PCA-OCR Pando - August 2015

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AUGUST 2015 ISSUE PHOTO TIP OF THE MONTH...................................... pg. 15 CONCOURS PICNIC DISPLAY CONTEST................. pg. 21 WHITE GLOVE CONCOURS..................................... pg. 26

In this Issue PANDO AUGUST 2015 www.pcaocr.com


Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530 Production Manager

Kristen Jaoui kmjaoui@gmail.com

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs

15 21


Photo Tip of the Month


(714) 505-3662 Classified Ads Editor

714-960-4981 Lee Rice

Contributing Writers

Greg Lush Garey Cooper Gary Labb Bruce Herrington Mike Knudsen Denny Asbury Lee Rice


Contributing Mike Knudsen Photographers Gary Labb Marcia Salans Dan Castaneda Paul Novotne Scott McDonald Lee Rice Billy Hufnagel Gerry Crews

2015 OCR White Glove Concours


Jeff Zwart - Guest Speaker at July’s Breakfast Meeting Where’s Pando?

PCA-OCR Goes to the FV Classic Car & Truck Show Part II

Upcoming Events


Technical Writer

26 34


Bob Weber

Photo Tip of the Month: Framing & Zoom The 2015 Concours Picnic Display Contest


The 2015 Concours Picnic Display Contest

2 17 34 34 36 36 BC

Calendar of Events 2015 Autocross Schedule Hearts & Garages Tour Porsche Alley Krispy Kreme Porsches & Pancakes Breakfast Club



2015 OCR White Glove Concours On the Cover 2015 OCR White Glove Concours Read this article on Page 26

2 3 5 7 9 13 38 41 45 46 49 BC

Reutterwerks List President’s Message Contacts Editor’s Notes Auto-X Corner Book Review Rice’s Ramblings Membership Updates New Member Photos Classified Ads List of Advertisers The Goodie Store

Pando is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month's issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Pando is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pando is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pando editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, CA. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726

August 2015 PANDO 1

Orange Coast Region 2015 Calendar of Events AUGUST 2015

1 2 9 13 14 15 16 22 23 29

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Marconi Automotive Museum Open House PCA-OCR New Members Picnic Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB Werk’s Reunion 2nd Annual Porsche Gathering Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR Summer Sizzle Gimmick Car Rally Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Hearts & Garages Tour


5 10 19 20 25 26 30

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Porsche Rennsport Reunion V Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido 2015 Porsche Escape – Mt. Rushmore, S.D.

2 3 5 8 8 17 24 25

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA DE Instructor Training PCA-GPX Day Away From Work

PCA-OCR Sierra to Sand Dunes Fall Tour


7 9 12 21 22 28

5 10 12

13 Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB 19 Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido 26 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB PCA-OCR / USMC Annual Toys for Tots Drive PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido

* Event dates subject to change.

Note: Italicized text represents events Breakfast Club & Board Meeting outside of OCR sponsored events. PCA-OCR DE Event – Big Willow Links to Zone 8 events can be found Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB at www.Zone8.org. Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes – Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro OCR Board Meetings

Reutterwerks List A Request for updated emails!

The Reutterwerks List is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the Reutterwerks e-blasts! Thank You

Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net

2 PANDO August 2015



All members are welcome to OCR Board Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting at Original Mike’s.

Greg Lush

Change is healthy

No question about it, PCA OCR has been going through some changes. While some of us are not comfortable with change, to stay the same simply means that we are not moving forward. Our club is way too special to allow it to fall into a stagnant state. What is it about change that adversely affects most of us? It seems that a large percentage of the success factor for any endeavor is based on our ability to modify people’s perception, perspective, and resolve related to “trying something new.” Ironically, if you were to solicit my wife’s opinion, she would say that I am a person who does not like change. Look at the way Webster defines change: 1 a: to make different in some particular : ALTER...never bothered to change the will. 1 b: to make radically different :TRANSFORM ...can’t change human nature. 1 c: to give a different position, course, or direction to


2 a: to replace with another ...let’s change the subject. 2 b: to make a shift from one to another : SWITCH ...always changes sides in an argument. 2 c : to exchange for an equivalent sum or comparable item. 1a is really great...all definitions I believe can be directly related to the way that our club programs influence change. Check out 2 a through c: Now that is quite interesting. “to exchange for an equivalent sum or comparable item.” Hmmmm. Certainly when changes are introduced, planned, implemented, and deployed many project leaders would state that definition 2a-c is exactly why they are motivated to introduce change. Most would state that they are going to significantly “improve” and not simply provide an “equivalent” solution. It appears in this case, that the project leader and likely the project team are headed in the right direction. Our focus should be on educating, collaborating, and gaining consensus from the affected population regarding “why” it is important for this change to

occur. How come we are so hesitant to learn new things? The whole concept of “comfort zone” is one which totally escapes me. Why would we just “stop” or allow the learning process to idle? It seems that many folks are satisfied with the learning which they received during formal educational years. That was just a beginning, the real learning occurs every day, at work, at home, and during social events. Innovation is not that tough if you take the time to open your mind. Think back to when you were a child and your imagination was running wild. Given life and work experience, can you imagine the innovation which could take place now if you just let your mind wander? I have been in the service business all of my life, we have always strived to make things black and white. However, a dip into the grey area now and again is healthy and can release clever ideas to help us all evolve our club which we have grown to love. So, the question is, what will you dream of today? Greg Lush People. Porsches. Passion. August 2015 PANDO 3

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Contact Information OCR Executive Board

OCR Board Appointments

Zone 8 Chairs

Advertising Co-Chairs

Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown | zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter | skipcarter@pobox.com Zone 8 Treasurer Linda Cobarrubia | ms993@aol.com Zone 8 Autocross Chair

Cooper Boggs | cooper.boggs@gmail.com Nicole Forrest Boggs | 993nicole@gmail.com

Art Director Denny Asbury | dennis@asburydesign.com

President Greg Lush | greglush@outlook.com

Autocross Co-Chairs Chris Barrington | genikz@yahoo.com Don Chapman | porschedon@mail.com

Autocross Registration Courtney Coad | autoxreg@live.com

Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com Vice President CL Jarusek | ccwguy@aol.com

Concours Chair Norm Follis | njfollis@gmail.com

DE/TT Co-Chairs: Bob Scheussler | bscheussler@gmail.com Chuck Bartolon | woodslsman@verizon.net

Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury | sheamonica@gmail.com Secretary Monica Asbury | sheamonica@gmail.com

Historian Judy Lech | judylech@att.net

Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks | mamsy1@yahoo.com

Pando Editor Garey Cooper | gareycooper@mac.com

Pando Classified Ads Editor Member at Large Gary Labb | pcaocrgary@yahoo.com

Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com

Pando Production Manager

David Witteried | dwitteried@hotmail.com

Zone 8 Chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann | scott@renegadehybrids.com

Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf | vvvince@aol.com Zone 8 Concours Co-Chair Brett Mohr | concours@zone8.org Zone 8 Concours Co-Chair Betsy Wadman | concours@zone8.org

Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Russell Shon | rules@zone8.org Zone 8 Social Media Chair Sam Avedon | samavedon@gmail.com

Zone 8 Drivers Ed / Time Trial Chair Dave Hockett | davndirc@yahoo.com

Zone 8 Webmaster Karen Garcia Raines webmaster@zone8.org

Kristen Jaoui | kmjaoui@gmail.com

Rally Director Larry Moore | lbmc4s@cox.net

Reutterwerks List Master Pete Lech | peterlech@att.net Treasurer David Piper | dpiper@socal.rr.com

Social Media Chair Gary Labb | pcaocrgary@yahoo.com

Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler | bscheussler@gmail.com

Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs | cooper.boggs@gmail.com

Events Webmaster Gary Labb | pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Membership Sandy Schwartz | mr997s@gmail.com

Member at Large James Buck | james@capeautorepair.com

Got a suggestion? Have a question? Just want to vent? This email goes straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we’ll share it at the next board meeting.

Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler | bscheussler@gmail.com

Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss? Please let us know.

www.pcaocr.com August 2015 PANDO 5

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6 PANDO August 2015


Garey Cooper

What’s next? A lot of people are asking, and at this time I am almost certain we’ll remain in the 911 family. Perhaps even a cabriolet, or maybe a Turbo of more recent vintage, if not necessarily new. Don’t worry I’ll keep all of our readers informed of my journey. I am also happy to listen to comments and suggestions, so fire away and send me your thoughts!

Gone (part 2) EMCEEing at the 2015 White Glove Concours

We’ll meet again, Don’t know where, don’t know when. But I know we’ll meet again, some sunny day. Keep smiling through, Just like you always do*


If everything has a season, then everything has a reason, for coming and for going. That is the theme for “we’ll meet again” above. My GT3, “Blanche Bickerson,” has gone to a new home. I am happy to say it’s still in the OCR. So, you may see it running around Orange County in the hands of Michael Eguina, son of long time OCR track stalwart, Steve Eguina. The sale of the car marks a bit of a passage for me. I am now at the other end of the runway figuratively speaking. No longer tracking, in fact the car saw very little driving the past couple of years. So, time for it to go. It is also quite likely the last car with three pedals that I will buy or own. So, no more clutch and no more heel and toe for yours truly….at least that is my current thinking.

I still remember getting back into the Porsche world after the nest emptied. The first return foray was a 1995 Carerra 2, Model 993. Many argue that this car, although never meant to be more than an interim, is one of the prettiest produced by Porsche. And it was a real looker in Silver, not arctic but Polar silver at that. I can remember having a lot of fun in that car including the first time Mrs. Cooper and I rode to an evening Porsche Club function in the rain. We were coming out of sedans and SUVs (you know, kids and all) and suddenly in this tiny little rocket, it felt as if we were driving UNDER massive trucks, and through mini-Niagara Falls left in their wake, plowed by huge tires taller than our car through the rain. Topped off with a mid-70s de-mister system that left an opaque fog on the windshield, we navigated by what we hoped wouldn’t be “dead reckoning” to our evening meeting. And we loved it…most of it, except the part of almost dying. However it too went, traded up in the early 2001 time frame for one of the new 996 Twin Turbos. I can still remember watching the gentleman that bought it driving off and around the corner while that 3.6 liter air-cooled flat six made a distinctive and recognizable

sound long after it went out of sight. So, things change don’t they?

Pretty Shiny Things

Once again our White Glove Concours was a memorable day. From perfect weather to perfect Porsches spread out on the lawn above venerable old Dana Point. This one was a bit poignant as I’d just read Richard Henry Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast; this time in the original 19th century prose, thank you internet! So, standing there surrounded by early 21st century transportation and imagining the early 19th century technology that Dana so vividly describes was a masterful mix of feeling and sight.

Zoom (part 17)

Porsche wins LeMans! The first win for our marquee of note at Le Sarthe since 1998 and knocking Audi off the top step for the first time in the last five years. Notably, Audi has won 13 out of the last 15 LeMans 24 hour races! So, it is no mean feat as in the Porsche heyday of LeMans wins, there was literally no one who’d had that scale of domination. Probably the most thrilling years were those with Ferrari and Ford knocking one another about, but nothing like the Audi juggernaut has been in later years. If you are into that whole numbers thing, this is the 17th win for Porsche at LeMans. Porsche has raced at LeMans since the earlier days of its post WWII incarnation as a car maker. However the first years were small displacement “index of performance” type cars, not typically in the hunt for the overall win. * From I’ll be Seeing You by Vera Lynn; song by Arthur Wilkinson/Ross Parker,/Hugh Childs.

Editor’s Message Continued On Page 42... August 2015 PANDO 7

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8 PANDO August 2015


#117 | Kraig

Father’s Day AutoX | June 21st Story by Greg Lush, Photos by Mike Knudsen You have read about the great times we have at the PCA OCR AutoX events in past editions. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to write the June article because this was a very special day for all of us and especially great for the Dads and their supportive families. Just imagine for a moment: the sun is shining brightly, only to be overcome by the smiling faces of our participants. From personal experience, I can tell you it does not get better than an event surrounded by your loved ones and racing friends. I hope that everyone had a great Father’s Day (even those of you that missed our event). None of these lifelong memories would be possible without the support of our sponsors. On the top of the heap is our club’s primary sponsor Walter’s Porsche. Their year-after-year support is greatly appreciated. It is wonderful when you look around, and see that most of the new cars have Walter’s tags or license plate rings. You will also notice our series sponsor GMG

is badged on many of the non-stock vehicles; these two sponsors do a great job. Each month we have a daily sponsor as well. This month it was longtime supporter Kyle Largent with his company, Largent and Associates. Many of you may not know that Kyle actually lives in Oregon and travels to our events every month. I had the opportunity to visit with Kyle at the last event and he told me it is because of the friendships and the welcoming attitude of OCR members. Thank you Kyle for your support and thoughtful comments. Bob with Walter’s Porsche donated nine beautiful calendars this month as well. These Porsche calendars are spectacular, so thanks, Bob! We gave them away to folks who contributed ideas on how we can make the AutoX experience even better; thank you to those that contributed your fantastic ideas. Stay tuned to see your requests implemented as your AutoX team tirelessly drives to make the OCR AutoX the best in PCA.

Chuck Bartolon is really coming into his own as the latest course designer.. This month’s course was really great (as with other months), thanks Chuck. Part of what makes AutoX so exciting is how close the times can be between the drivers in our 30+ classes (spanning stock to custom)..., many times within 100ths of a second. The other amazing thing is the difference in years, horsepower and technology. To provide some context here are the top five raw time winners from the last event: 1. Michael Oest: time: 71.85 seconds; 2007 GT3 [415 hp]. Michael has been coming to AutoX for years and is the “one to beat.” Other than the GT3 emblem on the back of his 2007 GT3, nothing else is stock. 2. Kurt Ressler: time: 73.95 seconds; 2006 997 S [315 hp]. Kurt has been coming out with us for the last year or so and happens to be our equipment manager (thanks). Kurt August 2015 PANDO 9

has modified his 997 to incredible levels, this is quite a machine. 3. Greg Lush: time: 75.01 seconds; 1993 RSA [247 hp]. His car is a dedicated track car, the only one of the bunch that needs to be driven in on a trailer. Basically everything is modified except the engine and transmission; the car is the oldest and lowest on horsepower. 4. Kraig Amador: time 75.25 seconds; 2014 GT3 [475 hp]. Kraig has become a regular and is driving a modified GT3, which was originally Tom Riding’s car (another OCR member). This is by far the most sophisticated car in the lot and simply fantastic! 5. Carl Vandershuit: time: 75.66; 1998 Boxster [252 hp]. The only mid-engine car in the top five. You have NEVER seen a Boxster perform 10 PANDO August 2015

the way that Carl finesses this amazing little Porsche around AutoX. So there you have it, the top five raw times from the last event and a few words about each of the cars. As you can see the cars are all over the map, spanning 21 years and hundreds of horsepower. If you are reading this and thinking, would my car work in AutoX? Stock or modified we have yet to see a Porsche that did not fit the profile of an excellent AutoX vehicle. Wonder no more, sign up now for our next event at motorsportreg.com See you at the AutoX! Greg Lush People. Porsches. Passion. (and some extra tires)

Clockwise: #19 | Carl Front car shot #4 | Greg Back car shot | Kurt #73 | Michael

SEE ALL OF MIKE’S PHOTOS www.flickr.com/photos/ocrautox/ sets/ Flickr is free, easy to access, has a terrific slide show module, and you can order any prints you might want directly from the site.

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August 2015 PANDO 11

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12 PANDO August 2015

Book Review PORSCHE 911 Red Book: Specifications, Options, Production Numbers, Data Codes and more

Story by Bruce Herrington by Patrick Paternie and Peter Bodensteiner Published in 2015 by Motorbooks, Minneapolis MN. I imagine that the initial reaction by most readers to the title of this book will be the same as mine – what do they mean by Porsche 911? Rest assured, the authors are indeed current and up to date: Everything from the 1963 901 through the 2014 991 GT3 is included. No excuse for any “911” enthusiast/ owner to question the breadth of coverage (or level of detail) of this book. As implied by the subtitle, PORSCHE 911 Red Book is a reference resource. It’s 5x8 inch size makes it suitable for carrying as a ‘field guide’. Indeed its page corners are already rounded for easier insertion into and retrieval from jacket or ‘cargo’ pockets. It is a small book, with small text; many will find that reading glasses are required to enjoy the textual sections introducing each of the thirteen chapters. Data tables are somewhat more readable due to the white spaces around the print. The introduction states that the Red Book “is designed to be a portable...reference manual....” It is definitely portable and the reference material is extremely comprehensive. The thirteen chapters, each distinguished by color-coded page tabs, present data by chronological design ‘eras’. The Factory’s system of alphabetic numbering of model “Programs” is acknowledged, but organization is by year. There is no separate index, but two appendix pages that give engine size and 0-60 times through the years, and 1/4 mile times and top speed values, referenced to

various media sources, eg. Road & Track, Car and Driver, etc. Each chapter of PORSCHE 911 Red Book begins with several pages of narrative text, describing the basic characteristics of that ‘vintage’, and presenting a very concise discussion of all the subtle and major changes that were made between the years. Then comes a summary of the ‘series’ , tabulated by model, chassis serial numbers, engine serial numbers and quantity produced. A mention of racing versions follows. Next a detailed description of engines (production and racing) used in that series, by engine type number. There is a similar tabulation for transmissions, followed by color codes and color names, plus special order color codes. Finally a tabulation of interior colors/materials used and the various options that were available for the vehicles in that series. The level of detail is mind-blowing, especially for the more recent years, where the list of available options takes several pages, tabulated by option code. The very comprehensive data, are presented in a top down fashion – if you know the year, you can find the transmission types codes used in the various models. If you have a transmission type code, it can be a bit tedious to determine the year-model to which it relates. Thus PORSCHE 911 Red Book is much better suited to determining authenticity of a vehicle than to identifying junk-yard parts. PORSCHE 911 Red Book is not a book you will read from cover to cover,

though the narrative introductions to each chapter are quite interesting and informative. This is not a book you will be inclined to display on your coffee table. But when you need it, it can be an invaluable resource. Every 911 enthusiast, owner or not, should have a copy in their library. Like an insurance policy – you won’t use it often, but when you need it, you need it. Next time you want to translate a VIN; next time you look at the options sticker under your hood and wonder what the numbers mean; next time you want to know if an engine or transmission is appropriate to any given chassis, whip out the Red Book and you will have the answer. Chapter structure is consistent throughout, so once you have learned your way around one chapter, finding information in another chapter is straightforward. PORSCHE 911 Red Book is a paperback with 208 5x8 inch pages including 96 color photos. It should be available for $24.99 from your favorite bookseller (ask for it), or from http:// www.motorbooks.com. August 2015 PANDO 13





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Photo Tip of the Month: Framing-- Zoom

Story and Photos by Mike Knudsen Last month, we talked about using orientation to frame our photos. This month, we’ll see how using zoom can help put only what you want in an image, and keep out what you don’t. Everything here applies to both zoom and telephoto lenses.

There are basically three kinds of zoom – “u-zoom’, optical zoom, and digital zoom – in order of best to worst. U-zoom is just what it sounds like. You zoom. Move closer to or farther away from the subject. If you’re using a camera with a fixed focal length lens (say 35mm) – we call them prime lenses -- then you have to physically move yourself and the camera toward your subject. And, as long as you’re moving, try up and down and side to side. Remember – fill the frame (and the sensor) with everything you want, and nothing you don’t. But if you’re shooting a gorilla at the San Diego Safari Park, you’re gonna want a zoom lens, or a steel cage. A zoom lens brings the image closer optically, so you still use the full

resolution of the image sensor in your camera. With enough zoom range, you can fill your viewfinder (and image sensor) with just what you want. Zoom lenses cost more, but they’re way cheaper than steel cages, are a lot easier to carry around, and you won’t tick off the gorilla - as much. With a cell phone camera (and some point-and-shoot ones), you have what they call digital zoom. This is a very different approach. What happens when you “pinch” zoom the image on the screen with your fingers is that the camera expands the portion of the image that was on, say, only a quarter of the screen – the part you wanted -and blows it up to fill the screen. But that portion of the image has only as many pixels as it did before – i.e. you’re only using a quarter of your image sensor. This is a big deal. See the photos to the right of this column. Using an iPhone 5, the one on the top was shot normally, to fill the screen with the desired image at close range. The one on the bottom was farther

away, so used digital zoom to capture the same image (the part you wanted). Big difference, huh? The same thing happens when you crop. You end up with less resolution in your image. Which one do you think will get printed? One last thing about framing. When you’re all ready to hit the shutter, scan around the edges of the frame to make sure there isn’t anything – like a branch, hand, or fragment of something – sticking into your photo. If there is, use one of the techniques here to get rid of it. So, that’s it. Use framing – orientation and zoom -- to get exactly what you want in your photos and nothing you don’t. Next month – Sharpness -- If it’s not sharp, it probably won’t cut it!! Email your questions to mike@mikeknudsenphotography.com and Good Shooting!

August 2015 PANDO 15

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16 PANDO August 2015

August 2015 PANDO 17

18 PANDO August 2015

August 2015 PANDO 19

2 20 PANDO August 2015

The 2015 Concours

Picnic Display Contest Story by Denny Asbury, Photos by Marcia Salans Each year the PCA-OCR Concours features a side event of a Picnic Display Contest. All Concours entrants are eligible for this contest. The only rule is that the contents of the display must be transported to the site within the confines of your Porsche. The distinguished judges panel this year consisted of - a Merry-Go-Round Historian, Marcia Salans; Mr. “New Clutch,” Dave Hong, and Denny “Can I Open My Eyes Yet” Asbury. The entries this year were creative and well designed. Each entry earned points if it had a visual or gastronomic theme that worked in conjunction with the entrant’s Porsche. The First Place Winner this year was Doug and Theo Russell. Their display consisted of black and ‘Silver Bullet’ artfully arranged in an impactful picnic grouping. Many of the items were custom built for this specific theme and

First Place “Silver Bullet” - Theo and Doug Russell

were impressively arranged to enhance the visual impact. Well done! Second place was awarded to the Gugert family. Their picnic theme was built around the colors and visual elements of the “Ole Miss” football tailgate. Additional entrants rounded out the competition with “Gem’s Pistachio Princess Picnic,”60 years of Porsche in a Ted E.Bear” theme, and several other well-done displays. Start thinking about next year, the competition is creative!

Second Place “Ole Miss” - Mike Gugert

August 2015 PANDO 21

Mary Hong and Gem’s Pistachio Princess Picnic

60 years of Porsche at Ted E. Bear’s Picnic

22 PANDO August 2015

Picnic Judges flashing their festive ‘identity badges’

60 years of Porsche including 60 years of Panorama

August 2015 PANDO 23

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26 PANDO August 2015

2015 OCR

White Glove Concours Story by Garey Cooper, Photos by Dan Castaneda, Mike Knudsen, Gary Labb, Paul Novotne, and Scott McDonald Theme: Back to the 60s

This year was the 45th annual White Glove Concours for your Orange Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America. Forty-five of anything is a lot, and in years, particularly in car years, that is nearly a millennium. If we consider the history of car manufacturers that are no longer with us, the field is large and storied. So, when you think of Porsche as that little (not so little any longer) car manufacturer from Stuttgart in Germany lasting all of this time, plus the various branches of their fan club base meeting and showing the cars, it becomes quite remarkable. And so remark we must.

Leaving the Staging area onto the Display Field

It is worth noting that this year’s event coincided with Flag Day. Now we all know Flag Day is one of those holidays that we see on the calendar (notice we don’t get a day off), and say, “how nice.” But it’s a tradition, and since we were there on the same day that it is a holiday, or perhaps better put, a August 2015 PANDO 27

“special day” noting the adoption of the basics of the current flag design as our National Banner. So there. Long may it wave.

It just chokes you up

USMC Seal Beach Honor Guard with Colette Lush

The opening ceremony commenced with the presentation of the Colors by our Honor Guard from the 5th Marine Battalion, 14th Regiment. This unit, although currently stationed in Seal Beach, has a past that stretches back to World War II, Iraq and Afghanistan. Sergeants Dunbar, Hodge, Martin, and Preston represented the Corps with pride and placed us under the Colors while Colette Lush, daughter of our own PCA OCR President Greg Lush, rendered a stirring version of the notoriously difficult National Anthem. Colette has now done this for two years in a row and has done a fantastic job each time! I guess I should note that I do choke up a bit during the ceremony as I realize what our veterans have done for us, and what the active services continue to do. While I try to be very professional most of the time, I still feel those emotions of pride in so many of our club members and of the country itself. A couple of those veterans came up and told me that it was okay with them if I “fumbled” a little. Thanks Michael Dolphin and Kenny Fredrickson. Two examples of former service members that we should all thank.

Mayor Carlos N. Olvera

Dana Point Mayor Carlos N. Olvera announcing the winner of the Mayor’s Choice trophy

28 PANDO August 2015

It is with gratitude that we note that the city of Dana Point has been very accommodating to us during our time at the Lantern Bay Park, and this year was no exception. Mayor Olvera joined us and spent the better part of the day at our Concours. It turns out that the Mayor is truly a “car guy”, owning a Model A Ford which he cares for very much. The Mayor shared a hilarious story with us about first driving the car during restoration when it wasn’t much more than a frame and motor, sitting on

Carl Winefordner explaining how he converted his 914 to all electric power

From electric powered to Turbo, something for everyone

First time entrant, Dave Hong, prepares car for judges - wins 1st in his class!

caption Targa Porsche

August 2015 PANDO 29

the chassis with a bucket (more or less) to get fuel to the engine. That, ladies and gentleman is our kind of car guy. If you happen to live in Dana Point, vote for him, that’s a club order!

The Culprits

Each year we like to give notice to the individuals who do so much to put on our Concours. These are people who do everything from lay out the venue to marshal the cars as they enter the park. Although we can list the major “ring leaders”, we of course can’t list everyone so if your own name isn’t here and you did help out, we’re sorry for the omission. But don’t cry, send me a note and we’ll get an honorable mention out there. Okay, you can still cry if you want. Paul Wilkinson, as our Field Marshal, is responsible for gathering the team that marks the field the day before the event. This is to a design Paul generates to maximize our ability to hold the more than 200 cars that were at the event and the 44 cars in the judged classes. Both of these recent counts are a club record. Photo Captions: Top: Pete & Judy Lech, 1/2 century together & Trophy Winners! Middle: Car Noir; Porsche meets technology meets Tarmac; our guest star Porsche 918 Bottom: Colorful, Clean, with a presentable sheen, & ready to be seen on the green.

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Eric Kaltenbach, assisted by his wife Candace, had primary duty for Registration this year. This is a job that lasts several months/weeks leading up to the event and makes our handling of the entry of those 200 cars mentioned above possible. Gloria Moore provided vital assistance with this effort as well. Nancy Troast was responsible for the Silent Auction table and collected $420 for the “Semper Fi” charity fund. No mimes were harmed during the activities of the “Silent Auction,” always an important item to shout out to the club.

Wow! nervous time, five Judges examining the car!

C.L. Jurasek, handled our New Member table and met many new members, and potential new members during the day. Monica Asbury worked several weeks before the Concours on all the special items, including the volunteer shirts, banners, judges and picnic gifts, as well as securing the Color Guard. Well done! Monica and her team also worked the Goodie Store where they sold their merchandise and distributed lunches and entrant’s Goodie Bags. There were 25 Judges, runners and timers led by our redoubtable Chief Judge Joe (Dredd) Nedza. Actually, I added the “Judge Dredd” myself, but I still think it’s funny. Joe has been responsible for our Concours Judging for a while now and is also a top contender as an entrant. That’s a busy day.

Connie Somer’s B59 Brumos Porsche

We had five photographers circulating the field; Mike Knudsen, Gary Labb, Scott McDonald, Dan Castaneda and Paul Novotne. Go to our web site for some stunning photos taken during the day. Norm Follis, assisted by his lovely wife Carolyn, needs a special mention as the Concours Chairperson. Norm has handled this duty now for a few years and runs an event that brings smiles, sweat, and cheers to hundreds of

Detailing the motor before the Judges arrive

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Photo Captions Top: Greg Lush’s class winning 1993 Porsche RS Middle Left: Porsche 356 Middle Right: Some of the Display Only cars Bottom: someone who loves to go through Concours prep!

32 PANDO August 2015

people. Not bad as a head of a volunteer group is it?

Happy Anniversary!

During our day it was brought to our attention that two long-time members of our club were celebrating a rather special anniversary. This was their 50th wedding anniversary, so we hailed Pete and Judy Lech at the front stage and presented them with a special recognition of this special day! Congratulations to two wonderful people and two great volunteers and participants of our region.

Brought to you by……

We had several sponsors on the field, and for their help and attendance we owe a special thanks. I asked most of them to come forward during the day and mention to our attendees the goods or services they offered and most did so. I kept hoping for a little “souvenir” or two of appreciation, but it didn’t happen. Maybe a 918 Lug Nut? Actually I don’t think 918s even have Lug Nuts, so maybe that’s why I didn’t get one. Our sponsors were; Hagerty Insurance, Fairway Mortgage Capitol, LA Dismantlers, Sierra Madre Collection, Global Motorsports Group (GMG), Cape Auto Repair, Benton Performance, Cooper’s Classic Cars, and of course our two Porsche Dealer Sponsors, Circle Porsche Long Beach, and Walter’s Porsche. Now your job is to go out and buy something from these folks. Most offer discounts to club members, so be sure to mention the Orange Coast Region during your transaction. If you don’t need anything... buy something anyway and send it to me; I like Polo Shirts, loud golfing shorts, and walks in the rain…oh wait, wrong ad, sorry.

Musically Speaking

So indeed the daughter of the Sales

Trophies awaiting Class winner presentation

Denny Asbury and Dave Hong present Theo and Doug Russell with 1st place Picnic Winner’s prize

Manager at Walters Porsche, Marrissa Franke, came to us and provided on the spot a beautiful vocal background. This was a special little moment and luckily our DJ John, of VIP Events Music could provide background music to “I could have danced all night.” Marrissa took on this standard and did it right. And as it turned out we did indeed “Dance all Day!” DJ John also took audience requests and we had several try to stump the master, but he was able to cover all those requests that encompassed our theme time frame musically from the 1980s.

We’ll Meet Again

One of the requests was for a favorite, “Good Vibrations” by the Beach Boys. And what better way to showcase the feelings of the day and the tone of our event? This was requested by “Peter” so we owe this young man a thanks and’ of course all our volunteers, the City of Dana Point, and any camp followers, acolytes, or groupies, I may have forgotten to mention. See you next year I hope!

August 2015 PANDO 33

PCA-OCR Goes to the FV Classic Car & Truck Show Part II Story and Photos by Gary Labb

storm made its way from the South to the North and hit the car show for a few minutes with drops from the sky. Scott and I could just look at each other as we both left our Targa tops in our garages at home. Thankfully the rain only lasted for a few minutes. We would like to thank all the PCAOCR members and other Porsche owners who joined us for this year’s show. As always, it’s fun to see other Porsches, talk to other owners, and of course, share with those who have questions about our cars and our club.

A mixture of old and new

On Saturday, June 27, 2015, Porsche lovers entered their cars into the Fountain Valley Classic Car & Truck Show and joined us in our Class 21 Porsche Corral. PCA-OCR put up a recruitment booth to speak with potential new members who came by looking at our beautiful cars. Some of the PCA-OCR members “manning” the booth during the show were Denny and Monica Asbury, Scott Fleener, Norm Follis, Ken Fredrickson, C.L. Jarusek, Ron Ketlehut, Gary Labb, Mark Niese, Dick Sartor, Sandy Schwartz, and Nancy Troast. Joining us in our booth was potential new member Phil Barker. Phil came to the show in a beautiful red 1995 Porsche 968 Cabriolet. The judges must have also thought it was beautiful as Phil walked away with the Class 21 trophy. This makes two years in a row that a front engine Porsche won the Class 21 trophy. Last year 34 PANDO August 2015

Bob Andrews won with his beautiful Porsche 928S. I’m beginning to think that maybe the judges don’t like rearengine cars. What Scott Fleener and I found out was to never listen to the weatherman about “no rain”… an unexpected rain

Did someone say red?

The show’s coordinator, Pete Haak, came by and presented PCA-OCR with a beautiful thank you certificate for our participation in the show. If you weren’t able to make it to the car show this year, please put it on your calendar for next year. Haven’t seen the date etched in stone yet, but it is usually the last Saturday in June. It’s a fun day of talking Porsche with

other people who love Porsches. And of course, there were a lot of other nice cars in the car show to look at when I got away from the booth.

Photos from the car show can be found on the PCA-OCR Facebook page at https://www. facebook.com/pcaocr/

Top to bottom: 1) Phil Barker’s Class 21 Award Winning 1995 Porsche 968 Cabriolet 2) Sponsorship thank you from the FV Classic Car & Truck Show 3) The Class 21 Porsche Corral

August 2015 PANDO 35

36 PANDO August 2015


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August 2015 PANDO 37



Story and Photos by Lee Rice


Results from over worked single 25A fuse& fuse connector. The fuse connector tab is burned and VERY loose

10-GANG FUSE PANEL- Nr. 911.612.086.02

Having replaced many 10-gang fuse panels, I came across the same problem on my own evolution 911 last month. It was especially annoying, as it was in the middle of a major house upgrade! But I had to resolve this problem once and for all! The problem, especially for the Turbo models, is overuse of a limited fuse supply. There are 21 fuses on the 19741989, 911, & 930 Turbo but that is not enough for what is needed. The most important power supply in need for upgrading is the fuel pump electrical supply. Porsche wired these models for power from the battery to a single 25 Amp fuse (S-16), then on to two Fuel Pump Relays. The Turbo has two red cylindrical, relays located just above the fuses. After driving a known-to-be-in-goodcondition system for a while, you 38 PANDO August 2015

Cropped S-13 to S-21 Fuses + new 40-30 relay

always notice the relays are warm and sometimes the fuse is almost too hot to touch! After a few months you also notice the two relays’ once bright red plastic cover has faded to a dull redpinkish? This is from heat. Too much heat!

I noticed my relays discolored and replaced the relays time and time again, cleaned the pins and pin sockets and examined the pin sockets for condition. This is almost a joke as the relay sockets are a 5-female round pin unit, molded in black rubber. When it gets warm it gets soft, so soft, it is almost like warm butter. It is hard to understand how it works at all. It certainly is NOT reliable, as I have seen from checking voltage to the fuel pumps front and rear. The rear pump, Nr. II, is also connected with the heating elements for the A.A.R. (Auxiliary Air Regulator) and C.P.R. (Control Pressure Regulator). Consider that the front mounted relay for Fuel Pump II must supply power

Connector Housing Relay for Fuel Pumps

all the way back to the rear mounted fuel pump II and to those two high amp draw regulators! When I checked them earlier, I had 14.2 volts from the Alternator but only 11.6 VDC at the rear Fuel Pump’s quick disconnect to the AAR & CPR. Fuel pumps are just electric motors, and over time they wear, and that causes a higher current draw (amperage) and that also equals more heat! To add more to the story, my 3.6 turbo engine needs all the fuel it can get, so earlier I installed a highly reliable 044-Bosch Fuel Pump in the front Nr. I position. This pump is also specified for the 993 GT2, (BOSCH Nr. 0.580.254.044) This pump draws 15 amps at 0.8 BAR with a known 13.8 DC voltage supply) . The Rear Fuel Pump BOSCH Nr. 0.580.254.979 draws 11.0 amps with 13.8 Volts DC. And the AAR & CPR all need more quality power, So a 25 amp fuse is not enough, and the small contact the fuse makes against its mounting post is also too small for that current to flow without

heat being generated. Results from an overworked single 25A fuse& fuse connector: The fuse connector tab is burned and VERY loose. Looking at the 1992 C-2 turbo electrical system, I envy the neat electrical box with good indexing that shows each relay and fuse location with its 41 fuses. But Upgrading to a C-2 electrical box is not realistic for most 911 owners –or me, so I looked for a simpler upgrade. I reasoned that the C-2 wiring showed me the answer I needed. First off, the 911/930 has 21 fuses and gets power from three sources: 1. BATTERY POWER. 30-BUS. A heavy duty wire (6.0cm2 RED) runs from the battery + terminal to the top of the fuse terminal and is Bussed: (connected in a series) of fuses. Used for the clock, radio, alarm, door open lights, Hazard Warning Lights, and central locking, and then to supply power to switched on relays. 2. Key ON and START POWER 15BUS is battery power from the ignition switch and then on to the fuse panel and a gang of fuses like the Fuel Pumps, Ignition, w.s.w., Brake Lights, Horn, etc. 3. X-BUS is battery power that is turned off during starter cranking. This power is not needed during starting the engine (but for normal use), but does not drain battery power during the starter’s cranking: power mirrors, switching for power windows & seats, A/C., w.s.w. vent blowers, etc. 4. System fuses S-1 through S-8 and are individual fuses for specific uses like the Left High Beam and Right High Beam, same for each individual low beam, parking lights, turn signals, fog lights, etc. To have individual (System) fuses for each fuel pump, I had to move some

FUSE 10-Gang Fuse strip - UNDERSIDE BUSSES #1

wires around. The C-2 turbo uses a single 40/30 amp square box like a relay that switches 12V power for BOTH FUEL PUMPS, and the wiring routing is also different. The C-2 runs battery power with a 2.5 RD wire to the Fuel Pump Relay’s #30 terminal, and the ‘switched on’ power comes out of relay terminal #87, one 2.5 RD/WT wire then connects onto 2ea. 2.5 RD/WT wires. Then, one 2.5 RD/WT wire goes to a 15Amp fuse and from the fuse goes on to a 2.5 RD/GN wire to Fuel Pump Nr I. The second 2.5RD/WT wire runs to it’s own 15 Amp fuse then to a 2.5 RD/GN wire and on to the rear of the chassis and Fuel Pump Nr. II, and on to the A.A.R. & C.P.R. *1 Wire codes: (RD-red, WT -white, GN green, BL-blue, YE-yellow, BN brown, BK-black,) *2 The 1970s – 1989 911 & 930 has 21 fuses mounted on three fuse panels in gangs (groups); 8-Gang, 10-Gang, and a 3-Gang Fuse Panels for 21 total fuses. These are over loaded with power consuming options that were added on during the 1970s through 1989. For my Upgrade and for any 911/930s to upgrade, I first replaced my ‘fried’ 10-Gang Fuse Panel (911.612.068.02 ) for a new one. However to make TWO

fuses for individual fuel pump fuses, I needed to make fuse S-17 independent of the bus strip on the underside of the fuse pane, as fuse terminal S-17 is connected (“busses”) to fuse S-18 on the panel’s underside. I used a mini die grinder to remove the factory installed 2-gang bus strip from underneath the fuse panels bottom buss strip connecting S-17 ( 10-Gang #2) to S-18 (10-Gang #1). I also removed the in-between screw terminal on the top side. Now S-16 and S-17 are sole power/ fuses, one for each fuel pump. I moved the other wires that were in S-17 to another terminal 30 connection. *3 NOTE -Porsche numbers their fuses in their Werk Shop Manual listing them from the front of the car to the rear of the car. So the most forward fuse is “S-1” and the most rearward fuse is “S21.” However the embossed numbers on each fuse panel has nothing to do with Porsche’s numbering system.-that is until you use a 1984- wiring diagram. They list the1984- fuses with the embossed number. Porsche never does anything easy. *4 For this article I list the embossed fuse panel’s numbers as: “#1- #3 or #1#8, or #1- #10. And I state Porsche’s numbering of fuses as “S-1“ through “S-21.” August 2015 PANDO 39

10-Gang Fuse panel underside connecting ‘bus’ #1 to #2 to be ground out with a high speed (56,000 rpm) mini die grinder.-Harbor Freight. I then wired a 2.5 RED wire from battery bus to the newly fabricated and installed 40/30 Amp RELAY (Porter& Brumfield #VF4-45F11). I purchased this unit at a local electrical supply store like JK Electronics (Westminster, Ca.) as this relay has a metal stem mounting that I modified and mounted the relay on the Relay/Fuse panel with a machine screw and locking nut). And it fits under the stock fuse/relay cover. The Fuel Pump Relay wires are installed into a Porsche white plastic 5 gang “Connector Housing” Nr. 849.941.593 and plugged into the relay

mounted under the Relay/Fuse panel. The 2.5 RED wire went to Relay Terminal #30. I rewired the Fuel Pump Relay wires for #85 & #86 as before but with only one relay, I cut off & capped the now extra two wires. The #87 power out is a single 3.0 RD/ WT wire, connector spliced into 2ea. 2.5 RD/GN wires, one to each 15Amp fuse. New dual RELAY and mounting Fuel Pump relay and connector Fuses S-13 through S-21 shown. Fuel pumps are S-16 & S-17 The two 2.5 RD/GN wires each have white identification heat shrink bands on each of them, labeled: I and II. After four weeks driving the relay does

get warm BUT NOT HOT. The fuses are just barely warm and I am NOW,… relieved of this nasty business of burned fuse panels, melting relays, and soft rubber sockets and so on.

Rice’s Ramblings: Ask a Mechanic

We welcome questions, inquiries, comments and ideas to help you enjoy your Porsche to the fullest... What is on your mind? If you have a question about your Porsche, please send in your question to Lee at Riceturbos@sbcglobal.net or 714-539-1042 (reasonable hours, please).

Jeff Zwart

Guest Speaker at July’s Breakfast Club Meeting Story by Norm Follis, Photo by Gary Labb At the July Breakfast Club meeting, we had the pleasure of having PCAOCR member Jeff Zwart as our guest speaker. Jeff has driven the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb race 16 times, winning his class for the eighth time. It was just 10 days ago that Jeff won the Time Attack 1 Class driving his heavily modified 700+ HP red and black 2013 Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Turbo. Jeff had everyone’s attention at the Breakfast Club meeting as he described the preparation for the challenge as well as the thrill of driving the Porsche Turbo up the 14,000 foot mountain. Jeff brought with him a four minute video taken at the event showing scenes taken from a helicopter as he charged up the mountain road. The road which is now paved unlike the gravel road that Jeff drove on several years ago is 12.4 miles long and has 156 turns, some of the 40 PANDO August 2015

hairpin turns required a shift all the way down to 1st gear and amazingly Jeff was able to exceed 140mph in a few of the very limited straightaways with no guard rails. Jeff’s new record time for the Class was 9:46.243 seconds, an incredible winning record time! We are very proud here in the OCR to claim Jeff Zwart as one of our very own, Thanks Jeff!!

*Support OCR’s Sponsors* Know someone who would be a great guest speaker at our Monthly Breakfast Club Meetings? Someone members would find interesting, appealing and present automotive-related material (non-commercial in nature)? If so, please contact Monica Asbury at sheamonica@gmail.com

OCR Membership Updates

Anniversaries 41 Years Scott & Janet Hendry 38 Years Todd & Bessie Lee

36 Years Thomas & Suzanne Calvert Dave & Karen Dimaria 33 Years Michael & Renee Hagen 29 Years Daniel Davis & Carole Bowman 27 Years Rick & Lucy Rawlins Bob Schwalm 24 Years Volker Kreiskott Peter & Nickole Petersen 23 Years Wayne & Elizabeth Miller 22 Years Mel & Suzanne Cecil 21 Years Richard Takata Dennis & Pamela Wolfe 20 Years Dave & Ethan Yotter 18 Years Eric & Michelle Blum Gary & Linda Falloon John & Kathleen Moohr Johnny & Gloria Risvold 17 Years Bruce & Kerry Norman Terry & Baerbel Rogers 16 Years Mark Niese

New Members

15 Years Gerald & Tom Coffey Michael & Sue Graf Mark Wallace & Ron Miranda 14 Years Samuel Berro & Lori Ruben Samara Cardenas & Jose Palacio Terry & Marilyn Green 13 Years Norm & Carolyn Follis Rich Goold 12 Years Roger Ang Richard & Barbara Wilkes 11 Years Dave & Terry McMurtrey Lynn & Wendy Noah Bradley Pierce & Matt Rose James & Regan Steedman 9 Years William & Cathy Haluck William & Joan Hugron Craig & Denise Kirkpatrick 8 Years Gary & Georgia Culp Robert & Madeleine Florey G. Brad Fries & Mary Taylor Ronald & Judy Lyons Robert & Lana McDonell Kathryn Reinholdt-Farwick & Jack Farwick Sandy & Catherine Schwartz 7 Years David Jones Rick & Carolyn Neff 6 Years Dave & Mary Hong Daniel & Marie Richards Benjamin Shahrabani Mike & Mary Tandiama

Ismail Amin Irvine /2014 Carrera Phil Barker Irvine/1995 968 Cabriolet Christopher Berlin Newport Beach/2011 Carrera GTS Parvaneh Carter Newport Beach/2004 Turbo Cabriolet Greg Dean Irvine/2012 Cayenne S Hybrid Michael Hayzer Laguna Hills/2015 Cayman S John Hazeltine San Clemente/2016 Cayenne Suresh Jhunjhnuwala Irvine/2015 Turbo S Andrei Leontieff Newport Beach/2013 Cayenne S Marjorie Myers Mission Viejo/2015 Macan S Paul Nguyen Garden Grove/1974 911 David North Laguna Niguel/2007 Carrera Kevin Parnell Newport Coast/2015 Carrera GTS Michael Paul Laguna Hills/1985 Carrera Targa Sharal Pellegrini Foothill Ranch/1980 911 SC Targa Cameron Pemstein Fountain Valley/1966 912

August 2015 PANDO 41

Akbar Piloti San Juan Capistrano/ 2015 Panamera GTS

Where’s Pando?

Eddy Raposa Seal Beach/1973 914 2.0 Larry Rodberg Newport Beach Gary Scott Sunset Beach/2005 Carrera S Joe Seitz Irvine/2012 Turbo S Ryan Stampe Dana Point/2007 Carrera Andrew Stolper Newport Beach/2013 Carrera 4S Joe Stuesser Anaheim/2005 Carrera Mark Tanimura Los Alamitos/2001 Carrera Cabriolet David Thomas Irvine/2002 Carrera Cabriolet Edwin Villafane Newport Beach Mike Walkey Coto De Caza/2014 Carrera S Donald White Irvine/2015 Cayman GTS

Transfers Mathew Epstein Laguna Niguel/2008 Cayman S Christopher Giordano & Angelique Marquez Newport Beach/1985 944 Lyle & Susan Sandlin Long Beach/1970 914-6, 2010 Boxster John Siragusa Dana Point/2000 Carrera 42 PANDO August 2015

Member Billy Hufnagel took Pando with him when he visited the Montreal Expo ‘67 Biosphere in Montreal, Canada.

Where will Pando go next?

Send your photos and description of where you are to Kristen Jaoui at kmjaoui@gmail.com

Editor’s Message Continued from page 7 However in the aggregate, Porsche has more than 50 class wins at LeMans... remarkable! By all accounts, the 919 Porsche LeMans racer is a stupendous automobile. Fast, and reliable; words which are not always found co-joined in racing lore. And, it is a technological tour-de-force. Combining energy harvesting electrical power with a small displacement turbo charged two-liter V4 motor. Congratulations to them, and it is with no doubt that this hybrid technology and turbo charged technology will lead innovation to the street on our beloved sports cars.

40 Years Later

A fine way to point out that Porsche is celebrating somewhere around 40 years

of street turbo charging. I believe the earliest 911s were the ‘76 Models (built and delivered in ’75) that had tons of what we might refer to as “character.” That is, a power delivery band like an arched cat’s back, and with this on-off power surge, a rear mounted engine and weight balance that loved to throw unready drivers into the brush. From this we have now four wheel drive magnificently engineered machines that do all they can to keep you FROM that brush. And that goes nicely into that 996 Twin Turbo 911 that I had for the better part of 10 years, now…..gone.

August 2015 PANDO 43

44 PANDO August 2015

New Member Photos

Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the July 2015 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches as well as other club member activities. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.

Paul Nguyen, 1974 911 - Blue

David North, 2007 911 - Silver

Clifford and Kathie Hampton, 2009 Carrera S - Cream

Theo Russell, 2015 Boxster GTS – Rhodium Silver

Rob and Robert Andrew (son) Neri, 2013 911 S Cabriolet - Black

Phil Barker, 1995 968 – Red

Tonna Rizzi, 2004 Boxster - Blue

Christopher and Christie Berlin, 2011 GTS - White

August 2015 PANDO 45

Classified Ads Would you like to advertise your car in the Pando?

FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-964-993-986996-997-991

Please contact Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com

FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ’79 930 Turbo Coupe, Guards Red/ Cork lthr, 93.9K mi. Recent engine/ tans service, new tires, interior carpet & headliner. $99,000.00. Ric 949/6978779; ric.costa@pimco.com. (2) OCR ’86 911 Turbo Coupe, Black/Black lther, 11K mi. Highly modified. $49,500. Greg 949/533-5621; greg. adelman@cox.net. OCR (1) ’87 911 Turbo Coupe, Grand Prix White/Marine Blue lthr, 118K mi. Sport seats. LSD. Fuchs restored by Al Reed. Recent trans, clutch overhaul by AASE Motors. Orig paint, matching numbers, COA. $99,950.00 Tom 916/880-6124; t_garling@yahoo.com. OCR (2) 2002 911 Turbo Coupe, Black/Black lthr, 79K mi. Perfect condition, always garaged, well maintained. $33,900.00 Charlie 949/640-9838; ctcollett@ earthlink.net. OCR (1) 2008 997 Turbo Coupe, Lapis Blue(M5W)/ Black lthr, 53.6K mi. Tiptronic S 5-Speed gearbox, Sport Chrono Package, paint to sample option. SoCal Certified Pre-Owned w/ Factory Warranty. $59,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2). 2012 911 Turbo S Coupe, Black/ Black lthr, 6K mi. Sport seats, Nav and Bose systems. Factory warranty until 8/19/2016. $150,000.00 Dwight 510/581-7100; d.staten@att.net. GGR (2). 46 PANDO August 2015

Navigation , X50 exhaust , Bose system, heated seats. Wood pkg, hard top, windbreaker, tools, books. Services just completed w/records. Clean carfax & clean title in hand. Car located in Laguna Niguel. $31,500.00. Kami Panah 818/836-9549. OCR (1).

’98 993 Targa, Polar Silver. Last of the air cooled Targas. 1 of 122 built for USA w/only 22 having 6 spd manual trans. 2 owners from new. In dash CD, Motor Sound Package, no modifications this 993. $145,000.00 David Mohlman 305/582-9723; www.DJMInvestments. net. MR (2) 2002 911 Carrera 4S Coupe, Polar Silver/Metropol Blue lthr, 23.3K mi. 2 owner SoCal car. 6-spd manual, sport exhaust, advanced technic package (bi-xenon headlights w/washers, Bose sound and CD changer), self-dim mirror and rain sensor. Car purchased new from and fully serviced by Walter’s Porsche. New Michelin Pilot Sports & brakes at all 4 corners at 19,300 miles. Car had ISB failure at 21,000 miles. New Porsche factory short block and new clutch installed - all work done at Walter’s Porsche, full receipts available. New short block has approx 16 mo. unlimited mileage Porsche warranty remaining. Additional extended platinum warranty can be transferred to new owner (approx 4 year/46,000 miles remain). Car extremely well taken care; beautiful condition. $37,750.00 Scott 949/939-3824; rsbarlow911@ gmail.com. OCR (1)

2004 996 Carrera S4 Cabriolet, Black/Tan lthr, 79K mi. One owner.

2005 Carrera S Coupe, Silver/ Black lthr. 45.5K mi. 6 spd, all options including Sport Chrono Package. New tires, brakes, clutch, IMS bearing & rear seal. $42,500 Ron 951/741-4342; rgcip4452@msn.com. OCR (2)

FOR SALE: EARLY 911--1960s

‘67 911S Coupe, Sand Beige/Black leatherette, 53K mi. Sunroof. Rare and all original. A complete Preservation 911. COA. Price available upon request. David Mohlman 305/582-9723; www.DJMInvestments.net. MR (1)

FOR SALE: 911--1970s ’71 911 ST/RS Coupe, Tangerine (018)/Black leatherette w/ Alcantera inserts, 17 K mi. on chassis. 3.2L Carrera motor, engine rebuilt about 5 yrs ago/less than 5K mi. Steel RS flares. PCA member owned. $97,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

’72 911 RSR Recreation, Silver Metallic/ Black lthr w/Houndstooth/ Pepita inserts. 3.6L Twin Plug (M64/01) RS American motor. Less than 2,000 miles since build. 5 spd 915 gearbox (rebuilt w/930 components), LSD. Factory RSR whls, Factory sport seats, RSR suspension, steel Factory flares, Factory RS plastic fuel tank. Pricing Upon Request. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

’73 911 Carrera RS Coupe, Metallic Silver/Black lthr. Chassis #9113601367. THE REAL DEAL! Sold new to Porsche AG employee in Trier, Germany. 3 owner car. Car needs nothing. All receipts. $765,000.00. David Mohlman 305/582-9723; www. DJMInvestments.net. MR (2) ‘74 911 Carrera Coupe, Grand Prix White/Black lthr, 83K mi on chassis. Salvage title car due to engine fire. 2K mi. on new 3.0L motor. Upgraded torsion bars & sway barsw/tower strut bar. 7” X 8” Fuchs polished whls w/painted caps & locks. Beautiful car. $40,000.00 Pictures at toddandbessie@gmail.com; Todd 949/489/9562. OCR (1).

‘75 Kremer Porsche RSR Replica (Vaillant). Converted in 1991 to race in the British GT Championship, from a 1975 911S. Great race history in England. Full RSR conversion, including brakes, center lock wheels, suspension, fuel cell. Front mounted oil tank. Newly rebuilt 3.0L engine and upright shift gearbox by KMW.

Race ready, $85,000.00 John Starkey 727/384-1179; 727/743-6186; info@ johnstarkeycars.com. FCR (2)

FOR SALE: 911--1980s ’80 911 SC Weissach Series Coupe, Black Metallic (708)/Doric Grey lthr w/Rust piping/carpeting, 17.2K mi. 1 of 400 built by Porsche. SoCal car from new. 5 spd manual, rebuilt transmission/ chain tensioner update. PCA member owned. No Accidents. $34,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘89 911 Carrera Cabriolet, Silver Metallic (S7)/Silk Grey supple lthr (97) w/ Black piping, 92K mi. 25th Silver Anniversary Edition. 1 of 200 built. Numbers matching, G50 5 spd, SoCal car. Porsche Certificate of Authenticity (COA). $44,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘89 911 Carrera Coupe, Silver Metallic (S7)/ Silk Grey supple lthr w/Black piping, 64.1K mi. 25th Silver Anniversary Edition, 1 of 300 built. Numbers matching, COA. Mostly orig paint. 5 spd G-50 manual trans. 1-owner for 23-years, PCA member owned. $64,990.00. Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2). ‘89 911 Speedster, Black/Black lthr w/ Black top, 51.3K mi. 1 of 823 built by Porsche for North America. Numbers matching. 3 owner West Coast car, 5 spd G50 manual, no accidents. $179,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: 924-928-944-968-986 ‘94 968 Coupe, Guards Red/Black lthr. 112K mi. 6 spd. 112,000 miles. Upgraded Cup II whls. Brand new rubber on rears. Porsche lettered cloth insert seats. Well-maintained daily driver. $14,700.00 Details and

pictures at 968forSale.com; David 760/634.4900. SDR (1)

FOR SALE: BOXSTER, PANAMERA, CAYENNE & CAYMAN 2004 Boxster S, Seal Grey/Black Lthr, 87.5K mi. 6-spd manual, new IMS, RMS, clutch & flywheel. Original paint, SoCal car from new. PCA member owned. $14,990.00 Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

WHEELS & TIRES Porsche Cup 2 Wheels and Tires For Sale: Size 7x17 and 9x17 whls Good condition - some scratches on rears. ET55. Fit for Porsche 993 964 996 968 and others. Tires with less than 20% tread. $1,150.00 See pics here www.jsdlink.com/wheels . David 760/634-4900. SDR (1).

(1) 2004 996 40th Anniversary Front Wheel For Sale: 18” X 8” like new condition. $ 675 + shipping. Bill Young 949/533-1823 or byprodriver@gmail.com. OCR (2)

MISCELLANEOUS EARLY 911 FACTORY WORKSHOP MANUALS FOR SALE: ‘65 Porsche Volume I Workshop 911 Manual - $650.00; ‘71 Porsche Volume II Workshop 911 Manual - $450.00. Tiana. Tiana8@socal.rr.com. OCR (1)

August 2015 PANDO 47

48 PANDO August 2015

Index of Advertisers AutoKennel--------------------------------------------- 19 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 23 Bart Zandbergen CFP--------------------------------- 43 Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 14 Cape Auto Repair---------------------------------------- 4 Catherine Robinson-------------------------------------- 8 Chips Away------------------------------------------- IBC Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Class Auto Center---------------------------------------- 8 Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 20 David Piper, CPA ---------------------------------------- 4 Doorshield---------------------------------------------- 12 Einmalig-------------------------------------------------11 European Collision Center--------------------------- 16 Experience Audio Video Inc------------------------- 43 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC

Fairway Mortgage Capital---------------------------- 12 Global Motorsports Group--------------------------- 44 Haus of Performance------------------------------------ 4 Hergesheimer--------------------------------------------11 Integrity Motorcar------------------------------------- 37 Kargo Sled---------------------------------------------- 19 Law Offices of Joe Nedza----------------------------- 2 M. Scott Huddleston------------------------------------- 6 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties------------------- 6 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 36 Racing Lifestyles---------------------------------------- 4 Spectrum Collision------------------------------------ 16 Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 36 TC’s Garage-------------------------------------------- 12 Ultimate Shield----------------------------------------- 14 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 24-25

Would you like to advertise in the Pando? For Rates and Availability, Call Cooper Boggs at (714)505-3662 or email Nicole Forrest Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com

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