PCA-OCR Pando - April 2016

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APRIL 2016 ISSUE CAMP PENDLETON TOUR .................................... 11 A NEW SEASON ....................................................... 16 SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE SEA ........................ 24

In this Issue PANDO APRIL 2016 www.pcaocr.com


Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530 Production Manager

Kristen Jaoui kmjaoui@gmail.com

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com

11 24 35


2nd Annual Tour Around Camp Pendleton Somewhere Beyond the Sea Where’s Pando

2nd Annual Tour Around Camp Pendleton

(714) 505-3662

Classified Ads Editor

Bob Weber

Technical Writer

Lee Rice

Contributing Writers

Sandy Schwartz Garey Cooper Bruce Herrington Larry Moore Eric Budai Lee Rice Peggy Huddleston

hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981


Contributing Paul Novotne Photographers Garey Cooper Larry Moore Lee Rice Peggy Huddleston

Upcoming Events

17 16 Auto-X Corner

2 2 2 2 20 40 BC

Calendar of Events Krispy Kreme Woody’s BurgerBahn Porsches & Pancakes 2016 Autocross Schedule Tech Session Introduction to Concours Preparation Breakfast Club


24 Somewhere Beyond the Sea On the Cover February Autocross at El Toro Photo Credit: Paul Novotne

2 3 5 7 9 16 29 34 37 39 40 BC

Reutterwerk List Board Member Message Contacts Editor’s Notes Book Review Auto-X Corner Rice’s Ramblings Membership Updates New Member Photos Classified Ads List of Advertisers The Goodie Store

Pando is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month's issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Pando is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pando is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pando editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, CA. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726

April 2016 | PANDO 1

Orange Coast Region 2016 Calendar of Events APRIL 2016 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting California Festival of Speed 2016 14 Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB 16 Krispy Kreme Gathering 23 Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido 24 PCA-OCR Autocross- El Toro 24 PCA-OCR OC to Palmdale to OC Tour 2


MAY 2016

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB 12-19 Nevada Open Road Challenge Petersen Automotive Museum Tour 14 Krispy Kreme Gathering 21 22 Tech Session Introduction to Concours Preparation 22 PCA-OCR Autocross- El Toro 28 Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido

JUNE 2016 4 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 9 Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB 18 PCA-OCR 46th Annual White Gloves Concours 18 Krispy Kreme Gathering 19 2016 Porsche Parade- Jay Peak, Vermont 25 Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido 25 Fountain Valley Classic Car & Truck Show 26 PCA-OCR Autocross- El Toro

7 12

JULY 2016 2 14 16 23 24

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR Autocross – El Toro

Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www.Zone8.org. * Event dates subject to change.

Reutterwerk List A Request for updated emails!

The Reutterwerk List is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the Reutterwerk e-blasts! Thank You

Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net

2 PANDO | April 2016

AUGUST 2016 6 11 13 14 20 27 27

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB PCA-OCR New Members Picnic PCA-OCR Autocross – El Toro Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido Hearts & Garages Tour

SEPTEMBER 2016 3 8 17 18 24

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR Autocross – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido

OCR Board Meetings All members are welcome to OCR Board Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting at Original Mike’s.


Sandy Schwartz

Membership has its privileges Congratulations! You have joined one of the largest, if not THE largest, single marque car club in the world! Now that you’ve joined this troupe of avid car lovers, what can you do to enhance your experience and get everything out of the $42.00 you paid for a year’s membership? When I first joined the region, I was not active at all. I didn’t know anyone personally, and I only knew the names of those I read about in Pando. I finally decided that I should start mingling with other members who share the same passion, and started to go to the monthly club meeting. Once there, I met with a plethora of “Porschephiles” and amazing people. I had found the way to meet other members and get acquainted, and well... it has escalated from there. I’m happy to be serving my second term as Membership Chairman. Maybe you have already been attending the monthly club meeting at Original

Mike’s, and are looking for other ways to get involved. Have you thought about volunteering at one of the many events the club puts on? Or, what about joining us at one of our numerous recurring monthly eating events? It’s another opportunity to socialize and break bread with fellow enthusiasts. For the more competitive type of member, we have Autocross. Want to learn how to drive your Porsche to its full potential? Give Driver’s Education a try. Are you a detailer? Enter the White Glove Concours. Are you into Rally’s? We have several each year. Being a member also entitles you to some great perks. Did you know you get a discount when purchasing items or services at our Sponsor Porsche Dealerships, Walter’s of Riverside and Circle of Long Beach? Additionally, there are numerous members in our organization that offer a myriad of professional services available to our members.

Not to be outdone, at our monthly meetings on the first Saturday of the month, The OC Region also has a fantastic Goodie Store with everything Porsche available for your purchasing pleasure. On the National level, you have access to “The Mart”, which is a portal where you can sell or shop for a Porsche or related parts. There is also a Q & A area where you can ask technical questions and get them answered. You can also edit your profile as well. You can also follow the club on Facebook, which is a fun way to keep connected, and not just for “Millennials”! If you haven’t downloaded our member’s only App, I encourage you to do so. It’s not only free, but is also a great medium to correspond with other members. There are so many terrific things you can do within PCAOCR. I invite you to join in and experience it. We look forward to seeing you soon! April 2016 | PANDO 3

4 PANDO | April 2016

Contact Information OCR Executive Board

OCR Board Appointments

Zone 8 Chairs

Advertising Co-Chairs

Zone 8 Representative

Cooper Boggs | cooper.boggs@gmail.com Nicole Forrest Boggs | 993nicole@gmail.com

Art Director Denny Asbury | dennis@asburydesign.com

President Greg Lush | greglush@outlook.com

Autocross Co-Chairs Chris Barrington | genikz@yahoo.com Eric Budai | epb89@cox.net

Autocross Registration Karen Guthorn | PcaocrAutoxReg@gmail.com

Charity Director Vice President CL Jarusek | ccwguy@aol.com

Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com

Concours Chair Norm Follis | njfollis@gmail.com

DE/TT Co-Chairs Bob Scheussler | bscheussler@gmail.com Chuck Bartolon | woodslsman@verizon.net

Secretary Monica Asbury | sheamonica@gmail.com

Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury | sheamonica@gmail.com

Historian Judy Lech | judylech@att.net

Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks | mamsy1@yahoo.com Treasurer David Piper | dpiper@socal.rr.com

Pando Editor Garey Cooper | gareycooper@mac.com

David Witteried | zonerep@zone8.org

Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter | secretary@zone8.org Zone 8 Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias | treasurer@zone8.org

Zone 8 Autocross Chair Kathy Smalley | ax@zone8.org Zone 8 CA Festival of Speed Chair Tom Brown | chair@calfestival.org Zone 8 Chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann | cdi@zone8.org Zone 8 Concours Co-Chair Brett Mohr | concours@zone8.org Zone 8 Concours Co-Chair Betsy Wadman | concours@zone8.org

Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Russell Shon | rules@zone8.org Zone 8 Social Media Chair Sam Avedon | social.media@zone8.org

Zone 8 Drivers Ed / Time Trial Chair Dave Hockett | de.tt@zone8.org Zone 8 Webmaster Karen Garcia Raines webmaster@zone8.org

Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com

Pando Production Manager Member at Large James Buck | james@capeautorepair.com

Kristen Jaoui | kmjaoui@gmail.com

Rally Director Larry Moore | lbmc4s@cox.net

Reutterwerk List Master Pete Lech | peterlech@att.net

Social Media Chair Gary Labb | pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Member at Large Gary Labb | pcaocrgary@yahoo.com

Sponsorship Director

Got a suggestion? Have a question? Just want to vent? This email goes straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we’ll share it at the next board meeting.

Bob Scheussler | bscheussler@gmail.com

Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs | cooper.boggs@gmail.com


Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss? Please let us know.

Gary Labb | pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Membership Sandy Schwartz | mr997s@gmail.com

Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler | bscheussler@gmail.com

www.pcaocr.com April 2016 | PANDO 5

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6 PANDO | April 2016











Garey Cooper

reproduce here, he attended a “Formula E” event at Long Beach recently: Hello Garey; I was reading your message today in the Pando, and wanted to comment on your article regarding how the CAFE standards are fundamentally going to change how our cars powered, which.... somewhat irks me a bit. However...... You mentioned about the e-formula racing scene. Yes! I HAVE been to an e-race. Last year in Long Beach, a week or two before the Grand Prix, they had an exhibition race of electric race cars, formula one-like....and, admission was free! Porsche is testing a vehicle for a new demographic, red neck sports cars

Ask Not What Your Club Can Do For You, Oh go ahead and ask!

T’is April here in SoCal, not that we pay that much attention to seasonal nomenclature. It might make sense to do so in Maine or Wisconsin, but here in SoCal for the most part when we want to do something with or without wheels, we can do it, usually. So your Orange Coast Region is active throughout the year whatever the month. So, what have we done in just two months? We’ve already done two autocrosses (is that “autocrossi, like in Cacti?), a couple of Burger Bahn’s, a Saturday Breakfast club, a “Once Around Camp Pendleton Tour”, and as usual our gang has consumed a bunch of Krispy Kreme’s and pancakes. I think you’re beginning to see the pattern here, we do a lot of eating, whatever the time of year.

What is particularly nice about our group is that you can come in whatever kind of Porsche upon which you perch your derriere. That includes SUV’s (plural now that there are two flavors), Sedanii, and of course the mid and rear engine flavors of actual “sports cars” that are being produced in Porscheville. While it is nice to roll up in a 918, and you will have no problem finding friends with a $1Million car, you will have absolutely no problem finding friends in any kind of Porsche. This is especially true if you drive, eat donuts or hamburgers, or have breakfast. So come on out, we are friendly and nice, you won’t regret it.


Last time I wrote about electric cars and the subject of “Formula E”, which are single seaters propelled solely by electrical power, I received an email from Mr. Scott Huddleston which I

Peggy had a baby/wedding shower to go to that day, and I was looking for something to do. Hmmm....so I went to check it out. All the cars were the same, limited to about 150mph, and the track was shortened to 1.5 mi. The drivers had two cars to finish the race since the range of one car took all the battery charge it held. One look at the cars, the first thing I thought was: these are the biggest slot cars I had ever seen! And...they were very quiet.... zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ.........as they went by. The electric vehicles available to the public were all on display as well. In future years the cars can be different and the speed limiters removed. I think that will be good for improvements with battery technology as Porsche has experienced with its racing prowess in the gas world. Since our leaders seem to believe that they need to wean us off of fossil fuel vehicles, perhaps the era of petrol

Editor’s Message Continued On Page 38 April 2016 | PANDO 7

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8 PANDO | April 2016

Book Review Story by Bruce Herrington

U.S. Route Travel Series, travelogues by Michael Newlon, published by OutSkirts Press, Denver, Colorado Mike Newlon was a PCAer from the Riverside Region. Newlon was a nut for Porsche 912s, and often wrote of the “Porsche 912’s well deserved reputation as a near-perfect sports car....” He carefully selected the ‘69 912 he ordered new, and drove that car for 45 years as his daily driver, and as a tourer. In keeping with the vintage of his car, he toured the old roads, not the freeways. Mike has moved on to a better world, but his car and his legacy live on.

renovation/alteration for his long distance cruises. There is also an initial discussion of the pre-interstate 1926 U.S. Federal Highway System, from an era when highways had names as well as numbers. Each book contains illustrations of the route in question, as presented on a 1959 vintage highway map.

Mike’s ‘69 912 has been donated to the Petersen Automotive Museum. The Museum has posted the donation on their Facebook page. You can go to Facebook.com and in the search area enter ‘Petersen Automotive Museum Porsche 912’. If you click on the car you will be taken to their Instagram post of the car. Mike’s 912 is the first donation that Petersen has posted on social media.

A montage of photographic travel diaries, remarks about the car, its’ performance and ‘breakdowns’ are included in each book, where appropriate. Traveling these roads in the 2000s, Mike had to work hard to find tidbits of history, still showing through the veneer of modernity. As old or older than US66, these routes have as much history as that classic road, even if they don’t have the cachet. And like ‘Route 66’, in some places the pavement has become 4 lane, in other cases it parallels the ‘new road’, and in other stretches it is just no longer there.

Mike’s legacy as a ‘touring driver’ is preserved in a series of books he wrote to document his travels. These travelogues were carefully prepared and well illustrated to report on his experiences as a traveler of the old school – one who drove the two-lanes to see the scenery; not to get somewhere, or to arrive on time. The routes he chose ( US 395, US95, US99 and US101) should be of interest to any touring oriented Porschephile near the West Coast, and especially to Southern Californians. Profusely illustrated with photos dealing with scenery and geology as well as some cultural history, each book starts out with a description of his 912 and it’s

All of the history and current observations are presented in interesting detail. An eye-opener to this reviewer is the fact that the ‘frontage road’ on the south side of I-10 from Banning to Palm Springs is really, US99, built in the ‘20s and ‘30s. That route extended from Calexico to Blaine, Washington, at the Canadian Border, and still exists, though in metro-LA it now carries such labels as Garvey Avenue, Figueroa Street and San Fernando Road.

The books cover the highway routes ‘from border to border’. Few drivers will have Mike Newlon’s dedication and perseverance to cruise the entire distance, but any Southern California Porschephile who may drive portions of these routes regularly, should get these books to learn what they have been overlooking all these years. There are four books in Mike’s series: U.S. Route 395, Travel America’s “Three Flags Highway” in a Classic 1969 Porsche 912; U.S. Route 99, Travel America’s “Pacific Highway” in a Classic 1969 Porsche 912; U.S. Route 95, “Travel America’s “Desolation Highway” in a Classic 1969 Porsche 912; U.S. Route 101, Travel America’s “Golden Highway” in a classic 1969 Porsche 912. All books are 8-1/2x11 inch softbound, of roughly 90 pages, with large readable typeface. Any one or all can be obtained for $24.95 each at Amazon Books http://www.amazon.com/books. Search for Michael Newlon. April 2016 | PANDO 9


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10 PANDO | April 2016

Blue Seal of Excellence RECOGNIZED BUSINESS

2nd Annual Tour Around Camp Pendleton Story and Photos by Larry Moore Driving to the Tour starting point in San Juan Capistrano we drove south in pretty dense fog on the 73 Tollway out of Newport Beach. As we crested the hills, we broke out of the fog and looked out over the Mission Viejo Valley, which appeared to be socked in with more of the same coastal

fog pushing inland up the valley. However, by the time we reached the starting location just off the I-5 on the Ortega Highway in San Juan Capistrano, it was actually pretty clear with the sun burning the fog off fairly rapidly.

As we gathered, it was a treat to see the colorful array of Porsches arrive. The Porsche color palette is diverse, if nothing else; deep black, multiple shades of grey to white, ice white, to blues, greens, tans, reds from rose red to red-red, off into oranges and yellows, and finally to International April 2016 | PANDO 11

Our Rallistas gather

Orange. Grouped together, it was a full spectrum of color. As we gathered it became evident that more members were arriving than we had on our RSVP list. To be precise, 31 cars were on the list and we ended up with 53 cars on the Tour. Understand that I am not complaining, but was I just a tad overwhelmed. When we started and headed east on the Ortega Highway over the mountain to Elsinore, we were a large, impressive grouping and, yes, colorful. At the bottom of the grade on the Elsinore side, we turned right on Grand and immediately pulled to the right and to pause for regrouping and take some pictures of our colorful largeness. From here we proceeded south to Clinton-Keith Road, and then turned right and headed up into the Rancho Santa Rosa Plateau Historic and Ecological Reserve Area. Thanks to the recent rains, the plateau was green and the wild flowers were much in evidence. And, the day was sunny with the temperature in the 68 to 75 degree range: PERFECT ! When we drove off the edge of the plateau (always impressive) and dropped down into the north end of the Fallbrook area, the landscape changed to oranges, avocado, 12 PANDO | April 2016

oaks and interesting gentleman farmer estates. Adding to our enjoyment, much of the roadway was newly paved making the twists, turns, and ups and downs a joy to drive. We emerged from this area by climbing up the ridge to Rancho California Road and then descended into Temecula from the west just north of the Old Downtown. We then looped around the Old Downtown (avoiding this charming, but gridlocked historic area) south to Pechanga Parkway and into the Pechanga Resort and Casino complex. Our parking area of choice was on the top, 3rd level, of the north parking structure; up, up and up. As the members parked and emerged from their cars, they began exchanging their impressions of the tour, the route, the scenery, the drop off the plateau, etc. Before leaving the parking area, it was agreed that those wishing to join the non-mandatory “return tour” would meet at the cars at 1:30 PM. As we rode down the elevators and walked into the resort/casino building, the larger groups splintered into numerous smaller groups to explore the complex and select one of the ten restaurants offering lunch. Gloria and I, along with several others, joined Crag (Craig?) and Miki Simone, because he knew the way to a ‘smoke free’ restaurant that featured a diverse

menu of craft beers. We were joined by Mark Johnson, Pete and Judy Lech, Sean Rafferty and his friend. A few other members, Peggy and Scott Huddleston and Julie Husting and her friend were seated at adjacent tables. And last but not least, Steve Eguina and his father joined us. During the Tour, Steve was the designated ”caboose” whose job was to assist anyone with difficulties in route. His late arrival was because he had done his job to assist a driver who had made an “oops” wrong turn on the route. Following a leisurely lunch, the general impression in our group was that the food was good and the beer offering was both interesting and good as well. Those members who elected to drive the second leg of the Tour as a group, gathered at the parking structure at 1:30 PM. We then departed out of the parking structure and onto Pechanga Parkway heading south. The parkway becomes Pala-Temecula Road, narrows down to two lanes and winds it way into the historic village of Pala. Here, we turned west on Highway 76 and headed back out to the coast at Oceanside. The 76 is “still” under-construction, but the traffic flowed fairly smoothly. Once we interchanged onto the I-5 North in Oceanside, the drive across Camp Pendleton was smooth, fast and, as always, the coast views were cool all the

The Driver’s Meeting

way into San Clemente. Here, on cue, the normal gummy traffic condition took over for a bit because we were back in traffic impacted South Orange County. This was the end of the Tour and, as advertised, we had just driven a complete loop “around Camp Pendleton”. My overall impression of the event is that the participating members enjoyed the drive and the lunch stop at Pechanga. The whole point of our tours is to have a fun driving experience and enjoy some good camaraderie. I think this one worked. Thank you to all who participated because it is your participation that makes our club so wonderful. Thank you all, Larry

The pause after the Ortega

April 2016 | PANDO 13


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14 PANDO | April 2016

April 2016 | PANDO 15


A New Season Story by Eric Budai, Photos by Paul Novotne

16 PANDO | April 2016

President Greg Lush manages the cones

As the dust settles from last year’s exciting Autocross season, the trophies are shelved and Championship jackets are hung up. For many drivers, this lull is a welcome breather in between seasons. However, there is no rest for the AX team in January or February, especially in February. The AX team is busy planning the first events of the season, such as an Instructor Class, the Control Clinic, and to kick off the 1st Autocross of the season. Just between Greg Noss and myself, I counted about 47 emails! On Feb. 13th, we conducted our Instructor Class at Walter’s Porsche in Riverside. Led by Greg Noss - OCR’s new Chief Driving Instructor, selected AX drivers were brought together in a structured class / forum to solidify Instructor techniques and methods. Thanks go to Karen Guthorn, Dwight Moore, Don Chapman, and Bruce Powers for lending their expertise in class. For many new AX drivers, an AX instructor may be their first interaction with the Club, so we strive to make this a positive learning experience. So, to all of our new Instructors, thanks for signing up. On February 20th, we held our Driver Control Clinic (D.C.C.) at El Toro Fields in Irvine, CA. The D.C.C is set up as an introduction to Autocross of sorts, and we see the highest number of new

Steve Abbott , Track Walk guy extraordinaire

April 2016 | PANDO 17

Tom Ridings running the start

PCA drivers attending this event. The D.C.C allows new drivers to see what their Porsche is capable of in a safe environment under the guidance of talented and patient Instructors. This year, we tried having Instructors follow their group to each area. We received a lot of good feedback from both sides using this format, as Instructors were able to build experience with their students and also got to know them better. Lead Instructors stayed put and were better able to tailor each exercise as the day progressed. Areas included accident avoidance, (2) wet skid pads, (2) Figure 8’s and an extended Slalom. Following a “welcome lunch” break, the areas were combined into a single course, for the drivers to connect all the various elements. A big thank you to all of our volunteers who participated to make the event a huge success. The following day, we had our season’s first Autocross. The AX course of the previous day’s Control Clinic was utilized to promote some continuity and familiarity for new drivers. This included 18 PANDO | April 2016

Iconic Porsche lines

slaloms, gates, decreasing radius turns and a few Chicago boxes.... very tricky. Drawing a curve though, a square object can be quite a thrill depending on your speed and how much sleep you received the night before. A few runs resembled a child’s first time with a coloring book and black crayons.... a bit messy at first, trying to stay between the lines, and then ultimately succeeding with enough effort and control. That’s what it’s all about.

Dave Waddell in his Mexico Blue 911

We’d like to thank OCR’s Club Sponsor, Walter’s Porsche. Walter’s hosted our year-end Autocross Awards event, the Instructor Class, and has continued to support our Club for many years. Ed McRae, Walter’s general manager, and Bob McDonald are usually in attendance at our events. Also, thank you to our Autocross series co-sponsors, GMG and Momo for their support. Lastly, heaps of thanks to all the volunteers, drivers and instructors who pitch in to make our events successful.

Don Chapman with a student

Cone Cam. Beautiful.

April 2016 | PANDO 19

20 PANDO | April 2016





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April 2016 | PANDO 21

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o it all began as many stories do with a conversation. This particular conversation was with our friends the Warren’s, and the Trewartha’s. We were discussing driving and traveling in Europe when it came up that a couple of spots had opened up for the European Driving Autobahn Driving Adventures Audi R8 trip. Most of these trips are well subscribed and usually booked at 100% well in advance. Suddenly “push came to shove” (the R8 IS rear engined), and we were booked for some high-speed entertainment. The irony of this is that Mrs. Cooper had recently discussed vacation plans and were going through the usual litany; do we want to fly a long ways? Do we want to go back to Europe? Do we want to take golf clubs? Do we still look good in denim? Okay that last subject came up later, but the truth is that we had been having some trouble deciding just where in the world we would go to vacation from the ever tiresome occupation of being two retired people…I need to relax, from relaxing!

And We’re Off!


The Sea Story and Photos by Garey Cooper 24 PANDO | April 2016

At least physically, if not mentally, we were off and planning as this conversation took place in the late spring of 2015 and the trip was scheduled for early autumn. I prepared by reading up on the R8, Mrs. Cooper called Nordstrom and told them she wouldn’t be in for the entire month of September. The shares plummeted on the news but the good news is the early warning allowed them to trim inventories in time to avert real crisis.

We Ain’t Getting Any Younger

At this stage in our lives, the prospect of coach to Europe is daunting to the blood circulation in our limbs and the need to buy more support stockings. However, we have accumulated many miles of “Frequent Flyer” points so some phone calls and emails resulted in First Class

tickets for us, with a catch, yes… there is always a catch. We’d need to land in London first and then carry on via steerage or the airline equivalent to Germany. No problem for me as we were soon ensconced in our “lay flats” washing the caviar down with Champagne as a good part of the world passed below, at least that part of the world between the Rockies and the Atlantic. Ah yes, I had to remember to hold my little finger up as I quaffed the flute, and asked Mrs. Cooper with respect to call me “Todd” and I would call here “Gwendolyn”. We had to fit in with the country club set after all.

England and all that

We had a day in London where we met fellow traveler Kim Smith from “Awestrallya”, which is how she pronounced it. I think she actually meant “Australia” however. Kim is a very brave lady who had recently lost her husband but had decided to take the trip anyway, both as therapy and homage to his passing. We found her delightful and charming and a boon companion. We stayed at a very proper English style hotel in the heart of London, with a wood paneled bar and excellent service…..except for one little incident to Kim. As she was just going to sleep she reached over to turn off her lamp and saw sparks, quite literally, fly. The lamp had somehow shorted out, and in doing so, burned her hand! More than a little shaken, she called maintenance who sent up the guy with the wrench in his back pocket. This worthy cycled the switch a few times and left remarking, “it looks fine to me”. Some comfort! I must remark that this hotel was not on our official itinerary and had been selected by us. Representing the brochure said, “the finest in Edwardian era architecture and service”. Too bad they didn’t update the electrical system from then.

And We’re Still Off!

After a tour of the museums and Uber cars of London we hopped on board our jet for Munich! Everything is arranged by Autobahn Adventures so when we got to Munich’s very modern airport we were whisked across the very modern Autobahn to our very modern hotel, the Sofitel Bayerische Post…..very luxurious if a trifle monotone, try “fifty shades of black” as a motif. I wore a black sweater in the lobby and someone grabbed me by the adams apple to push me aside, they said that they thought I was a curtain……we met up with our new traveling companions and forthwith began to acclimatize ourselves to German Beer, Prost! With part of a day to kill before meeting up with the rest of our group we took a train to the “Technology Museum”. In retrospect, this may not have been a good decision to bring Mrs. Cooper with me to the museum. Me to Maxine, “hey Maxie look, an electrical generator from 1911”! Her, eyes rolling to the back of her head……at the very least we could have more beer there.

And finally, the moment came to bus out to a more suburban hotel to pick up our Audi R8’s. Did I say they were the Spyder version? I had to wear sunglasses to reacquaint myself with the sun after all of the black shades at the Sofitel. To see about 10 of these all lined up for our group to usurp was just like waking up on Christmas morning to see your Daisy Red Ryder BB gun under the tree when you were a kid. Okay, that’s the “boy” version of a wonderful Christmas but you get the idea. After identifying “our” R8 we then of course had to fill out the paperwork. And being Germany, there was paperwork to be filled out correctly and then checked, and perhaps checked again. “Papers Please”! I know it’s a cliché, but someone forgot to tell that to the Germans. Anyway, after filling out our “paperwork” and getting a briefing on the GPS system, crucial in a country where you can drive really fast and not understand the language, and a briefing on the local laws, crucial in a country where you can drive really fast and not understand the language (did I already April 2016 | PANDO 25

say that?), we were turned loose to head south to our next destination! Italia, Que Bella Italia! As I began this article, I was wondering how in the world could I capture all that we did and saw with just a few words and something less than a Michener novel. In fact, I couldn’t. But to try to keep the overall length down to something appropriate to a magazine I am going to divide my article into two parts; the cars, and the trip itself. So here is where I will end the itinerary of our trip for now and focus on the R8 and my impressions of this machine, particularly in comparison to our own Porsche brand. I’ll jump back into the locations, route, and social side of our remarkable journey in the next part.

R8 Spyder

I really love to spell “Spider” as “Spyder”. It is so sophisticated and immediately you know you’re not discussing some arachnid. You are talking about a car, and likely one produced in Europe at that. Our machines were the last of the first generation R8’s, on the verge of replacement by the next generation machine. Our R8’s were 5.2 liter V10’s. This motor is also in the Lamborghini Gallardo and produces around 525 horsepower and just less than 400 lbft of torque. All of this in a convertible that weighs somewhere in the region of 3,900 pounds. So, a power to weight ratio of 7.43 pounds for every pony to push (as mentioned it is rear engined). Yes, it does perform and it does so mightily. All of the transmissions were of the “dopplekuplung” or as Porsche succinctly puts it; PDK form. So, no clutch pedal to bother with. The car handles very well, being midengined and the power output and torque curve are such that you can loaf along with the PDK getting into a high gear as soon as possible to preserve the CAFE standards, then stand on it with seemingly instant response. As the old hot rod guys said; “no replacement 26 PANDO | April 2016

for displacement”. And 5.2 liters is a lot of displacement without counting cylinders. I very much enjoyed engaging the sports mode and listening to the car rev match on the down shifts, better than any human heel and toe could do consistently, time after time. For a “Spyder” (that word again!) the chassis seemed very stiff. I noticed little cowl shake except perhaps with the top down and hitting some bad railroad tracks one could feel a bit of chassis flex, but rarely. This allowed great compliance in the suspension and one could drive sportingly in even humpy narrow alpine routes without wheels bouncing and getting the car thrown off line in heavy bumps. Audi has done a very good job on the suspension which shouldn’t be too surprising given their LeMans record in the 21st century. It is a “hot rod” and a driver’s car. The motor note is songful and entertaining and mechanically it seems all of a piece. A piece that will by and large stay tight over a long and tough life on the more sporty side of the road. It is entertaining and makes a statement with a sporty flair on arrival at any local taco stand or grocery market…or gas station as you will be seeing a few of those. A deeper dive into the use of this machine gives some points to remark upon. Not all “beer and skittles” as they say around that hotel that tried to electrocute our friend in London. Egress and ingress is not without hazard. Men in the new “slim fit” jeans may need to unbutton the waist band to contort their way in, while the ladies might reconsider their skirt length. Once in the cockpit is quite compact. Much more so than a 911. There is virtually no room behind the seats, maybe a sheet of paper with typing only on one side might fit, but not much more. The footwell takes your legs and feet at an oblique angle towards the vehicle centerline, and it is small. So, size 11 and larger of which I am guilty may have trouble at first with

foot space. Lumberjacks need not apply, or at least would first have to remove their boots. That motor is a monster dimensionally and takes up every bit of space in the nether regions of the R8. No trunk, at least behind you. I guess you could throw some biscuits in the engine compartment to warm up on the way home from the supermarket, but there is no “official” storage behind the seat backs in this car. The front trunk, is not overly generous either. An overnight case, an iPad, or perhaps a diet cola can or two and your done. So golfers have your servant follow behind in the SUV with your sticks and any luggage. In our case it was a chase vehicle filled to the brim with all the groups luggage. The car seems very “square” in total dimension with the wheels pushed out to the edges all the way round. The sloped front hood one doesn’t see the fender line too well so you have a tendency to treat corners with rocks, bricks, or curbs, and pedestrians with some caution. At least until you get used to the feeling. The electrical “infotainment” system is there in all of its’ modern glory. But it is fairly complicated to this digital immigrant and the manual for the system IS a Michener novel. So, find two or three things that you like to do and stick with them, any further and some time at MIT in the digital training center may be required! Did I like the car? Yes! And I am enthusiastic about driving it as well. But it is for driving and that is about all. Forget the kids, pets, tennis rackets, big designer purses, and ugg boots, there is no room. But, it is first and foremost a car to drive…I can dig that as I don’t have a designer purse.


Ah, Italy….and Switzerland and Germany and BEER, and Wine and Food!

April 2016 | PANDO 27

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28 PANDO | April 2016

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Ramblings Story and Photos by Lee Rice

Some good news – Actually GREAT NEWS from Porsche lately- #1 J.D. Powers (O.C. Register, 27 Feb 2016) reports Porsche is one of the top three auto brands for dependability besides that funny ’Toyota-car’ and Buick! The least dependable were-well,.. I’ll just say some of the ones who advertise, annoyingly, the most. Unlike the popular cars out now, Porsche makes a bold statement as well. See below: Dr. Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board for Porsche AG, introduces the 2017 Porsche 911 Turbo S at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan January 11, 2016 . REUTERS/REBECCA COOK Porsche (VOWG_p.DE) does not plan to join luxury carmakers who are trying to develop self-driving vehicles, its chief executive told a German newspaper, indicating differences between large premium brands and sports car companies. Lamborghini, also part of the Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) group, has expressed similar skepticism about the trend towards autonomous driving, a concept which brands such as BMW (BMWG.DE) and Mercedes-Benz (DAIGn.DE) are seeking to build into their models. The comments from Porsche Chief Executive Oliver Blume show that some car makers believe their drivers want to remain firmly in control at the wheel. “One wants to drive a Porsche by oneself,” Blume said in an interview with regional newspaper WestfalenBlatt published on Monday. “An i-Phone belongs in your pocket, not on

the road,” Blume added, saying that Porsche did not need to team up with any big technology companies. Porsche has been on a high technology binge since the 993 introduction, with some questionable semi-computer operated driving systems that have almost taken over the skill and fun of driving. This is a remarkable turn around and I hope before the government, always trying to protect us from ourselves, mandates too many overseeing computers to “aid” with driving. I must say, I have nothing but contempt for morons who insist they can drive just fine while texting and blathering away on their mobile devices, all while moving along at 70 mph plus. And I guess those types should be put in self driving cars, as they are not driving anyway… But I am delighted at the announcement from “our brand”, as this is really great news for the number one DRIVER’S CARS of this world, -in my meager opinion. What are your thoughts?

Why don’t it fit?

The owner-mechanic tried as hard as he could to get his 915 transaxle to fully engage to his engine, but it always stopped short by 2 inches. I was surprised to see the 915 transaxle clutch RELEASE FORK (930.116.712.02) BENT! I’ve had mine crack and break, seen others crack, and one break off one arm but never bent!? I suggest when mating the transaxle

to the engine, you remove the starter so you can observe the engagement of the Clutch Fork to the Throw-OutBearing –both arms of the Fork are seen in the Throw-Out-Bearing. And continue watching it all the way to full engagement until all four studs/bolts are fully installed. *Another thing that can help is to paint the clutch fork ends white. It really helps! WHOLE LOTT-A SHAK’N GO’N ON BRAKE DISC SHAKE that is. After I installed the “BIG RED” brakes on my evolution 911, I had some steering wheel shake at 40-75. It was mostly annoying, but at 110 mph+ it was scary! I repeatedly checked my tire pressures and even went so far as to jack the front end up overnight, and in the morning I spun the wheels/tires by hand, looking for out-of-round problems like a blister or ‘bump’, but saw nothing unusual. Then I got a “free” rebalance done at Americas Tire and out of both front wheel/tires, only one wheel needed a small (tiny) re-balance. But the steering wheel shake remained. I have had a small steering shake like this before, it was after I upgraded from my 911S/ 3.0L Turbo brakes to the 1978 930 Turbo Brakes in 1997. After that, I had a small steering wheel shake at times, but it was nothing significant, just a nuisance. I was told even if it was the brakes, there was really, nothing I could do about it. April 2016 | PANDO 29

Fig 1. COLEMAN 13”: Steel Discs/ Hubs

Upgrading again in 2014 to the much larger BIG RED brakes with larger “Coleman” 330mm (13”) vented and reversed cross-drilled iron rotors I experienced greatly improved braking feel, effort, and dramatically decreased stopping distance. However, when my steering wheel shook, it shook even more intensely and more than ever before. But what about balancing the huge brake disc? The usual answer from companies was, “Ahaa,.. we don’t do that…” Sometimes, I was also told a disc imbalance is so small it would not make enough difference to do anything. So, I removed and checked the Bilstein dampeners, torsion bar bushings, tie rods, steering rack –everything was fine. Logic cannot dismiss that the larger the brakes I used, the more I noticed the shake I already had. Obviously, something was wrong with the rotating mass that was not corrected by balancing the wheel/tire. I have worked on enough helicopters to know how critical even a tiny imbalance is to the safety of the aircraft and its 30 PANDO | April 2016

Fig 2. Now painted blue, Harbor Freight motorcycle balancer

service life. Any rotating mass will have an imbalance. The question is how to check and correct it. Then I saw an ad from Harbor Freight for a small “motorcycle wheel balancer”. Harbor freight # 98488, price $49.00. This balancer comes with a small shaft and small adjustable cones -for small wheels. But, it seemed like it might work to check the balance of my hub & brake discs. The balancer’s small cones and shaft ended up working perfectly. I kept the 911/930’s wheel bearings installed in the hub and used them to fit the balancer’s shaft and cones. I also bought online a large wheel balancing screw shaft with large plastic cones for balancing wheels with tires mounted. My 10” x 17” RUF–Speedline wheels mounted with 275 rubber just fit. I did discover that the quality of the Harbor Freight motorcycle balancer was not as good as I had hoped for. The sealed bearings that come on the Harbor Freight motorcycle balancer were stiff and turned roughly! I replaced

all 4 bearings with new ”FAG”-open type bearings (no grease seals), ordered from Mc Master-Carr: ( McMASTER– CARR 1-562/692-5911: “Metric Steel Ball Bearing, Open Bearing, No.608, 8 mm Shaft Diameter, 22mm O.D. PN # 5972K91”. (PS I received my new bearings in less than 24 hours!) With open ball bearings, I periodically blow filtered, dry air through the open bearings and spray lube them with WD40 –only, thus the slightest imbalance will easily rotate to the bottom. It is advisable to cover both the bearings with plastic bags when not in use! I replaced all the H/F balancer bearings and then for good measure, painted the whole thing blue -it came in black. Then I got to work: I removed my front wheel/tire and just for the fun of it checked their balance. NO IMBALANCE…. America’s Tire does a good job! Next, I removed the BIG RED Caliper and removed the Hub, Hat & Disc Assembly. with its bearings, and installed it all on the small shaft with

Fig 3. New open ball bearings

small cones, and then installed it as an assembly on the balancer. It turned easily and the heavy side went right down to the 6 o’clock position rather quickly. I marked the disc at the 6 o’clock position with a marker and spun it many times and it always returned to the same spot -every time. This was definitely the heavy spot! Most high performance brake discs are semi floating, attached to a hub or “hat” with bolts and all-steel lock nuts, sometimes even with a special sleeve to prevent over torque of the nuts. My particular installation did not have a sleeve. The bolts/nuts attach the Disc to each hub by 12 bolts, steel washers, and steel lock nuts. When I first assembled the Coleman Discs and hats onto the 911/ early 930 wheel hub, I used a digital postal scale to weigh each of the 12 new bolts, washers, and lock nuts -all checked equally the same. So, the imbalance had to be the large 13” iron disc itself! I ended up replacing two of the twelve attaching bolts (1/4” x 28 x 7/8” length) with longer bolts ¼” x 28 x 1 ¼”length to accommodate the need for additional weight (washers) for corrective weight balance.

Fig 4.Attach bolts, weight-(washers), steel lock nuts.

It took a while to fine ‘tune’ the amount of washers, bolt lengths, and positions for them, but when it was done the hub/ disc rotated and stopped at a different place every time. Both left & right disc/hub needed +2.2 oz to correct their imbalance. * note -Porsche and BREMBO balance the Disc/Hub by installing metal clips into the curved vanes and also by grinding the outer edge of the disc to achieve balance. That is why one should never separate the disc from the hat. But, if you are replacing a 1978-80 Turbo’s Disc, it would likely need rebalancing anyway… and you can do it. Test driving and accelerating through 40, 70, and higher –XXX … the steering wheel is shake free, and I notice the steering is smoother when I go over bumps and road irregularities… this small change surprised me as I now know brake discs can be balanced and make driving so much nicer. Also, anyone with the ability to do their own service work can do this themselves. Don’t settle for ”that’s the way it is” or “It can’t be done.”

at your garage and not have to spend your morning to drive, sit, and wait at a smelly tire shop~ ☺ We want to hear from you. Comments, differing opinions, ideas, and your stories. Bring ‘em on.

Rice’s Ramblings: Ask a Mechanic We welcome questions, inquiries, comments and ideas to help you enjoy your Porsche to the fullest... What is on your mind? If you have a question about your Porsche, please send in your question to Lee at riceturbos@sbcglobal.net or 714-539-1042 (reasonable hours, please).

Another really nice thing is now being able to do your own tire/wheel balancing April 2016 | PANDO 31

32 PANDO | April 2016

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April 2016 | PANDO 33

OCR Membership Updates Anniversaries 41 Years

Michael & Charlene Lebeda

40 Years

Gary & Debra Nakase Gil & Diane Ranney

35 Years

Stephen & Dannielle Schmidt

28 Years

Famous Hooks, Jr. & Justin Hayward

26 Years

Mike & Carol Patrick

24 Years

Mike & Kris Burns Bruce Gorman

22 Years

Kevin Betson Greg & Carrie Haskin Masami & Machiko Koyama Jack & Audrey Niday Eric Noble & Charles Noble

21 Years

Tim Davis Kevin Van Fleet & Jason Van Fleet

20 Years

Philip & Paula Stotts

18 Years

Howard & Wendy Solovay Richard & Cindy Roth Edward & Elisa Tyrrill

17 Years

Wayne & Barbara House Jim Swearingen & Tommy Taylor Andrew & Rita Zimbaldi

16 Years

Alessandra Re Terry & Jane Wright

34 PANDO | April 2016

15 Years

Richard Stonehouse & John Stonehouse William & Donna Waite

14 Years

David Powell Raymond & Connie Way

13 Years

John D’Abusco

12 Years

Peter Hansel & Patricia Scanlon Dusty & Gregg Swenson

11 Years

Don & Joanne Dalis Rick & Lori Lal Donald & Mindy Sjaarda Jim & Sherry Spitzer

10 Years

Tarrik & Paula Shawa Dan Stone & Michael Stone

6 Years

Mits & Emi Akutagawa Alex Nackoul Mark & Pamela Tillman Jeff & Sue Werner

New Members Bruce Anderson San Clemente/ 2016 911 GTS Club Coupe Brady Bennett Rancho Santa Margarita/ 2006 911 Carrera S Meg Camit & Victor Cornejo Buena Park/ 1998 Boxster

Kevin Fullerton & Evan Fullerton Thomas & Gayle Holbrook Michael Majewski Gabe & Pat Renga Curt & Diana Rummel Thomas & Mary Summers

Serge Cigdemoglu Huntington Beach / 2001 911 Turbo

9 Years

Dorian Cultraro Dana Point/ 1991 944 S2

David Hoeller Tom & Jean Humphrey Kari & Dave Knudson Lee Muse & Evonne Ballard-Muse Douglas Smith Brian Vaniman & Zoriana Matviiv

8 Years

Steve & Linda Knudtson Carlos Vergas

7 Years

Vince & Anne Marie DePalma Greg & Margaret Heinlein John Lewis Hi Ly Robert Newcomer & Mark Growe Vinh Nguyen & Janna Tran

Brent Clem Corona del Mar/ 1998 911 Carrera S

Brent Ferro Orange/ 1995 911 Carrera Cabriolet Todd Kenyon Laguna Beach/ 1963 356 Mark Lackey Santa Ana/ 1995 911 Carrera William Le Huntington Beach/ 2009 911 Carrera 4S Brigitte Licciardo Los Alamitos Tom Malec Laguna Niguel/ 2006 Cayenne

Michael Meskal Fountain Valley/ 2009 911 Carrera Cabriolet Reuben & Marlo Raveendran Irvine/ 2016 911 Carrera GTS Eric Rodriguez Anaheim/ 2014 911 GT3

Edward Shen Irvine/ 2016 Cayman GT4 Tam Vo La Mirada/ 2010 911 Carrera S

Transfers Filomena Powers Riverside/2014 Carrera

Paul Winocur Irvine/ 2007 911 Carrera S

James Rosing Newport Beach/ 2016 911 Carrera GTS Mason Setterstrom Mission Viejo/ 2006 911 Carrera S

Where’s Pando? Peggy and Scott Huddleston, along with a couple of club members, took a lovely weekend trip to Paso Robles for a Valentine’s get away. One PCA-OCR couple, Eric & Candice Kaltenbach, recently purchased & moved into “Alta Cresta Olive Orchard” in Paso Robles, where they stayed in their cottage rental! Joining the gang for a great dinner at the Orchard were club members Alan & Cindy Burnes, Norm & Linda Hollinger, and Judy Savic. The group had a great weekend sharing lunch & dinner meals together along with stopping at a couple of the Hollinger’s favorite wineries they have visited, since they moved up there a few years ago! Thanks, Peggy and Scott, for taking us along!

Where will Pando go next?

Please email Kristen Jaoui at kmjaoui@gmail.com with your “Where’s Pando?” submissions.

April 2016 | PANDO 35

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New Member Photos Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the March 2016 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.

William Le, 2009 Carrera 4S

Paul Winocur, 2007 Carrera S

Chris & Natalie Taylor, 2014 50th Anniversary 911

Jim & Gail Reinholdt, 2015 Cayenne

Kent Brittain, 1988 Red 911

Kevin Kirk (& Sandra Valdez, not shown), 2006 Cayman S

Glenn Billings, 2003 Boxter

J.P. Garreton, 1989 944S2

Caesar Guyot, 1999 Carrera 996

April 2016 | PANDO 37

Editor’s Message Continued From Page 7 burning cars is seeing the beginning of the end. I feel there are other viable options for propulsion: natural gas, hydrogen, fuel cell, etc. The main problem I see is the distribution of fuels to market....and the electric grid is already in place. Everything else is too difficult to overcome the entrenched carbon based distribution system already in place. For Porsche, it’s the same standards they have to abide by with their cars... and to not hear the high revving flat six behind you it’s a sad thing to think about. Thanks for the message, Scott! I must agree with Scott, part of the power of immersion to automobiles is their soundtrack in my opinion. For a gear head there is nothing like a highly tuned motor on song. Unless of course it is after 1:00AM while you are trying to sleep. And that is probably another message, there is so much noise pollution in our lives today, visit New York City for an example, that the quiet of electricity will also have a general appeal.

ZAP! Part Deux

Porsche has “green lighted” the “Misson E” concept vehicle. We are told it will be here within the decade. Preliminary specifications are interesting; 0-60 MPH is around 3.5 seconds for example. This is really, really, quick, Porsche Turbo quick. I am interested in the fact that they predict a 310 mile range. Does this dispel the “range anxiety” that is reported to be a deterrent to potential electric car buyers? Are people with Teslas visiting their psychiatrist and working through their “issues” about range? Stay tuned, I suppose. Also, as reported, Porsche is going in about $1 Billion for the investments required to build the “electricsuperwagonthing”. By the way, I just invented that word. I borrowed from the German language the ability to 38 PANDO | April 2016

string together a whole bunch of small words to make a big, gigantic word that says the same thing, what do you think? We need to free up English, or ‘Merican English, a little here folks.

Dog Pile!

Do you remember playing dog pile as kids? Everyone jumped on one person and we all laughed and giggled as they turned blue and yelled; “get off I can’t breathe”, such fun. Well, various and sundry agencies smelling blood and money in the water are filing law suits quicker than you can say; “electricsuperwagonthing” against the Porsche parent Volkswagen Group. The U.S. Government is one such entity, and the total asking price is purported to be… oh, let’s round it to $22 billion. Can VW withstand this without tapping into their subsidiaries for money, and time? This story is now being relegated to the back pages as it’s old news nowadays, and we are busy electing a President in our own messy, democratic, way. But it is not back page at VW group I am sure.

Good bye for now

We have just heard from Bruce Herrington that he is no longer going to be able to supply us monthly book review articles. This is disappointing news as I have enjoyed his “read” on the books reviewed for some time now. We won’t entirely miss Bruce as he promises to send us more, just not on a monthly basis. Staying on Bruce here, I am urging him to write an article to share his experiences as an early member of the Porsche Club with us. Bruce is a longterm member and I think it would be really interesting to hear what driving a Porsche in Southern California was like, “back in the day”.

Behind the Mic

I have been asked if I would emcee the Porsche Club “Festival of Speed” this year in April. Of course I said yes! This is a wonderful event held each year at California Speedway in Fontana, California. It is one of our few West Coast opportunities to see real Porsche Club racing. It will occur over three days in April 8-10th. To say I am excited is an understatement. I hope to see you there as well!

We have a venue for Concours!

In still more late breaking news we have found a very convenient venue for our “White Gloves Concour” this year. It will be at Mile Square Park in Costa Mesa and the date is Saturday June 18th….come out it will be a fine day to see some great Porsche’s on the grass at the park.

Life with Guy

“Guy Noire” the all black 911S Cabriolet is still in the garage, so I guess the check cleared! By the way the New Zealand national Rugby team is called the “All Blacks” because of their uniforms. Google them and watch them do their pre-game “Haka”, too cool. But to return to Guy we are still delighted with the latest but one generation 911. I am particularly impressed by the stock suspension, and the “Sport” button. Weaned on talented drivers matching with “heel & toe” downshifts the rev matching sport button is like Wagner to my ears (see electric car discourse above). See you next time!

Classifieds Would you like to advertise your car in the Pando? Please contact Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com

FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ’77 930 Turbo Carrera Coupe, Metallic Blue/Grey lthr, 10K mi. 00HP twin plug, G50 5spd. $109,000.00. Howard 818/871-0721; hrodgers@ earthlink.net; LAR (1). ’78 930 Turbo Coupe, Green/White lthr, 49K mi. Special order paint (code 99) and interior (code 97). COA. All original. $129,500.00. Bill 317/4169350; wdwollet@aol.com. IR (1). ’86 911 Turbo Coupe, Black/Black lthr, 26K mi. One owner for 30 yrs. All original paint, engine, trans. $125,000.00. Hans 508/280-8945; hansszimmetat@yahoo.com. AR (1).

2011 911 Turbo S Coupe, White/Black lthr, 6,900 miles. Factory Aerokit, carbon interior package, side skirts in exterior color, yellow seat belts, center lock whls, clear taillights, sport steering whl, clear bra on front bumper and front portion of hood and fenders. Four year transferable Fidelity Platinum warranty, battery monitor, Factory car cover. $112,000.00 OBO. Chris 562/522-9675 jezebelsailing@roadrunner.com. OCR (1)

FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-964993-986-996-997-991 ‘96 993 Carrera C4S Coupe, Lapis Blue (L39U)/Marble Grey lthr w/ Black accents (PT), 48.4K mi. Heated seats, 6 spd manual. 1 of 2,300 delivered to U.S. Previously owned by Grammy Award winning musician. $83,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2). ‘97 993 Carrera C4S Coupe, Glacier White (L3AU)/Black lthr, 41K mi. 6 spd manual. Numbers matching, original paint. $104,990.00 Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

2001 996 Turbo Coupe, Orient Red/ Grey lthr, 63.9K mi. 6 spd manual, X50, X71, X78 Packages. CD, DVD, GPS rear camera, JBL 10 speakers. $49,000.00 . Dick 714/ 960-2421; Pristinehb@aol.com. More pictures at www.pristinemotorsports.com. OCR (2)

wheels w/new tires. Wide body, Xenon headlights, carbon fiber steering whl, brake lever, shifter. Fabspeed sport exhaust. 3M clear bra over hood, bumper, and mirrors. Pioneer Navigation system with Rockford Fosqate amp. Valentine 1 Radar detector . New water pump, top hardware. Excellent condition with all service records. $30,000.00 Ron 714/318-3011. OCR (2) 2003 911 Carrera 4S Coupe; Artic Silver (L92U)/Black lthr, 87K mi. 6 spd manual, IMS bearing upgrade. New clutch, tires, brakes. Over $11K recently invested. Mostly original paint, no accidents. CA car from new. PCA member owned. $25,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2). 2003 996 Carrera 4S Coupe, Midnight Blue Metallic (L39C)/ Graphite Grey lthr(CZ). 42.6K mi. 6-spd manual, new clutch/crankshaft seal. 2-owner car, mostly original paint, no accidents. $33,990.00. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 911--1970s ‘70 911 T Coupe, Irish Green (1515)/ Black lthr, 1,900 Miles on full restoration. 5 spd manual. COA. 2.7L gentleman’s sport purpose. Recent full bare metal restoration. Real “NOS” original Cibie lights. $134,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ’76 911 Carrera 3.0L Coupe, Mint Green/Black lthr, 10K mi. Only 487 built by Porsche AG. Concours ready. $250,000.00 Larry ljdibattista@aol. com. GGR (2)

2002 996 Carrera 4 Cabriolet, Silver/ Metropol Blue top and interior, 39K mi. Advanced Technical package, Euro sport suspension, short shift package, dual power, heated seats, custom

’76 911 Carrera 2.7L Euro Coupe, Viper Green/Black lthr. Number 119 of 123 produced. Only 11 cars imported in USA by Porsche AG. COA, all manuals, April 2016 | PANDO 39

tools, jack, records. $275,000.00 Oliver paulamandm@yahoo.com IR (2)

FOR SALE: 911--1980s ‘83 911 SC Cabriolet, Guards Red/ Black lthr, 87.5K mi. 5 spd manual. 1 of 1,718 built for the U.S. 1st yr of the 911 Cabriolet. 1-SoCal owner from new! Numbers matching. All records from new. $24,990.00 Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘84 911 Carrera Coupe, Black/Black lthr, 163K miles on chassis. 915 5 spd manual. Zero miles on fresh engine, trans rebuild. SoCal car. PCA member owned. Numbers matching. Most records from new. $47,990. 00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘87 911 Carrera Coupe, Guards Red (L80K)/Black lthr, 111,400 original miles/20,000 miles on rebuilt engine. Recent fresh engine rebuild & new clutch. G50 5-spd manual. Original paint, numbers matching. 2-owners from new. Highly optioned car. COA. $48,990.00 . Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2). ‘89 911 Carrera Coupe, Satin Black Metallic (Q1)/Silk Grey lthr (97) w/ Black piping, 72K mi. 25th Silver Anniversary Edition, 1 of 60 built. G50 5 spd manual. Numbers matching, COA and original window sticker, all records from new. PCA member owned. $71,990.00 Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: 356 ‘65 356C Reutter Cabriolet, Smyrna Green (6210)/Black lthr, 107.9K mi. Numbers matching CA Black Plate car. Less than 4,000 miles since restoration. Original color Signal Red (6407) .Complete color change when car was near new. Porsche COA. PCA member owned. 4-documented owners from new. 40-years of records. $159,990.00 40 PANDO | April 2016

Index of Advertisers AutoKennel----------------------------------------------- 6 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 15 Bart Zandbergen CFP-------------------------------- 28 Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 36 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 33 Catherine Robinson------------------------------------ 21 Chips Away----------------------------------------------- 8 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 27 David Piper, CPA - ------------------------------------ 28 Doorshield----------------------------------------------- 8 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 32 European Car Specialist-------------------------------- 8 European Collision Center--------------------------- 14 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairway Mortgage Capital---------------------------- 32

Global Motorsports Group----------------------------- 4 Haus of Performance---------------------------------- 28 Hergesheimer--------------------------------------------- 6 Hopalong Auto----------------------------------------- 33 Integrity Motorcar------------------------------------- 10 Law Offices of Joe Nedza----------------------------- 8 O.C. Factory Service, LLC------------------------- IBC M. Scott Huddleston----------------------------------- 36 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties----------------- 14 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 21 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 28 Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 21 Ultimate Shield------------------------------------------ 2 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 22-23

Would you like to advertise in the Pando? For Rates and Availability, Call Cooper Boggs at (714)505-3662 or email Nicole Forrest Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: BOXSTER, PANAMERA, CAYENNE & CAYMAN 2005 987 Boxster S, Seal Grey/ Black top and Black lther w/Stone Grey, 2.6K mi. 6-spd manual, original paint. 2-SoCal PCA, no accidents. Non smoker. $21,990.00. Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

2007 Cayman, Black/Black lthr, 51.4K mi. 5 spd manual. Original paint, numbers matching. 1-PCA SoCal owner from new. COA. $22,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2). 2009 Porsche Cayenne Turbo S, Black/ Black lthr, 48.2K mi. 6-Speed Tiptronic trans, Panoramic roof. 1-Owner SoCal PCA member owned. 3 year/45k-mile Porsche warranty available. Dealer serviced, non-smoker. $44,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

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