The South African 14

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Issue number 014

April 2010

South African



SA Music

Pierre de Charmoy see page 12

Reuben Kruger Great South African Sportsmen see page 14


South African

From the

editor T

he Cape to Cairo function at Browns Bay on the 13th March was certainly a wonderful occasion. There was a superb variety of different stands that gave the event a special flavour. The food stalls were well supported with Bunny Chows, Briyani, chicken curry, borewors rolls, tasty ribs and we must not forget the South African shops and the beer garden. The weather was great and the crowds were huge. Well done to all the suppliers and the hard working crew behind the scenes and a special thanks to the band who kept us entertained. His Worship John Banks attended the function and thoroughly enjoyed himself. See his report and findings on Page 21. The other big function which took place recently and was very well supported was the Impact Church Out Of Africa event. Well done to the organizers. I hope that this event becomes a regular annual feature for our community. In this issue we have a full range of articles from a legal update, immigration stress, run/walk for life, a book review and an article on Steve Hofmeyr who will be coming to our shores soon. Our magazine is full of old and new advertisers. Please support these people, because they want to reach out to our community and others by providing a service that is a cut above the rest. Good luck to all of our ex-SA traders in 2010. The retail sector has still not recovered completely from the recession. Some businesses that had been hanging on during 2009 are still having to toughen their belts. Likewise with the job market, it has not fully recovered and it is still very difficult getting that elusive job. We have all been saddened recently by the horrific motor accident which took the life of young Adam Pretorius. Our sincerest condolences go out to the siblings and Mom and Dad, David and Natasha. We are all praying for you and we share in your time of grief.

Peter Woodberg All rights reserved “The South African” is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form, either in whole or in part without the consent of the Editor. Opinions expressed in the magazine are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the Editor. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the Editor assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences of reliance on this publication.



South African EDITORS

Peter Woodberg (e-mail: mob: 0274 520 794

Ted Woodberg (e-mail: mob: 021 027 03011


Norma Vaz mob: 021 043 7342

POSTAL ADDRESS The South African, P.O.Box 300-155, ALBANY. AUCKLAND 0752

CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS The South African Social Group – Richard Pearce Mob: 0275 357535 e-mail: Die Afrikaanse Klub – Thys Oosthuizen E-mail: THE SOUTH AFRICAN HIGH COMMISSION, WELLINGTON Tel: 04 815 8484 level 7, State Insurance Tower. 1 Willis St.

Front cover: “Style Head Gear” by SA artist Mauro Chiarla Mission Statement “The South African Magazine shall provide current, high quality, relevant editorial on subjects relating to the links between South Africa and New Zealand. It shall be the vehicle for SA immigrants living in NZ to integrate socially with their own community and to advertise their products and services.”


South African



In this issue, Ian Mellett describes his business visit to India and the various forms of property investment available to new immigrants


ince my last article in this magazine, I have had the wonderful experience of being involved in a fantastic business trip to India. It was incredible to be exposed to the social and cultural elements that exist in India on the one hand, contrasted against the might of the Indian economy on the other. We even managed to squeeze in a visit to the Taj Mahal, one of the seven man-made wonders of the world. The focus of the trip was “New Zealand Invest 2010” – promoting New Zealand from both an investment and immigration perspective. The delegation included legendary New Zealand cricketer Sir Richard Hadlee, one of the keynote speakers, along with a group of property developers, real estate professionals and an internationally acclaimed property investment speaker. I was invited to accompany the delegation in the capacity of an independent legal adviser. During the various seminars, held in Delhi (23-24 January), Ludhiana (28 January) and Chandigarh (3031 January), seminar attendees were provided with valuable information to enable them to explore lifestyle, investment and business opportunities in New Zealand. During the numerous break-out sessions, I was called upon to provide expert independent legal advice and assistance to potential investors. This has subsequently resulted in Quay Law now having quite a few Indian investor clients on its books, and the distinct possibility exists that there will be more to come in the future. It goes without saying that this was a truly memorable and unique experience. Not only was our entire delegation exposed to the broad spectrum of the Indian economy but being a cricket fanatic myself, I had the added bonus of meeting and spending two weeks with Sir Richard Hadlee. What a nice guy, and a truly great ambassador for New Zealand. One of the questions frequently raised by the potential Indian investors pertained to the type of property ownership involved. I find that local purchasers in New Zealand often have the same query, so I thought that it would be useful to set out the most common forms of ownership below. 1) Fee simple: This represents a form of freehold ownership and in essence represents absolute ownership of the property. 2) Leasehold: This is a form of property tenure where one party buys the right to occupy land or a building for a given length of time. Until the end of the lease period the leaseholder has the right to remain in occupation as an assured tenant paying an agreed rent to the owner. 3) Cross lease: This is a hybrid form of multi-unit tenure in which each owner has an undivided share of the underlying freehold as tenants in common, and is granted a registered leasehold estate of the particular unit or flat occupied. Effectively the property owners share ownership of the land and each o wn e r l e a s e s t h e i r building from the other owners, which together form the cross lease title. 4) Stratum estate: Under the Unit Titles Act

1972 the deposit of a unit plan has the effect of creating in each unit (usually multi-unit dwellings, shops, offices or industrial premises) a new kind of statutory estate called a stratum estate in freehold, or a stratum estate in leasehold, depending on whether the land Sir Richard Hadlee which was subdivided into units was freehold or leasehold. It is essential to determine, upfront, the exact nature of the form of property ownership when embarking upon a purchase of any property. My experience is that it is beneficial to have your lawyer cast his/her eye over a potential purchase agreement, before you sign the document, to ensure that you fully understand the nature and form of property ownership involved. Please feel free to contact Ian Mellett at Quay Law for more information, or if you have any questions regarding your conveyancing or other legal needs visit our website for more information.

Ian Mellett in India




Mauro Chiarla “A Post-Impressionist modernist who has become the Artist’s Artist in Southern Africa”


e continue with our enthralling series highlighting the works of famous South African artists and on our front page this issue we have the magnificent work of Italian born SA artist Mauro Chiarla. The work we have portrayed is known as “Style Headgear” and features a typical African scene depicting the bright head dresses typically worn by the indigenous people of our home country. Mauro was born in Piedmont, an area known as the French part of Italy, where he lived until the age of eight. As there were very economically depressing times for Italy, the Chiarla family decided to immigrate to South Africa in 1957 to start a new life. Mauro attended the normal primary and senior schooling in South Africa and it was only in his teenage years that he studied Commercial Art at college. No one can live in the aesthetically rich and varied country of Italy without it seeping into one’s pores. For Mauro, the Impressionists, Post-Impressionists and Expressionists and particularly their use of light and colour made the biggest impact on his artistic style. Matisse, Cézanne, Monet and Manet from the European stable and in South Africa, G. Goodman, Hugo Naudé and Titto Fasciciotti were also big influences. But of course the biggest influences on Mauro were the scenes that he captured, and the interaction of people in that scenery – the colours, attitudes and movement. About the Artist: Mauro is one of those very genuine people, who is very humble about his great talent as an artist. When he left college and started working, he began as a silkscreen graphic printer and manager. He painted and drew for private shows and weekend exhibitions, such as Art in the Park, in Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal. He is always ready to learn and apply himself to new subjects and formats. He finds great fulfillment when his pictures tell a story to others and yield dimensions of emotions unknown to him in the creation of the work. Every two years Mauro and his wife revisit Italy, in particular Umbria and Tuscany, where he paints and draws to capture scenes, taking photographs to complete the research. On his return to South Africa we then see an explosion of talent and new works.

Style & Format: He is definitely a Post-Impressionist and Mauro uses oil pastel, acrylic and oil paints as the main media for his works on paper, board and on canvas. He is able to combine colours in support and contrast in a way that thrills not only us the “viewers,” but also other artists. He is an artist’s artist and could well command master classes were he not so humbly focused. Main subjects depicted in all sizes are landscapes from Southern Africa and Europe, Seascapes, Tuscan buildings and landscapes, African market scenes, group scenes, nudes, still lives and interiors. Mauro has also done a series of abstracts. In terms of collectability for the future, there can be no doubt that Mauro will aspire to be a new South African master.

Fine Art Portfolio represents a collection of established art galleries, located across South Africa. Our aim is to offer one of the largest and finest selections of South African Fine Art. Visit our website to view our collection of over 4000 original artworks. Worldwide shipping gladly arranged. |

Please contact us should you be interested in commissioning Mauro Chiarla to paint a specific scene.


EAST COAST BAY DENTAL Ltd 758 EAST COAST RD- BROWNS BAY Ph: 09 478-1300 / 021 192 9592 4

YOUR HEALTH MATTERS TO US New to New Zealand ? Any questions regarding the health system here? See Penny Gordon (ex Durban ) and her team at Rosedale Pharmacy 372 Rosedale Road, Albany

Phone : 09-415 3065


South African

Kip McGrath – School Tutoring


came to New Zealand in 1982, just after the infamous Springbok Tour that polarised opinion nationwide. In hindsight, it was probably not the best time to emigrate from South Africa to New Zealand but, as 16 year old, I had little choice and moved here with my family. The stress of moving countries is vast, not only in terms of the upheaval of an entire lifestyle, but also in adjusting to a different culture, education system and social expectation. Often parents can tend to forget the stressful impact of these changes upon their children, as they struggle to adjust to all the demands of settling in. A parent may enrol their child in a school and tick the To Do list before tackling the next challenge while, for the child, the whole school issue becomes the challenge. For South African children, adjusting to New Zealand schools (especially for children Jonathan Anderson for whom English is a second language), can become a major issue. I recall being sent from Bulawayo as a 9 year old to the Drakensberg Boys Choir School and finding myself placed in a dormitory with predominantly Afrikaans boys. This was somewhat of a culture shock! This little rooinek had to learn really quickly about basic survival skills – talk about stress! It certainly encouraged me to learn Afrikaans quickly! But for South African kids coming to New Zealand, it is more than just leaving family and friends behind. It is adjusting to a different school curriculum and expectations. It is a tough adjustment and if it may lead to unwelcome behaviour from previously well adjusted children, that is not unusual. My heart goes out often to parents recently emigrated from South Africa who bring their children to see me for an educational assessment. I can relate to their difficulties. Often it is because they recognise that their child is struggling to cope with a core subject like Maths or English or, as is often the case with teenagers in particular, the behaviour of the child has deteriorated. Often the parent may be blamed by the child for moving them from their friends and family back in South Africa. This can be particularly stressful

for parents who only have the best interests of their children at heart. The good news is that, with the right intervention, these problems can usually be resolved over time. The key for parents is to be proactive. Don’t get so caught up with the whole picture that you’re trying to deal with that you forget the enormous impact on your kids. Get involved with a support group, keep talking to your kids and maintain the lines of communication. Finding a good Youth group or sports group for your children to keep them active and involved can help with the adjustment, as can getting extracurricular tuition for them. Knowing that they have a professional tutor/mentor available to help with schoolwork can make a big difference to how they cope with the change in schooling. Helping children at this time of change and keeping a close eye on how they are coping are two vital areas that parents can focus on to ease the process of settling in. Article from : Jonathan Anderson – CEO of Kip McGrath NZ 09-534 1619 Mble: 021. 0239 4600


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South African Advertorial

Do you want to promote and be involved in a healthier lifestyle opportunity?



alling on anyone with an interest in health and fitness who wants to make a real difference in people’s lives ... Run Walk for Life SA (Pty) Limited is expanding internationally and Licenses are now available in New Zealand and Australia. Now in its 26th year, Run Walk for Life (RWFL) is a proven fitness and weight loss walking and running programme that gets results. Eat for Life (EFL) is a complementary programme that focuses on correct eating habits as part of healthier lifestyle choices. In 2009 Dean and Theresa Myburgh secured the Australasian Licensor rights for RWFL and received comprehensive training in Johannesburg. They are now preparing for the New Zealand RWFL launch in 2010.

From left to right: Dean and Theresa Myburgh (RWFL NZ Ltd) with members of the RWFL Team in South Africa: Ray Bienedell (Group Director of Operations) and Matthew Grossett (Group CEO) and Kim Grossett (Group Financial Director).

RWFL in New Zealand The New Zealand Licensor, RWFL NZ Ltd., is run by Dr Dean Myburgh (Director) and Theresa Myburgh (Administration Manager). Dean has been an active runner over the years and has held senior management roles in the public and private sector in South Africa and New Zealand. He currently consults in the areas of risk management and organisational resilience. His interests in RWFL are based on his belief in the role of exercise in personal vitality, resilience and productivity. Theresa has taken a keen interest in Dean’s running career and enjoys administrative roles and is committed to service excellence and supporting RWFL Licensees to succeed with the administrative aspects of the business.

About RWFL NZ Ltd. We, at RWFL NZ Ltd., specialise in getting you started even if your level of fitness is low / non existent. The scientific and computerised measurements that you record after every session will assist you to increase fitness levels and weight reduction, depending on your goals. You will be less stressed and more productive at work. After joining, your fitness levels will be assessed and you will be placed in a group according to your ability. The RWFL programme is suitable for people of all ages, fitness levels and pregnant women. In short: • The RWFL programme will start you off on a level of running or walking which is relevant to your level of fitness • You will exercise with people of similar ability to yourself. On joining, you will be put into a group of members whose fitness and ability matches yours • No more trying to keep up with fitter people or having to wait for less fit people than yourself • All members are supervised and monitored by a qualified trainer/ manager. • The intensity and duration of your exercise will be increased along scientific guidelines developed over the past 25 years

Eat for Life EFL is a unique easy to use interactive on line eating programme, promoting healthier eating habits. The programme, designed and administered by registered dieticians gives members the latest health and nutrition


information; it is based on balanced nutrition, an active lifestyle and a balanced approach to living. Simple, easy to use online interactive tools are used to help keep you involved and motivated; these tools enable you to: • manage your food and meal choices with just a few clicks on your interactive 7-day menu; • plan your whole week’s meals ahead of time; • change your food options to suit your lifestyle and taste preferences; • check your progress on line using the easy to use online weight tracker; and • generate a shopping list according to the foods you have chosen for the week. Founded by a medical doctor, RWFL is a medically-based and proven fitness and weight loss program. It is the only exercise programme of its kind to be approved by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa. In New Zealand discussions have been held with and interest in the Programme expressed by the NZ Heart Foundation, Osteoporosis NZ and the NZ Nutrition Foundation. Anyone interested in either (1) partnering with RWFL NZ Ltd or (2) securing a RWFL License or (3) joining a RWFL branch, should contact Dean (dean@ or Theresa (


South African

Local travel agents that speak Afrikaans? Yes! Check out “HOUSE OF TRAVEL, MILFORD” and find out!


ouse of Travel Milford is your “One-stop shop” for both holiday and business travel.

Mary Shields has owned and operated House of Travel Milford for 9 years. Mary recognised the different requirements for business and leisure clients and so structured the business into two divisions. This way each client was given the best possible service according to their needs. Having our team organise your travel means you’ll save time, be offered a choice and access to the best prices available. We offer our business clients a dedicated Travel Consultant who will take the time to get to know you and understand your travel requirements. We also offer a dedicated 24 hour, 7 day a week emergency service in case your plans need revising. The benefits of using House of Travel Business, Milford include: Whatever the size of your business you will have access to the same low prices our product team have negotiated on behalf of the group. Where necessary we take care of negotiating on your behalf with all suppliers including rental cars and hotels as it is important to us that your business gets the most competitive market rates.

Introducing the team:Kirstin Curling Business Manager, joined Mary 4 years ago and worked with her to establish the business arm of the company. Originally from Namibia, Kirstin immigrated to New Zealand 8 years ago. She has worked in the UK, Africa and New Zealand.; speaks English, Afrikaans and German fluently and would love to help you with any travels to Africa, or any other corner of the world.

Margie Shirley joined the Milford team 2 years ago as a senior consultant. Margie immigrated to New Zealand 5 years ago and has 18 years experience in the travel industry. She has worked for SAA City Centre at the South African Broadcasting Services as well as the Operations Manager of Uniglobe Travel in Johannesburg. Margie has 5 years experience in corporate business travel in New Zealand.

Suzanne Davie-Martin joined the group 2 years ago. Suzanne currently specialises in the New Zealand and Australian markets and won House of Travel’s “Rookie of the Year” in 2009, a major achievement for someone so new to the industry.

Susan O’Connor joined the team in May 2009 as Business Development Manager. Susan’s role is to procure new business and manage the relationships between the consultants, clients and suppliers. Susan worked in the hospitality industry for 18 years and 5 years ago made the change to travel and has never looked back. If you’re looking for a company that will add value to your business, Susan would welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss in more detail how we could be of benefit to your organisation. Susan can be contacted on 09 486 2566 or 027 296 0048 or email:

Thinking travel? Think House of Travel, Milford.

In South Africa

the danger lurked outside

In New Zealand the danger could be your house itself! Protect yourself when buying/selling property Call Carlene du Toit, the Lively Lister Licensee Salesperson for Shoreside Real Estate Ltd

m: 0275 479 630 e:



South African

“Beef on the beach” A BUTCHER FOR LIFE….


x-SA Martin Ralph knows what it is like to live the life of a butcher…he’s being doing it since primary school!

Martin still remembers the dark nights when he and his Dad, Theo, used to get up in the wee hours of the morning to get to market on time, take it to the outlet in Victoria Road, Durban and then get Martin back home in time to get ready for school! Refrigeration has come a long way since those early days, and now meat can be stored for longer periods without deteriorating. Much later, when Martin and his wife first started thinking of emigrating, he was helping his dad in a butchery business in Isipingo. What helped Martin to make the decision to immigrate was the day that Gill had a nasty incident with a carload of guys that followed her after she had been to the bank. Bullets flew; she escaped, but realized that this was fast becoming a reality of life in SA. At the time, a friend was living in Auckland and it was a suggestion there was a need for ‘someone’ to make good boerewors and biltong. So it was this simple suggestion that got thoughts going into direction of immigration to New Zealand and the move happened shortly thereafter in 1997. Martin and wife and 3 children arrived to start a new life in Auckland and settled in Bucklands Beach. He took over an existing store in Bucklands Beach and from there he outgrew the premises. They then decided to move the store’s location to Highland Park shopping centre in Pakaranga Road and have been trading there successfully for the last 8 years. The meat is bought from the local abattoir. N.Z has no grading system of meat like SA, but Martin knows that the quality of the meat he buys is high. “Beef on The Beach” is full of South African products and was one of the first shops to have these S.A products available. Martin stocks a large range of SA spices, groceries, confectionery and cool drinks and more. Give them a visit and you will be delighted at their range of products. Drop in and Martin will gladly help you with advice on meat cuts and the best way to cook them. Beef on the Beach – Martin and Gillian Ralph. 503 Pakuranga Rd. Highland Pk…09-534 7492

Dr Bernie Brenner


Gynaecologist and Uro Gynaecologist Specialising in: • Female Urinary Incontinence and Urodynamic Assessments • Minimally Invasive Surgery for Bladder Leaking • Menopause - Hormone replacement therapy • Colposcopy (the treatment of abnormal cervical cytology) including Laser • Office Hysteroscopy for diagnosis of menstrual problems • Gynaecological Ultrasound • Laporoscopic Surgery - for removal of Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts and Endometriosis Consulting rooms at 131 Shakespeare Road, Milford For appointments Phone 486 0182 • Email: Webpage:



South African

Eska Hartdegen, Barrister This ex-SA Employment Law specialist says that her worst immigration adjustment was leaving behind family, friends and her cat……! This is her amazing success story in a foreign land.


n April 1992 on the day before Easter Friday, I found myself at the corner of Westbourne and Remuera Roads looking down the valley across the beautiful Hauraki Gulf to Rangitoto Island. It felt like a place where it would be good to be—a place I could live. I had travelled half-way round the world on my own to find out about New Zealand. Together with my husband Ken, daughter Mila and son Seth I had resolved many years before to emigrate. I started studying law at the University of Pretoria at the age of 28, and by 1992 had established a career as an advocate at the Pretoria Bar. My six years’ experience gave me enough points to get into New Zealand. Ken is a classical guitarist, and was teaching at The University of the Witwatersrand. I needed to look for a job and my travels took me all the way from Auckland to Dunedin. I wanted to see as much of the country as possible. In Wellington we had friends, who had written to us about New Zealand. They introduced me to the country’s wonderful flora and exciting geology in Rotorua. I remember being overwhelmed by the earthy and woody smells of the natural forest crowded with native trees and ferns, and hearing for the first time the calls and chatter of the tui darting from tree to tree. Back in Wellington I took the ferry to Picton, caught a bus to Christchurch and a train to Dunedin. My very first interview was at a Solicitor’s firm in Ashburton, “behind the Farmers” my prospective employer said. Although I was told I was well qualified for the job they were not sure that I would stay. I sat through trials in the District Court in Christchurch, saw barristers in Dunedin and decided to apply to the big Auckland law firms. Just before Easter I phoned the six biggest law firms in Auckland. To my surprise, partners at four of them saw me the following day. The following July, my husband and I returned to make the final arrangements for our big step. Soon I had two job offers: at the biggest law firm in the country who saw me as a role model for their women solicitors successfully combining being a mother and wife with my career as a lawyer, which none of the four female partners had succeeded in doing and at a consultant firm, which I accepted as I would get to know the business side of Employment Law and they offered a higher salary! Leaving family, friends and our cat behind was a wrench. The soundscape in New Zealand was so different, the light was white and bright and I shall always miss Africa. For two years I struggled to adapt but after a while my parents visited and friends we never expected to also came, so it slowly became easier. Now our children are married to Kiwis and we have five beautiful grandchildren. Mila, also a lawyer, lives in Auckland with her family, Seth now lives in Oman with Karleen and their three children. I specialise in employment law but I also do do civil litigation work. Barristers are bound by the cab rank rule that obliges us to accept any instruction in our area of expertise. I therefore act for both employers and employees. I have acted for large corporations, small companies and individual employees, travelling the length and breadth of New Zealand to advise companies or act in mediations and hearings. I have worked from Kaitaia to Invercargill and from Napier to New Plymouth and virtually in every town and city in between. This has helped me appreciate and understand New Zealand.

Eska Hartdegen

Employment law is personal like family law and involves dealing with people who are emotionally upset and often angry and hurt. Employers unhappy with an employee’s performance or behaviour have the legal right to dismiss or discipline them but the problem is a mistake in the process can be very, very expensive. Employees who have been dismissed or made redundant also have rights that deserve to be enforced. I find the best and most strategic way to resolve employment problems. Wrongs need to be put right. I believe in the law as the most enlightened way of doing this. Justice should be seen to prevail



South African

Sunset dental care We present the story of ex-SA dentist Jonathan Franks and family, who, quite frankly, made the right decision to settle in NZ!


n July 1992 Jonathan Franks qualified at Wits as a dentist, got married to Natashya and emigrated to the UK all in the same month. Quite a feat! The original plan was to spend a couple of years in the UK, travel around a bit, earn some money and then return to SA. Well, after buying houses and then having a couple of children, you turn around a few years later, have a look at SA and realise that you cannot return. So in effect we emigrated by default. We never really felt we belonged in the UK and although it was a good experience and a great start to our married life, it all seemed like work, work, work. After 12 years in the UK and having been a partner in a large dental practice in Surrey the decision was made to move to NZ in 2004 to be closer to family who had been there for a few years. Then, as with many South Africans, to make the move on to Australia, the supposed “holy grail.” Jonathan Franks I started work in Orewa in January 2004 and after about 6 months we both looked at each other and realised NZ was exactly what we were looking for and canned the Australia idea. NZ is big enough to

be able to get everything you need or want in life but still small enough not to just get lost in the masses. Living on the North Shore in Auckland is great. It is close to beaches; there are plenty of outdoor activities that the whole family can enjoy e.g. fishing, boating, golf etc. Once the decision was made that NZ was the place we wanted to be, we started to think more long term in NZ. We found some premises and decided to open our own dental practice rather than work for someone else. Starting from scratch was rather daunting with lots and lots of money spent on equipment and setup costs; and then you sit back and wait for patients. The South African community has been good to us. Many of my patients are ex South Africans and many of their faces I see in your magazine. I hear lots of stories and lots of reasons for leaving SA. Some are rather traumatic whereas others have just seen the writing on the wall. Overall most are happy to be here and agree that Kiwis are warm and receptive towards us. Some patients are very negative and you get the odd comment that NZ is just not like SA. My reply is always the same: “Yes, NZ is not like SA, but that is exactly why you are here!” The other bit of free advice that I give is: Do not come to NZ to tell them how to do things, or how we did it in SA. You can almost see the shutters come down on the Kiwi’s if you do. We were not invited, but are always welcomed warmly. 6 years on we are all still very happy to have made the move to NZ. The children have adapted very well and are growing up more like we did as youngsters in the SA that we remember as kids, rather than the life they were facing in the UK, or the uncertainty if we had returned to SA. The business is growing thanks to the many referrals from within the NZ South African community, however new patients are always welcome. What the future holds for us who knows; grow the business possibly; watch the kids grow up, get educated and have their own families in a country where you can plan the future you want, work hard and make it happen and no one is planning to take it away from you. To South Africans who read your magazine but who have yet to make the move, just do it, you will not regret the move, the longer you delay the more difficult it is. Life is too short to live in fear. Jonathan can be contacted on 09-478 2112. His practice, Sunset Dental Care is situated at 18/326 Sunset Road, Mairangi Bay, North Shore, Auckland



South African

How to turn a small business into a large profitable one



enis Carver, ex-SA local Licensed Business Coach of the world’s number one business coaching firm ActionCOACH tells us how to do it. In New Zealand the chances of succeeding in busine ss are le ss than 20% 5 years after starting, according to the Bureau of Statistics. Of the 20% that are still operating after 5 years, more than 80% of those will close down or disappear over the next Denis Carver 5 years. So why do some succeed and not others? Denis Carver a local Business Coach with ActionCOACH explains, “There are many reasons. The way the Business Owner thinks plays a major part, that is, when the business is struggling to make a decent profit, an open-minded Business Owner will seek out help. This one factor, i.e. the willingness to be open to advice from people who can help you and are qualified to do so, is crucial for ongoing success in business”, says Denis. “Too often people in business start up and do what everyone else does. They advertise where others advertise and their ads just say: “This is what we do,” and list the facts. Then they compete on price because that’s the only thing they know how to do. Learning professional marketing allows you to distinguish yourself from your competitors so that you do not need to compete on price. On this basis you start to make more profit, employ more people and grow the business. Developing excellent communication skills with all the staff is crucial in growing a business due to the fact that one of the most important aspects of a business is the people. Knowing more about people helps you to deal with customers and the staff better. The more you know about people the better you will be at influencing them. As a Coach, I teach Business Owners behavioural analysis in order that they can learn to recognise the behaviour of his/her customers very quickly and how best to sell to each one. Learning this analysis will help the owner to understand how each of their employees think and behave based on their priorities in life. The other area vital for success in growing a small business into a large one is the use of systems. Many businesses have no system of duplication. An example I use at my ‘Introduction to Sales and Marketing Seminars’ is the one of hamburgers. I ask the audience if any of them feels they can make a better hamburger than the leading companies out there. Generally I get quite a lot of hands going up. Then I ask if any of them could build a better business system? No one puts their hands up. The reason these companies are so successful is not because they are continually trying to improve their product, it’s because they have implemented many different systems that run the business successfully.

Marketing systems, people systems, operating systems and leverage systems are very important. Working on the systems will allow the business to grow in a systemised way so that one day it will run even without the Owner having to be there at all! That’s why as a Business Coach I teach Business Owners sales, marketing, team building and team recruitment systems. It’s the complete package. If you just work on getting more leads and you’re not converting them into sales, then what’s the point? Professional sales training is crucial to great success in business. I’ve had businesses double their turnover in 2 months from that alone. Once sales are improving then the next thing is getting people who want to work for you and have good people skills. There is no point in having lots of customers if you can’t get good people to serve them. That’s why learning more about their behaviour is crucial for ongoing success. ActionCOACH’s Business Coaching Program teaches Business Owners how to become highly skilled themselves in all of these areas. That’s why we get such tremendous results from the Business Owners that are on our Coaching program. “ Call Denis Today and find out how you can qualify for a 90minute complimentry coaching session. (09) 416 6549 MOB. 027 222 4301






moved up to the City of Gold, Johannesburg where he started playing gigs and visiting recording studios. After signing with RPM Records Pierre recorded his first self-penned seven single called “Lonely Hearts” and so the journey began. He became an overnight sensation. Pierre’s meteoric rise to fame that followed the release of his first album “Ovation” in 1982 opened many doors for him all over the world. He decided The year was 1982 and the programme on the air to move to the capital city of country music in was Springbok Radio. A deep, soulful voice sang out the America, Nashville, Tennessee in 1986 where he met words “Live On.” The song was number one on the Top and worked with other musical stars of the era such Twenty again. The voice belonged to new boy on the as The Bellamy Brothers; Dewey Bunnell and Gerry block, Pierre de Charmoy and with that silver voice and Beckley of the band America; Waylon Jennings, Chris golden Kwa-Zulu Natal tan; that long shock of black Rea and Michael McDonald of the Doobie Brothers. hair, the pearly white teeth shining out of the designer Drawing on the strong musical influences all around stubble beard; he had many young ladies’ hearts ahim in Nashville, Pierre produced the album “Let my flutter. This resulted in explosive record album sales and Music Touch You” in 1986.This record goes on to win Pierre de Charmoy in the following year Pierre won the coveted Best Male the Scotty 3M Award: Best Recording for that year. Vocalist Award. With his other albums “Reaching Out” and “Emotions” featuring chart Two years before in 1980, after Pierre had completed his obligatory topping hits like “Don’t Girls Get Lonely” and “We’ll Find a Way,” Pierre two years in the South African Defence Force (playing music, no doubt) he attracted the attention of the media and he did cameo appearances on South

rom the sugar cane fields of Kwa-Zulu Natal to international super stardom; ruggedly handsome singer and songwriter Pierre de Charmoy embarked on an incredible musical journey during the eighties that made him a household name in every corner of South Africa…here is his story.

Our dream wedding in the Seychelles



South African

Performing on Clifton Beach, Cape Town

African TV shows like Prime Time, GrafďŹ ti and No Jacket Required. His fame spread rapidly around the globe and his travels brought him in touch with Mother Theresa; American Vice President Al Gore; Spanish heartthrob crooner Julio Iglesias and Patrick Duffy (‘Bobby’ from the eighties hit TV soapy Dallas) amongst many other famous celebrities. In 1990 Pierre plunged headlong into the nitty gritty of the music business by taking on the roles of composer, arranger and executive producer of his next album “Attitudeâ€? which he released under his own record label Positive Records. His project was crowned with success and “Attitudeâ€? became the most signiďŹ cant South African release of the year. Later in the same year the album “DĂŠjĂ vuâ€? came out as Pierre’s ďŹ rst CD release. It contained the song “April Rainâ€? which is his all time favourite because he believes that he reached the zenith of his creative career with this number. In the new millennium Pierre decided to produce a compilation CD of all of his hits which he dubbed “Hear Me Nowâ€? and had it released in 2002. Pierre’s wife Karen, whom he met in 1992 and later married, has just recently written a book on his life entitled “What Happened,â€? released in 2007. The book is a fascinating autobiography that follows Pierre’s life from early boyhood on his father’s farm in the Kwa-Zulu Natal Sugar Belt, through his boarding school career and then into the hurly burly of the music business. The highs and lows of Pierre’s life are graphically portrayed in this publication, written from the heart by the person closest to him. The most fascinating part of Pierre’s life story is the fact that his parents and Karen’s parents were both ex-Mauritian sugar farmers who became neighbors and good friends long before the two of them tied the marital knot! Karen describes her ďŹ rst meeting with Pierre at a friend’s birthday party as a “set-upâ€? which she hadn’t planned personally. He was chatting to the DJ as she was being introduced to him and he ashed his famous smile at her. Karen was hooked!



Pierre is an avid deep sea ďŹ sherman and caught his ďŹ rst Blue Marlin at Cape Vidal in 1994. Pierre and Karen have three children; all boys, Byron, Christian and Phillip. Although still actively involved in the music business, Pierre’s primary interest nowadays is in sugar farming, a skill which must be in his blood and passed down from the previous generation. From those of us who grew up with your music, Pierre, we wish you well in the future, as memories of your songs “Live Onâ€? in our hearts! Copies of the book “What Happenedâ€? together with a complimentary CD are available direct from Karen via e-mail on

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ributes poured in from all around the country after the shocking news of ex-SA rugby flank Reuben Kruger’s sudden death from brain cancer on Wednesday evening, 27th January 2010. Kitch Christie, coach of the successful team that won the 1995 Rugby World Cup, gave Reuben the nick-name, the “Silent Assassin” because of Reuben’s indomitable strength and passion that he played out on the field without drawing attention to himself. Former Springbok prop, Os Du Randt, who played alongside Kruger in the 1995 World Cup, said that Kruger’s integrity will be something that he will always remember. “After he was diagnosed with cancer, his name never appeared in the media. That stood out for me. He was someone who fought his own battles in private.” Former Springbok full back, Pieter Rossouw said that Kruger had a soft heart and inspired those people around him. “He was a gentle giant and a very humble person. He was one of the best Springboks in history and wasn’t scared to say that he was a child of the Lord.” Reuben’s rugby career began at his school in Vrede, Orange Free State, Grey’s College. After excelling in the first rugby team of the school Reuben went on to play provincial rugby for the Free State and later joined Northern Transvaal. At the tender age of 23 Reuben wore his first Springbok jersey and played in 36 test matches between 1993 and 1999. In 1995 he was acknowledged as South African Rugby player of the year. His last test match was during the rugby world cup in Cardiff in 1999 against New Zealand. Reuben’s sickness was first detected during a rugby match in 2000 when he fainted on the field. He was immediately diagnosed with brain cancer and his illustrious rugby career came to an abrupt halt. He went into recession after his first operation in 2000, but later the cancer came back. Early in 2009 the doctors removed a growth from his brain that was as large as a man’s fist. Much weakened by this long operation, Reuben struggled through 2009 until his brave battle with the disease finally came to an end with his sudden passing on 27th January, at the age of 39. Reuben is survived by his faithful wife Lize and his two daughters Zoe and Isabella.

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All South Africans, whether at home or abroad, mourn the death of this great man. Reuben, you may be gone, but you are definitely not forgotten. You will be in our hearts always.


South African

Bringing the excitement to your party... Glenda Daken of “POPPYSEEDâ€? believes that she can put something different into your party to make it really special Planning a birthday party is an exciting time, helping to create a lasting memory. However shopping for all the extra special touches can be frustrating and time consuming. Poppyseed is a specialty shop and online store for savvy parents who are looking for that extra special touch for their child’s birthday celebration. There is a fantastic range of invitations for boys and girls, ranging from one year old through to the teens, as well as a vast range of co-ordinated products including Thank You tags and cards; party bags; plates; cups; table runners & covers; candles; napkins; balloons; gift wrapping; take home treats and party accessories. Poppyseed sources products both nationally and internationally striving to provide you with lots of choice and uniqueness for your special celebration. Poppyseed is based in Albany and is open Thursday, Friday and Saturdays, and currently has a large client base of South Africans. It is also internet based so you are able to shop at your leisure on-line, and everything will be delivered right to your door. There is a wealth of inspiration and options at Poppyseed and you are sure to ďŹ nd the perfect solution for your child’s party. For more information phone 0800 276 779 (2POPPY), visit on-line at or come into the shop in Albany. Glenda can be contacted by e-mail on: Ph: 0800 276779 (0800 2POPPY) M: 021 441919 Shop Address: A3; 5 Douglas Alexander Parade, Albany, Auckland 0632 PO Box 302-789, North Harbour, Auckland 0751

• Birthday Party Supplies • Baby Shower Supplies

5 Douglas Alexander Parade, Albany. Ph: 0800 276-779 Retail shop open Thu-Fri 9.30am-2pm and Sat 10am-1pm


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South African

The Honeymoon is Over: Settling and Integrating in New Zealand We present part 2 of this series written by ex-SA Cecil Wiehahn, Clinical Psychologist, on the challenges facing new immigrants

So you’re living in New Ze aland now”, your facebook friends comment. Many SA expats say that Cecil Wiehahn years one to three constitute the most difficult adjustment period, and for valid reasons. After the first year’s euphoria of relocating and infatuation with NZ starts to wear off, realisation sets in that you’re no longer on holiday, you are now actually “living” in NZ!. Positives about living here are typically taken for granted and “negative” aspects of NZ appear to be in the foreground, egged on by financial pressures attributed to the cost of living in NZ. Contrasts between the two countries become more apparent: the wildness of Africa versus the relative tameness of NZ, the risk perverse (denial) (at least you weren’t killed!) versus the risk averse (avoidance) outlook, global versus parochial outlook, and combined with work gripes about how things are done in NZ, could start getting to you. The numerous language usage differences are also more noticeable, such as, “just now” in SA means right now in NZ, “you must” in SA translates as “YOU MUST” in NZ, supper means tea, and the list goes on... Awareness of these differences can add to feeling like the NZ honeymoon is over! Generally speaking, younger children seem to socially integrate quicker and more easily than most teens or adults, as they probably have less prejudices, are more adaptable and open to forming new friendships with peers (also quick to adopt the Kiwi accent at school). For older folk: loneliness, alienation and depression can be experienced as contact reduces with SA family and friends, and relationships in NZ are taking longer to establish. SA family and friends share a history with you which new and recent acquaintances in NZ don’t. Reduced contact and loss of some SA relationships is inevitable. Accepting this will make it easier to build relationships in NZ that could grow deeper over time. Here are few other strategies that could aid settling and integrating in the first three years: • Join in, sign up and get involved. Proactively reach out and build social connections where possible. The way you build realtionships

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will be different to what you are familiar with in SA where people knew you. Volunteer to go as a parent helper on a school trip, join a church, sports clubs and charity groups and be a friendly and helpful neighbour. These steps should reap closer relationship rewards over time. • Go on walks and trips around NZ. At the very least it gets you outside and active and you get some excercise and vitamin D (good stress and depression antidotes). Ultimately it can help restore your perspective and appreciate the beautiful place we live in. • It is important to have positive daily routines and structure (especially those not in a work routine). Plan your supermarket trips, house cleaning times, gardening, family activities and excercise habits. Feed yourself socially by talking to people or texting regularly etc. Filling your life with meaning, structure and constructive routine can counteract the potential void and isolation felt during this phase of adjustment in NZ. • Buying a NZ home is often a big step forward to getting settled and established in NZ. If not financially able, make your rental home like your own by working in the garden, decorating inside and unpacking all of your boxes! • Adopting idiosyncrasies in Kiwi language and culture will help, but remember that it is okay to hold on to your SA cultural identity in the process of becoming a SA-Kiwi hybrid. Finally for those able to afford it, the first trip back to SA often happens within the first three years, and is probably better undertaken closer to three years in. This trip serves as an important rite of passage in the immigration process. Seeing family, friends and SA again usually triggers nostalgia but soon you discover (with some sadness) that your SA connections and indeed the country have moved on since you were last living there. A vital realisation dawns: your life, home and future is no longer in SA! NZ is actually where you live now, this is where your new home and life is. Cecil Wiehahn is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice and has lived in NZ with his wife and two children for six years. Practice adress: Unit T, 6 Rosedale Road, Marangi Bay, North Shore, AUCKLAND. Tel: 099626961 or Mobile: 021 0717442. E-Mail:


South African

Searching for the African rainbow “Disney style” at Disneyworld by Ted Woodberg

“Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue…” Judy Garland sang those unforgettable words in her 1930’s version of the movie hit ‘The Wizard of Oz” which became an icon in the Disney fold of movies that more recently spawned “The Lion King” and a variety of animated African animal related movies like “Mocambique” that have now become feature movies on the Disney circuits. I was fortunate enough to have the pleasure of personally witnessing “The Lion King” presentation that was staged in Disneyworld in the “Animal Kingdom” sector of the theme park during my travels in 2009 to Florida and other parts of the United States of America. The Animal Kingdom is like one enormous zoo, where real live animals are placed into their natural habitats for you to walk through and see. African hippos wallow in mud pools with glass sides so that you can see their every underwater move. Rare central African gorillas wonder around in a jungle that has been especially created for them to live in. Fortunately the Florida climate is warm, so the animals feel very much at home in this falsely created environment. The ‘Lion King” show was held in a covered theatre with solid animated creatures introduced onto the stage on huge platforms, looking, moving and sounding just like their counterparts in the movie. It was a masterpiece of animated engineering.

I noticed that there were more adults than kids in the audience, indicating that Disney has no age limit! We are ALL kids at heart! Disney must have bought over 100 acres of land in the Orlando area in order to stage Disneyworld, because it is huge, very authentic and great fun! Arriving at Disneyworld, you are landed in a bus terminus that can take you free of charge to a variety of exciting destinations. Over 50 different hotels and more than 20 different entertainment venues which include Epcot centre, The Magic Castle, The Arabian Nights, Dinosaur World, Universal Studios, Seaworld and a plethora of other adventure laced venues are available at the jump of a bus! If you prefer traveling by monorail, there are overhead routes that can speed you across vast distances in minutes, all free of charge. I must tell you that Disneyworld wasn’t cheap. Despite the fact that the transport was free, entry to the various theme parks was US$80 per adult and US$30 per child per day. If you were a family of four over a five day period it would have been $220 per day just to get into the theme parks. The food and drink inside the parks was also quite expensive. I smuggled in a few of my favourite fare items that I enjoyed while I was watching the shows. Fortunately they do not search your bags at Disneyworld entrances, so you can always buy cheap fare outside before going in! Google and find out. It was the holiday of a lifetime. Your kids will love you for it!



South African

Attention business owners with cash flow challenges


Ex-SA Carl Liebenberg of FIFO CAPITAL CASH FLOW SOLUTIONS has the answer to this common business problem…


or most small to medium enterprises cash flow can be the difference between thriving and surviving!

If your company provides credit terms to customers the inevitable delay between the delivery of the product or service and the receipt of the payment for these products or services can put a severe strain on your working capital. Day to day running costs continue regardless of income cash flows and if they are not matched, your business could suffer as a result. Carl says: - “There are a number of ways to increase working capital – your bank may extend your overdraft or you may make use of some other form of lending. FIFO CAPITAL offers an effective solution that requires minimal paperwork, time and involvement from your bank and accountant, and unlike bank debtor financing and traditional factoring companies, there is NO long term commitment.” The method is known as invoice financing, providing a flexible source of working capital that is linked to your company’s current receivables rather than the value of your fixed assets or the strength of your balance sheet, and is particularly suitable during periods of strong growth and seasonality. This is how it works:Assume that you have just invoiced a client for $10 000. After examining the creditworthiness of both your company and the client, FIFO CAPITAL will purchase the invoice from you. They will then deposit up to 90% of the face value of the invoice into your bank account. Once the client settles, they will remit the balance of the invoice, less their fee for the service. Example:Invoice Value Immediate payment to you Balance Customer pays account. Our fee 5% for 21 days Residual payment to you Total payment to you

$10 000 9 000 ----------1 000 500 ----------500 -------------$9 500 ---------------

Carl believes in the minimum of paperwork and short turnaround times and once you have met with him and he has gauged the level of your business expertise and your potential turnover together with a risk assessment of your customer base, he will be happy to start doing business with you. He works closely with small to medium businesses that are in a growth mode or that have a need for short term cash to meet typical expenses such as wages or creditor payments. Contractors, printing companies, advertising agents, professional service providers, engineering businesses, importers and fabrication businesses amongst many others will benefit most from Carl’s cash flow services. There are no application fees, fixed monthly administration charges or fixed term contracts. A single fee based on the number of days an invoice remains unpaid will guarantee cash flow continuity. Call Carl at FIFO CAPITAL today and arrange a no obligation free cash flow assessment and reap the benefits of good financial management. Telephone: 09-948 1264 Mobile: 021 306 187


Carl Liebenberg


South African

Turning hairdressing into an art! PAM DEWING of HAIR d’ Art

Tucked away into a cosy corner of Rothesay Bay you will find a hairdressing salon run by an ex-SA lady who cuts NO corners!

Christmas decorations 2009


am Dewing has been cutting and styling hair for the most of her life, which began when she left school in her home city of East London Eastern Cape South Africa. Starting out as a young apprentice her teenage dream was to manage her own hairdressing salon. This dream came true with some help from her family and she started operating on her own in Springs, Gouteng with her new salon which she dubbed “ Pam’s Hairstylists” She went on to achieve her Masters in Hairdressing and 11 yrs later she moved on to that beautiful city CAPE TOWN opening yet another salon for a further 16yrs. After making a decision to leave South Africa with her daughter, Kerry-Lee in 2002 she arrived in Auckland with the same resolve burning in her heart to open up a hairdressing salon that would make a difference and become a sought destination for those clients looking for something special. It took Pam a mere three months to seek out the ideal venue for her new venture in New Zealand, and, after seven successful years she can quite proudly say that her choice was more than miraculous! Pam’s salon is a stone’s throw away from Brown’s Bay and Mairangi Bay in a small business node in Montgomery Avenue, Rothesay Bay. You will find easy parking and once inside the salon you can start to relax and enjoy the special attention, pampering and treatment that is so important to us all when it comes to our hair !! Wanting to make a change and have a new look ? A one on one consultation is what you get. She specializes in colouring and colour correction as well as styling, chemical straightening and special hair treatments. She is very conscious of presentation for her valued customers and last year she decided to completely re-vamp the salon by bringing in an interior designer to give the salon a completely new look. The results are spectacular and they make the customer feel like they are in a Hollywood Movie studio! Pam’s daughter Kerry-Lee, who will be celebrating her 21st birthday in May, has already carved an indelible niche into the Kiwi culture by studying

Staff of Hair d’Art

musical theatre. She has achieved success in the Maori TV production known as Kaitangata Twitch, wherein she acts as the character Kate Gallagher. It will run for 13 weeks starting on the 2nd of May 2010. The book was written by Margaret Mayhe, New Zealand’s well known children’s author. Kerry-Lee is also studying towards a BBS degree that will help her develop into a selfmanaging individual with artistic talents that have most definitely been inherited from her Mum! Last Christmas Pam was pleasantly surprised to receive a cheque of $300 from the Browns Bay Community Service organization for having the best exterior Christmas decorations for all businesses in the area. This certainly helped to fund a festive Christmas party for the staff as they celebrated their totally unintentional victory! Pamela is a registered distributor of GHD Styler products as well as famous hair products by Paul Mitchell , Keune and Delorenzo. Give Pam a visit at 2 Montgomery Avenue, Rothesay Bay off Browns Bay Road. Tel : 09- 479 9197.



South African

SA social Elsabe Francois and


“OUT OF AFRICA FAIR” On Saturday, 20th February, City Impact Church (Browns Bay) hosted this event and, judging by these pictures, it turned out to be a real fun day for everyone! “Zebra” Jackso n Doudney “Leo pard” Hunter Lo ok

Pastors Jaco and Mari Grobler

, Jovan Van As Greg Crawford Renier Lubbe,

CAIRO TO CAPE TOWN STREET FESTIVAL This was another hugely successful event which took place on Saturday 13th March in the streets of Browns Bay and on the Council public grounds.


All the Colours of the Fair

UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS Come and be a part of the vibrant ex- SA community here in Auckland. Join in the fun and help each other by networking effectively. SOCIAL EVENTS: We have a monthly fun social get together at the Browns Bay Bowling Club, Bute Road, Browns Bay on the first Friday evening of each month starting at 6pm. It is a lovely family outing, so bring everybody along including granny and grandpa but leave the dogs at home! As the next first Friday is Good Friday, we have postponed our next social to Friday 9th April. After that, our next social will be Friday 7th May. BUSINESS NETWORKING: As new immigrants in a strange new land we need to help each other by promoting our new businesses or special projects amongst each other. We have some well established businesses here run by ex-SA immigrants who pride themselves in the services that they offer. They value your support and by the same token, they need to know what YOU, the new immigrant has to offer. You will be given a chance of introducing yourself to the regular attendees and we will ensure that you are entered on to the SANZ Business data base in order for all members to be able to access your details. Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Browns Bay Bowling Club, Bute Road, Browns Bay commencing 6pm. Next meetings: Wednesdays 7th and 21st April, 5th and 19th May. SA NEW ARRIVALS CLUB: It can be extremely daunting when you step off the ‘plane here in NZ and start your new life in a totally different environment. This new club holds meetings once per month at a superb venue in a park like setting that will allow your kids to have fun while you listen to some good advice about settling into NZ and making the necessary adjustments to become a successful Kiwi. The venue is the Kawai Parapura Retreat Centre, 14 Mills Lane, Albany off Oteha Valley Road. Next two meetings: 14th April and 12th May. Time: from 6pm to 8 pm. The contact person is Michelle Steyn on tel: 09- 475 6825 Mob: 021 107 3337 or e-mail:



South African

From the Desk of Hon. John Banks, Mayor for a Greater Auckland Here is a sincere message from the Mayor to the greater South African community of Auckland


t was a pleasure to meet many of you at the recent Cairo to Cape Town Festival in Browns Bay. To enjoy your heritage and culture up close and personal was fantastic. One thing I know is that the people of South African descent share many of the values and beliefs that I do. You’re ambitious and you have great aspirations; you love your family and friends and you want this city to be the best it can be. So do I. You’ve made a choice to call this great city Tamaki Auckland your home. That’s wonderful! You are valued members of this community who make a difference and help give Auckland a face of diversity. It is widely known that South Africancome-Kiwi folk are hard working, diligent and law abiding citizens, and for that I say thank you. The city you now call home, Greater Auckland, deserves to be a Super City – a world class city that engenders pride amongst its inhabitants. How do we do that? Well, I believe it’s through economic growth and the provision of jobs; by building aspiration through opportunity and education; security and safety for the young and old. Then this city of Greater Auckland, and its citizens – you and I – can truly prosper.

We have a plan to build economic growth and a Jobs Strategy. These will be rolled out straight away if I have the privilege of being elected by you to the Peter Woodberg, John Banks and Simona Woodberg role of Mayor. identity and communities. The local boards will be Many of you live on the North Shore – a the communities’ voice and first port of call. With powerhouse of this region’s economy. North Shore that in mind and to ensure true representation, City is growing economically at nearly double we need high quality women and men from all the rate of the rest of the country. That’s great communities and cultures to stand for these and it must continue with vigour under the new boards. Auckland Council. I feel it should be the local boards that make Some are worried about the upcoming change. decisions directly affecting your neighbourhood. If There’s no doubt that it’s a big shift, but I believe your rates are going to be used to pay for projects, this is a great opportunity. If it’s done right, with then you should get a say on where and what they all our communities included, and consistent, are – and the local boards will be the vehicle. decisive leadership, it can succeed. I’m looking forward to meeting many of you I am committed to keeping the ‘local’ in local throughout the year, perhaps at one of your government. I always have been. I first entered famous Braais! politics on the local Birkenhead Borough Council, This is an exciting time. We can make it work. then the Regional Council and to Parliament and We have to. Go well and take care. Government as a Minister of the Crown. I’ve been Warmest regards, Banksie. Mayor of Auckland twice and I believe I have the PS. If you haven’t already, join my Facebook page credentials to make this work. as a friend to keep up to date with what I’m To be a true ‘super city’ everyone must be doing. included. However, we must also retain our own

THE SOUTH AFRICAN BOOK REVIEW Our next illustrious author is Sandy Geyer, whose book “My Long Flight From Freedom” is a poignant tale of her decision to escape the unfulfilled promises of the “New South Africa” to a safer haven on a remote Pacific island called New Zealand……… Sandy Geyer was born in Benoni, just outside of Johannesburg, South Africa in February 1970. She is the MD of an educational publishing company, a property investment company and a specialist training company as well as being a highly energetic motivational speaker and trainer. Sandy Geyer Her ability to develop certain success habits and recognise the power of choice has been the central ingredients of her success in her businesses, her family life and her music career. She has been married for 17 years and has two teenage daughters aged 16 and 13. She has been playing the bagpipes since the age of 12, won the South African Junior champion piper at the age of 16, was the first female Pipe Major in her time and is an accomplished saxophonist. She has a degree in Industrial Psychology (BA, Wits); is a certified

DISC trainer which relates to communication and teams and has 15 years experience in running her own successful companies. In 2008 she and her family moved from Cape Town to New Zealand and settled in Hamilton. Why are so many South Africans leaving such a magnificent country? From the time Nelson Mandela was freed in 1990 until the 2009 elections, much has happened in South Africa to the perception of freedom promised and longed for during the turbulent days of the 1970s and 1980s. Few of us can imagine what it must be like to find that freedom has become so fraught with danger that the only option left open is to leave your homeland and seek a new life on the other side of the world. My Long Flight From Freedom is Sandy Geyer’s honest, humorous and courageous account of her journey as a white South African woman growing up in, and then ultimately leaving her beloved homeland. Her personal experiences and challenges provide many insights into why so many South Africans’ new found freedom has simply led to heartbreaking sacrifices made as they felt powerless to stay behind in a country ravaged by violence. Sandy describes genuine experiences of the turbulent times before the fall of Apartheid and the rise of the ANC government, including her brief but inspirational meeting with Nelson Mandela soon after his freedom was granted. The good news is that “My Long Flight From Freedom” is available in all good book shops in New Zealand right now! For all contact information please visit



South African

Steve Hofmeyr will be visiting NZ during May 2010 When taking a break off-stage, he writes and composes songs. He has produced 13 original CD’s, and 180 of his songs have been performed in SA and internationally. He has been very successful as a TV presenter in hosting his own programme called “Dis hoe dit is” on M-Net. It would be fair to say that Steve Hofmeyr has become a legend in his own lifetime. The May 2010 tour to NZ will be his second concert tour to Kiwiland. with some new compositions. Steve will tour most major cities and towns in NZ. For more information on dates, venues and ticket sales, you can visit www. and click on “Steve Hofmeyr Tour 2010” or e-mail to togo@


Sean Berman T


ans will be delighted to learn that Steve Hofmeyr, one of South Africa’s most celebrated actors, songwriter, and singer will be on tour in New Zealand later this year. Steve is being brought to NZ through a private venture by North Shore locals Thys Oosthuizen, and supported by well known Insurance Broker Fritz Swart. Steve is a product of Grey College in Bloemfontein, where he matriculated in 1982 and then went on to study drama at the Pretoria Technicon. Steve became famous in the 1980’s when he starred in the TV soapy “Agter elke Man” His acting career included 4 major stage productions, the lead role in 4 movies, and major roles in 4 TV soapies. Career highlights include playing opposite international megastar Joan Collins. He was a major attraction in Egoli for nearly a decade.


his remarkable 17 year-old has astounded the critics with his meteoric ris e to success as a teen tennis star.

His performance at the Australian Open recently caught the attention of the world as he missed the number one spot by a hair’s breadth. As a wildcard entry into the Junior Boys’ Tournament in Melbourne he blitzed his way through the draw, dispatching four seeds en route to a showdown against Brazil’s Tiago Fernandes, seeded 14th. But the South African born, New Zealand raised player who now lives with his parents in Australia, was defeated 7-5, 6-3 by Fernandes in the final. “I am very disappointed,” Berman said after the match. “But I played a very good match and that’s all I can do. I had my chances and maybe I could have been a bit more aggressive. It was a very good experience and it gives me a lot of confidence for the rest of the year.” Judy Kraidy, ex-South African and currently running her business “Hobby City” here in Auckland has fond memories of Sean as a youngster playing tennis with her son Clinton, when they were both six year-olds. Judy was a close neighbor of Sean’s parents, Russell and Yael Berman, while both boys were growing up in Johannesburg. She has no doubt that Sean will make it very big one day. Her son, after sharing coaching sessions with Sean, said: “Sean plays hard, he just wants to win!” Congratulations, Sean. We have no doubt that your drive and ambition will get you the goals that you ultimately want to achieve. See you soon at Wimbledon!




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