PCA-OCR Pandemonium - July 2014

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IN THIS ISSUE COVER STORY JOHNORTIZ ........................................... pg. 8

AlITO XCORNER ...................................................... pg. 16 ON THE ROAD AGAIN ............................................... pg. 22

www.pcaocr.org Editor

July 2014

Inside this issue

Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530

Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs

Porsches line up on the Central Coast

cooper.boggs@gmail.com (714) 505-3662

Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981

Technical Writer Lee Rice

Contributing Writers Your board works hard for you!

Officer, Somebody Stole My Porsche! Where’s Pando? Featured Member: John Ortiz Meet The OCR Board Bruce Wants To Know AutoCross Corner The Drivers of DE On the Road Again! Book Review: Dream Garages

2 12 14 14 31 IBC

Calendar of Events Shake Rattle & Ralley Mammoth Lakes Tour LA Region BH Concours AutoCross Events AX Needs A New Home


Contributing Photographers Keith Clark Garey Cooper Gerry Crews Michael Knudsen Gary Labb Pete Lech John Ortiz

7 7 8 11 13 16 19 22 29

Upcoming Events

Classified Ads Editor

Monica Asbury Eric Budai Garey Cooper Bruce Herrington John Ortiz


Greg Lush chose to AX the day before concours! Gutsy move Greg!

4 5 12 15 26 27 39 40

Contacts Editor’s Corner Goodie Store Rice’s Ramblings Membership Breakfast Club/New Members Classified Ads List of Advertisers

On the Cover: John Ortiz in his 1983 911SC

Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726

JULY 2014


2014 OCR Calendar of Events* JULY 2014 5 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 10 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 18-20 Mammoth High-Alpine Tour 19 Krispy Kreme Gathering 20 PCA-OCR Shake Rattle & Rally 20 PCA-LAR Concours d’Elegance 20 28th Annual 356 Club Car Show 26 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido 27 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

SEPTEMBER 2014 6 11 13 20 20 21 27 27

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB PCA-OCR Hearts & Garages Tour Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR Coasting Down the O.C. Coast Rally PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-RR Porsche Timeline at Lake Arrowhead

AUGUST 2014 2 9 14 15 16 23 24

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA-OCR New Members Picnic Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Werks Reunion – “A Porsche Gathering” Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Got a suggestion? Have a question? Just want to vent?

This email will goes straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com

OCTOBER 2014 4 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 9 Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB 9-12 PCA-OCR Fall Tour 18 Krispy Kreme Gathering 19 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro 25 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

OCR Board Meetings All members are welcome to OCR Board Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting at Original Mike’s. We thank Mike’s for their support.

NOVEMBER 2014 1 2 10 13 15 16 22

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA-OCR Julian thru the Back-Back Door Tour OCR DE Event – Streets of Willow Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido

DECEMBER 2014 6 7 11 20 27

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn – HB Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido TBD Ladies Christmas Soirée TBD Toys For Tots

* Event dates subject to change. Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www. Zone8.org.

Let us know what’s on your mind & we’ll share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the information to this email also.

The Rennlist A Request for updated emails! The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You

Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net


DATE CHANGE SAVE THE DATE Saturday, September 13, 2014 The Hearts & Garages Tour The Foremost Charity Event for Sempi Fi ONE MORE GARAGE NEEDED

Contact: Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com

President’s Message By Greg Lush

7:21 AM This year I was pretty conflicted preparing for the OCR 44th annual Concur d ‘Elegance. Sometimes the timing works out such that AutoX lands the day before the Concur event. As many of you know, weeks are spent preparing for the Concours, hoping that whenever the garage door opens the wind outside doesn’t blow in dust. So here I am, an avid racer, conflicted on what to do; AutoX or Concours? Well, as you may expect, I chose both, cleaned the car

as much as possible before and then spent hours after the AutoX into the night getting the car ready for the next day. Actually, I discovered that cleaning a Porsche while on a trailer is considerably better on the back. The perfect recipe for success was to clean and consume my Saturday night scotch, knowing that eventually there would be a convergence between a relaxed state and a “that looks good enough” state of mind. Luckily for me, the car is red which seems to look good even when it is not perfect. So what is it about this “wax on wax off” culture? For me, the labor of love prepping is a different level of enjoyment compared to the day of the event. During the cleaning process, the wipe here, wipe there, stand back and smile about your minor accomplishments is nice. It motivates you on to the next section knowing that taking one bite at a time will eventually arrive at perfection (along with sore fingers, shoulders and arms!) Now, the day of the event. What is better than hanging out with friends gazing at your car and other’s cars all day long? In my book very little compares. For years with my 66 Mini and now the 93 RS America, attending

JULY 2014

Concours and Car Shows has been a great opportunity to share the excitement that you have for your car. This year, with so many spectators, I started allowing kids to climb into the track car for pictures. This was a blast, certainly dulls by comparison to the “James Buck Mr. Toads wild tractor ride” but fun nonetheless. Hey, these kids are all future club members, right? The brilliantly executed Concours event by Norm Follis and his crew of volunteers was something for the record books. I particularly liked the large display class and instant registration bringing our numbers to an all-time high of ~194 cars! The masterful placement of our club sponsors and vendors was just fantastic, thank you all for your continued support. To Norm and crew, the sincerest of thanks for a spectacular event and we are already looking forward to next year’s event. For those of you reading this that did not have an opportunity to attend, boy did you miss out. The weather was PERFECT, the buzz electrifying. Next year, probably the same venue, why not make a weekend of it. The hotel at the event is great and provides an easy commute the next morning.


Contact Information


OCR Executive Board

Zone 8 Chairs Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Treasurer Lind Cobarrubias MS993@aolhrh.com

President - Greg Lush ocrtours@live.com

Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com

Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com

Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com

Vice President - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com

Membership Director - Sandy Schwartz mr997s@gmail.com

Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com

OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooperboggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Craig Adams ocrautox@live.com Don Chapman porschedon@mail.com Autocross Registration Courtney Coad autoxreg@live.com Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com Concours Chair Norm Follis njfollis@gmail.com Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net


Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com

Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Russell Shonwn rules@Zone8.org Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Got a suggestion? Need a question answered? Just want to vent? This email will go straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we will share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the

information to this email also.

Owen Cudney Brittney Dunham




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Member at Large - Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com

Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson fast.freddy@verizon.net

Camino Capistrano

Secretary - Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com




Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper

One if by land, two if by sea, where oh where can Garey be?

Summer swirls around the air we share, warm and languidly flowing; which in the OCR tower is conditioned by finely tuned machines, providing a faint background hum which matches the quiet and

determined activities within the spacious offices of the Orange Coast Region Board of Directors. Adiabatic processes are involved, of which, besides the name, I am completely ignorant. So, this is the last time they will be mentioned in this month’s article! TPMS Okay I’ve received some interesting input to my article of a couple of months ago involving my little, and rather expensive, experience with my “Tire Pressure Monitoring System” (TPMS). It seems others out there have experienced the same sort of issues and it is likely others out there will do so in the rather near future. Porsche says the battery life expected is around 6-7 years so I was pretty close in my estimate, it would seem. However, it turns out the batteries are integral to the system and thus non-replaceable. I received some nice input from member Mike Burns, who mentioned that our stalwart sponsor, Walters Porsche, installed his for free when

JULY 2014

he was having new tires installed on wheels for track use. The Walters price to install them, when not a part of new tire purchase, is around $25 each, per Mike. Mike had an issue with his replacement sensors due to the batteries having failed when he replaced his track tires with his street tires… exactly about the time his batteries failed. So, when he reinstalled his street tires/wheels the “learning light” in the on-car display would not go out, leaving Mike to find out that the batteries had indeed failed. Here is Mike’s comment on his purchase and installation of the replacement sensors: I bought mine at OE Wheels, http:// www.oewheelsllc.com/. They carry several brands with varying prices. I paid $141 for four sensors. The only trick seems to be to know the MHz of your existing sensors. It appears there are two values used on my car. By dumb luck I picked the correct 433 MHz sensors for the track wheels, so I knew which to order for the OEM wheels. (Continued on Page 35)



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OFFICER, Somebody Stole My Porsche! Story by Monica Asbury Thanks to Joe Thrasher, from the AAA Special Investigations Unit, we all received a better understanding of the trend, target, location and profile of some of OC’s sneakiest vehicle thieves. Joe, is a retired 30-year veteran of Newport Beach Police Department, and was OCR’s June special guest speaker. Joe gave pertinent information for everyone to protect his or her cherished Porsche. He suggested everyone be vigilant and report any unusual activity to the authorities. Thanks to Joe, we have a better understanding of what it takes to be pro-active in a challenging environment.

Know someone who would be a great guest speaker at our Monthly Breakfast Club Meetings? Someone members would find interesting, appealing and present automotiverelated material (non-commercial in nature)? If so, please contact Monica Asbury at sheamonica@gmail.com.

Where’s Pando?

Where’s the Pando? in Vancouver, Canada May 17, 2014 with Sam Sarria and Joanne Sarria

JULY 2014



JULY 2014


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Meet The OCR Board! Name


By Garey Cooper

Past Positions

First Porsche

Current Porsche

Favorite Club Activity

Porsche/Club memory to share

Greg Lush


Eqpt Mgr (AX), Co-Chair (AX), Emeritus (AX), Tours, Vice President

997 Cabriolet S

997 Cabriolet S, 93 RS America Track Car

Autocross, DE/TT, Saturday Breakfast Club

For me a common thread runs through all of my favorite club activities. The strong sense of community, friends, and like minded folks all with a shared love of their cars.

Sandy Schwartz

Membership Director


1978 924

2007 Carrera S

Enjoying the brand with my fellow enthusiasts

Caravanning up to Lake Arrowhead for the Porsche Timeline on the back roads.

David Piper




2000 911 (996), 1974 914 1.8

Autocross, Krispy Kreme

It’s the people!

Charles “CL” Jarusek

Vice President

Charity Director, Membership Chair

1967 912

2002 Turbo

Meeting, interacting, & enjoying fellow members

Too many to mention! Probably the best was the trip to the Monterrey Historic's a few years back and driving on Laguna Seca.

Gary Labb


Social Media/Events Webmaster

1967 912 Purchased in 1976, I still have it!

1987 Carrera Targa

Socializing with other Porsche People

Driving up and down the California coastline in the 912 in the late 70’s as it was my primary vehicle.

Ken Fredrickson

2nd Term Member-AtLarge

Advertising Manager

1973 911T

1982 911 SC, 1997 Targa

Autocross & Tours

Participating in the DE events at the Streets of Willow & Auto Club Speedway.

Monica Asbury

Secretary & Goodie Store for the last 6 years

OCR 50th Anniversary Celebration, Toys for Tots Chair

1988 930- We’ll never let “little Bo” go!

The same Porsche when we joined the club -the one we never get to drive because we're hauling the Goodie Store

When I'm selling! Generally, where's there's food, the Goodie Store will follow! Concours, Porsche and Pancakes, New Member Picnic, Toys 4 Tots, volunteering with elves!

Randy Gates was the first person to talk to us and Martin Bonanno was our first, and continues to be, great friend.

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PCA – OCR Presents SHAKE RATTLE & RALLY* A GIMMICK CAR RALLY Sunday, July 20, 2014 *A Circuitous Wandering About North Orange County that will ask you to ID Photo Objects and to decide if you are ODD or EVEN.* Registration & Start: Krispy Kremes, Block of Orange @ Chapman & City Drive, Orange Time: Registration: 8:30 AM; 1st Car Out: 9:00 AM Cost: $10 / car Finish: BJ’s restaurant, southeast end, Block of Orange Please RSVP to Larry Moore: lbm993@cox.net before Friday, July 18.


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Rice’s Ramblings:

Reader ? and Turbochargers, Part 1 Tech Advice by Lee Rice - riceturbos@sbcglobal.net

Great Events As I write this, it is June 8, 2014. You already know who in what won the 2014 24 Hours of Le Mans and you know how great the Monterey Porsche Parade was. Porsche’s return to Le Mans was not only to show it can still race and win, but to prove some very interesting “hybrid” technology. As for Porsche’s “HYBRID”, don’t be confused by the marketing types who slap a “hybrid” chromed plastic badge on some “econ-box” grocery getter. The current technologies from Audi, Nissan, Toyota and Porsche are very different and super secret. These technologies will not only revolutionize racing but also change every car we buy and drive in the future. These hybrids are also using turbochargers in clever new ways. Next month, or shortly therefore after, I’ll give a report on what Le Mans revealed. Reader Question My 1980 911 SC has CIS Fuel Injection problems with broken (cracked) cap on the system pressure regulator. Having found that Porsche and Bosch do not supply new parts for some CIS Fuel Injection Systems, where can I repair mine? The owner stated he wants to continue driving his 911 for a long time to come and has no interest in replacing the engine with a newer one. My answer is basic and repeated again for those with CIS fuel injection. It applies for Mercedes, BMW, Volvo, Porsche, etc. If you have a CIS fuel Injection engine, and you wish to drive an otherwise reliable

car, you should look for a used CIS fuel injection system. If you need a part now, I suggest asking your regular service shop and then a “Porsche Recycle Facility.” Forget what it costs! If you are going to drive your C.I.S. car, you need to have spare parts to keep it running. You can also check automotive swap meets and look in the Panorama’s Mart for parts. Always inquire by the Bosch part numbers. And remember, most shops have parts for these in storage for the same reason you do, in case they need some oddball part. Call around. First, you need to carefully identify all of your CIS components by BOSCH PART NUMBER. Locate the Bosch part tag or stamped part number, then copy those numbers for each part; Fuel Distributor, Air Meter, Throttle, Control Pressure Regulator (Warm-Up Regulator), Auxiliary Air Regulator, and If applicable, the Frequency Valve, Jetronic ECU and Fuel Injectors. When you find the parts, clean them, spray them with WD-40 or LPS-3, and bag them for future needs. So far Bosch ignition parts like CDI boxes, coils, distributor caps, High/ Tension Cables and spark plugs are still available, but for how long? I would also add an ignition distributor to my list of ‘to get items’. Remember, when dealing with older used parts; do not trust the Porsche part numbers put on a part! This not only keeps you and your 911 SC on the road but it’s a bonus when you sell you 911 SC, as you have a major bargaining chip by having some of those scarce and costly parts. Turbocharger When I decided to replace my turbocharger, I also decided try the new ball-bearing turbochargers. I had heard so much about these for years that before doing it I wanted to study a bit more of their history and learn more about the newest developments in turbocharger technology. What I discovered and am still learning about, is an amazing story leading to a major change in almost every car of the future… LFR

JULY 2014


Turbocharger development is becoming more noticed with the racing hybrids at Le Mans 2014. Here, the Porsche 919 will show off some of its new technology; one of which is its new turbocharging technology. And they won’t be alone in doing so. Road car turbochargers are becoming commonplace as they are being integrated into the basic design from concept to production. New turbochargers are being used to make small three cylinder engines of 1.5 liters drive like the 3.0 liter V-6 engines. Turbocharged engines are now being designed as an integrated part of the whole engine, and the car itself. First, you may ask, “What is a turbocharger?” It is nothing but a supercharger powered by the exhaust gas. But then, you ask, “What is a supercharger?” Good question. Engines get their power from AIR and FUEL. Air comes into the engine controlled by a throttle that limits the amount of air with a valve called a throttle plate. Open the throttle and atmospheric pressure pushes air through the throttle, into the intake and the cylinder. Fuel is drawn in from a Carburetor or injected, under pressure, from a Fuel Injection system, mixed in proportion to the volume of air, flowing into the engine. The larger the engine, the more air and fuel go inside the engine; but a larger engine means more weight, more expense and more room is needed for it to fit. Is that a problem? Aviators had a similar problem. Flying into thin air above 15,000 feet, aircraft lost power dramatically and the pilots also lost air for breathing! Supercharging the air with an air pump pushed more air into the engine so that power was regained. Some of that boosted air was also directed to pressurize the cabin so pilots and passengers could breathe. This allowed them to go higher and faster, reaching their destination sooner while using less fuel. (Continued on Page 33)



JULY 2014



Bob Scheusler, Eric Budai, James Buck

The Drivers of DE

A raceworthy 928

Photos by CaliPhotography

Dave Waddell

Greg Lush

Chris Barrington

Steve Eguina

JULY 2014


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Our gang at the Brown Butter Cookie Company, not recommended with smoked fish

On the Road Again! The PCA/OCR Central California Coastal Tour Story by Garey Cooper The statistics I accumulated for the tour (we took BESS, the Panamera) are simply stated: total driving time - 23.41 hours; total driving distance - 981.8 miles; average speed overall - 42 MPH; miles per gallon - 24.4. However as in most things, the statistics don’t really provide the complete story. The story of our travel to the beautiful California Central Coast was mostly about fun. Our Tour Meisters, Keith and Lourinda Clark, did a fine job with the build-up to the tour. There was a Facebook page dedicated to the tour where we could check in for information and notices as it approached. They provided a video from the early run up the coast to reconnoiter to whet our appetites for those wonderful country roads to come. From time-to-time, Mr. Clark would drop notes into our mailboxes electronically reminding us that the date for departure was approaching. So, when the time came we were excited about what the weekend might contain. Day the first San Diego became a rapidly diminishing image in the rear view mirrors on the way to


The Montecito Lodge where our group was booked for lunch at the Montecito Cafe. Maxine and I had packed light, which in her case meant not more than half her body weight (a closely guarded state secret) into the small suitcase. Small for Mrs. Cooper means slightly less than the square mileage of Rhode Island, which is after all our smallest state. Add two sets of golf clubs, shoes, hats, my own suitcase, her purse and my backpack with my new GoPro camera. We had a fully loaded Panamera. Have you ever noted that in a fully packed car or suitcase the chances are that the item you are looking for is in a location that requires the removal of all items below, above or in front of it? Well, I have and the Panamera car and its trunk are large. Large enough that over the course of the weekend I got to know every nook and cranny available searching for stuff that was needed. The Montecito Inn dates back quite a few years. They advertise that in the 1920s Charlie Chaplin and his Hollywood pals used to stay there on weekend getaways from movie making. In my opinion they should go easy on this history stuff as the

one time we actually stayed there, the room was so tiny that you had to step outside just to change your mind! However, the restaurant is wonderful serving the California Nouvelle style of food and it turned out to be a nice lunch with friends and getting to know who our newer travel companions were. After lunch we repaired to the conference room where Chairman Keith gave us his little red book of tour instructions that were quite complete. After lunch we moved on to the La Purisima Mission in Lompoc. Besides having a city name that comedians have had fun with for generations, the town of Lompoc is set in rolling hills, behind one of which the Mission is located. I have visited many of the old California Missions and yet had never been to the La Purisima site. It was well worth the visit, as it had been restored in the 1930s

Clockw membe

by the WPA. We saw the original cistern built early in the days of the Mission. The cistern was cleverly sited to supply water down an aqueduct built at the same time. It was wonderful to think of the capabilities of these early Californians, as practically the entire Mission was built from local materials with a sense of ecology and need. After the Mission, our caravan continued to the “Hitching Post” in Casmalia for dinner. The town of Casmalia is one street long and some wishful thinking by the city fathers. The Hitching Post restaurant is the older sister to the “Hitching Post 2” of movie fame which is located in Solvang. You would recognize it at once if you had seen the film Sideways. At the restaurant we met Bob and Judy Savic, the well renowned guides of so many central coast tours and wine tasting trips with the OCR PCA. We were quite happy to see that Bob is recovering so well from his heart surgery. I didn’t enjoy my steak, but the wine was cold and tasty. After dinner we skirted back out around the Vandenburg Missile Ranch to

our hotel, the Hampton Inn in San Luis Obispo. This was to be our home for the next two nights. Day the second Day two Pacific Coast Highway, 46, Peachy Canyon Road along with several wineries were explored and exploited, at least in a culinary sense. We awakened to spend a quick morning at the hotel which featured a Continental Breakfast with our traveling companions. Keith had a nice morning drive planned for us to Cayucos, situated right on the coast. Our destination there was the “Brown Butter Cookie Company”. Oh my, just the name causes the mouth to water and I did indeed indulge in a cookie or three. Mrs. Cooper refused to enter, on the grounds that just smelling the air would add three pounds (remember the state secret?) This left me alone to indulge in chocolate chips, butter and yes, brown sugar, all washed down with coffee. So

afterwards I was pretty much on a sweet/ caffeine high. We had a few moments to wander the town where most of us strolled across the street to the ocean front, past the shop of a guy who styled himself the “Smoked Fish King” of Cayucos. Not being one to allow potential customers to just walk right by, we were collectively enticed to enter and sample free tastes of recently caught fish that had been smoked in his ancient percolator of a smoke oven. I must admit the mix of smoked fish and cookies isn’t for everyone, but you can do it if you try. We purchased a few ounces of the King’s smoked fish and put it into our trunk. Unfortunately, we forgot about refrigeration requirements for this type of food and during the rest of the day it was ironed flat by the suitcases and heat soaked. When we rediscovered the package, after arriving back home, I had to call in the HAZMAT team to assist with removal and (Continued on Page 25)

wise from left: Porsches amongst the vineyards on a sunny afternoon. It’s our own JULY fault, the San Andreas in Parkfield, California. Some of our tour 2014 ers hold the sign to keep it from shaking; The “world famous” Hitching Post restaurant in Casmalia, California


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Porsches in their natural element, on the road in Central California A group meeting of our tour at the Ojai Valley Inn (Continued from Page 23)

proper disposal. Score one for the King, I guess. After our stop in Cayucos we ambled up and over via Peachy Canyon Road to lunch at Calcareous Winery. It was a delightful lunch on the winery lawn situated to give a stunning view of the canyons and hills which surround it. Some of the more athletic amongst us (at least those that hadn’t succumbed to the King) played a little bocce ball. Now as a sport, this ranks right up there with curling, but it does get you outdoors. The quality of play varied according to the amount of wine consumed, in an adverse fashion to what you might think. In fact, one plays better bocce ball the more wine one consumes. I don’t advise this with other sports like chain saw juggling, however. After lunch we shot through some curving and nearly deserted roads, following the Nimtz and Jarusek Jalopies to the town of Parkfield. This town, not being much larger than Casmalia decided to not just rely on wishful thinking, and exploited their local attributes by describing themselves as the “Earthquake Capital of the World”. Not too surprisingly, the town hasn’t grown all that much since the founding in the 19th century. In fact, I think they’d be hard pressed to put together five people for a basketball game. During our visit we were not treated to any tremors, so for those disappointed in the lack of tectonic movement, there was a Bluegrass Music Festival in full banjo swing.

We left Parkfield after not too long a stay, as who wants to tempt fate with one foot on either side of the San Andreas fault? Retracing our route in, we split from the main group who went to see the James Dean Memorial at the “Jack Ranch Café” (more food possibilities). Mr. Dean was killed nearby, at the wheel of a Porsche 550 Spyder, in a collision with a local lad named Donald Turnipseed. No, I am not making his name up, although I have thought many times that it may have been a “nom de ruse” to avoid publicly stating the actual name in an effort to protect this unfortunate individual. He would not have gained any popularity by being involved with Mr. Dean’s death. After surviving the accident for many years, he has passed away. Mrs. Cooper and I opted instead for a visit to a local winery, Le Cuvier, where we are members. Dinner that night was at the “Upper Crust Trattoria” in San Luis Obispo, not far at all from our hotel. We had our entire contingent in the room and spent the evening going over our tracks from the previous two days, obviously exaggerating our driving prowess and our capacity for smoked fish. This was an evening of companionship that was a good cornerstone to our weekend, although Bob Savic’s “Bear Joke” was sorely missed. Day the third This day our heroes, with their heavily laden stomachs and heavily laden cars, begin the eventual return to sanity and

JULY 2014

dietary responsibility. Mrs. Cooper and I, along with Mr. and Mrs. (Jay and Marjorie) Warren, took advantage of the optional tour extension to the Ojai Valley Inn. It is one of our favorite places in the world, and it contains a marvelous golf course on the grounds. I must mention here that a gentleman named Jim, with whom we have interacted with over the years, has been an employee of the Ojai Valley Inn for more that 50 years! I think of his life in that lovely valley, compared to mine racing around hither and yon, and the story by Hawthorne, “The Great Stone Face”. I think Jim may just outlive me by 50 or so years! Here the narrative must need end, having no longer any connection with the great tour led by Keith and Lourinda Clark. I would highly recommend enrolling in any tour that they lead, as it was well organized and designed for the enjoyment of our cars and ourselves! Thanks to them and to all our friends who were there.


OCR Membership Anniversaries [6 years or more]

43 Years Robert & Linda Jennings 36 Years Lars Frohm & Pamela Micele 32 Years Greg Collins & Sara Booty 31 Years Charles Wyse Frank Lebda & Linda Smith Craig & Robin Franzen 30 Years Leslie & Colleen Rice 27 Years Herbert & Rose Wysard 26 Years Douglas Salisbury & Julia Ciaccio

Garrett & Linda Pack Mark Minkoff Brian & Rachel Leach Gena Reed 14 Years Everett & Adriana Benke Don & Rosa Zimmermann Don & Gregory Hinshaw Tina & Tom Olsen 13 Years M & Kathy Knudsen Joel & Patti Sheiner 12 Years John Harper & Judi Curtin Joseph & Cathy Lipinsky Wil & Shari Mittelbach Edward & Angel Moorlach

22 Years Michael Yates & Linda Bagwell

11 Years Greg Adelman & Kathleen Huitema Mark Faul & Nicole Calixtro Roman & Lalita Libonao Christopher & Sharry Reale Todd Groth

21 Years Joe Anselmo Frank Capolupo Charles & Linda Frisbey Mark Bartosh

10 Years Celia Young Larry & Marie Coots Rudy & Angelina Penalosa Lou & Cathy Enriquez

19 Years Pramuditya & Lucia Oen Bill & Nancy Sweningsen Rick & Fe Papelian

9 Years Eric & Veronica Taylor Pete LoPresti

25 Years Joseph Howard

18 Years Chuck & Niki Howrey 17 Years Peter & Lorelei Jungwirth 16 Years Michael & Susan Bremser Robert & Dennis Bush Scott & Peggy Huddleston Chris & Brian O’Donnell


6 Years Naoto Sugino Matt Scholz Daniel & Laura Benson Donald & Jody Chapman Pierre & Shaan Maurier Mark Johnson Kyle & Susan Largent Irek & Ewa Kotula

New Members

Christian Yates Newport Beach/1974 911 David Wilkinson Laguna Niguel /2012 Panamera Bob Andrews Irvine/1988 928 S4 Ian Cross & Debra Jones Laguna Hills/1973 911T William Shuman Newport Beach/2006 Cayman S

Brad &Mary Kay Newell San Juan Capistrano/1957 356

Ron Marquez Fountain Valley/2013 Boxster S

Paul Van Der Linden Lake Forest/2004 Carrera

Stephen Armstrong Tustin/2007 Cayman S

Robert Myers San Clemente/1987 Carrera

Frank & Patricia Laue Foothill Ranch/1988 Carrera

Ed Perez Yorba Linda/2007 Carrera 4S Cabriolet

John Martindale Anaheim/2008 Cayenne Turbo


Richard Sandore Lake Forest/1990 944 S2 Cabriolet Neil & Linda Dorrel Laguna Niguel/2009 Carrera Helen Michel Laguna Beach/2001 Carrera

8 Years Robert Spence Joseph & Leonard Russo Ronald Aker 7 Years Mark Lausier Wilbert & Claudia Gaston Jeremy Kaslow Christine Newcomer & Steven Abbott Josef & Lori West James & Gail Reinholdt

Steve Goetz, 2013 Carrera S

Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by Gerry Crews

Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the June 2014 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.

John & Deb LaBriola, 2008 997 Turbo Cab

Helen Michel, 2001 C4 Cab

Ron Marquez, 2013 Boxter S

Rich and Julie Heine, 2013 C4S

Bob Stahl, 1971 911T

Malcolm Baca, 2011 Turbo S

Patrick LaLoggia, 1989 C4

Catherine Robinson 2001 Porsche Carrera

Bill Lafitte, 2001 Boxter S


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Book Review:

Dream Garages By Kris Palmer, Published by Motorbooks, Minneapolis, MN

Review by Bruce Herrington A year or so ago, I reviewed a book entitled Rockin Garages, about the car collections of ‘Rock’ musicians. This book is about the facilities of ‘ordinary’ car nuts, enthusiasts of everything from Model Ts to Ferraris, with military trucks (and some Porsches) thrown in. No Jay’s and Jerry’s places are not included, nor for that matter, are the Nethercutt Collection, the former Imperial Palace collection in Las Vegas or the collection of Ralph Lauren (http://www. vanityfair.com/style/features/2011/01/ ralph-lauren-garage-slide-show-201101_ slideshow_item1_2). These ‘garages’ are really museums with ambiance far removed from the homeyness of the ‘garages’ dealt with in this book. The introduction by the inimitable Peter Egan clearly sets the stage for a life in garages, a lifestyle of refuge, if not all about cars (and trucks and motorcycles). DREAM GARAGES presents a glimpse of the lifestyles of the owners, as well as the nature of the vehicles. A book on garage architecture it is not, although the photos indicate that multiple forms of construction exist in the world of the car nut. Twentyone garages, from California to Italy, are covered. Some are a bit museum-like because they are so big; others are working garages where machines are built and tuned, some for the fun of it, some for sale. But this book really should have a sub-title: and the cars and people in them. Just like in PCA, it’s the people, not the Garages, which make this book fascinating. Like the guy with the E-Jag repair and restoration business who also has, and drives, three historic Group C Porsche Racecars! Though several authors and photographers are involved in putting together this collection, all the stories are captivatingly written and well illustrated. The twenty-one stories are grouped into 5 chapters attempting to cover four categories of car-nuts; the Possessers, for whom ownership of an exotic car is satisfaction enough; the Drivers, who like to ‘tool around’ in their unique vehicles;

the Competitors, who do vintage races or competitive shows; and the Wrenchers, for whom the obsession is in the machinery itself. While these categories cover enthusiasts of all levels – DREAM GARAGES covers the crème de la crème of each category, stimulating the rest of us to higher aspirations. Though the stories are truly timeless, this is an old book, first published in 2006. Just enjoy the tales told about the garages, the cars, and their owners, and don’t be put

off by a couple references to events coming in a future that is long since past. It is a collection of very readable stories about ‘car (and motorcycle and truck) nuts’, that any other car nut will find very enjoyable. Softbound, with 192, 9x9 inch pages, DREAM GARAGES is very well illustrated with quite informative captions. Available for $24.99 from your favorite bookseller (ask for it) or from http://www. motorbooks.com.

And this is just an average Joe car collector’s garage?

JULY 2014


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Rice’s Ramblings

(Continued from Page 15)

Superchargers were also used in smaller racecar engines to boost horsepower and keep the cars lighter, again going faster with less fuel. Superchargers used mechanical energy from the engine to drive their air pump. That did use more fuel, but still far less fuel than a larger engine. However, the engine driven supercharger made no use from the wasted exhaust energy. Turbo-supercharging came into existence to make use of the power wasted from exhaust gas. A “turbo” is nothing more than two fans connected by one shaft. Each fan has it’s own separate housing. The compressor ’fan’ sucks in air and pressurizes it onto the throttle and engine. Burned exhaust gas is piped to the turbine housing and spins the “turbine” (fan) it to drive the compressor. Turbo superchargers have been used in aviation since the 1930s and also in some limited automotive use, but it was Porsche that successfully developed turbocharging for road racing and for every day practical use in road cars. A turbocharger was installed on the first Porsche 911 in 1975, the 911 Turbo Carrera (930/50). It was pretty much an add-on power booster. When you drove one of those, you always went looking for open road and then you stabbed the throttle, waited and BANG -ZOOM! It was breath taking. There was a noticeable time delay, or lag, between the time you pushed down on the throttle and when boost came up. The 1975-6 Turbo Carrera did not even have a boost gauge in its tachometer. Porsche didn’t want the customer to be concerned about the workings of their Turbo.(?) It was well known (and respected) that when the turbocharger spooled-up, on boost, it hit the driver in the backside with a wallop! This was, and still is, an addictive driving joy that unfortunately few drivers have experienced. However, this “off – ON” explosive power surge had mixed appreciation. Many of those who could afford the Turbo Carrera’s price tag, rarely knew how to drive a turbocharger car, let alone a high performance Porsche 911 WITH a turbocharger. So, unfortunately, many had a disappointing experience… Porsche designed the Turbo Carrera to be a mild mannered car. The basic engine

was designed very detuned with very small intake ports, mild cams, restricted exhaust and the turbocharger, while reliable, was slow to respond to throttle and set for low maximum boost pressure. However, the engine was also extremely tough and durable thanks to Hans Mezger and his Flat -6 engine design. Its one of the most produced, long lived and powerful engines, winning more races than any engine in history! The basic 3.0 liter Porsche aircooled 930/50 made reliable power (265 RoW HP) in stock form. In racing versions it could make up to 800 horsepower. But the 911 Turbo’s turbocharger at first was really a mixed blessing. Those who needed that kick-in-the-seat LOVED the rush of acceleration! The slow pokes who just loved the looks and status of a Turbo almost hated what they perceived as, “that, unexpected power.” Porsche worked very hard to smooth out the differences from the mild mannered ordinary power to the “Superman” blast in the back, and they did a pretty good job of it too. In 1978, everyone liked the increase in size to 3.3 liters, (930/60) and along with this 300 cc increase in size, the compression was increased from 6.5:1 to 7.0:1. Porsche also added an intercooler to scrub up to 100 degrees of heat from the turbocharger’s boosted air giving a 25+ HP increase to 300 DIN HP. The raise in compression gave better non-boosted throttle response with more predictable power control. However the Turbo also gained weight from the safety and luxury accessories installed almost routinely in all Turbos. It seemed to some that Porsche couldn’t make up it’s mind if it wanted a performance 911 turbo or a lumbering luxury show boat? Most of us wanted to at least have a choice for a Turbo RS! But by the time the 997 Turbo “GT-2 RS” FINALLY came along it was a moot point. We already knew how to make a Turbo RS of our own – and we had learned most of that many decades earlier! Tuners learned that the Porsche 911 Turbo had many horses within the trapped confines of the stock Turbo engine and many of the modifications learned by tuners, hot rodders, clubs and professional racers, were adapted in new Porsches over the years. One specific item that was upgraded was the turbocharger itself. The trusty, original equipment 930

JULY 2014

turbocharger, the KKK (Kühnle Kopp & Kausch) 3LDZ, was minutely changed during it’s production run in 1975-1989. However, some of us back in 1983 had started using the newer design KKK K-27 -7006 turbocharger with improved spool up and power. The K-27 7006 gave better results when we increased port size (32 mm to 36 or 38 mm), installed 911 CIS cams, installed headers and low restriction mufflers. Other turbochargers came along and most went by the wayside, as they either had a quick spool up to boost, but ran out of boost at higher rpm, or had even less low rpm response and a big rush at 5,000 + rpm. Both were utterly useless, even in a race cars. Many new ‘trick’ turbochargers were unreliable, they cost too much or some manufactures were “here today-gone tomorrow”. However, KKK was reliable and, being German, perceived as the best for our Porsches. In another twist of turbo history, by the mid 1980s some thought that Porsche had run out of ideas and interest in further development of the 911. It seemed the 911 was just coming to an end? Some at Porsche believed the time had arrived to finally end the “911”and make 4-cylinder, water-cooled, front engine sporty cars. Turbochargers were adapted to make Porsche’s (and Audis) rather plain 924 gain some power and respect. This carried over onto the very good 944 and the really great 968! It was the learned development that gave them new life but it was turbocharging that gave these cars respect. But 911 sales had declined and the 911930 also looked dated since it’s last major revision, the massive “rubber-baby-buggy bumpers” was in 1974. Porsche had failed in it’s attempted to shove the 928 down everyone’s throat as the new “flagship of Porsche”, costing a chairman his job in the process, but buyers, especially Americans, would have none of it, saying the 928 was a ‘metal Corvette’ and they still loved the 911. Porsche was truly puzzled. Then some new developments gave us the 911 Cabriolet and the 911Speedster. Next, the 3.2L Carrera of 1984 came with full Digital Engine Management (Motronic) and all these are prized cars today! Tune in next month to see how Alois Ruf influenced history and the turbocharger in Part 2.


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(Continued from Page 5)

I also received correspondence from member Brad Berglund, who as it turns out manufactures aftermarket sensors. I reproduce Brad’s’ letter below with his permission: Letter from Brad Berglund; Hello Garey, My name’s Brad and I just finished reading your article in the May issue of Pandemonium. My parents and I have been in the PCA for years, 356, 914, 912, 911. Currently have an ‘84 Carrera (no TPMS). It just so happens that my company is one of the countries largest distributors of TPMS. I thought I might share a little information for your readers to help them if they are in need of service. In 2005 NHTSA passed legislation that all vehicles 2007 and newer have a TPMS system in the US, but Porsche has had it as an option for many years. The first Gen systems were made by BERU in Germany for Porsche. BERU then sold their TPMS sector to Huf Group in 2012, who is still producing it for Porsche today. The Huf system has 2 separate components, the sensor and an adjustable angle valve stem. This is unique as most other sensors are 1 piece. These sensors are also an autorelearn, which contrary to what most dealers will tell you, will detect a new set on their own once installed and aired up. The driver just needs to go into the OBC and “reset” the system once “re-learned” and drive the vehicle. Some vehicles such as the Cayenne require up to 20 miles of uninterrupted driving as part of the reset. Another issue I might note is all tire/wheel manufacturers and automakers suggest replacing the TPMS service kit each time one of your tires is serviced. This is the rubber seal and valve core on the valve stem. This ensures a good seal and is done as a safety precaution just as the old style rubber stems were always replaced during tire service. TPMS manufacturers do have an aftermarket program, which is where we come in. They produce the same sensors without the OE makers name as replacements at a savings to consumers of up to 50% from dealer pricing. The parts are identical in form and function

and ONLY the OES (original equipment supplier) parts meet the same stringent requirements set by OE and NHTSA. There are a lot of “knock off” parts on the market priced very cheap that DO NOT have all the functionality of the OES parts. We feel that the safety of our customers is very important so we do not offer them. I know Porsche owners are meticulous with keeping up on their vehicles, so something like checking tire pressure is already a given, however, it’s all the other vehicles that you share the road with that TPMS will alert when a tire may be dangerously low. Let me know if you have any other questions, you can give us a call here in OC or our LA office. P.S. we also offer PCA member discounts! Best Regards, Brad Berglund, Owner, 22343 La Palma Ave Suite 102 Yorba Linda, CA 92821 www.TPMS.com or www. ShopTPMS.com Another note Another note from member Lee DeRaud points out that, for instance, the systems in other makes such as General Motors are not as complicated or as expensive as that in Porsche. He mentions he has an ’04 Corvette that has about 64,000 miles and more than ten years of life on the TPMS system and that the batteries are still fine! So, his question to Porsche designers, is why? Don’t Pronounce the “S”! Okay, with the vagaries of my schedule and due to my added sloth, torpor, and indigence, I am writing my columns for June and July this year about two weeks apart. This afternoon I am contemplating the annual Concours at Dana Point tomorrow. I am very excited and it is truly one of my favorite days of the year. The only sour note is that I have to get up quite early to make the trip up the coast to Lantern Bay Park. With a little or a lot of coffee, we’ll make it.

I have written about Porsche design directions and mentioned that the newer Panamera line-up features turbocharged V6’s instead of normally aspirated V8’s. This may continue, although with the more traditional flat six in the next generation GT3RS, there are rumors that it could be turbocharged, which would be a first in the GT3 line-up. In general, engine sizes seem to be declining and inductions systems seem to be going to forced means to accomplish two major tasks. The first is to meet worldwide legislation and expectation requirements with “greener” power plants. The second is to keep up with the horsepower curve, which has trended upwards rather dramatically in the past few years. As a for instance, the new 919 LeMans car has a relatively tiny V4 (two liters) coupled with two energy recovery systems. The entire car is fiendishly complicated and quite powerful; however getting all these systems to integrate and perform over the 24 hours will be no small task. Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night Speaking of the 919, this month’s “Christopherous” which is the Porsche Company magazine, is almost exclusively dedicated to LeMans and the Porsche race program. It will be exciting this year, to say the least, as Porsche returns to the front end of the LeMans Prototype race program. This is a long-expected revival to the top level and I would say the stakes for Porsche are rather high; they need to do well, if not to outright win. Over the entire history of LeMans, no other marque has had so many total entries, or so many victories at all levels through the classes. But Corporate-partner Audi is coming off of an extraordinary domination of the event and will not give up without a fight. I am fascinated by all of this and by the prospect of major parts of this new technology finding their way into our street cars. As the TV announcer used to say, “stay tuned!” Until next time, dear Readers…

Days of Future Past It seems that our future may be turbocharged and electrified with Porsche! In the past,

JULY 2014


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JULY 2014


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Classified Ads

gas, non-smoker. $8,800 OBO. Ray Pascua 949/370-4841 (cell). OCR

‘76 914 2.0L, Black/Black int. 4,500 miles on newly rebuilt engine. Also new brakes, shocks, springs, clutch and others. Very clean little or no rust. Many factory extras. Complete set of Factory workshop manuals, parts and tools. See www.surfcityracing. com for details, be sure to look at both pages of photos. $10,000 OBO. brad@ surfcityracing.com. OCR

FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ’76 VAILLENT DP935: This fabulous Vaillent livery Porsche DP935 has a factory built, (Dyno sheet to prove), 962 twin turbo, twin plug, flat fan which develops 806 HP, with torque to match with Motronic electronics. Built upon a 1976 Porsche Carrera 2.7 liter chassis by Ekkehard Zimmerman’s Design und Plastik Company in Cologne, Germany. Raced at the Nordschleife Nurburgring, Hockenheim, and at Zolder, in Belgium. Scoring fifteen overall victories, four second and three third places. Copy and paste the following webpage address to see the car in action with a lap around the Nordschleife by Jurgen Opperman: http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=MBSVZ3vyvKo This 935 comes with its ONS Wagenpass, plus another from Austria. The car is in the US. Email for more photos and details. $425,000.00. John. 727/384-1179; info@johnstarkeycars.com.

2007 Boxster S,Arctic Silver/Black interior/ black top. 7500 miles!. Original owner. 6 spd, 18” Cayman S whls w/colored crests. CD changer, heated seats, automatic climate control, Bose sound, bi-xenon headlights, wind deflector. All keys and manuals. New Michelin Pilot SS tires December 2013. Always garaged, immaculate condition. $37,000. Greg Mitchell, 714/606-9559; gkmitchell64@hotmail.com. OCR

FOR SALE: 924-928-944-968-986

FOR SALE: 911--1970s

‘88 911 Turbo Coupe, Ferrari Yellow. This is a very rare CUSTOM PAINT TO SAMPLE car from the Porsche Factory. Delivered new to Brumos Porsche in Atlanta, Ga. with complete service records and ownership records from new. The car is 100% original and recently serviced including all new tires. Was shown at the PCA Concours in Atlanta and Milwaukee and has been a show car ever since. Numerous First in Class Concours Awards with PCA. Blaupunkt Reno radio, 4 spd, LSD, alarm system, electric sunroof, US Standard Emissions. $165,000.00 OBO. David 305/582-9723; more photos at www. DJMConsultants.net GGR (1)

FOR SALE: BOXTERS ’98 Boxster, Black/Tan lther, 94.7K mi. 2.5L/flat 6 cyl eng/rear wheel drive. 5-spd manual. Antera Rims/BF Goodrich 225 40 ZR18 front/ 265 35 18 rear, ABS brakes. Airbags. A/C, AM/FM/CD player. Power convertible roof, seats, windows, side mirrors, door locks. Runs great, handles very well. Always garaged, runs on regular

FOR SALE: 914-6/914

‘73 911E Coupe, Emerald Green 3838 (Viper/ Kelly)/Tan lthr interior, 109,400 original chassis miles. Two engines: #’s matching original and Hot Rod 3.0L. Less than 1,000 miles on rebuilt original engine (built to 2.7 L Twin Plug engine. 5 spd 915 trans, 2 gearboxes including original, both rebuilt. LSD, Sport Seats, A/C. Certificate of Authenticity, PCA/R Gruppe member owned. $124,990.00 for car with extra engine/gearbox. Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (1). FOR SALE: 911--1980s ‘82 911SC Race Car, 3.0L high compression CIS engine; 1973 wide-body; roll cage; 100 liter Fuel Safe fuel cell; Guard Tranny limited slip; race geared 915 5-speed; Wevo shifter; fire system; cool suit; coil over suspension, etc. POC V3 car. Approx. 225 rear wheel hp and approx. 2200 lbs. Mntnd & race prepped by Aase Motors. With (2) sets of wheels & tires Fikse and Kinesis, 245/70 17 and 275/40 17 Kumhos & extras, original front fenders, front & rear bumper covers for stock fender configuration; stainless steel targa bar. Well sorted, well balanced. Full oversize roll cage makes car solid as a coupe & a targa, car has more weight lower in the car compared to a coupe. $33,000.00 or trade for street Porsche. Brad 714/308-5225; bpierce@piercefirm.com.

‘86 944 Turbo Coupe, Guards Red/ Black/Tan interior, 111,000 chassis miles. 2 owners from new. 3.0L 16V 550hp engine w/A/C. Less than 3,000 miles on new engine. 5-spd manual. Street legal. Over $84,000 invested. $19,990.00. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1). 924 Liquidation: ‘87 924S 5-Spd Coupe. plus Hood, Sunroof Panel, Radiator, Transmission, Rear Hatch with good glass, complete rear suspension, new brake pads, new ft rotors, boxes of misc small parts. $5,000 takes all. Bruce Herrington Bherrington@Telis.Org, 760-567-3819 OCR ‘88 944/951 Turbo S Coupe, Maraschino Red Metallic/Light Grey leatherette w/ Porsche cloth inserts, 39.1K mi. Rare M030 Sport Package/1-Year Only Production!!!. 5-spd manual. Original paint/no accidents. Only 718 produced for U.S. Market/1 of 51 in this color combination. 2-owner car, COA. $32,990.00. Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

FOR SALE: 356 ‘57 356 T1 Speedster, Reutter coach builder for Porsche AG. Signal Red/Black interior. Car has recently received a bare tub rotisserie restoration to concours condition by Porsche 356 specialist Jim Shuh. The original “032” stamped hood, doors and engine lid remain fitted to the car. The metal work, body and paint are show quality executed showing no defects simply spotlighting this rare original panel example. The wheels are all properly date stamped. The transmission is original to the car and the engine in the car presently is approximately 100 engine numbers from the original unit. It is a factory correct 1957

(Continued on Page 36)

JULY 2014


Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com

Classifieds Contd: Speedster motor. all restoration receipts, Factory Kardex, tool kit, jack, date coded spare wheel, tonneau cover and Speedster side curtains. PRICE REDUCED TO $345,000.00. . David 305/582-9723; more photos at www.DJMConsultants.net GGR

Index of Advertisers American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 38 Autobahn Adventures--------------------------------- 18 AutoKennel----------------------------------------------- 5 Autowerkes----------------------------------------------- 7 Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 12 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 14 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Class Auto Center-------------------------------------- 10 Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 37 David Piper, CPA ---------------------------------------- 2 Doorshield--------------------------------------------- 24 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 28 European Collision Center---------------------------- 3 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairway Mortgage Capital---------------------------- 10 Global Motorsports Group--------------------------- 32 Haus Of Performance--------------------------------- 26 Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 28

Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium? For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662 or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com miles on them Excellent condition. $1500.00 OBO. Email: mr997s@gmail.com. OCR (2)

FOR SALE: PARTS FOR SALE: PANAMERA, CAYENNE & CAYMAN 2010 Cayenne S Transsyberia. Stunning Black with Silver Accents. Black Alcantara interior with Silver seat belts and trim. White gauges. 51K Miles. Porsche Certified PreOwned, Factory Warranty. Loaded with PCM Navigation, Back Up Camera, Roof Lights, iPod Connector, Bose Surround Sound, Offroad Technology Package, XM Radio, Carbon Fiber Gear Selector, Towing Package, Bi-Xenon, Bluetooth, BFG Tires, etc. Email or call for more information and photos. A rare beauty. $46,800.00 Randy Wong, 949-718-4420, randesigns007@ hotmail.com.

COILOVER KIT: KW Variant-3 kit for 997C2/C2S. Excellent condition, almost brand new! No track time, 100 miles of road testing only. Original box, all adjustment wrenches & tools, complete paperwork, decals, etc. Unbeatable (wholesale) price. $2,580.00 James 805.236.2250; jcern@ juno.com. OCR (2).


WHEELS & TIRES NEW MICHELINS FOR SALE: New Michelin “Pilot Sport PS-2” tires (2) 245/40 ZR 17 and (2) 265/40 ZR 17. These tires have been stored in my garage waiting for my “old’ tires to wear out! NEVER mounted or seen sunlight! $400. Charley 714/ 514-7607. OCR (2) ’07 CARRERA S WHLS & TIRES FOR SALE: Complete set 19” wheels, tires, caps, lugs off my 2007 Carrera S. Less than 15,000


Integrity Motorcars-------------------------------------- 6 James Schaedler Wells Fargo Advisor-------------- 12 Kargo Sled---------------------------------------------- 34 Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 12 M. Scott Huddleston----------------------------------- 34 OC Factory Service-------------------------------------- 4 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties----------------- 30 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 24 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 31 Spectrum Collision------------------------------------ 30 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 24 TC’s Garage-------------------------------------------- 24 The Helmet Man--------------------------------------- 26 Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 38 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 20-21

HISTORY OF PORSCHE PAINTING 39” X 27” framed original painting “History of Porsche” painted on aluminum with the release of the beloved 993 Turbo. # 4 of only 10 created by world renowned artist, Michael Bryan. He features this piece on his website “michaelbryan.com”. His price for aluminum copies is $9.000. Interested buyers, call or text Charley Cox with offer 949/378-5413 or 714/514-7607. OCR (2)

WANTED: 911 Race Car- Street Legal I am looking for a DE/TT 911 Coupe. Street legal. Preferably, an already well sorted SC or 3.2 Carrera. I will consider a project car. Hoping to find a local member with what I am looking for. Rick. rick@mortimerproperties. com. 714/267-0429. OCR Porsche Brochures For Sale: Factory showroom brochures in very good, excellent or pristine condition. Email or call for price; finishing touch when showing your Porsche! 1. 1996 993 52 pg showroom brochure.Pristine. 2. 2003 Boxster “Art of Escape”.Pristine. 3. 2002 “The 911” aprox. 100 pgs Pristine. 4. 1998 The 911, The Boxster, foldout -Excellent. 5. 2008 RS 60 foldout brochure Excellent. 6. 1988 “Special Edition Models” 911 Commemorative Edition, Ferry Porsche Signature Edition 911, 944 Special Edition Pkg. 924S Special Edition. Very Rare! Excellent. 7. 1990 Full Line “Red Brochure” 3 of these all in VG-Ex. 8. 1987 Full Line “Silver Brochure” 2 of these Very Good. 9. 1984 Full Line “Silver Blue Brochure”-Very Good. Jim Thomas 562/2210187; drivingaroundmc@gmail.com. Technical Books For Sale: For 1989-1994 C-2/4 Carrera: Bentley, Porsche Carrera 964 Technical Data books (2ea) Also covers Turbo 3,3 & RS America: $15.00 (2) copies. 928 Technical Books: 928 Service Information Model 80, (overview of cars technical systems); 928 Climate Control System Information, Service, & Repairs; 928 Maintenance Repairs Adjustments (booklet) 928 Automatic Transmission -Provisional Workshop Information manual) 928 CIS Fuel Injection introduction, (small booklet) 928 Crankshaft overhauls specifications (small booklet) work shop manual supplement) Lee Rice: riceturbos@sbcglobal.net; 714/5391042

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