PCA-OCR Pandemonium - March 2014

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www.pcaocr.org Editor

March 2014

Inside this issue

Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530

Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs

cooper.boggs@gmail.com (714) 505-3662

Grace & Ken Fredrickson receive the McClelland Award

Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com 714-960-4981

Technical Writer Lee Rice

Contributing Writers Winning is wonderful!

Contributing Photographers Garey Cooper Scott & Peg Huddleston Gary Labb Greg Lush John Ortiz

7 8 17 19 22 29 33 IBC

IMS Presentation Feature: A White Wedding Porsche The McClelland Award Southwest Soapbox Zone 8 Awards & Concours Book Review: The Last Open Road Bruce Wants To Know Where’s Pando?

Upcoming Events

Classified Ads Editor

Monica Asbury Tom Brown Garey Cooper Bruce Herrington Scott & Peg Huddleston Greg Lush


Zone 8 Concours winner, Rob Greene’s 911!

On the Cover: A fully restored 356 from the Ozark Region in Arkansas that became the fulfillment of a dream for the son of an OCR PCA member.

2 7 14 16 18 31 31 34 36 36 36 37 40

Calendar of Events Malamut’s Vintage Car Tour Pomona Fairplex OCR White Gloves Concours 912 Registry The Empire 100 AutoCross Events Porsce Parade in Monterey SD Driving School Festival of Speed OCR Backroads Tour Festival of Speed Ap Ladies Garden Tour


4 5 12 15 26 27 39 40

Contacts Editor’s Corner Goodie Store Rice’s Ramblings Membership Breakfast Club/New Members Classified Ads List of Advertisers

Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, P.O. Box 6726, Huntington Beach, CA 92615-6726

MARCH 2014


2014 OCR Calendar of Events* MARCH 2014 1 1 2 7-9 8 9 13 15 17 22 23 29

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting L.A. Literature Meet – Airport Hilton All Porsche Swap Meet, Phoenix Club PCA-SDR Performance Driving School

PCA/ACNA The Empire 100 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-GPX Streets of Willow Drivers Ed & Zone 8 AutoX Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR Photo Rally PCA-SGV Eureka Rally

APRIL 2014 4-6 California Festival of Speed 5 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 6 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro 10 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 12 Mike Malamut’s Vintage Car Museum 19 Krispy Kreme Gathering 26 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido 28 PCA-OCR DE Event – Chuckwalla

MAY 2014 3 Breakfast Club & Board Meeting 3 Ladies Garden Tour 4 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro 8 Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 9-11 PCA-OCR Central Coast Tour 17 Krispy Kreme Gathering 24 Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido 31 PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

JUNE 2014 1 7 7 12 15 21 28 29

PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB PCA Porsche Parade in Monterey Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

JULY 2014 5 10 19 26 27

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Got a suggestion? Have a question? Just want to vent?

The Rennlist A Request for updated emails! The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You

Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net


This email will goes straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind & we’ll share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the information to this email also.

AUGUST 2014 2 14 16 23 24

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro

6 11 20 21 27 27

Breakfast Club & Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-OCR AutoX – El Toro Porsches & Pancakes - Woody’s Lido


PCA-RR Porsche Timeline at Lake Arrowhead

* Event dates subject to change. Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www. Zone8.org.

OCR Board Meetings All members are welcome to OCR Board Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting at Original Mike’s. We thank Mike’s for their support.

President’s Message By Greg Lush Porsches and Family Annie and I had the opportunity in January to attend a couple of 2013 award ceremonies. The first event was the Zone 8 awards in Palm Springs, followed the weekend after by the OCR AutoX awards. As I write this article, still a bit fuzzy from the wonderful celebration at Walters Porsche, (thanks again Ed, et al) our morning after sensation was different. While both events were fantastic, the key element making the difference was that the Walters event found us surrounded by friends, family and familiar faces. Some of my earliest memories are of my twin brother and sister crammed into my Dads 356. Growing up in the San Bernardino Mountains (Green Valley Lake) provided us with ample opportunity to drive on wonderfully curvy roads. Through the years my father had the privilege of owning eight different Porsches (most purchased in Riverside from Quaid (dealer before Walters) and Walters once they

obtained the franchise. A few things come to mind when I think about these wonderful family experiences: • Being a late bloomer worked to your advantage considering the room in the back of a 356 or early 911; • Even your Dad can over-commit resulting in a full spin through a hairpin curve in Green Valley Lake. An amazingly fun experience for a seven year old and proof that skill and a cool head prevail; • K eeping a proper line while driving meant that you could drive longer and keep your brother out of the driver’s seat. A clever process invented by my father to manage twins both obtaining their drivers permits at the same time • F ast is smooth and minimized the possibility of car sickness for your date. Pretty tough to have fun when your date is green.

MARCH 2014

Many of you are thinking about your own experiences. Face it, if we only wanted to get from point A to point B, wouldn’t we just buy a Ford Focus? It is not about that at all. Instead, owning one of these wonderful automobiles is more about the visceral feel of pure fun. The memories afforded to all of us as Porsche owners should be taken advantage of everyday. Possibly you use your car as a daily driver, a garage queen to gawk at on your way to the Ford Focus, the weekend warrior, your track car littered with rubber skid marks (or dirt and twigs if you are Chuck), or the pristine Concurs car parked just behind your shelf filled with Q’tips and micro fiber clothes. The great news is there is something for all of us to remember and create our own experiences. Go ahead, plan your next adventure with yourself, your loved ones and your beloved Porsche. When all the dust settles, it is the family of Porsche which makes an indelible mark on our happiness.


Contact Information OCR Executive Board

www.pcaocr.org Zone 8 Chairs Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com

President - Greg Lush ocrtours@live.com

Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com

Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com

Vice President - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com

Membership Director - Rob Greene GreeneR@pbworld.com

Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Zone 8 Region Coordinator Gary Peterson gary.peterson@hrh.com

OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooperboggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Craig Adams ocrautox@live.com Craig Adams ocrautox@live.com Autocross Registration Armand Gastelo autoxreg@live.com Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@gmail.com Concours Chair

Norm Follis njfollis@gmail.com Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net


Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com

Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Got a suggestion? Need a question answered? Just want to vent? This email will go straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we will share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the

information to this email also.

Owen Cudney Brittney Dunham




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Member at Large - Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com

Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson fast.freddy@verizon.net

Camino Capistrano

Secretary - Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com




Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper

Poor Blanche - all gummed up

How many ways can we say “road”? Paths, byways, boulevards, avenues, lanes, alley’s, streets, highway, freeway, parkway… are there more? I’ve just named 11. We use these for literal as well as metaphoric usages; “The Road Less Traveled” for instance. Does so much verbal access reflect the car culture that we have in the USA in general and California specifically? Do other languages support such abundance? In the Orange Coast Region these take on special meaning

for us as we charge on into 2014. Work or pleasure, our travel is somehow a little more special by taking when using our vehicle of choice, Porsche. Speaking of Porsche The “mother ship” back in Stuttgart is coming off of another record year. Record production, record sales and record new model introductions. Did anyone wonder, as I did when Wendelin Wiedeking left, if Porsche under VW could continue the upward arc from the first decade of the 21st century? It appears they can and have done so. According to Panorama, Porsche grew in production by 15% in 2013 compared to 2012. That is a total of 119,747 automobiles delivered (not sure if deliveries equal “manufactured”) for the year just ended. To put that in some perspective I think I recall reading that in the late ’80’s Porsche was delivering around 12,000 per year. To you and I 12,000 of anything is a lot but to an automobile manufacturer this is very few. Plus divide that number

MARCH 2014

up by the number of models and it shrinks perhaps a bit further. I also recall that the consulting side out of Porsche actually earned more than the manufacturing side of the business. I am not sure of the relationship of revenues now but it has to be in better balance now. Okay, the main part of this discussion for you dear reader is that the 911 accounted for 21,755 of those 2013 deliveries. The Cayenne outsells all other modes (62,886) by a very large number. Does this alter Porsche for the sports car enthusiast? Is the current 911 any less of a thrill than the 911 of the 80’s or early 90’s? I recently had the opportunity to climb into a 993 of the type that I had reintroduced myself to Porsche ownership back in 1995. The difference to the current 911 is remarkable, yet so are the similarities in an odd mix. Tellingly though, that 1995 911, compared to say a 1995 sporting BMW, was almost an antique. Very few amenities and lots of special quirks unique to the 911 as (Continued on Page 35)



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IMS Presentation at Breakfast Club Meeting Story by Monica Asbury There was standing room only at January’s Breakfast Club Meeting at Original Mike’s to hear James Buck’s presentation on the IMS (Intermediate Main Shaft) bearing in the engines of 996, 986 and 987. James is a long-time PCAOCR member and owner of Cape Auto Repair in Laguna Niguel. His provided a very informative and compelling show and tell discussion on the IMS system and how it functions. He discussed how to prevent and fix potential engine failure on engines from these particular years and what to look for to identify potential problems. A lively Q&A followed with members asking for additional information specific

to issues that they had concerns about. James offered advice and recommendation on repair techniques. It is one of the goals of the OCR PCA Board of Directors to bring in a guest speaker at each of the monthly Breakfast Meetings to provide informative “entertainment” . We are looking for topics and guest speakers who will discuss Porsche/automotive-related, interesting, appealing and informative material to our members. If you have an idea or know someone who meets the above criteria for a speaker or topic, please contact Monica Asbury at sheamonica@gmail.com.

Saturday, April 12, 2012 Depart Krispy Kremes at 8:30 am Join us for a tour of the Malamut Vintage Car Museum in Thousand Oaks. The Museum has a wide variety of vintage cars and memorabilia. For more details, see the museum’s website at http://www.malamutautomuseum. com/index.htm The collection is constantly changing, as cars come and go, but you will get the flavor from the website. From Krispy Kremes in Orange, we will cruise up the 405 then head over to Pacific Coast Highway and Malibu for some scenic vistas and mountainous Porsche roads. We are scheduled to arrive at 11:00 am and will be joining the 356 Club and another Porsche Club at the Museum. After tour lunch suggestions will be provided. The return to central OC will take about 1-1/2 hours. Be sure to allow time to coffee-up and prepare for a 2 hour drive at Krispy Kremes. In case you get separated from the group, printed directions will be provided. $ 5.00 per car, collected at the start. RSVPs are NOT necessary. Pete Lech Peterlech@att.net

MARCH 2014



A Wedding White Porsche Story by Scott & Peggy Huddleston and Deborah King Of all the nice things to experience in life, besides Porsches, many dream of that perfect wedding day. Every other thing pales in life when compared to those few hours when you celebrate solidifying that special relationship with your one true love. Our oldest son Chris, serving in the USAF and stationed in Little Rock, AR, met and fell in love with a special young lady, named Lauren, on a blind date to the squadron Christmas party in 2011. How they met is the subject of another, lengthier article, but suffice it to say that Facebook was involved. Be careful what is posted... but, in Chris’ case the outcome was top notch, as we have now added a new daughter-in-law to our family! In the previous months of scurrying around with wedding arrangements, Chris had mentioned to his fiancé that it would be his DREAM of a lifetime (other than marrying her) to drive away from the reception in a white Porsche 356 Speedster. Now, mind you, we’re talking a New Years Eve wedding at 8 pm, culminating with the groom swooping his new bride up and away to their honeymoon suite post midnight.


How does that Speedster heater work in the Arkansas winter? So, the girls start talking The first view of their wedding ride. and scheming and Peggy gets an idea in her mind, and if you know Scott detected a little hesitation on Ken’s Peggy at all, she is as tenacious as a pit side, as we were strangers from CA who bull in accomplishing her goal. Finding a are going to let their son drive off in their 356 in Little Rock within about 2 months pride and joy. A meeting was arranged, was nothing. Through PCA National in secret, to drive the hour down to Hot she found the name of the President of Springs to get acquainted and meet the the Ozark Region, Mr. John Bullen, who car. On that beautiful Sunday afternoon, actually grew up in Huntington Beach and off to Hot Springs we go. The drive down graduated from Huntington High. Through was equal to many good Porsche roads in his networking in the Ozark Region, he the US and we saw why Ken brought his put us in touch with a very nice couple beautiful car to this state. After the hellos, from Hot Springs, AR., Ken & Deborah Deborah’s first question to Scott was, “can King. The Kings, a retired couple who he drive a stick”? “Well, Chris flies the worked and lived in Houston before Hercules for our military, ma’am”. “Yes, moving to Arkansas, expressed interest in but can he drive a stick shift?” Perhaps it’s sharing their beautiful cream white 1964 common for the Gen Y’ers to be unfamiliar Porsche 356 coupe. Ken & Deborah have with the ‘ol stick and clutch, but we have owned it for 46 years, which included allowed Chris to drive all our Porsches a full restoration 10 years ago! And they since he’s had a license, and always trusted continue to maintain it impeccably. him with them. Peggy communicated with Ken several So, contact made and plans finalized. times before our family trip in December to Weather permitting, Ken & Deborah would Little Rock for Christmas and the wedding.

Chris & Lauren with the beautiful white 356 speedster, Chris’s dream car.

...Celebrating the New Year 2014, in style. ” drive to Little Rock on New Year’s Eve, the night of the wedding. After checking in to their hotel and having a nice New Year’s dinner (our treat, of course), they planned to drive it over to the William J. Clinton Library to spring the surprise on the newlyweds. I’ve heard of some ferocious snowstorms in Arkansas, but Dec 31st awoke to bright sun and chilly temps. All systems are go... The wedding was beautiful, the groom handsome and the bride gorgeous and beaming. There was dancing until midnight, champagne glasses clinking then the party reached its conclusion. After exiting the building, one final wedding gift awaited. Chris uttered, “Are you serious!... ARE YOU SERIOUS?” His dream car awaited; the groom opened the door for his bride, mounted his steed, and off they zoomed with 120 horses propelling them to their hotel. Don’t dreams sometimes come true? Coming together on New Year’s Day for the newlyweds to meet and thank the Kings allowed for daytime photos, memories and new friendships to bring in 2014! Deborah King’s Story of the 356 This isn’t the first wedding our Porsche 356 has attended – it went to ours, too! In fact, we met because of this car. Back in the late ‘60s, I was dating a fellow in St. Louis who owned an early model Porsche 911. He was moving to another state so I stopped by his apartment to say a quick goodbye. He wasn’t there, but in the next (Continued on Page 11)

Top to Bottom: Off to the Honeymoon! Dream come true!, Ken & Deb meet Chris & Lauren the morning after, Mom’s camera creates a stir.

MARCH 2014


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Perfect backside!! Kens collection of car badges. Soon to add a PCA-OCR 50th badge, gifted from us.


(Continued from Page 9)

parking space, a nice looking guy was locking up, ready to walk away from his Porsche 356 Coupe. Never shy and always interested in nice cars, I commented, “Oh, you have a Porsche, too!” And that started a conversation and interest in Porsches and other German cars that still goes on today. Because we both loved Porsches, Ken and I hit it off right away. He’d purchased the car in ‘67, a loaded 1964 356 SC sunroof coupe. We spent a lot of time carving up the Ozark roads southwest of St. Louis, and running rallies and autocrosses with the McDonnell Aircraft Sports Car Club. In 1971, we got married, and our Porsche became our honeymoon car – at least, AFTER my new husband showed up! He had made the mistake of parking it at the reception, and his work buddies took it upon themselves to “decorate” it. I rode with my sister to pick up our things while he removed tin cans and cardboard from the car. An hour later he still hadn’t made it the 3 blocks to my sisters house. I wasn’t concerned, thinking he went out for a last beer with the guys. He had been a confirmed bachelor, after all! An hour and a half later, he finally showed up. According to Ken, his friends had inserted rocks in the holes of all four wheels, thinking they would “make noise.” They did... when they banged into the calipers! He had been alone in that parking lot, in his wedding suit, removing one wheel after another to clean the stones out of his brakes. I know that’s what happened, too, because we only went about a block toward our honeymoon destination before we had to pull off one more wheel for one last stone!

Fast forward through a move to Houston in 1975, a couple of kids and the Porsche was relegated to living under a blanket for about 20 years. Finally, in the late 1990s, Ken started restoring the car. We discovered the Porsche 356 Registry, a national group that is a great resource of “how-to” information. Ken did all of the mechanical and electrical work. When he overhauled the engine, I bought him a set of pistons and cylinders for his birthday. A Houston paint shop stripped the car to bare metal, repaired the rust and sprayed many coats of original Light Ivory German paint. Ken reinstalled all the windows, lights, etc. and a new interior, and the car was complete! During that time, we also became members of the Lone Star 356 Club in Houston. Shortly after the car was finished, we participated in the Gulf Coast Holiday in Bourne, TX. In 2013 we moved to Hot Springs Village, Arkansas and joined the Ozark Region PCA – which is what led up to our Porsche being in a second wedding! When the club president, John Bullen, sent out the Huddlestons’ request for a 356 to borrow for use in their son’s wedding, and we found out it would be at midnight on New Year’s Eve night, I can’t say that there were not some concerns. But after meeting the Huddlestons and hearing the plan, we were delighted to help out with the “surprise”. We’ve been married 42 years and we hope our 356’s second wedding will bring the newlyweds many years of wedded bliss!

MARCH 2014

Top to Bottom: Ken and Deborah Kings Honeymoon ride, 42 years ago; Restoration begins 10 years ago to later emerge as a beautiful wedding white dream car for an Air Force Captain and his bride!; Restoration step IIPorsche gets fresh paint; Today, Ken with the 1964 356 Coupe he purchased in 1967.


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MARCH 2014


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Rice’s Ramblings:

GT3 and a Clutch Question Story by Lee Rice

Congratulations to the Porsche “Evergreen” 911 for once again winning the 24 Hours of Daytona in class note neat blue-flames from exhaust ~BAD ASS! GT3 RSR While much is being said about the wonderful automated “digital driving 991”, it still has shown it’s ability to race and win with the basic design concept intact from 1963. Just looking at the “Mission 2014-Our Return” 911 GT3 RSR, it looks modern, sleek and purposeful and it fulfills Ferry Porsche’s mandate: Form must follow function. The GT3 RSR looks as sleek as an oiled banana sliding on ice… maybe the only odd looking things are the open gapped body panels. But those are function, as they allow under-body air to escape with a minimum of aerodynamic drag. This equals faster! Since Porsche’s change to 19” and larger wheels, the larger 991 looks almost the same size as the earlier 911s of the past. Porsche still races the RSR with a proven split-case, Mezger 911 engine. It seems the past is never quite past. It’s like deja vu – all over again, as the 911, it seems, is in good shape for a continued long life, Or as the Germans like to say, “It is “evergreen.” Amen. Question from GAREY: I have been experiencing my 1987 911 clutch pedal becoming heavier and rough at times. Is this a sign of clutch failure and should I plan a clutch replacement? If you have over 40,000 miles, and a problem, I think a clutch replacement is in order. After figuring out replacement costs for Pressure plate, Disc, and Throw Out Bearing, I would consider what you like and what you may want to change for YOUR kind of driving? First of all if

your Carrera is almost all stock and only a street driven 911, I would stay with the stock replacement clutch. I would also turn the flywheel and balance it with the new Pressure Plate. The rubber center disc is ok for street use as it has a smooth “silky feeling” which some folks like. This is because the rubber clutch disc and heavy iron pressure plate dampens engine pulses and normal bearing noise in the transmission. It happens most often when idling and when shutting down the engine in neutral. That extra weight dampens the engine pulses in all speeds, but is most noticeable when you idle. It also slows down the acceleration of you 3.2 Carrera engine. This is why time trial, racing and ‘sport drivers’ prefer the lighter aluminum/ steel Pressure Plate and the coil spring center clutch disc. It is a drivers’ choice, as parts for this upgrade are readily available with ‘Sort Clutch’ kits. Since you have also noticed pedal roughness, you are likely to need to replace the needle bearing on the clutch fork, and is most likely that the fork shaft is rough and will also need replacement. Be sure to check the factory SERVICE bulletin Nr. 8902 December 12,1989, as you may need to comply, which also means a switch to newer bearings and shaft. I dislike these non-sealed needle bearings as it is easy for one needle bearing to fall out and the retrieval, then recleaning, re-greasing and re-installation is a royal pain! Never mind where. I recommend the upgrade to all sleeve (solid) bushings and replacement shaft kits sold by Automotion-Ecklers. You will

MARCH 2014

need a new Clutch Fork as well, as it has a larger contact surface and handles heavy clutches, like the Ruf-Sach ’Sport’ clutch for high horsepower Turbo engines. Another thing to check is the Pedal Box found under the driver’s floorboard. While looking at it, push the clutch (& brake) pedals and look for loose movement, bushings wear, and any biding of moving parts. Removing the pedal box unit is not complicated and rebuilding it is not difficult, with the right tools. You need a big hammer to drive out the rolled pin holding the pedal arm and clutch arm to the clutch master cylinder arm to the clutch shaft. Trust me, if you are going to rebuild the pedal box, you need a big hammer and a good quality drift. & ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION! With a new clutch, throw out bearing, clutch fork, a rebuilt pedal box and you have done a flush & bleed on the clutch -you will love your new clutch! PS Check additional resources from Allan Caldwell’s “PORSCHE PEDAL BOX” article in Panorama (January 1997). Evo–Blue Update On the home front, my Evo–Blue 3.6 turbo engine will be up grading to a Garrett GT35 R turbocharger. This is a new ball-bearing turbo with an even more advanced flow compressor and turbine. I will report on how this all goes as it seems that the K-27 series and my hybrid K29/27 are not up to the 3.6 liters of air flow needs? Additionally I have had enough of premature bushing/ bearing failures, but more on that later.



The McClelland Award Story by Monica Asbury Photos by Pamela Horton and Gary Labb

Greg Lush presented the McClelland Award to Ken & Grace Fredrickson

PCA-OCR presented The McClelland Award to long-time members, Ken and Grace Fredrickson at the February 1, 2014 Breakfast Club Meeting to a standing room crowd! A beautiful award was presented to Ken and Grace. Grace received a bouquet of flowers of pink roses and everyone enjoyed cake in honor of the celebration. The McClelland Award This award was created and presented in 2004 to the McClelland’s to honor the many years of service they gave to the Club. It is only given when there is a worthy candidate(s) who has made a significant contribution, for a prolonged period of time (minimum 10 years), to the Club. Fredrickson’s And Their Porsche Ken and Grace Fredrickson have been members of PCA-OCR. for over 18 years. Ken’s 911 SC is special; He is the second owner of his 1982 911 SC. When he purchased it in 1987, there were 56,980 miles on it. The current mileage is 327,715 – all from Ken and Grace! In 2006, they purchased a 1997 993 Targa for Grace. The 993 Targa became their Concours, rally and touring Porsche, while the 911SC became their autocross Porsche.

Grace kept track of the statistics, billing and collection, created revenue reports for board meetings, and provided the Pando Production Editor with a monthly report of current advertisers and a total advertiser page count. Ken was the spokesman at the Board, salesman and collection agent in the field. He maintained a personal relationship with advertisers delivering Pando’s monthly and informing them of upcoming Club events. Past Presidents have reported the Fredrickson’s teamwork was critical to the growth of the Club during those years. Pioneers of Club Events/Functions Today’s monthly Krispy Kreme gathering, formerly coined, “Donuts with Ken”, was started by Ken for Porsche Club Members to have someplace to drive and ‘something to do’ during the month, when there was only the monthly Breakfast Club Meeting gathering. Garey Cooper and Paul Kraemer created the Garage Tour as a fundraiser charity drive and progressive dinner. The Fredrickson’s were recruited to show their garage on the first tour. In 2006 – Grace was recruited to help start the Ladies group and was instrumental in encouraging women to attend Porsche Ladies’ functions. Grace helped to compile the first distribution list. Awards Received • 2006 – Grace was awarded Enthusiast of the Year Award • 2006 – At Concours, Grace won first

place in her Class in the Wash and Shine Division. • 2007 – At Concours, Grace won first place in her Class in the Wash and Shine Division and best overall in Wash and Shine Division. • 2007 – Ken was awarded Male Enthusiast of the Year Award and Grace was awarded Female Enthusiast of the Year Award. • Grace won her AX class 4 times, receiving 4 award jackets for her ‘speedy’ achievement. • Ken won his AX class 5 times, receiving 5 award jackets for his ‘fast Freddy’ name and achievement. Long before the current Emeritus AX Team, Ken was “Enthusiastic Autocross Starter”. With their own money, Ken and Grace made a set of AX flags and the flag stand – Ken was also the cheerleader at the Irwindale Raceway parking lot! Summary Kenny is our unofficial, official greeter, club mentor and the most cheerful guy around. As a 5-time AX Class Champion, he earned his nickname, “Fast Freddy”. Gracie helped keep the Pando solvent, was Female Enthusiast of the Year, and is a 4-time Autocross Class Champion! The Fredrickson’s are truly a deserving couple and are eminently qualified to receive this special award. Congratulations Ken and Grace! And Thank You for your years of excellent service.

Grace And Ken with their 911 SC after receiving their much deserved award

Participation In The Club Ken and Grace were the Club’s “Advertiser Relations Team” for 12 years. They “retired” as Advertising Chairs in 2012. Through their salesmanship, teamwork and diligence, they kept the Pando solvent. Advertising revenue is essential for Pando production and mailing costs.

MARCH 2014


Hello fellow PCA Member, Porsche Club of America zones, regions, committees, and registers foster camaraderie among owners of all Porsche models. Our PCA 912+912E Register is working both to keep 912 and 912E enthusiasts connected, and to introduce these vintage models to other Porsche enthusiasts. Here's a sampling of information, restoration, and technical assistance we share at the Register.

2014 PCA Parade Countdown It's the 50th anniversary of the 912 prototype cars! Imagine a contingent of 912s at this year's PCA Parade in Monterey, CA June 15-21, representing every year produced: painted dash cars, sunroof cars, special order paint cars, soft-window Targas, Euro-engine cars, original owner/family cars, right-hand-drive cars, police cars, LWB cars, 912E sunroofs, you name it. Get ready, registration opens March 11, 2014. A couple sample Parade activities: Interested in enter the Concours, or the Historic Display area set aside for special/rare/interesting Porsches? Parade Concours prep starts over the first weekend, with Concours and Historic Display on Monday, June 16th. Our Register logo features the Porsche 912 that won the 1967 European Rally Championship for Touring Cars, driven by notable Porsche driver Sobieslaw Zasada. Have you rallied, autocrossed, or vintage raced your 912? If so, set your Parade sights on Tuesday June 17th. Go: View full Parade details at http://parade2014.pca.org , and contact the Register if you'll be attending!

912+912E Digital Resources Have you visited the 912+912E Register website, Facebook page, or Twitter feed? a) Have you participated in an PCA activity in your region, or are you readying your 912/912E to participate in an upcoming event? Restoring your Porsche? Please share the news on our 912+912E Register Facebook page(with over 600 'likes'). There you will also find 912-related news from PCA regions, factory news, images, videos, tech tips, articles, and related information that you can receive via internet and smartphone. To access the page, first log in to your FB account, then click or type http://www.facebook.com/PCA912Register in your search window. b) If you're a Twitter user, please follow us at: @PCA912Register c) We have a 912 & 912E Register page within the PCA website, including images, tech Q & A, paint color codes, history of the 912's development, rare 912s, and more. Please visit at: http://912register.pca.org d) Via email, please send your 912 news (photo attachments always welcome) to engrbecker@gmail.com

912+912E Goodies A new 912+912E Register logo sticker is in production, available free to current PCA Members with a 912 or 912E. To obtain a sticker, please print, complete, and USPS mail us a SASE with the information on the following page. Show your PCA spirit with a 912+912E Register license frame , now available in brushed stainless or black powder coat. To order online, go to www.pcawebstore.com/Promotional%20Products then scroll down to " 912+912E Register License Plate Frame." Questions or comments? Feel free to contact me via email or cell shown below. Cheers,

Rick Rick Becker 912+912E Register Advocate Porsche Club of America engrbecker@gmail.com 909.336.0862


Southwest Soapbox Story by Tom Brown, Zone 8 Representative Photos by Greg Lush

Mark presents the 2013 Zone 8 Enthusiast of the Year to Colleen Stein from the Los Angeles Region. Parade Emcee Mark Shevitz was Guest Emcee.

2014 has started off with a bang! Our second annual Zone 8 Weekender was an amazing success combining a driving tour, a Concours and the Zone 8 Awards Banquet in beautiful Palm Springs. Our host venue was the Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort which provided a gorgeous spot for the competing Porsches, as well as a fun venue for a delicious dinner. Our emcee for the evening was Mark Shevitz, PCA’s National Parade Emcee. His warm wit and sharp tongue made for a very entertaining evening as we distributed awards, appreciation gifts and door prizes. Mark does a fantastic job with the microphone, truly turning any club event into an exciting yet family gathering. Jeff Zwart was the special surprise guest speaker for the evening. For those of you who don’t know of him, Jeff is famous for both his photography and film making skills (having made a career out of producing advertising for Porsche and other large companies) and for his racing skills (seven time Pike’s Peak Champion, to name a few accolades). In fact, most interviews with him either start or end with the interviewer stating something to the effect of “I want to be Jeff when I grow up.” Believe me; you’d recognize the Porsche print ads and TV commercials he has produced. In addition to his delightful story-telling, we were the first to see a couple of new videos he produced, one on

his latest Pike’s Peak win and one about his 356 Gmund Coupe (which you’ve seen on the cover of Pano). Thank you, Jeff, you were a terrific addition to the event. A very important part of the evening is our tradition of recognizing the best of the best for the year. The 2013 Zone 8 Enthusiast of the Year, from the Los Angeles Region, is Colleen Stein. Colleen has only been a member of PCA for three years, yet she jumped in with both feet and has never looked back. She regularly attends Concours events around the zone, both as an entrant and a judge. She has chaired many LA region events. She always volunteers at every event she attends, she

engages new members, participates with most of the regions in the LA area, and is always bubbling with enthusiasm. Thank you, Colleen, for everything you do to make this club great. Please also join me in congratulating Golden Empire Region, the 2013 Zone 8 Region of the Year. Golden Empire had a terrific year with a wide variety and large number of quality events which speaks highly of the health of the region. The sheer number of members that attend most every event (and volunteer at them) is incredible. This region is very strong and dynamic, and is channeling its energy into a lot of (Continued on Page 37)

Tom Brown, Zone Rep, with 2013 Zone Enthusiast of the Year Colleen Stein and previous Zone Enthusiast of the Year winners Paul Young, Suesan Way, Vince Knauf, Skip Carter, Bev Gould

MARCH 2014


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Zone 8 Annual Awards & Concours Story by Greg Lush PCA OCR President 2014-2015 The Zone 8 annual awards and concours were held this year in Rancho Mirage at the Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort. The perfect Southern California day with plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the 70’s, was almost like Tom Brown (our Zone 8 rep) ordered it special for the event. We started the day with a Z8 Presidents meeting while those involved in the Concours positioned and polished their cars. 2pm rolled around and the Z8 Concours judges began their meticulous inspection of the couple dozen entries. Brilliantly placed, the Concours entrants showed their cars on a beautiful grass lawn positioned between a few of the buildings at the resort. Annie and I were fortunate to have a room on the second floor with the balcony looking out right over the cars. Now that is a great view!

With a perfect day now behind us, it was time to begin the dinner and awards celebration. The Z8 staff was really firing on all cylinders, the reception, dinner and awards party was very nice. I am proud to report that many OCR members were Zone 8 and day of the event Concours award recipients. Mark Shevitz (PCA MC) led the event and Jeff Zwhart was a great keynote speaker. The San Diego region was running a DE / TT at the relatively close ChuckWalla raceway (it was hard to miss this event) and several attendees came to the celebration that night after the event. A couple of fellow OCR racers also made it to the evening event. Thanks James Buck and Chuck Bartolon for your support! I have included some pictures and a list of proud OCR winners:

Zone 8 Annual winners AutoX • Class CC12 : 1st place | Greg Lush | 93 RS America Street Concourss class • Class S-1: 1st place | Karen and Joe Nedza | 63 356 Coupe Street Division • Class S-1: 1st place | Karen and Joe Nedza | 63 356 Coupe Day of event Concours winners Class S-1: 1st place • Karen and Joe Nedza | 63 356 Coupe Class S-2: 1st place • Dick Douglass | 65 356 Coupe Class WS S-4: 1st place • Lisa Taylor | 14 Turbo Class UR-7: 1st place • Rob Greene | 03 Turbo

Clockwise, Left to Right: Tom and Lisa accept Wash and Shine award; Greg accepts Z8 AutoX award from David; Joe accepts Z8 Concur award from Dick; Dick wins!


Rob Greene’s 03 Turbo ; Lisa Taylor’s 2014 Turbo, beautiful; Joe Nezda’s rear end, do we need to say more?

The weather & venue were beautiful for the Zone 8 Concours

MARCH 2014


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MARCH 2014


OCR Membership Anniversaries [6 years or more]

45 Years Leslie Gunnarson 40 Years Thomas & Jill Shubin 34 Years Fred & Ingrid Tilker 33 Years Roger & Terrie Grago 31 Years Michael & Kimberly Gugert 29 Years John Dilger & Sylvia Salenius 26 Years Rick & Sharon Norquist 25 Years David & Vicki Hall 24 Years Cheryl Murakami & Jacke Crump Greg & Mary Ford Wayne & Mary Aschenbeck 23 Years Edward & Kerry Velasquez 21 Years Robert & Cheri Clucas 20 Years Werner & Asta Puttner 19 Years Gary & Susan Blakeney 17 Years Ed Tanaka Gerard & Linda Murray 16 Years Glen & Kathy Nelson Donald & Patricia Holthe Mario & Josefina Torres Robin Sun 15 Years Jim & Ann Mahoney Michael Kunz & Bill Kling Kip & Drew Waterhouse John Lotz

New Members and Transfers

14 Years Pierre & Preston Bonnet Bruce Gorman Lawrence & Donna Ross Jack & Lynne Davidson

Tom Ashment Huntington Beach/2012 911

13 Years Craig Oka & Jeanine French William & Pam Garrett Edward & Elaine Godlewski

Joey DePinto Laguna Beach/1995 968

12 Years Stephen Yeoh & Jonathan Lugod William & Laurie Anast Peter Helton & Lisa Morrison Helton Gregg Hoyle 11 Years Walter & Carol Straub Daniel Rocha & Brian Cammaressi Craig & S. Fox Brent & Aimee Spirlin 10 Years Michael & Lisa Alley-Zarkades Daniel & Christopher Reese Larry & Kathy Stanley Lloyd & Logan Freeberg 9 Years Michael Steinke & Shellie Parker Bruce & Morgan Mackie Kent & Sheryl Johnson 8 Years Shaun & Sharon Flanagan Ronald & Bonnie Pomplas 7 Years Tom & Pat Rodberg Gordon Williams & Deann Pruitt Donald & Diane Gjesdal Glen & Jacqueline O’Lea Brian Burnevik & Rhonda Alger Rick & Summer Ferrell 6 Years Howard & Susana Kramer Brian Fawks & Julie Morrison John & Eve Duddy

Jeffrey & Alisha Bent Lake Forest/2006 Cayman

Andreas Hoelting Anaheim/2011 Boxster Mark & Gail Kibby Huntington Beach/1969 912 Kenny Kim San Diego/1988 928 & 1989 930 Eric & Diane Kimbro Trabuco Canyon/1983 911 Tiffani Lewis Huntington Beach/2002 Boxster Michael & Pam McDonald Newport Beach/1999 911 William & Edmundo Medina Anaheim/1985 944 David Oddo Huntington Beach/2002 GT2 Derek Peterson Laguna Beach/2009 Carrera 4S Sean Shrum Anaheim/2004 911 Michael & Angela Thomsen Tustin/2001 Boxster S Jerry Ardizzone Villa Park/2013 911 Turbo S

Transfer from California Central Coast(CCC) John & Janice Bogikes Laguna Hills/2008 Cayman S

Transfer from California Central Coast(CCC) Michael Lawrence & Randy Defasperin Tustin/1993 911C2 & 1997 993

Transfer from Grand Prix (GPX) Kathleen & Fred Phillips Garden Grove/1991 911 & 1983 SC

Transfer from First Settlers (FST) Andrew Quillin & Scott Bryer Newport Beach/2002 Boxster

Transfer from Golden Gate (GG) James & Barbara Robinson Riverside/1999 993,2007 Turbo, 2995 997 & 2014 911

Transfer from Riverside( RIV)


Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by member photogs

Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the February 2014 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches as well as some pictures from other club member activities. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.

Dave Austin standing next to his 2009 Carrera, White

Jon Redyc standing next to his White 2006 Cayman

Tim Lindsay standing next to his Silver 2010 Boxter John and Jan Bogikes with their Red 2008 Cayman S

Michaela Buck, Jennie Monroe, Christine Newcomer, Lisa Taylor, Peggy Huddleston & Lisa Goetsch

David Whitney standing next to his Silver 2003 Carrera


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Book Review:

The Last Open Road By BS Levy, published by THINK FAST INK, Oak Park, IL.

Review by Bruce Herrington This book is the first in a series of novels on the life and times of Buddy Palumbo, a largely self taught auto mechanic with friends/customers involved with sportscars in the early years of the sports car movement in America. Written in 1994, this book includes a realistic portrayal of the sports car racing scene of the ‘50s and is now in it’s 8th printing. In addition to name-dropping a who’s who of sports car drivers and racing venues (mostly East Coast), a wide variety of marques (even Bandini and Siata) get mentioned in appropriate contexts. Most of the action involves Allards, Jaguars and MGs. In all the time I have been writing book reviews for Porsche People, I have never before reviewed a work of fiction. Though this book follows a fictional character and his fictional associates, and is replete with fictional conversations, the details of the sportscar racing events dealt with are real and accurate, as are remarks about world events that are woven into the story. An interesting touch is the number of then current popular songs, and their performers, that provide background to the text, as they provided background to the activities of the protagonists. Levy writes very readable story of American life in the ‘50s. He tends toward verbose sentences and long paragraphs, but the action is always fast-paced. There are no photographs, but his writing is such that it is easy to visualize the events described. He provides detailed and historically accurate descriptions of venues and events, overlain by the actions and conversations of the fictional characters. The first person narrative in The Last Open Road, combined with the vivid descriptions makes it easy to feel that you are really there and no longer in your personal everyday real world. This is true of the whole book, the family, workplace and dating episodes, as much as the racing scenes. The race reports refer to real people and real events, overlain by the activities and conversations of the fictional characters.

Old timers, especially easterners will recognize the names of many of the drivers and car owners, even some who are camouflaged, such as the sanctioning body, the Sports Car Motoring Association (SCMA), which is made to look like a bunch of arrogant, selfcentered, bureaucrats, similar to the SCCA officials this reviewer used to encounter. To this re viewer’s best recollection The Last Open Road accurately presents the exuberance and enthusiasm of sportscar racers (and their support personnel) in the ‘50s and the unbelievable (by modern standards), laid-back casualness of the racing events included in the story. Venues involved include Bridgehampton, Giant’s Despair, Brynfan Tyddyn, Grand Island (New York State), Elkhart Lake, and The Glen. The action is so true-to-life that you can follow the streets raced on, and the bars hopped to, on today’s Google Maps. Some reference is made to the sportscar activity of the west coast, but the author was an easterner, so he writes about what he experienced. Even if you can’t appreciate the historical antecedents for some of the events described, or even care about sports car racing per se, Levy makes the life and times of Buddy Palumbo a captivating read for anyone. You should read it if only to

MARCH 2014

answer the challenge, which this reviewer failed, of determining how the title relates to the story. The Last Open Road has 364 6x9 inch pages and is available for $30 (plus $6 shipping....) at http://www.lastopenroad. com/finzios/books2010.htm That website will open the door to a view of Mr. Levy’s intensive involvement in modern vintage racing, as well as the entire world of his books, all of which have sportscar racing connotations. For further info on Bert Levy, see Jay Leno’s interview at: h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=yd0MFex88WE&feature=emupload_owner


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MARCH 2014



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(Continued from Page 5)

compared to say an M3. How many people were prepared to pay very tall money for this package when their daily driver was so much more user friendly? In fact that number was dwindling and going down… So we come to the Porsche of today. My son Brandon has a 2012 911 Carerra S Cabriolet and I am happy to have had the opportunity to drive this on numerous occasions. It is remarkable, fast, well mannered and has nothing to apologize for as a sports car. I’ve also driven the new 991 at triple digits on the autobahn in Germany, thanks to one of our sponsors Autobahn Adventures. Now the ’95 had 275 or so horsepower as I recall… the ’13 has more than 400 horsepower. In a package that doesn’t weigh that much more, if at all. So everything can happen much quicker and faster, including disaster. This upward climb in horsepower is remarkable thanks to computers and variable everything; valves, throttle bodies, injector systems and the like. Can humans keep up with the technological advances? Nanny Systems and Autonomous Automobiles Brandon’s 911 has several acronymic “nanny” systems to keep you from plastering yourself on a freeway onramp wall, PASM… etc. Can you still crash one? You bet you can and in short order, as is proven all over the country on a regular basis. How intrusive are they? I’ve not driven one on track to know, plus I am not skilled enough to have the depth of knowledge to perhaps relate to when the system is saving me from my own ineptitude. I do know that in both my

Panamera and his 911 you will get jerks and bumps when, for instance, you are coming out of a steep driveway and one wheel lifts in the air or the car panics and thinks that the pitch plus turning angle might be a prelude to oblivion. Little applications of the brake send shudders through the car that one can pick up. So it’s there, maybe one of our members can try one on the skidpad for us with and without systems and properly instrumented report on the difference? In any case the driving experience is still fun, fun, fun to quote the Beach Boys. They are coming, by land and by sea. That is, autonomous automobiles. Probably sooner than we think as well. This idea scares me a bit as we will also probably be sharing roads with non-autonomous cars that us Luddites will continue to drive. Will an automatically directed car non-sense the human directed car and roll through or over us? Insurance companies and the feds love these. Take the person out of the equation. Minus the accidents caused by drugs and alcohol, what is the main cause of mayhem on the highway? Human error of course, and an automatic automobile is supposed to remove that bothersome part from the equation. Stay tuned on this development and watch closely. Big Brother Okay, here is a reality. If you use a transponder for any of our local toll roads you are capable of being monitored, known and archived by anyone who can remotely read out the monitor. You know that little “beep” the transponder gives when you pass under the toll bridge? It is saying; “hello toll bridge, here is Garey and he is

MARCH 2014

Brandon’s 2012 911 Carerra S Cabriolet

driving a 2012 Panamera, drivers license #, car VIN#, and oh yes, he is going about XX miles per hour”. P.S. also your credit car number. So, between that and cell phones, you cannot hide. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? How about someday a signal goes out from a central source that says; “all automobiles on the XX Freeway are limited to 55 miles per hour from right now”! Not far fetched at all. Way long gone I am just back from a Santa Barbara weekend in the 2007 GT3 named “Blanche Bickerson” with Mrs. Cooper in the passenger seat. A few back roads and some throttle blasts to allow Blanche to clear her throat for automotive operatic effect. The Mrs. is, all things considered, very patient with my antics, but there is a limit. I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to be a mere passenger on the highway of life, not that she EVER was one. But it is lots more fun to be behind the wheel than to be beside the wheel. Incidentally, we are still on speaking terms. Over to you OCR Okay, I am going to have to turn over the debate to you readership. I’d love to hear of your driving experiences, your opinion on the direction Porsche is taking and if it comes to that, what direction the club is taking. Until then drive swiftly and safely.


HOLD THIS DATE Sunday, March 23, 2014 PCA/OCR Presents: A Back Roads Photo Rally in South Orange County Drive time: aprox.150 miles Find and ID provided Photos & Answer a few Tricky Questions Winners will receive Medals! Register ‘day-of’ at 8:30. Cost: $10/car Start time: 9:00 AM No-host Lunch and Awards at Selma’s Pizza, Ladera Ranch, We should wrap by 2:00 PM.


The Awards Table was pretty impressive

Southwest Soapbox : (Continued from Page 19) fun events. Both Colleen and Golden Empire are very deserving of these honors! I would also like to thank Don Roof, national Region Web Coordinator, for hosting a web and newsletter seminar for our zone webmasters and editors. Finally, I am reminded to give a warm and appreciative thank you to our sponsor, Auto Gallery. The zone’s first club race of the year, our California Festival of Speed, is coming up quickly. Mark your calendars for the first weekend of April, the fourth through the sixth. Those of you who attended last year know this event has grown leaps and bounds, and this year will prove to be

org. To volunteer (We need you!) email: volunteer@calfestival.org Looking farther down the road, PCA is bringing the Werks Reunion to the Monterey Historics week. This Porsche only Concours and Corral will finally give Porsche and PCA the spotlight they deserve during this annual tradition of automobile excess. The Werks Reunion will be held on Friday, the same day as the BMW club’s Legends of the Autobahn. (I hear that Concorso Italiano is moving to Saturday, so they will no longer conflict.) Bring your Porsche and be there, it promises to be a great event! (As if you didn’t already have enough reasons to go to Monterey in August...) -----------------------

no different. In addition to an incredible weekend of racing, the “festival” aspect of this event will be bigger and better than ever. We will have even more vendors, a food truck court (better food!), and of course the Porsche Concours and Corral. Parade laps, driving simulators, mini-autocross, swap meet, cars for sale, it will all be back. This year’s timeline will feature the 4 cylinder Porsches along with 928s. (If you want your car in the show, please contact Bruce Herrington, bherrington@telis.net). On Sunday, the plan is to ask the vendors to bring in all their customers and demo cars for our “Super Car Paddocks,” which will show off a variety of exciting and modified exotic cars. Mark your calendars now, don’t miss out on this fantastic weekend. For more information, email: info@calfestival.

2014 Special Display Saturday April 5th 9AM - 4PM





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MARCH 2014



Classified Ads FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO

drive. No clutch! $24,900. Phyllis 714/3452751; phyllis818@att.net. OCR (2)

‘79 930 Turbo Coupe, Silver/Black lther, 22K mi. One owner since new. Original paint, all books and documents. Excellent condition. $100,000. Alex Wald 310/7425540; alexwald1@aol.com.. LAR (1). ‘87 911 Turbo Coupe, Venetian Blue Metallic (F8)/Champagne special lthr, 68.8K mi. 4spd, original paint, one SoCal Owner for 26-Yrs. Original (rare) CA “Sunset” license plates. No accidents, numbers matching car. Porsche COA. $57,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel. com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 911--1970s

2008 911S. Basalt Black. 28.2K mi. Full leather. Manual. Sport Chrono. Bose. Navigation. Adaptive Sport Seats. Champion whls. Great condition. $52,000. Steve Borowski. smborowski@yahoo.com.

2007 997 Turbo Coupe, Slate Grey Metallic (5959)/Black lthr, 56K mi. Tiptronic. Sport Chrono Package Plus w/ adaptive Sport Seats, 2-owner SoCal car, no accidents. $61,990. Pictures at www. autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911993-986-996-997 ‘99 Carrera, Guards Red/Savanna Beige lthr, 63K mi. Factory Aero Kit, Porsche emblem seat crests, aluminum door sills instrument package, CD changer, 18” Turbo-look whls. B&M short shift kit, near new tires, fresh brakes. Always garaged, used only Mobil-1/Swepco. All records, professionally maintained. Beautiful car, drives flawlessly. $27,500.00 OBO. John. 949/689-5430; jkanavas@gmail.com.

‘69 911 T Coupe, Tangerine/Black leatherette, 115.9K mi. Engine rebuilt at 66K miles, numbers matching, CA black plate car. 5 spd 901 trans. CA car from new. Over 30 yrs of records. $47,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1).

’73 Carrera RS Touring, Tangerine/Black leatherette. Serial Number 9113600439. The REAL DEAL. One of 500 built by Factory. Still retaining its original options of retractable seat belts left and right (419), retractable antenna left (440) and electric windows (651). Original and correct throughout. A bare tub restoration was performed by its owner, Alois Ruf of Germany, in circa 2002 and less than 250 miles have been driven since the fastidious restoration. 3 owners from new. Shown at 2013 Amelia Island Concours. Car can be seen in Carmel, CA. Dave Mohlman 305/582-9723. Pictures at www.DJMConsultants.net. GGR (2).

FOR SALE: EARLY 911--1960s ’67 Porsche 911 Race Car. Red. Chassis: 308107. One of only three “Sports Purpose Program.” 911s delivered to the USA in 1967. Options included: Rally Kit, leather covered steering wheel, Sports Kit 2, roll bar, LSD w/Airport Gears, lower suspension, “S” instruments, “S” oil tank, 100 liter fuel tank, dead peddle, Hi Output engine. The car has been a competition car since new. Totally restored. Won the prestigious Monterey 2013 Ocean Avenue Concours in the Race Car Class. Raced at Monterey Historics and competed in the 50th anniversary 911 race. The car comes with original Mini-Lite wheels, and American Thrust D’s. Race or concours this car. $495,000 . David 305/582-9723; more photos at www.DJMConsultants.net GGR

2000 996 Carrera Coupe, Ocean Blue Metallic/ Metropol Blue lthr w/ Black trim, 14.8K mi. 030 Sport Package, 6-spd manual, 1-owner SoCal car, PCA member owned. No accidents, original paint. New IMS and RMS. $24,990. Pictures at www.autokennel.com. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 911--1980s ‘87 Carrera Coupe Black int, Summer Yellow (Citrus Yellow). Street and track car. One of only 5 Carrera coupes imported into the US in 1987 in this unique color. Euro delivery with sport package. Certificate of Authenticity. MOTEC 3.6L, Twin Plug w/G-50 trans. 332 FWHP=289 WHP. Close ratio, custom gearing w/80/50 Guard LSD, 993 Twin Turbo brakes w/front slotted AP rotors , JRZ Dampers: Custom; valving, spindle height/angle, coiled rears (rear torsion bar delete), full, welded cage. Recaro seating w/Alcantara inserts. $55,000. Duncan Newell 206-930-1107; duncan911c@ me.com. NWR (1).

2001 996 Carrera Coupe, White/Tan lthr, 56K mi. Tiptronic. Excellent exterior condition. Always garaged. Wheels have a slight blemish on 2 of them. Very easy to (Continued on Page 40)

MARCH 2014


Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com

Classifieds Contd:

WHEELS & TIRES Michelin Pilot Super Sport Tires. Only 650 easy miles on them. Fronts: 225/40ZR/18; Rears: 265/35ZR/18. Purchased from Tire Rack on 10/8/13 and taken off my Boxster S in mid Nov ’13. Original price was $928 and will sell to a PCA member for $750.00 and no sales tax so it’s a great deal. Guy Johnson 949/637.3007.

Index of Advertisers American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 38 Anaheim Hills Auto Collision----------------------- 38 Autobahn Adventures--------------------------------- 13 AutoKennel----------------------------------------------- 5 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 35 Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 12 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 14 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Class Auto Center-------------------------------------- 10 Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 25 David Piper, CPA ---------------------------------------- 2 Doorshield--------------------------------------------- 14 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 28 European Collision Center---------------------------- 3 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 10

Global Motorsports Group--------------------------- 32 Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 28 Integrity Motorcars-------------------------------------- 6 James Schaedler Wells Fargo Advisor-------------- 12 Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 12 M. Scott Huddleston----------------------------------- 34 OC Factory Service-------------------------------------- 4 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties----------------- 24 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 24 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 30 Spectrum Collision------------------------------------ 31 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 24 TC’s Garage-------------------------------------------- 24 The Helmet Man--------------------------------------- 26 Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 38 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 20-21

Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium? For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662 or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com

Save the Date for the 2014 Garden Tour Immediately following the May 3rd breakfast meeting at Original Mikes

MISCELLANEOUS 911 RACE CAR WANTED TO BUY: I am looking for a DE/TT 911 Coupe. Preferably, an already well sorted SC or 3.2 Carrera. I will consider a project car. Hoping to find a local member with what I am looking for. Rick. www. mortimerproperties.com. 714/267-0429. OCR (1). 1997 911 TURBO S WANTED TO BUY Must have less than 6,000 miles. Unique color welcomed. Dave Mohlman 305/5829723; or www.DJMConsultants.net. GGR


Where’s PANDO?

Lisa Taylor put together an impromptu wine dinner with OCR’ers (clockwise from Left) Scott Huddleson,Tom Ridings, Eric Monroe, Bob Newcomer, Bob Schuesler, Lisa Goetsch, James & Michaela Buck, Jennie Monroe, Christine Newcomer, Lisa Taylor & Peggy Huddleson. Where will Pando be next month?

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