JULY 2013
In This Issue... • Featuring Michael Andrews • The Peterson Museum Tour Photos • New Member Picnic Wrap Up
www.pcaocr.org Editor
July 2013
Inside this issue
Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530
Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com
Advertising Director
Cooper Boggs
cooper.boggs@gmail.com (714) 505-3662
Picnic food was great, even four legged friends enjoyed
Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981
Technical Writer Lee Rice
Contributing Writers Michael Andrews Garey Cooper Steve Eguina Robert Friedman Bruce Herrington CL Jarusek
The Peterson Tour
6 Book Review: Porsche Data Book 9 Feature: Her Name is June 13 Pass The Mustard 19 I Thought It Wouldn’t Happen To Me! 22 Petersen Museum Tour 26 PCA Escape To LA 31 Panamera Review 40 Autobahn Party Pics
Upcoming Events
2 Calendar of Events 3 Hearts & Garages 5 Photo Trap Rallye 12 Mammoth Lakes Tour 18 OCR White Gloves Concours 33 AutoCross Events 37 Camarillo Auto-X IBC Adamson House Tour
Contributing Photographers Garey Cooper Robert Friedman Gary Labb Greg Lush Maryann Marks John Ortiz Bruce Powers
AX attendees waiting their turn at the track
On the Cover: Michael Andrews with his father Bruce and June, his 2000 996 Carrera
3 4 5 12 17 25 28 29 39 40
President’s Message Contacts Editor’s Corner Goodie Store Rice’s Ramblings AutoCross Corner Membership Breakfast Club/New Members Classifieds List of Advertisers
Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726
JULY 2013
2013 OCR Calendar of Events* JULY 2013 6 11 14 20 20 21 21 27 28
Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Mammoth Lakes High Alpine Road Tour Krispy Kreme Gathering/ Adamson House & Malibu Getty Tour SGV Marconi Museum Tour 356 Club Dana Point Concours AutoX-El Toro Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido Photo Trap Ralley
AUGUST 2013 3 Breakfast Club and Board Meeting 4 AutoX-El Toro 8 Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm 11 Griffith Observatory Tour 16/18 Monterey Historics 17 Krispy Kreme / Mt Wilson Tour 24 Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido 24 Hearts and Garages Tour
SEPTEMBER 2013 7 12 15 21 21 28 30
Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm White Gloves Concours d’Elegance Krispy Kreme Gathering SBR Camarillo Autocross Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido DE at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway
2 9 14 16 17 23
Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Julian Tour Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering AutoX – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido
DECEMBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 5 Breakfast Club and Board Meeting 10 Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm 18/20 Southern Utah Tour 19 Krispy Kreme Gathering 26 Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido 27 AutoX-El Toro
The Rennlist A Request for updated emails! The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net
7 8 12 21 28
Breakfast Club and Board Meeting AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido
TBA Toys 4 Tots BBQ
TBA Christmas Party TBA Ladies Christmas Soiree
* Event dates subject to change. Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www.Zone8.org.
Got a suggestion? Need a question answered? Just want to vent? This email will go straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we will share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the information to this
email also.
President’s Message by Pres. Gordon Williams
Happy July to all! July has always been one of my favorite months since I made the move to California over twenty years ago! July 4th celebrations, family BBQ’s and great Porsche driving weather! It couldn’t get any better save all law enforcement going on a speeding ticket moratorium! This month promises to have many great activities: all of our weekly usuals plus Larry Moore’s Photo Trap Rally and the ladies group Adamson House tour. August through October is always a great time to own a Porsche, so be sure
to check our calendar in the Pando, on our website at pcaocr.com and on our Facebook page to see how you can join your favorite club activity. Julian, Hearts and Garages, Southern Utah, Griffith Observatory, Oktoberfest and the OCR Holiday Celebrations are all to come! Last month I made a mistake when I said the Southern Utah tour would be lead by our Vice President Greg Lush. Though Greg and his wife will attend, the tour was put together and will be lead by one of our members, Keith Clark. On behalf of the entire club membership, I would like to thank Keith for stepping up and putting together something new for all of us to enjoy. I hope he can be an inspiration to our members. One or two board members will not be seeking reelection in December. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me or any of the other current board members for the particulars. If you’ve been around awhile, it’s a great way to ensure the club goes in the direction the members
and associates desire. New blood always means new ideas. Don’t forget that the Concours is in September at Lantern Bay Park in Dana Point. To volunteer or get information contact Norm Follis at NJFollis@gmail. com. As usual, Hearts and Garages is in the later part of August, don’t forget to sign up for a great tour, great food and a chance to see us present the yearly check to our charity Semper Fi. Contact Peggy Huddleston to include your garage, sign up or to volunteer, at Hud5family@ gmail.com. For the Photo Trap Rally later this month contact Larry Moore at lbmoore993@cox.net. As always, thank you to all of our members and associates for their participation in our events. Please don’t let your inability to devote a large amount of your time to the club keep you from volunteering ANY of your time to the club! And remember, please take the time to say “thank you” to one of our volunteers this month. I’ll see you on the road!
Join us In SUPPORT OF SEMPER FI for the OCR PCA Annual
JULY 2013
Contact Information
OCR Executive Board RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net
President - Gordon Williams Surgicat@aol.com
Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com
Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com
Vice President - Greg Lush
Membership Director - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com
Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson Secretary - Monica Asbury
fast.freddy@verizon.net Concours Chair Norm Follis njfollis@gmail.com Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com
Member at Large - Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com
OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Christine Newcomer AutoXReg@sbcglobal.net Craig Adams ocrautox@live.com Autocross Registration Armand Gastelo autoxreg@live.com Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@yahoo.com
Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Past President Nicole Forrest-Boggs Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net
Zone 8 Chairs Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Zone 8 Region Coordinator Gary Peterson gary.peterson@hrh.com Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net Zone 8 Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org
Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper
waves, holding them up and creating that great white plume of spray. From the back of the wave momentary rainbows danced in only seconds long arrays. So beautiful but gone so quickly, they never did stay.
A miscreant captured
Hot August winds blow in from the desert and give an electric charge to the air. Warm and dry from inland places, the wind rushes across the waves faces and creates great plumes of white spray. Clouds go away. While we in the Orange Coast stay to play at 7,000 RPM! As an old surfer, I remember the offshore winds hitting the tops of the
And I thought I was old! The 911 is 50 years old. You can’t help knowing this if you are a Porsche Club Member as we have received several mailings and advertisements about this fact in the last few months. It is interesting to think that at one time Porsche felt the 911 formula, rearengined with the transmission in front of the motor and a flat six, was bound to be supplanted and introduced several different interpretations of Porsche to the public. These would include: 924, 944, and the 928. All fine automobiles of the time and a different take on the Stuttgart mystique, and all now gone. However, the 911 remains and it seems to endure and strengthen.
My first time I remember seeing my first 911, or actually a 912, but it was of the new shape. A 911 with 4 cylinders to keep it “affordable”, hah. It was my friend Bob Walters who had done rather well out of school yet not being able to afford the other two cylinders, he went for the 912 version. It was the old mustard yellow shade that used to be fairly common with chrome steel wheels and chrome hubcaps and those squiggly pattern Pirelli tires. Tall and skinny tires by todays standards. It was a beauty and being somewhat exotic was ultimately desirable. But, not attainable by a 3rd rate machinist working the 3rd shift at Douglas Aircraft while attending school and surfing during the day. Not by a long shot. It was very spartan on the interior, which in those days was thought to be “Teutonic” in design flavor. It still had the three-centered instrument cluster that would be instantly recognizable by (Continued on Page 37)
Save the Date Sunday, July 28, 2013
Follow the course instructions precisely, identify the photos presented, in the order in which you find them & DO Not exceed the specified time limits Everyone will finish, but probably, few will get it 100% correct.
No Cakewalk here!
This is not a Cake Walk. So, plan to arrive with a clear windshield, clean glasses, a clear mind and a clipboard and pencils. Beginners are welcome; you’ll have fun. START & REGISTRATION Check-in: Harbor Justice Center parking lot, Jamboree at Birch, Newport Beach. 4601 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA Registration: 9:00 AM, Contestants Meeting 9:20, First Car out 9:45. Event fee: $10 / car, includes Route Instructions, Scoring, & Event Car # Plaque for each car. Approx. drive time: 2.5 hours / Lunch (no host) and Awards Presentation at 11:45 to 1:00, Steelhead Brewery, UCI Center, 4175 Campus Dr Irvine, CA 92612 Pre Registration (RSVP) to Larry Moore at lbm993@cox.net beginning July 1, 2013.
JULY 2013
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Book Review:
PORSCHE Data Book The Definitive Reference to Specifications and Statistics By by Marc Bongers Published by Haynes North America, Newbury Park, CA Review by Bruce Herrington
So what is a Porsche Data Book, and who needs it? Turns out that the PORSCHE Data Book The definitive Reference to Specifications and Statistics is a very comprehensive, clear and concise presentation of, you guessed it, specifications and statistics. But it is much more tables of data because it includes an outstanding narration of the model by model, year by year, changes to Porsche automobiles. Anyone who is interested in the specifics of the evolution of Porsche automobiles, has a Porsche or is interested in acquiring a Porsche needs (or could at least benefit from) a copy of this book. This data book was written in Germany, in close proximity to the Porsche Museum, German Porsche Clubs, the Pfeifhofer Museum in Gmünd, Austria, RUF-Automobile GmbH and other sources, assuring that the data are complete and accurate. It covers all Porsche automobiles from the 356/1 of
1948 through the Cayenne of 2004 and RUF versions from 1977 through 2005. The PORSCHE Data Book has 14 chapters, based on Porsche’s major model series: 356, 911, 914 (including the 916 and the two 914/8s), 924, etc. There are even separate chapters for the 550 Spyder (but the RSK-RS61 are not mentioned), the 904, the Carrera GT and RUF cars. As implied by the name, this book has very comprehensive tables of data. Each Model/Year gets its own page. Even the Sportomatic or Tiptronic versions of the 911 are tabulated separately from the stick versions. The tabular data sheets all have a picture of a representative vehicle and present data in immense detail. Data are presented in seven sections: Engine; Transmission; Body, Chassis, Suspension, Brakes, Wheels; Electrical System; Dimensions and Weight; Fuel Consumption; and Performance, Production, Prices (in DM). The narrative information gives an overview of the characteristics of the model series, with specific discussions that describe the changes from year to year (and model by model) in concise but very readable detail, interspersed between the data tables. By reading all the narrative blocks, or by careful inspection of the data tables (you’ll probably need your glasses), you can tell when K-Jetronic went away and L-Jetronic started, when the 4-valve heads were first used and other such trivia. The information is all there, but looking for it by topic, rather
JULY 2013
than by model/year, can be tedious. As a chronological presentation, there is no index. If you just want to know the characteristics of a given year/model in great detail (even the number of blades on 911 fans is listed), the tables and narration in PORSCHE Data Book make it very easy to obtain a tremendous amount of information about a specific model/year. At 6-3/4 x 9-1/4 inches, this paperback book is just slightly smaller than a Porsche Panorama, but with 336 pages, it is much thicker. The colored background for the data headings enhance the look of the pages, but make the words a bit difficult to read. However, once you catch on to the consistent data layout it is easy to find the data values that interest you. Though the book’s use of liters, kilograms, millimeters and Deutsch Marks is a little off-putting, the ‘important’ data is presented in both mph and kph. PORSCHE Data Book The definitive Reference to Specifications and Statistics should be available for $24.95 from your favorite bookseller (ask for it) or from www.motorbooks.com
Featured Member: Michael Andrews
Her Name is June Story by Michael Andrews
1986 930 - unregistered in the late ‘80s
With June at Lake Casitas near Santa Barbara
Her name is June. Well actually, let me back up in time and discuss where my love for Porsche originated and who June is in this story. Some of my earliest car memories are of that “black thing” in the garage. It was always dark in this garage and a black on black car didn’t really stick out. I do recall at times seeing it outside but have no real recollection of ever riding in it. I do however, recall the first Porsche that I had the chance to ride in. I recall these times because they didn’t happen often, but when they did, it was exciting. Again, let me start from the beginning… My father Bruce loves cars and has enjoyed some great sports cars over the years, yet the only car he has owned multiples of is Porsche. Over the years, I have enjoyed so many of his stories about these cars. The first Porsche that he owned was a 1974 911 Targa which was gold in color. My father sold this car to a great friend named Steve who I will discuss again later in the story. Steve loved this car and it was his daily driver for over 15 years. Very early in his ownership, Steve walked out of a restaurant after dinner to go home. He hopped in his car and drove off. Two turns later, his right front tire came off and you can imagine the rest. It appears he had foiled some thieves’ attempt at stealing his wheels but the damage was done. This story was also told over multiple dinners for several years.
That black thing in the garage was a 1980 928
This takes us to my father’s second Porsche. It turns out that “black thing” in the garage was a 1980 Porsche 928. I was a bit too young to remember the excitement this car garnered when first introduced, but I remember my father just had to have it. It is funny, because to this day, I absolutely love the body of this car. It appears my earliest memories of it are forever stuck in my head. I contemplated making this my first Porsche but as a lot of us know, this car has had its problems.
The safe Bronco
JULY 2013
No offense to all you 928 owners. I feel at some point in my life I will have to own one, just for the young kid in me. Onto my father’s third Porsche, a 1986 930, which was the first Porsche I ever had the honor of riding in. As some of you may know, the problem with this Porsche was that it could not be registered in California in the late 1980s. Let’s just say that this car didn’t see the light of day often. What made it so exciting for my older brother and me was the 5:30 am doughnut runs just before the sun came up. It took many years to understand why we would go in the dark of morning just for a doughnut but again, that is what made it so fun. I think it is around this time that my love for Porsche began. Some years had passed and it became that great time in a young man’s life when he turns 16 and gets his driver’s license. I was young and had a mother who wanted me to be safe. So what car did we all decide on? A 1986 Ford Bronco. This car was impossible to hurt and big enough that my mother thought I was safe. If she only knew… (see picture below).
(Continued on Page 11)
Her Name Is June::
(Continued from Page 9)
My fiancé Anna with me at Peninsula Point in NB
Father’s fourth Porsche, a 1982 light blue 911 coupe with tan interior.
It was about this time that my father’s forth Porsche arrived, a 1982 911 coupe in light blue with tan interior. My father taught me how to drive a stick shift in this car. I took to it quite well and, as you can imagine, I loved driving it. There weren’t many times that he let me take it alone but when he did, I sure had a good time. There may also have been a few times I took it without him knowing it, sorry dad. Remember Steve who I referred to earlier? Well when it came time for my father to sell this car, he mentioned it to Steve who became its new owner. Steve still owns this car today. It was now time for me to go off to college and for once my father was without a Porsche for a few years. Actually, there was a different sports car in the garage but not worth mentioning. I mean it wasn’t a Porsche, so why bother. I graduated from college and moved to Northern California for a few years before finally moving back home to Newport. My father was now completely without a sports car and I kept hounding him on what was next. He said he was done, but I didn’t believe him for one second. Just as I thought, one day he called me up and told me come over. This is where my father’s fifth Porsche comes into the story. I showed up and he opened the garage door to show me his brand new 2002 Porsche C4. He told me he accidentally walked into a Porsche dealership and this car followed him home. It was great to get behind the wheel of a Porsche again. Being a bit older now, he would allow me to drive it from time to time. I may have also taken this one a few times without asking. Sorry again, dad. Unfortunately, he sold this car a few years later and it was a sad day for me.
It was time to start working and making money so I could buy my very own Porsche. Over the next 16 years, I worked hard and had several different jobs. The one thing I never stopped doing was looking at every Porsche and knowing one day that I would own one. Well that day Whispering Pines Hotel in June Lake came last August. The money was saved and it was time to comes back. The following month I had decide which year and model I wanted a wedding to attend at June Mountain by to buy. I have always loved the style of Mammoth. What a great way to really the 1980s 911s, but I also like the more get to know this car, by taking a road modern touches of the 996s and up. I trip. Therefore, my fiancé Anna and I looked religiously for two years and packed and headed for June Mountain. came across a 2000 996 with only 34k The entire drive up we discussed fun miles on it. I called the dealer and set names for the car. Nothing really stuck up a test drive. After driving it, I went until we got to the twisty roads around home. I had always been told to sleep on June Lake. Coming at us on the other a decision like this. As you can imagine side of the street was caravan of around from this story, I didn’t sleep very well. 25 Porsches. It must have been a rally The next day I arranged to go look at it of some sort. With waives, smiles and again and as my father said, it followed high beams flashing us, we decided then me home. Of course, on my way home and there that my first Porsche would be I had to make one stop. I called my dad called June. and told him I was coming over to show We have since taken a few shorter him something and to have the garage road trips to Palm Desert and Santa open. Standing in his driveway, a nice Barbara but I have to say our favorite grin came across his face when I pulled drive is just up and down PCH looking up. We went for a drive and when the for the next great breakfast café. Next on road opened up, I put my foot into it and the list is to teach my fiancé Anna how he said, “That’s why I love these cars”. to drive stick… Maybe I will find her an I think I had a permanent smile on old VW so she can burn up that clutch. my face for the next week and every All in all, I just want to thank my dad for time I get behind the wheel, that smile passing down the Porsche love! JULY 2013
Join The I4th Annual 2013 Mammoth Lakes High Alpine Road Tour When: Friday, July 12 - Sunday, July 14, 2013 Who: All PCA members, all models welcome. Where: Mammoth Lakes, California. Located in the beautiful scenic Eastern High Sierras. www.visitmammoth.com Lodging: Lodging has been arranged at Juniper Springs Resort
For Registration, questions, comments or concerns please e-mail Mark C. at coronado@npgcable.com Pictures from previous trips on www.caymanregister.org
Eric Kaltenbach is putting together a group from OCR with an option to stay Sunday evening and enjoy a leisurely drive back on Monday PCA OCR Contact and So. Cal. caravan coordinator: Eric Kaltenbach FLYn997@cox.net 949-226-9376
Law Offices of Joseph C. Nedza Retired O.C. Deputy District Attorney Former DMV Special Investigator
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Pass The Mustard Story by CL Jarusek
Sandy and Cat Schwartz meeting a new member
C.L., Nancy and Monica greeting members at the front table
It was the 11th of May 2013, one day ice chest and brought before Mother’s Day. The weather was them to the picnic. Sandy Klein and Gloria Moore making sure all are happy great, the setting was idyllic and all of the The perishables were beautiful German autocars were there. placed in my beer refrigerator in the (those that joined in 2012 or 2013) as Maybe a few grocery getters were in garage (had to clear out my beer, oh no!) well as our existing members with a the parking lot too. PCA/OCR’s Annual until Saturday morning. Getting all those wristband to signify they checked in. New Member picnic was taking place at goods into my Audi was a chore. Existing members were required to pay Laguna Niguel Regional Park in South five dollars per person, but I think County. With this being the third one that they got their monies worth. New I have set up at this park, it was getting members were free. Monica sold a little easier on the logistics. The first Goodie Store items at the same one provided a little drama when the time and helped new members be supply truck overheated and we were 20 acquainted. Peggy Huddleston miles away from the park, complete with ran a 50/50 drawing to benefit our perishables needing rescue. As in most charity, Semper Fi Fund. of the cases with our Club, the event was Before long, the hush of saved when we limped the truck into the people eating was coming from park. No such problems this year, all ran the 114 people who showed up, smoothly. with interesting conversations Ready for burgers and dogs What does it take to set up a picnic going on at all of the tables. The new for 130 RSVP’d members? A little bit The day of the event I arrived at members had the opportunity to meet of advanced planning on how much the park at 11 a.m., an hour before start with board members, activity chairs and to purchase, a few trips to Costco and and was joined by a lot of members participants of the many varied activities Smart & Final, logistics on how to get who volunteered to help set up. I could the Club offers. If you wanted to know all of that food to the park in my Porsche now relax a bit. A big thank you to all something about an event, this was the (or Audi) and the help of Nancy Troast that helped! At noon, the charcoal was place. Norm Follis was there to tell about and other great members. The final food lit and shortly the burgers and dogs the Concours, Christine Newcomer and purchase amounted to 144 ground sirloin were coming off the grill thanks to our Steve Equina for AutoX, Larry Moore for 1/3 pound burgers, 132 all beef hot dogs, five star chefs, Gordon Williams and rallies and the rest of us for descriptions 160 sodas, 4 large tubs of potato salad, 4 Dick DeRose. They did a great job. The and info about other events. If anyone boxes of cookies, and all the condiments, burgers were large and juicy and the hot still has questions, please email me and paper goods and items necessary to have dogs were grilled to perfection, which I will find out the answers. a great barbeque picnic. I was able to would make Weinerschnitzel jealous. At about 2 p.m., I made a few take the sodas and bottles of water to Monica Asbury, assisted by Denny announcements, recognized some of the Steve Equina who picked up the AutoX and Nancy, greeted the new members (Continued on Page 15)
JULY 2013
Pass The Mustard:
(Continued from Page 13)
The boys of summer hamming it up for the camera
New members enjoying food and new friends look happy
people that helped put on the picnic and chairs addressed their activities. Next Peggy held the drawing for the 50/50 prize. She had collected $530 to be split, great job Peggy, and thanks to all of you who purchased tickets. The winning name was Ellen Carter, who after getting the 50% and a signed poster donated the money back to the Semper Fi Fund. Thank you very much Ellen and Gene for such a generous donation. Being lucky and winning a drawing is one thing, taking your winnings and donating them to those in need is saintly. Thank you again. The minimal cleanup of the pavilion at the park was completely quickly and all of the left over sodas were given to the AutoX people for their May 19th event. All of the leftover burgers and dogs were given to the USMC Recreation Center at Camp Pendleton. I am sure the guys there were happy to have their own BBQ. If you missed it this year, I hope you plan to come to next year’s event. It is a great way to get to know people, intake the fresh air and look at around 75 or so Porsches. We are planning to have another barbeques for our Toys for Tots donation event at the end of the year. Thank you also to Chris DeRose, Gary Labb and Rob Allen for photos of the event.
New members like hot dogs too!
Scott Huddleston says the food was great
Steve Equina showing that he is going to win the 50/50 drawing makes wife Lisa and Christine Newcomer giggle Ellen Carter won the 50/50 drawing and this poster. She donated her winnings to the Semper Fi Fund.
JULY 2013
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Rice’s Ramblings:
911 and 930 Brake History Part II - Application for All 911, 930, 964, 993 Models Story by Lee Rice
Continuing from last month, comparing airline brake needs to Porsche needs. Recap A 911-turbo-performance engine at Wide Open Throttle accelerates so quickly it can be alarming! Normal 911s, RS 911s and even 3.8 RSR 911s simply cannot generate this type of acceleration. With the 3.6 turbo, I was very concerned about brake modulation from three digit speeds, (150+ which come up amazingly fast) in controlled areas of course! This was like flying and upgrading from Single Engine aircraft flying to high performance, Twin Engine aircraft. Everything happens in a hurry. The thing of it is, is: in an airplane, you have A NEED FOR SPEED-IN A HURRY. If runway runs out -you crash! You either get it up quickly and fly, or abort take-off as quickly as possible. Light twin engine aircraft have ‘fair’ brakes, but only for perhaps one real panic stop. Small aircraft have critical weight concerns and normally one uses the brakes sparingly -if at all. You are trained to use aerodynamic braking on landing roll out and let the plane slow itself. Any brake use is gentle. So, on take off you must know your runway distance, your aircraft performance chart for braking distance and factors like total take-off weight, runway conditions with rain, snow, ice or dry. Pilots train and practice for the unusual and for every emergency known and imagined. This is because anything that can go wrong eventually will go wrong.
BIG REDS 4 Evo 03-13 Nr 1
Continuing On Enthusiast Porsche drivers like to venture out into their limits also. Our Porsches are designed, engineered and built like no other car on Earth. They were meant to be used to their fullest potential. This is why PCA and Orange Coast Region have so many driver training events that allow every Porsche driver to learn a little more about their Porsche and how to use them. I guarantee that every driver who participates in a Driver Training Event (DE) will say something like, “I never knew my Porsche could do so much, so well, so quickly!” However, my flying days hangar stories are relevant here. Brakes on a 911 are as important as wings are on an airplane. Airline planes today use brakes with predictable precision to the point where a landing plane can calculate, through a computer, within a few feet a full brake application where the plane will come to a complete stop. Yes! Within a few feet. Modern airliner brakes are massive and reliable. I realized that my 930 brakes didn’t have that good feel or pedal modulation at… shall we say, “high speed slow down.” I discovered I could modulate pedal effort at high speed but the point where rapid slowing became lock-up was nearly instantaneous. There just was not enough pedal modulation at high speed. This was a concern because it MUST have brakes to match the engine power and to keep everything in balance. I also had another brake ‘issue’, way too much pedal travel. This happened because the four pistons on each of four 930 calipers had the same size pistons (38 in fronts and 30 in the rears). This causes a wear pattern called “pad wedging” - a phenomenon caused by pad un-even wear. It causes you to use more pedal to get the same brake feel and stopping. This is common with all older disc brake designs. In the late 1980s, Porsche started developing and manufacturing along
JULY 2013
L. Front BIG RED installed 3-13
with Brembo-of Italy, new 4-piston calipers with different size pistons (2 large 2 smaller pistons). They prevent un-even brake pad wear, better overall braking and pedal feel. This was just what I needed. I lucked into a sweet deal to trade my 930 Turbo Brakes for a slightly used “BIG RED” brake kit. This kit uses a Front (RED)Brake Caliper from the 964 3.6 Turbo & 993tt (twin-turbo) with 40/30 mm pistons and uses “Coleman” 330 x 32 mm curved vane and drilled brake Discs (rotors). The Rear (RED) Brake Calipers are from 964 3.6L Turbo with 34/30mm pistons and 299 x 28 mm rotor with full width hand brake internal drum. I swapped my 930 brakes for the new Big Reds rather easily. I used the normal anti-seize paste on all bolts and “screws”- as they are called by other companies. Notes for installing the Brembo BIG RED brakes; • Be sure to install the special concave washer(s) one on each bolt to caliper, • Nr. N 011 5642 (2) pr caliper. One of these washers goes on each long 12 x 1.5 x 75mm “pan-head screws” (Continued on Page 35)
I Thought It Wouldn’t Happen To Me! NOW WHAT? Story by Steve Eguina Speed Festival is a very special event. Held each year at Auto Club Speedway, this three day Zone 8 event combines road racing, time trials, a Concours and this year, being the Porsche 50th anniversary, a display of 50 years of Porsches was included. Racing Lifestyle has been a sponsoring vendor at the Speed Festival for several years. We also compete in the time trials with our 996 GT2. The “ROVAL” is one of my favorite configurations. Combining the interior “R”oad racecourse with the front straight and turns 1 and 2 of the NASCAR “OVAL” creates the ROVAL. The ROVAL is one of my favorites because it allows the GT2 to really stretch its legs on the front straight where we hit about 170 mph as we enter the banking for turn 1 and 2. Since it had been a year since I had driven the Roval, the game plan was to use Fridays practice to get the suspension dialed in while also getting my body, brain and coordination used to the higher than normal track speeds. The two weeks prior to the event my son Michael and I had inspected the car from the front tow hook to the rear spoiler. In the process, checking fluids, suspension, brakes, wheels and tires, etc. The car was ready and the driver was excited! After driving the GT2 for the last 6 years, it was kind of like taking your wife to her favorite “special” getaway. You knew it was going to be a “fun weekend”! First practice session, I’m all strapped in the car, helmet on, Hans device connected. I’m a little anxious but that is normal. I take a look down the grid and see a lot of familiar cars. The grid marshal sends us out on the track. The first two laps are under a full course yellow to allow everyone to familiarize themselves with the course, locate the flagging stations and warm up the car and tires. As we pass under the start finish line, the session goes green. First couple laps are fine and we start passing a couple of the slower cars. On lap three,
as I close on the car in front of me, I smell coolant. I follow the car through the first part of the course referred to as the playground. As we exit the interior road course I pull up on the banking to pass the car in front of me… The smell of coolant should go away. But it doesn’t? NOT GOOD! A glance at the gauges and everything looks fine. However, as I glance in the rear view mirror I notice a LOT of steam coming out of the engine department. I drop down on the apron and pull up to the fire truck. The crew was ready to spay the engine down but I’m yelling NO! NO! NO! It is just a cooling leak. I don’t want white powder/ foam all over the engine. The car is towed back to the garage. Fortunately, I was sharing garage space with the GMG-Global Motorsport Team. One look and they knew exactly what the problem was. One of the cooling tubes that are “glued” into the cooling manifold located on the top of the engine had come “unglued”? I had heard of this happening on the GT1 block engines that are in the 996 and 997 GT2 and GT3 cars. However, MY GT2 had not had one DNF in 6 years. So, “I thought it wouldn’t happen to me!” We loaded the car on the trailer. We were done for the weekend.
Cooling manifold with old glue residue
Cleaned cooling tubes ready for welding
Tubes all welded ready for installation
NOW, WHAT IS THE FIX? Since GMG has done the majority of the work on my GT2 since I purchased it, I decided to sit down with GMG’s Service Manager Allen Ward. Allen has years of experience with Porsches. He has worked at a couple of dealerships as well GMG tech Tony welding the tubes in place as several top-notch performance and race shops during his career. Needless I was a little shocked to hear the answer. to say, he knows Porsches top to bottom. Remove the engine, remove the cooling Their recommended fix was the same manifold and just replace it with another. the preparation GMG performs on the I asked, were the cooling tubes welded in Porsche CUP cars. Remove the motor place or was the manifold all one piece? and weld all the aluminum cooling How were they secured? They were tubes to the cooling manifold. OK, not simply the same glued in tubes. Really, inexpensive but a onetime fix. this is Porsche’s answer. This has been a Next call was to the Porsche problem that Porsche has been aware of dealership to see what the factory fix is. (Continued on Page 35)
JULY 2013
Be two places at once. On the road and off the grid. Escape to new realms of performance in the all-new 2013 Boxster. A two-seat tribute to record-setting roadsters of the past. But like nothing you’ve seen before. With its pushbutton retractable roof and athletic mid-engine balance, the new Boxster connects you to every subtle nuance of the pavement. And the sheer ecstasy of open roads ahead and open skies above. Porsche. There is no substitute.
Test drive yours today. Official sponsor of the
Porsche Club of America Orange Coast Region.
3210 Adams Street Riverside, CA 92504
Get a no cost alignment when you purchase two or more tires from Walter’s Porsche.
Come into Walter’s Porsche for any factory scheduled maintenance or repairs and Walter’s will fill your fuel tank for the drive home!*
*Excludes oil changes and other minor services. Call Walter’s Porsche for further details.
For your next service appointment, get into the fast lane and come into Walter’s Porsche.
405 261
Shots From The Peterson Museum Tour Intro by Maryann Marks I have always love beautiful things, nature, art, even cars, long before I bought my porsche. I do admit that I have seen a lot more beautiful cars since, and this tour was no exception. The $40-million Petersen Automotive Museum is owned and operated by the Petersen Automotive Museum Foundation. We had our choice of the upstairs or downstairs tour, the vault was an extra $25.00. We took the upstairs which included the current exhibit, “Fins: Form Without Function”. It was a history of, yep, FINS, and we learned that , “Fins are remembered as the outward expression of American automotive design prowess during the height of postwar optimism. But they were first used far earlier than most would imagine... Art Deco 1937 Delage Aerosport”. Our docent was fun and informative and shared lots of anecdotes about the cars and museums history. This floor was also home to their collection of movie cars, most of which were immediately recognizable. From Batman (including the suit that Val Kilmer wore) to A pink HONDA S2000 used in the film 2 Fast 2 Furious. Who would drive a pink car outside of a movie? The downstairs tour was more of a history of the cars of California. They were all shown in representative panorama style scenes of their time period. After a small group of us went to one of the diners and driveins diner for the worlds best french dip. I still wonder what’s in the vault!
The drive over provided us with the spectacular beauty of spring
A 1962 Chaika was a good example of the sought after chrome fins of that period.
Ron Courtney built this Ford-1951-X51 during the mid-1950s. The most prominent modification was the vehicle’s extremely large fins and custom taillights.
Everyone gathered to listen to Greg Lush give tour directions and pass out our route
Arriving at the museum, car chit chat filled the wait time till everyone parked for the group photo.
The group shot showed cars in the lot that were every bit as special as the ones in
There was a whole section on cars from the movies, most were pretty recognizable
This 1956 Lone Star looks like a boat but its a car!
nside the museum.
This shiny cherry red convertible had a rocking red and white leather interior
This restored ice cream truck features the story of Chavez Ravine painted on all four sides
Recognize this one? You should!
An h t 0
rs ive
To commemorate our 10th anniversary we have combined all our favorites into two exciting Autobahn Adventures Our all-inclusive tours feature the new 911 Carrera and include gas, insurance and preprogrammed navigation Experience some of the most Luxurious hotels in Europe. Enjoy banquet dinners with gourmet food and fine wines Go behind the scenes at the Porsche factory and museum in Stuttgart. Drive the Autobahn - No Speed Limit Come join the party and help us celebrate on one of our incredible Luxury European Driving Tours
For the complete itineraries visit our website at www.autobahnadventures.com or call us at 714.9640280
Auto-X Corner:
May AutoCross Pictures Photos by Bruce Powers & John Ortiz
Jeremy Cottrell in his quick 1972 911
A big thanks to Bruce and the crew at Autowerkes for sponsoring the day
It only looks confusing! Pamela Horton (center) chatting with fellow drivers in the grid area
A colorful display of Porsches approach the starting line
Dave Waddell swops some tires on the Blue Goose while Chuck Bartolon looks on
Bomb Diggity Dogs (courtesy of Autowerkes) were hot off the grill!
Jerry Griffin getting ready to drive his well prepared 911SC
JULY 2013
PCA Escape to L.A. 2013 Story by Robert Friedman
For several years now, the Escape has been one of the most sought after and exciting events on the PCA calendar. Consisting primarily of tours and social events, this non-competitive weekend is the perfect relaxing PCA holiday. Held each year in a different area of the country, this weekend is rich with regional flavor and draws a national audience that enjoys a long weekend of spending time with their Porsche cars, Porsche friends and participating in Porsche activities. Escape to Los Angeles is the theme for 2013, and the Escape is headquartered at the elegant Sheraton Fairplex in Pomona, CA (just outside of LA). Officially the dates are October 24-26, but you are encouraged to come early and stay late. There’s a lot to do! From Pomona we will radiate out on a wide variety of activities. You will find no shortage of things to do, places to go and food to eat. You will be among 500-600 other Porschephiles, seeing the best that Southern California has to offer. Hard at work, the 2013 Escape team has been busy finalizing the various tour routes throughout Southern California. The Escape will offer a variety of tours of varying lengths and activities to satisfy the interests of every attendee. From a leisurely drive of the San Gabriel Valley highlighting local architecture, the Huntington gardens or the Los
Oak Glen in the Fall
Angeles Crest Tunnel Approach
Angeles Arboretum to, for the drivers amongst us, exciting mountain tours such as the Angeles Crest Highway, Highway 18 to Big Bear Lake or to Mount Baldy along Glendora Canyon Road. Another option is an all day trip to Joshua Tree National Park with a stop in Palm Springs for dinner. There are even special tours planned of several unique museums; such as the Nethercutt and Mullin automotive museums, as well as a few intimate tours of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (a NASA nerve center for space exploration) and Space X (a private space exploration company). I’ll get back to the activities with a bit more detail, but for a moment let’s switch to banquets. The Escape has two official dinners planned, starting on Thursday night with the opening Car Show and Drivein Movie banquet. Remember your high school years of polishing up the car to show off to your friends, cruising to the hamburger stand and seeing the latest movie at the drive-in? While watching a classic movie (or socializing if you prefer), Escape attendees will munch on Kobe sliders, tacos, fries, margaritas, sodas, and milk shakes. The car show will also include the ever popular “People’s Choice” awards. Don’t forget to pack your letterman’s jacket and bring your girl! On Saturday night, the closing banquet starts with a reception at the NHRA Museum. This museum, housed in a beautifully restored 28,500 square foot art deco Style 1939 WPA building, is home to the very essence of American Motorsports. More than 80 vehicles are displayed: everything from
Angeles Forest Sunset
Ed Iskenderian’s 1925 T roadster to Mickey Thompson’s Challenger I, the first American car to go 400 mph. Hors d’oeuvres will be served during the reception. Afterwards, and just a short stroll away, the Gala dinner will be held in the newly constructed Sheraton Fairplex Convention Center. PCA will have exclusive use of the entire facility. Dinner will be three courses, specially prepared for the Escape. A no host bar will be available throughout the night as well as special guest speakers, exhibits, and of course some great door prizes. All this and more will be part of the Saturday night Gala Dinner. There are numerous museums in the area such as the Huntington Library, Tournament of Roses House (Wrigley Mansion), Tournament of Roses Float Barns, the 1908 Greene & Greene Gamble House, the Mullin Automotive Museum, the Nethercutt Collection, the Norton Simon art museum and the L.A. County Arboretum. The Escape will feature two historic architectural tours, one based around the Pasadena/San Marino area, and the other showcasing the La Verne, Claremont and
Huntington Library
Herb and Rose Wysard with their Silver 1952 Glockler
Pomona area (including the old Kellogg’s Ranch, now California Polytechnic College). Did you know that of the 211 registered Historic Sites listed in Los Angeles County, 119 of them are in the city of Pasadena? We have assembled 30-35 sites in the greater Pasadena, South Pasadena and San Marino areas for a self-guided tour designed for you to spend as much or as little time as you’d like enjoying these wonders of a bygone era.
rcutt Collection
Turning our attention back to cars, I think you will enjoy the Nethercutt Collection, which houses several hundred exquisite old cars in an early 20th
NHRA Museum
Century automobile salon setting (lots of marble). This array of Concours winning cars (Pebble Beach, Amelia Island, Palos Verdes, Dana Point and other prestigious events) will make your head spin. It is certainly one of the best car collections in the country. While you are there, you will also see an amazing collection of hood ornaments (Mascots - does Lalique ring a bell?), brass gas lamps, horns and other automotive items. Additionally, the Nethercutt’s did not limit their interests to merely automobiles. Among the vehicles, is an incredible collection of musical instruments (the largest collection of Orchestrions in the world), listen to an amazing recording of George Gershwin (that is, an actual recording of George Gershwin) playing Rhapsody in Blue on a reproducing piano, listen to one of the world’s biggest pipe organs, and see a collection of incredible 18th & 19th Century furniture. On top of all this, there is a fabulous collection of David Winter cottages, dolls, coins and crystal figurines. One of the more renowned museums in the San Gabriel Valley is the Huntington Library, Art Collection and Botanical Gardens. Arrangements have been made for a private tour of the grounds
and museums accompanied by morning tea. For you drivers, you’ll definitely see the twisties, catch some incredible vistas, have some great food and see some of Southern California’s rural beauty. You’ll get a little appreciation of what living in LA means - being able to visit the ocean, snow, desert, mountains and forests in an hour or less (OK, OK, traffic permitting...). If you are fortunate enough to drive a Cayenne to the Escape, we have a tour just for you. We know that you have heard that every Cayenne was designed to be a competent off road vehicle, and some of us actually take our Cayenne’s off road. Our tour is designed for the NOVICE off-road driver, as we help you learn off-roading and build your confidence. Technically, this is an “off paved road” tour; it is not truly “off road.” As you can see, you have plenty to look forward to in Escape 2013. Did I forget to mention Rodeo Drive, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, air museums (pick one of many), Griffith Park, the Reagan Library and the California missions? The list goes on and on. Registration opens soon, so mark your calendars and keep your eye on our website and PCA’s eBrake News for more information: http://escape2013.pca.org
Jet Prop Laboratory
JULY 2013
OCR Membership Anniversaries [6 years or more]
42 Years Robert & Linda Jennings 35 Years Lars Frohm & Pamela Micele 30 Years Charles Wyse Walter Zucker 29 Years Leslie & Colleen Rice 26 Years Herbert & Rose Wysard 25 Years Douglas Salisbury & Julia Ciaccio 24 Years Joseph Howard 21 Years Michael Yates & Linda Bagwell Claudio & Tine Pecora 20 Years Charles & Linda Frisbey Joe Anselmo Frank Capolupo 18 Years Pramuditya & Lucia Oen 17 Years Chuck & Niki Howrey 15 Years Michael Cox Scott & Peggy Huddleston Robert & Dennis Bush Michael & Susan Bremser Robert & Barbara Wolford Garrett & Linda Pack Nick & Gena Reed Chris & Brian O’Donnell 13 Years Everett & Adriana Benke Ann Fong-Wildes & Dave Wildes Don & Rosa Zimmermann Mike & Carol Patrick 12 Years M & Kathy Knudsen Joel & Patti Sheiner
Christopher & Sharry Reale Roman & Lalita Libonao Mark Faul & Nicole Calixtro Tom McNicholas 9 Years Lou & Cathy Enriquez Frederick & Tracey Ream Rudy & Angelina Penalosa Brian & Susan Mertz Charles McPherson Larry & Marie Coots Robert & Vanessa Wierenga 8 Years Dan & Bryce Littlejohn Ken & Yuki Murata 7 Years David Powell Ronald Aker Roger & Julie Petersen Stephen & Rande Ashe John & Laurel Yocca Joseph & Leonard Russo 6 Years Robert & Laurel Jacob Jeremy Kaslow Christine Newcomer & Steven Abbott Jim & Gail Reinholdt Han Leong Josef & Lori West Wilbert & Claudia Gaston Mark Lausier
New Members and Transfers Darrel & Lisa Arnold Huntington Beach/2010 Carrera
Douglas & Henry Nguyen Westminster/2010 Cayenne GTS Paksar Niroumandrad Lake Forest/2012 Cayenne Jeremy & Angelia Sakioka Costa Mesa/2014 Cayman Dick Sartor Huntington Beach/2000 Carrera Jerry & Kathy Shipp Cypress/2005 Carrera Loren Tramontano Coto De Caza/2012 911S Brandon Braly Seal Beach/2001 911 & 2013 991 Transfer from San Diego (SDO) Pat Brotman & Victory Tischler Palm Springs/2012 911 Transfer from Riverside (RIV) Nigel Longton Dana Point/2013 Boxster Transfer from Connecticut Valley (CTV) Paul Molloy Orange/1967 912 Transfer from California Central Coast (CCC) Cheryl Murakami & Jacke Crump Huntington Beach/1971 914 &1983 911SC Transfer from Sierra Nevada (SNV)
Erik & Gina Baerresen Corona/2007 Carrera Lars Callary Laguna Niguel/1987 Carrera Jeff Gilberti Rancho Santa Margarita/1997 911 Justin Lin & Payam Jirsa Tustin/2005 Carrera S
11 Years Edward & Angel Moorlach Wil & Shari Mittelbach Joseph & Cathy Lipinsky John Harper & Judi Curtin
Lewis & Beth Long Trabuco Canyon/1998 Boxster
10 Years Greg Adelman & Kathleen Huitema
Douglas Neill & Vicki Billings Irvine/2013 Boxster S
Charles Nelson San Juan Capistrano/1991 Carrera
Aaron McKinnon Pasadena/1974 914
Membership Questions? • General Membership • Change of Address / Info Car /Phone • Where is my Pando? • Joining PCA/OCR • They spelled my • IntraRegion Transfers NAME wrong! • Potential Member Referrals
Contact: CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com
Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by Gary Labb
Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the June 2013 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches along with members and member’s cars at other PCA events. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.
Kim and Ken Earl standing next to their red 2013 Porsche Carrera Sergio and Shirlene Rosman next to their silver 2003 Porsche 996 Turbo
Joe Titterud and his 1986 Porsche Carrera Targa Porsche folks preparing for breakfast at Original Mike’s
Ken Fredrickson being photographed for an article in a Norwegian magazine
Plenty of pretty Porsches parked in the parking lot at the May 18, 2013 Krispy Kreme Gathering
Where Good Is Not Enough Hergesheimer MotorSports has been dedicated to providing top quality service for Porsche automobiles exclusively since 1979. Expert mechanical repair and maintenance are the cornerstones of our business. Full factory specified maintenance to engine and transmission rebuilds and everything in between, are all performed in our local facility, in the heart of Orange County. Hergesheimer Motorsports, where good is simply not good enough!
Hergesheimer Motorsports 20612 Ca単ada Rd., Lake Forest, CA 92630 949 458-7223 hergesheimer.com
LIFE IN A PANAMERA Story by Garey Cooper After 6 years in the trusty and reliable Audi Q7, Mrs. Cooper informed me that SUV’s weren’t in the running for replacement vehicles. I say our Audi was reliable and it was, except it had developed the distressing habit of being rear-ended on freeways. However, the miles and wear and tear were beginning to show. Therefore, it had to go. In my estimation, the two most likely replacement vehicles were the Audi A7 and the Panamera. The Audi because we had had such good use of our ol’ Q and the Panamera because... well just because. Objects in Mirror are more expensive than they appear As it turns out, I never even drove the A7. After consulting with a car dealer friend of ours who happens to own an Audi Agency, he recommended the Panamera. He stated that the Q was a fine car but that as a “Porsche Guy”, I was going to drive the Panamera and like it. How right he was. Any Porsche is a driver’s car, some perhaps more than others are. But after a driving stint in a base Panamera, my mind was really more or less made up. As my friend Jay Warren says, “It is 75%80% of a Carrera in handling, with four doors and useable space.” Jay also owns a Panamera, a GTS no less. The problem is that every little thing you add to the “base” carries extra cost. In Porsche terms, these are called “options” because I guess to their way of thinking anything other than a steering wheel and pedals is not necessary to enjoying a Porsche! Pricing one from scratch with even moderate checking off the options list will cost you. In our case we lucked out. There was a 2012, never registered, Panamera dealership loaner car available. A quick check of the options that came with the car, as ordered by the dealership, showed it to be nicely finished. Mrs. Cooper and I became owners of “BESS”, Big Expensive Sedan (with an extra “S” for alliteration. In addition, it is Porsche certified; meaning that the warranty goes until there might even be a Republican in the White House again.
The Sum of its Parts Nicely optioned for us included, Bose Sound and 124 way adjustable power seats with two-person memory. Okay the 124 way is an exaggeration but not by much. Puffy or fluffy leather or whatever the marketing department call it on the seats. Carbon Grey Metallic paint, I think it looks nice... Premium Package Plus, which adds lots of stuff. 20” Turbo Wheels (woohoo), Servotronic Steering, automatic sun shades in the rear, Sirius XM Radio, etc. Included in the Premium Package Plus is a heated steering wheel: an absolute necessity to face another California winter. Oh, and by the way, front and rear seats are heated as well. So, the next time it snows in San Diego we are ready. In another, “Oh and by the way” we have the PDK, or as Porsche prosaically puts it, “Doppelkupplung” (take that spell checker!) transmission. Power Corrupts but absolute Power can be lot’s of fun I chose the V6 version of the Panamera because of cost, yes that is important, and the fact that I already have a fast Porsche; Blanche Bickerson the 2007 GT3. However, the V6 has a mere 300 horsepower and 295 pounds feet of torque that is available at a very low RPM. Add the built in dry sump lubrication and you have a V6 that is as brawny as most V8s and is no skinny kid on the beach at which to kick sand in the freeway on-ramp battles. I will report that the V6 is one of the smoothest engines I have ever sat behind. Yes Virginia, the engine in a Panamera is in front. Now after the 911 purists have picked themselves up off the floor, the motor is a revelation. Turbine-like at freeway speeds cruising an effortless whatever it takes to keep up and always a little reserve to draw on if needed. It is a peach.
JULY 2013
Tommy can you see me? The Panamera is a big car; think a small state, maybe Rhode Island or Delaware. Or a county… San Bernardino perhaps? It is large and the rear of the car goes back there a long ways. Two axe handles and a can of Diet Cola in length way back there. All of this means that there are rather large blind spots and in backing up without a spotter small pets, plants, fences, and condominiums nearby are in danger. Thankfully, we have the rear back up camera which I might contend is almost a must have for the Panamera. With it, you CAN miss the Bradbury Building and a Sequoia Sempervirens if they are behind. Without it, I wouldn’t be so sure you could. On the road, when changing lanes or merging, one must pay attention to the rear view mirrors. I have been honked at and given the one finger salute by drivers just off my quarter rear panel that I did (Continued on Page 32)
Life in a Panamera: (Continued from Page 31)
not see. There is an optional side warning system in the Porsche Panamera Catalog, but not having one, I don’t know what it would be or work like. Perhaps a form of the old cold war DEWS (Distant Early Warning System) as deployed in Alaska to alert us of incoming ICBMs, or in this case incoming Teslas? Beeps, bleeps, chirps There ARE warning park distance sensors around the perimeter of your new automotive county. These have colorful and cheerful sounding warning noises that are accompanied by colored representations on the “PCM” display. They are indeed so cheerful that you almost don’t mind running into the garage cabinetry. They do mean well and they sound so fun. There are also little peeps and other assorted electronic notices that you’ve left a door open, a hatch up or something like that. They won’t alert you to an untied shoelace or open zipper, however. I mean Porsche gives us something useful here but there are limitations. Oh, “PCM” means “Porsche Communications Module”, which I am sure would sound better and more official in German. Electricity the next big thing? Servotronic in Porsche speak means electrically assisted power steering. I am old enough to remember when power steering was not always a given with cars. I DO NOT remember shirts with separate collars however, contrary to rumor. In the past, power steering was usually boosted with a hydraulic pump driven off the motor. That is why most modern cars without the engine running are almost impossible to steer. The hydraulic pump stole power from the motor to turn with
belts driven at engine speed; this gave up available horsepower and mileage. Porsche says going to electronic boost as in the Panamera and latest generation of 911 doesn’t take power and adds mileage. The big controversy is, does it rob the famous Porsche steering feeling? My own vote is not really as there is still a direct connection between the steering wheel and the steered wheels. Is it as intimate as the steering in the GT3, where you can run over a dime and tell if it’s heads or tails? No, not really. But, it is still very Porsche and once again on the highway about the smoothest system that I’ve driven. Save us from ghoulies and ghosties and things that go bump in the night I will go back to that PDK transmission. I have driven several automatic Porsche’s over the years. All of them, from the 993 to the earlier 997s, used transmissions sourced, I believe, from other manufacturers. I never felt they lived up to the Porsche premise. The new PDK does. I wont attempt the full German word for the system as my spell checker is still nursing hurt feelings from the first time. In use, though, the PDK feels very much like a Porsche auto system should. In full sports mode, which even my V6 has, it will snap upshifts, rev match down shifts and crisply engage gears as though there was a computer behind it all. Okay, there IS a computer behind it all but you wont mind that in the Panamera. I have driven my sons 2013 S Cabriolet with PDK and a “regular” Cabriolet in Germany with PDK and I’ve left it in full auto mode and enjoyed every rev match and exhaust snarl. It is the future folks. The down side is that you can confuse the computer in certain situations and what you will get is now and then a little bump or grind out of the transmission. Nothing audible, but say you begin to accelerate and then have to back off the accelerator behind some pesky hybrid. You can feel the transmission trying to cope with the guess of, “what is going to happen next?” Then perhaps change
its mind. The driver feels a bump or hesitation but then the computer gets the algorithm right and all is well again. Carpe hexadecimal. I still MUCH prefer the PDK to any other auto box I’ve ever driven in any automobile, Porsche’s included. It even works to move the 7 or 8 tons of BESS very sportingly down any twisty roads you encounter and makes even driving a sedan, fun. By the way, 7 or 8 tons is a slight exaggeration inserted only for dramatic tension or is that pathos? Country Club Swells and Country Belles You have to like the carrying capacity of the Panamera. It will take two golf bags easily laid transversely across the rear and suitcases with extra shoes and a bushel or two of wheat, if you want to carry that along as well. It will do four golf bags quite easily although four golf bags with four suitcases might admittedly have you wishing that you had bought the Cayenne instead. Mrs. Cooper has yet to completely fill it in a shopping trip, not that she hasn’t tried. One rather strange discovery was that the rear seat is for TWO not THREE. Those TWO can indeed ride in comfort and stretch their legs secure in the knowledge they can control their own seat heaters or air conditioning zone. But you can’t carry three grandkids in (Continued on Page 36)
Providing the Best in Performance and Safety Equipment
shipping & helmet bag
4 McLaren Suite C, Irvine, Ca. 92618
Rice’s Ramblings:
(Continued from Page 17)
Use lots of anti-seize paste on the bolt threads and shanks. Moisture does (somehow) get in there and corrosion prevention is wise. • I also installed metal rain shields on my 4 brakes to help improve wet braking performance. This has proven to help insure instant brake response in wet driving, even through puddles! • I also replaced all of the metal brake lines with new ones from (NAPA and/or O’Reilly Auto parts- general brake hardware) they are simple to install and can be hand bent for a perfect fit. Their Label specs state: “3/16” X 08” or (4.7mm X 20.3mm) Metric Thread/bubble flare. [They are 8” in length- in spite of the label] I am still using the fantastic “COOL CARBON” brake pads from PORTERFIELD RACING, Costa Mesa, Ca. Cool Carbon is also known as “R4S”. They do not have a cut out on the pad for low pad wear warning sensors
It Wouldn’t Happened To Me:
and are therefore sold for racing use. I love them! They are quiet and they have fabulous brake pedal feel. They never-ever fade! And they are very easy on expensive rotors. And I never have messy wheels. What little brake dust accumulates can be easily blown away by a blast of clean water! NOTES from John h. Rice No. Cal PCA & R-Gruppe Nr10 Perhaps relating to upgrading the power in their 911s? THAT is the deal. A stock 911 doesn’t get up to high speeds so FAST. Sure, they used to get up to 130150 mph if you stayed on the throttle long enough on a straight... but with a LOT of power you suddenly find that a “quick blast” means 130-140 just like THAT! And THAT means you need a lot more brake to scrub it off in a big hurry. I still remember building my first 930 with Carrera brakes which I “modded” to make the balance even close to what any good 911 would have. This instead of the early front brake lock up the Factory
built in to those cars. Well, I studied cars and driving a lot. Experience dictated that if you could lock up your brakes at speed, then you had enough brakes and time to move on to another subject. My car seemed good enough, but the more I studied I was uneasy so I switched to 930 brakes. This created much-improved pedal and the ability to scrub off high speed. The car seemed great. Then I became carried away and we built THE super turbo. The 930 brakes remained. It was after selling the car to our friend Jim and driving it again after he installed “Big Reds” [which I felt were strictly a cosmetic upgrade] and then trying a couple of high speed threshold braking, only then did I understand how much better that car could stop from high speeds. We welcome ideas, comments, and questions. Call 714 /539-1042 reasonable hours or Riceturbos@sbcglobal.net Godspeed, Lee Rice, Technical Director, PCA- OCR
(Continued from Page 19)
for several years. Well obviously for me, the answer was to weld the tubes to the existing manifold. Problem solved now and in the future. As it turned out the cost to do this was also less expensive. The moral of the story is: If you ever have to remove the engine out of your GT3 or GT2. Have the tubes welded. You don’t want this problem in the middle of a trip across country.
Now you see what it should look like with a Completed clean weld
JULY 2013
Life in a Panamera: (Continued from Page 32) the back, and the middle area does not have seat belt anchors so you cannot put a child’s car seat in the center position. I’ve yet to hear any full size passengers complain, as long as there are just TWO of them. Driven not stirred Okay, now we get to the driving part. I like it and I like driving it. The steering turn in is as nice as any four door could seemingly be. It will hold a freeway onramp apex and it will run San Dieguito Canyon Rd with enough smiles to the miles to get you near Carrera country on the handling. You can dial shock firmness up and throttle response up or down and feel the road become more or less smooth, the ride stays direct, not floating. I have owned BMW 7 Series and would rate them as the “drivers sedan” before Panamera. The Panny is, in my opinion, the one car that you would drive to fetch the groceries or take the couple nearby to dinner and a movie. I have seen 27 MPG on the run up to Anaheim. I can’t imagine that in the Turbo!
(Continued from Page 5)
Racers Tape to the rescue
anyone driving a Porsche today. And the Tachometer was front and center... more important than a speedometer certainly. I was once told that right through the 993 ALL Porsche 911 variants for the street had the same windshield rake or angle. This was thought to be one of the keys to make the classic “fast back” shape instantly recognizable as a Porsche. Part of the “DNA”, as it is used and abused as a term today. The “DNA” has some threads that run all the way to 2013, with the rear-engined formula being chief among them. Truly there are compromises forced by this, no trunk in back and the front trunk must be “truncated” (pun intended) to allow for streamlining or airflow considerations. If you’re a golfer the clubs go into the passenger compartment behind the driver where you can be entertained by your mashie banging against your niblick or the nape of your neck. Or, you can buy a Panamera or a Cayenne. It must all work as through March or so Porsche 2013 sales were good. And leading the charge was the “venerable” 911. “What manner of men be they, who drive around with a motor behind the rear package tray?” Apparently happy ones, and repeat buyers at that.
spiral of what was the pure Porsche, or a clever idea. Sales of the mini-SUV are going pretty well if judged by all of the like size BMW’s and Audi’s that I see. So why not a Porsche version? What I miss most though is the lack of recent buzz about the mini-Boxster. This was supposed to be a 4-cylinder boxer motor, smaller version of the Boxster. A sort of Miata fighter, per the press. I thought this was a brilliant idea, although I never expected it to really be a Miata fighter, at least as far as price was concerned. I’d still love to see this car, high mileage, light, responsive and nicely designed. I personally think it would be a winner. Moreover, if Skeeter, the miniCooper, goes away someday that’d be a nice choice to replace it I think. But maybe Porsche just can’t come up with a name for it; let see, “Boxcan”, “Boxette” or Boxten? Okay that’s enough! Oopsie! Okay, we wish the 911 Happy Birthday. Speaking of birthdays I have just passed 15 years with the Porsche Club! Wow,
since my first little 993 was supposed to be a “mid-life crisis” where does that leave me now? Doddering along into old age, I suppose. I got a nice certificate from the Club congratulating me on staying alive and paying my dues for the past 15 years. Very nice and it needed to be framed. I bought the frame (Bed, Bath and Infinity or something like that) and put it in the nice new frame. Then I dropped the frame as the klutz that I am showed up just in time. Crack went the edge and @#$%^! went the string of profanity learned from my grandfather, at least when the grandkids are not around. So, broken frame what to do? Racers Tape! The instant and entirely appropriate answer, in my humble opinion. How many race cars Porsche and otherwise have been racer taped back into action? Beyond counting, I suppose. Mrs. Cooper says, “What in the world would you hang that up for? Oh my gosh that’s tape!” Exactly, and thus a proud tradition carries on, like the 911 itself.
Zone 8 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region
Requirements: Safe and mechanically sound car. Please review PCA Zone 8 website autocross rules for helmet and seatbelt requirements http://zone8.pca.org/rules.php. This event will be run in compliance with Zone 8 rules. Complete results will be posted on the SBR website (pcasb.org) within two weeks of the event.
Where: Camarillo Airport. Las Posas exit off the 101 in Camarillo. Take Las Posas south, turn right on Pleasant Valley Road, turn right on Airport Way to T-intersection. Turn right and follow the signs.
• • • • • • • • •
Schedule: (times approximate) 6:30 a.m. Registration Check In at Airport Gate 6:45 a.m. Tech Inspection begins 8:00 a.m. Mandatory Drivers Meeting 8:30 a.m. Practice Runs begin 2:00 p.m. 3 Official Timed Runs (to 4:30 p.m.)
Entry Fee: $85.00 per driver, includes lunch.
Extra lunches can be purchased with registration for $17 each. Event day registration (if not sold out) $100 per driver cash only. Extra lunches $20 cash only. Enrollment limited to 65. Pre-registration is encouraged to reserve your space. Course work is mandatory in order to run this Autocross. Porsche drivers: This IS a Zone 8 sanctioned event for points. More than one person may drive a car, but each driver may drive only one car. Each driver must submit a separate Entry/Registration form. One check may be written for multiple drivers, but the check must identify all those covered by the check. Questions? Contact TED LIGHTHIZER at 805-527-8280 or tlighthizer@sbcglobal.net
CAMARILLO AUTOCROSS ENTRY/REGISTRATION FORM Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: __________ Zip Code: ____________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Welcome Aboard! Porsche has hired something like 1,000 new workers for the Leipzig plant where they will build the new “baby” Cayenne, to be called the “Maccan” (I know, but what is a Panamera anyway?) Depending upon your outlook, this is another step in the endless downward
Car/Model: ______________________________________ Year: ____________ Color: _________________________ Requested Car Number: _________________________ (Subject to change due to computer program limitations.) Porsche Class: _____________ (Please review class info in Zone 8 Rules - http://zone8.pca.org/rules.php - Non-Porsche is Class X.) Are you a PCA member? YES or NO (Circle one) If yes, which region? ___________________________________ Are you available to help set up on Friday afternoon, September 20th? YES or NO
(Circle one)
Make checks payable to PCA/SBR for $85, which includes lunch for one. Extra lunches can be purchased with registration for $17 each. Mailed entries must be received no later than September 14, 2013.
Send Check & Entry/ Registration to:
Total Amount Enclosed: ______________________
Cancellations within 48 hours of this event will not receive a refund.
JULY 2013
Ted Lighthizer 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave. Simi Valley, CA 93063
Classified Ads
garaged. A really great freeway-friendly, all-weather driver. See to believe. $26K 760-218-9511 bherrington@telis.org.
$19,990. Paul 714/335-4911; autokennel.com. OCR (2)
FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ‘79 930 Turbo Coupe, Brown/Brown lthr, 30K original miles! Original CA car. $36,000. Pope 505/610-1149; kappmoseley@comcast.net. NMR (1) ‘79 930 Turbo Coupe, Silver/Black lthr, 22K original miles! 1 owner family. Original paint. full documentation and receipts back to 1979. Excellent condition. $80,000. Alex 310/742-5540; alexwald1@ aol.com. LAR (1) ‘87 911 Turbo Coupe, Light Blue/ Dark Blue lthr, 47.5K mi. 2 owner CA car. $52,000. William 310/487-0929; neve33609@verizon.net. LAR (1) ‘87 911 Turbo Coupe, Guards Red/Black lthr, 75.8K mi. CA car. Andial 3.5L twin plug engine, 4spd. Less than 1,500 miles on full engine and transmission rebuild by AASE Motors. No Accidents, mostly original paint (except hood). $39,990. . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel. com. OCR (2)
FOR SALE: 924-928-944-968 2002 996 Cabriolet, Silver/Black lthr. Very Rare Factory aero package. Excellent condition. Exterior/Interior 9.8 out of 10. Driven approx. 5K miles/year. $15K spent for whls & lowering of car. Otherwise car is stock. $29, 500 OBO. 949/351-1957; shearicko@aol.com. OCR (1)
FOR SALE: 911--1970s ’77 911 Carrera 3.0 Targa, Grand Prix White/Black lthr, 59K mi. Numbers matching, 5 spd, beautiful condition. Owned for 21 years. $49,000. Walt 248/363-7551; walteromueller@comcast.net. CMR (1)
2005 996 Turbo S Coupe, Artic Silver Metallic/Black lthr, 34.6K mi. Orig paint. 600hp; 6spd manual, short shifter, black mats w/Porsche lettering, stainless exhaust pipes, aluminum/lthr shifter, brake handle. Porsche Certified Pre-Owned car. Never tracked, raced, no accidents. Mature owner. $61,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2)
FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-993-986-996-997 2001 996 Cabriolet. Black-black w/ gray leather 52Kmiles. Tiptronic, Litronic headlights, 18”Factory wheels. Always
‘79 911SC Targa, Black/Black/Mocha lthr, 153K mi. Original color was 463 Casablanca Beige Metallic, 5 spd, 2-owners for nearly 30-years. SoCal blue plate car. All records from new. $17,990. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).
‘90 928 S4 Coupe, Guards Red/Black lthr, 77K mi. Automatic, 77 k miles, excellent condition. $15,000. OBO. Mark 949/640-8556; mark.irwin@sce.com. OCR (2)
FOR SALE: 356 1960 356B Cabriolet #153388, Silver/ Blue, CA car. Only 468 made. S-90 engine (non-match) excellent driver, “new” top, Owned since 1961, all records, manual, tools, never hit. Neg. rust, includes hard-top, $95,000. Bill Sweningsen, No. Tustin, CA, 714/633-8242, wbswen@ sbcglobal.net. OCR (1).
WHEELS & TIRES TIRES FOR SALE: (2) 235 x 19 Sumitomo HTR Z 111;(2) 295 x 19 Continental Sport. Tires in great shape w/ less than 600 miles of use. $500.00 OBO. Dave Ferguson 714/469-0827. OCR (1) NEW 19” GENUINE PORSCHE TURBO (997TT) CHROME WHEELS: Matching set of 4. These are real Factory forged wheels – not replicas or knock offs! Wheels are new taken off a new car No caps or TPMS. Fronts: Part #997.362.156.05 / 19x8.5 ET 56 . Rears: Part #997.362.162.02 / 19x11 ET 51. Bo 714/ 609-3452; bo@socal.rr.com.
FOR SALE: 911--1980s
‘87 911 Carrera Coupe, Guards Red (L80K)/Champagne (PB) lthr, 156K mi. 5 spd G50 trans, numbers matching. CA car. Most records and history from new.
FREE (40) Panorama magazines. Dated from 1983 through 1987. FREE to a good home. Frank Hanrahan 714/545-2755; Frank@hausofperformance.com. OCR
JULY 2013
Index of Advertisers
Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com
Autobahn Adventures Party PCA members were big winners!
Al Reed Specialty Polishing-------------------------- 34 American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 38 Anaheim Hills Auto Collision----------------------- 38 Autobahn Adventures -------------------------------- 24 AutoKennel--------------------------------------------- 36 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 35 Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 14 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 16 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 34 David Piper, CPA ---------------------------------------- 2 Doorshield--------------------------------------------- 16 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 30 European Collision Center--------------------------- 10 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 10
Ful Sail Graphics & Marketing---------------------- 10 Global Motorsports Group----------------------------- 8 Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 30 Integrity Motorcars-------------------------------------- 6 James Schaedler Wells Fargo Advisor-------------- 16 Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 12 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties----------------- 24 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 14 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 33 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 14 TC’s Garage-------------------------------------------- 14 The Helmet Man----------------------------------------- 7 Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 38 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19
Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium? For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662 or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com
More big winners at the party were Ron and Staci Kettlehut Porsche peeps, fun, good food and cocktails: the makings of a premium partee!
Lorraine Collier was a big winner of car products at the party
The Monroes and Budai’s joined Mark Trewartha at his party for the 10th anniversary of Autobahn Adventure Tours
Porsches SAVE THE DATE: JULY 20, 2013 for the
ADAMSON HOUSE TOUR WHEN: On Saturday July 20th we will depart from Krispy Kremes at 9:45 am to arrive about opening at 11:00 am. The tour should take approximately 2 hours. We will have reservations at a fun spot for lunch at 1:15 so everyone can meet there. After lunch those interested will proceed on to the Malibu Getty. The Adamson house! http://www.adamsonhouse.org/ This is both a museum and garden tour and should have some fabulous California history included. As always, carpools are encouraged and we will figure out how to get you home so no worries! COST: It is $7.00 for entry, pay at the door. RSVP to mamsy1@yahoo.com & let me know if you would like to carpool! We can arrange a private tour if we have enough peeps!
I-Car Platinum Certified Technicians
26341 Dimension Drive Lake Forest, Ca 92630
FABRICANTE Serving all of Southern California!
Phone: (949) 859-8639 www.FabricanteAutoBody.com
Mercedes Benz Certified Collision shop
Proud Sponsor of
Proud Partner of
Porsche Club of America Orange Coast Region P.O. Box 6726 Huntington Beach, ca 92615-6726
Dated Material: Please deliver by 7/03/2013
Current Resident
Three good reasons to insure your cars with State Farm. Call for a quote on your Porsche, business or personal insurance and receive a full-size Rand McNally Road Atlas‌.Free! Good service. Good price. Good neighbor agent. Office: (949) 855-8325 www.billpeterseninsurance.com Bill Petersen, Club Member Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.
Serving Porsche Club members since 1981
State Farm Insurance Companies 23101 Moulton Parkway, Ste. 103 Laguna Hills, California 92653