PCA-OCR Pandemonium - March 2013

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MARCH 2013

In This Issue... • Presidents Meeting Recap • What It Takes To Wear Out A Porsche • Get Ready For The Circle Around The Camp Rallye

www.pcaocr.org Editor

March 2013

Inside this issue

Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com (714) 264-0530

6 9 12 13 14 23

Production Editor

Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com

Advertising Director

Cooper Boggs

cooper.boggs@gmail.com (714) 505-3662

The red carpet rolled out for guests at the Presidents meeting

Classified Ads Editor

Bob Weber hbobw930@aol.com


Technical Writer Lee Rice

Contributing Writers Tom Brown Tony Callas Garey Cooper Eric Kaltenbach Bruce Herrington CL Jarusek Toni Schmidt

AX 1st meet of 2013

Its Going To Be A Great Year Feature: Toni Schmidt Book Review: Tony Robinson What It Takes To Wear Out A Porsche Zone 8 Concours d’Elegance & Banquet Southwest Soapbox

Upcoming Events 2 3 13 21 23 26 27 27 29 30 36 IBC

Calendar of Events Circle Around The Camp Rallye Annual Garden Tour Lojack Tech Session Festival Of Speed Zone 8 Events SB Camarillo Autocross Porsches & Pancakes AutoCross Events AX Drivers Clinic Friends of Steve McQueen Woody’s BurgerBahn


Contributing Photographers Eric Kaltenbach Gary Labb Judy Lech Pete Lech Gloria Moore John Ortiz Ron Ruff Toni Schmidt


All shined up for breakfast

On the Cover: Toni Schmidt with her 2012 Black 991 Carrera S, “My surprise Valentine’s Day gift, Porsches are a girl’s best friend!”

3 4 5 11 15 24 25 35 36 IBC

President’s Message Contacts Editor’s Corner AutoCross Corner Rice’s Ramblings Membership Breakfast Club/New Members Classifieds List of Advertisers Goodie Store

Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue. Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance. Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: 19401 Sandpebble Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Bulk Rate class postage paid, Santa Ana, ca. Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, 5081 Hamer Lane, Placentia, CA 92870.

MARCH 2013

2013 OCR Calendar of Events* MARCH 2013 2 2 3 3 14 16 17 18 23 23

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting L.A. Literature & Memorabilia Show AutoX-El Toro 356 Club - All Porsche Swap Meet Woody’s BurgerBahn - HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Circle Around the Camp Rally PCA-GPX - Streets of Willow Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido Zone 8 Judges & Concours School

JUNE 2013

SEPTEMBER 2013 contd.

1 1 9 13 15 22 23

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Friends of Steve McQueen Car Show AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido Photo Trap Rally 23/29 PCA Porsche Parade TBA Concours

5-7 6 11 14 20 20 27 28 29

California Festival of Speed Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm AutoX-El Toro Krispy Kreme Gathering PCA-SBR Rally School Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido Chilly Fingers Photo Rally - Big Bear DE at Auto Club Speedway

4 4 9 11 11 18 19 19 25

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Ladies Garden Tour Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm New Members Picnic SBR/Zone 8 El Camino Real Rally Krispy Kreme Gathering AutoX-El Toro Muckenthaler Motor Car Festival Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

MAY 2013

6 11 20 21 27

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering AutoX-El Toro Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

AUGUST 2013 3 4 8

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm 16/18 Monterey Historics 17 Krispy Kreme Gathering 24 Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido 24 Hearts and Garages Tour

SEPTEMBER 2013 7 8 12 21 28

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

The Rennlist A Request for updated emails! The Rennlist is our communication tool to reach members with Announcements, Event Reminders and Information deemed “Important”. If you are not receiving emails from our Region or want to change, update or add additional email addresses, Please send any new email addresses or changes directly to Pete Lech to be included in the rennlist e-blasts! Thank You Contact: Pete Lech: peterlech@att.net

OCTOBER 2013 5 10 19 26

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

NOVEMBER 2013 2 Breakfast Club and Board Meeting

JULY 2013 APRIL 2013

30 DE at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway

3 14 16 23

AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido

DECEMBER 2013 7 8 12 21 28

Breakfast Club and Board Meeting AutoX-El Toro Woody’s BurgerBahn-HB 7pm Krispy Kreme Gathering Porsches & Pancakes-Woody’s Lido TBA Christmas Brunch Cruise TBA Ladies Christmas Soiree

* Event dates subject to change. Note: Italicized text represents events outside of OCR sponsored events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found at www.Zone8.org. OCR Board Meetings All members are welcome to OCR Board Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting at Original Mike’s We thank them for their support.

Got a suggestion? Need a question answered? Just want to vent? This email will go straight to the board of directors: opinionspcaocr@gmail.com Let us know what’s on your mind and we will share it at the next board meeting. Anyone wishing to inform the club of special circumstances, illness or loss please send the information to this email also.

President’s Message by Pres. Gordon Williams Jambo, jambo, (hello in Kiswahili) to all our members and associates, As most of you know, I have just returned from two weeks of volunteer work in Africa; Kitale, Kenya and the surrounding villages to be exact. What a great trip it was! So if you haven’t seen me at the last couple of activities, that is why. Before I write about that, let’s look at some of the great club activities that happened in February and some expected to come up in March. All indications are that we are going to have had a great activity turnout for our February club activities. The usual social and driving events took place with the some noteworthy additions in February. The OCR driving clinic, Once Around Palo Verde, the Auto-X Awards party, courtesy of Walter’s Porsche in Riverside, and the Eilbach Factory tour, all seem to be moving at full steam at this writing (remember that this article is written in early February). March will also have the regular social and driving events as well as the once a year Literature and Memorabilia show in LA which is follow by the Phoenix/356 Club Swap Meet. After that, Larry Moore once again takes to the road with his “Circle around the Camp Rallye”. Also don’t forget the Zone 8 Judges and Concours School at the end of the month, if you are so inclined. Once again the on Board asks for your help. Without Concours volunteers, we will not be having one this year and we are already behind the time-frame required to put together a great event. Please,

HOLD THIS DATE SUNDAY MARCH 17TH, 2013 OCR Presents a Gimmick Rallye CIRCLE AROUND THE CAMP “A Tour-Rallye of Historic Significance” The Challenge: Follow the route, find & correctly list the photo objects, then also correctly answer the Bonus Question(s). Start Location: San Juan Capistrano PARK N RIDE (inland of I-5, s.e. cor. of Ortega Hwy @ Rancho Viejo) Event Schedule: Registration 8:30 AM / Driver’s Meeting at 9:00 AM / 1st car OUT 9:30 / lunch 12:00 PM Specifics: Drive approx. 100 mi. / drive time approx. 2.5 hrs / no-host lunch and awards at conclusion (restaurant to be selected, probably a pizza store) / we should wrap by 2:30 PM. Awards: All entering cars will receive an Event Windshield Plaque, and the winning teams (driver and navigator) will receive individual Event Medals. Registration: $10 per car / Registration will be the ‘ Day-Of ’ (beginning at 8:30 AM) at the Park N Ride site. This is a GIMMICK Rallye; no experience required to succeed as FUN is the priority. The Rallyemeister suggests you arrive with a full tank of gas, an empty bladder, a clean windshield, a clipboard and a couple of pencils and/or pens. If you plan to attend, PLEASE RSVP to Larry Moore, (email): lbm993@cox.net by Friday, March 15.

MARCH 2013

Contact Information


OCR Executive Board RennList Master Pete Lech peterlech@att.net

President - Gordon Williams Surgicat@aol.com

Treasurer - David Piper dpiper@socal.rr.com

Social Media Chair Gary Labb pcaocrgary@yahoo.com Sponsorship Director Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com Tech Activities Director Cooper Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Web Coordinator Bob Scheussler bscheussler@gmail.com

Vice President - Greg Lush

Secretary - Monica Asbury


Membership Director - CL Jarusek ccwguy@aol.com

Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson fast.freddy@verizon.net

Concours Co-chairs TBD Goodie Store Manager Monica Asbury sheamonica@gmail.com

Member at Large - Gary Labb


OCR Board Appointments Advertising Team Cooper & Nicole Boggs cooper.boggs@gmail.com Autocross Co-Chairs Christine Newcomer AutoXReg@sbcglobal.net Chuck Bartolon Woodslsman@Verizon.net

Historian Judy Lech JudyLech@att.net Ladies Committee Liaison Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Pando Editor Garey Cooper gareycooper@mac.com Pando Classified Ads Editor Bob Weber 714-960-4981 hbobw930@aol.com

Autocross Registration Armand Gastelo autoxreg@live.com

Pando Production Editor Maryann Marks mamsy1@yahoo.com Past President Nicole Forrest-Boggs

Charity Director Peggy Huddleston hud5family@yahoo.com

Rally Director Larry Moore beechnut60@cox.net

Zone 8 Chairs Zone 8 Representative Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Zone 8 Secretary Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Zone 8 Autocross Chair David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com Zone 8 Concours Chair Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair David Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com Zone 8 chief Driving Instructor Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com Zone 8 Rally Chair Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com Zone 8 Region Coordinator Gary Peterson gary.peterson@hrh.com Zone 8 Rules Coordinator Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net Zone 8 Treasurer Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com Zone 8 Webmaster Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org

Editor’s Notes Story by Garey Cooper

Max& Garey at Desert Willow

Winds of Change March is supposed to be the windy month. So wonderful these winds are for kids and kits; They animate wonderful flights of clouds that decorate our heavens; Changing their shape above the

landscape; Giving flights of fancy to earthbound observers; Natures cleanser these the drafts that blow; Clean and scour in every hour and every corner of our little portion of this great earth; Called Orange the name of our county and club; Sun and rain alternate; but the plans of our club will not wait… And carry forth we go into good old 2013. The New Pandemonium Thanks to our publisher plenipotentiary, Maryann Marks, you may notice several improvements to our venerable monthly. First and foremost of these improvements is color, plentiful and abundant. In the past we were confined to just a few pages in color. Secondly, the pages themselves are on better stock. It is more substantial

and holds the print and color much better than the flimsier stock we had in the past. So, we have a new look and a new year. Put Pen to Paper Then? So now, with all of this expansive and appealing room, why not send us an article about your Porsche adventures? We can fill these pages with your notes. Your fellow club members will enjoy reading about your automotive adventures and now they’ll not only be good, they’ll look good. By the way, I don’t guess anyone really puts pen to paper nowadays, do they? And, I am not sure what the digital equivalent is… hexadecimal hearsay? So you don’t even have to worry about ink stains on those britches of yours. A New Resident in Santaluz The Q ship is gone, that big lumbering Q7 that served so well. We’ve replaced (Continued on Page 34)

ary s r ve

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To commemorate our 10th anniversary we have combined all our favorites into two exciting Autobahn Adventures Our all-inclusive tours feature the new 911 Carrera and include gas, insurance and preprogrammed navigation Experience some of the most Luxurious hotels in Europe. Enjoy banquet dinners with gourmet food and fine wines Go behind the scenes at the Porsche factory and museum in Stuttgart. Drive the Autobahn - No Speed Limit Come join the party and help us celebrate on one of our incredible Luxury European Driving Tours

For the complete itineraries visit our website at www.autobahnadventures.com or call us at 714.9640280

MARCH 2013

It’s Going To Be A Great Year! Story by CL Jarusek In the February Pando I gave you a few of the subjects that were discussed at the Zone 8 Presidents Meeting, which I attended for Gordon. The meeting got me excited about what the year and the near future have in store for our Club. We have so many social and dining activities currently planned that I was going to see if Monica could order some Porsche Club bibs to wear at all of the various eating events. If we can’t wear those, we still have some great events coming up. First, let me inform you of a few more of the things that were brought up at the meeting. There are 13 Regions in Zone 8 comprising the lower part of California, Southern Nevada and Arizona and represented at the event. Porsche Club of America Past President Curt Gibson was in attendance. Christine Newcomer and myself represented OCR; a special thank you to Christine for being able to cover AutoCross. As I mentioned in last month’s article, the editors of the National magazine, The Panorama, have retired and the magazine will now be the physical dimension of our magazine, the Pandemonium. Do you know why the Panorama was that size? Well, if you don’t, it was designed to fit in the glove compartment of the 356. There are also going to be some design changes to the PCA website. Were you aware that out of the over 600 Porsche car clubs in the world, we are the only ones allowed to use the Porsche logo and distinctive script lettering of Porsche. Porsche has a great number of attorneys that will send out a “cease and desist” letter if anyone tries to use them, unauthorized. Also, as I said in the February article, please be careful of putting anything on social networks (i.e. FaceBook, etc.) that could embarrass the Club or Porsche. This includes putting anything on YouTube that could reflect poorly upon the club or fellow members. Remember, respect is the key. Another discussion point was Club Insurance. I am sure that you have all signed Waivers at many of the events you have attended. You may not be aware but

the person who is in charge of an event where a Porsche “moves” requested the insurance form from National at least two weeks in advance and is required to have the waivers signed. No black and white waivers, they must be the black and red printed ones, copies are okay, but they must be color. The definition of “moves” is that a car is driven, lifted up on a device or moved physically during the event. It does not mean driving to and from Breakfast Club or other events. Enough for the business part of the meeting, let’s get back to what is coming up. The California Festival of Speed is coming up April 5-7, 2013. Many of you have been to this event before, but this year it is going to be bigger and better. The main event is a competition on the inside track at the AutoClub Speedway in Fontana. It is a wheel-towheel competition by Porsche drivers and PCA is welcoming the Porsche Owners Club (POC) to join them. There will be a lunch time track tour (you can even bring your Ford Econoline van), a Vendor’s Row for Porsche related goods, A Concours d’Elegance, a Taste of Autocross, a Porsche Corral with Peoples Choice Award, a Porsche “For Sale” Platz, a parts Swap Meet and much more. We will need many volunteers for the event so, PLEASE VOLUNTEER. I have volunteered the last four years and it really is fun, especially if you like seeing Porsches perform doing what they do best. This year, the Porsche Parade is in Traverse City, Michigan and I am sure not many of us will attend. PCA rotates the Parade from the Western United States to the Eastern United States every year. By the way, next year, the 2014 parade will be in Monterey, Ca. Each year that the Parade is back east, there is an Escape in the west (and vice versa). This

year Gran Prix Region and San Gabriel will be hosting Escape at the Pomona Sheraton at the Fairplex. The dates are October 24-27. They are planning a great event. Registration begins after the conclusion of the Parade, which is in early July. REGISTER EARLY as many of the events fill up quickly. Some of the events at Escape will be: • A tour up Mulholland Drive and the Mullin Museum • An Architectural tour • An Arboretum tour • A visit to JPL • An Angeles Crest tour • A Palm Springs tour • A Hollywood tour, including a bus to see the “Stars” homes • An Oak Glen tour • A Big Bear tour • A self guided Off Road 4X4 tour • A 50’s Cruise Night ending at a Drive-in Theater • Dinner at the NHRA Museum Please realize that these events are tentative and more information will be available later this spring or summer. They are looking for an Off Road “Coach”; if you fit the bill and would like to volunteer let us know. Again, register early. We discussed many things about AutoCross and I am sure that Christine will be bringing them all up to the AX Committee. The day ended with a Concours and a Zone 8 Dinner, which many of our members attended. (Article on Page 14) Should you have any questions, please e-mail me.

MARCH 2013

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Feature Article:

From Beast to Beauty Story by Toni Schmidt As a tiny child in St. Louis, I watched my father work on his own cars, an uninspiring succession of second-hand Detroit offerings of the 50’s and 60’s. There was a Nova and a Dart, among other forgettable and long-forgotten vehicles, cars that served as basic, no frills methods of transportation. I was always fascinated as he donned his coveralls and crawled beneath his car, right out on the street in front of my childhood home. I was allowed to sit on the curb and observe quietly as he worked, accompanied by a Cardinals game crackling on his transistor radio. He was a good mechanic, selftaught, read Popular Mechanics cover-tocover and frequently helped his friends with their mechanical issues. He had a passionate enthusiasm for cars and an encyclopedic knowledge of mechanical minutia that transcended tinkering with the family sedan, but he sacrificed his car dreams for us. His one indulgence was an annual trip to the Indianapolis 500. My early education in all things mechanical ended at age 9, when my father died. Growing up in a Midwestern household of girls in the 70’s and early 80’s was a spectacularly bad time and place for automobile appreciation. We had a Ford Fairmont, a Chrysler Brougham, and an AMC Eagle, to name a few. At least the Eagle, a 4-wheel drive hatchback, was slightly fun to drive! Stuck out in the suburbs, at age 15 I found part-time jobs after school within walking distance so I could save money for a car. After I had amassed approximately $2,000, I could wait no longer. In 1981 I became the proud possessor of a 1976 Mercury Montego. The last year of its production, it was a midnight blue coupe with a white vinyl half-top and opera windows. It was a massive pile of steel, a beast and a sled and it was freedom! The Montego was a 3 speed automatic with a powerful V8, 351c (for Cleveland, not a superior Windsor) engine. You may remember the Arab Oil crisis in 1981, when gas

A surprise birthday gift, my first Porsche, a 2002 Arctic Silver Boxter S

until 1999. I was still driving the Rabbit rationing was mandatory. The Montego in 1994, when I began a job that required got about 8 miles to the gallon. Between driving all over Los Angeles, checking gas and insurance costs, I immediately up on promotions in ARCO and Unocal realized I required a better after-school 76 stations. By this time, the factory job if I intended to actually drive the AC in the Rabbit was shot and I did not beast. This car got me through high exactly feel safe in a tiny open car on the school and college at Mizzou and to my freeways and ‘hoods of LA. first ‘real’ job. By the time I sold it for Fortunately, my Laguna Canyon $100 it was a battered eyesore, but it neighbor at the time had the perfect car still ran. for me, an arctic blue 1992 Volvo 940 Desperate to upgrade my ride, but sedan. With a 2 liter, 4-cylinder engine, still paying my dues in an entry-level it was still economical and I felt safe position, I bought my second car in in my cocoon of Swedish steel. It was 1986, a red 1981 convertible Volkswagen a stealthy vehicle, perfectly bland and Rabbit with a white top. (It was the conservative in appearance. It had the coolest car I could afford on a 5-year loan, at 11 %, ouch!) Convertibles were pretty rare in St. Louis at the time. With a four-speed manual transmission, I bought the Rabbit without driving it, as I had never driven a stick shift. How hard could it be? A friend gave it a test drive, gave me a quick lesson in front of the dealership, and away I went. The 4 cylinder Rabbit had the power of 4 gerbils on a wheel, but it was a little champion. I loaded it to the roof with luggage and drove it ‘cross country in the snowy February of 1989, when I moved to Laguna Beach. I hung on to that little car for 2006 Black 997 Carrera S Cabriolet - This car used to be purely sentimental reasons my favorite Valentine’s Day surprise (Continued on Page 20)

MARCH 2013


Auto-X Corner:

Porsche Racers Having Fun In The Sun!

Story by Steve Eguina Auto-X Series for many years. GMG, Global Motorsports Group, has been the Series Support Sponsor for about the last nine years. Also, for the last nine years this month’s Event Sponsors, Fairview Mortgage Capital and Racing Lifestyle, have also been sponsors. Without our Series Support and Event sponsors, the program would not be what it is today. See the complete Auto-X and Driving Events Schedule with a full list of sponsors on page 29 of this issue. The drivers meeting stresses safety and then safety while it goes thru the day’s course

WOW! With over 100 entries, the first event of the 2013 Walter’s Championship Auto-X Series was great fun! I arrived about 6:15 a.m. and already a dozen plus competitors had arrived and were rolling their cars off the trailers and lining them up for the first Tech Inspection of the year. By 7:00 a.m. the Starbuck’s and donuts had arrived. Club members were gathered and making some new friends while saying hello to old friends. Last year’s novices are now this year’s young guns. Saturday’s Drivers Clinic graduates are this year’s novices. Oh! And those of us with a “few” years of experience navigating the cones were looking to begin the season and scoring a few championship points! When you’re an Auto-X “Junkie”

in the Orange Coast Region, January is a long month. By the second week of January you are on the internet looking for any driving events within 200 miles. Fortunately for us “Junkies”, OCR’s first event was February 3rd at El Toro Fields in the Great Park. Nothing like miles of airport runways to allow us to layout the best Auto-X courses on the West Coast! With each new year comes a few changes. For 2013, Christine Newcomer, the series chairperson for the last couple years, is joined by Craig Adams as her new Co-Chair. I spoke to outgoing Co-Chair Chuck Bartolon who told me that after two years it’s nice to be just a participant. However, as every “Emeritus Chairman” knows, you still have a very vested interest in the program. As do all the current and past members of the AutoX Team who work hard every month so these events run smooth. OCR’S Sponsors Rock! As we begin our ninth year at El Toro many things are the same. First of all, Walter’s Porsche returns as our Series Sponsor. Walter’s has been supporting the OCR Region and the

AX Series Support Sponsor GMG

Come Play With Your Porsche If you haven’t attended an Auto-X event you are missing out! You don’t need any special equipment or a fancy suspension setup. Your stock Porsche is more than capable of showing you a good time. We even have loaner helmets and assign you an instructors who will show you the ropes. Mark your calendar, March 13th is the next event. You can register online. Just go to the OCR Website and click on Registration. The day starts with simple tech inspection, registration, coffee, donuts, a little socializing, Steve Abbot’s informative course walk, a drivers meeting, and instructor assignments. Then it is time to start the first set of practice runs. This is the session when you warm up the car, your brain and your reactions. After a couple months off, it takes a few times through the cones you start to get back in the groove. During the second set of practice runs, your confidence starts to return. You brake a little later, squeeze the throttle a little sooner and maybe make a couple suspension adjustments to balance out the cars handling. For me, all was good till the next to the last run of this practice session. The car was turning in very precisely, grip was good through the turns and on corner exit, the car was just a “little” loose but controllable with a small amount opposite lock on the steering wheel… However, the confidence level was a (Continued on Page 28)

MARCH 2013


Book Review:

Tony Robinson by Ian Wagstaff, published by Veloce Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom Review by Bruce Herrington Old fogies like this reviewer keep referring to the 50s and 60s as the golden age of motor racing. That is partly because they were ‘our’ days and partly because back then motor racing was informal and ‘fun’. Even stars like Roger Penske and Bob Holbert towed their racecars on single axle trailers behind station wagons, just like ordinary folks. If you want to relive, (or vicariously experience) those days, this book is for you. By modern standards the efforts undertaken and experiences endured by Tony Robinson in pursuit of motor racing success, are incomprehensible. But, with apologies to Walter Cronkite, ‘that’s the way it was’. Sleeping in transporters, working 24 hour days, subsisting for 5 days on nothing but Fish & Chips; the Tony Robinson story is one of dedication and devotion by all the players in the motor racing ‘game’ during the first couple decades of postwar motor racing. This is a fascinating book for anyone who sort-of recalls ‘the golden age of motor racing’ or is interested in that segment of automotive history. However, the sub-title of this book is misleading in two ways: 1) as presented in this book, Tony Robinson’s career in motor racing consisted of very much more than just his years as a mechanic and 2) the second two-thirds of the book is better described as, BRP is the racing team established by Alfred Moss, the father of Stirling Moss. BRP focused on Formula 2 and non-championship Formula 1 races, and Stirling rarely drove for his father’s team. Tony Robinson is a key part of the BRP story, as a mechanic, team manager and even car designer. He designed open wheel cars both for European formula and Indianapolis. The tale of how in 6 months, Tony designed from scratch and help build two BRP race cars that never turned a wheel in anger until practice for


the ‘65 Indy 500 (and both qualified), is almost unbelievable by modern standards. Especially since none of the design/manufacturing team had ever seen the Indy track (or few if any ‘oval’ races), until the cars got to Indianapolis. This incredible achievement for a guy who never had any formal engineering training qualifies Tony Robinson for a niche in motor racing history, independent of his accomplishments as a mechanic and team manager. After all, he designed the second monocoque car ever raced (the BRP ‘64 car which won its first time out) and is the one who brought monocoque design to Cooper cars. The book has 154 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages containing many photographs, photos more about cars and drivers than of races, and containing 9 chapters describing eras in Tony’s professional life. There are also two appendices

tabulating the Drivers and Mechanics with whom he worked. Tony Robinson is available from your favorite bookseller for $49.95 (ask for it), or from http:// www.motorbooks.com.

Tony Robinson (dark coat) speaks with driver Masten Gregory while he sits in the 1965 BRP Indy car. Robinson considers this one of his finest cars.

What It Takes To Wear Out A Porsche Story by Tony Callas and Tom Prine

A 24 hour race. The 24 Hours of Le Mans or the U.S. equivalent, the 24 hours of Daytona, are both incredible endurance races, where just finishing is a cause for celebration. An intense race like the Daytona 500 takes roughly 3-1/2 hours to complete. This is a “Walk in the Park” when compared to running a car flat out for 24

hours. Consider this — operating a street car under these same conditions would be the equivalent of a lifetime of wear and tear, every mechanical system in the car would be completely used up. Like the wear and tear on the racecar, the people involved are also pushed to the limits. The rules allow for a minimum of 3 drivers per car (some teams will have 4 to 5 drivers per car to complete the 24 hour race). The drivers all take turns at the wheel rotating in one hour driving stints and even double stinting on rare occasion for the drivers that are in incredible physical condition. When

they are not in the car, they are trying to sleep as much as possible. In the case of teams with three drivers doing 1 hour stints, this only leaves each driver with a little less than 2 hours until the next driving stint, that isn’t much sleep. The mechanics usually get even less sleep than the drivers. Typically, the mechanics stay up for about 40 hours, from early Saturday morning until the race festivities have concluded on Sunday night and the transporters have been fully loaded. If the car is doing really well, the mechanic may be able to catch a 10 to 20 minute nap here and there, but if a problem arises, they must be awake and with a sharp mind at a moment’s notice, literally. The racecar basically starts out with all new components for a 24 hour race. The engine, gearbox, suspension, brakes (Continued on Page 26)

Save the Date 5th Annual GardenTour Saturday May 4th Join us as we embark upon another garden adventure touring Mary Lou Heards’ “Real Gardens by Real People” We will depart at 9:30, immediately following Breakfast Club from Original Mikes lot. Map and tour directions will be supplied at the start. Carpooling is available and highly recommended

RSVP: mamsy1@yahoo.com

MARCH 2013


ZONE 8 CONCOURS d’ELEGANCE AND BANQUET Story by Eric Kaltenbach OCR was well represented at this year’s Zone 8 Concours and Banquet event in Pomona on January 19. For those who don’t know, Zone 8 is made up of 13 Porsche club regions spanning the Southwest from San Diego north to San Luis Obispo, east to Las Vegas and Arizona (both Phoenix and Tucson) and all regions in Southern California, including OCR. Saturday’s events included a Concours d’Elegance, a driving tour to the Justin Brothers car museum and the annual Zone 8 awards banquet. A number of PCA members arrived Friday night and more on Saturday morning in preparation for the day’s events. Some of the early arrivals on Saturday were met with locked gates and incorrect directions received from the hotel staff, but soon the Zone 8 volunteers had everything under control. This year’s event was unique in that the Concours competition was held


indoors in one of the Pomona Fairplex’s banquet halls leaving the very beautifully prepared Concours Porsches in position to be used as the back drop for the banquet. For those competing in the Preparations in banquet hall Concours, last minute touch-ups began least in Wash & Shine Class 4. Soon the outside the hall as preparations inside Porsches were allowed into the banquet were running a little behind schedule. hall and placed in groupings based on Fortunately, the weather was sunny, their respective Concours class. Then warm and not too windy, so cleaning, more cleaning and dusting and cleaning dusting, and polishing was possible, and dusting. although a bit warm, in the sun. Some A quick glance at the competition, owners checked out their competition and may have gone back and polished which was then parked right next to you, and then more cleaning and dusting. The and cleaned a bit more than originally planned, and it may have paid off, at (Continued on Page 17)

Rice’s Ramblings:

1973 Carrera RSR E-85 FUEL Story by Lee Rice

Last January, my article on the 40th anniversary of Porsche RS Carrera was mostly from my brother John Rice. He took the time to recall his adventures and his experiences with his own 2.7 RS . This year, 2013, marks the 40th anniversary of the 1973 Carrera RSR 2.8L. It also marks Porsches first overall win in the Worlds Manufactures Championship with a production Porsche. In 1973 the Porsche Carrera 911 RSR 2.8 was built to race in the FIA/CSI Gruppe 4 racing category. However, in a mix up or misunderstanding of the way Germans wrote their dates compared to how the USA writes them, the rule makers said that the RSR was ineligible to race in Grp 4. But Porsche could, if they wanted to, race in the prototype class. They did and they won 1st place overall. This most remarkable feat was repeated again at the 1979 24 Hours of Le Mans, when a stock production Porsche chassis, built for racing into a Kermer-Porsche 935 K3, won 1st place over all. In early 1973, the Porsche Carrera 911 RS was an unknown car. As news came in about the Carrera win at Daytona, we began to comprehend that a ‘little ole 911’ did what it took an all-out prototype Porsche 917 to do: The 911 had raced and won the 24 hours of Daytona! That was a shock. Porsche, it seemed, had now done the impossible and won a major international endurance race in a 911? Impossible! Today, we shrug and think, “So what, that’s not new.” But it still is to

those who were there. It was a major surprise and a joy to think that our often bad-mouthed little 911s, with those “miss-placed rear engines”, had kicked all their royal tails! We had always known the 911 was a real performance machine and now the whole world knew it too. In years past and even in 1973, we also knew our limitations and were sometimes reminded of them. Porsche’s magazine: Christophorus, edited by Richard Von Frankenberg, who often wrote his column about driving, told us, “as respectable Porsche owners, to refrain from bragging of such things as out running a twelve-cylinder Ferrari Daytona with our new 911S.” Von Frankenberg reminded us that, “our 911 will just not do that. As a knowledgeable PORSCHE driver we must have looked over our 911s gear chart in our “owner’s Manual” and known better as the Ferrari will do 173 and our 911S will do 145 or so? Correct?” It sounded funny, but it was so typical Porsche to never let sales pitch rubbish get in the way of real facts. The old Christophorus dealt more in technical merits and how Porsche actually worked, even through failure, to develop what they sold and raced to prove it all. Just as Van Frankenberg had! Daytona 1973 was a benchmark for the 911 that has never become just another lump on the road! I have not built a 1973 RSR – yet! This is one 911 I would hardly change anything in.The 2.8RSR was almost perfect from the start. I thank my brother for his fun and informative story telling. Not only how he liked his own RS 2.7s but what simple upgrades Porsche did (2,8L) to make it a fantastic car even today! I also want to give a special THANK YOU to my brother John, Chris Huergas and Earnie Willberg for their gift copy of the FIA homologation paperwork for the 1973 911 Carrera RS 2.7 and the 1973

MARCH 2013

73 RSR28

911 Carrera RSR 2.8. It is a treasure always! E-85 FUEL and worse! Regulators seemed determined to mandate fuel requirements in spite of their great lack of technical knowledge. I can only say the newspapers, TV and the Internet have run stories about AAA warning members that many car warranties will be void if they use these fuels. I can tell you I know of no 911s that can use this fuel without damage. All Porsches should use a fuel stabilizer like “STA-BIL.” I personally use the green color marine grade Sta-Bil for my 911 with CIS turbo 3.6 engine. Unfortunately, some parts inside of all CIS fuel injections, 1973 ½ 911T to1994 3.6 Turbo, have areas inside the Fuel Distributor where fuel does not flow out. These are chambers are for fuel pressure balancing against a metal diaphragm for fuel metering. Fuel will not flow out of these chambers unless the Fuel Distributor is removed from the engine and all fuel drained out. Twice a year a half bottle in a 20 gallon tank is all you need. I encourage all Porsche owners to read your PORSCHE OWNER’S MANUAL. I know, the manuals since the 1980s are filed with liability and stupidity such as, “don’t consume automotive fuel as it is harmful” and such idiotic things as “DO NOT put your finger in the cigar lighter as that may cause severe burns!” That is simply what everyone has to print these days. But do look at the driving and operation sections of your manual. Know where things are and if there’s a spare tire... (Continued on Page 30)




(Continued from Page 14)

judges went over the cars like jewelers peering into a diamond looking for flaws. Searching for that missed spec of dust, that water spot on the inside of the windshield just below the top of the dash, wax residue on the edge of the fog light, lint in the glove box or light grease (on something that is supposed to be greased). It’s a lot of work to prepare for Concours, but as my neighbor says, “it’s a labor of love,” and as one of my competitors said, “it increases the value of the car.” This she learned in negotiating the increased value of her previously Concours-winning but wrecked Porsche with an insurance company. With the Concours judging completed, it was time to prepare for the banquet. More wash and shine, but of a different sort. A couple of hours later, as we walked in the twilight from the Sheraton hotel back to the banquet hall, we noticed the PCA banner was hanging over the entrance. As we walked in to the hall, we saw that it had been transformed. I didn’t recognize it even though we had just been there a few hours earlier. The red carpet, the glistening Porsches (now under lights that I had not noticed earlier), the stage, linen covered tables and the ambiance. Wow! It was amazing. So, we headed straight to the bar (just kidding).

year award went to Santa Barbara and OCR member Louise Bent was the overall 2012 Concours Series Street Division 6 winner with her guards red 1998 993 along with OCR’s Joe and Karen Nedza,who were the overall 2012 Street Division 1 winners. Other OCR members also did very well in the Zone 8 Concours competition held earlier that day: • 1st Place Street 1 – Joe & Karen Nedza’s grey 1963 356 Louise Bent’s guard red 993 & Eric Kaltenbach’s Carrera • 1st Place Street 6 - white 997 Louise Bent’s guards discussed how he became so passionate red 1998 993 Carrera S for Porsche 911s. Other topics included • 2nd Place Street 7 - Pete & Judy the making of the movie, his current 911 Lech’s – azzuro blue 2006 997 projects and his involvement with POC Carrera S (the Porsche Owners Club). Prior to the weekend’s events, • Street Division Overall Winner – Louise Bent Louise and Les Bent had thought that a great way to wrap up the weekend in • 1st Place Wash & Shine 7 - Larry Moore’s topaz 2010 Panamera Pomona would be a Porsche tour of old • 2nd Place Wash & Shine 4 - Eric Route 66 heading East through Ontario Kaltenbach’s carrera white 997 and Upland, with a stop at a historic Carrera S winery and lunch at the legendary Italian restaurant Vince’s. That sounded fun, The evening was so we met in the hotel lobby Sunday capped off by guest morning around 10:30 am. There were speaker Magnus Walker, members from OCR, San Diego and the who is featured in the Grand Prix regions with seven Porsches movie Urban Outlaw. He in all. Thanks to Louise and Les for presented a three-minute setting up a great tour and spaghetti lunch trailer of the movie and on a beautiful sunny Sunday.

The red carpet line-up

It was a beautiful venue and, as I understand it, a test run for the Porsche Escape (a national PCA member event) to be held here at the Pomona Fairplex in late October. It’s now on my calendar! Dinner was very nice and an opportunity to visit with other OCR members along with members from other regions. As far as the annual Zone 8 Awards, the 2012 region of the

Louise & Les Bent with their Route 66 tour group

MARCH 2013


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Feature: From Beast To Beauty:

(Continued from Page 9)

2006 Red/Black 997 Carrera S -Getting it ready for wash and shine at the 2012 Concours

most remarkable turning radius for a vehicle of its size and could practically parallel park itself. I could pass a cop doing 90 miles per hour on the freeway and he wouldn’t look at me twice. During the time I drove the Volvo, I did not receive one ticket! Other motorists were extremely kind to me when I drove the Volvo. I could use a turn signal on the freeway and other cars would actually brake to let me in. When was the last time that happened to you in a Porsche? The Volvo was also an excellent commuting vehicle for my budding relationship with Ron Ruff, who lived in Carmel Valley, 60 miles from my cottage in Laguna. Ron’s only Porsche, at that time, was an Arctic Silver 1974 911, which I dubbed the Garage Princess as it never moved. It usually had a laundry basket on its hood, as it was parked in front of his washer. When Ron and I bought our home in Huntington Beach in 2002, the Princess traveled to its new garage on a flatbed, where it took up residence in the 3rd bay. The Princess gathered dust there for several years, until a garage door was left open one night and some sort of vermin took up residence inside the Princess. After several days of futilely searching the garage, I pumped up the ancient Princess’ tires and shoved it out onto the driveway. Problem solved! Ron eventually flat-bedded it to his body shop, European Collision Center in Downey, where it is being restored. In 2004, for my birthday, Ron surprised me with my first Porsche, an Arctic Silver 2002 Boxter S with a tiptronic transmission. Ron customized it beautifully for me, swapping out all


I didn’t know this car’s last outing would be Lisa Taylor’s 12-12-12 party

coupe with a tan interior and a 6 speed the gold badges for silver, chroming the manual transmission. He lowered it, wheels and a hundred other things that changed the front bumper, gave it a flat made it a perfect little jewel. Goodbye, black hood, black wheels, black exhaust grandma’s sedan! It was thrilling to have tips and black speedster fender guards. a convertible again, especially one styled He used only factory Porsche parts to beyond my wildest dreams. I realized customize this car, and nothing on it then what a lucky girl I was. was aftermarket. The Red Car turned About a year later, Ron acquired an heads everywhere and received many Artic Silver 1999 996 Carrera S with a compliments, especially from young 5-speed manual transmission. We had men, who frequently told me it was three silver Porsches in the garage, with “sick”. Thank goodness I had improved the 911s 25 years apart. Driving the 996, my manual driving skills with the 996, I was able to brush up on my stick shift because the Red Car was a handful to driving skills, which were rusty from the drive! Rabbit days. Driving took on a whole As our national economy sank new meaning for me. Cliché alert: It was deeper into recession, business tanked no longer just getting to the destination, and I lost my job in 2011. I lamented because the journey was so much fun. that I had the best cars I would ever have, My commute was 12 miles each way and here is where my story was going to on PCH, and I thought I had the perfect end. But Ron surprised me again for cars. Owning a body shop, Ron keeps Valentine’s Day this year. He traded in cars looking gorgeous, and has them the black convertible and the Red Car for professionally detailed every week. a quadruple murdered-out (Black paint, In beginning of 2008 the future sure black interior, black wheels and black looked rosy. Business was great and Ron tint) 2012 991 Carrera S with PDK. In again surprised me with a new car, this the week we’ve had it, the hood is now time on Valentine’s Day, a mint condition flat black, the tint has been changed and black 2006 997 Carrera Convertible S the exhaust tips are black. If only my with a tiptronic transmission and a tan dad could see me now! interior. Being Ron, he immediately began to customize it, swapping out the gold badges for silver, lowering it, changing the wheels and front bumper and many other special touches. This was a seriously beautiful automobile, a dream to drive and I loved it. Ron soon brought home a new car for himself, and we had a pair of 2006 997 Carrera S’s. His was a Guards Red Keeping good company at the 12-12-12 party

Save the Date April 6th

Do You Need To Protect Yourself? Following Breakfast Ted Saraf from LoJack will give a 15 min. presentation on their vehicle recovery system. Ted will cover current auto theft statistics as well as how to protect not only new Porsches, but classic Porsches from the 1980’s and earlier.

LoJack units will be offered at a special discounted rate for classic Porsche cars.

MARCH 2013



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Southwest Soapbox By Tom Brown - Zone 8 Representative This year is rolling right along; it’s hard to believe how quickly it is going for me. I guess that’s because I’m extremely busy, as usual, with this crazy busy club calendar we have here in Zone 8. December and January were loaded with holiday parties, of course. What an amazing holiday season it was for me. I was able to attend seven of the 13 holiday parties held by the regions around the zone. I can’t forget our annual Zone 8 Banquet; which, as the host, I certainly couldn’t miss. Including a tour and Concours this year added to the fun and I think it was a fantastic success. Dining with the Concours cars made for an incredible ambience. Thanks to all who made it possible; you were an incredible team that handled a lot of work in a short period of time in order to pull it off. To name a few: Suesan Way, Dave Yerzley, Jim Alton, Joe Nedza, Karen Nedza, Ted Myrus, John Barrone, Linda Cobarrubias, Gloria Moore, Kate Mallory, Scott Mann and Robert Friedman. I’m sure I’m forgetting someone and for that I apologize. You know who you are and rest assured you have my gratitude. And of course, I can’t forget our guest speaker, Magnus Walker, and special guests Kurt Gibson, National Past President, and his delightful wife Angie. A very important part of the evening, is our tradition of recognizing the best of the best for the year. For 2012, Zone 8 Enthusiast of the Year went to Suesan Way of Grand Prix Region, who seems to be everywhere all at once. Whether it is something for her region, the Festival of Speed, the national Parade, the upcoming Escape or anything I happen to need assistance with, she can be counted upon. Please, also join me in congratulating Santa Barbara Region, the Zone 8 Region of the Year. Santa Barbara had a terrific year with a wide variety and large number of quality events, which speaks highly of the health of the region. I know they are especially proud of hosting the Street Survival School for young drivers.

Both Suesan and SBR are very deserving of these honors! Speaking of volunteers, I’m looking for one. The Zone could use a social media expert. Facebook, GooglePlus, Twitter, Youtube, forums and blogs; these are the modern means of communication but it is too much for me to handle by myself. If you have expertise in these areas, the time to lend a hand and an interest in joining the Zone staff, please let me know: zonerep@zone8.org The 2012 Club Racing results are finally out and official. If you recall, new for 2012 PCA held its first club racing point’s series, with both national and Zone competitions. The Zone results are now posted on the Zone web site at: http://zone8.pca.org/results_cr.php. As you read this, the 2013 series is off and running already elsewhere around the country, and our first event here in Zone 8 is coming up very quickly. Which leads me to my next topic: Traditionally our California Festival of Speed is the first Zone 8 club race of the year, and this year is no different. Mark your calendars for the first weekend of April, the fifth through the seventh. Now in its twelfth year, this one will be bigger and better than ever. After a few years absence we are seeing the return of the POC to our event, along with the Pirelli GT3 Cup, which will make for an incredible weekend of racing. Beyond the racing, our volunteer team is working hard this year to make this “festival of all things Porsche” bigger and better than it has ever been before; more vendors; more taste of autocross; more track tours; the return of the swap meet; cars for sale; Driving Skills simulators; 50 years of 911 display; and Concours d’Elegance.In short, more of everything Porsche. This is a Porsche

MARCH 2013

Enthusiasts dream weekend, not to be missed! Naturally it takes an army to run an event of this size and we are always looking for volunteers as many hands make for light work. If helping out is something you would enjoy, please contact our volunteer chair at: volunteer@ calfestival.org As usual, if you are not racing, admission is free; with only our standard $10 parking fee. But wait, there’s more! We have a special offer for you. Visit our website and you can download a free parking coupon. Be there, there is no excuse for missing this event! Our website is http://www. calfestival.org and there you can find more information; check out the list of vendors that will be showcasing their automotive products on our vendor row; and find that aforementioned parking coupon. You can also email us for information at: info@calfestival.org Don’t forget, there will be door prizes for all attendees and People’s choice awards for the Porsches in the corral. Bring your Porsche! Bring your friends! April 5-7, at the Autoclub Speedway in Fontana, CA. 23

OCR Membership Anniversaries [6 years or more]

44 Years Leslie Gunnarson 39 Years Thomas & Jill Shubin 33 Years Fred & Ingrid Tilker 32 Years Roger & Terrie Grago 30 Years Michael & Kimberly Gugert 28 Years John Dilger & Sylvia Salenius 25 Years Rick & Sharon Norquist 24 Years David & Vicki Hall 23 Years Greg & Mary Ford Wayne & Mary Aschenbeck 20 Years Robert & Cheri Clucas 19 Years Terry Winfrey & Bill Gibson Werner & Asta Puttner 18 Years Gary & Susan Blakeney 17 Years Robert & Nancy Music 16 Years Ed Tanaka Gerard & Linda Murray John & Barbara Meeks 15 Years Robin Sun Glen & Kathy Nelson Donald & Patricia Holthe Mario & Josefina Torres 14 Years John Lotz Michael Kunz Bill Kling Jeffrey & Kate Armstrong Simonds Dave Humphreys & Larry Slonim Kip & Drew Waterhouse Jim Mahoney 13 Years Edward & Kerry Velasquez


Lawrence & Donna Ross Bruce Gorman Pierre & Preston Bonnet Jack & Lynne Davidson

Joseph DiLoreto Huntington Harbor/2013 911 Jon-Michael Evans Irvine/2011 Cayman S

12 Years William & Pam Garrett Edward & Elaine Godlewski Craig Oka & Jeanine French

Hunter Hagenbuch Newport Beach/2007 Cayman S

11 Years Peter & Lisa Morrison Helton William & Laurie Anast Stephen Yeoh & Jason Flores Gregg Hoyle

Eric & Stacey Leighton Huntington Beach/2011 Turbo S

10 Years Craig & S. Fox Brent & Aimee Spirlin Walter & Carol Straub Daniel Rocha & Brian Cammaressi 9 Years Daniel & Christopher Reese Larry & Kathy Stanley Michael & Lisa Alley-Zarkades Lloyd & Logan Freeberg Jonathan Abed & Manish Dutta 8 Years Bruce & Morgan Mackie Richard & Candice McKenzie Kent & Sheryl Johnson Michael Steinke & Shellie Parker 7 Years Paul De Martini Shaun & Sharon Flanagan Ronald & Bonnie Pomplas

Todd Harris Huntington Beach/2012 911

Shelley & Roy Lothringer Huntington Beach/2003 Boxster Paul & Christine Mueller Riverside/2013 Carrera Richard Shea Dana Point/2006 911 Sheri Wooden Seal Beach/1999 Carrera 4 Transfers into OCR John Dimock & Nathalie Cunningham Studio City/1969 912 Transfer from San Diego(SDO) Benjamin Shahrabani Venice/1997 Carrera 4S Transfer from Los Angeles(LA) Sean Smith Newport Beach/1997 911, 2013 911 Transfer from Los Angeles(LA)

6 Years George & Summer Ferrell Tom & Pat Rodberg Gordon Williams & Deann Pruitt Glen & Jacqueline O’Lea Donald & Diane Gjesdal Brian Burnevik & Rhonda Alger Justin & Wyatt Daily Wayne & Barbara Barber

New Members and Transfers Kenneth & Susan Brown San Juan Capistrano/ 1970 911T Edward & Jeansie Bunnell San Clemente/1969 912 Dana Danet Orange/1988 928

Gloria & the guys at Woody’s or What to do when dad makes you have dinner with a bunch of car guys

Breakfast Club/New Members Photos by Judy Lech & Gloria Moore

Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for breakfast and to view each other’s cars. The new members attending the February 2012 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches. Location details for the Breakfast Club appear on the back cover of this magazine. We thank Original Mike’s for their support.

New Member Chris Winter and his brand new 2013 Boxster S

New Member Eric & Stacey Leighton 2011 Turbo S Cab

Guest Dr. Amir Yazden & girlfriend in their 2012 911, fresh from their drive back from North Carolina over New Year’s.

New Member Mike Cruz and his 2009 Turbo Cab

New Member Mark Rutherford 2006 911 Cab

New Member Ed Inal with his 2002 911 Cab


What It Takes To Wear Out A Porsche

(Continued from Page 13)

and wheel bearings — nearly every mechanical part on the car is new and/or has been inspected for flaws. During a 24 hour race, the racecar will be completely refueled every hour with approximately 100 liters (26.4 gallons) of fuel. It will usually require a new set of tires every hour, that’s roughly 24 sets of tires, sometimes more (usually due to driver error). Sometimes the racecar will require one set of front and rear brake pads and occasionally the brake rotors. Changing out the brakes on a racecar that has just come off the track is not an easy

procedure in the pit lane. All the brake components are red hot. Sometimes the windshield will need replacement, also not as easy as it sounds. The engine and chassis cannot be replaced, but most of the other components can be. The engine will need oil added during the race as there is no stopping for an oil change. As the engine wears internally, its oil consumption will progressively increase and thus it will need more and more engine oil added as the race progresses. After the completion of the 24 hour race, the engine, gearbox, suspension, drive shafts, wheel bearings and turbochargers (if equipped) are worn out. The overall budget for competing in the Daytona 24 with a GT class car will usually be in the $150k neighborhood. This does not include the price of the car, tools and spare parts. The 24 hours of Le Mans with the same car will run in the $850k range, or more. The biggest reason for the difference in cost is the European air travel for the crew, the car and everything else that is brought

along, plus the ground transportation of everything once it all arrives in Europe. Add to this team accommodations, food and hospitality for sponsors, tires, fuel, etc., etc., plus the entry fees. Keep in mind that an entry in the 24 hours of Le Mans in by invitation only. These budgets are actually very basic and do not allow for anything extra that could be considered extravagant. Porsche keeps in close communication with every team racing their cars. They provide incredible support and access to anything that might be needed. For Porsche, every race represents a learning experience. Porsche racing management and engineers are always in close contact with the teams, from both the standpoint of helping and observing. This is one of the reasons that Porsche racecars and road cars are so amazingly great. The knowledge gained from motorsport goes into every car they manufacture. Enjoy Your Porsche

March 23, 2013 9 aM - 3 PM

Learn the “insideâ€? secrets Hear from a panel of experienced judges discuss what they look for. Tips on cleaning products. Zone 8 Judges, this school qualifies for your bi-yearly education credits. PLUS there will be a Q&A period, demonstration/practice, & professional detail demo after lunch‌. Register today!! Cost: $15.00 (includes coffee, refreshments & lunch) Time: 9:00 am — 3:30 pm Where: TCsGarage Parts & Accessories 1315 Hot Springs Way #105, Vista, CA 92081 - (760)295-3330 Questions: E-mail Bev Gould at bev@tcsgarage.com Register by: 3/22/13— e-Mail Bev at bev@tcsgarage.com Or make checks payable to PCA Zone 8 and mail to Bev Gould at 1315 Hot Springs Way #105, Vista, CA 92081 Directions: Take the 5 freeway to Palomar Airport Rd. Turn Left on Melrose, Turn Right on Sycamore and Right on Hot Springs Way. Turn right at the 1st driveway and drive around back for school


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Zone 8 • Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region

















MARCH 2013



(Continued from Page 11)

Roger Ang in an 02 Boxster S, 4th place to Doug Volder in a 1970 911T and in a 914-6 Paul Matsushia was 5th. If your car is completely stock, you will most likely be playing with similar year and model Porsches.

Racing Lifestyles was the days event sponsor

little over the top. As I approached the finish and exited the last slalom cone, I put the “peddle to the metal” and the GT2 went out from underneath me. I was now about to perform a 360 through the timing lights. Not wanting to take the timing lights out again. (I did this last year at the first event and heard about it at EVERY Auto-X Team meeting for the next six months) A slight flick of the wrist and I cleared the timing lights. OK! So maybe one more sway bar adjustment and remember to “squeeze” the throttle a little slower. Whether you’re driving for TTD, Top Time of Day, class points or just trying to take another second off your time, the third sets of runs are the most important. If you are a novice you’re trying to remember everything you have learned throughout the day from your instructor. This is when you really focus on looking ahead and planning your approach to every apex cone, braking point and trying to drive as smoothly as possible. These are the timed runs that count! Even if only for bragging rights. Speaking of Novice Class drivers, the top three times were very close. Jason Kan driving his 997S finished in 3rd place but less than a second behind 2nd place E. Jeong in an 04 GT3, who finished .7 seconds behind class winner David Evarts driving a 2012 Boxster S. The last couple years the car classing has changed to a points system to even the playing field. A base number


of points is given to each model Porsche. Newer Porsches with higher horsepower are usually assigned more points. Thus, the base points for a stock 2003 Boxster S would be higher than a stock Carrera SC. You are allowed to make various modifications if you like such as wheels, shocks, sway bars, tires etc. Each performance upgrade is assigned points. The base points and modification are totaled and that figure determines you class. The more modifications the higher your class. The result is that a “modified” Carrera can end up in the same class as a stock 2003 Boxster S. Here is an example: Class CC07 had 5 entries. Rod Taylor took first in a 1969 911T, 2nd place went to Hideki Okano in his 2007 Boxster, 3rd place went to

It’s All About Bragging Rights Whether you’re new to Auto-X or an “old timer”, at the end of the day there is always a lot of “Bench Racing”. The BRI Timed results are always interesting. The BRI-“Bench Racing Index” or some refer to it as the “Bragging Rights Index” handicaps all Porsche “classes”. With over 80 Porsches competing at an event maybe two or three times a year, the same person will win this class. Points are accumulated throughout the year to determine who will win the coveted OCR “TOP GUN” award presented at the yearend awards party hosted by Ed McRae the General Manager of Walter Porsche. The top 6 drivers on this Sunday, were all within a second of each other. Rod Taylor’s 1969 911T was 6th, Christian Van Fleet’s 1972 911T was 5th, Dave Waddell’s 1975 911S was 4th, Morgan Trotter driving a 1985 911 was 3rd, Tom Ridings 2007 997 GT3 RS was 2nd and our Zone 8 Auto-X Representative David Witteried placed first driving his 1976 911S Targa. Hope to see you all next month. Till then Have Fun! Steve

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Rice’s Ramblings:

(Continued from Page 15)

One last thing: Batteries: Having heard of the Boeing 787 battery problems, it is remindful of Porsche’s new lighter, more powerful, more wonderful lithium-ion starter battery. Unfortunately, it also reminds me of the problems we had with Nickel-Cadmium batteries of the 1960s, 70s and 80s. Nickel Cadmium was sold to the airlines when they upgraded to jets and gas turbine powered airplanes. The Ni-Cad battery had the ability to hold it’s high voltage until the battery exhausted almost all of its power. When they were near exhaustion, they ran out of energy quickly and then dropped off power – in seconds. The selling point was you got a good clean jet start. and it lasted longer. As Lead-Acid batteries age early morning starting power doesn’t remain as powerful as it ages. Then, in the fall with cold morning temps, a Lead-Acid battery usually fails to turn the engine over fast enough to start -if it turns over at all. As good as they were supposed to be, they were enormously expensive, had


high failure rates, thermal run-a-way, and burnt up not only the bad cells but the neighboring good cells. Even in a stainless steel fire resistant case, thermal run-a-ways could get hot enough to blister the paint off the metal case, just like today’s lithium-ion batteries. Maintaining Ni-Cad batteries required a whole new battery charging technology, even that changed over time requiring all new equipment and training. I like new technology but I liked Porsche’s old proving grounds too: the race track. I think Porsche will prove Lithium-ion for their needs, over time, and then it may be installed in all new Porsches. During my time as a “DoM”

(Director of Maintenance) I ordered replacement of our Ni-Cad batteries with new technology Lead-Acid batteries. A backward step? Our costs reduced and we no longer had an unpredictable battery problem. We had few, if any, hot starts as well. We used these batteries for 2 years in flying service then replaced them and used the old ones in our ground electric vehicles. This gave us a known operating and replacement cost instead of the unknown cost with Ni-Cads. Today, technical trade publications still praise the merits of old, new technology Lead-Acid batteries, as I did 25 years ago! So I recommend letting someone else prove the reliability for Porsche lithium-ion batteries, and replace your battery with the biggest, highest “cold-cranking amp” lead acid battery you can find at any auto parts store. And carry your warranty in your Porsche; just in case. Godspeed - We welcome comments, questions, and inquires. Call or e-mail at reasonable hours. riceturbos@sbcglobal. net, 714 539-1042

MARCH 2013


President’s Message:

(Continued from Page 3)

if you are interested in assuming the reins of this event let us know. There are lots of additional volunteers who will help. And there are many other areas in which you can make the difference. If you have any questions, anyone on the Board can assist you. In closing, I’ve included a number of photos from my Kenya trip. Top of the column is me at the Lake Nakuru Falls. Then the first shows the inside of a dung hut where we were putting on a free vision clinic for the village. The second shows the hut houses in Bosnia, Kenya and the third a lion that was relaxing just outside of our vehicle. Most of the trip was spent providing free vision and medical clinics for the villages but, as you can see, we did take the last day to see some of the wilder local inhabitants. Thanks for all your support and see you on the road! Hakuna matata, Gordo


Law Offices of Joseph C. Nedza Retired O.C. Deputy District Attorney Former DMV Special Investigator

Telephone: (949) 355-2943 Facsimile: (949) 640-7434 email: nedzalaw@aol.com

Criminal Defense Free initial consultation Free referrals to all other fields PCA/OCR member

MARCH 2013


Editor’s Notes:

(Continued from Page 5)

Bess in the driveway

it with a 2012 Panamera, the Porsche Sedan with enough headroom that even six footers can abide the rear seat. We’ve named it “Bes(s)”, for Big Expensive Sedan, we tossed in an extra “S” to conform to convention. It is a marvel. Can you imagine a Porsche with an interior that people actually comment about? The interiors of most past Porsches, if remarked about at all, were said to be “Tuetonic”. This word really meant that it was, at least the interior, direct, purposeful, and,


okay, a little plain. The “Panny” is direct, purposeful, and never plain. As I said, a wonder in any Porsche. The whole contraption drives, rides and steers like a Porsche. And it does this while carrying golf clubs, suitcases and those unknowable aides to beauty that Mrs. Cooper carries in a special separate case filled with chemicals and creams. Let’s call it 85 to 90% of a 911, but capable of carrying luggage or 2X4’s. Okay, they’d be designer 2X4’s… lumber and luggage. Stranger in a not so strange land It is somehow strange to stay in hotels in your own hometown. Or what used to be your hometown. That is what I’m doing at the moment. I am still at work with the

world’s best pressure gauges built in the picturesque village of Anaheim, but I live in San Diego. Not your normal commute. So needing to be in the office one to two days per week when not traveling, I need to stay at a hotel in my own “old” hometown. Can’t say whether it’s nicer to visit than it is to live there but it is nice to “be” there. Nice to be almost anywhere I guess. And The Ladies I like to remind people now and then that the Porsche Club has a rich history of women actively involved in every level. The Orange Coast Region has had several “Madame Presidents”, most recently Nicole Cooper-Boggs, and several others, going back to the 1990’s. We also have several women who continue to be respected competitors in our autocross series. So ladies, don’t doubt either your welcome or your ability to contribute to the Orange Coast Region of the Porsche Club of America… and say “howdy” to me when you do come out.

Classified Ads

composite brakes (PCCB). 1-owner SoCal car. PCA member owned. $51,990.00. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO ‘79 930 Turbo Coupe, Silver/Black lthr, 27K original miles! 2 owners, no accidents, full documentation and receipts back to 1979. Excellent condition. $59,999. Alex 310/742-5540; alexwald1@aol.com. LAR (2) ‘87 911 Turbo S Cabriolet, Slantnose. Copper/Mahogany lthr, 25K mi. COA, 100% original. Excellent mechanical, cosmetic condition. $81,900. Bob 209/529-4062; rwh-hrcinc@comcast.net. CCR (2) 2007 911 Turbo Coupe, Black/Tan lthr, 19K mi. 6spd, sport chrono, navigation, recently serviced. $79,500. Robert 310/575-7070; rjkaplowitz@gmail.com . LAR (2).

FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911993-986-996-997 ’94 911 Carrera 3.8 RSR Coupe, Guards Red/Castrol Livery. ’95 IMSA GTS-2 Champion. 1of 51 Factory built Carrera 3.8 RSR race cars. Racing ABS, Motronic eng mgmt, Premier fuel cell, air jacks, cockpit adj rollbars frt/rear. All engine work by ANDIAL & Alwin Springer. $349,000. Dave Mohlman, 305/582-9723. GGR (1)

2002 911 Carrera Cabriolet. Black/Black lthr. 42K mi. 320HP, 6-spd manual trans, . Excellent condition, Looks & drives like new, Factory Upgraded sound system, wheels and extras. Always garaged, nonsmoker, a must see car. $31,999.00. Peter 714/848-1803. OCR (2)

FOR SALE: 911--1980s ‘85 911 Carrera Cabriolet, Guards Red/Tan lthr, 97.3K mi. Factory sport seats, 915 5-speed manual. Survivor, all original. 1-Southern Californian owner for over 25years!!! Numbers matching. $19,990.00. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 911--1970s ‘70 911 E Coupe, Albert Blue (1818)/ Black with Houndstooth Inserts, 77.1K mi. VIN #9110220637; ENG#6201080. Less than 100 miles on complete engine rebuild. Less than 5,000 miles on full cosmetic restoration. 5-speed 901 gearbox, numbers matching, Certificate of Authenticity. All receipts since new. $73,990. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (1)

’73 911 Carrera RS Lightweight, Grand Prix White/Black lther/Red Carerra graphics and whls. 52.7K mi. 2.7L, M471 option car. LSD. One of 200 Factory Lightweights built. This is the real deal. Vin# 9113601517 late production cars. Stored in a museum for 34 years. Very original and unrestored. $545,000. . Dave Mohlman, 305/582-9723. GGR (2)

‘75 911 Carrera Coupe, Silver Metallic (Z2)/Blue/Black (16) Leatherette, 41.9K mi. 5 spd. Sunroof, Factory Sport Seats/ rear tail delete. VIN # 9115400013; ENG# 6450044; Transmission# 150071. All numbers matching, Certificate of Authenticity. $47,490. . Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com.

‘09 997 911 Carrera Coupe, Artic Silver/Stone Grey lthr. 25.1K mi. Power comfort seats w/driver memory; Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) trans, Ceramic

‘89 911 Speedster, Guards Red/Black lthr, 43.9K mi. 1 of 823 Built for North America. 5-spd G50 manual trans, XD4 crested rim caps, 018 sport steering wheel, elevated hub, 160 radio Charleston. 2owner CA car. No accidents, PCA member owned. $87,490. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: CAYENNE & Boxster 2005 Cayenne S, Crystal Silver Metallic/ Steel Gray lthr, 133.7K mi. 6-spd Tiptronic S trans, SoCal car. $14,990. Paul 714/3354911; paul@autokennel.com. OCR (2).

FOR SALE: 912 ‘76 912E Coupe, VIN# 9126000645, Midnight Blue/ Tan interior, 105.4K mi. $25,000, Noble Frye 949/ 496-3366; nfrye3@cox.net. OCR

(Continued on Page 36)

MARCH 2013


Classified Ad Rates PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium (2 consecutive months, photos free) Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times in the Pando (2 consecutive months; $5 extra for a photo) Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981 at 714-960-4981 or hbobw930@aol.com

Classifieds Contd:

FOR SALE: PARTS-911-930993-986-996-997 2007 997 Cup Suspension Parts: Front (997.343.041.93) and Rear Struts (997.333.051.92). Rear trailing Arms 996.331.147.05. Wish Bones 997.341.341.90. 18 hours of use on my 997 Cup from new. Have been on the shelf for 4 years. Great for your autocross car! $2,850 or best offer plus shipping. John Mulvihill 949-510-3738; supercup@cox. net. OCR (2)

Index of Advertisers Al Reed Specialty Polishing--------------------------- 8 American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 16 Anaheim Hills Auto Collision----------------------- 16 Autobahn Adventures ---------------------------------- 5 AutoKennel--------------------------------------------- 14 Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 32 Bill Brewster------------------------------------------- 33 Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 34 Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC Cooper’s Classy Car Care---------------------------- 31 David Piper, CPA - -------------------------------------- 8 Doorshield--------------------------------------------- 33 Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 10 European Collision Center--------------------------- 21 Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC Fairview Mortgage Capital -------------------------- 27

Ful Sail Graphics & Marketing------------------------ 8 GMG------------------------------------------------------ 7 Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 10 Integrity Motorcars------------------------------------ 22 Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 33 Pamela Horton, Surterre Properties------------------- 8 Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 30 Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 29 Rice’s Performance Porsche---------------------------- 8 State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 30 TC’s Garage-------------------------------------------- 33 The Helmet Man----------------------------------------- 8 Ultimate Shield---------------------------------------- 16 Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19

Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium? For Rates and Availability Call Cooper Boggs at (714) 505-3662 or email Nicole Forest-Boggs at 993nicole@gmail.com

Plan for a Great Escape at the Sixth Annual Friends of Steve McQueen Car & Motorcycle Show “Something’s coming, I can feel it and it’s coming right around the corner at me”- Steve McQueen as Hilts in The Great Escape.

MISCELLANEOUS RACING CLUB MEMBERSHIP FOR SALE: Club Spring Mountain Charter membership for sale. Equity based, full access to facilities in Pahrump, NV. $35,000 asking price, monthly dues $104.50, 20 guests per month and organized racing and track access. Steve Werner 949/457-1683 home; 714/342-8853 cell; stevenwerner@ cox.net. OCR (2


Chino Hills, CA - Mark you calendar and make plans for your own great escape to The Sixth Annual Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show. This year the show will salute The Great Escape and one of the King of Cool’s most well known characters, Hilts, “The Cooler King”. The event will benefit the Boys Republic and takes place May 31 and June 1, 2013 on the beautiful Chino Hills, Calif. campus. The 2013 show will highlight motorcycles and German cars. The main event will take place Saturday, June 1 from 9-3. The program will kick off Friday evening, May 31, with a dinner with automotive journalist and author, Matt Stone serving as Master of Ceremonies. Besides a delicious repast, prepared and served by students, festivities will include a silent auction, a display of memorabilia and a live auction. Pre-registration is available at the website after January 1, 2013. www.stevemcqueencarshow.com Contact: Ron Harris Telephone: 213-755-8405

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Dated Material: Please deliver by 3/07/2013


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