DaILy 1-5PM
JoLaNTa DoLEWSKa DaWID GUMULa SYLWIa KoLaSINSKa Kristin Mojsiewicz MoNIKa SZYDLoWSKa aNNA YoRK PrIMarY 1-7 PUPILS Co-CUraTED BY IGa BoZYK | PatryCja GoDULa | ILIYaNa NEDKoVa L I V E P E r F o r M a N C E | S U N , 24 S E P 1 7 4-5PM | FrEE aDMISSIoN f a c e b o o k . c o m /p o l i s h c o n t e m p o r a r y a r t g r o u p
Join us as we continue to celebrate the outcome of the diverse POLSKI projects in the annual Colony of Artists festival! POLSKI is the unique series of Polish artists-in-residence at Abbeyhill Primary School which began in the 2015/16 academic year with the residency of Dawid Gumula and continued with the residencies of Monika Szydlowska, Jolanta Dolewska and Anna York in the following 2016/17. View all four POLSKI projects at the 12th Colony of Artists 2017 and be the first to hear as we announce the new Polish artists’ residencies at the school for the academic year 2017/18 of Sylwia Kolasinka and Kristin Mojsiewicz. Why POLSKI? Early on, The Polish Contemporary Art Organisation was invited to co-curate POLSKI at the school and build on the success of their latest group exhibition WAVES. Just like WAVES, POLSKI showcases Polish artists and artists of Polish descent at different stages of their artistic practice working with various media — photography, written word, printmaking, installation, collage, film, ceramics and performance. While WAVES stands for the constant movement, outflow and influx of Polish talent to the British shores, POLSKI extends this metaphor to include the migration wave of Polish families and young people that started in 2004 when Poland joined the European Union. POLSKI focuses on the ripples of creativity at the heart of Edinburgh’s Abbeyhill Primary School by inviting Polish artists-in-residence to bring the wonder of contemporary art in the classroom to every pupil from Primary 1 to 7 through a series of residency projects – the only programme of its kind in Scotland. Follow us as we continue to ride the waves of POLSKI.
I Ga B oZ YK & Pat ryC ja G o D U L a
I L IYa N a N E D KoVa
C U raTo r- I N - rE S I D E N C E AT a B B E Y H I L L P rI M a rY S C H o o L
P o L I S H C o N T E M P o rA rY a R T o rG a N I S aT I o N
Design: JAR 22