PCA-OCR Pandemonium - December 2012

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• Feature: From Carpools to Carrera • What is Membership? • Marconni Museum Tour


Inside this issue


Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530

December 2012

6 11 12 14 16

Production Editor


Maryann V. Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com

Upcoming Events

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs

cooper.boggs@gmail.com (714) 505-3662

Classified Ads Editor

The Marconi Museum Tour provided lots of excitement

2 2 3 15 29 30 31 32 32 32

Derek Bell and Son in Steve McQueen’s 917.

Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981

Technical Writer Lee Rice

Contributing Writers

Garey Cooper Wayne Davis Steve Eguina Bruce Herrington Dave Humphreys CL Jarusek Bob Scheussler Marion Smith

Contributing Photographers

Garey Cooper Pamela Horton Dave Humphreys Gary Labb Marion Smith

New member Doris Chilton with her 2010 GT3

Calendar of Events Ladies Tree Decoration Exchange Krispy Kremes Christmas Party AX Events Tech Tactics San Diego Region Events Porsches & Pancakes Woody’s BurgerBahn Zone 8 Events


What Is A Member Featured: Marion Smith Yes, Dreams Can & Do Come True Book Review: Steve McQueen Marconi Museum Tour

3 4 5 8 9 17 24 25 35 36

President’s Message Contacts Editor’s Notes Rice’s Ramblings Goodie Store Autocross Corner New Members/ Anniversaries Breakfast Club/New Members Classified List of Advertisers

On the Cover: Marion Smith with Santa and her favorite thing- her Porsche Cabriolet Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: 19401 Sandpebble Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, 5081 Hamer Lane, Placentia, CA 92870.


2012/2013 OCR Calendar of Events* FEBRUARY 2013

December 2012 1 1 2 9 13 15 22

Deadline January Pando Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Christmas Brunch/Harbor Cruise AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches and Pancakes

5 10 19 26

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

2 Breakfast Club and Board Meeting 7 Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm 16 Krispy Kreme Gathering 16 AutoX Drivers Clinic - El Toro 17 AutoX El Toro 23 Porsches and PancakesTBD Frozen Fingers Rallye/Tour


MARCH 2013 2 7 16 17 23

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering AutoX-El Toro Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

Got a suggestion? Need a question answered? Just want to vent? This email will go straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we will share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the information to this email also.

The Rennlist A Request for updated emails! The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed Important. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or if you want to change, update or add additional email addresses, please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech. He will be happy to include you in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net

APRIL 2013 6 11 14 20 27

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn AutoX-El Toro Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes

4 4 9 18 19 26

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Ladies Garden Tour Woody’s BurgerBahn Krispy Kreme Gathering AutoX-El Toro Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

MAY 2013

* Event dates subject to change.

Note: Italicized text represents events outside of Orange Coast Region sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www.Zone8.org.

the Annual Ladies Group Christmas Party! Thursday, December 11th 6P.M. Join us for a very fun evening of laughter and friendship and the much awaited Christmas Tree Ornament Game! RSVP @ mamsy1@yahoo.com, All info and will be given to those who RSVP

President’s Message by Gordon Williams in the Pando on page four (4) and on our website under the board of directors link. A Special Thanks In closing, a special thanks to Major Andy Roberts, 5th Battalion, 14th Marines, and his wife. Because of their kind invitation, I was able to represent our club at the 237th Marine Corps Birthday Ball. Everyone had a great time and it was a great experience for me as the last one I attended was the Marine Corps Bi-Centennial Birthday Ball in 1975. I was able to meet the unit’s Executive Officer and I hope that the club can continue their relationship with these dedicated men and women going forward! You haven’t had a good laugh until you’ve seen a dance floor full of Marines in their dress blues lines dancing “Gangnum Style”. It was hilarious! Thanks again Andy and for all of you, the photo at the beginning of this column documents the evening. With that thought I will close, but remember to say “thanks” to one of our volunteers this month and I look forward to seeing you at one of our many activities this Holiday season. See you on the road. Ho Ho Ho, Gordo

Happy Holidays to all, Since I write this message early, it is actually the week before Thanksgiving. When most of you read it, we will have already had Thanksgiving, Toys for Tots and maybe even our Holiday Cruise. The Ladies Christmas Party is still to come though and I heard it was a hoot last year. I am expecting an excellent turn out for all the activities, and as of today we are just about halfway sold out on the Holiday Cruise. I couldn’t be more excited about these events, and I couldn’t be prouder of our member’s participation so far this year. A big thank you to all of you for making our club one of the most active clubs in the U. S. We couldn’t do any of it without all of you. Looking forward, By the time you read this you should have already voted on your 2013 Board openings, and we will be starting 2013 with a few changes I am sure. Garey Cooper made the decision not to remain a board member as his current travel schedule severely impacted his ability to make it to our monthly meetings. He will be missed as he was our voice of reason when things got a bit chaotic. Good luck Gar, we will all miss you at the meetings! That being said, we are actively looking for volunteers for our 2013 Concours Committee. We need to have that completed by the end of January. If you have an interest or if you know of someone we should ask, please let someone on the board know. Our contact information is


Contact Information


OCR Executive Board

President - Gordon Williams Surgicat@aol.com

Vice President - Greg Lush dovegreg@msn.com

Secretary - Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com

Member at Large - Pando Editor

Garey Cooper - gareycooper@mac.com

OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Christine Newcomer Chuck Bartolon ocrautox@live.com Autocross Registration Armand Gastelo autoxreg@live.com Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@yahoo.com

Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com

Membership Director - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com

Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson

fast.freddy@verizon.net Concours Co-Chairs Louise Bent lulubent@yahoo.com Nicole Forrest-Boggs 993nicole@gmail.com Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Past President Nicole Forest-Boggs Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net

RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.om Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com

Zone 8 Chairs Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Zone 8 Region Coordinator Gary Peterson gary.peterson@hrh.com Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net Zone 8 Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper read or a good yarn with your friends about the highlights of 2012 with the Orange Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America. Orange as in Orange County, and it’s our chunk of the earth roads and all. High atop the OCR tower, far above arbor and bower, we stand and stare and reach the end of another year. Will ‘013 bring fun and gain or loss and pain? Will we smile as we did in the year just past have the same fun and go as fast?

Hey, they named a store after me!

With the arrival of December we have lost the extended daylight of this past year and now our days are short and the nights longer. Long enough for a good

It Sounds Better in Spanish Now Mrs. Cooper and I have moved from “Sandpebble Circle” in Huntington Beach to San Diego. If there ever was a developers construct to entice a few dollars more of Real Estate value it might have been Sandpebble, two words pushed into one because some one like the sound I guess and they must have thought it quaint and beach like. The new street is “Entrada Lazanja”. Now I thought “Lazanja” must be some word meaning

“moonlit path” or “lane under the stars” or some such. My Spanish “de los calles” did not stretch to words like “Lazanja” so I had to look it up. Imagine my take when I saw that at least my English-Spanish dictionary defines it to mean, “ditch”… Oh my, well we keep the Spanish. By the way it is a harder “J” in Spanish so it pronounces “LazanHA”. It doesn’t sound like the famous Italian pasta dish when properly spoken at all. Skeeter Mrs. Cooper’s white BMW 335i, hardtop convertible went off lease and had to go back to wherever it is they go back to, kind of like coat hangers. They’re useful when they are around then somehow or other they just seem to go away. Like leased cars. So being two people, we of course needed three cars in Southern California. Nobody walks in LA. So we went out and got “skeeter”. Skeets is a 2013 Mini Cooper S, in red with black highlights. Skeeter makes up in attitude (Continued on Page 21)


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What Is A Member? Story by CL Jarusek

CL Jarusek, Membership Chairman, tries to attend as many of our OCR PCA events as possible

First of all, if you are receiving the Pando in the mail, you are probably a member. A member is a person who belongs to a group, club or classification. As the Membership Chairman, I want to thank you for being a member and hope that you are getting what you wish out of the Club. I try to get to a majority of the Club’s events even though I don’t AutoCross and don’t get under my car to scrub off the muffler bearings for the Concours. I do enjoy eating, which if you have seen me and know me, you can agree that I take part in the social and dining events. We require participation in none of these from our members and yet they are still able to get two fine magazines a month, receive discounts from most of our advertisers and through our other members, have a forum in which they can fulfill their need for information. So, enjoy the Club and relax. We do encourage members, whether they come to our events, AutoCross, the Breakfast Clubs or just enjoy the perks of the Club, to let us know if they have any suggestions. We have had suggestions

on tours, events, new meeting locations (a little about this later) or how the Club may be run more effectively. As members of the Executive Board, we do discuss these suggestions in our monthly meetings, which are held right after the Breakfast Club. You, as a member, are always welcome to attend and see how your Club is being run. This gets me to the subject of what each of the Board Members and Club Chairs do for the Club. The head of the Board is, needless to say, President. Gordon Williams is our President. This is a two-year term, as are the rest of the Board positions. Gordon, besides presiding at our meetings and taking charge of Club duties, is responsible for the actions of the Club along with the Board. He also attends Zone 8 meetings and President’s meetings with other PCA Presidents. Vice President Greg Lush takes over in the President’s absence and also coordinates the Club’s activities and calendar. Secretary Monica Asbury records the minutes of

AutoCross Participants will tell you how much fun they have racing the clock at El Toro

the meetings. Treasurer David Piper is in control of the Club’s tens of thousand dollars (yep, we are pretty healthy). Membership Chairman, that’s me, is in charge of recruiting new members and does membership and anniversary reports for the Pando monthly. We have two Members at Large, Garey Cooper and Ken Fredrickson (these positions are up for election at this time as well as Secretary). They provide knowledge and advice on the direction the Club takes. All of the above mentioned Board positions are voting members and a quorum of four must be present at all Board meetings. We also have seventeen Board appointed Chairs that take care of Pando Advertising, AutoCross, Charity, Concours, Goodie Store, Historian, Ladies Committee, Classified Ads editor, Pando Production Editor, Past President, Rally Director, Rennlist Master, Social Media Chair, Sponsorship Director, Tech Activities Director and Web Coordinator. All of these Chairs require at least some help and some require a great deal of help. I hope that you appreciate the work that they do and thank them when you experience their good work. They are always happy to have some new members volunteer to help, and I think you will find it fulfilling and fun if you want to volunteer to help in any capacity. All of the Chairs are listed on page 4 of the Pando and if you have questions about their specific jobs, please let me know. A brief synopsis of their tasks only touches the surface. Most try and attend the monthly Board meetings to give input on their area of responsibility. The Pando Advertising team coordinates and solicits ads for the Pando; this is a very busy but rewarding task. The AutoCross Co-Chairs are some of the hardest working Chairs in the Club. They also require a great deal of assistance in running the AutoCross events. Even if you don’t compete; come out and help, it’s lots of fun. AutoCross has approximately 100 cars that compete monthly. The Charity Director coordinates all of our (Continued on Page 20)

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Rice’s Ramblings:


The 918 is continuing to make the news weekly these days. From some news sources, a trio was seen and photographed in the San Francisco area last week. (Nov 1st) All I want for Christmas is a 918, a 918, a 918…

From 6-speed. 3 Porsche 918s spotted in town!

The 918 is definitely going to be a reality, as we have seen that Porsche always follows through on their teasers, especially when they are so well received. The costs are astronomical but then we have already seen such expensive, limited production super cars selling, and being driven, right here in the big O.C.! So who’s going to be the first to bring their 918 to the OCR Breakfast Club? Tell ya what. Your coffee is on me! Even if… Even if your Porsche is not regarded as a limited production Super Porsche, we all know Our (own) Porsche is a “super

car” to each one of us and I can agree. Any Porsche is totally unique from its concept to construction. Porsches have been written and talked about since the 356 era as “over-built”. However, Porsche shrugs this off as something they have ALWAYS done, built their cars to last and last and last. Whether driving on the freeway every day for decades or for a season on the IMSA or AMLS racing circuit, they last and hold up excellently (if maintained properly). That is just the way Porsche builds every Porsche. Always has. So if you Porsche is a bit weary from long years of service, whether from driving or maybe just sitting too long without driving at all, it is still every bit as special as those new super cars. Sometimes I see folks simply lusting for whatever new flashy thing is out there. I find this puzzling, as some cars, regardless of the year, never go out of style or fashion. Technology does change and can date a car, but Porsches, of any year, exemplify the top technology of the time they were constructed. Mostly I think of the 911, as they have become lasting icons of the automotive world. Once labeled as Spartan furnished, oversteering and too delicate, but as having a wonderful rev range and as working. Everything works! For how many decades have we heard a variation of this? Yet it is true. The concept still proves itself, just as the new 991 is doing now. It seems everyone loves the 991. This is rather interesting coming from main stream magazines that rarely have a lot of nice things to say regarding Porsche.

Question of the Month Q: I have a 1992 Carrera 2. Do I need to have the valve adjustment done at the same 12-15,000 mile service interval? I thought that was not needed for the Carrera? YES and No. The 12,000 mile valve clearance adjustment is still needed until 1995 with the 993 model. It is still named a Carrera 2 or 4 but the 993 is a major change and upgrade of almost everything in the Porsche! The 1965 - 1994 911s need their valve clearances whether only putting around on local drives or cross-country driving. Some track day 911s may need more frequent valve adjustments depending on how well one monitors the tachometer. This adjustment is critical to smooth running and smog checks. I have seen a small out of adjustment cause just enough C.O. spike to fail a smog check. It only needed a small valve clearance adjustment and that fixed the problem. For any 1965 – 1994, this is a hard fact of necessity. I have found some new engines also need a large correction, regardless of everything being new. Things move around underneath or “get friendly”, with normal heat cycles. This is why a new engine or a re-built engine has only a 4-5,000 mile valve adjustment for the FIRST adjustment only. Then it’s on the 12,000mile schedule. Of note: I find at 12,000 miles, no matter how well driven or how poorly driven, the valves all need some type of adjustment. Some may only need a slight adjustment but the end results are always smoother running, more stable idle, improved fuel mileage and quicker acceleration. 993 The 993, on the other hand, has self adjusting valve clearances. It has 12 “hydraulic valve lash adjusters”, one in each of 12 new rocker arms, and is fed (Continued on Page 30)

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Featured Member: Ms. Marion Smith

From Carpool to Carrera Story by Marion Smith was the night after the kids left for college. I packed up and shipped out of the family home in outer Suburbia and headed to my new dream home in Newport Beach. One day as I was sitting on my dock, a simple conversation about a new beach car turned whimsical fast. Was I ready to get rid of my “carpool mom” vehicle? Throwing out some crazy ideas, I finally said “Maybe a cute VW bug?” and then on a whim with laughter still caught in my throat I quickly said “or a Porsche!” This must have been received as a dare, because very soon after there was a new 1999 ocean blue Porsche Carrera Cabriolet in front of the garage with a “Happy Birthday” card! Wow! Suddenly the twisting road of PCH became a beautiful and fun retreat. No more “soccer mom” for me! It didn’t take me long to discover that this wellmade vehicle had more performance, control, response and safety than I could ever imagine. I know a lot of people who adore their Porsche as a cute little weekend car and put their “baby” to sleep every Sunday night. It was such a joy to have my Porsche as an “everyday” drive - it made even the dreariest errands FUN! Growing up, my mom and dad specialized in purchasing station wagons. Between me and 4 other siblings, we spent lot of our time fighting for a window seat. One day they came home with a “cool” station wagon (yes, cool!). It had rear-facing seats and it was really entertaining for us kids to stare into the faces of the drivers coming up behind us. This unusual seating arrangement was the first time I really gave any thought to what interests go into buying a new car. On a recent trip with my parents, I had them write down all of the cars they had owned. Everyone one of them started with the word FORD. So, as you can imagine, my first car was a Ford Falcon. After marriage we had almost everything but a Ford! I drove a Chevrolet Corvair,


followed by a Toyota, Chevrolet, Saab, Lexus, Acura, Mercedes and three different GMC trucks - one of which was my trusty carpool vehicle for many years. One day, a 41 Willys even came into our family. It made it to a few Route 66 events in San Bernardino, but on most occasions it was towed home because it didn’t do well just “cruising”.

Matt, Marion and Carly at Racing School

Orange 41 Willy

When my two children started to drive, we thought it would be great for them to experience a driving school. I thought they would learn advanced skills for driving, practice on a skid pad and learn how to be polite to other drivers. Within the first hour, I realized we had been tricked! My husband had actually signed the three of us up for three days at the Jim Russell School of Racing at the (formally known) Sears Point Raceway in Sonoma, California. So we participated in our class learning how to put the “pedal to the metal” and learning technical things like threshold braking, banking, blipping the throttle, early and late apexing and how to work the pylons on the course turns. Multiple times I had to answer the question as to why I was not driving faster than my 16 and 17 year olds. My children were born without any fear of racing, and they were the fastest drivers in the class. Everyone was in competition with the Smith family for the fastest time - and they never achieved it! It was one of the most memorable

events I experienced with my children and it gave me an appreciation for speed, control and fast cars. In 2006 I purchased a new black Porsche Carrera Cabriolet, which I drive today. Having previous experience in an Acura NSX car club, and being recently single, I decided to join the Porsche Club. One morning I just wandered around at the Crystal Cove Car Show looking at all the “cool cars.” Next thing I knew, I was driving my car on a tour the following Sunday with all of those cars.

At the concours d elegance with my new 2006 Black Cabriolet (Continued on Page 26)



Yes, Dreams Can & Do Come True Story by Dave Humphreys, Freelance Journalist and OCR PCA member since 1999 Have you ever lusted for a particular Porsche, but didn’t think you could possibly afford it? Ah, come on now! Who of us hasn’t? That‘s the stuff dreams are made of. And dreams are what keep us going. For some of us, life without a Porsche isn’t even worth considering. But, perhaps I’m getting a little ahead of myself. To begin with, some time ago the Lady in my life wanted a Porsche so badly she couldn’t see straight. Every time she saw one parked on the side of the road or we passed by a showroom, Marilyn (not her real name) had to stop and marvel at it for minutes at a time. But, being a middle school teacher, she was convinced that there was no way she would ever afford one. Boy was she wrong! Wait a minute! Ladies don’t drive Porsches, do they? Ha! In a pig’s eye - the smart ones do. At any rate, in an effort to help her, I introduced Marilyn to automobile leasing in lieu of buying. At first, she was very, very reluctant (like most people, she really knew very little about leasing), but once we “crunched” the numbers, she was ready to reconsider. Perhaps she could realize her dream after all. To make a long story just a bit shorter, she did lease a new, Guards Red 968 coupe (facsimile here) with all kinds of “goodies” on it for thirty-six (36) months. With the money she saved over a traditional purchase deal (no down payment and substantially lower monthly payments), she was able to buy the car outright at the end of her lease for a much more affordable price. Through leasing, she was able to enjoy the class of Porsche she had dreamed of and she has savored every single minute of it since then. Who says dreams can’t come true? As a matter of fact, she is now so convinced as to the benefits of leasing, she is considering doing it all over again on a 2013 Porsche. Using the 968 as a trade-in (effectively, a down payment - though it probably won’t be required),


she plans to keep the monthly payment quite manageable. Having shared Marilyn’s story with you, if you’ll bear with me, I’d like to share another (and quite startling) little tidbit of information with you. Guards Red 968 coupe According the U.S. Department • Would like to reduce the sales or of Transportation’s most recent audit (2010, I believe), some 7mm new cars use taxes normally associated with were sold in the U.S. in that year. Of buying; • Is not interested in personalizing his/ those, some 70% represented sales her Porsche and to people that bought a new car • Doesn’t look forward to the approximately every three (3) to five (5) inconvenience associated with trading years, and please don’t asked me how and/or selling a used Porsche. they determined that. But, for the sake of discussion, let’s assume that their figures If this describes you, then you will are correct. At any rate, this represents find it highly beneficial to lease your next some 4.9mm automotive sales; of Porsche rather than buy it. which only 25% were leased (or about Please do keep in mind that when 1.3mm). That means that some 3.6mm you buy, you pay for the entire cost of people (4.9mm -1.3mm) are not taking your Porsche; regardless of how many advantage of the benefits that leasing has miles you drive it or how long you keep it. to offer. However, when you lease, you are merely So, who would be the ideal candidate reimbursing the leasing company for that for leasing a Porsche? Someone who: portion of your Porsche’s cost which you • Prefers driving a new Porsche every effectively “used up” during the time three (3) to five (5) years; you’ve been driving it; commonly known • Likes having a Porsche with the of as “depreciation”. Now, and this is latest safety/technical features and very important, whether you buy or lease, one that is always under Warranty. the value of your Porsche is going to Thereby keeping their maintenance depreciate over time. That value’s gone, costs to a bare minimum; no matter which program you choose. • Only drives an average number of Even though Porsches hold their value miles each year (12 - 15,000 miles) quite well, they will rarely be worth of less: what you have paid for them, collectable • Doesn’t particularly care about models and vintages excluded. building ownership equity: With that in mind, there is more to • Is between the ages of 35 and 65; come; so, be sure to join us for the next and has an adjusted gross income of installment in this series. Next month $60,000 or more; we will get down to “the nitty-gritty” of • Has a credit score of 760 or above the issue - that of evaluating the financial - and a stable income; aspects of leasing a Porsche. • Desires the prospect of substantially lower monthly payments (30% and 50% lower); • Would like to avoid tendering a large down payment - if not eliminate it all together;

Favorite Drives: We are a car club aren’t we? So should one of our favorite things be to drive in our cars? Here are some suggestions for driving routes that you might want to try with your Porsche. Are we missing your favorite? Send the info to: zonerep@zone8.org California Inland Region Glendora Ridge Road - Here’s a link to a map: http://www.sundaymorningrides.com/road/5693728/full.cgi. The Glendora Ridge Road, in the LA County mountains, is a fantastic windy up & down 2-lane well maintained road; not always open, especially in the winter, but when it is open there usually is very little traffic. I’ve traveled it several times over the last 8 years in 3 different sports cars: a ‘64 TR4, a ‘81 Porsche 911SC, and a ‘92 Porsche 968. - George Weigand California Central Coast Region Want to give you a “favorite road” - Highway 1 from Morro Bay to Monterey - a beautiful winding road with very little traffic - try it some time. Most of the road is along the ocean with frequent view opportunities. - Gene Ross Old Creek between Cayucos and 46. (I hear the Santa Rosa Creek Road is still very rough...) All of the Eastern Paso Robles... Atascadero Roads are super!! Great fun.- Lynda & Frank Merrill Los Angeles Region Mulholland Drive - For a great night cruising take Mulholland Drive from Beverly Glen Blvd to Laurel Canyon Blvd. or Pacific Coast Highway - Take it from Sunset Ave to Bloom State Park - Allan Slocum Riverside Region Idllywild Mountain Drive - Take highway 74 from Palm Desert towards Idllywild and then turn on 243 towards Banning San Diego Region Couser Canyon - It’s short but sweet: Couser Canyon Road between highway 76 and Lilac Road Santa Barbara Region Take Hwy 101 to Ventura. Take Hwy 33 towards Ojai. Stay on 33 as it veers north as you enter the western end of Ojai. Continue on 33 while it twists and climbs and descents until you reach the ranger/fire station on your right. Five hundred feet past station, turn right onto Lockwood Valley Road, eventually reaching I-5 for return trip home. Cyn until it becomes Betteravia Road is Sisquoc. Continue to junction with Hwy 101 South for return trip home.



Book Review:

LIFE IS A HIGHWAY Steve McQueen THE LAST MILE...revisited, by Barbara McQueen, published by Dalton Watson Fine Books Review by Bruce Herrington This biography of Steve McQueen is a unique book. Not only does it offer a unique perspective on his activities, the presentation is like a photo album with annotations. Even the 9x12 horizontal format of the pages reflects the photo album feel. Though it covers only the last three years of Steve’s life (with photos taken by his third wife Barbara Minty McQueen), it shows an at-home McQueen, a retired McQueen, a different guy than that depicted in books about McQueen the Motor-Head or about McQueen the Actor. Coffee table size/ format, and mostly pictures, it appears to be a book to browse more than to read. Yes, it is a picture book, but once you start reading the captions, you get hooked on

the story of Steve the ‘regular guy’. Those familiar with the Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show will be interested in the description of Steve’s involvement with The Boys Republic of Chino Hills. The beginning of the book shows more of Barbara’s life than Steve’s, but then the ‘album’ evolves to show a Steve McQueen that is surprisingly homespun and retiring, at least compared to his behavior on the screen or on the track. Once one gets into the book, it presents a very captivating, uniquely personal insight into an ordinary guy whose off-screen persona was less like his on-screen characters that is the

case with most actors. The intimate and vivid first-person descriptions of everyday activities make Steve seem so real that it is shocking to remember he died over 30 years ago. His last years are revisited by the author’s modern recollections of the events described (and in which she participated), triggered by her never before published pictures and tape recordings made at the time. (Continued on Page 22)


Holiday Brunch Cruise PCA-OCR Annual Holiday Bash! Sunday, December 2nd Join your friends at this Very special Event OCR-PCA’s First Champagne Brunch Harbor Cruise!

Please arrive at 10:45 for parking and sign in. We will begin boarding the Admiral Yacht at 11:10. We will leave port at 11:30 SHARP! fun includes a silent auction from 11:30 to 1:30, brunch, Champagne, wine, Beer, music, dancing, Special Guests & Surprises! Cigar Lounge & a limited supply of cigars available on board

Sell out is expected so please sign up early $60 per person @ www.Motorsportreg.com Parking is available on site for $10 per car or there are meters across the street and some parking on Riverside Ave.

The Yacht is located on the waterfront @ 2901 West Coast Hwy (Next to the Chart House on Rt - in front of the old John Dominus Bldg)



Marconi Museum

Marconi Automotive Museum and Foundation for Kids

As you can see, everyone was taking the opportunity to wipe down their cars from the unexpected rain that fell upon us on our way from the Krispy Kreme Gathering

Lots of fun Cars were the highlight of the tour

And the racers

1981 Ferrari 512 BBi with our racing Boxter

Two Ferrari Dinos sitting side by side... one Euro, one for the American market... 1937 Ford Coupe, custom build by Boyd Coddington

1955 Chevrolet BelAir Coupe


The cars were everywhere..

Autocross Corner:

Dueling In The Desert (aka – Better Than A Day At The Office!) Story by Bob Scheussler & Steve Eguina

Steve and Bob review the course and preach SAFTEY

Monday morning, October 22, OCR hosted the last of three OCR Zone 8 track events in our 2012 Drivers Education Series sponsored by Walter’s Porsche at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway in Desert Center, CA .The Event Day sponsor was James Buck’s Cape Auto Repair in Laguna Niguel, CA. This was OCR’s first event at the Chuckwalla facility. Drivers that had driven there previously with other clubs appreciated the latest improvements; most noteworthy being ‘real’ restrooms (showers included). The weather cooperated and was a ‘cool’ mid-80’s; not bad for the desert (good planning Steve Eguina). Drivers Education (Drivers Ed or DE) events offer untimed, continuous lap driving. A DE is a fun event; there are no award points and no trophies associated with DE events. Although untimed, drivers generally experience the ‘Competitive Urge’. For drivers that wanted to make the drive to the desert on Sunday, Steve Eguina organized a group that toured the Palm Springs Air Museum, home to one of the world’s largest collections of flyable WWII aircraft. On Monday, the Chuckwalla Willow track opened at 7 am and soon the Pit Area was busy with drivers having coffee and getting their cars ready for another day of ‘not competing’. Once again, Christine Newcomer was signing in drivers; Eric Budai was tending the required equipment transported from El Toro; Josef West arrived early and volunteered to ‘tech’ cars with several other club members; and Steve Eguina, the OCR Driving Event Czar, had the announcements going. The drivers meeting went off on schedule. Steve augmented his usual great track talk with information specific to the new track. Safety and more Safety was discussed. The paid Corner Worker team reinforced the Safety items and explained the flag system including the ominous “BLACK FLAG” - come in as we want to have a little talk. Simple, except for the little talk. Once again, Steve reminded everyone that during the first driving session your

Christine and Eric thoroughly check every detail

Sunday Drivers got a look at some still flyable WWII aircraft

James Buck, once again steps up as our Sponsor for the day


(Continued on Page 28)


Be two places at once. On the road and off the grid. Escape to new realms of performance in the all-new 2013 Boxster. A two-seat tribute to record-setting roadsters of the past. But like nothing you’ve seen before. With its pushbutton retractable roof and athletic mid-engine balance, the new Boxster connects you to every subtle nuance of the pavement. And the sheer ecstasy of open roads ahead and open skies above. Porsche. There is no substitute.

Test drive yours today. Official sponsor of the



Porsche Club of America Orange Coast Region.

3210 Adams Street Riverside, CA 92504



Get a no cost alignment when you purchase two or more tires from Walter’s Porsche.

Come into Walter’s Porsche for any factory scheduled maintenance or repairs and Walter’s will fill your fuel tank for the drive home!*

*Excludes oil changes and other minor services. Call Walter’s Porsche for further details.

For your next service appointment, get into the fast lane and come into Walter’s Porsche.








What is a Member:

(Continued from page 6)

Current board members posing it up after Original Mikes, left to right; Past Pres. Nicole CooperBoggs, Secretary Monica Asbury, Charity Chair Peggy Huddleston, in the shadows - Social Media Chair Gary Labb, Membership CL Jarusek, and President Gordon Williams

events that raise up to approximately $15K annually that we give to our selected charity. The Concours Co-Chairs positions are an extremely important and time-consuming job. They solicit participants, sponsors and volunteers to put on a Concours that includes over 150 cars. Please let us know if you have any interest in helping them. Goodie Store Manager is a fun, but hard position that procures, advertises to members and sells the Porsche Club products. The Historian keeps track of where the Club has been and where it is going. Ladies Committee Liaison coordinates the events that our lady members and associates enjoy such as spas, movies, plays, garden tours and museums. Everyone is welcome to attend, not just the ladies. The Pandemonium (Pando) Classified Ads Editor receives the ads and turns them into the printable ads you see in the classified section. By the way, did you notice that the Pando is now full color, even though not all of the ads are in color yet? The Pando Production Editor puts our fine local magazine, The Pando, together each month, quite a task. Past President is responsible for casting a vote to break a tie if there is ever one during a Board vote. Also to provide valuable advice and insight on prior actions. Rally Director sets up, advertises to members and recruits members to assist on the rally events. Should you


ever have a great place for a tour or have an idea for a rally, please let us know. Our Rennlist Manager takes care of getting messages out to you via the Internet. By the way, we allow no spam or release of your information. Be sure to keep it current! Social Media Chair takes care of Facebook, the website, calendar and other media sites for our member’s use. Sponsorship Director contacts our Dealer sponsors and assures that they get the exposure commensurate with their support. Tech Activities Director sets up technical sessions that are of interest to the members. The Web Coordinator maintains our website, www.pcaocr.org.

All of the above people are volunteers and are not paid. It gives us a sense of accomplishment and a good feeling when we see that the Club has done something enjoyable. We are not the elite (well except for that spacious, multi floored tower that we have offices in according to Garey Cooper’s articles), just members who have stepped up to the plate to help the Club. We are always looking forward for someone who may be interested in being an understudy with the ultimate goal of succeeding us in any of the positions. If you so choose, continue to be a member and enjoy yourself. If you’d like to help out and make the Club an even better organization, please let one of us know. The success of the Club is due to its MEMBERS. Look me up at the next event.

Is anything more fun than hot dogs at the new member picnic?

The group for the Annual Ladies Garden Tour was anything but all ladies & was enjoyed by all

Editor’s Corner:

(Continued from page 5)

No professional photographer would get his shadow in the picture!

what he lacks in size. This little car is just a barrel of fun. It is actually surprisingly roomy on the inside and handles like a gocart. Built in Oxford, England and about as British as Sauerkraut and a pint of Bitters. That is to say a fun mix of English eccentricity and German practicality and road holding. We really like the thing. Blanche Bickerson So far Blanche accepts Skeeter under the same roof but you can’t imagine two more different vehicles. Well, maybe a White Freightliner possibly? But the GT3 loves the roads down here and I recently went out and drove the thing around and through some country roads and had a blast. Quite a few curvy roads around Rancho Santa Fe and with the leaves changing color and the sound of the car bouncing off the roads around me I was reminded why we buy these things in the first place. Porsche for the future In the past two to three years Porsche has gone even further, and if anything even faster, to transition than it did in the previous Wiedeking era. Not only do we have a new and smaller version of the Cayenne coming, but there is now a “shooting Brake” version of the Panamera on the way. Porsche sold 118,867 cars in 2011 and has stated that it aims to sell 200,000 a year within the decade. The Boxster is now built in a Volkswagen plant (instead of mostly in Finland) and VW and

The fairly big and the fairly small side by side on Entrada Lazanja

soon Audi motors or their derivatives are finding their way under Porsche hoods, some at the front of the car and some at the back of the car. Contrast this state of affairs with 1993 when Wiedeking took over as Porsche President in the 911 era. I recall reading that at one of the low points Porsche sold approximately 12,000 for the year. And that supposedly the car division lost money while the Porsche Engineering Consulting business was the real moneymaker. I even understand that at one time the talk was of discontinuing car manufacturing all together… not sure about that but a far cry from today. I still personally look forward to the “smaller Boxster” said to be in development and I hope they get it out before my ability to climb down into a car is a memory. It could be right around the time that Skeets heads back to wherever that Beemer went to. 2013 I was supposed to retire in 2012, instead I racked up enough air miles to become Titanium or Platinum or whatever alloy is better with a couple of airlines and at least one hotel chain. One can’t do that forever and I suppose it will be finally in 2013 that I am led to pasture, or pillar, or post. I do fervently hope that gives me more time with my club and highly personal pursuits therein. Blanche beckons as only a sultry seductress can from the garage and “I ain’t gettin’ any younger” as the saying goes. So, I have


got to make the move soon. The trouble is that I like what I do, as odd as that sounds even to me. Making things is all I ever really wanted to do, even as a kid. First models and fixing bicycles, now Pressure Gauges. Our gauges have gone up in rockets (down in rockets too), and been worn into (and thankfully out of) burning buildings. In helicopters they’ve gone to the tops of mountains in Afghanistan and in submarines to the bottom of very unfriendly coasts. One does get a measure of life out of that, so will I miss it? Whatever, I hope that it gives me more time with friends and family. Something that I know a lot of you with careers of your own will know, sometimes has not been the priority it should have been. May your own 2013 be bright, exciting, and rewarding. I hope I get the chance to meet every club member there is in the coming year. It’ll be a pleasure to shake hands with you and say “howdy”. See you on the other side of another year.


Book Review:

(Continued from page 14)

Last year RM auctioned off Steve McQueen’s personal 1970 Porsche 911 S for $1,375,000, bringing in $25,000 more than the absolute top shelf estimate of $1,350,000.

A casual romantic, in the openroad sense, not the Romeo and Juliet type, Steve McQueen is presented as a guy who has a brand new Rolls-Royce convertible, but prefers to drive a 20 year old Chevy pick-up; a guy with a gift of gab such that he could stop at a closed motel, establish enough rapport with the owners to spend a week, sharing meals and fishing trips, without the owners ever catching on that he was anything


but a “dirty old man with a nice-looking young girl.” Unlike most photo albums, the pages of Steve McQueen THE LAST MILE... revisited include enough text to present fascinating stories and the layout differs from page to page - from a copy of a 35mm proof sheet to a full page ‘bled’ picture. Each couple of pages presents a different, and very captivating, bite-sized adventure. Distinct from most books and appropriate to a photo album, it has no index. The book consists of seven chapters plus a foreword by buddy/mentor Pat Johnson and an introduction by author Barbara McQueen. The chapters relate to ‘eras’ based on places they lived, or movies in which he acted. But within each chapter the ‘sections’ are sort of an illustrated stream-of-consciousness portrayal of days-in-the-life of Steve (and Barbara) McQueen. Steve’s final days of suffering from Mesothelioma are covered, but not dwelled upon, and a one page ‘post-

script’ by a representative of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization advocates for prevention and a cure for this very selective affliction. It presents a modern picture of the author as she is, some 30 odd years after the episodes portrayed. No comments are made as to how or when Steve McQueen may have inhaled his fatal dose of asbestos fibers. Steve McQueen THE LAST MILE...revisited consists of 254, 9x12 pages, and is available for $49 from your favorite bookseller, ask for it, or from http://www.mortorbooks.com.

Barbara McQueen with photos of Steve

OCR Membership - September Correction Anniversaries

[6 years or more]

40 Years Alvin & Christina Keller 37 Years Scott & Janet Hendry 35 Years Reed & Julie Rosling 34 Years Todd & Bessie Lee 32 Years David & Karen Dimaria Thomas & Suzanne Calvert Steve & Dolores Briscoe 29 Years Michael & Renee Hagen 25 Years Daniel Davis & Carole Bowman 23 Years Rick & Lucy Rawlins Bob Schwalm 19 Years Joe Koyama Wayne & Elizabeth Miller 18 Years Mel & Suzanne Cecil John Reilly & Karen Tringali 17 Years Kevin & Jason Van Fleet 15 Years Volker Kreiskott 14 Years John & Kathleen Moohr Eric & Michelle Blum Gary & Linda Falloon 12 Years Willy & Esstella Leon 11 Years Michael & Sue Graf Gary & Elizabeth Bauhard Mark Wallace & Ron Miranda 10 Years Samuel Berro & Lori Ruben Samara & Carlos Cardenas Richard Clark Brian & Betsy Dougherty Terry & Marilyn Green Jack Zita

9 Years Norm & Carolyn Follis Rich Goold Lawrence Bennett 8 Years Roger Ang John Mcclintock Al Scsigulinsky Richard & Cindy Roth Richard & Barbara Wilkes 7 Years Nelson Pai & Susan Ishioka Bruce & Kerry Norman Michael & Daniel Equina Patrick Yriarte & Corinne Ramirez Michael & Julie Landry Lynn & Wendy Noah Dave & Terry McMurtrey 6 Years Bill & Tina Young Bill & Yvonne Pitts Curt & Karen Hanson Richard & Ann Williams

New Members and Transfers Debbie Allison Santa Ana/ 2001 996

Brad Morgan Newport Coast/2011 911 4S Craig Thompson Seal Beach/ 2000 Boxster Rob Herman Long Beach/1986 Carrera Transfers into OCR Jeff Creason & Tracy Furman Huntington Beach/ 2003 911

Transfer from Las Vegas (LVS) Walter Kong & Amy Leung Irvine/Unknown model

Transfer from Rocky Mountain(RMT) Gary Krikorian & Hourig Hairabedian Irvine/2002 Carrera

Transfer from San Diego Region (SDO) James Schaedler & Joceleyn McCord Corona/2002 C4S

Transfer from Riverside(RIV) Karen Simmons Laguna Beach/2007 Cayman

Transfer from Peach State(PST)

Tareq Anabtawi Laguna Niguel/ 2001 996 Lee Assenheimer & Peg Tilford Newport Beach/ 2009 911 Samuel Benavente Garden Grove/ 2007 Carrera Robert Deraud & Sandy Gleason Anaheim/ 2000 Boxster S Kevin Fairfax Newport Beach/2011 Cayenne Dan Gibson Brea/ 2005 Carrera S Thomas Irwin Irvine/ 1986 911 Paul Konney Newport Coast/ 2012 Turbo S Mark Lanphere San Clemente/ 2011 Cayenne

Soliciting Member For Calendar Upkeep We are in need of a volunteer who will keep the word file for the Pando calendar updated & create the new file for next year. Not a lot of work but very important to the members. Contact Maryann @ mamsy1@yahoo.com

Andrew McSorley Laguna Beach/ 1968 911L



OCR Membership Anniversaries

[6 years or more]

36 Years Mike & Georgia Springer 33 Years Ronald Holecek

8 Years Steven Kleinsasser & Joanna Craft Ivan Eskenazie George & Mary Jo Navarijo Scott & Dawn Romanos

Kenneth Kerns & Cindy Badish Guasti/2003 911 Carrera

29 Years Timothy & Diane Ferguson

7 Years Ted Hoiberg Robert & Ryan Kahn Robert Keele William & Sarah Kreig William Hart & Christine MacBride-Hart Edward Bestard Ray & Adelina Ceja

Transfer from California Central Coast(CCC)

24 Years Michael & Kathryn Poppe 23 Years Michael & Gloria Moreau 22 Years Julian & Susan Nestor Jim Mahaffy 21 Years Peter & Nickole Petersen 20 Years Ivy & Jonathan Wu Paul Bishop & Thomas Mana 19 Years Charles & Betty Cox 17 Years Will & Kay Lane James & Ana Robles Rattray Thomas & Shannon Moebius 16 Years Gregory & Kevin Franz 14 Years Bruce & Elizabeth Hallett 13 Years Tim & Devon Cox Edwin Yu & Salvador Abiera 12 Years Stephen & Janice Ruckmick Clyde & Janet Madsen Jon & Denise Rhodes 11 Years Mike Swain & Melody Chalaban 10 Years Ryan & Kristin Williams Dick & Scott Madenburg 9 Years Rod Robbins Richard & Janis Trzcinski


Transfer from Riverside(RIV) Kimble Skov Foothill Ranch/2009 Carrera 4S

6 Years Deon Colchester & Gregory Nel Pierre & Shaan Maurier Greg Tan

New Members and Transfers Stephen & Laura Barker Santa Ana, 2009 911 C2 Nick Caplanis Mission Viejo/2009 911 Turbo

Another beautiful car from the Marconi museum

Ian Cross Placentia/2009 Carrera 4S Owen Cudney Laguna Beach/2000 996 Chris & Mary Everett Yorba Linda/2002 Carrera 4S Erwin Jeong Manhattan Beach/2004 GT3 Jingfei Ma Irvine/2013 911 Carrera Bruce McCoy Huntington Beach/2009 Boxster S

Membership Questions? • • • •

Paul Oelschlager Huntington Beach/2002 Carerra

Scott Steinberg Costa Mesa/2006 Boxster S

• •

General Membership Info Where is my Pando? They spelled my NAME wrong! Potential Member Referrals Change of Address / Car /Phone Joining PCA/OCR IntraRegion Transfers

Justin Usary Menifee/1996 Carrera Daniel Chen Irvine/2008 Cayman S

Transfer from Los Angeles(LA)

Contact: CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com

Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by Pamela Horton

Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the November 2012 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches along with member’s cars at some other events. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.

Andrew Trainor - 1977 911 Black

Erwin Jeong - 2004 GT3 Silver

Dory Chilton - 2010 GT3 White

Krispy Kreme Gathering on 10/20/12 prior to cruising over to the Marconi Museum, only the hard core in the “heavy mist”

Porsches and Pancakes 10/27/12 parking lot

Introducing Hudson Boggs, our newest & youngest OCR PCA Member with his own little Porsche! Congratulations Nicole & Cooper!

Breakfast Club Meeting on 11/03/12 parking lot

Feature - From Carpool to Carrera:

(Continued from page 11)

Newport Pier A scrapbook page from my racing class

One of the first people I met was Pete Lech, who was membership chair for our club. He made me feel welcome as did everyone else that day, so I became a member. Soon after, I volunteered to be in charge of Registration for the Concours d’ Elegance in 2007 & 2008. The board members were interesting, and it was fun and educational for me to speak with participants about the upcoming event. My favorite memories are of those that called to book their registrations and spoke with me at length about their special car - and even emailed me pictures. On the day of the event, cars were arriving on trailers or covered with paper and masking tape and I learned about the infamous “white glove.” These owners certainly took the competition seriously, but the spectators didn’t have to be gearheads or students of automotive history to enjoy the show. The only requirement is a love of beautiful automobiles. But Porsche’s aren’t just for car shows, they are also meant for some serious fun. My first car rally was with the Porsche Club in Santa Barbara. I knew very quickly that I was in trouble when I showed up and the other driver’s experience was obvious. Some of the participants had already driven a “dry run” of the rally the previous week to determine the traffic pattern. Others had electronic devices with “hundredths” reading clocks and adjustable odometers - not to mention a man in the backseat of one car running a sophisticated computer program with a pair of binoculars around 26

his neck. The only thing I had brought with me that day was my son, Matt. He was going to be my navigator and was responsible for bringing the only thing I thought we needed - a stop watch. Of course he forgot it altogether and we found ourselves keeping track of the time by counting one-one thousand… two-one thousand. Laughing to myself, I instantly knew we would not be bringing home a trophy that day. But on we went, and we decided to have fun with it and pretend we were on the Amazing Race. Thank goodness that we kept our heads and laughed through it instead of fighting through it! Later while we were at lunch after the race, they conducted the very long drawn out process of doing all the calculations: they called out our name. We had won second place in the novice category! It was one of the best things I have ever won with a wonderful memory of my day with my son. In addition to rally races, I enjoy all the different events our club plans. One weekend, I tried the autocross and had a great time with our club instructors and the individualized attention. It was almost like being back at Sears Point, well sort of. When I was asked if I would like to ride along with the fastest driver that day, I jumped at the chance. I realized I had more fun as a passenger riding along with him and sliding around the turns with the tires squealing. At our ladies Porsche events, we usually get a lot of attention when we meet up in the parking lot of a coffee shop or enter the gates to Shady Canyon for the fashion

show! Not too long ago at one of our ladies events, we had an eight hour car detailing class at McGuire’s - and that was a real education. At the end of the course one of the instructors asked me how I liked the class. I was honest in saying that I learned so much during that class - especially that it wasn’t for me - and that I still love and appreciate the detail guy that comes to my house! I have a huge appreciation for our wonderful Volunteer Board Members. Our club is exciting, interesting and plans great events for all of us to enjoy. I want to thank Santa for flying in, and along with him I wish you all a wonderful holiday season! May 2013 be the year that your laugh-filled dreams show up in your life with big bows on them. Who knows, maybe you’ll be racing that new “dare” of yours soon.

Mama kissing Santa Claus - Thanks Santa & Merry Christmas to all!

A ccess I nsurance B onds , I n c . “Pr ofes s ion al I n s u r an ce S er vices S in ce 1976” PCA OCR Club Member

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(Continued from Page 17)

Flag instruction includes the yellow warning flag tires are cold and your brain is not quite up to speed - so drive accordingly and of course Safety, Safety and more Safety. Oh, and at a PCA DE, remember, even though we are at a race track with racy cars, This is not a competitive event! A DE event consists of multiple, untimed driving sessions with passing allowed in designated areas under a controlled environment. Many participants already hold Zone 8 Competition Permits and quite a few drivers also have National PCA DE Instructors Licenses. If you’re new at driving your Porsche on a road-race course, don’t let that intimidate you. Novices are assigned an instructor from this pool of experienced drivers for the day. During the event, your instructor will work on your progress and suggest an item or two to work on at future events. Having an instructor accelerates your learning curve, makes the day more enjoyable and helps keep everyone safe. Drivers were divided into three run groups. A Novice group was available for new drivers. During the morning


Steve’s Fairview Mortgage Capital / RacingLifestyle.com WCGT2 Porsche on the track showing them how its done

sessions, the drivers generally pace themselves and build speed gradually. Most of us are used to freeway speeds. Hand eye coordination at fifty mph is one thing, when speeds get into the triple digit range things change quickly. You want to increase your speed gradually. Throughout the day instructors were available to answer questions about the proper driving lines, braking points, etc. At the end of the day, there were no Timing results, just lots of fond memories – the day is an educational event. There were, however, many smiling faces ready for another DE event! Mark your calendar for the 2013 DE Program: • April 29 - Auto Club Speedway (Interior Road Course) - Fontana, CA • September 30 - Chuckwalla Raceway, Desert Center, CA Support Steve & I appreciate the support of all the OCR members who participated in

the 2012 DE Program. Special thanks to Walter’s Porsche and General Manager, Ed McRae, for their support. As the OCR Driving Events Sponsor, they enable us to hold these events at wonderful track facilities all year. OCR wants to thank Walter’s for their continued support and also thank those OCR members that support the Walter’s Automotive Group, which in addition to Porsches, also sell and service new and pre-owned Mercedes, Audi’s, Fiat’s and Smart cars. Come out and play during the OCR 2013 DE Program!

Corner shot



Rice’s Ramblings:

(Continued from page 8)

Another thing with the 993 is its new Cam Housing and Cam Covers. The Cam Housings almost never leak oil. The new design was needed for the new oil fed rockers and self-adjusters. However, engine heat causes the 993’s plastic cam covers to warp, seals to dry out and leak oil! The 993tt (Turbo) are even more problematic. The two turbos heat up the lower cam ‘96 993 Twin Turbo, Midnight metallic blue covers, even with the 993 turbo’s by engine oil pressure from an additional stainless steel heat shields. So the groove in the cam journal. These self plastic covers still get very hot and warp! adjusters never need servicing. There are several after market suppliers However, I do find the 993, like the of all aluminum 993 cam covers for the 993C and 993tt. They should never warp 996-997, has a weird rattling noise when or leak! However, when I do a stock 993 first started up, only for a second or two. cam cover replacement, I spray paint This is simply from a lack of oil for just a them silver to help reflect the heat. second or two as the oil pressure system Excessive heat is the friend of purges normal air out of its system as it is wear, noise, oil leaks, and rarely, Fire! starting. Apparently this harms nothing Especially if the bottom engine cover is and is simply the price paid for selfstill installed. Those things do nothing in adjusting valve clearance. I personally the USA but over-heat your engine and just find it annoying.


transaxle. These, as I have said before, are derived from European sound control requirements. It seems they do not enjoy the sound of 911 engine music! Over here, those darn things, once removed, make good rain covers for you doggie poop bucket! Have a great Holiday and enjoy the time with family, friends and your Porsche - what else! We welcome all inquires, questions, and comments just call or e-mail… Godspeed riceturbos@sbcglobal.net 714/539-1042 reasonable hours



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RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE BROKER PORSCHE CLUB MEMBER SINCE 1984 Buying or Selling? Contact Pamela & Amanda We Can Help With All Of Your Real Estate Needs



Classified Ads FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ‘86 911 Carrera 911 Turbo, Grand Prix White/Black lthr, 160K+ miles. Sunroof, owned since 1998, CA car from new. Daily OC work driven. All records since purchased. Engine rebuild to 3.4L. Many mods. All maintenance done by Andial in Santa Ana and Vision Motorsports, Lag. Hills. Weight is 2700 lbs. Have original bumper system and tail, stock muffler and cat, + other parts. Sparco seats, A/C system and radio in. Speedline 17x 9 and 11” 3 piece whls, high rubber. Never raced or wrecked. Price just reduced from $41,500 to $29,500!. Includes original parts but for interior. Jeffrey Simonds 949/468-2392 Direct; 949/854-6600 Main; jsimonds@ naicapital.com. OCR (1)

’2004 996 C4S Carrera Coupe, Black/ Black lthr, 31.5K mi. 6-spd manual, no accidents. Original paint, 2-owner SoCal car. $39,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: EARLY 911--1960s ‘66 911 Coupe, Polo Red/Black leatherette, 31.5K mi. 5-spd 901 gearbox. $31,990 . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-993-986-996997 ’94 911 Carrera 3.8 RSR Coupe, Guards Red/Castrol Livery. ’95 IMSA GTS-2 Champion. 1 of 51 Factory built Carrera 3.8 RSR race cars. Racing ABS, Motronic eng mgmt, Premier fuel cell, air jacks, cockpit adj rollbars frt/rear. All engine work by ANDIAL & Alwin Springer. $349,000. Dave Mohlman, 305/582-9723. GGR (1)

’95 911 Carrera RS Coupe, Polar Silver/ Black lthr, 19K mi. Very rare Porsche. Only 1 of 19 brought into the US legal and titled. A/C, stereo, Club Sport (spoilers frt and rear). All tools, books and import registration. Price Upon Request. Dave Mohlman, 305/582-9723. GGR (1) ‘96 911 Carrera C4S Coupe, Midnight Blue Metallic /Grey Midnight lthr, 14.6K mi. Factory Aero Package. 6-spd manual trans, PCA (Porsche Club of America) member owned. Original paint, no accidents. $71,990. . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

‘67 911 S Coupe, Blood Orange/Tangerine (R2002/Black leatherette w/Houndstooth, 81K mi. VIN #308224S, ENG #962018, TRAN# 105004 (901/02). Numbers matching. 5-spd manual (901 Close Ratio). Original EMPI prepared Porsche driven by Bob Bondurant at Riverside Raceway. 3-owner SoCal car. Fresh restoration, no accidents/no rust. $139,990 . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

‘69 911 S Coupe, Light Ivory/Black leatherette. VIN #119300783; Engine #6391117. 10,000 miles since bare metal restoration. 5-spd manual (901) gearbox. Numbers matching. Certificate of Authenticity from Porsche. $119,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

‘69 911 E Coupe Barnfind, Tangerine (6809)/Black leatherette, 67.2K mi. The 2nd Oldest “E” in Existence! VIN #1192000008; ENG #6290034. 5-spd 901 gearbox. Original paint, Certificate of Authenticity, numbers matching. $33,490. Paul714/335-4911;paul@autokennel. com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 911--1970s ‘70 911 E Coupe, Signal Orange (1414)/ Black with rare Original Factory Signal Orange plaid sport seats, 108K mi. VIN #9110200180, ENG# blank case (Factory warranty exchange in 1970). Less than 15,000 miles on engine rebuild. 5-spd 901 gearbox. Most receipts since new. $64,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (2).

‘70 911 E Coupe, Albert Blue (1818)/ Black with Houndstooth Inserts, 77.1K mi. VIN #9110220637; ENG#6201080. Less than 100 miles on complete engine rebuild. Less than 5,000 miles on full cosmetic restoration. 5-speed 901 gearbox, numbers matching, Certificate of Authenticity. All receipts since new. $73,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (2).

‘71 911 ST Tribute, Tangerine (018)/ Black leatherette, 12.4K mi. Steel RS flares, VIN # 9111100388. 3.2L Carrera engine rebuilt about 2 years ago (less than 1,000 miles). 5-spd manual (915 Gearbox). $54,990. . Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

(Continued on Page 35)


Classifieds Contd: ‘72 911 RS Touring Conversion, Lilac (Royal Purple) (6969)/Black Leatherette, 2.3K miles since rebuild. 3.0L short stroke/twin plug engine, 5 spd manual 915 gearbox. $54,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

’73 911 Carrera RS Lightweight, Grand Prix White/Black lther/Red Carerra graphics and whls. 52.7K mi. 2.7L, M471 option car. LSD. One of 200 Factory Lightweights built. This is the real deal. Vin# 9113601517 late production cars. Stored in a museum for 34 years. Very original and unrestored. $545,000. . Dave Mohlman, 305/582-9723. GGR (2)

RSs built in Rasberry. Vin# 9113601006. Orig motor/trans. All records, tools, jack. Price upon request. Dave Mohlman, 305/582-9723. GGR (1)

‘73 911 E Coupe, Gemini Metallic Blue/ Black lthr, 52.4K mi. 5-spd 915 gearbox. Matching numbers VIN # 9113200931; ENG# 9231468; TRAN# 337973. A/C and Sport Seats. Complete restoration, Certificate of Authenticity. $99,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

survivor. $69,500. Dave 305/582-9723. GGR (1)


‘89 911 Carrera Coupe, Stone Grey Metallic (U8U8)/Black lthr, 164.5K mi.(looks more like 65,000 miles). California car from new. G50 5-spd manual, no accidents, numbers matching. $23,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel. com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 914-6/914

’73 911 Carrera RS, Viper Green/ Black interior. This is the real deal. Vin# 9113600376. One of the original batch of 500 cars built to homologate the RS and RSR for racing. Delivered new in Germany; prepared for club sport racing by Porsche Kremer Racing. Work included a alloy 3.0L case developing over 250 h.p., roll bar, RSR front oil cooler and other race preparation modifications. Imported to USA, 2nd owner did masterpiece restoration in 2004-2005 retaining all the original Kremer Racing modifications; painting it in its Viper Green original color. Car is fully restored; excellent show quality condition. All invoices from Kremer Racing accompany sale of the car. Price Upon Request. Dave Mohlman, 305/5829723. GGR (1)

‘75 911 Carrera, Grand Prix White/ Burgundy lthr, 67.4K mi. Special order car with Factory A/C, 3.2L Carrera engine. 30,000 miles on engine; less than 10 miles on engine rebuild. PCA member owned. $31,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (1).

‘73 914, Grand Prix White/Tan interior. 74.1K mi. 1.7L engine. ALL service records since new. Only 2 owners, original owner had car until June 2010. Transaxle overhauled 1300 miles ago, February 2007. No oil leaks, interior in excellent condition. “Special Edition” front air dam, 19 mm master cylinder, stainless steel brake hoses and brake fluid flushed. 100 lb/in springs installed in rear, very nice ride. Recently serviced with valve adjustment, oil, oil filter, and fuel filter replaced. MOMO Jackie Stewart signature steering whl. All 4 shock absorbers were replaced 3100 miles ago. Frank 714/545-2755 or frank@ hausofperformance.com. OCR (1)

‘72 911 RS Touring Conversion, Lilac (Royal Purple) (6969)/Black Leatherette, 2.3K miles since rebuild. 3.0L short stroke/twin plug engine, 5 spd manual 915 gearbox. $54,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 924-928-944-968

’73 911 Carrera RSR, Light Yellow/Black interior. 2.8L motor. Fully restored. Only 49 Factory RSRs built. This is also the real deal. Vin# 9113600756. Price upon request. Dave Mohlman, 305/582-9723. GGR (1)

FOR SALE: 911--1980s

’73 911 Carrera RS, Rasberry (Porsche paint code #4545)/Black interior. Concours condition, full restoration. Only 4 Factory

‘89 911 Carrera 491 Turbo Look, Guards Red/Black lthr. 32k mi. 3.2L motor. One of 203 coupes built. Completely original


‘89 928 S4 Coupe, Grand Prix White/ Navy lthr interior. 112,200 miles. 4-spd automatic, CA car, PCA (Porsche Club of America) member owned. No accidents. Mostly original paint (except hood and part of fender). $10,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

(Continued on Page 36)


Classifieds Contd: ‘92 968 Coupe, Black/Black lthr, 61.2K mi. Supercharged w/ Factory Sport Seats. 6 spd manual trans. No accidents. $19,990. . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel. com. OCR (2).

‘93 968 Coupe M030 Sports Chassis, Amazon Green Metallic (N7N7)/ Magenta lthr (VE), 80.6K mi. 6spd manual trans, 3Owner CA car. No accidents, Certificate of Authenticity. $16,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

Index of Advertisers Access Insurance Bonds------------------------------ 27 Al Reed Specialty Polishing-------------------------- 33 American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 34 Anaheim Hills Auto Collision------------------------ 7 AutoKennel------------------------------------------- IBC Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 28 Bill Brewster--------------------------------------------- 9 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 13 Clint Eager Art--------------------------------------- IBC Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Cooper Classy Car Care------------------------------ 10 David Piper, CPA------------------------------------- 27 Doorshield---------------------------------------------- 7 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 22 European Collision Center-------------------------- 14

Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium?

FOR SALE: CAYENNE & CAYMAN 2003 Boxster S, Midnight Blue Metallic w/Metropol Blue Top/Natural Brown lthr, 14.9K mi. Tiptronic, 1-owner SoCal car. Original paint/no accidents, Certificate of Authenticity. $24,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 32 Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 31 Integrity Motorcars-------------------------------------- 5 Law Offices of Joe Nedza----------------------------- 7 Pamela Horton, Real Estate Broker----------------- 34 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 27 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 29 Rice’s Performance Porsche-------------------------- 33 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 34 TC’s Garage---------------------------------------------- 9 The Helmet Man--------------------------------------- 27 Ultimate Shield----------------------------------------- 7 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19 Wells Fargo Advisors------------------------------------ 9

For Rates and Availability Call Cooper or Nicole Boggs at 714.505-3662 or send an email to Cooper at cooper.boggs@gmail.com

Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com


TIRES: Standard 987 OEM 17” Conti, Max Performance Summer tires, 205/55/ ZR17 fronts, and 235/50ZR17 rears, about 3.5 yrs old w/ 23,000 spirited miles on them. Great for autocrossing. Make offer. Jack Ulmer ulmer.jt@verizon.net. RRR (1) MISCELLANEOUS Performance Springs, Helmets: Eibach coil spring set for 964. Pyrotect open face Helmet size L, SNELL SA 2005 (valid through 2014) also SHOEI SA95. Make offer. Arnie 714/633-1151 ajs37@aol. com. OCR (1)


Merry Christmas to All May all your presents be Porsches and May God Bless you all in 2013!

A UT O K E N N EL “Your Consignment Specialists!� There is hassle and time involved in selling your own car these days. Why not have the professionals at AutoKennel help you get more money for your vehicle? We will take the hassle out of it by dealing with tire kickers, fraud, and the DMV for you! We are a liscensed/bonded California dealer that specializes in most European models. We also offer customized Vehicle Locating Services. Paul Kramer, Ed Kramer 714-335-4911 By Appointment Only www.AutoKennel.com 1974 Charle Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627

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Dated Material: Please deliver by 12/2/2012


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