… or reshape certain parts of my anatomy. I would like to hear from any of our readers on this subject. I think that many of us are less than fully informed on the electronic impact of what’s possible in our Porsches. I know my Panamera (BESS) can wirelessly stream my phone music into the car, but what else? Let’s have some input here from people better in the know. Please send an article that looks forward in technology. Okay, till we meet, I shall close Dear Readers! P.S: All statistics and numbers quoted here are from a variety of sources including Porsche, and mostly gleaned from the Internet. If I’ve got any of them grossly wrong I’d like to hear about it. But, if it’s on the Internet it must be true, right?



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APRIL 2014



Rice’s Ramblings:

(Continued from Page 21)


built a 3.4 turbo (Feb 2009) I also got a hybrid turbocharger, a KKK “K29/27”. This is a K27 housing with a larger K27-7006 turbine, larger bearings and seals and a larger (K29) compressor! See figures 1-2-3. I loved it! It spooled instantly and gave full boost (1.4BAR) up to 5,000 rpm in 5th. I can’t tell you where that was done, but it can do it up hill. However, the hybrid K29/27 has had bearing seal failures no matter how carefully its warmed up, used on boost and allowed to cool down before engine shut down. Its just like most gas turbine engines, which must idle for at least 30 seconds, with no, load, prior to shut down. Even with all those precautions, the K29/27 started to smell like oil burning after it was shut down.

COMPRESSOR GT35R, K29-27, K27-7006, 3LDZ

GT35R TOP view

For months one gets used to it, then one day a big blast of white clouds erupt from your exhaust on start up. Back to overhaul, for the 4th time! I tried several overhaul shops and all did their best, I believe, including using larger full surface bearings and double oil seals. That caused the K29/27 to spool up a bit slower, but the last overhaul lasted almost a full year. What I had to consider this time was, with a 3.6 liter CIS engine, larger ports, special made headers, low flow muffler, larger cams, a high flow air inlet and filter, the need for a larger turbocharger and the K29/27, unfortunately, was not it! Garrett is wells known for their gas turbines, jet engines, pneumatic systems, and turbochargers. Garret has been used suc-

cessfully by every racing engine and team known to exist. Drag racers have been using them, brutally, for decades. Their reliability is well known. Porsche has no upgraded turbocharger and their supplier, KKK, was acquired by Bog Warner (BW) and no new turbos are yet on the market for the 930 turbo. The Garrett ”GT” turbocharger uses ball bearings, which spool-up instantly and it uses less oil to lubricate and cool the bearings. The GT turbocharger is smaller in size with many compressor and turbine choices. Since I see no other choice, for now, I have decided to try a “bolt-on” Garrett GT35R turbocharger. How I did this, next time. Godspeed, Lee Rice

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APRIL 2014



Classified Ads FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ‘79 930 Turbo Coupe, Silver/Black lther, 22K mi. One owner since new. Original paint, all books and documents. Excellent condition. $100,000. Alex Wald 310/7425540; alexwald1@aol.com.. LAR (2). ‘87 911 Turbo Coupe, Venetian Blue Metallic (F8)/Champagne special lthr, 68.8K mi. 4spd, original paint, one SoCal Owner for 26-Yrs. Original (rare) CA “Sunset” license plates. No accidents, numbers matching car. Porsche COA. $57,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). 2007 997 Turbo Coupe, Slate Grey Metallic (5959)/Black lthr, 56K mi. Tiptronic. Sport Chrono Package Plus w/adaptive Sport Seats, 2-owner SoCal car, no accidents. $61,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

2001 996 Carrera Coupe, White/Tan lthr, 56K mi. Tiptronic. Excellent exterior condition. Always garaged. Wheels have a slight blemish on 2 of them. Very easy to drive. No clutch! $24,900. Phyllis 714/345-2751; phyllis818@att.net. OCR (2)

2008 911S. Basalt Black. 28.2K mi. Full leather. Manual. Sport Chrono. Bose. Navigation. Adaptive Sport Seats. Champion whls. Great condition. $52,000. Steve Borowski. smborowski@yahoo.com. OCR.

FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-993-986-996-997 ‘97 993 Carrera C4S Coupe, Black/Black lthr, 49K mi. Factory Aero Package, 6-spd. 2-owner Southwest car, all records/service stamps, no accidents, original Tourist Delivery. $62,990. Pictures at www.autokennel. com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘99 Carrera, Guards Red/Savanna Beige lthr, 63K mi. Factory Aero Kit, Porsche emblem seat crests, aluminum door sills instrument package, CD changer, 18” Turbo-look whls. B&M short shift kit, near new tires, fresh brakes. Always garaged, used only Mobil-1/Swepco. All records, professionally maintained. Beautiful car, drives flawlessly. $27,500.00 OBO. John. 949/6895430; jkanavas@gmail.com. OCR (2)

FOR SALE: EARLY 911--1960s ’67 Porsche 911 Race Car. Red. Chassis: 308107. One of only three “Sports Purpose Program.” 911s delivered to the USA in 1967. Options included: Rally Kit, leather covered steering wheel, Sports Kit 2, roll bar, LSD w/Airport Gears, lower suspension, “S” instruments, “S” oil tank, 100 liter fuel tank, dead peddle, Hi Output engine. The car has been a competition car since new. Totally restored. Won the prestigious Monterey 2013 Ocean Avenue Concours in the Race Car Class. Raced at Monterey Historics and competed in the 50th anniversary 911 race. The car comes with original Mini-Lite wheels, and American Thrust D’s. Race or concours this car. $495,000 . David 305/582-9723; more photos at www.DJMConsultants.net GGR (1)

2000 996 Carrera Coupe, Ocean Blue Metallic/ Metropol Blue lthr w/ Black trim, 14.8K mi. 030 Sport Package, 6-spd manual, 1-owner SoCal car, PCA member owned. No accidents, original paint. New IMS and RMS. $24,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autkennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: 911--1970s ‘73 911 RS Touring/M472 Tribute. Tangerine/Black leatherette. Serial Number 9113600439. The REAL DEAL. One of 500 built by Factory. Still retaining its original options of retractable seat belts left and right (419), retractable antenna left (440) and electric windows (651). Original and correct throughout. A bare tub restoration was performed by its owner, Alois Ruf of Germany, in circa 2002 and less than 250 miles have been driven since the fastidious restoration. 3 owners from new. Shown at 2013 Amelia Island Concours. Car can be seen in Carmel, CA. Dave Mohlman 305/582-9723. Pictures at www.DJMConsultants.net. GGR (2).

‘75 Porsche 3.0 RSR Tribute car. White with Beverly Porsche Audi Livery. ExJim Busby/Vasek Polak Racing. Over $200,000 invested. Less than 10 hours on current engine. Custom 915 5-speed manual transmission. Car is signed by Jim Busby. $89,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 912 68 912 Coupe, Signal Orange, 98K mi. Street Legal, Track/AutoCross/Outlaw car. 2,000 miles since complete engine/mechanical rebuild, original color was Polo Red. 5-spd. $14,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (2).

WHEELS & TIRES MICHELIN TIRES FOR SALE: Michelin Pilot Super Sport Tires. Only 650 easy miles on them. Fronts: 225/40ZR/18; Rears: 265/35ZR/18. Purchased from (Continued on Page 36)

APRIL 2014


Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com

Classifieds Contd: Tire Rack on 10/8/13 and taken off my Boxster S in mid Nov ’13. Original price was $928 and will sell to a PCA member for $750.00 and no sales tax so it’s a great deal. Guy Johnson 949/637.3007. OCR (1).

Index of Advertisers American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 34 Anaheim Hills Auto Collision----------------------- 14 Autobahn Adventures--------------------------------- 20 AutoKennel----------------------------------------------11 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 24 Bill Brewster Automotive---------------------------- 34 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 28 Carnuba Store-------------------------------------------- 3 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Class------------------------------------------------------11 Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 32 David Piper, CPA -------------------------------------- 29 Doorshield---------------------------------------------- 8 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 10 European Collision Center--------------------------- 33 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 28

Global Motorsports Group----------------------------- 6 Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 10 Integrity Motorcars------------------------------------ 22 James Schaedler Wells Fargo Advisors------------- 14 Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 14 M. Scott Huddleston - Newcastle Financial---------- 5 OC Factory----------------------------------------------- 4 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties------------------- 8 Pelican Parts---------------------------------------------- 8 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 30 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Spectrum Collision--------------------------------------Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 34 TC’s Garage---------------------------------------------- 8 The Helmet Man--------------------------------------- 29 Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 14 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19

Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium? For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662 or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com

MISCELLANEOUS-Wanted 911 RACECAR: Looking for a DE/TT 911 Coupe. Preferably, an already well sorted SC or 3.2 Carrera. Will consider a project car. Rick. www.mortimerproperties.com. 714/267-0429.

Turbo Wheels & Tires for Sales:18” All Pirelli for ‘02 Porsche 911 996 Turbo Wide Body. Front 225/40/18; Rear 295/30/18. Good for track or spares. $1200 or negotiable. James 949-697-3517; jnavales@ chambersgroupinc.com. OCR (2)

pARTS-911-930-993-986-996 996 TURBO MUFFLER: 2001 Porsche 911 996 Twin Turbo stock muffler w/ tips. $600.00 James 949-697-3517; jnavales@ chambersgroupinc.com. OCR (2)


1997 911 Turbo’s wanted to buy:Must have less than 6,000 miles. Unique color welcomed. Dave Mohlman 305/582-9723; or www.DJMConsultants.net. GGR (1).

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