PCA-OCR Pandemonium - April 2013

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APRIL 2013

In This Issue... • Featuring The 2013 AutoCross Awards Party • Book Review: Rockin’ Garages • Tour Around Palos Verdes

www.pcaocr.org Editor

April 2013

Inside this issue

Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530

Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs

cooper.boggs@gmail.com (714) 505-3662

Sue Culvert, Loraine and Bruce Peasland at Terranea with Catalina Island in the distance

Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981

Technical Writer Lee Rice

Contributing Writers Dennis Asbury Lisa Goetsch Garey Cooper Bruce Herrington Matthew O’Donnell, Bruce Powers

Paradise - Newport Style

6 9 12 17 21 23

Bruce Wants To Know Feature: AutoCross Party The Cheetah And Me Tour Around Palos Verdes AutoCross Awards Chart Book Review: Rockin’ Garages

Upcoming Events 2 3 14 23 26 27 27 29 30 32 36 IBC

Calendar of Events Chilly Fingers Tour Lojack Tech Session Festival Of Speed Porsches & Pancakes Porsches at Spring Mountain SB Camarillo Autocross AutoCross Events AX Drivers Clinic New Member Picnic Friends of Steve McQueen Woody’s BurgerBahn


Bob Scheussler Contributing Photographers Tom Calvert Charles Carchedi Chris DeRose Lisa Goetsch Pamela Horton Eric Kaltenbach Steve Klein, Gary Labb Pete Lech John Ortiz Tony Sullivan


Christian Van Fleet -Top Gun!

On the Cover: AutoCross Award Winners Take Center Stage!

3 4 5 11 15 24 25 35 36 IBC

President’s Message Contacts Editor’s Corner AutoCross Corner Rice’s Ramblings Membership Breakfast Club/New Members Classifieds List of Advertisers Goodie Store

Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726

APRIL 2013


2013 OCR Calendar of Events* APRIL 2013 5-7 6 11 13 14 20 20 20 27 27 28 29

California Festival of Speed Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm PCA-SBR Camarillo Auto-X AutoX-El Toro Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-SBR Rally School PCA-CAI Concours Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido PCA-SGVR Concours Chilly Fingers Photo Rally - Big Bear DE at Auto Club Speedway

3-5 4 4 9 11 11 12 18 19 19 25

PCA Club Race, Z 8 Time Trial & DE Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Garden Tour- Pending new venue Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm New Members Picnic SBR/Zone 8 El Camino Real Rally Petersen Automotive Museum Tour Krispy Kreme Gathering AutoX-El Toro Muckenthaler Motor Car Festival Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

MAY 2013

JULY 2013 6 11 14 20 21 27

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Mt. Wilson Tour Krispy Kreme Gathering AutoX-El Toro Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

AUGUST 2013 3 4 8 11

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Griffith Observatory Tour 16/18 Monterey Historics 17 Krispy Kreme Gathering 24 Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido 24 Hearts and Garages Tour

SEPTEMBER 2013 7 8 12 15 21 28

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Mullin Automotive Museum Tour Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

SEPTEMBER 2013 contd. 30 DE at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway

JUNE 2013 1 1 9 13 15 22 23

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido Photo Trap Rally 23/29 PCA Porsche Parade

OCTOBER 2013 5 10 13 19 26

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Julian Tour Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

NOVEMBER 2013 2 3 14 16 23

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

DECEMBER 2013 7 8 12 21 28

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido TBA Christmas Brunch Cruise TBA Ladies Christmas Soiree

* Event dates subject to change. Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www.Zone8.org. OCR Board Meetings All members are welcome to OCR Board Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting at Original Mike’s We thank them for their support.

The Rennlist A Request for updated emails! The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net


Got a suggestion? Need a question answered? Just want to vent? This email will go straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we will share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the information to this email also.

President’s Message by Pres. Gordon Williams

Greetings all! I am happy to report that Norm Follis has once again decided to volunteer and chair our Concours committee for 2013. As I’m sure most of you remember, Norm has been responsible for the successful operation and administration of two previous spectacular events and I’m sure our 2013 event will be no exception. Thank you Norm for your loyal and

exceptional service to the Club! This year Shady Canyon is not available, so we are actively searching for any venues and suggestion of venues you folks may have. Also, please begin checking the calendar more frequently. We will be listing events further out in the year so that you may have time to plan more effectively. Both the online calendar and the Pando calendar on page 2 will be as current and as all-inclusive of future events as possible but they are ever changing as new events are added.. Thanks Greg, Gary, David and Maryann for your efforts! Remember we have the Festival of Speed this month. It promises to be an incredible event if it even remotely resembles previous years festivities! Also, Larry Moore has given CPR to the Frozen Fingers Rallye and it has been resuscitated! Look for it to happen in April as well. We are rapidly approaching some of the best driving months of the year and our Vice President Greg Lush

has been actively filling out the tour schedule. Any suggestions you may have can be sent to Greg at ocrtours@ live.com. Since I like to add a recent photo to this message whenever possible, and I still have a bit of Kenya on the brain, here’s a photo of my volunteer group at Lake Nakuru Falls. Exceptional people all. Thank you to all of our members and associates for their participation in our events. Remember this club runs on our volunteers no matter how little or how much they choose to become involved. Please don’t let your inability to devote a large amount of your time to the club keep you from volunteering ANY of your time to the club! In closing, please take the time to say “thank you” to one of our volunteers for all their efforts! I’ll see you on the road! Gordo

Chilly Fingers Tour Photo Rally to Big Bear Sunday, April 28, 2012 (weather permitting) A leisurely tour/rally, w/ an easy enroute Photo ID test, to BIG BEAR for a festive Luncheon (no host), via a routing you probably haven’t driven. Optional fun return route via the ‘Crestline-backdoor’. Start: San Juan Capistrano, s.e. corner Ortega Hwy & Rancho Viejo, just east of I-5 and Ortega Hwy (Hwy 72) interchange Registration: ‘The Day-of’, opens at 9:00 AM on site; Cost: $10 per car. We plan to depart by 9:30. PLEASE RSVP to Larry Moore, lbm993@cox.net by April 23. For further information, contact Larry Moore at 949-760-0789

APRIL 2013


Contact Information


OCR Executive Board RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net

President - Gordon Williams Surgicat@aol.com

Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com

Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com

Vice President - Greg Lush

Membership Director - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com


Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson Secretary - Monica Asbury


fast.freddy@verizon.net Concours Co-chair Norm Follis njfollis@gmail.com Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com

Member at Large - Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com

OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Christine Newcomer AutoXReg@sbcglobal.net Craig Adams ocrautox@live.com Autocross Registration Armand Gastelo autoxreg@live.com Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@yahoo.com


Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Past President Nicole Forrest-Boggs Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net

Zone 8 Chairs Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Zone 8 Region Coordinator Gary Peterson gary.peterson@hrh.com Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net Zone 8 Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper

Max & Garey at La Quinta

High atop the Orange Coast Tower, in the lofty sequestered bower, club savants huddle and glower. Schedules past and present, letters to the president, all food and fodder for their infinite chatter. Outside the country warms and Porsches to the roads conform. It’s a springtime day; more fun is on the way!

I think). This is a special one, put on by our own Rallye Meister Larry Moore. Sort of a “sea to sky” run, it will be a great day because Larry is excellent at putting these together to maximize enjoyment. Also a family event and good for the significant other to ride along as it’s not about the speed; it’s about the enjoyment of the road and the ride. Moving along to May, the annual garden tour that was scheduled for the 4th has been cancelled. They are looking for a replacement since the entire event went kapoof on them this year. So stay tuned. I know this is a ladies favorite, but there have been more than a few guys who have gone along. Maybe they know something the rest of us guys are overlooking? Beautiful women and gardens; fauna AND flora… I’m beginning to get it! Anyhow, Mrs. Cooper has gone on this tour and had a great time with the ladies and cars. On the 11th of May is the new members picnic. This is our chance to (Continued on Page 34)


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Ain’t we got fun? It is a wonderful time to be a club member and a Porsche aficionado. On the club side, we have, or more accurately are in the middle of having, a vintage year. Autocross is in full swing and in the next couple of months we have many interesting activities for the Porsche dudes and dudettes. See page 2 of the Pandemonium or go to our web site for the calendar: http://www.pcaocr. com/?page=6&m=4&y=2013#calendar. Just to give you a glimpse of what we have on the agenda, I’ll mention a few. In April we have our standbys, the Breakfast Club, the Burger Bahn and the Porsches and Pancakes breakfast. Personally, Porsches and pancakes are two of my favorite things so the combination is irresistible. All of these are family friendly gatherings and the perfect opportunity to dust off the Carerra and give it an airing. Also an April event is the “Chilly Fingers” rallye (I always put the “e” in rally, really gives it some sophistication


To commemorate our 10th anniversary we have combined all our favorites into two exciting Autobahn Adventures Our all-inclusive tours feature the new 911 Carrera and include gas, insurance and preprogrammed navigation Experience some of the most Luxurious hotels in Europe. Enjoy banquet dinners with gourmet food and fine wines Go behind the scenes at the Porsche factory and museum in Stuttgart. Drive the Autobahn - No Speed Limit Come join the party and help us celebrate on one of our incredible Luxury European Driving Tours

For the complete itineraries visit our website at www.autobahnadventures.com or call us at 714.9640280

APRIL 2013



APRIL 2013


Rice’s Performance Porsches Specializing in 911 & 930

Repairs, Overahauls, Service & Upgrades Porsche Engine Specialist OEM Porsche Parts, ARP, Bosch, KKK Turbos, RUF


LESLIE F. RICE PHONE (714) 539-1042 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY E-MAIL riceturbos@sbcglobal.net

Feature Article:

Walter’s Porsche Hosts 2013 Autocross Party Story by Bob Scheussler, Photos by Lisa Goetsch The 2012 Walter’s Porsche Autocross Series Awards Party was hosted for the fifth consecutive year by Walter’s Porsche in Riverside, on February 23. As usual, Walter’s had many new Porsches on display for the party (Note: remember this for later). Over 65 drivers, family members and friends attended this annual event to relive the 2012 Autocross season and celebrate victories with the award winners. Once again, the selection of food and beverages provided by Walter’s was excellent. Ed McRae, Walter’s Porsche General Manager, welcomed the group. Ed remarked how pleased Walter’s is with relationship the Orange Coast Region has enjoyed with Walter’s and thanked Club members for their business over the years. He specifically remarked that Club member car purchases (Note: remember this for later) and service work is quite visible and appreciated. Walter’s is looking forward to their sixth year of PCAOCR Sponsorship in 2013 with enthusiasm. Ed then honored Bob Juliano, Walter’s Porsche Service Manager who is retiring in September, with a Club jacket. Bob highlighted his early career in New York and his ‘cannonball run’ relocation drive to the west coast. Bob Scheussler then presented a Sponsor’s Trophy to Ed McRae. Sponsor jackets were awarded to Walter’s employees in recognition of their individual contributions to the Walter’s/ PCAOCR relationship subsequent to the party to shorten the agenda. AX Event Sponsor awards were presented next to the companies that sponsored AX events throughout the season. Event Sponsors help to subsidize the monthly AX events and frequently provide the greatly appreciated lunches and soft drinks. Orange Coast Region is very lucky to have a number of outstanding Event Sponsors – many of the 2012 Event Sponsors repeat their sponsorships over several years, some

Christine Newcomer & Craig Adams, Autocross Co-Chairs for 2013

even sponsor multiple events in a single year! The 2012 event sponsors were: • • • • • • • •

Autowerkes – Bruce Powers Bill Brewster Porsche Specialists – Bill Brewster Cape Auto Repair – James Buck Fairview Mortgage Capital – Steve Eguina Flying L Racing – Lisa Taylor & Tom Ridings GMG Motorsports - James Sofronas & Fabryce Kutyba GSR Autosport – Nick Richards Racing Lifestyle – Steve Eguina

Support provided by these sponsors is deeply valued and is a key element in continuing our outstanding AX program. Other important sponsors supporting our 2012 Driving Events program were: our Website Sponsor, omniplatform, located in Riverside and our Graphics/ Photo Sponsor, Studio Z Advertising & Design, located in Fountain Valley. Both sponsors have dedicated untold hours to support our Club. The 2012 AX Co-Chairs, Christine Newcomer & Chuck

Bartolon, presented the Championship Jackets and Trophies to the 2012 AX award winners. A full list of award winners can be seen in the accompanying table on page 21. Christine presented Chuck Bartolon, the out-going AX Co-chair, an award in recognition of his service co-chairing the AX events. While we will miss Chuck, he joins the expanding ranks of Emeriti that include Steve Eguina, Jim Harris, Bob Scheussler, James Buck & Greg Lush. Driving Instructor Co-Chief, Dennis Neff, presented the Instructor of the Year Award to Hideki Okano, who received many compliments from his students and provided untold hours of in-car instruction to Club Members at AX events. Thank you and congratulations Hideki!

Hideki Okano, Instructor of the Year (Continued on Page 20)

APRIL 2013



Auto-X Corner:

The First 2013 Autocross Drivers Clinic

Story by Matthew O’Donnell, Equipment Manager may have prevented at least one accident by teaching the clinics participants the “proper” way to break at a moments notice. We won’t mention the danger you put yourself in by standing in front of them with only a flimsy flag to deter their cars in order to avoid that potential accident, let’s stay on topic. Rod Taylor instructed the slalom course, where an oval shape, lined with cones on either side, was set up with an optional entrance. The goal was to weave in and out of the row of cones while maintaining speed, car control while not hitting any of the cones. Fortunately for us, we had Shaan Maurier (an autocross instructor) running around like an Olympic sprinter fixing all of the cones before anyone noticed any had been knocked down (and there were many). Thank you for volunteering and for a suburb job, Shaan. Perhaps one of the most anticipated courses of the day was the figure eight instructed by Rick Neff and James Buck (Corner Worker Coordinator). With both a wet and dry scenario in place, throttle steering and car handling were the main points of focus for most drivers. The instructors may have had a slightly different focal point that sounded something like “don’t get sick, don’t get sick”. After all, it is not easy going around and around the course with

AX Series Support Sponsor Racing Lifestyles

Not many folks have the luxury of spending a day out on the track in 80-degree weather playing with their cars. For those of us who are the lucky ones, there was no better place to perform a controlled spin of your car, maneuver around cones, drive a figure eight, practice collision/threshold breaking and run in a mini autocross than the PCA Drivers Clinic at the old El Toro Marine Corps base in Irvine, CA on February 2, 2013. The event provided all levels of drivers a controlled environment where they could practice new skills and develop safe driving habits. We had a great turn out and enjoyed seeing new faces around the track. Without the generosity of our event sponsors, Racing Lifestyle and Fairview Capitol Mortgage, we all would have had a typical relaxing Saturday by the pool or beach. Sounds like no fun at all compared to an autocross event. So instead, we filled our morning and afternoon with challenging obstacles to help us test new cars, parts and abilities and ended the day with a mini autocross course event. We also thank our Series Sponsor, Walter’s Porsche, and our Series Support Sponsor, GMG - Global Motorsport Group. A special thanks goes to all of the autocross volunteers who came out and supported our event. You are truly appreciated and the driving force (no pun intended) behind our event’s success.

Don Chapman (autocross safety guru) provided his services by overseeing all safety conditions throughout the day. His expertise ensured the newest to most experienced attendees were driving within their means but also allowed them to push the limits of their cars. Our chief driving instructor, Eric Budai, ran a flawless event that permitted learning, fun and safety to come together cohesively to make us all safer drivers by understanding our cars and individual limitations. Steve Abbott and Dwight Moore had the difficult task of convincing hesitant drivers to trust their directions and intentionally push their cars to spin out. The intent of this is to teach inexperienced drivers how to recover from a spin properly. For those who were able to take it to a spin, great job! For those who were a little reserved, come to an autocross event. A little friendly competition will boost your confidence, trust me! Mr. David Witteried, you A 911 enters the collision avoidance gates at speed

(Continued on Page 28)

APRIL 2013



CHEETAH and me Denny Asbury

In high school my friends liked 56 Chevys, I liked Porsche Speedsters. Somehow I found a book in the school library with short stories about racing around the world. I was fascinated with the drama, romance, danger, and tradition of road racing. After I graduated from college I bought a 250cc Grand Prix Yamaha. The bike was blazingly fast, it could top 140mph but they had a habit of tossing off the rider when the engine seized. It tossed me at about 110 mph at the old Ontario Speedway, and while I lay there counting my fingers and toes, I decided to quit racing that evil little beast. 12 years later I started racing in the Club Ford class with Sports


Car Club of America. This was the most popular class at the time. The first year I finished way back. The second year I moved to the front. The third year I won the South West Championship. I also won the Eloy Grand Prix. It was a wonderful race around the dusty downtown streets of Eloy Arizona. It was all great fun, but at the end of the third year the brutal reality of racing hit me hard when a good friend was killed at Riverside raceway. A month later I was on the pre-grid at Willow Springs, a red flag went up and everything stopped. There had been a “fatal”. Getting into my car after the ambulance went by was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. After that all my close driver friends bonded even tighter and we

started watching out for each other with a new sense of purpose. There are no better friends in the world than racing friends. Tragically this “club” racing claimed five competitors during my career. The next year I bought a Swift F2000. It went faster than you should go in a tube frame car, about 140 mph. In my second year with that car I won several professional class 2 races and also the Southwest National championship. Phoenix Raceway was my first oval race. On lap 10, four cars crashed in front of me upon entering turn one. They hit the wall and pieces of three cars flew past both sides of my car. I aimed at the fourth car because, “when you get there it will be gone”, and it was. I hated the oval.

A friend called me one day and offered me his team including an older Swift DB4, ready to go to Long Beach. I had never thought about the LBGP because the Atlantic cars were enormously expensive, but I bought the team. The Swift DB4 was a monster of a car, way faster than I could drive. It had huge sticky tires, ground effects tunnels that sucked it onto the track, and it was brutal on the driver. After my first 5 laps I had to be pulled from the car. The cockpit was small and g-forces bashed my body on the carbon tub. The DB4 could do 165 mph at Long Beach, I called it the Cheetah. It was alive and aggressive, it had only one purpose and it did not like dilettantes. I started working out, I had to drive flat out for one hour and never hit a wall. Eventually I got stronger and the Cheetah started to accept me and we came to an agreement. I would give it a

fresh engine, new tires, and a good mechanic, and it agreed not to kill me. The first race at Long Beach was the best weekend of my life and also the worst. I qualified well but in the race I touched the wall, which ripped off my rear wheel. Bummer! The second year I left the Cheetah in it’s cage and I bought a Ralt RT40, a more competitive car that had a bigger cockpit and was easier to drive. The Toyota motor was strong but fragile. It would live 6 hours under 9800 rpm. As the engine builder downloaded the computer data, I confessed to 8 over revs, the data said 134 – “bad driver”. Midway through the race I had my “ESPN moment” as a car touched me and my rear wing ripped off and flew 60 feet into the air. Bob Varsha, the ESPN announcer, gave me a nice promo (local business man, self sponsored, volunteer crew) the camera followed me as I parked the car and slumped away.

The third year the transmission broke about 10 laps into the race. I sold the car never intending to race again. The next year my buddies called and begged me to get a new car so “they” could have fun. So I bought an ex-team Verizon car. Their Ralt RT41 was a fantastic car, it was fast, smooth and had no vices. By far the best racecar I ever owned. This was the only race run in the rain in the history of LBGP. Nobody had rain tires. We had to hand groove race tires. In the race I moved up from 29th to 8th. All the hot kids were crashing everywhere and I passed them after they hit the walls. With about 5 laps to go we had a restart and everything went white from spray. I could barely see the wall as it flashed past on the right side of the car, and then bam! The series leader made a desperate, blind move and hit me, which broke my rear suspension. Well that was it – four LBGP races and not one finish, although after the last race I was classified 12th and made $1500. I walked away in one piece with lots of stories to tell. I still get a tight feeling in my gut when I go down to the track, but I was fortunate to drink from the cup of heroes and I’ve had enough for a lifetime.

The Cheetah - fast and brutal on the driver. Opposite - RT-41 in the rain at Long Beach GP.

APRIL 2013


Save the Date April 6th

Do You Need To Protect Yourself? Following Breakfast Ted Saraf from LoJack will give a 15 min. presentation on their vehicle recovery system. Ted will cover current auto theft statistics as well as how to protect not only new Porsches, but classic Porsches from the 1980’s and earlier.

LoJack units will be offered at a special discounted rate for classic Porsche cars.


Rice’s Ramblings:


Story by Lee Rice

Sadly I start April’s article with a tribute to Porsche Club of America’s Technical Chairman, BRUCE ANDERSON. Bruce Anderson passed-on last month. He was only 74 years young! Bruce was, for us who love the technical masterpieces from the “Haus of Porsche”, an interpreter for some of the mysteries and most technical features of our Porsches. He had a gift for explaining not just how to fix something or what part to replace but Bruce explained what all the parts do and most importantly WHY they do what they do. Bruce’s unique gift of writing was a simple style as he told how our Porsches evolved into what they are today. His writing was like reading a family history, which to a 911 owner is family! Bruce also made the ’nuts ‘n bolts’ stuff interesting to a point where I know; I couldn’t wait to get inside my first 911 engine. (1971). I met Bruce only a few times as he always had a following and was usually walking, talking, and shaking hands with many PCA-ers everywhere he went. I have tried to pass on Bruce’s technical style in my articles as I too love to explain how everything works and why it does so. In my “Ramblings” I try to follow Bruce’s example and write about the `what and how’ of Porsche mysteries to help those wanting their Porsche as original as possible. And also those wanting to change things to later technology and reliability (like chain tensioners and head studs) and those who wish to venture into re-engineering to rebuild their 911 their own way. This gets into “911 hot roding,” and by that I

mean using Porsches 48 year 911 parts inventory, technical and race proven knowledge to build your 911 the way you want it to be… I still do,recommend that AirCooled 911 owners should have a copy of Anderson’s Porsche 911 Performance Handbook 1965 –1998 3rd Edition. This is the number one book that should be on ny 911 owner’s shelf! Fan, Alternator, Pulleys & Belts The 1989 3.6 liter to the ‘98 3.6 liter 993tt (turbo) engine’s Fan-Alternator Belt System is a bit more complicated than the earlier (1965-1989) belt systems. The ‘89 3.6 “964” Carrera system used 3 belts and 3 pulleys to drive the fan, alternator, and A/C compressor. The 3.6 non-turbo Crankshaft Pulley Assy. is a 3 V-Belt pulley. It has (2ea) 9.5m V-belt pulleys and a single 12.5wide V-belt Pulley/Dampener for the A/C. The 3.6 Carrera alternator/ fan has (2ea) 9.5mm wide adjustable, pulley halves. The alternator is driven from the crankshaft pulley belt to the alternator’s twin V-pulley halves that mount against the inner bearing of the “Wheel Hub” – a floating bearing mounted on the Alternator’s shaft. The wheel hub is tightened against the alternator shaft by a 24 mm nut, which holds the wheel hub’s inner bearing tight against the alternator shaft, and thus turns the alternator. The Fan is driven by a belt from the crank pulley to the Fan V-Pulley halves. The pulley halves mount onto the Wheel Hub with (3ea.) socket head bolts, securing the fan to the Wheel Hub’s outer bearing. The fan, with a broken belt, will not turn! It requires a belt warning to alert the driver the engine is going to seize from heat if not corrected IMMEDIATELY! The C-2 Turbo, 3.3 & 3.6 Liter, 1992-94 use a single multi-rib “POLY V-belt” (serpitine belt) for both the Alternator and A/C. This has a single nonadjustable pulley mounted on the alternator shaft that functions the same way as the Alternator pulley halves do on the 965 Carrera engine. APRIL 2013

Bruce Anderson

The problems with belts are usually from new belts being installed either too tight or too loose during normal service replacement. Just like in a 1965–1989 911/930, a new belt should be installed carefully, turning the fan pulley and crank pulley as the fan nut is tightened. This helps tighten the belt with an even tension and avoids warping the outer pulley half! A belt should never be over tightened as this can cause the alternator’s bearing (& alternator) to fail, and the fan can scrape the fan housing! I adjust the Fan/ Alternator belt on early 911/930s to have some wiggle on the belt when the engine is cold but taught when it is warm. Most new belts stretch after being installed. This is normal. The 964 and 993 have a much more involved belt adjusting procedure using the “belt measuring instrument Special Tool 9574”. This is found in the 964 & 993 Werkshop Manuals. Without the shop manual and a belt tool, the same methods used for the early 911/930 belt adjusting can be used to install and tension the belts on a 964 and 993. I recommend going looser if in doubt. Over-tightening is always trouble! Recently I have had another of the all too familiar “Wheel Hub” bearing failures. This hub has twin ball bearing locked in the 3 bolt wheel hub. The most recent failure on a 993tt, had the belts looking fine, only the fan itself was loose and wobbling around? For this 993tt engine I also had done an upgrade by replacing the floating Wheel Hub for a 3.8 RS/R & GT-2 single belt, solid, Fan/ (Continued on Page 30)



TOUR AROUND PALOS VERDES Story by LB Moore Photos by: Tom Calvert, Charles Carchedi, Chris DeRose, Eric Kaltenbach, Steve Klein, Pete Lech, Tony Sullivan The Tour’istas began arriving at the Krispy Kreme parking lot in Orange at 8:45 am on a sensationally sunny morning. We opened the Tour Registration at 9:00, and by 9:15 we had signed in 25 cars, given out all of the Route Instructions we had available and more and more members were still arriving seeking entry. Panic! Pete and Judy Lech to the rescue, again! They took our last copy of route instructions and headed off to find a Kinkos/Staples/whatever to run more copies. Having considerably more members arrive for an event than planned is a problem; a good problem, but still a problem. The error was mine in that I neglected to request RSVPs from everyone. Note to self, “Don’t make that mistake again, dummy!” Pete and Judy returned with the additional copies and we resumed registration. In all, we had 49 cars participate. That constitutes by far the largest tour or rally turn-out in recent memory.

to PV Drive north, to PV Drive west and then back to PV Drive south. We wound The Porsche Peloton exits the Freeway our way counterclockwise around the peninsula on this ring road. The actual roadway is a charming two-lane, 35 mph, twisting upsy, downsy ribbon of road lined with pepper and eucalyptus trees. Now and then a break in the trees revealed glimpses of the Los (l to r) Larry Tourmeister Moore, Anita Pittman, Gloria Moore, Angeles Basin with the Dan Pittman (in back), and Sandy Klein San Gabriel Mountains in the background. About half way around perfect and Catalina Island was sitting we turned up off of PV Drive North and out there on an apparent pedestal. climbed the hill up into the Rancho Palos Returning to the PV Drive ring, we Verdes Estates community where the continued a couple of miles further and homes get much larger and you can see then turned down towards the ocean out across the Santa Monica Bay all the cliff and into the Terranea Resort for way to the Malibu. The weather gods lunch. Small problem: a lot of folks, were cooperating and the views were not in Porsches, were backed up getting breathtaking. WOW! into the resort parking area for the same We descended back down through reason(s) we were there, lunch and the the RPV community, rejoined the views on a beautiful day. Turns out the PV Drive north and continued resort staff we talked to last month, on our counterclockwise circuit. On a chilly rainy day, had downplayed how the west face of the peninsula we busy this place could be on a really nice veered off and proceeded down sunny day like this one. Nonetheless, we to the ocean cliff face for a photo entered, parked and fanned-out into the stop. Again, the weather was five different on-site restaurants to enjoy

The Porsche Peloton exits the Freeway

We (the impressive tour peloton of 49 Porsches) departed Krispy Kreme at 10 am and drove west on the 22 Fwy to the 405, then turned south on the 110 to San Pedro. We left the freeway and climbed the hill on 5th St., 1st St. and then Miraleste to Palos Verdes (PV) Drive South. PV Drive winds around the Palos Verdes Peninsula and changes name from PV Drive south, to PV Drive east,

The View north, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Culver City, LA & the mountains (Continued on Page 26)

APRIL 2013


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Feature: From Beast To Beauty:

(Continued from Page 9)

Chuck Bartolon, 2012 AX Co-Chair

Christian Van Fleet earned the “Top Gun” Award plus bragging rights

The ‘hot-shoes’ were anxiously awaiting the announcement of the Top Gun Award, which recognizes the single driver with the highest score for the season using the BRI (Bench Racing Index) for each Autocross event. The award, presented by Emeritus Steve Eguina, went to Christian Van Fleet, who was truly awed (rare for Christian). Congrats Christian! Special thanks to all the Instructors for sharing their time & their cars and the 2012 Autocross Events Team for their hard work throughout the year: • AX Co-Chairs - Christine Newcomer, Chuck Bartolon • Chief Driving Instructors - Dennis Neff & Rick Neff • Corner Workers - Craig Adams • Course Design Attila Szilagyi & Dave Palmquist • Equipment Eric Budai • Registration Armand Gastelo & Christine Newcomer • Safety Don Chapman • Tech Christian & Kevin Van Fleet • Timing Chris Barrington, Kris Scheussler, Lorri Trotter, & Karin Scheussler • DE Co-Chairs Steve Eguina & Bob Scheussler • Emeriti Steve Eguina, Jim Harris, Bob Scheussler, James Buck, Greg Lush The Club could not have a driving program without efforts of the Instructors and the AX Team. The party highlighted another outstanding year of driving with friends. And in an unselfish gesture of support for the Club, Lisa Taylor purchased a shiny new Porsche 991during the party! Now THAT’s what we call supporting our sponsors! Thanks to all Sponsors, Volunteers and Drivers for a great 2012 AX season! You are the reason our Autocross program continues to get better every year. We look forward to seeing you all at the Walter’s PCAOCR Driving Events during 2013!

Lisa Taylor looks pretty ecstatic after purchasing her new 991 from Walter’s during the awards party!


2012 PCA2012 OCRPCAAutocross Year End Awards OCR Autocross Year End Awards Class CC02 CC03 CC04

CC04L CC05 CC06



CC08L CC09 CC10 CC11 CC11L CC12

Position 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2


John Ortiz John Pettross Dennis Neff Richard Neff Josef West Matthew O'Donnell Carolyn Neff Courtney Coad Christopher Barrington Dennis Wolfe Jeremy Cottrell Chuck Bartolon Douglas Volder Hideki Okano Roger Ang Don Chapman Kent Verderico Rod Taylor David Witters Kris Scheussler Lorri Trotter Thomas Sideris Patricia Lynn Taylor Christian Van Fleet Dave Waddell Craig Adams Christine Newcomer Lisa Taylor Greg Lush Jan Weir

Class CC13 CC14 CC15 CC16 SS01 SS03 SS05 SS06 SS07 SS08 SS09

SS09L SS10 Novice


Position 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4

Name James Buck Bob Scheussler Steve Wong Steve Equina Joe Litavis Bo Linton Armand Gastelo Steve Stewart Tom Randel Dave McLean Lee Smith Don Costello Kenneth Leddon Dwight Moore Robert Perkowski Bruce Guarino Pamela Horton Tom Ridings Chad Rasmussen Margie Evarts Troy Evarts Scott Zbornak Kellee Zbornak Steve Abbott Henry Bjoin Steve Towers Bob Endicott

APRIL 2013



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Book Review:

Rockin’ Garages by Tom Cotter and Ken Gross, with photos by Michael Alan Ross, published in October 2012 by Motorbooks, Indianapolis, IN. Review by Bruce Herrington Rockin’ Garages sounds like a story from Southern California earthquake country. Actually, it’s more about raising the roof than shaking the ground. This book deals with the garages, the cars and car activities of some of the rock and roll music world’s big names. Turns out, guys like Billy Joel, Keith Urban, Nick Mason, Kenny Wayne Shepard etc., are into cars as well as music. Even Arlo Guthrie (of Alice’s Restaurant Massacree fame) is included for us old-fogie Folk Music types. If you don’t recognize the garage owner’s names, you might recognize the bands represented – Fabulous Thunderbirds, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Fleetwood Mac, Doobie Brothers, etc. It is not clear how many of these musicians/bands started in garages, but this book does make it clear that some have graduated from the big stage back into garages, now with 4-wheeled ‘instruments’. Half way through the first paragraph of the Foreword by Billy F Gibbons of ZZ Top, you’ll know that this ain’t like no other car book you ever read, no how. The four chapters – The Need for Speed, Rockin’ Racers, Fuel Injected and Collectors and Cruisers – segregate (pardon the expression) the 20 musicians (they aren’t all ‘Rock Stars’) profiled into categories based on their automotive inclinations. If you are surprised to find that many rock & roll musicians are gearheads, read the introduction dealing with an interview with: Dr. Martin Jack Rosenblum, Professor of Music History and Literature, University of Wisconsin. He thinks it is a natural combination. There is a preponderance of Detroit Iron in the fleets of these musicians, but there is Porsche content – the index lists 14 different Porsche models, some appearing multiple times. Though the Rock and Roll performers are the vehicle for this book, it’s all

about the cars and there are some very interesting cars described. The range of tastes is extraordinary and the cars are meticulously prepared. The two common threads are ‘More Power’, and a familiar one, ‘cars are meant to be driven’, several on the track. Some of these guys are really serious. Several have opened restoration shops and others have raced at dirt ovals and such places as LeMans and the Daytona 24 hour. It seems that the racers compare the feelings of starting a race to those of stepping on stage to start a concert. One is renowned as a rebuilder of 12 cyl Ferrari engines. Another vintage races a Maserati 250F (the model Stirling Moss drove in so many Formula 1 races), and lets his wife drive his 250 GTO Ferrari, on the street. With their collections and customizations, these guys are living the boyhood dreams of many of us. Interestingly, a recurring theme amongst these famous musicians is how they started playing to get money to buy a car, often their first car. Rockin’ Garages is an easy, very interesting read, but there are a few jarring notes – extensive picture captions

APRIL 2013

and section ‘teazers’ abound. They are actually just quoted from the text, so as you read, it seems that the text repeats itself, as do pictures from the ‘teazers’. Also, some notes that the editors wrote to themselves still remain in the text. As exemplified by the cover, this book not only contains lots of color pictures but uses color extensively in the layout design. With 192 9-3/4 x 11-1/4 inch pages, and 220 illustrations, Rockin’ Garages is almost coffee table size. But with its extensive (flamboyant?) use of color it can be the color accent for any room after you have digested the captivating stories inside. Rockin’ Garages should be available for $35 at your favorite book seller, ask for it, or at www.motorbooks. com.


OCR Membership Anniversaries [6 years or more]

39 Years Dennis & Julie Walsh 38 Years Bruce Bollong 33 Years William & Margaret Otto 29 Years David & Devi Bellows Pamela Horton 28 Years Martin & Ron Kurta 25 Years Kiyoshi Takano Stephen & Pearl Faddis 24 Years Ed & Rosalie Ricci 23 Years Bob & Jacqueline Weber 20 Years Jeff & Marsha Peterson Viken & Nora Bedrossian John Bouza & Sherron Bennett 18 Years Arnie & Carolyn Shusterman Margaret & Jack Brown 17 Years Jack Gabus & Bolette Albertsen 16 Years Paul & Penny Hinds Dennis & Debi Donsker Keith & Rita Hulley 15 Years Brent & Cheryl Holden Bob Scheussler & Lisa Goetsch Thomas Randel & Wei Han Neil & Connie Colwell 14 Years Michael & Florine Swain 13 Years Walt & Susan Crandall Joe & Emma Kunz Louis & Pegi Marecek 12 Years Bill & Jason Tran Bryan Pepper & Heather Fera Mark & Michelle Chao Joseph Fan


Thomas Hawthorne Yorba Linda/2013 991

11 Years Chase McLaughlin Bob & Cindy Nimtz

Sundeep Karnik & Sadhna Paralkar Laguna Beach/2008 Cayman S

10 Years Marc & Linda McConnell Tina & Tom Olsen Bradley & Michael Thalken

Daniel & Cathy Levitt East Hills, New York/1987 911, 2007 C2S

9 Years Michael & Tina Ventrella Robert Berger James & Regan Steedman Ruben & Chris Solano Kirk & Christopher Todd Ray Maa

Stanton Rowe Newport Coast/2013 Panamera

8 Years James Schaedler & Jocelyn Mccord Rick & Lori Lal Andrew & Ivan Oransky Jeff Fraser

Jesse & Herminia Valenzuela San Pedro/1988 911

Sungjin Song & Youn Sungwon Irvine/2012 911 Brian Stuart Laguna Niguel/2008 Boxster S

Jason Judy & Karin Ludwig Laguna Hills/1978 993T, 2002 GT2 Transfer from San Diego(SDO)

7 Years Sergio & Shirlene Rosman Craig Taylor Arthur & Joanne Iwasaki

Michael & Jackie LaFever Irvine/2013 981 Transfer from Los Angeles(LA)

6 Years Aaron & Edward Peralta

New Members and Transfers Richard Aceves Huntington Beach/2004 911 C4S

Thomas Liguori & Christy Copeman Menifee/1984 911 Transfer from San Diego(SDO) Gregory Spicer Newport Beach/2001 911 Transfer from Los Angeles(LA)

Max Alavi Long Beach/2007 Cayman Kirk Andrews & Mary Herzog Laguna Beach/1987 944 Scott & Debi Evans Santa Ana/2010 Panamera

Membership Questions? • General Membership Info

• Where is my Pando? • They spelled my NAME wrong! • Potential Member Referrals

• Change of Address / Car /Phone • Joining PCA/OCR • IntraRegion Transfers

Contact: CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com

Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by Pamela Horton

Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the March 2013 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches as well as some of our members at other breakfast events. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.

New Member Bill Anderson 2012 Black 991 Carrera S

New Members Jesse & Herminia Valenzuela - 1988 Venetian Blue 911

Breakfast is great at Woody’s Diner

A festive group of porschephiles gathered at Woody’s Diner for food, fun & car talk.

Prettying up the Peninsula Thursday nights at Woody’s


Tour Around Palos Verdes:(Continued from Page 17)

“My butt savers”, Judy and Pete Lech Lunch at Terranea, (l to r) Chris & Dick De Rose, Vicki & Chuck Waychoff, Peggy & Scott Huddlestons

a leisurely lunch while looking across the picture perfect calm sea to Catalina and beyond. The original plan was to regroup after lunch and drive the remainder of the route together around the last stretch of the peninsula, then down through San Pedro and up on the 47 Fwy. over the Vincent Thomas and Gerald Desmond bridges into Long Beach. Well, because everyone fanned out to different restaurants and because the resort was

packed with tourists and every parking lot was overflowing with cars, that plan became impossible to execute. Result: everyone enjoyed a lunch of their choice, on their own timetable and finally departed individually or in small groupings to follow the route instructions and/or their GPS or their memory around the last stretch of the peninsula and back to Orange County. As Tour Leader, I want to thank all who took part for your patience and

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cooperation through the operational glitches, but most of all for your participation because that is what makes our club viable. Thanks to those participants who sent photos to me for inclusion with this article. Also, I especially thank my wife, Gloria, for her ‘route check navigation’ before the event and her Registrar effort on the day of. Last, but not least, I thank Pete and Judy Lech for their usual, “We just saved your butt again!” effort.

Zone 8 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region


SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2013 Requirements: Safe and mechanically sound car. Please review PCA Zone 8 website autocross rules for helmet and seatbelt requirements http://zone8.pca.org/rules.php. This event will be run in compliance with Zone 8 rules. Complete results will be posted on the SBR website (pcasb.org) within two weeks of the event.


Where: Camarillo Airport. Las Posas exit off the 101 in Camarillo. Take Las Posas south, turn right on Pleasant Valley Road, turn right on Airport Way to T-intersection. Turn right and follow the signs.

• • • • • • • • •

Schedule: (times approximate) 6:30 a.m. Registration Check In at Airport Gate 6:45 a.m. Tech Inspection begins 8:00 a.m. Mandatory Drivers Meeting 8:30 a.m. Practice Runs begin 2:00 p.m. 3 Official Timed Runs (to 4:30 p.m.)


Entry Fee: $85.00 per driver, includes lunch.

Extra lunches can be purchased with registration for $17 each. Event day registration (if not sold out) $100 per driver cash only. Extra lunches $20 cash only. Enrollment limited to 65. Pre-registration is encouraged to reserve your space. Course work is mandatory in order to run this Autocross. Porsche drivers: This IS a Zone 8 sanctioned event for points. More than one person may drive a car, but each driver may drive only one car. Each driver must submit a separate Entry/Registration form. One check may be written for multiple drivers, but the check must identify all those covered by the check. Questions? E-mail DAN BYERS at: Dan_Byers@mac.com Want to use PayPal? Contact Dan.

CAMARILLO AUTOCROSS ENTRY/REGISTRATION FORM Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: __________ Zip Code: ____________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Car/Model: ______________________________________ Year: ____________ Color: _________________________ Requested Car Number: _________________________ (Subject to change due to computer program limitations.) Porsche Class: _____________ (Please review class info in Zone 8 Rules - http://zone8.pca.org/rules.php - Non-Porsche is Class X.) Are you a PCA member? YES or NO (Circle one) If yes, what region? ____________________________________ Are you available to help set up on Friday afternoon, April 26th? YES or NO

(Circle one)

Make checks payable to PCA/SBR for $85, which includes lunch for one. Extra lunches can be purchased with registration for $17 each. Mailed entries must be received no later than April 20, 2013.

Send Check & Entry/ Registration to:

Total Amount Enclosed: ______________________

Cancellations within 48 hours of this event will not receive a refund.

Dan Byers 347 Daytona Drive Goleta, CA 93117

APRIL 2013



(Continued from Page 11)

David Witteried explains the Collision Avoidance exercise

different drivers, staying focused and giving them direction at the same time. Kudos to Rick and James for holding it together. Thank you to all the participants, volunteers and crew for making this event memorable. I hope to see you all on the track again soon. 2013 PCA OCR AutoX Team

Rick Neff instructs the fine points of the figure 8 skidpad

Tom Randal at the Slalom. “ Go...right here! “


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Rice’s Ramblings:

(Continued from Page 15)

Alternator, WHEEL HUB. (Part number Nr. 993.106.051.80 R) To simplify the belt adjusting procedure, I replaced the 3 socket head bolts and spring washers with M 6x1.0 studs and used 3 ea. plain washers and 3 all metal lock nuts. This lets you make much easier belt adjustments. However, doing this conversion on one of my up graded 993tt turbo engines I discovered that the specified 993 Turbo fan belt (9.5x760) did not fit very well: It was too tight? It took 6-8 pulley shims to adjust the belt. I also saw that the 993 Turbo’s smaller 1.8:1 Fan Pulleys, which are black powder coated, had it’s powder coating worn off from the V-belt. The sharp edges were wearing the belt and grinding into the remaining powder


coating on the edge of both pulley halves. This was causing belt damage. I removed the black pulley halves and scraped the powder coating off of both inner pulley halves ,where it comes in contacts the V-belt. Then I lightly spray painted both pulley halves with a light coating of gold enamel. Now I can easily see any wear problems and it looks nicer! I re-installed the fresh pulley halves with a new LARGER 9.5 x 776 belt, and adjusted it perfectly with only 3 shims. The Alternator and fan turn smoothly and the A/C belt fits on the outer pulley as before. This is not what the ‘book’ calls for, but it works! One note for the 964 engines; I had previously done a careful performance balancing on my own M64/50 engine and, only because of that, I removed the outer A/C Pulley/ Dampener from the 3-pulley 964 crank pulley. I now use only the two narrow 9.5mm V-pulleys as the RS and RSR & GT-2 do. I also replaced the smaller 1.6:1 ratio fan pulley halves (964 & 993 Carrera), and removed the Alternator pulley halves, spacer, shims,

bolts and spring washers, and replaced them with the smaller (1.8:1) 993 Turbo Fan Pulley Halves. These pulley halves come from Porsche powder coated black and I had them sand blasted. polished and gold zink-plated. These pulley halves, 993.106.509.50 inner half & 993.106.510.50 outer half, are what are used on the 993 turbo, RS RSR & GT-2 with a single 9.5 x 760mm Fan/ Alternator belt. After completing this upgrade I have had satisfactory results and also using a single 9.5 x 760 belt for the Alternator/Fan. Everything works well and I now use an 1100 x 9.5 belt for the A/C with excellent results. Now you can have no more floating, unreliable, ball bearing hub and maze of belts to deal with! Godspeed - We welcome comments, questions, and inquires. Call or e-mail at reasonable hours. riceturbos@ sbcglobal.net, 714 539-1042

APRIL 2013


Save the Date: Meet your board!

Annual New Member Picnic Saturday May 11th Monica



Fast Freddy

Join us for BBQ & Games with our new members! New members are free, Current members are $5.00 RSVP:ccwguy@aol.com


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APRIL 2013


Editor’s Notes:

(Continued from Page 5)

show the new club members the team that is behind the club and introduce them to the Orange Coast Region and ourselves. CL Jarusek is the chief instigator here and distinguishes himself with gourmet (okay this may be a bit of an exaggeration) burgers and dogs. I’ve never seen mustard spilled on anyone’s cabriolet, so yes, come on out new member or veteran and enjoy the day in the park. On the 12th of May is the Peterson Museum tour. This is a very interesting museum in the heart of Los Angeles. If you haven’t been before, the main tail here is the long and co-dependant history of cars and the Los Angeles area. I think the Peterson does this presentation quite well and you can learn how the city and area grew with and because of the automobile. There area also changing or rotating exhibits at the Peterson. This ensures that visits over time will also contain some variety. And last, but no means least, is the ongoing Autocross season, which has a

May 19th event. It is certainly true that the speed crowd and autocross group are stalwarts of the Orange Coast Region. Enjoy your Porsche on the fairly wideopen spaces of El Toro and get some expert instruction on performance driving at the same time. The group is open and welcoming so come out and watch one first, if you are undecided. But by all means do see or better yet drive in one! Life with a Panamera & a GT-3 BESS, the “Big Expensive Sedan” is proving to be a great automobile. She has now made several runs up and back to the “Little Gauge Company that could” with me and chauffeured several friends and work associates around town. All are impressed, as I continue to be impressed myself. The car handles like a Porsche and hauls four people and their gear with relative ease. It’s impressive to pull up to the curb in and comfortable for longer hauls. Say what you will about the whole issue of Porsches with four doors, or trucks with Porsche on the nameplate; if

they are building them, they are Porsches. I like mine. Blanche Bickerson continues her temperamental ways. Lately the mechanical hood release latch has stopped working. This does happen to the 996-997 series, but luckily there is an electrical release on the key that works, as long as there is battery charge. It is an inconvenience to be sure and will warrant a trip to the “enablers”, that is the Porsche shop that consumes a fair amount of my disposable income. The problem is that going there is like a trip to Costco. You can’t get out without spending about twice what you went it to get… like the time I went to buy some wine and came out with a flat screen TV, but it was a bargain! So, Blanche gets her way and I am relieved of a few more dollars of the kids’ inheritance. Nothing changes. Well I see that once again the pen is mightier than the brain and I’ve run into a couple of pages here. So it is time to close off and to wish you a continued run of fun in 2013!

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Classified Ads FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ’76 Tube Frame 935. 9306700161. IMSA history, fresh motor. $450,000. Jim 818/843-8725; jim@torres.com. LAR (2) ‘79 930 Turbo Coupe, Silver/Black lthr, 27K original miles! 2 owners, no accidents, full documentation and receipts back to 1979. Excellent condition. $59,999. Alex 310/742-5540; alexwald1@aol.com. LAR ‘87 911 Turbo S Cabriolet, Slantnose. Copper/Mahogany lthr, 25K mi. COA, 100% original. $81,900. Bob 209/5294062; rwh-hrcinc@comcast.net. CCR (1) ‘89 911 Turbo Coupe, Factory Slantnose. Guards Red/Black lthr, 27K mi. Matching numbers, COA, 100% original. Excellent survivor. $69,000. Steve 410/586-1100; pgc@verizon.net; sho.pgc@verizon.net. (2) MR 2007 911 Turbo Coupe, Black/Tan lthr, 19K mi. 6spd, sport chrono, navigation, recently serviced. $79,500. Robert 310/575-7070; rjkaplowitz@gmail.com . LAR (1). 2010 911 Turbo Cabriolet, Black/Black lthr. 11.7K mi. 500hp, full carbon pkg, PDK , Ceramic brakes, sport seats. Warranty thru June,2014. New $172,00, will sell for $121,500. Kent Boom. 562/505-7600, LAR (2)

FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-993-986-996-997 2002 911 Carrera Cabriolet. Black/Black lthr. 42K mi. 320HP, 6-spd manual trans, . Excellent condition, Looks & drives like new, $31,999.00. Peter 714/848-1803. OCR (2)

‘09 997 911 Carrera Coupe, Artic Silver/Stone Grey lthr. 25.1K mi. Power comfort seats w/driver memory; Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) trans, Ceramic composite brakes (PCCB). 1-owner SoCal car. PCA member owned. $51,990.00. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: 911--1970s ’73 911 Carrera RS Lightweight, Grand Prix White/Black lther/Red Carerra graphics and whls. 52.7K mi. 2.7L, M471 option car. LSD. One of 200 Factory Lightweights built. This is the real deal. Vin# 9113600492. Show quality concours restoration. Dave Mohlman, 305/582-9723. GGR (2)

‘75 911 Euro (ROW) Carrera 2.7 MFI, Lime Green (137)/Black leatherette, 87K mi. Original color was Ice Green Metallic (250). Numbers matching, COA, 915 5spd trans. Bare metal restoration. $139,990. . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel. com. OCR (2)

‘75 911 Carrera Coupe, Silver Metallic (Z2)/Blue/Black (16) leatherette, 41.9K mi. 5 spd. Sunroof, Factory Sport Seats/ rear tail delete. VIN # 9115400013; ENG# 6450044; Transmission# 150071. All numbers matching, Certificate of Authenticity. $47,490. . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: 911--1980s ‘84 911 Carrera Targa, Brick Red/ Maroon/Tan lthr, 134.2K mi. 2 owner CA car. 5spd trans. $14,990. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

‘85 911 Carrera Cabriolet, Guards Red/Tan lthr, 97.3K mi. Factory sport seats, 915 5-speed manual. Survivor, all original. 1-Southern Californian owner for over 25years!!! Numbers matching. $19,990.00. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (1).

‘89 911 Speedster, Guards Red/Black lthr, 43.9K mi. 1 of 823 Built for North America. 5-spd G50 manual trans, XD4 crested rim caps, 018 sport steering wheel, elevated hub, 160 radio Charleston. 2-owner CA car. No accidents, PCA member owned. $87,490. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: 914-6/914 ‘70 914-6, Red/Black interior. 3.6L twin plug engine, less than 5K miles since rebuild. Steel Factory GT flares, 5-spd manual (901 side-shift) trans, number matching engine case, trans. COA. Over $125,000 invested. Offered at $49,990 Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel. com. OCR (2)

(Continued on Page 36)

APRIL 2013


Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com

Classifieds Contd:

FOR SALE: CAYENNE & CAYMAN 2010 Cayman. Meteor Grey/Black lthr. Under 15K miles. As new condition. PDK, Sport Chrono, 18” sport whls & tires, pwr seats, ultra-rare Factory GT paddle-shift steering wheel. Bose sound w/ Alpine HU: Nav., BT, full iPod control, DVD (also have original Porsche PCM unit). Clear bra, indoor car cover. $46,000 OBO. John 714/336-7095; drjwo@yahoo.com. OCR (2)

Index of Advertisers Al Reed Specialty Polishing--------------------------- 8 American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 16 Anaheim Hills Auto Collision----------------------- 16 Autobahn Adventures ---------------------------------- 5 AutoKennel--------------------------------------------- 14 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 21 Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 33 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 34 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 31 David Piper, CPA ---------------------------------------- 8 Doorshield--------------------------------------------- 33 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 10 European Collision Center--------------------------- 32 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairview Mortgage Capital -------------------------- 27

Ful Sail Graphics & Marketing------------------------ 8 GMG------------------------------------------------------ 7 Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 10 Integrity Motorcars------------------------------------ 22 James Schaedler - Wells Fargo----------------------- 26 Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 33 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties------------------- 8 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 30 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 29 Rice’s Performance Porsche---------------------------- 8 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 30 TC’s Garage-------------------------------------------- 33 The Helmet Man----------------------------------------- 8 Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 16 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19

Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium? For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662 or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com

Plan for a Great Escape at the Sixth Annual Friends of Steve McQueen Car & Motorcycle Show FOR SALE: 912 ‘76 912E Coupe, VIN# 9126000645, Midnight Blue/ Tan interior, 105.4K mi. Runs great, Engine 2.0L in excellent condition, just replaced all hoses, Must see to appreciate. $25,000, Noble Frye 949/ 496-3366; nfrye3@cox.net. OCR (1)

“Something’s coming, I can feel it and it’s coming right around the corner at me”- Steve McQueen as Hilts in The Great Escape.

Chino Hills, CA - Mark you calendar and make plans for your own great escape to The Sixth Annual Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show. This year the show will salute The Great Escape and one of the King of Cool’s most well known characters, Hilts, “The Cooler King”. The event will benefit the Boys Republic and takes place May 31 and June 1, 2013 on the beautiful Chino Hills, Calif. campus. The 2013 show will highlight motorcycles and German cars. The main event will take place Saturday, June 1 from 9-3. The program will kick off Friday evening, May 31, with a dinner with automotive journalist and author, Matt Stone serving as Master of Ceremonies. Besides a delicious repast, prepared and served by students, festivities will include a silent auction, a display of memorabilia and a live auction. Pre-registration is available at the website after January 1, 2013. www.stevemcqueencarshow.com Contact: Ron Harris Telephone: 213-755-8405


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