PCA-OCR Pandemonium - January 2014

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www.pcaocr.org Editor

January 2014

Inside this issue

Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530

7 9 20 27

Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs

cooper.boggs@gmail.com (714) 505-3662


Gail puts the pedal to the metal on the autobahn

Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981

Technical Writer

Featured: The Halls Porsche’s New Macan Book Review: The Gold Plated PORSCHE

Upcoming Events

2 Calendar of Events 3 Zone 8 Banquet 29 January Drivers Clinic 29 The Empire 100 31 AutoCross Events 36 AX Photographer Ad IBC Zone 8 Concours

Classified Ads Editor

The Toyota Tour

Lee Rice

Contributing Writers Craig Adams Garey Cooper Gail Hall Bruce Herrington Jim Thomas

The Toyota Museum Tour

4 5 12 15 16 26 25 35 36

Contributing Photographers Garey Cooper Alan & Gail Hall Gary Labb John Ortiz Max Sluiter Jim Thomas

Departments Contacts Editor’s Corner Goodie Store Rice’s Ramblings AutoCross Corner Membership Breakfast Club/New Members Classified Ads List of Advertisers

In case you didn’t recognize him, a special thank you goes out to Frank Goodyear for playing Santa for the ladies cover photo!

On the Cover: Alan Hall next to his biggest birthday gift, a stealth slate grey 911 Carerra. Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726



2014 OCR Calendar of Events* JANUARY 2014 4 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 9 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm 18 Krispy Kreme Gathering 18-19 Zone 8 Weekend 25 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

APRIL 2014 5 6 10 19 26

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

MARCH 2014 1 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 8 PCA/ACNA The Empire 100 Gimmick Rally 9 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro 13 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm 15 Krispy Kreme Gathering 22 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

5 10 19 26 27

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro


MAY 2014

FEBRUARY 2014 1 13 15 22

JULY 2014

3 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 4 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro 8 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm 9-11 PCA-OCR Central Coast Tour 17 Krispy Kreme Gathering 24 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

JUNE 2014 1 7 12 21 28 29

PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

2 14 16 23 24

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

* Event dates subject to change. Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www. Zone8.org.

OCR Board Meetings All members are welcome to OCR Board Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting at Original Mike’s.

The Rennlist The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net

* Correction to December feature article Patricia Lynn and Rod Taylor were incorrectly identified with the wrong last name. We apologize.

Got a suggestion? Have a question? Just want to vent? This email will goes straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind & we’ll share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the information to this email also.

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Contact Information


OCR 2013 Executive Board Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com

OCR 2014 Board Pending

Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com

Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com

President Pro Tem - Greg Lush

ocrtours@live.com Vice President - VACANT

Zone 8 Chairs Membership Director - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com

Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson

fast.freddy@verizon.net Secretary - Monica Asbury


Concours Chair Norm Follis njfollis@gmail.com Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com

Member at Large - Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com

OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Christine Newcomer AutoXReg@sbcglobal.net Craig Adams ocrautox@live.com Autocross Registration Armand Gastelo autoxreg@live.com Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com


Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com

Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net

Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Zone 8 Region Coordinator Gary Peterson gary.peterson@hrh.com Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net Zone 8 Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper

Real men wear plaid

High atop the OCR tower, hidden safely from winters glower Lights shimmer and dance, as from the warmth within the leaders glance At a New Years dawn, and lead us on

To places and locations near and far, to take your Porsche car* *SUV, Sedan, or even sports car…. A New Year Dawns! Welcome to 2014. And of course, our new look continues as administered with hand crafted grace and skill by our very own Maryann Marks. Maryann has the task of herding a bunch of volunteers into alignment with deadlines and space issues into one monthly magazine after another. Gently put, she is the adult in the room, or in Latin “in loco Parentis”. So, having said all of that, we love to get content from our readership. Send us some notes or photos from your adventure, big or small, and we will wield it into shape and press it lovingly into the pages of our Pandemonium. Diminished Value A while back, member Laurence Lewin who owns a 2010 Turbo S contacted us. He was in an accident, hit from behind. Luckily the other driver was insured, which as we


all know is not always the case. However, while the car is fixable and can withstand the impact, there are other factors beyond just fixing the car and getting it back on the road. The first is the largest consideration and that is, “What the longer-term damage is to the cars future valuation?” In this day and age of transparency, it is possible that any future potential buyer will be able to research this car in comparison with another and find that although it is well repaired it has indeed been in an accident. If the other car in the comparison had NOT been in an accident, which would you buy? Correct. So would almost everyone. So to compensate in this type of comparison the cars longer-term value compared to its peers probably has been compromised. How to deal with this? Stay tuned for at some stage in the future Dr. Lewin has promised to write of his adventure into this new world and share his story. We are anxious to hear how it all turns out and also wish him well in his pursuit. (Continued on Page 33)



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Tourmeister Larry Moore briefing everyone prior to going on the tour

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Porsches parked in front of the restaurant

Photos & Captions by Gary Labb Top: Members’ Porsches parked in front of the restaurant. Bottom two: The museum’s collection




It Started with Dad Story by Gail Hall It all began when my dad bought a little round green car with beige interior while I was in my teens and it was very impressionable. While riding in that car, there was a surge of power that pushed your head back when the signal changed. A Wow! This all contributed to my dad being the coolest dude on the street. Immediately, the thought occurred that someday one of those cute cars would be in my own garage when I grew up. First impressions seem to stick and this is that story. Many years later when total admiration and appreciation of a superb machine would enter our lives and enrich us in delightful way, we were able to purchase our first Porsche. We married, bought used cars, none a sports car, but loved maintaining and managing all the vehicles we owned. Hubby did the lubes and oils, wife did wash and waxes. Why pay someone to do something you can do better yourself? Alan had previously owned a 1960 Austin Healey Sprite with Frog eyes, a 1962 TR3 Rag Top, a 1969 Camaro, while I had owned a

Lunch at Opalo on the Paso Robles wine tour

62 Ford Falcon, a 1952 Volkswagen bug, a Chevy Wagon which had 4 barrels, and then an Eldorado Cadillac. Obviously we shared two different backgrounds in taste. These cars would not put us in the typical race car collector’s category. While raising children, building careers, going to school and having grandkids, we kept up with the average American cars, always buying used to save and get the most for our buck. The love of cars was growing though, as Mercedes of all makes was a popular choice for many of our friends. So we finally branched out and bought a Mercedes convertible. What a blast! This was uptown for us and we milked it for years. After some time our kids were grown, our careers were completed with gentle slowing, and our priorities shifted

Alan with the Porsche display in Mammoth for the weekend Jazz Festival


from everyone else to us… yeah! So we went to Walters’ and ordered a new Porsche with all the bells and whistles. It had almost been delivered when my husbands’ business partner suddenly died of Lymphoma. After the shock and the grieving, a re-evaluation of the business and overall life drove us to trade in the newly ordered car of our dreams for a Mercedes ML. This provided us with a new car that was also a truck of some sort. Some 12 years later, hubby turned 70 and the wife wanted to give the prince of her life something very special. After years of scrimping and saving and doing it ourselves to get ahead, we had our finances in order with a very nice cushion. So, upon looking at the balance in the checking, wife went shopping for the Porches’ that could be had in hopes of finding that perfect one.

...our first wine tour and just after the first morning run, I jumped out of the car, “Wow, what a ride.” She settled upon a 911 4S, 1 year old. It was extremely masculine and handsome, just like hubby. On the day of his birthday, there was a plan to go to dinner and then the doorbell rang and he answered. A friend drew him out into the driveway where he first placed his eyes upon the biggest red bow on the cutest slate gray stealth Porsche. He was totally speechless, walked around it a couple of times not saying a word for at least 8 minutes and then looked up with all teeth showing in one of the biggest smiles ever. Hubby was definitely delighted with his new present. That was the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. We had the car for a year before we approached the PCA. There we met some new people and found out about a wine tour up in Paso robles. Wine had also become one of our hobbies in the later years, so we agreed to combine the two for fun. We went on our first wine tour and just after the first morning run, I jumped out of the car, “Wow, what a ride.” The lady in the car in front of us also jumped out and came back running. We hugged as she also had thoroughly enjoyed the miles of curves and speed in these fabulous machines. We are now friends forever. Many wine trips came and went and a group of us bonded for gatherings outside

Top Left to Bottom: Gail and Alan on Sherrif Bob’s infamous wine tour; Alan overlooking Canyon Lands in Utah on the 2013 tour; Jim Reinholdt heads past the Halls back to his hot yellow 911 as the group gasses up together prior to Escalante on the Utah Tour; Alan and Gail join the tour to the Adamson House in the fall of 2013.

(Continued on Page 11)





(Continued from Page 9)

the PCA. Even without our wonderful cars, we had a blast. We made good friends with people from all walks of life and found that by just having that little car, the common denominator, we could be connected and supportive of each other in many other areas. Recently, the PCA email has announced multiple fun excursions to Mammoth, Utah, a ladies group sponsored trip to the Adamson House and still the great wine getaway. We have continued to have fun and make new friendships on these tours. The Autobahn Adventure tour allowed us to see Europe in an extremely fun avenue, which we would not have done otherwise. In general, we have joined many outings and have found that our little car has opened a new page for our lives, one of fun, excitement and great friends. The Semper Fi events are close to home for all of us as our nation struggles to make sense out of the political agendas and outcomes, but we are dedicated to our soldiers first and foremost. The cars even provide an avenue to support a portion of the government that seems realistic. Finalizing our continued experience with our Slate Gray Stealth car, we are so happy we finally got it. Our kids now want to join and so do many of our friends. We are blessed to have such a fantastic car and most of all everyone we have met and intertwined with over the years. Thank you all for contributing and belonging. We all have the common interest so that there is a bond that never breaks among the fast ones.

Top to Bottom, Clockwise: Starting out at a beautiful castle in Frankfurt. Top down, we headed to Milan for Lunch but not without hitting some top speeds over 100 on the autobahn! Coulda, woulda, should have! We visited a huge Classic Car showroom near the Porsche factory in Stutgard

Our return to Germany and our final goodbye to our 2013 911’s! What a beautiful car.

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Rice’s Ramblings:

Carpets - Evo Update - CIS Tester Story by Lee Rice

Carpets November 2013 found my evolution 911 (“Evo-Blue”) and me in the shop for needed work. That is, the upholstery shop for new carpets. I do everything else. After all, I figure I have 44 years of use on some pieces of those carpets. IT WAS TIME! This became a good reminder of what it feels like when I am dependant on someone else to do something on my Porsche and about getting it done the way I want it done. Add to that: I am VERY picky - ask my wife, Colleen! Well, I’ve been pinching dollars for quite a while and I finally got to finish one of my big projects. I wanted “Silver Knit” black carpet. No ready made carpet kit is cut or fits in my highly ‘evolutionized’ and modified 1968 911. I had been using a nearby custom upholstery shop, “Sonny Auto Upholstery” at 11031 Dale St., Stanton, Calif. 714/8266890 (ask for Mark) Some years ago, they did the special electric/manual extreme sport seats for me and also made a matching but soft padded, mild bolster seat for my wife. It took time but the end result was better than anything I ever sat in. Just to state another note of interest, Sonnys re-did our old living room couch with a cushion replacement that took three attempts to get it exactly the way we wanted it. For us - we are well pleased.

Update I like to report on these shops to help PCAers with their projects. I can only state the results (facts) and I receive no compensation for any of this. Another thing relating to my evolution 911 is an update on my story on the 3.6 turbo UpGrade from two years ago. Everything works fantastic and this is the first engine I have had that does not drip one drop of oil! Driving is still a cautious venture with nearly 500 hp on tap. I have never used more than 1.0 BAR boost. It was built for up to a safe 1.4 BAR , but that is likely to never happen. CIS Fuel Injection Recently, one problem area I have been devoting a lot of time to is getting repaired and overhauled CIS Fuel Injection parts. I recently bought a repaired Bosch Control Pressure Regulator (often called a “WarmUp Regulator) from a specialty shop in Texas. I’ll refer to this unit as “C.P.R.” to save space. I was disappointed from the beginning as the nice looking, bead blasted exterior was the only thing that ended up being right. None of the operational pressure requirements were working correctly. I first inspected the ‘new’ unit, and looking past the nice external finish, I then applied a vacuum to the vacuum/pressure port and found it would not hold a vacuum or


boost pressure. Of course this was totally unacceptable. After dealing with 5 so called overhaul CIS businesses, I had had enough. All of this led me to finally do something I had put off for years and so I spent two months building a CIS flow and test machine. A CIS flow and test machine consists mainly of a completer 930 Turbo CIS Fuel Injection Unit with Air Meter, Fuel Distributor, C.P.R. (Control Pressure Regulator), both Turbo Fuel Pumps, Accumulator, Filter, 6 special fuel lines with calibrated nozzle master jets, a fluid tank with a special solvent and light lubricant mix. I use a standard CIS fuel pressure test gauge set to observe fuel pressures. I bought a inexpensive power converter for 115VAC to 12VDC (17 amp). I am now able to test a Fuel Distributor, C.P.R., fuel Injectors, Cold Start Primer Injector and anything on a 911-930 CIS system. It is so much easier and more accurate to use this shop test unit and not have to do my calibrations and the testing on my own engine. (As I have done for 20+ years and in the process have worn out 3 sets of fuel lines and fittings in the process of testing and calibrating my fuel injection enrichment kits). My first test was on a ‘known to be good’ unit which I discovered was not quite up to specification but that (Continued on Page 32)





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PORSCHE’S New Macan, Catch This Tiger By The Tail Story by Jim Thomas In his opening remarks at the “Invitation Only Porsche Reception” Bernhard Maier, Executive VP Sales and Marketing of Porsche AG explained the origin of the Macan name. Derived from an Indonesian word (evidently Porsche must have a huge Indonesian following) Macon translates to Tiger. Having owned, bought and sold and restored 25 Porsches, none of which had 4 doors and anything but a flat four or six, I was prepared to not like this latest foray by Porsche adding a fifth model line and especially another SUV. What I experienced in person by far exceeds the spy photos and pre-announcement hype. The Macan does not only impress me, but I may go so far as to say I’m “blown away” by Porsches interpretation of a Crossover Vehicle.

The lines and contours of the Macan are attractive, even striking from every angle. While the design is not so radical that it is unrecognizable as a Porsche, it represents an evolution in size and style as a spectacular entrant into the crossover segment. Before I go any further discussing some of the technical specifications and design , let me give you a snapshot of the evening’s introduction party. Porsche knows how to throw a party from the liquid refreshments to the wide variety of food. It was exquisite and there was no shortage of anything. The beef tenderloin was like “butta”, that would be butter for those of you that missed the Saturday Night Live skit. Porsche also supplied plenty of

(Continued on Page 31)

The Macan was a huge draw with all the proper pomp and circumstance deserving of a new Porsche entry


“factory” people to answer any questions regarding any of the new models. And now back from intermission. For me, the Cayenne, while a rock solid road performer, has always lacked any semblance of a “sports car” feel and agility. It is for me a luxo, heavy SUV. A beautiful SUV with every bell and whistle one might desire but in reality the same job can be accomplished by a number of domestic and import SUV’s for half the price. The Macan is right sized, in my opinion, for those who want four usable seats but also still want a vehicle that is nimble, fun to drive and features ease of entry and egress. Some may argue but the Macan is a 911 which can be stepped into not dropped into.

“The interior treatment is excellent with 911/ Cayenne trim quality.”

Alice and Bill Profeta showcase their beautiful 911 cabriolet.



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OCR Membership Anniversaries [6 years or more]

46 Years

Ole & Dana Barre

14 Years

Bary & Janice Schlieder Rick & Rebecca Johnson Edward & Eileen Kramer

13 Years

Craig Riley

William & Candace Cain David & Jennifer Palmquist Richard & Maureen Moran

36 Years

12 Years

37 Years

Bruce Sansone & Emily Schilling

35 Years

James & Susie Jaqua

Terence & Lynice Rabun Terry & Baerbel Rogers

11 Years

Peter & Maria Juul Bruce & Bernice Belo

Joe & Karen Nedza Athena Paras & Michael Naber Michael McCoy & Laura Lyons Robert & Maureen Zehntner Michael Hamill Ali Hedayati

29 Years

10 Years

34 Years Gregory Smith

33 Years

6 Years

Roger & Gayle Ham David Webb Vince Schlachter & Linda Galleran Anthony & Tamra Sanchez Jim & Norma Miller Ronald & Stacci Ketelhut Thomas & Pam Gray David & Ellen Walker Donald & Debbie Vestel Eric & Arlene Andresen Christie Martin & Ken Siegel Barry & Denise Michaels

New Members and Transfers Ronald Brendzel Laguna Hills/1987 911 Jonathan Chao Villa Park/2011 Panamera

27 Years

Russell Conda Laguna Niguel/2007 997 C4S

Tony & Diana Ferry

Steven Eguina & Lisa Hunter-Eguina Preston Dyer & Ana McFadden Lance & Joan Hultgren Thomas Liguori & Christy Copeman

26 Years

9 Years

Tom Gatsoulis & Katherine Fillare Los Angeles/2007 911 GT3

Keith & Beth Guidus

Bartholomew & Clark Genovese

Lee & Christine Berglund

Tony Rotundo & Kamran Jabbari Randy & Amy Gates Roupen Puzantian William & Deborah Hurry Clark & Dawn Severson William & Ed Lachmar Tom & Danielle Ottenstein Ernest & Debra Maurer

20 Years

8 Years

22 Years

Valdemar & Nancy Ascencio John & John Mulvihill Carl & Allyson Akins

21 Years

Jack A. Thomsen

19 Years

Greg & Carrie Haskin Rudolf & Inge Bume Mark & Tina Trewartha

18 Years

Bart & Tina Zandbergen

17 Years Kevyn Kelso Bruce Herrington & Eleanor Youmans 16 Years Kenneth & Paula Nilsson Garey & Maxine Cooper

15 Years

Steven & Herma Brenneis Jens Bering & Lanett Gaffney

Bob & Elaine Wilt Barry Berg & Calleen Ringstad Marion & Matthew Smith Richard & Roberta Hoole Terry & Kristie Anderson Richard & Janet Eckelman Said & Michelle Rezaian

7 Years

John & Barbara Gilford Dennis & Susie Gorrie Neil & Virginia Fitzpatrick Grant & Kent Johnson David & Carol Whitaker Billie Weber Stanley & Jean Taeger Mark & Dianne Doyle Rolland Halbasch Mike & Megan Stang Bonnie Delgado

Lori Everroad Laguna Beach/2001 Boxster

Bryan Greenwood Irvine/2002 Carrera Stephen Hens Los Angeles/1980 911SC Daniel & Melanie Hogan San Clemente/2007 911S Jeff Johnson Ladera Ranch/2010 911S John Ken Irvine/2007 997C2 Kory Levoy Yorba Linda/2011 Boxster David McClintock La Mirada/2009 Cayman Jesse & Karen Lopez Rancho Santa Margarita/1989 911 Turbo Son Nguyen Torrance/2006 Cayman Debbie Scott Santa Ana/1968 911L Mario Sustayta Newport Beach/2011 Boxster Philipp Walter Laguna Niguel/1973 911T Yen-Ping & Ke-Jen Shan Trabuco Canyon/2002 996 Turbo Transfer from Ohio Valley(OHV)


Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by member photogs

Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the October 2013 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches as well as some pictures from other club member activities. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.

Scott Homan standing next to his Silver 2014 991 C2

Greg Mitchell standing next to his Silver 2007 Boxster S

The October 5, 2013 Breakfast Club had some beautiful Porsches in the parking lot

October 10, 2013 BurgerBahn, Foreground L: Nancy Troast, Judy Lech, Pete Lech, Bernard Jefferson. Foregound R: Dick Sartor, Clint Ferguson, Malcolm Macondray

L-R: Phil Millard, David Wright at the October 10, 2013 BurgerBahn,


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Book Review:

The Gold Plated PORSCHE How I Sank a Small Fortune

into a Used Car, and Other Misadventures By Stephan Wilkinson, Published by Lyons Press, Guilford, CT

Review by Bruce Herrington This book has been around a while. Upon hearing the subtitle, the reaction of most people, this reviewer included, seems to be of the, “so what else is new” or, “I’ve done it, why should I read about it” ilk. Well, read it you should! The reason for reading this book is not to find out about the details of spending an abundance of money on a Porsche restoration, but to enjoy the author’s prose. Read this book for enjoyment, like a novel, not as a how-to or reference book. Consider that while this is a book about a Porsche, it is not written by an accomplished race driver nor by an expert on Porsche history, engineering design or production history, but by a former Editor-in-Chief of Car and Driver (and for more years, Executive Editor at Flying) . That distinction makes a world of difference. Readers who have been there-done that, will smile at Wilkinson’s adventures in totally stripping an 83 SC; readers who would never consider doing any of their own work on a car will find themselves totally engrossed in the flow of this narrative. It is indeed, a real page turner. Starting with his trepidations over reaching for the key to make the first start of an engine he had totally stripped, replaced parts and resembled with no prior experience in his under-equipped, 150 year old Upstate New York barn-garage, the reader’s anticipation is left hanging as the narrative goes back to the beginning – a Christmas Present of Hemmings Motor News. Then it’s back to the beginning of Porsche AG and the history of the 911 series, including Bill Gates’ 959. Though this background has no direct bearing on sinking a small fortune into a used car, remember this book is an interesting read, not a how-to text.

The 36 chapters are each self-contained anecdotes, most of which do not deal with the restoration of the 911SC alluded to in the title. This book is amazingly similar to a collection of Peter Egan columns – motorcycles and airplanes are mentioned, as well as cars (and there is even a reference to a Lotus). Other chapters deal with office politics, being a merchant seaman, ‘far out’ topics such as the American Indian Movement (remember Wounded Knee?) and the decline of personal self-sufficiency. When the subject of the restoration eventually comes front and center, there are a few insights, familiar to many of us. The following might even become the creed of the do-it-yourself restoration neophyte, “Ripping stuff out is a gorilla’s job. Replacing it requires skills I wasn’t


yet concerned that I might lack.” With that teaser, the story segues into the author’s days as a pilot and his efforts to fend off (not always successfully) smugglers who needed someone to fly the plane. “Other Misadventures” indeed. The book does also eventually get down to detailing the dis-assembly and reassembly of the engine and transmission, “...a parts cleaner was the altar before which I daily did my mechanical ablutions.” Though to some, the discussions will seem routine, though very eloquently presented, this is the first presentation this reviewer has read on “deck height” since a long ago Hot Rot Magazine. Also discussed are the reasons for converting from K-Jetronic to carbs, and the tuning thereof . Yes, when first started the engine ran, but not well. With 36 chapters in 214, 5-3/4 by 9” pages, there are only two small black & white illustrations, so if you buy the book, you will have to read it. The Gold Plated PORSCHE How I Sank a Small Fortune into a Used Car, and Other Misadventures, was published in 2004, and is currently available for $15 from http://www.amazon.com


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Porsche’s Macan

(Continued from Page 21)

The fits and finishes are true Porsche… perfect. The interior treatment is excellent with 911/Cayenne trim quality. The seating position, seat adjustments, gauges and gear selector appear to be perfectly situated. The performance options leave little to chance for those desiring Porsche performance. The Macan S is powered by a 3.0 twin-turbo V6 engine with 340HP and can accelerate from zero to 60 mph in 5.0 seconds. The Macan Turbo’s 3.6 liter twin-turbo V6 produces 400HP and makes the car sprint from zero to 60 in 4.4 seconds. While the 400HP Macon Turbo is claimed to be best in segment, I would (and will) opt for the 340HP S. Both the S and the Turbo can be similarly equipped with options and accessories. The discerning red brake calipers on the Turbo can be easily duplicated on the S with a rattle can of red epoxy paint and Porsche decals. The staring price for a Macan S is $49,900 while the Turbo starts at $72,300. In doing a quick look at ordering a Macan, a nicely equipped S with Sport Chrono, Navigation, up graded wheels and a few other touches, the price would be at $62,000 plus transportation. At that number you will have a nimble, exciting to drive and frankly beautiful Cross Over/SUV. One that out-shines and performs better than anything in this market segment. No one I know (or you) will ever take the Macan off-road intentionally. But from the looks of the undercarriage off-roading would not be a problem. Over a 40+-year career working for a number of automotive manufactures, I have seen and in some cases been responsible for all types of cars and segments watching them come and go, succeed and fail. This tiger has earned its stripes. Porsche waited and it appears they got it right. So much so I hope to be one of the first to own a Macan S in May when they are scheduled to hit the showrooms.

It wasn’t just about the Macan, aside from the fabulous spread, the new 911 was quite spectacular.

Mr. Thomas has been in the auto industry for over 40 years holding senior management positions in sales, marketing, fixed operations and PR with GM, Nissan, BMW, VW, Daewoo and aftermarket builders Saleen and Unique Performance. His long time hobby of restoring, buying and selling award winning classics and special interest cars is now a vocation with his company Driving Around Motorcars, drivingaroundmc@gmail.com



Rices mblings :(Continued from Page 15) was easily corrected when on the test unit. Then I tested the so-called repaired CP.R that would not even hold a vacuum. After disassembly and repairing the C.P.R., I flow bench tested it and found the Cold Pressure was incorrect, the Warm Control Pressure was incorrect and the Boost Enrichment was off as well. That’s about everything it does and none of it was right! I was able to thoroughly see how one part of the C.P.R effects another and how to test, adjust and retest every setting again. It does take a little time and patience, but it can be done accurately. It just takes the time (and a CIS Flow unit) to investigate how these things work. Bosch considers these items to be ‘throw away’ parts since they are considered too complicated to repair. Bosch (& Porsche) are incorrect, as I was able to repair and calibrate these units accurately in my own shop! (I have done 4 so far)

The test rig in person

My point was not to do a CIS repair business but to discover exactly how these things work. Now I can repair, re-calibrate and modify them and I can be certain that they are correct! When I find a competent overhaul and repair facility for CIS fuel Injection parts I will report that to all of you at PCA-OCR.

We welcome comments, differing opinions, and constructive ideas. We especially want to hear from you and your Porsche technical needs. If we don’t have an answer we’ll find the right one. riceturbos@sbcglobal.net or call reasonable hours 714 539-1042 Godspeed and Happy New Year to all

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(Continued from Page 5)

Decked out for Goodwood in 2010

Oh yes, the other factor? If your policy contains rental car coverage, please note that not all do, so, you will be riding around in the cheapest box with four wheels and an anemic motor that can be rented. As you might imagine, not a happy situation for someone used to driving any type of Porsche… turbo charged or not. If any of you have experience in these matters, we’d love to hear from you. Contemplating the wisdom of planting deciduous trees near swimming pools Done only by fools and my advice is not to do it, because you’ll rue it. I’ve spent large amounts of my October/November raking leaves from our pool. It keeps me from the keyboard and the Porsche. Not many others seem to care, but I am the one there. I am as big an admirer of trees as the next person. I

admire the poem “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer one of the Lost Generation, but there is one tree in San Diego that may be in trouble. I’ll let you know. I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. But if the tree drops leaves upon my sea Another winter it might not see. 50 years of the 911 Okay, today’s quiz is how many “official” chassis iterations have there been of the 911? Autoweek” magazine denotes that number as 7. They are; 911, “G” Series, 964, 993, 996, 997, and 991. Of course the 991 is the chassis type with us now and is one of the biggest step changes since the 993-996 jump. I’ve personally owned 3 of these types (993, 996, 997) and one pre 911, the “356”. Of interest is that Porsche, in what seems to be very teutonic efficiency, has named all of these in chassis number types. But, step out of the 911 range and you get Cayenne, Cayman, Panamera and quite recently the Macan. Was there a background struggle someplace in a concealed bunker at Stuttgart where the marketing department beat up the engineers to use names instead of numbers? I don’t know but I think it might make for an interesting story. P.S. #1, the 911 was going to be the 901, but a dispute with Peugeot caused the change to the 911. P.S. #2, Porsche in all fairness has issued several “Carerra” names on 911’s, but underneath they are still 911’s. P.S. #3, Porsche did use the number designations on other chassis types; 924, 944, 968, 928, but as of the advent of the Cayenne, we have seen cars named after


obscure references to animals or places prevail. And speaking of the Macan I did see the new type at the Los Angeles autoshow. My immediate response is favorable and I can’t wait to see them at our club affairs and on the road. Read about it elsewhere in a story submitted by a fellow club member, Jim Thomas. From out of the past Thanks to Mr. Wilmoth, our PCA national Historian, we have just received an article about the OCR which was published in the national magazine in December 1964. I am going to to see how/when we can reproduce it. It is quite interesting and a fun glimpse back to our beginnings. The author is Bill Knoll, several interesting subjects and events are mentioned as being club staples and its interesting how some names are not used any longer, Slalom is now probably what we call Autocross for instance. Also mentioned are photo rally’s. However the “Gymkhana” is not a modern term nor is it used, as far as I know, as an event for club members anymore. Even the Rally(e), I like to use the “e”, is no longer the institution it was once in club activities. At one point this may have been the most popular type of event in the Porsche Club repertoire. Mr. Knoll writes that the annual “June Bug Slalom” was one of the biggest events on the calendar and drew more than 80 Porsche’s with 100 drivers. This would be ALL 356’s by the way as the article dates are pre any 911. Anyway, it’s a fun read but gotta go and scoop leaves from the pool. Till next time.



Classified Ads

matching color tinted windows. Jeff Zoukis, 949/379-6553; jazoukis@cox.net. OCR(2)

FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ‘86 911 Turbo Coupe, Garnet Red Metallic/Champagne lthr. 65K miles. 3rd owner. All books, tool kit, documents, history. $39,500. Ken 760/777-0047; kensakai1@gmail.com. IER (1). ’87 911 Turbo Factory Slant Nose Cabriolet, Gold/Brown lthr, 25K mi. Real Factory 505 option slant nose. 100% original, all books, records. $81,900. Bob 209/529-4062; rwh-hrcinc@comcast.net. CCR (2).

FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911993-986-996-997 ‘96 993 Carrera Coupe, Arena Red/Gray & Black lthr interior, 53K mi. Tiptronic, 10 speaker sound, rear wiper, 17” whls. Clean car fax & smog report, no accidents, service records, Factory original car, many more options, window sticker, excellent condition, $35,000, Scott 949/633-8250 scottm7786@gmail.com. OCR

‘99 996 Carrera Coupe, Arctic Silver Metallic/Graphite Gray lthr w/Silver Hardtop and Black Soft Top. 62.6K miles. 6 spd manual. 18” technology whls. $21,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). 2003 996 C4 Cabriolet, Midnight Blue/ Metropole top/Graphite Grey and Black lthr. 911-Carerra 4 w/computer assisted 4 whl drive. 6 spd manual, 3.6L 320 HP. Aluminum accent package. Orig paint is near perfect, no accidents. 18” Porsche crest chrome Carerra whls w/ Pirelli Rosa tires, flared rocker panels and speed activated rear spoiler. ABS power braking. Comfort package includes Dual Power Memory Leather seats for driver and passenger. Central locking and alarm system and power heated side mirrors adjust automatically with seat memory. Navigation and integrated Bose High End Sound System. Wind screen, car cover and

2003 911 Carrera 4S Silver metallic/ Natural brown lthr. 16.3K mi. 6 spd. 1 owner, no accidents, always garaged. Xenons, lumbar seats, rear wiper, colored whl caps, clear bra, Michelin Pilots, IMS and RMS upgrade. Full service records, dealer maintenance since new. An original car in mint condition. $44,500. Steve 775832-8200; 92660@strategicsite.com. OCR 2004 996 Carrera Cabriolet, Arctic Gray/ Graphite Gray Lthr. 9400 mi. One owner SoCal car. No accidents, never raced, always garaged. Tiptronic, 18” alloy wheels, Xenon headlamps. $44,000. Chris 562/430-0432. OCR (1)

engine rebuild. Numbers matching engine available. 5spd, original paint, 2 owner car. PCA member owned. COA. $59,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘73 911 RS Touring/M472 Tribute. Tangerine (2323 or 018)/Black leatherette. 3.6L twin plug engine, 5spd 915 trans. Less than 1,000 miles on restoration; less than 5,000 miles on engine. $109,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). ‘78 911 SC Targa, Guards Red/Tan lthr. 111,700 original miles. 5 spd manual trans. Comes with Factory fiberglass top. 2 owner SoCal Blue Plate car. PCA member owned. Numbers matching. 1-owner for 30-years. $19,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: 911--1980s ‘87 911 Carrera Cabriolet, Maroon/ Black Top/Tan lthr, 118K mi. Bullet proof build year. 5 spd, 3.2L w/214 HP. Convertible soft top. No A/C. 17/25 mpg. 3rd owner purchased as August ‘07. Valves done 2010. Weekend driver throughout SoCal freeways. Smog test valid thru 10NOV13. $19,000. Duff Wilmoth 949/274.1565; dowhada@ gmail.com. OCR (1)

2008 Carrera S Cabriolet, Midnight Blue/ Natural Brown lthr. 42.5K mi. 6spd, highly optioned, sticker price $111,410. Nonsmoker, never tracked, always garaged. Purchase price will include new tires and fresh service. $57,500. Lynn 949-584-8214; lnoah@surterreproperties.com. OCR (1)

FOR SALE: 911--1970s ‘73 911 T Coupe, Light Yellow (6262), Black leatherette with houndstooth inserts. 110K mi. 2.7L with less than 20K miles on


‘87 Carrera Coupe Black int, Summer Yellow (Citrus Yellow). Street and track car. One of only 5 Carrera coupes imported into the US in 1987 in this unique color. Euro delivery with sport package. Certificate of Authenticity. MOTEC 3.6L, Twin Plug w/G-50 trans. 332 FWHP=289 WHP. Close ratio, custom gearing w/80/50 Guard LSD, 993 Twin Turbo brakes w/front slotted AP rotors , JRZ Dampers: Custom; valving, spindle height/angle, coiled rears (rear torsion bar delete), full, welded cage. Recaro seating w/Alcantara inserts. $55,000. Duncan (Continued on Page 36)


Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com

Classifieds Contd: Newell 206-930-1107; me.com. NWR (2).


Index of Advertisers American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 34 Anaheim Hills Auto Collision----------------------- 34 Autobahn Adventures--------------------------------- 13 AutoKennel----------------------------------------------- 5 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 33 Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 12 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 14 Carnuba Store------------------------------------------ 14 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 23 David Piper, CPA ---------------------------------------- 2 Doorshield--------------------------------------------- 14 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 26 European Collision Center--------------------------- 10 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 10

Global Motorsports Group--------------------------- 30 Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 26 Integrity Motorcars-------------------------------------- 6 James Schaedler Wells Fargo Advisor-------------- 12 Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 12 M. Scott Huddleston----------------------------------- 32 OC Factory Service-------------------------------------- 2 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties----------------- 22 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 22 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 28 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 22 TC’s Garage-------------------------------------------- 22 The Helmet Man--------------------------------------- 24 Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 34 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19

Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium? For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662 or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com

FOR SALE: 911-- Boxster ‘99 Boxster, Arctic Silver w/Metropol Blue Top, Metropol Blue lthr, 112.7K mi. Rebuilt engine and Tiptronic trans. SoCal 1-owner car, no accidents/original paint. $10,990. . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR. 2005 Boxster, Lapis Blue Metallic/ Metropol Blue top/Sand Beige lthr, 26K mi. 5-spd, orig paint. 2-owner CA car, no accidents. PCA member owned. $22,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel. com. OCR.

FOR SALE: Panamera & CAYENNE 2010 Cayenne S Transsyberia Black w/ Silver Accents/Black Alcantara lthr interior with Silver seat belts and trim. White gauges. 47K Miles. Porsche Certified PreOwned, Factory Warranty. Loaded with PCM Navigation, Back Up Camera, Roof Lights, iPod Connector, Bose Surround Sound, Offroad Technology Package, XM Radio, Carbon Fiber gear selector, Towing Package, Bi-Xenon, Bluetooth, BFG Tires, etc. A rare beauty. $50,995 Randy, 949718-4420, randesigns007@hotmail.com. OCR (2) 2011 Panamera Sport Chrono. Platinum Silver Metallic/Black lthr. 19.2K miles. 7-spd PDK trans. Original paint. 1 owner CA car. Factory warranty. $61,990. Pictures as www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). 36



PIRELLI Tires for sale: Pirelli P_Zero (2) each 235-40zr-19 & 265-40zr-19. Both no new car takeoffs dated 8-13 & 10-13. My price $1100.00 Tire Racks price $1600 +new car take offs. No auto xs. Approx. 850 miles on tires. Ron 949/644-0143. OCR (1).

911 Race car wanted to buy: Looking for DE/TT 911 Coupe. Preferably, an already well sorted SC or 3.2 Carrera. will consider a project car. Hoping to find a local member with what I am looking for. Rick. www. mortimerproperties.com. 714/267-0429.

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